Monday, September 10, 2012

  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
These are just so funny....
The brick Ottawa built within the shaky wall of Zionism will remain forever as a black stain in the brief history of Canada.

It goes without saying that Canadian extremist Prime Minister Stephen Harper is the key to this entire anti-Iran move.

Known as the ‘Ugly Canadian’, Harper has been widely criticized for shamelessly pandering to Israel and constantly throwing one-sided support behind the Zionist regime in the Palestinian issue.

Canada is hitching its cart to dead horses by making Washington a model of emulation in its foreign policy. Cutting ties with Iran, pandering slavishly to the Zionist regime, ignoring the plight of the downtrodden Palestinians, supporting the despotic Arab regimes in the Middle East and many other things to boot constitute only a small portion of the twisted policies of Canada’s conservative government which will be faced with eventual isolation and left with a legacy of domestic and foreign debts just like Washington. - PressTV
Although there are three times as many Muslim and Arab Canadians as there are Canadian Jews, Harper only retains political control because of his favorable treatment by the Zionist media in Canada and the deep pockets of Canadian Jewish donors swelling his coffers. Harper has attempted to purge the government-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) of those who maintain an even-handed approach to Middle East issues in the same way that the Public Broadcasting System and National Public Radio in the United States has seen a similar purge. -PressTV
Iran on Monday said Canada had a "neo-conservative extremist government" as it kept up a furious response to Ottawa's decision last week to cut diplomatic ties.

Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi used that description in an interview with the Iranian parliament's website ( in which he also said the Canadian government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper was "boundlessly defending international Zionism." - AFP
The Zionist-beholden, pro-war Canadian Government has broken off diplomatic relations with remote, peaceful Iran and justified this with a comprehensively false litany of allegations. While Iran has not invaded any other countries for centuries, the pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, Canadian Government has been involved in the Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims that has killed 12 million Muslims through violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990. Further, 1.1 million Canadians have died preventably since 2001 linked to perverted Canadian Government fiscal priorities of killing Muslim abroad rather than keeping Canadians alive at home.- Gideon Polya at Countercurrents
That last statistic is so ridiculous that you have to read the article to believe it. In short, every Canadian who died from, say, cancer - or homicide - since 2001 are assumed to have been indirectly killed by the Canadian government.

I'm sure we'll see some swastika maple leaves with the Star of David on some of these sites any day now.

  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Times of Israel reports:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon (Yisrael Beytenu) vowed Sunday to promote the issue of Jewish refugees from Arab lands despite the possible negative political implications for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Netanyahu, speaking via a pre-recorded message at the international “Justice for Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries” conference in Jerusalem, said he raises the issue of Jewish refugees wherever he goes.

“The Arab world has neglected Arab refugees for decades and has used them as a battering ram against Israel, while Israel, who was just born as a nation-state, has managed to absorb and resettle the Jewish refugees from Arab countries and turn them into productive citizens,” said the prime minister.

“This government has decided to promote the issue and therefore I raise this issue as well everywhere I go,” he added.

Ayalon, who last week launched an online advocacy campaign entitled “I am a refugee,” told the conference, “The issue of refugees from the Middle East has two sides. Granted, there are Palestinian refugees, but there is a larger number of Jewish refugees from Arab countries.”

Ayalon was referring to hundreds of thousands of Jews who fled Middle Eastern and North African countries at the time of Israel’s establishment, most of them heading to Israel. Ayalon’s campaign aims to raise this issue in part as a counter to Palestinian demands for a “right of return” for Arabs who left what is today Israel at around the same time. The Palestinians claim that millions of fourth generation descendants of those Arabs should be allowed to “return” to Israel under a peace agreement — a demand that would demographically end Israel as a Jewish state. Israel argues that Arab refugee descendants should be absorbed in the new “Palestine” under a peace accord, just as Israel absorbed the Jewish refugees.

Ayalon, too, emphasized the Netanyahu administration’s focus on the matter: “The Israeli government has decided to put its full force behind this issue, of which there are political implications, in particular regarding peace negotiations.”
There has been some coverage of this in the English-language Zionist media, the Arabic press has been treating this as a major story. In fact, the only place I found the full text of Netanyahu's speech was at an Arabic Israeli site!

The anger that Palestinian Arabs have at being equated to any other refugee group is palpable, and some of their comments are revealing. For example, Al Wafd reports that Ahmed Hannon, head of the refugee committee for the PLO, said that this is "Israel's strategy in questioning the right of return for Palestinians," adding that this mythical "right of return" is the most prominent of the sticking points that prevent the revival of peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Since that "right" is wholly meant to destroy Israel, that shows how interested Palestinian Arabs are in building their own state.

This conference is shining a lot of light on Arab hypocrisy.
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's the entire text of a small story in Egypt Independent:
Police seized a high explosive "bomb" from two men driving on the Cairo-Ismailia road on Sunday, but the men escaped, said Interior Ministry sources.

Bomb squad director Alaa Abdel Zaher said this type of bomb could destroy a whole city.
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Steps to Disempower Iran by Christine Williams
"A coordinated effort is required by all Western allies, and these nations need to pull their weight; with the goal of isolating Iran. There is an urgent need for an approach of zero tolerance to Iran's terrorist strategies practiced both within its boundaries against dissidents and Westerners, and those exported by means of a fifth column in Western democracies. Taken straight from the Hezbollah's Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah: Being on the European terrorist list would "destroy Hizbollah," drying up its financial, political resources and moral support."

Lessons for Israel from Captured Iraqi Nuclear Documents by Dore Gold
"To prove their point that stability will not be the likely result of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, they cite a meeting of the Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council on March 27, 1979 in which Saddam presented his strategic thinking, when he was the de-facto ruler of Iraq and just about to formally become its president. His thinking was surprising for he explained that Iraqi nuclear weapons would neutralize what many believed was Israel’s nuclear capacity, thereby allowing Iraq to wage conventional war against Israel."

NGO Monitor: NGO Statements on the Rachel Corrie Verdict
NGO Conflicts of Interest: "The NGOs failed to disclose several conflicts of interest that call into question their ability to issue credible statements regarding this incident.
For example, HRW commented on the case without revealing that the Corrie family’s media contact during the trial, Stacy Sullivan, previously worked for HRW, a clear conflict of interest.
Amnesty International’s reporting is similarly marred. Both Amnesty International’s and Amnesty USA’s Israel researchers, Deborah Hyams and Edith Garwood, respectively, were activists in ISM around the time of the Corrie incident."

The Attacks on Israelis You Won’t Read About Anywhere Else, September 6-7

Disappointing Israel, Clinton says US won’t set deadlines for Iran
Netanyahu has been hoping Obama will specify ‘red lines’ that, if crossed by Iran, would prompt US military action

Ahmadinejad to address UN on Yom Kippur
Western leaders' speeches at General Assembly this year expected to focus on Iranian, Syrian issues. PM Netanyahu to speak day after Iranian president

Iranian rial plummets as sanctions take hold

The mission: Target Israelis
Iran's Quds Force, widely considered to be Tehran's black-ops arm, executes terror attacks overseas. Encouraged by its success in Burgas, it now has its sights on other destinations

Mexican authorities arrest suspected Hezbollah operatives
Two remain in custody, one extradited to the US

Syria transferred chemical weapons to port city last month, raising alarm bells,
report says

Russian and US warnings came after news that embattled regime had moved weapons

Greens Punished for their support of fringe issues including BDS
NSW (Australia) voters “thumped and punished” the Greens in the weekend NSW local government elections for their support for their support of fringe issues like the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) which attempted to de-legitimise the State of Israel.

UNESCO site in Uruguay points to a forgotten Jewish past
The small historical city of Colonia del Sacramento is slowly unearthing remnants of Port Jews who fled persecution on the Iberian peninsula and slowly assimilated in the New World.

Red Hot Chili Peppers visit Western Wall<
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From COGAT, part of the IDF:
On Tuesday, the Gaza District Coordination and Liaison held a day-long preparatory seminar in anticipation of the export season. Starting in November, strawberries will be exported from the Gaza Strip to European markets. The seminar was planned and coordinated by the Coordination and Liaison Administration's agricultural coordinator, Mr. Ori Madar.

The seminar opened with a meeting between the heads of Palestinian farmers' associations and representatives from the Israeli company that will export the crops from Gaza to Europe. The meeting's objective was for the two sides to reach an agreement, and indeed during the meeting the Palestinian farmers signed a marketing contract. In addition, they shared with Mr. Madar their expectations and needs for the upcoming export season, and he will address them in order for the export to go as comfortably and smoothly as possible

Later in the day, 40 Palestinian farmers heard a lecture delivered by Mr. Nabil Ganaim, a world expert in growing strawberries. His lecture provided the farmers with knowledge about growing and exporting strawberries, with the goal of helping them produce crops that adhere to the standards of the European market.

In anticipation of the conference, Mr. Madar organized and coordinated all aspects of the day, including permits for the farmers who attended the seminar at the District Coordination and Liaison offices. At the beginning of the day, Khatib Mansour, commander of the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration, greeted and welcomed the Palestinian farmers. He emphasized that Israeli support for exporting crops is strong and will continue.

Strawberries are not the only crop being exported: the Coordination and Liaison Administration is preparing more conferences in the upcoming weeks, in order to prepare the Administration and Palestinian farmers for exporting more vegetables and spices.
Naturally, this meeting didn't make it into the Arab press.

I wonder if Gaza farmers who export their goods via Israel are "collaborators"?
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Radio Netherlands:
The head of the UN atomic agency hit out Monday at Iran's refusal to address allegations of nuclear weapons research and called on Tehran to allow access to a suspect military site "without further delay".

"Despite the intensified dialogue between the Agency and Iran since January 2012, no concrete results have been achieved so far," Yukiya Amano said at the start of an International Atomic Energy Agency board meeting.

"This is frustrating because, without Iran's full engagement, we will not be able to start the process to resolve all outstanding issues, including those involving possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme.

"We consider it essential for Iran to engage with us without further delay on the substance of our concerns," Amano said, according to the text of his speech released by the Vienna-based IAEA.

Amano also said that activities at the Parchin military base near Tehran, where Iran is accused of having carried out weapons research and of removing evidence in recent months, "will have an adverse impact on our ability to undertake effective verification there".

Activities spotted at Parchin by satellite "further strengthen our assessment that it is necessary to have access to the location at Parchin without further delay in order to obtain the required clarifications," Amano said.
So what's the level of "frustration" that constitutes a red line? A mushroom cloud?
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Aqsa Foundation has released another seething press release that has been copied verbatim throughout the Arabic media world about the latest Israeli crimes.

And today's crime was a concert held last night by the southern wall of the Temple Mount.

The Foundation says that this concert, attracting foreign tourists, in the days before Rosh Hashanah, is another manifestation of Judaizing Jerusalem.

The Foundation complained that the sound of the music could be heard at the Al Aqsa Mosque and "confused" worshipers, which apparently is a human rights violation. They also really disliked the fact that there were dancers.

The photos of the concert provided in the article show that the singers and the audience were anything but Jewish:

Hmmm... that last photo makes it very hard to argue that the concerts were meant to "Judaize" Jerusalem!

The Al Aqsa Foundation also noted that Jews have been flocking to the Kotel at midnight and early morning to perform the Selichot services done every year before Rosh Hashanah and up until Yom Kippur. They declared that these concerts and prayers will never destroy the Islamic character of Jerusalem.

Notably, when it is in their interest, the Muslim leaders will cooperate with Christian dhimmi leaders of Jerusalem to complain about "Judaization" of the city, but when they are by themselves they will not admit any Christian history in Jerusalem either.
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Public transport workers in the PA called a general strike today, paralyzing life throughout the West Bank.

People who rely on public transportation were unable to go to work or school.

Beyond that, other protesters have been burning tires to block roads, in Ramallah and Jenin.

Rising fuel prices sparked the protests last week.

Panicked citizens have been buying up bread as they fear that bakery owners will join the strike. The bakers say that they won't, but people are worried about supply lines to the bakeries or that tomorrow they won't be able to even reach the bakeries altogether.

Yesterday, protesters demanded the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas. Up untl now, prime minister Salam Fayyad had been the focus of the protests. The main road between the northern and southern West Bank was blocked yesterday by protesters.

Abbas had a major press conference on Saturday, but as far as I can tell he again did not say a word of support for Fayyad. (UPDATE: He does defend Fayyad to the West here, h/t David G.)

Seeing the writing on the wall, Hamas announced that they would reduce the price of fuel in Gaza, lowering the cost of fuel by 20 agorot a liter. 

UPDATE: Protests getting violent in Hebron, according to tweeters.
  • Monday, September 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hamas-based Palestine Times reports that a new museum is being planned in Gaza to commemorate the "resistance," i.e., terrorism.

The Hamas minister of Culture, Youth and Sports signed an agreement with his Iranian counterpart on a number of cultural initiatives, including the terror museum in Gaza.

Minister Mohammed al-Madhoun visited Tehran and met with Iranian President Ahmadinejad and Mohammad Hosseini, his culture minister, along with other Iranian officials. After more than five days of talks the Hamas minister signed a memorandum of cultural cooperation with Iran. They agreed to exchange delegations and have Iran offer training courses in various fields, especially film, for Gazans. One of the major promises was cooperation to build a museum to commemorate the "resistance."

It seems likely that the museum will be patterned after a similar museum in southern Lebanon that Hezbollah uses to indoctrinate youngsters into lives of terrorism.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt's El Balad, one of the types of articles that seem to be multiplying under the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egypt.

It goes into great detail into how Jews are taking over the world:

The close intellectual and spiritual cooperation between the Jews and the British shows their desire to capture the world, and then this cooperation extended to include the United States.

Here are their steps and protocols to achieve this control:

1 - the destruction of any community authority for the benefit of state power
2 - reducing the power of States to increase the authority of the United Nations
3 - put the United Nations authority in the hands of the five permanent members of the Security Council and to have Jews achieve control of the governments of these countries

Here are their steps to destroy the authority of society:

1 - a culture of equality between men and women, so men lose their sense of ownership of the family
2 - fight and destroy the marriage relationship and family authority and make the man and women as a means of producing children to be taken over by state care so the identity of the individual is only as determined by the state.
3 - to justify adultery.
4 - laws on child protection to reduce the power of family and inciting children to disrespect authority of the father or the mother or the family and freedom from any community limitations.
5 - insulting the clergy and ridicule them and show them that they are hypocrites, and incite young people not to obey them.
6 - to prevent beatings or any means of punishment of children in schools so teachers lose their prestige and their ability to control them, and the children are brought up to disrespect anyone.
7 - stripping tribal elders of their material and moral powers
8 - Revolution on popular fashion "folk"; new forms of clothing fashion so citizens lose values ​​of cultural identity.
9 - looting ancient cultures from the minds of the people and replace them with stories and Western films.
10 - rewrite history to guide peoples' cultures, including the historic Islamic stories of our Ancestors and sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
11 - the establishment of parties and political groups that are pro-religious Jews and America, and support for access to the rule, which in turn works to achieve indirect occupation by Jews of America.

I'm not sure whether El-Balad is a state-run newspaper, but its been a while since I saw such raw anti-semitism so explicit in an Egyptian media outlet outside of religious sermons.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here. Now.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ammon News:
Jordanian security forces on Saturday arrested nine Pro-reform activists who belong to the Free Tafileh Movement after tense protests that took place Friday in both the southern governorate of Tafileh, and the Tafileh neighborhood in eastern Amman.

The protests turned violent after pro-reform activists reportedly chanted slogans against the Jordanian regime and insulted King Abdullah II and the Royal Court. Security forces fired tear gas at the protesters and went on a campaign to arrest the activists.

A security source told Ammon News that the slogans chanted during the protest went against Jordanian norms and standards of decency, in addition to defamation, slander, and distorting reputation of top figures in Jordan.

Ammon News learned that the nine activists will be facing five major charges, including breaching security and order, Lese-Majeste, slander and defamation, violating public decency, and opposing the existing regime.
I had wondered why previous protests stayed away from saying anything bad about the king - it is because to protest against the king violates more laws!

I'm not sure if these protesters were Islamist, but there is an Islamist protest scheduled today as well. 

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Abbas attacks Israel, Hamas over PA economic woes By KHALED ABU TOAMEH
PA president clarifies no date set for UN application; protesters surround PA Prime Minister Fayyad's car, calling on him to resign.
“He also said that he would go the UN General Assembly on September 27 “to consult with friends” about upgrading the status of a Palestinian state in the international agency to non-member.
However, Abbas did not say that he would submit a request to the General Assembly in this regard. No date has been set for filing the application to the UN, he clarified."

Canada’s moral leadership
Canada’s bold words and actions give us Israelis hope that there are indeed many decent people, some of them in positions of power, who will not bow to demonization or to the Orwellian twisting of history and language that often pertains to Israel these days. And they will stand in defense of Israel.

PM: World must follow Canada's example, cut ties with Iran
Netanyahu praises Canada's decision to sever ties with Tehran, says int'l community needs to set down this type of "red line" which sends message "dark regime" mustn't obtain nuclear weapons.

Facebook Fails Review
OHPI (Online Hate Prevention Institute) recently reported a number of antisemitic images to Facebook using the regular reporting facility available to all users. Every one of our reports was swiftly reviewed and swiftly rejected.
Facebook is making a serious effort to respond faster to complaints, but this is meaningless if the response is to invariably reject the complaints. There is also no appeal and we have no details of any internal review process – if there is one, Facebook is welcome to share details to reassure us.

MEMRI Clerics and Experts on Yemeni Houthi TV Indulge in Multiple, Antisemitic 9/11 Conspiracies

'Kill the Jews' Spray-painted in New Jersey
Residents of a neighborhood in Monmouth Heights, NJ, awoke on Thursday to find swastikas and hate-filled slogans.

Arsonists burn Jewish eatery; 2nd attack at Hollywood plaza
A strip mall where arson destroyed a Judaica store last year became the site of a second fiery attack Friday, when two masked arsonists in hoodies broke into a kosher restaurant and splashed flammable liquid all over the kitchen to make it go up in flames.

Jihadists join Aleppo fight, eye Islamic state, surgeon says
The foreign jihadists included young Frenchmen who said they were inspired by Mohammed Merah, a self-styled Islamist militant from Toulouse, who killed seven people in March in the name of al-Qaeda.

Syrian troops storm Palestinian refugee area
Latest act of brute force comes as Syrian Observatory for Human Rights raises estimated death toll in uprising to over 23,000.

Brother of Al-Qaeda leader justifies 9/11 attacks, says group would strike at Israel if it could
‘We consider anyone hostile towards the Muslims to be an enemy, but all in good time,’ says Muhammad Al-Zawahiri, brother of bin Laden’s successor

Iran releases persecuted Christian pastor
Iran’s judiciary issued orders to hang the dissident Christian, arrested in 2009 for seeking to register a home-based church.

Israeli actress wins big at Venice festival
Hadas Yaron takes best actress award for portrayal of a young Hassidic bride in 'Fill the Void.'

Israel: Where US vets come to heal
The unique Heroes to Heroes Journey to Israel gives America’s disabled veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan a spiritual and physical new start.
  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday he will make a bid on Sept. 27 to obtain non-member status at the United Nations.

“We will go to the U.N. General Assembly for consultations with our friends on the draft resolution calling for the upgrade of Palestine (to non-member status)” in the United Nations, Abbas said in a televised address.

“We are going to the U.N. to say that we are a state which applies the fourth Geneva convention (on the protection of civilians in time of war). There are 133 countries that recognize us as a state with east Jerusalem as its capital and where we have embassies hoisting the Palestinian flag.”
Given that it has been years since Abbas has condemned rocket attacks against Israeli civilians from Gaza, which he considers part of his territory, the idea that the PA adheres to the Fourth Geneva Convention is laughable. (Not to mention that Abbas' own Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades celebrate rockets fired at Israeli houses.)

Also, according to the official PLO UN page, there are PLO embassies in 80 countries, not 133. More may have opened since that page was updated in January 2011, but 53 seems unlikely.

  • Sunday, September 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Besides the Grad rockets from Gaza overnight, the Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank were also busy being violent this weekend.

The worst incident was the murder of a Jew:
A 50-year-old man was killed in a suspected hit-and-run accident Sunday morning on Road 505 between the Jewish settlements of Oranit and Elkana.

The man, a security guard who lives in one of the area's communities, was apparently trying to document the entry of illegal Palestinian workers into Israel when he was hit by a car and critically injured.

Police are searching for the driver, who fled the scene of the incident.

Judea and Samaria District Police Commander Amos Yaakov said that "the security guard arrived to document the entry of an illegal resident and tried to stop the vehicle, which kept going at high speed, hit and killed him. It was an intentional hit. We are currently investigating all leads."
There was also an attempted pogrom against a Jewish village:
Hundreds of Palestinian Authority Arabs have been assaulting a Jewish village in the Binyamin region since Saturday afternoon, Tatzpit reports.

Residents of the Jewish village of Esh Kodesh reported that the assault began when three men from the community were walking in one of the town’s vineyards on Saturday afternoon, during the Jewish Sabbath.

The men were attacked by a large Arab mob armed with clubs and sticks, residents said. The attackers apparently came from the nearby PA town of Kotzra.

A security team from Esh Kodesh was called to the scene, as were nearby IDF units. The responders encountered hundreds of PA men armed with rocks and other makeshift weapons, and were unable to stop the assault.

“Children in the village are crying,” community spokesman Aharon Katzuf told Tatzpit. “They can’t sleep because of the screams of ‘Yitbach al Yahud’ [Slaughter the Jews – ed.] and ‘Allahu Akbar.’”

As of Saturday night clashes continued. An IDF spokesperson said, “Security forces are at the scene, and the circumstances are being investigated.”
Palestinian Arab media, not surprisingly, only reports about the security forces' response and nothing about the rampage. Oh, and they also claim that the religious settlers destroyed olive trees and wells on the Sabbath.

There was a similar attack against Esh Kodesh a year ago.

But the violence was not only against Jews. Riots against the PA intensified, as protesters burned vehicles and blocked roads.

Dozens of protesters blocked the main road connecting the south and north West Bank on Sunday morning, witnesses told Ma'an.

The Wadi al-Nar road was jammed with burning tires and rocks, they said, as protests against economic hardship continue across the West Bank.

Several students told Ma'an they were not able to travel to schools and universities because of the protest.

A northern West Bank governor was injured on Saturday night after a protester threw rocks at him during a protest against rising living costs.

Governor of Tubas Marwan Al-Tubasi suffered a moderate head wound when he was hit by a rock in Fara village, he told Ma'an. The governor said he went to the village to appeal to people not to shut down roads and damage property.
Sounds like they are ready for a state, doesn't it?


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