Thursday, March 14, 2024

From Ian:

Arnold Roth: Betrayal, lies, politics and grief
Seven years have passed since criminal charges were brought in Washington, D.C. against the woman who murdered my sunny, lovely, empathetic 15-year-old daughter Malki. The anniversary of the charges being made public is today, March 14.

As milestones go, this one is dark. The fugitive killer admits to her central role in the massacre for which she is being prosecuted. Though she brags about her atrocity, she lives the life of a celebrity and an inspiration to others. Yet her ongoing freedom gets negligible attention in the news industry and public discourse—even in the U.S. To the extent that the Arab media report on her, it is overwhelmingly favorable and sympathetic.

The dry details of Ahlam Aref Ahmad al-Tamimi’s long-thwarted prosecution are easy to find. The mugshots, biographical details and charges are accessible via three sites: The FBI’s list of Most Wanted Terrorists, the 2017 Department of Justice announcement of the previously secret charges and the State Department’s 2018 post of a $5 million reward that is still unclaimed two decades after it first went public.

What’s behind Tamimi’s freedom is harder to ascertain. Those who know don’t talk openly and those with a stake in her ongoing freedom are too often untruthful about it. Understanding this and conjecturing why it is the case is at the heart of the nightmare my wife and I endure years after our beautiful child’s life was extinguished.
Yisrael Medad: The world must be reminded of the Palestinian genocide campaign against Jews
If you do a Google search for the entry “Palestinian genocide accusation,” it starts with the 1948 Nakba, goes on to the 1967 Naksa, includes the Maronite-perpetrated Sabra and Shatila killings, and ends with the Gaza blockade. It references such terms as “ethnic cleansing,” “politicide,” “spaciocide,” and “cultural genocide.”

However, if you are looking for this year’s model, the entry is titled “Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza.” That includes such sub-sections as “Alleged genocidal intent,” “Academic and legal discourse,” “Statements by political organizations and governments,” and “Cultural discourse.” When I last looked, there were 299 references, not including footnotes.

The charge that Israel is engaged in a campaign of genocide in Gaza is ubiquitous, from The Hague to campuses, to the media, and in the streets. It is heard in museums and art galleries. It has led to the slogan “Abolish Zionism.” In a medical journal, British Medical Global Health, Israel’s policies were described as an “eliminatory settler colonial strategy.”

All this is propaganda, of course. After all, despite Israel’s campaigns against Hamas aggression, Gaza’s population shows no real signs of any serious demographic downfall. Neither has that of Judea and Samaria, except for voluntary emigration abroad.

Yet, there was a genocide campaign. It was conducted not against ‘Palestine’, but in Palestine, in the Mandate of Palestine. It was a campaign of attempted genocide, not against Arabs but against the Jews. It began in April 1920, and through riots, pogroms, and terror, as well as political and diplomatic pressure, it has not let up.
Michael Oren: Hamas has reminded us that we are a nation, a family - a mishpacha
Anybody who’s ever concluded a speaking tour, especially one as long as mine—nine weeks—knows this feeling. Of being in an airport and not being able to say for sure what city it’s in or even the date of the month. All that remains are the impressions which, gathered in a time of desperate war, of a deepening sense of Jewish loneliness, and of skyrocketing antisemitism, are unprecedentedly profound.

In visits to several dozen Jewish communities across North America, I saw a degree of confusion and fear I never before encountered. People unfamiliar with antisemitism now confront it persistently and in multiple forms—in the Jew-hating slurs of pro-Palestinian protestors, in university administrators indifferent to their Jewish students’ plight, to the ovations received by comedians poking fun at Hollywood’s Jews, and filmmakers weaponizing the Holocaust against Israel.

Virtually every Israel supporter I met had lost friends because of that support. Though an occasional heckler accused Israel of causing antisemitism by killing Palestinians—internalizing the antisemitic claim that all Jews everywhere are liable for Israel’s actions—the vast majority of American Jews understood that rampant anti-Zionism merely exposed a latent Jew-hatred that existed well before October 7. All but a few realized that Israel’s security was directly linked to their own and that the state of American Jewry was severely threatened by attacks on the Jewish state.

Asked repeatedly, “What should we do?” I responded that American Jews could adopt one of three courses. They could remove the mezuzah from their doors, lock themselves in, and ignore all the prejudice outside. They could move to Israel. Or they could stay and fight. They could resist in the Churchillian sense, I explained, on the campuses, in the media, and through their elected officials. And Jews were only beginning to discover the many ways they can fight back.

Recalling the resignation of the presidents of Penn and Harvard, I reminded my listeners of their ability to exact a price from any official who fails to stand up to antisemitism. “Support pro-Israel media initiatives,” I urged them. “Support anti-boycott legislation.”
  • Thursday, March 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Times of Israel:
US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urges Israel to hold snap elections, arguing that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “no longer fit” to serve as premier, as gaps between the US and Israel continue to grow over the latter’s prosecution of its war in Gaza against Hamas.

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel after October 7. The world has changed – radically – since then, and the Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past,” says Schumer.

Netanyahu has “lost his way, putting himself in coalition with far-right extremists like [Finance Minister] Bezalel Smotrich and [National Security Minister] Itamar Ben-Gvir.”

Schumer doesn't have a clue about how Israelis think.

Netanyahu is not popular. His government rates abysmally in polls with only 20% of the people finding it trustworthy. He would not get a majority in any election, although he is probably still the most likely to put together a coalition. 

But Schumer cannot distinguish between Netanyahu and Israel, and he is poorly informed about what Israel is doing in Gaza.

The people of Israel overwhelmingly support the war in Gaza, including how it is being waged. While trust in the government is low, trust in the IDF is quite high, and has remained so throughout the wat.

Schumer may consider himself pro-Israel, but his speech appears to betray that he believes the lies of Hamas over the truth from the IDF. 

He has access to the best and brightest military minds in the world from the US armed forces. Yet he apparently has never asked any general or military expert what Israel could do better to minimize the loss to human life while maintaining the goal of destroying Hamas. Because, as the military experts that have visited Israel all testify, Israel is doing about as good a job as humanly possible, and better than any of them expected. 

Not even asking the question - or, worse, knowing the answer and still claiming that Israel is acting recklessly in Gaza - is not pro-Israel. To say the least.

Beyond that, Schumer is attempting to conflate the war with the two state solution, something that practically no Israeli is stupid enough to do outside some writers at Haaretz. Israelis realize that tlking about a Palestinian state now is a reward for October 7. Any thinking person can see that - attack Israel and achieve what couldn't be achieved through negotiations that went nowhere not because of Israel but wholly because of Palestinian intransigence.

Even worse, every poll of Palestinians show that they supported the October 7 attacks. They have proven more than ever that as they are now, they do not deserve a state. A Palestinian state would be pro-terror, antisemitic, misogynist, anti-gay and would, in short order, become a vassal state for Iran. 

How would Schumer prevent that? If he cares so much about the day after the war, certainly he has a plan for the year after a Palestinian state, right? But I haven't seen any such plans promoted by any Democratic leader, or any progressive mouthpiece. 

The idiots who still believe in a two state solution have no plan. They have a religion. It is all based on faith, on hopes, on dreams, and on the fatal assumption that Palestinians would act like rational Westerners would when given a state. 

The second intifada proved that a Palestinian state is not a realistic solution for Israel's future, not as the Palestinians act today, with terrorists as their role models and Hamas the most popular institution in the West Bank, today.

The Oslo process ended long ago. If anyone is stuck in he past, it is Schumer. 

Chuck Schumer loves to say - and he said it during this speech as well - that his last name is derived from the Hebrew word "shomer," or guardian. 

It is almost certainly a lie. Wiktionary says "The surname Schumer was an occupational name for a cobbler. The name Schumer is derived from the Old German words "schuoch" and the suffix "mann," which means shoe maker." says it is "probably an occupational name for a dairy man from his activity of milking cows which produces foam, from Middle High German schūm German Schaum."

However, based on this speech, I think the true origin for Chuck Schumer's surname is the one mentioned in the American Dictionary of Family Names, which actually tracks far better than "schuoch" and "schaum."

North German (Schümer): nickname from Middle Low German schumer good-for-nothing.'

Sounds about right.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

(I received a note from PreOccupied Territory with this story saying that it was written before the reported air drop mishap in Gaza. He said he was "not sure whether that makes publishing it funnier." It is far from the first time that his satire ended up becoming true. - EoZ)

Gazans Panic As US Airdrops Watermelons 

Zaitoun, March 14 - Palestinians hoping to bypass Hamas's tight control of aid distribution in this embattled coastal territory by getting to the parachuted packages of food by American Air Force, only to discover to their horror today that the latest payload, in a misguided attempt to show solidarity with Palestinians with a new symbol of their struggle, contained mostly watermelons. Six Palestinians were killed and a dozen injured. The Air Force has promised an investigation. Gaza officials, who give the official Hamas line, will include the casualties in the count of innocents killed by Israel.

Aid distribution inside the Gaza Strip has proved a tough logistical nut to crack, experts noted, given the monopoly that the Islamist terrorist group maintains through its control of the major aid organizations operating there. Israel allows in hundreds of trucks per day, but those vehicles sit idle on the Gaza side of the border while Hamas hoards the supplies, distributing it only to cronies who then sell the goods to those in need. Deadly clashes and stampedes have occurred as a result, with Gazans attempting to reach the aid before Hamas thugs can seize it. American and Jordanian air drops of supplies have tried to address the situation, with limited success.

Last week, a State Department employee passed a suggestion to a colleague in the Pentagon that the US military demonstrate its support for the people of Palestine by showering them with watermelons. The watermelon became a symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israel in the wake of the October 7 massacre last year that saw Hamas invade southern Israel and slaughter 1200 people, among other atrocities. The fruit evokes the green, black, white, and red Palestinian flag, and celebrates the "cutting open" of Israeli security on that day. The watermelon features in social media handles and has become a new shorthand for support for Palestinian violence against Israel.

The suggestion moved through the ranks of military until approved by the chain of command, who requisitioned several tons of watermelon, loaded them onto cargo planes, and dropped them over areas of the Gaza Strip where locals might be able to collect them.

The USAF investigation will attempt to determine who gave the green light for the mission without verifying that the air dropped cargo had parachutes, and will set forth revamped protocols to ensure no such disaster occurs again, according to a statement by the Air Force.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Biden's Middle East Is a Fantasy World
According to the White House, the Palestinians aspire to peace, reject Hamas, and are ready to make painful concessions. In reality, according to a November survey by Arab World for Research and Development, affiliated with Birzeit University, 59% of Palestinians "extremely support" the Oct. 7 massacre, and another 16% "somewhat support" it.

When President Biden refers to the Palestinian Authority as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, he ignores that its president, Mahmoud Abbas, was last elected 19 years ago to a four-year term, and that the last time the Palestinians went to the polls, in 2006, they voted for Hamas.

Vice President Kamala Harris this week uttered a statement about Israel typically reserved for dictatorships: "It's important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people." Yes, there is a significant disparity between Israel's leadership and its citizens - but it's the opposite of what people in Washington assume.

A February survey conducted for Channel 12 News found that 63% of the Israeli public strongly opposes a Palestinian state under any circumstances. The Israeli government has been providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, but a January survey found that 72% of the public opposes such aid until all hostages are released.

The Israel Mr. Biden knows - the one that supports deep withdrawals, settlement evacuations, and the two-state solution - ceased to exist two decades ago during the second intifada. Savage Palestinian violence at that time indiscriminately claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis, including babies, women and the elderly.

It's time the administration recognizes reality: The Palestinians overwhelmingly support the murder of Jews, and the Israelis don't think the Palestinians deserve a state.

I'd like to remind my fellow Israelis that it's important for us to distinguish, or at least not conflate, the American government with the American people. According to a recent Harvard Caps-Harris poll, the American public supports Israel much more than the president does.
Dennis Ross: Building a New Security Reality for Israel in Gaza
Oct. 7 changed Israel, inflicting trauma and hardening Israelis' belief that they cannot live with Hamas in control of Gaza. Israel needs a strategy for ensuring that its military efforts and achievements in Gaza translate into a new political reality that means Israel will no longer be threatened from the strip.

Israel does not want to be responsible for the Palestinians living in Gaza. However, Israel should not leave Gaza before it knows that Hamas is not in a position to reconstitute itself, its military means, and its political control. This requires that Hamas' military infrastructure, weapons depots, military industrial base, systems of command and control, and organizational coherence are largely destroyed. Israel's objective - and that of the U.S. - needs to be a permanently demilitarized Gaza, which can never again be used as a platform for attacks against Israel.

As long as 91% of Palestinians believe that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas should resign and 80% are convinced that the PA is corrupt, it is pointless to talk about a political horizon or an endgame involving the PA.

Everyone knows that Hamas will seek to divert the assistance and to reconstitute itself and its military machine. No donor will invest in Gaza if Hamas is in control or siphoning away supplies. So a condition for reconstruction must be a genuinely different administration in Gaza.
There's No Such Thing as a "Ramadan Truce"
An aspect of Ramadan that has been a tradition through the ages is the holy month as a time for war.

There is a history of Muslim armies waging war during Ramadan.

This makes it ironic that some well-meaning non-Muslims are calling on Israel to suspend its military operations against the Islamist extremists of Hamas out of respect for Ramadan.

The 1973 Arab-Israeli war is widely known in the Arab world as the Ramadan War, when Anwar Sadat dispatched Egyptian forces to cross the Suez Canal.

The Saudi newspaper Arab News reported that "some of the greatest victories in Islam occurred during Ramadan."

The Washington Institute's Patrick Clawson noted: "Modern proposals for Ramadan ceasefires by secular governments - the Soviets in Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein when fighting the Islamic Republic of Iran - were uniformly rejected by the Islamist side, which usually intensified fighting during Ramadan."

For Hamas and their fellow travelers, waging war during Ramadan is as valid as in the other months of the year.

The American government should not fall for well-meaning calls to urge Israel to display one-sided military restraint out of deference to Ramadan.

We can be sure that Hamas (or what's left of it) won't be devoting the next month to introspection, service and worship.
  • Thursday, March 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here is a blunt but accurate description of the Israel-Palestinian conflict by Israeli academic Dan Schueftan, who has also been an adviser to multiple Israeli prime ministers.  It come from a much longer video interview published in Quillette last month. 

The Palestinian perspective is, and this did not change in the last 100 years, that the very collective existence of the Jews here in the Middle East is illegitimate except as individuals of the Jewish religion.  They deny the existence of a Jewish people, even today. The so-called president of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas gave a speech - if you want I'll send you the video of it. It's so ridiculous,  it's unbelievable. I mean he tells stories about there's never been a Jewish people and so on and the Khazars in the Caucasus. It's ridiculous.

So they even deny the existence of a Jewish people and of course they believe that Israel is a product of of a colonial British act and the very existence of Israel is illegitimate.  They make the option of national coexistence, of a historic compromise, impossible and therefore they don't have a state.  

Now the way they behaved in terms of violence persuaded the Jews after October 7, more than any time in the past, that since whatever they have they weaponize, and what they want in the final analysis (and they say openly) is to obliterate the state of Israel. When you speak about Hamas they even speak about obliterating all the Jews and their charter relies on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  So this is an attempt by the Palestinians to terminate the existence not only of the state of Israel but also of the Jews as as a national collective, as a sovereign entity in this region.

This is a problem that at least in the foreseeable future it doesn't have a solution.

You see, one of the problems Americans have is that Americans have a operational oriented mindset. They look at problems like engineers: there's a problem, what's the solution?  Tf you want want to be a historian if you want to understand human behavior you say to yourself this is a kind of operational thinking, while strategic thinking is what do you do when a problem doesn't have a solution. In other words, what is the response or the damage control that you can apply if a problem doesn't have a solution? 

Most serious problems don't have a solution.  Poverty doesn't have a solution. Crime doesn't have a solution.  But if you you have a good law enforcement system you can bring crime from an unacceptable level to an acceptable level; if you have a well-functioning welfare state you can bring down poverty from an unacceptable level to an acceptable level.  But people speak in terms of the two-state "solution."  

By the way, in my recent visit to the US Congress I suggested to a number of Senators that the United States should adopt a two-state solution for a state for the Republicans and a state for the Democrats because the polarization in American society is alarming.

The only thing in life that has a solution is a crossword puzzle.  For people who insist that every problem has a solution I remind them of their marriage and then they finally understand that there are some problems that have no solution.

 You need to think in terms of what can you do when a solution is not available.  Any serious thinking about the Palestinians or about Israel should start from that assumption but if somebody feels good about himself by playing with himself intellectually or politically and he wants to think about solution, it's okay. I mean, Americans come to Israel now and say, "Tell us what your end game is."  I tell them, "Oh ,we really need to learn from you! You had an end game bringing democracy to Iraq. Then you had an end game bringing women's rights to Afghanistan. Since this went so well let's learn from you and tell us how after bringing democracy to Iraqis and women's rights to Afghanis you'll bring peace to the Palestinians, with the great successes you've had so far."

[To bring violence down to an acceptable level, Israel has to do] whatever it takes, limited by what we're willing to do based on our values.  It's not you can have violence for a week but not for month, or you can kill 100 people or not 500 people. The question is what do you have to do that there is no other way of doing.

For instance, if you want to deter Stalin from using nuclear weapons, you adopt a policy that basically says we will obliterate the human race if you do this to us.  [That's the whole idea of nuclear deterrence. Or when in the Second World War people are threatened in Britain, they burn Hamburg and Berlin. When the Americans want to invade Japan they burn Tokyo and they nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So the question is, can you use less violence and still obtain your objective? For instance, if you have precision guided munitions you can kill the terrorist without killing the people around him so use it to minimize collateral damage,  as we have.

Today in Gaza we have the most fortified position ever in human history.  It's not only fortified by every house being booby trapped and full of weapons under the beds of children and in hospitals and in schools and in mosques,  but also it is fortified by the New York Times and Amnesty International and Joe Biden and everybody else. You must be very careful in terms of getting what you need, namely to root out the barbarians with as little civilian casualties as possible.  The Palestinians want us to kill their children not only by putting their weapons in their bedrooms and in their schools but also because they want the pictures of their children killed so that they can use a public opinion against Israel. We can try to minimize it but you cannot avoid it altogether. ...When dumb people or evil people say stop the war because civilians are being killed they're basically saying once the barbarians embed the weapons in their children the barbarians will win because civilized people cannot respond and root them out. And if that will happen then the barbarians win not only vis a vis Israel - the Jews are always the canary - they will win everywhere...The barbarians are looking for things that work. The number one weapon of the barbarian is our values and the dumb application of our values. We need to keep our values because we're civilized people, we are not like them. The one thing Israelis are frightened more than anything else that we become like the Palestinians, in other words, to behave like barbarians as they do. When the barbarians rape and decapitate and burn families alive, between 75 and 90% of the Palestinian people support them and every time they kill Jews the Palestinian people support them. The only role model that the Palestinians have are people who kill Jews. They don't have other role models; their schools are named after terrorists. 

So when you are faced with it you have to find your way between getting what you must have, namely root out the barbarians, and keep your values, because if the Palestinians will force you to become like Palestinians this will be the worst that they can do to us.  The one thing we we don't want to let them do is to make us be like them.

Read or watch the whole thing.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, March 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Turkish Minute:
A sister city agreement signed between Turkey’s popular holiday resort of Antalya and the Israeli coastal city of Bat Yam in 1997 has been canceled by the Turkish side in protest of the ongoing Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, the Birgün daily reported.

The decision was made by the city council of the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality run by the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) during its meeting on Monday. The council, comprising members from various political parties, voted unanimously to cancel the agreement dated November 26, 1997.

A statement from the municipality said all current and future relations with the Bat Yam have been halted due to the “ongoing inhumane attacks by Israel on the people of Gaza before the eyes of the world.”

The mayor of Antalya thanked the members of the city council for their decision.
Don't worry. Antalya still has a sister city relationship with many towns in those paragons of human rights China (Haikou, Kunming, Liwan, Qingdao, Ürümqi, Xining) and Russia (Kazan, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir.) 

Five towns in Turkey have twinned with Gaza City, one with Rafah, three with Beit Hanoun, one with Beit Lahiya, and one with Deir al Balah, all in Gaza. The Hamas control of those cities didn't offend anyone in Turkey. No one thought that October 7 and the Palestinian support for murdering Jews should shake their relationship.

Indeed, the world has not and will never cancel sister city relationships with Palestinian cities like Jenin, Ramallah or Hebron despite Palestinian terror and widespread support for terror.  Even bringing up the possibility would result in death threats. Who needs the hassle? 

But symbolic moves against Israel are risk-free and makes one popular among genteel antisemites. 

Those who engage in virtue signaling are never virtuous.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Thursday, March 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs pretends to be even-handed. Its daily reports from Gaza dutifully include the number of Israelis killed on October 7 as well as during the war along with its parroting Hamas statistics (attributing them to "GMO," or "Gaza Media Office."

But it is only an exercise to forestall criticism, not an indication that the UN cares about Israeli lives. 

We can see that from this part of the infographic, on the very top:

What is missing from this infographic?

The 128,000 Israelis who are displaced from their homes from this war.

67 communities in Israel have been emptied both near Gaza and near the northern border. 

I have yet to see a single mention of that by the UN, or any so-called human rights group.  If there have been articles in the international media about them since October, I haven't seen them. 

Certainly, the displaced Israelis don't have as dire a situation as the displaced Gazans. But it is still a large number of people, and they certainly suffer. 

But they don't rate even mentioning in UN statistics from the war. 

It isn't a mystery why that is. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, March 13, 2024

From Ian:

Howard Jacobson: Who dares to “hijack” the Holocaust?
Such are the canards deployed to rob the Jews of any lingering sympathy they might yet enjoy as victims of that inhumanity The Zone of Interest depicts, and so to downplay, as just another gambit in Jewish subterfuge, the Holocaust itself. Hijack! Consider the import of that word. So despicable are the Jews, they will steal from themselves the most hellish events in their history to justify visiting hell on others.

Why would Jonathan Glazer, of all people – a man who has been immersed to an unusual degree in recent Jewish history – give the slightest weight to this libel?

I don’t say he should have stood before a televised audience of millions and cheered on the Israeli Defence Forces. Indeed, he had no need to invoke his Jewishness at all. But since he chose to do so, could he not have used the opportunity to unite rather than divide, to explain, to speak wisely about a tragedy that is tearing all parties to it apart? Could he not have spoken of the horror felt by every Jew on 7 October, not just on account of the violence done but the approving reactions to it, and the horror felt today by every Jew at the death toll in Gaza, and allow no one to suppose that the heartbreaking scenes there somehow give succour to a fictional Jewish blood-lust justified by the Holocaust?

I don’t accuse Jonathan Glazer of being selective in his compassion. “Whether the victims of October 7th in Israel or the ongoing attack on Gaza,” he said, “all the victims to dehumanisation – how do we resist?” But resistance to dehumanisation does not necessitate divesting oneself of Jewishness, however one interprets that, whether as the hijacking of it to win a false legitimacy or in seeking any other advantage that being Jewish might confer. For a Jew to concur in this fashionable defamation – that Jews are moral profiteers, and that it is only by shedding such Jewishness that a Jew can feel pity – is doubly despicable.

As a serious, thinking Jewish man, Jonathan Glazer must have read the late Amos Oz on the tragedy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which both parties could be said to be in the right, and then, when the situation worsened, both parties could be said to be in the wrong. The “occupation” didn’t just happen one day to satisfy Holocaust righteousness. It was a child of history, born of a mutual intransigence that pre-dated the Holocaust, the consequence of mistakes and violent obduracies on both sides. A tragedy does not entail blame, but if Jonathan Glazer must buy into Jewish blame he must buy into Palestinian blame as well. It would have taken real moral courage to pursue that line; right now it takes none to castigate Jews.

In my years teaching English literature I had frequent recourse to DH Lawrence’s dictum, “Never trust the teller, trust the tale.” That Dickens was a bad husband, I was forever telling my students, no more made him a bad novelist than beating her dog made Emily Brontë a bad novelist. We will no more fathom the nexus between art and moral intelligence, than that between a normal family life and savagery.

Jonathan Glazer made an ambitious, important film. I salute the artist. But his abject mea culpa debases him as a man.
Seth Mandel: Berkeley’s Jews Show Some Spine
In the late 1950s, the University of California, Berkeley started cracking down on campus politicking. By the ’60s, this effort almost became a total ban. The backlash congealed into the famous Free Speech Movement, whose strategy was to make sure that any rulebreakers were accompanied by dozens (or more) others. This way, the ban’s enemies could paralyze virtually any disciplinary enforcement. The signature moment was a march to a central campus building where participants held giant signs in favor of free speech.

There’s an iconic photo of the demonstrators marching through Sather Gate in November 1964. Ironically, they could not have done so in recent weeks: The antithesis of the Free Speech Movement, at the center of what is now the antithesis of Berkeley 1964, has had the gate blocked off. Pro-Hamas activists on campus have been blocking the gate and harassing any Jewish students in the vicinity. This comes on the heels of the same group’s violent and highly symbolic night of fascist role playing, in which they forced the cancellation of a Jewish speaker by physically assaulting a Jewish woman, spitting on others, smashing the venue’s window and hurling obscenities that wouldn’t have sounded out of place in The Zone of Interest.

It is appropriate, then, that the jackboot siege of Sather Gate was protested on Monday by a peaceful but determined march of Jews reprising their role as enemies of blood-and-soil racial hierarchies. “At noon,” an ABC affiliate reported that “the Jewish students marched onto Sproul Plaza and instead of passing through Sather Gate and past the banner, they avoided a confrontation by literally fording the creek to get to the other side on a foot path.” The report continues: “The crowd of 200 Jewish supporters ended up in front of California Hall where faculty members offered their support, commenting on the Feb. 26 disturbance that forced Jewish students to move off campus.”

That Feb. 26 incident was the breaking point. Anti-Semitic harassment and threats have been part of life for students there since Oct. 7. Other Jews have been assaulted on campus. A federal civil-rights complaint alleges that two-dozen law-school groups have anti-Jewish policies. Kosher restaurants have been targeted. It’s reached the point where one Jewish Berkeley professor is staging a live-in at his campus office.

Berkeley’s repression of Jewish civil rights won’t be solved by one march, but the change in posture to visible protest is welcome. The students and families tried working with the administration but have been ignored at every turn. A school spokesman even admitted the university would not be taking down the Palestine banner blocking part of campus because, although it clearly violates campus rules, “we assessed that using law-enforcement to clear it would create turmoil.” And God forbid there should be turmoil!
Batya Ungar Sargon: The left’s sickening betrayal of Israeli women
Every Palestinian outranks every Jew on the oppression scale and so any Palestinian in conflict with any Jew is the one the left must side with. The Jew has all the agency and the Palestinian has none. Anything bad that happens between them cannot be the Palestinian’s fault, because you cannot blame someone with no agency for anything. They are innocent, like a child. To the woke, the less powerful have no responsibility to act ethically because their rank on the oppression scale means they cannot act at all – and they are already inherently imbued with virtue, no matter what they do. And that goes for the terrorists among them, too.

To the woke, when a so-called person of colour commits a heinous act against a so-called white person, the agency of their actions – and the evil inherent in them – must be reassigned to their victims. What this means is that when a Palestinian rapes a Jewish woman, the agency was hers, not his. She remains the oppressor. His act was her fault, and her suffering does not release her from the burden of her status as oppressor, even in death.

That’s why leftist feminists can’t side with raped Israeli women. To do so would betray everything they believe. They see the Israeli women as deserving of everything that happened to them – as having brought it on themselves. Like the conservatives of yore who blamed rape on the miniskirt worn by the victim, the left today blames the fact that Israel has more power than Hamas for Hamas’s brutalisation of Israeli women. They simply can’t think their way out of seeing Hamas as virtuous. Because to do so would be to admit that their entire worldview is not only wrong, but also morally depraved.

Why didn’t the images from the Nova festival move the left? Because the left has moved on from things like peace, love, dancing, eros, joy, beauty, truth and goodness. It has replaced these with an embrace of ugliness, hatred, resistance ‘by any means necessary’ and a rejection of the kind of joyous sexuality one finds at a music festival. That’s why the images that I assumed would draw sympathy only further served to cast the Israelis as worthy of condemnation.

The Israelis dancing at that festival didn’t know they were ‘evil oppressors’. They didn’t know that any calamity that might befall them would be ‘deserved’, instigated even by their joyous existence. Their agency itself was a crime.

At the end of the day, 7 October revealed how little of the left’s ideology is about values, and how much of it is about power – specifically, about using a person or a group’s supposedly abject status as a method of wielding power. That is the leftist playbook now. Masquerade as powerless so as to grab power. Bray about being marginalised as a way of silencing dissent. Screech about being oppressed as a way of firing your boss and getting their job, or casting your political opponents as unworthy of the franchise.

And that’s why the woke just can’t quit Hamas. They recognise their own game when they see it, even when it shows up as a raping Hamas butcher.
  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The BBC reported earlier today:

The UN says a new land route has been used to deliver food to northern Gaza for the first time in three weeks.

The Israeli military said six lorries from the World Food Programme crossed via a gate in the Gaza border fence.

Tuesday night's delivery was "part of a pilot to prevent Hamas from taking over the aid", it added.

It comes amid global pressure on Israel to allow more access to the Palestinian territory for aid amid a looming famine as it continues its war on Hamas.

It looks like Hamas was more resourceful.

According to a report by  Kann News,  the six aid trucks were looted and did not reach their destination.

And this is the entire problem, whether it is coming from an additional crossing or sea or air.  The "last mile" is the issue - how to get the aid into the hands of the people who need it when there are criminals and terrorists who are willing to kill Gazans and who will use force to get it first.

Everyone who blames Israel for supposedly "preventing" aid knows quite well that they have no solution to this problem either. 

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  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

I am pretty much the only person who reported about the Palestinian Authority rejecting the idea of having aid come by sea via Cyprus, back in December. 

Their reason was that they were afraid Gazans would leave via the same boats, and no one wants Gazans to flee, except Gazans. 

Unlike Israel, which welcomed the plan (and in fact had been pushing since early  November), there have been no public statements by Hamas or Fatah about the planned US pier and the aid corridor being implemented now. 

Ultra Palestine went and asked the terror groups their reactions. And the answers are interesting.

One anonymous "factional source" said that Hamas stipulated that only specific groups and Hamas allies be able to receive the aid from the ships. This includes the Gaza city municipality, which is run by Hamas, in addition to international relief institutions, and the Emirati side that sponsored the project. He also warned that US troops on the pier could easily be attacked.

PFLP official Haitham Abdo warned against the possibility that Gazans could leave via the sea, as well as expressing reservations over the speed of its implementation.

Islamic Jihad remained silent about the  plan, as has the PA government. There have been no articles about it in official PA media. Perhaps because they don't want to publicly oppose the US.

MEMRI's Yigal Carmon loves the plan, calling it "the beginning of the end of the war." He says Qatar and Iran are against the project, since Qatar is not involved and it has used its near monopoly over Gaza aid to make itself appear indispensable. He also claims Egypt is against the move because it is relying on bribes at the Rafah crossing. But he is excited that the UAE and Jordan are on board, thinking that they will be heavily involved in distribution, instead of Qatar.

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From Ian:

Bernard-Henri Lévy: Stop the War in Gaza by Defeating Hamas
Those crying out against genocide are the same people who call for the birth of a Palestine from the Jordan River to the sea that would involve an ethnic cleansing purging the entire region of all Jewish presence. (Apparently, pure genocide is OK, where imagined genocide is worthy of an impassioned outcry!)

A small, fragile, and threatened country, confronted with the most sadistic mass terror attack in modern history, responds like any other democracy would have in its place, and, in fact, like the U.S. did when invading Afghanistan after Sept. 11. Instead of supporting Israel in its legitimate self-defense, the world accuses the Jewish state of poisoning wells and starving the civilian population.

It takes for granted that Israel is "indefensible," that Zionism - alone among national liberation movements - is a curse word, and that the very survival of the Jewish people on its land is an entirely legitimate object of dispute.

"Ceasefire now!" is a solution that would hand victory to Hamas; prolong the hold of a Muslim Brotherhood death cult on a population that serves as its guinea pig in a horrific experiment; and see the aura of the terror cult and its backers grow beyond Gaza, with all the cataclysmic consequences that one can imagine, both throughout the Middle East and in Europe.

Does anyone care about peace and justice enough to demand an end to this war in the only way it can actually end - with the defeat of Hamas?
Seth Mandel: Time for Biden to Deliver an Inconvenient Truth on Gaza
America can only reduce the threat by capitulating to Hamas and Iran, according to this reading of the report. There are two major problems with this. The first is that it’s hogwash, and the authors of the report know it’s hogwash.

As terror experts pointed out in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7 slaughter, the attacks themselves were a catalyzing force for global terrorism, much more so than was Israel’s dismantling of Hamas in response. In October, I quoted Lynn O’Donnell on the “broader impact of the Hamas attacks,” which was, she said, “the possibility that terrorist groups around the world will try to match the spectacular carnage that Hamas pulled off earlier this month, which had a death toll equivalent to multiple Sept. 11 attacks on a per capita basis in a small country such as Israel.”

This is because it’s the successful attacks, not the failures, that garner funding for terrorist groups. Hamas has had fairly steady financial patrons because it is somewhat fixed territorially and serves a very specific purpose that is tied to Israel. But the global terror groups that could represent a threat to America are in competition for resources that Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks will free up for groups other than Hamas. The Hamas attacks serve as model and inspiration for copycats and their moneymen.

Which means the most dangerous option is to allow Hamas to get out with anything it can reasonably claim as a victory. Hamas’s defeat will benefit America’s security; its survival will put more targets on Western backs.

The other problem is that administration officials know this—the Post says the report itself acknowledges the public-relations coup that Oct. 7 was for Hamas. The administration feels the need to spin how the report is sold to the press and the public because the truth contradicts the president’s political interest in uniting his party in an election year. To do that, he wants (though he doesn’t need) to bring back into the fold enough dissenters on his Gaza policy to take the air out of the pro-Hamas faction of his progressive base.

This is becoming a pattern. In a stunning moment in the president’s MSNBC interview over the weekend, Biden admitted that “Hamas would like a total ceasefire across the board, because then they see they have a better chance to survive and maybe rebuild.” The president sputtered immediately after saying that and fumbled out four separate segues as if he were a skipping record: “But that’s not what—I think the majority of people think—you have to—look—.” Then he went silent to collect his thoughts and get back on track. He wasn’t supposed to make the argument against a permanent ceasefire precisely because that argument is unassailable. He can’t pretend to want to give in to his left flank if he’s also going around explaining why their demands are so ludicrous and contrary to U.S. interests.

But he’s going to have to explain this, eventually. And when he does, he cannot pretend he misspoke. The fact of the matter is Biden and the intelligence community know what’s best for America and are choosing to dissemble at a time when U.S. leadership is called for. This will continue to backfire until someone is willing to be honest with the anti-Israel caucus in the party and align American policy and the president’s rhetoric with what Biden knows to be true: Israel must win this war.
Bret Stephens: Israel Has No Choice but to Fight On
If Israel were to end the war now, with several Hamas battalions intact, at least four things would happen. First, it would be impossible to set up a political authority in Gaza that isn't Hamas: If the Palestinian Authority or local Gazans tried to do so, they wouldn't live for long. Second, Hamas would reconstitute its military force as Hizbullah did in Lebanon after the 2006 war with Israel - and Hamas has promised to repeat the attacks of Oct. 7 "a second, a third, a fourth" time.

Third, the Israeli hostages would be stuck in their awful captivity indefinitely. Fourth, there would never be a Palestinian state. No Israeli government is going to agree to a Palestinian state in the West Bank if it risks resembling Gaza.

This is the fifth major war that Hamas has provoked since it seized power in Gaza in 2007. After each war, Hamas' capabilities have grown stronger and its ambitions bolder. At some point this had to end; for Israelis, Oct. 7 was that point.

Whenever Israel's critics lecture the country on better calibrating its use of force, they don't have any concrete suggestions. The reality of urban warfare is that it's exceptionally costly and difficult. The U.S. spent nine months helping Iraqi forces flatten the city of Mosul to defeat ISIS, with results that looked even worse than Gaza does today. I don't remember calls for "Ceasefire Now" then.

Israel is fighting a war it didn't seek, against an enemy sworn to its destruction and holding scores of its citizens hostage. Around 200,000 Israelis are living as refugees inside their own country because its borders aren't secure. No country can tolerate that. There should be more public pressure on Hamas to surrender than on Israel to save Hamas from the consequences of its actions.
The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health publishes a weekly document that goes into details of the casualty statistics in Gaza. And buried in that document is proof that   - if you believe the ministry - Hamas must be lying.

The Ministry breaks down its statistics on the number of dead people they counted in Gaza hospitals and those they did not.  According to the latest report from March 3, 30,228 people had died, of which they counted 17,348 in hospitals, and the other 13,186 they counted from "trusted media sources."

Meaning, the Hamas media office.

43% of all Gaza deaths and demographic breakdowns come not from the doctors in the health ministry but from the masked terrorists of Hamas. 

Let's assume that the Gaza health ministry is telling the truth about the people it counted in its hospitals, which they break down per hospital. For the ones that they count themselves, 42% are men and 58% are women and children. (English from Google Translate)

Yet they also say that 72% of the total deaths in Gaza are women and children, not 58%. 

Somehow the demographics they see in their hospitals are way, way different from the ones that their "trusted media sources" claim. 

To make the numbers work, the "trusted media sources" of the Hamas media office must be claiming an amazing 90% of their otherwise unreported casualties by MoH to be women and children. - roughly 12,000 women and children compared to 1,300 men.

Needless to say, this is virtually statistically impossible. 

So even if one believes the health ministry on the numbers its hospitals counted, it is still reporting Hamas media office numbers - and vouching for their accuracy in their own summary reports. Which makes it just as unreliable as everyone else in Hamas.

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  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Earlier this week I reported that UN-OCHA claimed "9,000 women" were killed in Gaza, citing a UN Women report. The UN Women report, in turn, cited UN-OCHA for the same statistic. 

The only source for this number is a terrorist group.

This statistics laundering is happening a lot within the UN. 

UN-OCHA's latest report says that "According to UNICEF, 17,000 children in Gaza are currently unaccompanied or separated, constituting one per cent of the total displaced population of 1.7 million people."

The link at UNICEF says, "UNICEF estimates that at least 17,000 children in the Gaza Strip are unaccompanied or separated.....Of course, this is an estimation since it is nearly impossible to gather and verify information under the current security and humanitarian conditions."

So UNICEF made up numbers based on a wild guess of how many children became orphaned or (somehow) separated from their parents, which in turn was based on faked statistics that came directly from...Hamas. But while UNICEF admitted its numbers were an "estimation" and could not be considered accurate at all, OCHA repeats them as official UNICEF stats.

Another UN agency, UNRWA, also repeats Hamas fake statistics. 

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini tried to be careful in his wording, tweeting, "Staggering. The number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in #Gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of wars around the world combined."

But after that weak caveat of admitting that the Gaza numbers are only "reported," he accepts them as proof that Israel is deliberately targeting children: "This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and their future."

It is an antisemitic libel supported and spread by the UN. 

WHO also unquestioningly reports the Hamas statistics as authoritative, including the completely made up statistic of over "7,780" people missing or buried under rubble, a number that has only gone up even as fighting has decreased. Has no one been  uncovering bodies in northern Gaza for months? When they find a body, does the MoH subtract that from their "under the rubble" figure? 

Yet since these statistics are reported by the UN, the media and NGOs feel confident to report them as originating with UN agencies instead of noting that they originally come from Hamas. 

It is laundering of statistics.

But the antisemitism doesn't end there. The Hamas statistics are accepted unquestioningly, including the absurd idea that 72% of all Gazans killed are women and children. That would be, as of today, over 22,300 women and children killed. 

But Israel says that 13,000 terrorists have been killed.  In previous wars, Israel's estimates of terrorists killed have been proven to be accurate. 
Presumably all of them are men.

It is impossible for both the Israeli and Hamas statistics to be true, since they would add up to thousands more deaths than even Hamas admits. But the UN assumes Hamas to be accurate and the IDF estimates are not considered. 

Believing terrorists over Jews is another type of antisemitism we are seeing constantly during this war.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

At the Oscars on Sunday night, some of the Hollywood glitterati wore "ceasefire pins" designed by "Artists for Palestine."

The pins depict a reddish hand on a red background with a heart in the palm.

Zionists, including the Government of Israel's X account, immediately associated this symbol with the image of the lynching of Israeli soldiers Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami in Ramallah in 2000 and the bloody hands displayed by the murderers in front of a cheering crowd.

Artists for Palestine claim that the symbol is innocuous, and the hand is orange:
The red background [is] to symbolize the urgency of the call to save lives. The orange hand conveys the beautiful community of people from all backgrounds that have come together in support of centering our shared humanity. The heart being cradled in the center of the hand is an invitation for us to lead with our hearts, always, to lead with love. 
I don't know if the group is being truthful or not but their explanation seems unlikely. 

Palestinians regard the murderers as "heroic"even today.  The photo of the lynching is well known to Palestinians. And the crazed Palestinians outside the police station ripped the soldiers apart and had one of their hearts in their hands, quite literally.

There must have been someone on the Artists for Palestine committee who knew this.

Beyond that, to think that anyone who hates Israel doesn't think of the phrase "blood on their hands" when they see a red hand is a liar. Protesters have been painting their hands red (not orange) from the beginning of the war, this photo from an October Senate hearing. It doesn't look like an orange hand.

However, there is another connection between the idiotic "ceasefire now" Hollywood stars and the lynchers in Ramallah close to 24 years ago.

They both act based on slanderous lies about Israel.

The person in the photo above with the bloody hands, Abdel Aziz Salha, was interviewed by Electronic Intifada in 2013. He was released from prison in the Shalit deal and was sent to Gaza, where he was treated as a hero. Hamas provided him with  "a spacious, well-decorated apartment ten minutes from the sea."

He describes why he was filled with such rage in Ramallah:
“Earlier on that day, one Palestinian from Ramallah was murdered by Israeli settlers from a settlement neighboring Ramallah,” Salha said in a low voice. “After they had killed him, they cut his ears and threw his body. This is the reason there were thousands of protestors across Ramallah on that day, and accidentally, we got the word that there were two Israeli soldiers held in one Ramallah police station.”
But even Electronic Intifada admits that the rumors weren't true.
Salha was referring to the death of a Palestinian man who was reported to have been savagely killed by Israeli settlers. His funeral procession was the angry crowd that the Israeli reservists had come across. A forensic investigation by Physicians for Human Rights later found that the man was most likely killed in a car accident.
The false rumor whipped the crowd into a frenzy and that very possibly is why Vadim Nurzhitz and Yossi Avrahami were lynched.

Lies become incitement, and incitement kills. The lie that Israel is wantonly murdering Palestinians is resulting in Jews being killed today in Israel. And that is a lie that the Hollywood stars are eagerly pushing, because they think that a "ceasefire" that leaves the 10/7 terrorists free to plan the next 10/7 is a good thing. 

Whether the designer of the pin consciously aped the Ramallah photo or not, the slanders behind both stories are the same. And they result in murder. 

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

From Ian:

The WWII ‘lessons’ that wouldn’t have saved a single Jew
Antisemites like Ken Roth, ‘as-a-Jews’ like Jonathan Glazer, and even non-antisemites like US President Joe Biden are lecturing Israel on the lessons Israel should learn from the Holocaust and the Second World War, but their ‘lessons’ would have prolonged the war, left Hitler in power, and led to more Jews being murdered in gas chambers.

There’s a lot that can be learned from the Holocaust and World War II as a whole. There are lessons in the bravery of some and the cowardice of others. There is so much to be learned from how Hitler was allowed to start another World War and commit a crime so great a new word had to be developed to describe it, "genocide", as well in how he was finally defeated.

People seem to love to try to apply these lessons to Jews and the Jewish State, Israel, especially in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre of October 7, the worst massacre committed against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. But the lessons they want Israel to learn would not have stopped World War II or saved a single one of the six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators.

On Sunday, during the Academy Awards, Writer/director Jonathan Glazer used his acceptance speech for best international picture to attack Israel using the supposed “lessons” of the Holocaust and even “renounced” his Jewishness.

“Our film shows where dehumanization leads, at its worst,” Glazer said. “Right now we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people, whether the victims of October the 7th in Israel, or the ongoing attack on Gaza, all the victims, this humanization, how do we resist?”

How fitting that the film for which Glazer won his award, “Zone of Interest,” is a Holocaust film in which the actual victims of the Holocaust, the Jews, never appear. He has joined the ranks of the ‘as-a-Jews,’ those supposedly Jewish people for whom Judaism is nothing more than a means to attack or erase the 99% of the Jewish people who don’t think Jews should let themselves be slaughtered.

Former Human Rights Watch Director Ken Roth, the man who almost single-handedly transformed that NGO from a respected defender of human rights into an antisemitic cesspool obsessed with denying Israel’s right to not let its civilians be murdered, invoked the Holocaust on Sunday while criticizing Israel’s left-wing president.

“The Holocaust teaches no one's rights are secure unless everyone's are, but Israeli Pres. Herzog faces protests today for spreading the opposite message by saying there are no "uninvolved civilians" in Gaza, suggesting Palestinian rights are dispensable,” Roth wrote on X.

It is no secret that Roth believes that Israeli and Jewish lives are dispensable, just as so many did before and during World War II.
Hollywood Jews are like turkeys for Christmas
One cannot help but compare Glazer to Marius von Mayenburg, whose play Nachtland is having a short run in London. Nachtland tells the story of Nicola and Philipp, German siblings who find a painting by A. Hitler in their father’s attic. In an effort to find a Nazi provenance for the painting so that they can sell it for a fortune, the family’s past associations with Martin Bormann are revealed. It is up to Philipp’s Jewish wife Judith to make the moral case for why the family should not be making money from the blood of dead Jews.

Nicola brings up the Palestinians in order to tell Judith to ‘learn from the lessons of history’.

‘Isn’t it surprising that the Jews of all people should know better than to ‘erect camps, build walls and kill innocents’, she declares.

Judith retorts: ‘If you think you can talk about Israel and point fingers as if it has nothing whatsover to do with Germany, then (…) I’m not going to do your homework for you, and I can’t give you absolution …with your vain perpetrator cult…look it up yourself, al-Husseini, Arafat, Ahmed Yassin, the Hamas charter.”

Interestingly enough, these words, written before the 7 October Hamas massacre, were cut out of the script on the night I saw Nachtland. The director clearly thought that, spoken against the background of the current Israel-Hamas war, they would prove too controversial for some in the audience. But they are in the playtext.

Marius von Mayenburg knows what Jonathan Glazer could not be bothered to find out: that there there is a direct link between the Holocaust, the Palestinian Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al Husseini and the Nazi-inspired Muslim Brotherhood, whose Gaza branch – Hamas – was founded in 1987 by Ahmed Yassin.

Like turkeys voting for Christmas, the Hollywood glitterati who sport their Free Palestine pins and abjure their Jewishness have no idea that they are actually supporting a form of antisemitism that would murder them – as Jews – if it could.

It takes a non-Jewish German to have the moral clarity that Glazer and Co so clearly lack.


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