Tuesday, May 08, 2007

  • Tuesday, May 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hamas Al Qassam website is an unending source of mirth and merriment. Especially interesting is the "Martyr" section, where brief biographies of the lives and grisly deaths of Hamas terrorists are detailed.

I just stumbled onto the biography (not autotranslated - this is from the English website) of Mosa al Ghriz:
Name: Mosa Abed Al Fattah Mohammed Al Ghriz.

Resident: Rafah.

Hometown: Maghar.


Mosa Abed Al Fattah Mohammed Al Ghriz was born in 1968. His roots back to "Maghar", which was occupied in 1948. He was brave since his childhood. His mother died since he was a child and he never saw her. His father raised him on the good manner and virtue. He was careful to obey his father.


He finished his primary and preparatory studying in UNRWA schools in Rafah. He finished his high school with high marks. But the difficult situation didn’t give him the opportunity to continue his studying . He got married to his cousin. He has five children, one of them is disable. He worked in a social association that was interested in helping the poor families.

In Al Qassam Brigades

He joined to Al Qassam brigades in the first intifada in 1987. the brigades leadership saw his courage and his commitment so they agreed to let him a member in the Brigades. He participated in defending many areas in Rafah as "Al Salam", "Brazil" neighborhoods, and the east side of Rafah. He was the friend of the martyrs "Ayed Al Bashity" and "Yousif Al Mallahi".

Life full of actions

He participated in digging many tunnels as " Hardon" military location, "Tarmid" military location near Salah Eddeen gate in Rafah. Mosa participated in sniping the Zionist soldiers on the border. He also was watching the Zionist vehicles near Al Salam neighborhood. He shared in digging a tunnel for Rafah cross. His friends said that he was always ready for any an emergency situation. They added "he was a leader".

Interested actions in his life

He was guarding his neighborhood. Suddenly, a man come and started to shout on him. And pronounced with bad words towards Mosa. But Mosa didn’t become nervous. He talked to him quietly. The man understood why Mosa and his friends stood in that position.

Before Martyrdom

Before a day of his martyrdom, he came back to house and found that his children playing with the family pictures. He stand and said" don’t play with it, you will need it ". He told his elder son "keep the land, even if the Zionist army destroyed the house". He said to his wife " today is the last day" as he was knowing that he is going to be a martyr.

The martyrdom day

Mosa went to execute a mission against Zionist tank. He went with two of his friends to shell RBG rocket toward the tank. The rocket wrongly exploded and caused his martyrdom .
Don't you love happy endings?

I'm only disappointed that they didn't provide the date that he met with his virgins so I could verify that I had counted him as one of the PalArab self-deaths.
  • Tuesday, May 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PCHR:
On Tuesday morning, 9 May 2007, the Palestinian police arrested ‘Alaa’ ‘Owaida after he had murdered his sister in the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah allegedly to save “ his family honor.”

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 02:00 on Tuesday, 9 May 2007, the police arrived at a house in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in the west of Rafah after receiving information that a woman was killed for “family honor.” The police found the body of Khawla Ahmed ‘Owaida, 35, inside the house. She was killed by a gunshot to the head. Her brother, 32-year-old ‘Alaa’, confessed committing the crime to save his “family honor,” and the police arrested him.
This brings our count of PalArab victims of PalArab violence this year up to 198; 16 of them women.

Time to show that PalArab peace flag again:

UPDATE: A 32-year old. Salim Al-Sharabi, shot dead in Nablus by those "unknown gunmen." 199.

Also a clan clash in Gaza; 9 injured, one critical.
  • Tuesday, May 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
An interesting follow-up on the UN Gaza school shooting Sunday:
Unknown gunmen have burnt a charitable association affiliated to the fundamentalist 'Salafi' Islamic group in Rafah refugee camp in the south of the Gaza Strip.

One of the Salafi group's spokesmen said in a phone call with Ma'an that the association had been totally burnt down with no injuries.

At the same time, the condemnations continue of the attack on a school run by the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, in Rafah on Sunday. Armed men opened fire on the school during a celebration, attended by high-level UNRWA staff, which the Salafi group considered to be contrary to Islamic traditions.
So the revenge that PalArabs exact against the Salafists who are suspected of the school violence is to burn down their charity organization building.

And while everyone is condemning the attack at the school, nobody says a word of condemnation for this little bit of arson.

Which means that either Arabs burning Arab charities is not very important news, or that even Palestinian Arabs know that some charities are not really charities.
  • Tuesday, May 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hamas Al Qassam website asks "Why does Al Qassam target civilians?"

The answer? It doesn't!
Sheikh Salah Shehada , the first general leader of Al-Qassam Brigades , was asked "What is the criteria of a selecting any target? And what do you say about killing civilians?"

He replied " We do not deliberately target children, the elderly or houses of worship despite them being houses that teach hatred against Muslims. We do not target schools and do not order the killing of children. We do not target hospitals although they are easy targets for us. We do not fight Jews because they are Jews. We fight them because they occupy our land. We don’t fight them for their faith but for taking our land. And if children fall during operations, it is beyond our control.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to see if Hamas ever targeted civilians.

Monday, May 07, 2007

  • Monday, May 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The more one reads of Ronnie Kasrils, the South African "intelligence" minister, the more one sees what a complete hypocrite he is.

A South African cabinet minister, who is himself Jewish but also an outspoken critic of Israel, on Monday defended his invitation to Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh to make his first visit outside the Muslim world, saying it was "myopic" to reject opportunities for dialogue.

Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils provoked controversy last week when he extended the invitation during a visit to the Palestinian territories. He said South Africa's own experience showed the need to talk to all sides.

"Those who myopically object to such invitations merely show that they have learnt nothing from South Africa's transition," Kasrils said in a statement.

"Such logic as they espouse would not have allowed (apartheid era president) PW Botha to have met with the imprisoned (Nelson) Mandela nor his release by (former president) FW De Klerk as a partner in negotiations."
Yet I could not find in his itinerary that he attempted to visit Israel or speak to any Israeli government official while he was in the area. Isn't that strange from someone who extols the virtues of "dialogue"?

In fact, in 2002 in an astoundingly bigoted Al Ahram interview, he said:
I was invited several times to visit Israel and I declined because of what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.
I guess that his belief in "dialogue" does not apply when he disagrees with the people who would like to speak to him.
  • Monday, May 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lest anyone think that the chaos in Gaza that intensified after Israel left the area is an anomaly, let us present Ain al-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian Arab "refugee" camp in Lebanon.

Ain al-Hilweh, which literally means "the eye of beauty," is a camp in Lebanon that holds 70,000 PalArabs in only 1.25 square kilometers. And the Lebanese army refuses to enter this camp.

To know how Gaza will turn out should see how Ain al-Hilweh is doing after decades of purely Palestinian Arab rule.

For years this camp has seen assassinations, huge amounts of crime, and Islamic fundamentalist influence. The PLO nominally led the camp from 1969 until a few years ago when the fundamentalists took over. For the past few years it has been considered the center of Lebanon's Al Qaeda faction. Just today, two more Fatah "officers" were assassinated in that camp. At this time there are no fewer than 5 competing groups trying to take over this hellhole.

Is it a coincidence that when you put a lot of Palestinian Arabs in an enclosed area that, rather than trying to make the best of the situation, they start acting like animals?

If I find the time, I intend to write an article to explain why they act the way they do.
  • Monday, May 07, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Disney company, famous for jealously guarding its trademarks, may have to decide what to do about Farfur, the Islamic Domination Mouse:

On a Hamas children's show, Farfur and his child co-host Saraa' say things that may have been beyond Walt's original vision:
Farfur: "We are setting with you the cornerstone for world leadership under Islamic leadership. Isn't it so, Saraa'?"

Saraa': "Yes, our beloved children.

Farfur: "You must be careful regarding your prayer and to go to the mosque for all five [daily] prayers. I say, in the mosque and in the first rows, until we can lead the world."

Saraa': "We remind you that we, the great ones, started this program to lead this world. The nucleus, with the will of Allah, will be from here, from Palestine. We will carry the concern of this [Islamic] nation that awaits us."

Farfur: "From Palestine, oh Saraa', what do you mean? From Gaza, Jerusalem, Ramallah, or from all of Palestine?"

Saraa': "Yes, from all of Palestine" [i.e., all of Israel -- editor].

Farfur: "If so, my beloved young ones, with the will of Allah, we will lead the nation from here, from Palestine."

Saraa': "Our beloved children, many say that we had glory [in the past], and we had culture, and the Muslims had greatness and respect. But with the will of Allah, we, tomorrow's pioneers, will restore the glory of this nation."

Farfur: "Yes, we, tomorrow's pioneers, will restore to this nation its glory, and we will liberate Al-Aqsa, with Allah's will, and we will liberate Iraq, with Allah's will, and we will liberate the Muslim countries, invaded by murderers."

Saraa': "Yes, they are children occupied by the Jews, but with the will of Allah, we will resist and protect against the Zionist occupation."

Farfur: "Until we win, with the will of Allah, we will resist until we win."
[Al-Aqsa TV, April 16, 2007]

You can watch the zany antics of Farfur here.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

  • Sunday, May 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lying is like breathing to members of the PLO:
Bethlehem – Ma'an – The Department of Arab and International Relations of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (DAIR-PLO) on Sunday issued a press release urging that "Israeli Occupation crimes against the Journalists must be halted."

The statement said that Israel has escalated its crimes against local and international journalists and media organisations. DAIR reported that Israeli measures greatly disrupt and often severely endanger the lives of journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Journalists, DAIR reported, are often held for hours at checkpoints, denied entry to military zones and are subject to arrest, physical abuse and assassinations.

DAIR says that the Palestinian territories are the second most dangerous place for journalists internationally, after Iraq.

DAIR concluded its statement by declaring that it "calls for the immediate and unconditional release of Alan Johnston, the Palestinians' ally, such crimes serve only the Israeli occupation, and oppose the Palestinian interests in peace and freedom."
Just last week the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms published a report about the dangers journalists face in the territories:

It said at least 12 Palestinian journalists were wounded in attacks by militiamen, thugs and Palestinian Authority security officers during April.

...Referring to the attacks on the journalists by Palestinians, the center said: "What is dangerous about these assaults is that they are often carried out by guards of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the Palestinian prime minister. It's also worth noting that some Palestinian armed groups in the West Bank are trying to copy the assaults that are taking place in the Gaza Strip by attacking journalists and media institutions.


According to the report, six Palestinian journalists were wounded after being beaten by bodyguards accompanying PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza City on April 2.

On April 10, Palestinian gunmen stormed the studios of the Zein Radio Station in Jenin and destroyed all the equipment, the report said. A week later, another six journalists were wounded when security officers attacked a peaceful demonstration outside the building of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

On April 21, prominent Palestinian writer and journalist Ashraf Ajrami was moderately wounded when Hamas militiamen hurled a hand grenade at him near his home in the Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

The center expressed deep concern over the safety of the BBC correspondent, noting that this was the longest abduction of a foreigner in the Gaza Strip. (I guess Gilad Shalit isn't a foreigner - EoZ) "The fact that he has been held for so long [since March 12] raises doubts as to whether the Palestinian Authority is making a serious effort to release him," the report noted.

"Palestinian journalists are living under very bad conditions," commented the independent Palestinian Maan news agency. "They are being beaten and their equipment is being destroyed. They are receiving death threats and some have been kidnapped."

So who is making the journalists' lives more difficult? The ones kidnapping them, threatening and stealing their equipment, or the ones who sometimes delay them at checkpoints?
  • Sunday, May 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just read this gem of an article at a bizarre leftist site called MWCNews.net, by a Dr. Gideon Polya:
Using UN Population Division data [1] it has been possible to calculate the avoidable mortality (technically, excess mortality) for every country in the World since 1950. Avoidable mortality (excess mortality) is the difference between the ACTUAL mortality in a country and the mortality EXPECTED for a decently-run country with the same demographics [2]. The post-1950 avoidable mortality has totalled 1.3 billion for the World, 1.2 billion for the non-European World and 0.6 billion for the Muslim World (a Muslim Holocaust indeed). These horrendous figures are corroborated by independent calculations of under-5 infant mortality for every country in the World since 1950 - thus the total comes to 0.9 billion of which all but 25 million deaths have occurred in the non-European World and about 90% have been avoidable.

The First World (notably the US, UK, France, Portugal and Russia) have had major complicity in the huge avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality in the Third World in the post-war era, mainly through impositions such as colonialism, neo-colonialism, malignant interference, militarization, debt, corrupt indigenous client regimes, war, civil war, economic exclusion and economic constraint [2]. Analysis of avoidable mortality (excess mortality) can determine the actual human cost of specific militarist enterprises such as illegal Zionist expansion in the Holy Land and the illegal US invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What has been the human cost of Israel and US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan?

The 1950-2005 avoidable mortality (and expressed as a percentage of the current population in parentheses) has been 0.1 million [1.4% of the 2005 population] (Israel), 0.7 million [17.7%] (Occupied Palestinian Territories), 19.8 million [26.5%] (Egypt), 0.6 million [11.0%] (Jordan), 0.5 million [14.2%] (Lebanon), and 2.2 million [11.8%] (Syria). Further, the 1950-2005 avoidable mortality in countries attacked but not occupied by Israel has been 5.3 million [19.9%] (Iraq), 0.8 million [13.6%] (Libya), 1.6 million [15.8%] (Tunisia), and 11.1 million [40.3%] (Uganda).

The 1950-2005 under-5 infant mortality (and expressed as a percentage of the current population in parentheses) has been 0.09 million [1.4%] (Israel), 0.3 million [7.7%] (Occupied Palestinian Territories), 14.1 million [18.9%] (Egypt), 0.3 million [5.8%] (Jordan), 0.2 million [6.3%] (Lebanon), and 1.7 million [9.2%] (Syria). Further, the 1950-2005 avoidable mortality in countries attacked but not occupied by Israel has been 3.4 million [13.0%] (Iraq), 0.6 million [10.9%](Libya), 1.6 million [15.8%] (Tunisia) and 6.3 million [22.8%] (Uganda).{mosgoogle right}

The 1950-2005 avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality in Israel's neighbours total 23.9 million and 16.7 million, respectively. The 1950-2005 avoidable mortality and under-5 infant mortality in all countries Israel has attacked militarily total 42.6 million and 28.7 million, respectively (these estimates excluding the USA by setting aside the 1967 Israeli attack on the defenceless USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans and wounded a further 172)

Threat, militarization, war and consequent economic distortion have clearly contributed to the horrendous avoidable mortality in countries with which Israel has been in conflict. While Israel is clearly complicit in the huge avoidable mortality in its neighbours, the actual extent of Israel's responsibility is difficult to assess. However the Ruler is responsible for the Ruled and accordingly Israel has an unequivocal responsibility for the avoidable mortality in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since the Israeli invasion in 1967. Using UN Population Division data [1] it has been estimated that the post-1967 avoidable mortality (excess mortality) and under-5 infant mortality in the Occupied Palestinian Territories have been 320,000 and 170,000, respectively.
It goes on and on, but the gist of it is that the difference between the mortality of Palestinian Arabs and what he thinks the expected mortality of Palestinian Arabs comes out to some arbitrary number of about a half million.

The holes in his theory are larger than the numbers he is claiming.

First of all, he is blaming the mortality of third-world countries on first world countries. Practically all of what he terms "avoidable mortality" occur in poorer countries, and he lists a litany of sins to blame the West for almost all of them. In other words, he first has a thesis that all Third World deaths are the West's fault, and then he tries to find any numbers he can to prove it. This is not science - this is activism pretending to be science.

Secondly, his main sources are the UN World Population Database and his own website. The UN provides raw population data but gives no indication of "expected mortality." Those numbers, according to his footnotes, can be found on his own website, and a quick review of his website shows literally no statistics to back his claims up. He is so dishonest that he writes articles, footnotes his own work and doesn't give any indication of any primary sources for his entire major statistic.

If anything, the UN statistics on infant mortality in the Palestinian Arab territories show an amazing drop in infant mortality during that horrid "occupation" from 125 per 1000 births in 1965 to 25 per 1000 in 2000.

And, assuming PalArab population figures are accurate, I calculated 1.6 million more PalArabs alive today because of Israel!

Now, I am no statistician nor a demographer. (I suspect that the PalArab demographic claims are way overstated and therefore my numbers are as well.) But - surprise, surprise - neither is Polya. Even though he writes lots of articles based on this completely bogus and probably imaginary statistics, his PhD is in biochemistry and his BS was in zoology and chemistry.

In other words, we have an Australian professor at a German university, who is not a mathematician, statistician or demographer, who clearly already has rabid anti-Western views, making up statistics and giving them to people who know nothing about mathematics where they happily reproduce it as if it proves, scientifically, that the West is evil incarnate.

Sadly, this travesty of science and mathematics seems to be more the norm in the liberal world than the exception.
  • Sunday, May 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I finally got around to reading Azmi Bishara's self-righteous article that was printed in the LA Times titled "Why Israel is After Me."

Along with the absurd fact that he compares himself with Dreyfus, he pretty much says that Arabs in Israel are discriminated against and his mentioning it is what makes Israel uncomfortable, to the point of wanting him arrested for treason.

As ridiculous as it is to read a (now former) Arab member of the Jewish state's Knesset whine about how hard his life is, one must wonder about the hypocrisy of his mentioning that there are various laws in Israel that favor Jews over Arabs (I'm not sure if allowing Arabs to skip army service is considered one of those laws.)

The draft PA constitution includes the following:
Palestine is part of the Arab nation. The state of Palestine abides by the charter of the League of Arab States. The Palestinian people are part of the Arab and Islamic nations. Arab unity is a goal, the Palestinian people hopes to achieve.

Arabic and Islam are the official Palestinian language and religion.

The principles of Islamic Shari’a are a major source for legislation.
When I hear Bishara complain about these parts of the PA constitution (draft as of 2003, before Hamas entered the government) I can believe that he truly cares about discrimination.

And for those who care, here is the background of the case against Bishara:
If Bishara returns, he will be indicted for spying on behalf of Hezbollah during the second Lebanon war by providing them with with targets for their attacks, as well as with classified military information.

Bishara will be accused of assisting the enemy in a time of war, maintaining contact with a foreign agent, passing information to an enemy, money laundering and terrorist financing.

The first of those charges, assisting the enemy in a time of war, is one of the rare offenses punishable by death in Israel - a clause which has never been used.
Bishara did not make contact with Hezbollah in secret. He openly traveled to Damascus and to Beirut during the Hezbollah missile attacks on Israel last summer.

Israeli intelligence officials have placed their hands on what the former MK allegedly transferred to Hezbollah, in terms of information, predictions, assessments and recommendations, which included selected targets in northern Israel that Hezbollah fired on at the specific instructions of Bishara.

It has now been revealed that the Israeli Supreme Court issued confidential authorization to Israeli intelligence to tap Bishara's telephone conversations, a tactic that can only be employed with the court's approval. The investigation was conducted in conjunction with the office of the Israel Attorney-General's office.

According to Israeli intelligence officials, Bishara received detailed missions from Hezbollah, which he carried out.

He also allegedly transferred military information to Hezbollah that, according to Israeli intelligence, he knew to have been classified by the IDF censor. Bishara also allegedly informed Hezbollah of what he called "Israel's intention to target Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah."

Bishara was questioned by the Israel Police's International Serious Crimes Unit on March 22 and 23 in Petah Tikva, in two three-hour sessions.

ISCU head Lt.-Cmdr. Amichai Shai said Bishara was confident when he arrived for the first day of questioning. But when the MK understood that the allegations against him were more serious than he had thought, there was a noticeable change in his behavior.

During the questioning, Bishara said he planned to travel abroad for several days. Due to his parliamentary immunity, authorities were unable to prevent him from leaving the country. Police continued to communicate with Bishara's representatives, extending the deadline for the MK's return until April 24.

Bishara is also accused of receiving at least hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally. The money was transferred from a money-exchange office in Jordan to another in east Jerusalem in envelopes, and from there to his home in Beit Hanina. In some cases, he received the funds in dollars, and in other cases in shekels. Each transfer was equivalent to $50,000.

On April 26, after his resignation went into effect, police searched Bishara's homes in Beit Hanina and in Haifa, as well as his office in Nazareth. Earlier this week, police searched Bishara's office in the Knesset after receiving special permission.

Writing in the Los Angeles Times on Thursday, Bishara tried to defend himself in an op-ed entitled, "Why Israel is after me."

In that LA Times piece, Bishara describes himself as a new "Dreyfus," to conjure up the image of the French Jewish officer Dreyfus who was wrongly accused of treason against his homeland in France.

Yet Bishara, given the platform of the LA Times editorial page, does not refute the charges leveled against him, preferring, instead, to point out that "Hezbollah - Israel's enemy in Lebanon - has independently gathered more security information about Israel than any Arab Knesset member could possibly provide."
  • Sunday, May 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
This week's Haveil Havalim is hosted by BARBARA'S TCHATZKAHS, and while I did nominate one posting this week, Barbara also mentions another.

Check it out!

I also nominated a posting of mine that appeared in the Carnival of History this month. (I nominated an article for the Carnival of Insanities but we'll see if it made it in.)
  • Sunday, May 06, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian militants opened fire at a festival at a U.N.-operated elementary school in the southern Gaza Strip on Sunday, killing a bodyguard of a local Fatah leader and wounding seven other people, medical officials said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But Muslim extremists had earlier visited the school, warning authorities not to hold the festival, U.N. and security officials said.

A number of foreigners, including John Ging, head of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency in Gaza, were inside the school when the shooting broke out, a U.N. official said. Ging was not hurt, but remained holed up inside the school, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the media.

Palestinian medical officials identified the dead man as a bodyguard of Majid Abu Shameleh, a senior official in President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement. Abu Shameleh was leaving the event when the shooting erupted. No children were hurt.

Isn't it lovely to see PalArabs attack the one organization that helps them the most? UNRWA only exists for them. (Paltoday says that people threw hand grenades at the festival.)

In other news, an alleged "collaborator" was extrajudicially executed:
Sabri Rajawi, 26, was murdered Saturday night by Fatah terrorists who claimed he confessed to helping Israel by passing information about Fatah’s terrorist groups.

Members of Fatah’s Al-Aksa Brigades said Rajawi helped Israel arrest local terrorist leaders and even established a terror cell solely to turn over its members to Israeli security forces.

A second PA man was handed over to one of Hamas’s PA militias.
There may have been a third murder this weekend, as PalArabs claim Israel killed an Arab in Gaza but no independent source verifies any Israeli actions there. But that story may have been made up altogether, as the dead man was not identified.

Our count of PalArabs violently killed by PalArab actions for the year now stands at 196.

Which makes this picture from IMEMC one of the most unintentionally ironic graphics in history:

UPDATE: The body of a Jerusalem Arab missing since last Wednesday was found in Ramallah on Monday. 197.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

  • Saturday, May 05, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
An Israeli Jewish entrepreneur and his Palestinian Arab partner have created an interesting Internet company called g.ho.st which is a virtual Web-based operating system. Right now it is in alpha test so it is a bit rough around the edges, a bit slow an it doesn't have too much functionality. But the purpose is to be able to have a computer desktop that is accessible anywhere there is a web browser.

What is interesting is that almost all of his employees are Israeli Arabs or Palestinian Arabs.
An abbreviation of Global Hosted Operating System, G.ho.st is a free 'Virtual Computer' - a Web-based operating system that allows users to access their on-line desktop from any browser. G.ho.st aims to "to complement and eventually replace Windows", according to its Website.

Israeli internet entrepreneur Zvi Shreiber is the founder and chief architect of the project which he privately funded, partly using profits from the lucrative sale of his company Unicorn to IBM.

With offices in Jerusalem and Ramallah, almost all of G.ho.st's 15 employees are of Palestinian or Israeli Arab origin.

In an interview with Ynet, Shreiber said that he was the mastermind behind the original idea for G.ho.st and he met his Palestinian business partner Tareq Maayah through a common acquaintance.

Academically educated in the United States, Maayah gained expertise in the field serving as CEO of Siemens Information and Communication Technologies and on the Advisory Board to the Palestinian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.

G.ho.st and its team support collaboration – not just on-line but in real life as well.

Shreiber and Maayah don't just prove that co-existence is possible, they promote the idea financially as well, pledging 10 percent of earnings to the non-profit G.ho.st Peace Foundation. Their goal is "to promote peace in the Middle East through grass-roots social and commercial collaboration between the individuals on both sides," the Website says.

We have seen that much of the incentive that Palestinian Arabs have for weapons tunnels and shooting rockets is financial, not political or religious. Israelis have always grasped what Arab leaders have not - that true peace means real normalization and real economic partnerships that are mutually beneficial. The "golden age" of Palestinian Arabs was during Oslo - not because of the illusory "peace" but because they were economically better off than at any other time of their short history. The Intifada was a disaster for them because it devastated their economy.

Money makes the world go 'round, and any real peace, if it is at all possible, will occur because of the win-win that an economic relationship can encourage. An Internet-based company where people can work in virtual space is an ideal place to start because physical security is not a concern (no doubt network security is a concern, but those issues can be addressed.)

I look forward to seeing if g.ho.st can turn into a real, usable virtual OS.

Friday, May 04, 2007

  • Friday, May 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned previously that even educated Arabs, and many Israel bashers, look at the Arab-Israeli conflict as a zero-sum game, where anything good for Israel is bad for Arabs and vice-versa. Truly progressive people want to find "win-win" solutions where everyone ends up better off. True peace is "win-win," the "peace process" is guaranteed to be a win-lose.

Ronnie Kasrils, the "intelligence" minister for South Africa, has long berated Israel for many perceived crimes:
How much longer will the world permit Israel to get away with land theft and child murder? The sieges and check-points, the collective punishment and targeted executions, the house demolitions and ethnic cleansing...
Taking these absurd accusations at face value, one would think that Kasrils is against land theft, child murder, checkpoints, targeted executions and so on.

Yet now he is inviting Hamas leader Haniyeh to South Africa:
South Africa has invited Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas to visit this country, in what would be his first trip outside the Muslim world.

Haniyeh would like to meet Nelson Mandela during the trip, according to a Haniyeh aide.

The invitation was issued by Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils, who met Haniyeh in Gaza City yesterday.

"We stand by you and support you," Kasrils said of the new Palestinian unity government, a coalition of Hamas and the Fatah movement of moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Now, is Kasrils so uneducated as to not know that Hamas practices routine assassinations, targets Jewish children, steals land, encourages children to kill themselves, persecutes Christians, practices misogyny, condones "honor killings," shoots rockets indiscriminately at civilians, and who knows how many other crimes?

Of course he knows that. So it is clear that his problem is not with Israeli crimes, but with Israel itself. If it wasn't, he would be against Hamas' existence as he is against Israel's.

But his worldview, like the mentally defective Arab worldview, is that the conflict is a zero-sum game. And if he is against Israel, then he must be on the side of those who want to see Israel destroyed.

All his talk about Israel's "crimes" and "racism" is so much hypocrisy - his hate came way before his illogical justifications for that hate, and his invitation to a terror group to visit his nation as an honored member of the world community proves that beyond a doubt.
  • Friday, May 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
No biggie, though - because it wasn't done by Israel:
A 7-month-old girl, Shahed Khalil, was seriously injured on Friday as a result of gunfire from unidentified armed men in Jabalia in northern Gaza.

Palestinian sources reported that the infant was shot in the head while she was in her house. She was transferred from Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahiya to Ash-Shifa' Hospital in Gaza City.
As usual, if Shahed Khalil should die, it will probably go unreported in the PalArab press, because it really isn't that important.

If she had been shot by a stray Israeli bullet, though, she would have music videos made about her martyrdom.

Life isn't important in Pallywood - your status is defined by how you die.


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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