Friday, May 11, 2007

  • Friday, May 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every Friday the "peace protesters" go to Bil'in and demonstrate against the security fence. Every week there are wire service photographers waiting for this "peaceful" demonstration to get violent so they can take good pictures like these from today:

Now we can see the demonstrators' handbook!
Leftist protest guide

Uri Orbach provides tips on how to irritate soldiers, obtain photos of violent troops

This is how you fight the occupation: Bring five leftists along, give a camcorder to each one, and travel to the Territories. The nearest checkpoint is your playground. As you approach the checkpoint, attempt to express protest by moving roadblock rocks, swear at the soldiers, and do everything, and I mean everything, to piss them off.

Leftist, remember this: The soldiers are fatigued and worn out, and if you aim your swear words well, there is a good chance the reserve soldier at the roadblock will become upset. If you see some Palestinians on the other side, it's a good idea to start hurling stones.

However, all this should be done with extreme caution: Make sure not to film the stone-throwing by mistake. The photographers must focus on the reservists' reactions in order to convey an accurate picture of the incident.

Annoy them, bother them, swear at them, and yell out "occupation!" and "Aren't you ashamed of yourselves?" Block the road and climb the fence. Film the soldiers' reaction. The world loves to see violent Israeli soldiers. Should one of the reservists lose it a bit and hit you, you must immediately lie down on the ground (pay attention to the camcorder aimed at you) and start sobbing.

Mission accomplished. In regular protests the police sometimes resort to violence, and at times protesters also go too far. In your protest, the army's violence is not the result, but rather, the goal. And the goal is to acquire a photo of IDF violence. The goal justifies the means.

Such photo shows the entire world how cruel, terrible, and dangerous Israel is. It is worthwhile to sustain some blows for such noble objective.

Award-winning documentary

Demonstrator, remember this! You are not just some guy who arrived in order to protest an injustice or express your political views. You arrived in order to get a front page photo for the newspaper and for television newscasts in Israel and abroad. It worked in Hebron, with the cursing settler, it worked out at the roadblock with the "Palestinian forced to play his violin," and it worked well in many other places where the world only saw miserable Palestinians, violent soldiers, and protesters being beaten up. Half-a-picture is worth a thousand words.

At the end of the day you shall return home tired but satisfied, beaten up but overjoyed. The evening newscasts will rush to use your photographs, the morning news shows will interview you, and peace organizations from all over the world will use the video clip in their PR presentations and send you donations.

The defense minister will convene a special meeting and demand an inquiry. After all, this time around we're not talking about settlers beaten up by soldiers or police officers, but rather, holy protesters demonstrating on behalf of a noble objective.

IDF officials will say they view the solders' conduct "with severity" and throw a miserable soldier into military prison. The public will yawn, but you did your job. With a little luck, at the end of the day you will make a big budget award-winning documentary film out of it. You will even receive funding from Israeli public foundations thanks to the "brave and incisive film" (this is what the newspaper reviews will say) that shows Israel too has human rights fighters.

So, let's march on to the Palestinian village of Bil'in! Charge the checkpoint! It will be moral, and fun.
  • Friday, May 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Wikipedia notes:
Palestinian refugees from 1948 and their descendants do not come under the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, but under the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, which created its own criteria for refugee classification. As such they are the only refugee population legally defined to include descendants of refugees, as well as others who might otherwise be considered internally displaced persons.
This is how the number of Palestinian Arab "refugees" has ballooned from 700,000 in 1948 to nearly three million today.

Even though this is an arbitrary definition of "refugee," one where Palestinian Arabs are the only exception worldwide, it is almost universally accepted.

The New York Times published an article last week about the plight of Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon, but even the NYT with its celebrated attention to detail and nomenclature cannot seem to figure out whether they are "refugees" or not:
BEIRUT, Lebanon, May 5 — Three generations of the Hamdallah family have lived in Lebanon. And for three generations not a single member of the family has been allowed to graduate from school, legally marry, or hold a job, or even set foot outside of the rundown camps that have been home to generations of Palestinians.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency estimates that more than 400,000 Palestinians live in Lebanon — refugees, their children and their children’s children — all denied many basic rights in their adopted homeland on the Mediterranean.

But within that diaspora at least 3,000 people, including the Hamdallah family, are invisible to the legal system, aid groups here say. When their families arrived in Lebanon, they failed to get refugee status, and without it they cannot get identification cards, the currency of all life transactions in this region. Marriage, travel, work — all are impossible without a national identification document.

“They are not persons in front of the law,” said Stéphane Jacquemet, regional representative for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon. “They live in camps, don’t have access to services, schools, hospitals, and strictly speaking a person with no documents can be arrested. They absolutely have no future, and they are giving their no future to their children.”

Palestinian refugees have been denied citizenship in Lebanon for years, and they are prohibited from practicing more than 70 professions. The Lebanese government has insisted that the plight of the refugees should not be settled at the expense of host nations, and it has made clear that it eventually wants the Palestinians to go back to Israel after a settlement with that government.

At the heart of that policy lies the fear that the refugees could upset Lebanon’s already complicated and tenuous power-sharing system, based on ethnic and sectarian affiliation. Because most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims, nationalizing them would throw the power balance to Sunnis.

So, with no real hope of becoming Lebanese citizens, Palestinians remain squeezed in dark, small camps where sewage water often runs in claustrophobic alleys, the only playground of young refugees. Outside most of these camps, the Lebanese Army maintains a heavy presence.
The first mention of "refugees, their children and their children’s children" implies, correctly, that children of refugees are not refugees. But the entire rest of the article uses the word "refugees" as synonymous with "Palestinians" to the absurd point of saying that Lebanon wants these people to "go back" to a land that the vast majority of them have never lived in.

It is way past time to get the UN to close UNRWA, which is dedicated to a single problem which has expanded fourfold under its watch, and stop the ever-increasing problem of Palestinian Arabs who can never become citizens of most other Arab countries precisely because of this wrong definition. It is UNRWA who has done the most to perpetuate the problem it is supposed to solve, and the Arab countries are more than happy to use these bogus "refugees" as pawns while shielding themselves from criticism for not actually doing anything to make their lives easier.
  • Friday, May 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
For the past couple of days, I've been seeing Google News references to an article at the Cornell Daily Sun with some paranoid insane Bush-bashing anti-semitic nonsense, but the link was always broken. This was to multiple URLs at the website. It appeared that someone has managed to post their screed at Cornell and Cornell keeps deleting it, but not before it gets propagated to Google (and possibly RSS feeds.)

I just grabbed a copy of this long-winded, incomprehensible document. A sample:
2/24/07 Words secret and sealed until the time of the end. (Dan. 12:9) Bush Daddy was talking last night about cutaneous Anthrax which they had again tried to infect me with. I went looking for my Antrax: An Ancient Scourge article and found the only available copy on the second page; thus they still scheme to conceal the truth of the matter, that Anthrax is a Biblical Greek word from Exodus 9:9; Deut. 28:27. As I have mentioned, the Karposi Sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was contact Anthrax, and I witnessed similar sores on an Irish lad who was apparently infected by handling dead animals at Cornell Vet School, which was illegally producing the stuff. Now Bush Daddy claims that they make it in the laboratory from dead flesh and use it in AIDS medication, flu vaccines, what not? Just as the first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-fifth of the world population. This favorite method of operation from ancient times has been bolstered by the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim (Numbers 25:1-4), giving us a word that means feces. (Seek out my Coprophagia Rules article while it may be found. I inspected recent toxicology textbooks and found that all references to Anthrax have been eliminated. I did find that 250 ppm of arsine is instantly fatal. See below) 2/21/07 This is for the transgressions of the lawless Jacob, George Herbert Bush, and for the sins of the house of the lawless Israelites, the Nazis; i.e . the Niggardly Asinine Zionist Idiots. And what is the sin of the house of the lawless Israelites? Is it not Jerusalem? (Mic. 1:5) The Lord God declares; "I abhor the pride of the lawless Jacob. (Amos 6:8) The day of their watchmen, of their punishment, has come. (Mic. 7:4) Make yourself bald and cut off your hair, make yourself bald as an eagle. (Mic. 1:16) Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go. The Lord will take away all of their finery, their hoods, and their veils. Instead of perfume, there will be rottenness; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, sackcloth; instead of beauty, shame. (Is. 3:16-25) The watchman says, "Morning has come, and also the night." (Is. 21:12) Zion shall be plowed as a field; Jerusalem shall become a heap of rubble." (Mic. 3:12)
Apparently, creating websites isn't enough for the wackos, now they are trying to increase their readership by hacking others.
Dhimmi Carter, playing his Saudi funders' playbook, is trying mightily to split Jews from Christian Zionists.

According to The Jewish Week:
Wading into the delicate fray over the alliance between Jews and pro-Israel Evangelicals, former President Jimmy Carter last week reportedly said it was a mistake for Jews to accept such ties, and that he was working to convince Southern Baptists to change the way they look at Judaism and the Middle East.

Christian Zionists can be better friends of Israel by challenging its government’s policies, while accepting Judaism as a legitimate path to God, Carter told a group organized by Rabbi Michael Lerner in California last week, according to the rabbi.

“He said it was a terrible error for Jews to become allied with Christian Zionists who actually desire our conversion or burning in hell,” Rabbi Lerner related in an interview Tuesday.

So Carter's telling evangelicals to hate Israel and he's telling Jews to hate the evangelicals.

How very Christian of him!
  • Friday, May 11, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm not sure how to interpret this, but there are two striking differences between the Qassam calendars I've been keeping this month and last month.

In April and March, there were many more Qassams claimed to have been fired by the Arab terror groups than Israel acknowledged having landed in Israel. It appeared that the terror groups were vying for taking credit and that many rockets didn't even make it over the border.

But this month, the terrorists are less likely to exaggerate. The PalArab newspapers mention Israeli reports of rockets but they are not usually quoting terrorist group claims of more rockets.

Secondly, there are daily reports in the PalArab newspapers of Israeli incursions into Gaza, but very few of these are reported in Israeli media. Again, I don't know if it is Israeli war censorship or if the PalArabs are making up stories to cover up internal fighting and blame injuries/deaths on Israel.

There is no doubt that fighting is starting to increase again between Hamas and Fatah, after a lull. No official deaths yet but lots of kidnappings and injuries.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Why, it was the Joooooos!!! From Iran's "Press TV":
Zionists behind 1994 Argentine bombing

A former Argentine minister has tied the 1994 bombing of the Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires to hard-line Zionist nationalists.

Lois Dalias, Argentina's former minister of housing, who attended a court hearing on Thursday, denied any alleged connection between the Iranian government and the deadly blasts in which 85 people were killed.

Thus far the judiciary investigations into the bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, has hit an impasse with the powerful Zionist lobby in the country trying to impute it to Iran.

Iran has strongly denied having any thing to do with the terrorist attacks, warning the Argentine government of plots underway to damage their mutual relations.

"When a radical Zionist shot dead the Israeli Prime Minster Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, it would not be impossible to think that some other right-wing nationalists designed a similar plan to blow up the AMIA Jewish cultural center", IRNA reported Dalias as saying.

Last year Dalias was forced to resign after he joined public demonstrations in Argentina as a show of allegiance with Iran in the face of unfounded charges in the case.
Reading between the lines of the propaganda, we see that a former minor anti-semitic Argentine official floated a theory that "Zionists" bombed a Jewish center in Argentina for reasons unknown and Iran's crack journalists translated that into a headline stating it as a fact.
  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Almost exactly a year ago I wrote a post called "Diplomacy of fear - the Muslim way" in which I noted that, for decades, Muslims would exert influence on the West by making threats.

It seems that this idea was older than I thought.

This article, from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of October 14, 1877, describes fearful - and literal - Flag of Islam that would signal an all-out war of Muslims against Christians. Supposedly when this flag, housed in a mosque in Constantinople, would be unfurled, it would signal every single Muslim to fight to achieve paradise.

Note the fear that the author shows of the possibility that huge crowds of Mohammedans could be unleashed at a moment's notice to kill every Christian.

Here are some highlights:
Since the commencement of war between Russia and Turkey, the world has several times been startled by the announcement that the "Flag of the prophet" was about to be unfurled in the streets of Stanbul. Such an event, if it should happen (which may Heaven avert), would proclaim a crusade in which all true Musslemans would be bound to take an active part and to fight against Christianity in every part of the world. They may be in India, Arabia, Egypt or wherever else their scattered race has found a home; the raising of the green standard is a call in which none may disobey without, as the Koran lays it down, sacrificing all his hopes of Paradise.

This fearful appeal to all the worst passions of the Eastern races hangs like a menace over the Mohammedan world; and if the word was once uttered and the dreadful flag unfurled, there is no telling to what sanguinary excesses it might lead an enthusiastic people. If may be of interest to our readers if, under these circumstances, we endeavour to make them acquainted with the origin and history of a banner that has not seen the light of day since the Empress Catherine of Russia attempted to reinstate Christianity in the city of the Sultans, and which once unfurled would set the world ablaze.

The prophet himself predicted that one day, when his followers should number 100,000,000- which they do now with 20,000,000 more added to it- his flag should fly against the advancing power of the northern races; and the Koran Mohammedan Bible says that when its silken folds are flung forth "the earth will shake, the mountain melt into dust, the seas blaze up in fire, and the childrens hair grows white with anguish." This language is of course metaphorical; but it is easy to conceive, by the light of very recent history, that some such catastrophe might take place, as the displaying of this terrible symbol would raise a frenzy of fanaticism in the breast of the Mohammedan race all over the globe.

When once unfurled, it summons all Islam by an adjuration from the Koran that the sword is the solitary emblrm and instrument of faith, independence and patriotism; that armies, not priests, make converts and that sharpened steel is the "true key to heaven and hell"

Upon that fearful ensign are inserted the words which are supposed to have been written at Mecca itself- namely, "all who draw it (the sword) will be rewarded with temporal advantages, every drop shed of their blood, every peril and hardship endured by them, will be registered on high as being more meritorious than either fasting or prayer. If they fall in battle, their sins will be at once blotted out, and they will be transported to Paradise, there to revel in eternal pleasure in the arms of black-eyed hours. But for the first heaven are reserved for the faithful who die within sight of the Green Flag of the Prophet" Then follow the terrible and all-significant words, the fearful war-cry against God and man, "Then may no man give or expect mercy."

This is the outburst of barbarism with which the world is threatened in this year of grace, 1877; and the reader cannot do otherwise than mark the cunning nature of the portentous works inscribed on the prophets banner. What would not most men do, civilized or savage, for "temporal advantages"? While to the eastern people fasting and praying, are looked upon as of so meritorious a nature, than to find something else which, in the eyes of Allah, would be desideratum which none would fail to grasp by any means whatever, if it came within its reach. But Mohammed's wonderful knowledge of human nature, is shown in his picture of Paradise as prepared for the faithful who fall in battle while his declaration that the highest heaven in this so called Paradise will be reserved for those who die within sight of the Green Flag, is a masterpiece of devilish policy unequalled in the annals of mankind.

It scarcely needed the fearful words which follow, to add emphasis to this dreadful appeal to the passions of a semi-barbarous race. Another motto on this sacred flag is not without significance at the present time; "The gates of Paradise are under the shade of swords;" and this alone would, if the flag were unfurled in the Holy Mosque of Constaninople, give to the Turk a moral power over his subordinates the effect of which it would be vain to calculate. Civilized though he partially is , he still firmly believes in the old doctine of kismet or fatality, and in angels fighting on his behalf; not less implicitly than did his ancestors at the Battle of Bender, where this formidable green standard was first unfurled...

  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
PCHR’s preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 9:00 on Thursday, 10 May 2007, the child Shayma Jaser Jarghoun, 7-year old girl from Khan Yunis, was admitted to the European Hospital in the city. She was suffering from moderate shrapnel wounds in the feet sustained when a homemade grenade was thrown during an armed intra-clan clash involving members of her family.

At approximately 8:20 on the same day, Musallam Mustafa El-Sha’er (47) from El-Bureij refugee camp was injured by a bullet in the right thigh, fired by one of his relatives over a financial dispute. El-Sha’er was taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir El-Balah for treatment, where his injury was listed as moderate.

At approximately 23:00 on Tuesday, 8 May 2007, Salim Abdel Fattah El-Sharabi (35) from Nablus was killed in Ras El-Ein Quarter in Nablus. Gunmen killed El-Sharabi in a crime motivated by a clan dispute. He was killed by multiple bullets to the upper body.
This brings my count of the number of Palestinian Arabs killed by their own actions up to 200 for the year 2007.

Oh - and a couple of PalArabs got arrested for selling their daughters, aged 12 and 13, too.

UPDATE: PalArab murdered in Qalqiya; his brother suspected.

A "beauty queen" in Hebron strangled her husband. 202.

Fatal Hamas/Fatah clashes resume; 2 Fatah members killed in Gaza. 204.
  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
For the 22nd consecutive week, more Palestinian Arabs have been killed by other PalArabs than by the IDF. This week's score was 6-3.
  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Information Minister Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi has played down the reaction to the news that his ministry has banned the broadcasting of a children's program on Hamas-run Al-Aqsa TV because it conveys political messages.

Barghouthi said in conversation with Ma'an that Al-Aqsa TV stopped broadcasting the program itself after they reviewed the program in regards to its message. Barghouthi also denied issuing an order to end the program.

He stressed the need to be cautious when making children's programs so that these programs would not be exploited by bodies that monitor these programs in order to incite international public opinion against the Palestinian people and harm the Palestinian cause.
So the Information Minister, who according to all accounts is far more moderate politically than Fatah, is not saying that the program was wrong to teach children to kill themselves. He's got no problem with inciting tots to hate. Demonizing Israelis and Americans is A-OK. And, of course, he would never try to stop such a show from broadcasting on the TV channels he is partially responsible for.

The problem is, you see, that certain "bodies that monitor these programs" happen to translate and publicize them. And, in the strange and twisted PalArab universe, telling the truth publicly about these sorts of things is incitement!

The legal definition of incitement is "the act of persuading, encouraging, instigating, pressuring, or threatening so as to cause another to commit a crime."

In normal English, that means that teaching kids to murder and blow themselves up in the process is incitement.

Telling the world about real incitement is not incitement unless you are a member of the professional victimhood society that comprises the Palestinian Arab leadership.

UPDATE: Hamas refused to drop the program. It will show this Friday as usual, inshallah.
  • Thursday, May 10, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Prepare to get angry as you see heavily armed IDF soldiers randomly stopping a Palestinian Arab car, scaring its occupants:

Palestinian security forces stop a car to a random check in the streets of Gaza City, late Wednesday, May 9, 2007. Thousands of Palestinian police began deploying in Gaza City late Wednesday, the first phase of a security plan approved by the Cabinet, a Palestinian official said.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Oh, it wasn't the IDF?

Sorry for calling these moderate, peace-loving policemen "oppressive." Checkpoints are only oppressive when they are meant to save Jewish lives.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

  • Wednesday, May 09, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Omri asks an interesting question about the Salafist shooting at a school in Gaza over the weekend:
What on earth is compelling the Palestinians to post that many guards at an elementary school? ...Has the situation in Gaza gotten so bad that Palestinians are now posting guards at schools? And if so, shouldn't more people be talking about this?

After immersion therapy in Palestinian Arab newspapers for a number of months, I'm almost used to the many things in the territories that are taken for granted that simply do not exist elsewhere and that the West is clueless about.

Here's a tiny example, in a story about a missing boy:
The family searched in the police departments and in the neighbouring fields and deserted areas, but they could not find the missing boy.

Zeidan said that it is unlikely to be a politically motivated abduction as his family has good relations with all parties and political factions.
Well, of course every family in Pallywood must keep the local militias, political parties and clans happy so as not to have their children kidnapped.

Or this story:
Assault rifles, pistols, hand grenades, pipe bombs and assorted ammunition are now on sale in Gaza's bustling used car market. "Come along, come along, a bullet for eight shekels ($2) and a stun grenade for seven shekels ($1.75)," Hassan, a 17-year-old arms dealer shouts. Dozens of cars are still being offered but the 25 weapons competing for business show the extent to which the rule of the gun has largely become the rule of law in the Gaza Strip. "Anarchy, what anarchy?" Hassan says when asked for his view about the lawlessness that pervades the impoverished territory where Palestinian militant groups hold sway.

I've mentioned before the major difference between Palestinian Arab newspapers and those of the rest of the Arab world: There's no crime section. The PalArab police are so weak, and the judicial system close to nonexistent, that there may be articles about murders and kidnappings but not small crimes like arson or thefts that are so endemic that they do not merit being mentioned at all.

This is a small taste of what things are like in that wonderful part of the world.
  • Wednesday, May 09, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today's Genocidal Mickey Mouse news:

Walt Disney's last surviving daughter declared how horrified she was at Terror Mickey.

And Hamas denied that they dislike Jews:
"Our problem is not with the Jews,'' Yehia Moussa, a Hamas leader in the movement's Gaza Strip base, told The Associated Press.

"Our problem is with the (Israeli) occupation and the occupiers.''

Too bad Farfur the Rat disagrees:
Sanable: We want to fight.

Farfour: We got that. What else?

Saraa: We want to...

Sanabel: We will annihilate the Jews.

Even though Farfur was such a wholesome, non-Halal example of Islamic supremacy, the PA decided that the media glare was a bit too much:
A program using a Mickey Mouse-like character to urge Palestinian children to fight Israel and the West and work for world Islamic domination has been pulled off Hamas's television station for "review," Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said Wednesday.

Barghouti said the use of the cartoon character in such a role represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.
Rest assured it would not be considered "mistaken" if Farfur the Rat hadn't appeared on the cover the the New York Daily News and on numerous TV shows over the past couple of days.
  • Wednesday, May 09, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle published an article in February 3, 1884 about the political intrigues and wars being fought in Northern Africa at the time. The last paragraph of that article is most interesting:
From this summary statement of facts the reader will at once perceive that the nature of the great question of the day is not the recovery of a revolted state, nor, the chastisement of a refractory people, nor even the suppression of the slave trade, but a conflict between Christian civilization and Mohammedan barbarism. The triumph of Tel-el-Kebir did not by any means establish a conquest of Moslem fanaticism. The hatred of the Mohammedan against the Christian and against civilization is innate and irrepressible. This hydra-headed monster will ever raise its head at the slightest provocation, and under the least pretext, to devour all that may come in its way. If at times quite, it lies dormant, and not dead, ever dreaming of Alhambraand the walls of Vienna and over-running, one day, the civilized world.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

  • Tuesday, May 08, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI found more interesting stuff about Farfur, the Mickey Mouse clone we mentioned who preaches Islamic supremacy and genocide of the Jews:
Host Saraa, a young girl: Sanabel, what will you do for the sake of the Al-Aqsa Mosque? How will you sacrifice your soul for the sake of Al-Aqsa? What will you do?

Sanabel, young girl on phone: I will shoot.

Farfour, a Mickey Mouse character in a tuxedo: Sanabel, what should we do if we want to liberate...

Sanable: We want to fight.

Farfour: We got that. What else?

Saraa: We want to...

Sanabel: We will annihilate the Jews.

Saraa: We are defending Al-Aqsa with our souls and our blood, aren't we, Sanabel?

Sanabel: I will commit martyrdom.


Farfour: My dear youngsters, we're back. We always miss seeing you on your weekly program "The Pioneers of Tomorrow," in which we are placing together the cornerstone for the ruling of the world by an Islamic leadership.

You can watch the clip here.


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