Monday, September 20, 2004

  • Monday, September 20, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

How Sharon beat the intifada — and what the United States can learn

By Yossi Klein Halevi & Michael B. Oren
The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, had planned on offering the usual complaints when he visited Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last week. There was the stalled road map, Israel's security fence, and the recently announced expansion of West Bank settlements close to the Green Line. But, before he arrived in Jerusalem, something happened that changed Lavrov's agenda: the massacre of Russian children by Chechen Islamist terrorists. And so, when he met Sharon on September 6, the main topic of discussion was what advice and assistance Israel could offer Russia in the fight against terrorism.

Ironically, Israel had just buried 16 people — many of them Russian immigrants — after the simultaneous suicide bombings of two buses in the southern city of Beersheba. According to Hamas, those attacks were retaliation for the assassination, five months earlier, of its spiritual and political leaders, Sheik Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Rantisi. Yet the fact that it took Hamas almost half a year — and dozens of failed attempts — to make good on its threat to inflict immediate and massive punishment proves just how successful Israel's war against terrorism has been.

During those same six months, the Israeli army destroyed most of what remained of Hamas's organization in the West Bank and a substantial part of its infrastructure in Gaza. Just last week, Israeli gunships rocketed a Hamas training camp in Gaza, killing 15 operatives. Hamas leaders, who once routinely led rallies and gave interviews to the media, don't dare show their faces in public anymore. Even their names are kept secret. Hardly a night passes without the arrest of a wanted terrorist. Hamas's ranks have become so depleted that the organization is now recruiting teenagers: At the Gaza border, Israeli forces recently broke up a Hamas cell made up of 16-year-olds.

Meanwhile, life inside Israel has returned to near normalcy. The economy, which was shrinking in 2001, is now growing at around 4 percent per year. Even the tourists are back: Jerusalem's premier King David Hotel, which a few years ago was almost empty, recently reached full occupancy. All summer, Israel seemed to be celebrating itself, with music and film festivals and a nightly crafts fair in Jerusalem that brought crowds back to its once-deserted downtown. Everyone knows a terrorist attack can happen at any time. Still, Israeli society no longer lives in anticipation of an attack. The Beersheba bombing, which once would have seemed to Israelis part of an endless and unwinnable war, is now perceived as an aberration. Terror that no longer paralyzes is no longer terror.

Israel's triumph over the Palestinian attempt to unravel its society is the result of a systematic assault on terrorism that emerged only fitfully over the past four years. The fence, initially opposed by the army and the government, has thwarted terrorist infiltration in those areas where it has been completed. Border towns like Hadera and Afula, which had experienced some of the worst attacks, have been terror-free since the fence was completed in their areas. Targeted assassinations and constant military forays into Palestinian neighborhoods have decimated the terrorists' leadership, and roadblocks have intercepted hundreds of bombs, some concealed in ambulances, children's backpacks, and, most recently, a baby carriage.

At every phase of Israel's counteroffensive, skeptics have worried that attempts to suppress terrorism would only encourage more of it. They warned that Israel couldn't close Orient House, the Palestinian Liberation Organization's de facto capital in East Jerusalem, without provoking an international backlash and strengthening Yasir Arafat's hold there. They warned that, by isolating and humiliating Arafat, Israel would only bolster his stature at home and abroad. They warned that, by reoccupying Palestinian cities and targeting terrorist leaders, Israel would only deepen Palestinian rage and despair.

In fact, Israel shut down Orient House in August 2001 with relative impunity, and today, few even recall where it was. Not only has Arafat been confined to the ruins of his Ramallah headquarters for the last two years, but he has become a near-pariah figure even among many European foreign ministers and the target of a revolt in the territories against his corrupt rule. In late August, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer visited Jerusalem, but not Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah. And, for all their rage at Israeli assassinations and despair over the reoccupation, growing numbers of Palestinians are now questioning the effectiveness of their terrorist war. Last year, in Gaza's Beit Hanoun, residents protested against terrorists using the village as a base for launching rockets into Israel; just recently, a Palestinian teenager was shot dead there after he tried to bar terrorists from his home.

The price Israel has paid for its victory has been sobering. Arafat may be a pariah, but Israel is becoming one, too. Increasingly, the legitimacy of Jewish sovereignty is under attack. Former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard, for example, has called Israel's creation a "mistake." In Europe, an implicit "red-green-black" coalition of radical leftists, Islamists, and old-fashioned fascists has revived violent anti-Semitism. Along with the desecration of Jewish cemeteries by neo-Nazis and the assaults on Jews by Arab youth, some European left-wingers now sense a sympathetic climate in which to publicly indulge their anti-Semitism. In a recent interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Greek composer and left-wing activist Mikis Theodorakis denounced "the Jews" for their dominance of banks, U.S. foreign policy, and even the world's leading orchestras, adding that the Jews were "at the root of evil." In the Arab world, a culture of denial that repudiates the most basic facts of Jewish history — from the existence of the Jerusalem Temple to the existence of the gas chambers — has become mainstream in intellectual discourse and the media. Government TV stations in Egypt and Syria have produced dramatizations based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Boycotts of Israel are multiplying: The nonaligned states recently voted to bar "settlers" — including Israelis who live in Jewish neighborhoods in East Jerusalem — from their borders. Among young Israelis across the political spectrum, there's growing doubt about the country's future and widespread talk of emigration.

In its victories and its defeats, Israel is a test case of what happens to a democracy forced to confront nonstop terrorism. In their daily lives, Israelis must contend with the most pressing questions of the global war against terrorism: Can terrorism be defeated? And, in doing so, can basic democratic principles be maintained? Finally, does the moral necessity to defeat terrorism supersede the moral necessity to address the grievances of those in whose name terrorism is committed?

So far, Israel has answered these questions affirmatively, providing valuable lessons for the United States in its own war on terrorism. Arriving at answers, though, has been a tortuous process. Four years ago this Rosh Hashanah, when the Palestinian leadership launched this war, Israelis were caught by surprise and demoralized by the violent collapse of a peace process whose success many had assumed was imminent. Prime Minister Ehud Barak was not only negotiating under fire, but offering additional concessions. Cabinet ministers and security figures were insisting that the war against terrorism couldn't be won by military means alone. The Israeli army seemed as disoriented as the politicians: When two reservists were lynched and mutilated by a Palestinian mob inside a police station in October 2000, Israel's initial response was to bomb mostly empty buildings belonging to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.). And, when a French TV crew filmed the death of a 12-year-old Palestinian boy, Muhammad Al Dura, killed in crossfire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian gunmen, Israel apologized even before thoroughly investigating whether it was responsible for Al Dura's death. (James Fallows, in an exhaustively researched article for The Atlantic Monthly, concluded it wasn't, as did the reporting of a German TV station.) Rather than calling the terrorism assault a war, Israelis reflexively adopted the misleading Palestinian term intifada — implying an unarmed civilian uprising against an armed occupation. In fact, this was a war by armed Palestinians aimed mostly at Israeli civilians and launched after Israel had agreed to end the occupation — an anti-intifada.

Meanwhile, European and even American leaders were still passionately courting Arafat. In one particularly degrading episode, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright literally ran after Arafat as he stormed out of cease-fire talks in Paris in October 2000 and begged him to return to the table. Washington didn't even place Hamas and Hezbollah on its list of terrorist organizations until November 2001. Rather, most of the international community held Israel responsible for weakening Arafat and his ability to restrain terrorism. Conventional wisdom insisted that the Fatah movement was different from Hamas and that "political" Hamas was different from "military" Hamas.

This is the disaster Sharon faced when he assumed the premiership in March 2001. To respond effectively, he first had to convince Israelis that negotiating under fire would only encourage terrorism and that a military solution for terrorism did indeed exist. And so, one of Sharon's first acts in office was to meet with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) general staff and demand a plan for victory. Still, he didn't immediately go to war. The Lebanon fiasco of the early '80s had taught him the danger of initiating a military campaign without the support of both the mainstream left and the U.S. administration. (By contrast, Sharon didn't waste time wooing France and other European Union countries that wouldn't support the war on terrorism no matter what Israel did.) This is the first lesson Sharon could teach democratic leaders facing a war against terrorism: Insure domestic consensus and the support of vital allies.

Sharon imposed on himself a regimen of single-mindedness and patience. He concentrated almost exclusively on security, leaving the country's economy and its foreign relations — with the exception of relations with the Bush administration — to other ministers. Nor did he allow himself to be distracted by divisive domestic issues like the secular-religious divide. By becoming the first Likud leader to endorse a Palestinian state, Sharon broke with his own party's ideology and recast himself as a consensus politician. And he established a national unity government with the Labor Party. He acted liked the leader of a nation at war, not a party at war.

Sharon's first major test came in June 2001, with the suicide bombing of Tel Aviv's Dolphinarium discotheque, in which 22 young people were killed. His own constituency demanded that he retaliate by reoccupying West Bank cities, but Sharon refused to launch a counteroffensive until the Labor Party agreed. Though denounced by the right as a defeatist, Sharon's restraint was the first step toward effectively combating terrorism.

Meanwhile, Sharon was gradually escalating. He increased the number of targeted killings, further erasing the distinction between "political" and "military" terrorists. And he began the process of isolating and delegitimizing Arafat, curtailing the Palestinian leader's movements. Unlike Barak, Sharon held Arafat personally responsible for terrorism.

One way terrorism succeeds is by obscuring its tracks, allowing its patrons to evade retribution. Initially at least, Arafat conducted the war by remote control, not only maintaining the fiction of a division between Hamas and Fatah but even of a division within Fatah itself, between a supposedly moderate mainstream and dissident groups like the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which were funded by the P.A. Sharon's effort to expose Arafat's ruse culminated in January 2002 with Israel's seizure of a P.A. arms ship, the Karine A, loaded with C-4 explosives likely intended for bomb belts. That was the moment Israel exposed Arafat's equivalent of WMD.

The Karine A incident substantially strengthened the emerging Bush-Sharon alliance — an alliance that was by no means assured, not even after September 11. Indeed, Bush's initial reaction to the Al Qaeda attacks was to draw a distinction between terrorism against Israelis and terrorism against Americans. And he seemed intent on excluding Israel from his international coalition as his father had done in the Gulf war. When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld visited the Middle East shortly after September 11, he skipped Israel. Sharon responded with deft brinksmanship. Even as he publicly warned Bush against appeasing the Arabs at Israel's expense, he acceded to Bush's demand that Israel refrain from exiling Arafat.

Sharon's policy was vindicated in March 2002, the bloodiest month in the war, with 133 Israelis killed. Now, even the mainstream Israeli left was finally convinced that Palestinian terrorism wasn't aimed at Israel's policies but its existence. For Israelis, the war on terrorism had become a war of ein breira, no choice, no different from 1948 and 1967. The response to the call-up of reserve soldiers for Operation Defensive Shield — the reoccupation of the West Bank — was over 100 percent; reservists who hadn't been called volunteered to serve.

Though Israelis would continue to disagree about how to solve the Palestinian problem, they now agreed with Sharon that Israel must not try to solve that problem until terrorism was defeated. Even Shimon Peres appeared on CNN to defend the counteroffensive. Here was another lesson Israelis had finally internalized: Addressing terrorists' grievances before terrorism is defeated only encourages terrorism and makes those grievances harder to resolve.

No country has been subjected to more relentless terrorism than Israel; nor has any country been subjected to greater scrutiny or vilification. Though the terrorist war was launched by the official Palestinian leadership — and polls have consistently shown a Palestinian majority in support of suicide attacks — Israel considers itself at war with only the perpetrators of terrorism, not with the Palestinian people. Israel has not resorted to the indiscriminate bombings, mass expulsions, blockades of food and fuel that modern states have frequently adopted in wartime. Despite intense fighting, no city in the West Bank or Gaza remotely resembles Dresden in 1945, Hanoi in 1972, or Grozny today. In contrast to Palestinian terrorists, whose goal is to kill the maximum number of Israeli civilians, Israeli soldiers have risked their lives to minimize civilian Palestinian casualties, searching out terrorists in house-to-house fighting rather than calling in artillery. According to the International Policy Institute for Counterterrorism, an Israeli think tank, over half of Palestinians killed in the last four years have been combatants, while nearly three-quarters of Israelis killed have been civilians. Yet another lesson Israel offers the world is that one can defeat terrorists without annihilating the society that hosts them. Though abuses against civilians have occurred — over 600 are now being investigated by the IDF and many more have obviously gone unreported — Israel proves that a war against terrorism can be fought while preserving basic democratic principles. Still, much of the world has branded Sharon a war criminal. In waging war against terrorists, then, especially those who enlist children and pregnant women, one must be prepared to endure some measure of international censure and isolation.

For all its hard-won achievements, Israel's victory is hardly guaranteed. A key component of winning the war on terrorism is convincing the Palestinians that terrorism doesn't pay. That goal will fail if the Israeli Supreme Court, overriding the army's objections, succeeds in placing the security fence along the pre-1967 border. Given that the future border may well be determined by the fence, such an outcome would grant the Palestinians territorial gains through terrorism beyond what they were offered at the negotiating table — and without even recognizing Israel's existence in return.

Israel could also lose if Byzantine domestic politics prevent the emergence of a national unity government capable of implementing decisions, such as unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, that are backed by the Israeli majority. Failure to withdraw from Gaza could provoke widespread refusal to serve in the army and strain Sharon's hard-won rapport with Bush. Conversely, failure to demonstrate that the withdrawal is supported by a majority of Israelis could encourage settlers to resist violently. Sharon, after all, lost a Likud Party referendum on withdrawal. To neutralize his right-wing opponents, he needs to hold a national referendum or new elections to establish beyond doubt that he has a solid mandate to withdraw. Otherwise, the war that began with Palestinians shooting at Israelis could end with Israelis shooting at Israelis.

Americans would be wise to study this final lesson, too: Perhaps the greatest danger in fighting terrorism is the polarizing effect such a campaign can have — not just internationally, but domestically. To avoid this pitfall, a strong political consensus for military action is necessary. That means the president must actively reach out to domestic opposition. But American leaders must also heed Sharon's other lessons. That means an ability to endure criticism from abroad and even to risk international isolation, a willingness to define the war on terrorism as a total war, and a commitment to focus one's political agenda on winning, not on divisive or extraneous concerns. Fulfilling those conditions does not guarantee success. But it does make success possible — as Israel is, at great cost, showing the world.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

  • Sunday, September 19, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

Since the beginning of 2001, 23 Palestinians, all holders of Israeli identity cards due to the family reunification program, were arrested by security forces for their involvement in terror attacks inside Israel, including three suicide bomb attacks which resulted in the deaths of 16 Israelis,
according to information released yesterday by security officials.

Palestinian holders of Israeli identity cards, acquired if one of their parents is an Israeli citizen, have become prized recruits for terror organizations.

Their ability to travel inside Israel unrestricted and their familiarity with Israeli culture and Hebrew are used by the terror organizations in the West Bank to compile information, transport attackers, and transfer weapons and bombs in preparation for attacks.

Shadi Tubasi, who was recruited by Hamas in Jenin, blew up at the Matza restaurant in Haifa on March 31, 2002, killing 15 Israelis. Tubasi was granted Israeli citizenship as her mother is from the Nazareth region.

Muhammad Matsri was recruited by the Islamic Jihad to place a car bomb outside of an army base in Israel, but was arrested by security forces in March 2003 before carrying out the attack. Matsri's father is an Israeli Arab and his mother is from Kalkilya.

Muhammad Mahajneh, a resident of Jenin, was arrested in May 2003 while transporting Majed Tsabah toward Hadera where he was to have launched a shooting attack. Mahajneh has Israeli citizenship because his family lived in the Arab Israeli city of Umm el-Fahm. He was working for Hamas.

Samer Atrash, who lived in the Shuafat refugee camp, was arrested after he drove a suicide bomber to the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem, where the latter blew up on Egged bus No. 6 and killed seven Israelis in May 2003.

Murad Ala'an was recruited by Hamas to launch a suicide attack at the Filter cafe in Jerusalem, where he worked as a chef. Ala'an, originally from the Al-Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem, was the holder of an Israeli identity card because his mother lives in east Jerusalem.

During his investigation, Murad admitted that there were a number of Palestinians, all Israeli identity-card holders in the framework of the family unification program, who had been recruited by terrorist organizations.

Another example is the Hamas cell in Jerusalem that was responsible for the suicide bombings at the Hebrew University and at Cafe Moment in Jerusalem. The cell also planned to launch attacks and blow up trains and gas tankers.

Muhammad Oudeh, of east Jerusalem, placed the bomb in the Hebrew University cafeteria. Sami Abassi, also of east Jerusalem, worked in the Holon area and compiled information on access routes to be used by suicide bombers."
  • Sunday, September 19, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

"May your house fall on you" ranks as one of Arabic's cruelest curses. In the sleepy hamlet of Assira a-Shamaliya, near Nablus, last Wednesday, two families of the Jawabra clan paid a heavy price to avoid this blight: They handed over their daughters, suspected of planning a double suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, to the IDF.

Before daybreak, a Shin Bet security service field agent known locally as Gilad pointed to the predawn sky.
"Hear that," he said on separate visits to the two families, "that plane will destroy your house if you don't surrender your daughter to the authorities."

By noon the families of Lina and Adilah Jawabra – cousins, roommates, and terror suspects – dropped off their daughters not at their elementary education class at Nablus's an-Najah University, but an IDF checkpoint.

Dozens of terrorists, including the intifada's first female suicide bomber, were recruited over the past four years at the university.

The IDF and the Shin Bet are increasingly using the controversial tactic of house demolition to persuade suspected suicide bombers to surrender, partly because it occasionally works, said a security official Sunday night.
On Thursday, another Palestinian man surrendered his grandson outside of Nablus, the security service reported, but it would not give his name citing "security concerns."

Intelligence officers often act like salesmen and apparently Gilad is good at what he does. He told both families that if their daughters really have nothing to hide they might as well come in for questioning.

In the space of a few early morning hours, Gilad managed to convince both branches of the Jawabra clan to set out for Nablus at dawn, retrieve their daughters, and drop them off at brigade headquarters at the Beit Iba checkpoint west of Nablus.

As Adilah's father, Hassan, recounts, Gilad told him soothingly that "you have a good daughter, but she has gotten herself in with the wrong crowd. Now you are all in trouble."

The decision, really a terrible trade-off, recalls Hassan, was by far the most difficult of his life.

Gilad gave Lina's family 30 minutes to make their decision, at which time he drove to Hassan Jawabra, who was not offered the same luxury. Within minutes Hassan had Adilah on the other line. Ignoring her protestations of innocence, her father told Adilah that as per Shin Bet instructions he and his nephew, Ayman, were on their way to pick up the girls.

Hassan had lived all of his 71 years in this house, and since 1973 has spent every spare penny renovating it – although the top story remains unfinished, he conceded abashedly. Bent by decades of construction work, Hassan wears a gossamer shawl over his large skullcap and quickly loses track of a guest's conversation. In his reedy voice, Hassan spoke from a living room empty save for a few plastic chairs and a foam mat.

"We decided the way we did," intoned Hassan, "because we believed she is innocent and felt, if we took them ourselves to the army, the girls would not be harmed."

The instance of female recruits for suicide missions, still a taboo for the majority of Palestinians, has jumped from 4 percent to 8 percent in the past year, according to the latest data from the Shin Bet.

Lina's brother, Ayman, and her mother Rashika also proclaimed that their decision only partly concerned the razing of their house. Ayman, a builder by trade, spent the better part of the last six years paying for and building the family's three-story house, still in a skeletal state.

While accompanying this reporter to his car, Ayman proudly showed off the mosaic wall he had built at the home's entrance. He then insisted that he be photographed before a strip of turquoise chips he painstakingly pieced together to read "Welcome" in Arabic.

Composed mainly of farmers and construction workers, the Jawabra nuclear family has no links to terrorist organizations, family members said Sunday.

The Shin Bet said it would not elaborate on the methods it uses in particular cases, but admitted that threats of house demolitions occasionally yield terrorists' surrender. It also hinted that the assassination the night before of Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Hani Aked hastened the girls' surrender.

But it was the call from their families, said Hassan Jawabra and his nephew Ayman Jawabra, that persuaded the girls – who denied all the allegations against them – to turn themselves in.

"Had she died," whimpered Hassan, no longer wiping the tears from his sea-green eyes, "it would have been better for me." What Hassan did not say is that time in prison makes religious women undesirable and unmarriageable.

Across the room from Hassan sat Bushra Sawalha, who had lost her daughter Kamli in December 2003 when IDF troops opened fire on the car she was traveling in. The soldiers had intelligence that she was a suicide bomber. Turns out she was not, and the IDF later apologized for the killing.

Wearing men's shoes and tending to her slain daughter's toddler, Sawalha spat, "I only wish my daughter had died as a martyr [a suicide bomber]. This is the only way to treat the Jews."

Ignoring the interruption, Hassan continued: "If [the allegations] turn out to be true I will slaughter her. We paid for her tuition to study, not to..." His voice trailed off.

His wife, whose weight and diabetes keep her confined to the family homestead, then interjected, "I wish they had taken me, or better her father, instead of Adilah."
While he wept, she beat her face with the palms of her hands. "Look at him," she said, "he is old, and now weeps every night."

Dalia Kerfpein, Director of the Hamoked Center for the Defense of the Individual, said that such Shin Bet tactics are "not at all unusual. The threat always happens, but the families do not always surrender the kids."

At press time the two young women were held at Neveh Tirza women's prison in Ramle.

Both sides of the Jawabra families also declared that they would kill the men who recruited their daughters. But this, of course, is only if the allegations prove true, both added.
  • Sunday, September 19, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

Tel Aviv - The Israeli army is installing a radar system in the town of Sderot to warn of incoming rockets fired by Palestinian militants in the northern Gaza Strip, the Israeli Ha’aretz daily reported on Sunday.

The system will give residents about 20 seconds warning of incoming Qassam missiles, the report said. Israeli army estimates say the average flight time of a Qassam rocket is 30 seconds.

Palestinians have this year fired over 100 rockets at Sderot, which is located about one kilometre from the Gaza Strip border. Although the missiles mostly cause only material damage, and have an adverse psychological effect on residents of the town, two people were killed in a Qassam barrage at the end of June.

According to Ha’aretz, the new radar system fixes the position from which a rocket is fired and issues a warning. Using electro-optic sensors and advanced computers, it can take less than one second to pinpoint both the location of the launch and the point where the missile will land.

The army hopes to expand the capabilities of the system to enable an immediate response against those firing the rockets.

The system, developed by Israel’s Rafael Armament Development Authority, was reportedly used successfully - for the first time one week ago.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

  • Saturday, September 18, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

We reject the argument. Terrorism is a technical term. It describes a modus operandi, a tactic. We side with security professionals who define terrorism as the deliberate targeting of civilians in pursuit of a political goal. Those who bombed the nightclub in Bali were terrorists. Suicide bombers who strap explosives to their bodies and blow up people eating in a pizza parlour are terrorists. The men and women who took a school full of hostages in Beslan, Russia, and shot some of the children in the back as they tried to flee to safety were terrorists. We as journalists do not violate our impartiality by describing them as such.

Ironically, it is supposedly neutral terms like "militant" that betray a bias, insofar as they have a sanitizing effect. Activists for various political causes can be "militant," but they don't take children hostage.

There is a popular misconception that violence committed for a legitimate cause cannot be terrorism. That's incorrect. Sikhs may, or may not, have legitimate complaints against the Indian government, but the 1985 Air India bombing was a terrorist act, because it deliberately targeted civilians. Journalists betray neither a pro- nor anti-Sikh bias to report it as such.

A newspaper's mandate is to present accurate reports. The Citizen receives wire service reports from many news organizations; in order to ensure consistency in the terms used by these various sources, editors sometimes change words such as "militant" to "terrorist," if it more accurately describes the person committing a violent act. Anyone who deliberately targets civilians in pursuit of a political goal is a terrorist, and we use that term.

Sometimes, an editor will insert a sentence into a wire service report to ensure readers have the full context of the story. For example, some wire reports will describe Hamas or some like-minded group as fighting Israeli "occupation." In fact, Hamas is openly dedicated to the destruction of the entire Jewish state. An editor is quite right to contextualize the story by adding that Hamas views all of Israel as "occupied" land.
  • Saturday, September 18, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

OTTAWA - Canada's largest newspaper chain, CanWest Global, is being criticized over its use of the word 'terrorist' in stories about the Middle East.

The owner of the National Post and dozens of other papers across Canada is being accused of inappropriately inserting the word into newswire copy dealing with the Middle East, thereby changing the meaning of those stories.

One of the world's leading news agencies, Reuters, said CanWest newspapers have been altering words and phrases in stories dealing with the war in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Reuters told CBC News it would complain to CanWest about the issue.

The global managing editor for Reuters, David Schlesinger, called such changes unacceptable. He said CanWest had crossed a line from editing for style to editing the substance and slant of news from the Middle East.

'If they want to put their own judgment into it, they're free to do that, but then they shouldn't say that it's by a Reuters reporter,' said Schlesinger.

As an example, Schlesinger cited a recent Reuters story, in which the original copy read: '...the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which has been involved in a four-year-old revolt against Israeli occupation in Gaza and the West Bank.'

In the National Post version of the story, printed Tuesday, it became: '...the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, a terrorist group that has been involved in a four-year-old campaign of violence against Israel.'

Neither the National Post nor CanWest returned calls.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon
Have a great, safe and sweet New Year!
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

After a years-long slump, Israel is seeing a slew of IPOs, mergers, and new startups

Israel's high-tech sector finally is emerging from a long financial drought. On Aug. 25, Cisco Systems Inc. acquired P-Cube Inc., a Tel Aviv developer of network-traffic-management hardware, for $200 million. The deal was Cisco's second in Israel in three months, and it's not the only Silicon Valley player on the prowl. 'There's a lot of talk about several of the major global technology players on the verge of cutting deals in the next few weeks,' says Gilay Dolev, senior analyst at D&A High Tech Information Ltd., an industry-analysis firm based just outside Tel Aviv.

Why the renewed interest in Israel? First, for a small country, Israel has lots of startups. And startups, unlike big Western tech giants, didn't have the luxury of cutting back research & development to get through the downturn. So the Israelis kept innovating even as the global tech industry swooned and fighting surged between Israelis and Palestinians. Now there are lots of small survivors with leading-edge technology in areas such as Internet security, wireless broadband, and medical devices. No wonder acquisition activity is up by some 25% over the past year.

The global recovery has energized Israel's so-called silicon wadis, the collective term for the dozen-plus high-technology parks scattered throughout the country. Tech exports surged 20% in the first six months of the year, to more than $6 billion. And the Tel-Tech 15 index is up 48% in the past 12 months.

Israeli high-tech companies also are returning to Wall Street after a lengthy hiatus. So far this year three outfits -- Lipman Electronic Engineering Ltd., which develops electronic payment systems, PowerDsine Ltd. (PDSN ), a maker of integrated circuits for telecoms, and Syneron Medical Ltd. (ELOS ) -- have joined the over 70 local high-tech outfits traded on the NASDAQ. 'There are at least a half-dozen initial public offerings and a number of follow-on offerings ready to go to market by the end of the year,' says Leonard G. Rosen, Lehman Brothers Inc. managing director and head of the investment bank's Israeli business.

One of Israel's successful tech entrepreneurs is Giora Yaron, co-founder of P-Cube. The 56-year-old physicist has launched four companies, two of which he sold to Cisco. Before picking up P-Cube in August, Cisco paid $118 million for Pentacom Ltd. in 2000. 'There's no secret recipe for successful startups. It's just having the right technology when the big boys need it,' claims Yaron. In the case of P-Cube, Cisco was hearing from its own customers about the need to integrate the Israeli startup's technology into its networking routers.

Cisco's love affair with Israeli high tech began in 1998, when it acquired Class Data Systems, a maker of quality-control software, for $50 million. Since then it has ponied up nearly $1 billion for seven Israeli startups, three of them in the past few months. '[The Israelis] have a strong tradition of innovation in engineering and a strong technical tradition. It's similar to what we see in Silicon Valley,' says Ned Hooper, senior director for corporate development for Cisco.

Despite the new deals, no one anticipates a return to the heady days of 2000. In June of that year, Lucent Technologies Inc. bought Chromatis Networks for a hefty $4.8 billion, the most ever paid for an Israeli startup. By contrast, 17 of 31 deals in the past year have been for less than $10 million. 'Valuations have come down to earth,' says Zeev Holtzman, founding partner of Tel Aviv-based Giza Venture Capital, a leading local fund.

That's one of the main factors drawing venture capitalists to Israel. Industry experts predict local venture funds will raise over $1 billion this year, with most of the funds coming from American and European institutional investors. The wadis certainly need the rain."
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

The majority of Israeli homes now have Internet access, with 57 percent on line, according to a new survey by the Smith Research and Consulting Institute for Tel Aviv University's Center for Internet Research. A year ago, the rate was only 46%.

The representative sample of 500 adults (margin of error 4.5 percent) found that surfing for information is the most popular activity among Israeli Web users (44% said this was their primary activity), while sending and receiving e-mail are in second place (28% as a primary activity), and surfing consumer sites is third (8% as a primary activity). The use of the Internet for downloading programs and games and participating in chat groups or ICQ immediate messaging was found to be only 4% each.

Of the 57% who use Internet from home, 50% have a high-speed line (ADSL or cable), and only 7% use a regular phone line to reach their browser and e-mail server.
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

More than 100 religious leaders, former US officials, writers, artists, and academics, have written to US Secretary of State Colin Powell to protest the State Department's opposition to a congressional bill that would require the department to set up an office dedicated to combating anti-Semitism, and issue an annual report on anti-Semitism around the world.

The State Department has said it opposes the bill because it would show favoritism by "extending exclusive status to one religious or ethnic group."

Rep. Tom Lantos (D-California), a Holocaust survivor, authored the proposed Global Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.

"The State Department's position on the Lantos legislation carries troubling echoes of the past," says the September 10 letter organized by former Democratic congressman Stephen Solarz and the Pennsylvania-based David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies.

The institute, the letter says, "has documented how, during the Holocaust, the State Department did its best to downplay the Jewish identity of Hitler's victims – even though the Nazi regime had clearly singled out Jews for annihilation."

In a letter to Lantos in July, the State Department's Bureau of Legislative Affairs said the Department "strongly agrees that anti-Semitism is a problem, and one that the US Government is working vigorously to eliminate."

It noted, however, that the department already details anti-Semitic acts and attitudes through its annual human rights and international religious freedom reports.

A separate reporting requirement on anti-Semitism "could erode our credibility by being interpreted as favoritism in human rights reporting," it said.

Those who signed the letter to Powell included former secretary of housing Jack Kemp, former US ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick, former CIA director James Woolsey, former national security adviser Anthony Lake, Yale University Divinity School Dean Harold Attridge, writer Cynthia Ozick, and Richard Perle, a former Pentagon adviser who is now a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Many who signed the critique, like Perle, are strong supporters of the Bush administration.
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

WASHINGTON - Lawmakers criticized Europeans for supporting charities linked to Hamas and Hezbollah on Tuesday, with one saying it was like doing business with the "political wing of the Nazi party" while rejecting the military wing.

The criticism was leveled at European Union counterterrorism coordinator Gijs de Vries as he appeared with American officials at a Capitol Hill review of how well the United States and its allies are working together to fight terrorism.

Once again, this administration hides the truth from the American people, John F. Kerry told seniors. (Gerald Herbert -- AP)

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William Pope, a State Department anti-terrorism coordinator, told two House International Relations subcommittees that the EU as a whole "has been reluctant to take steps to block the assets of charities linked to Hamas and Hezbollah, even though these groups repeatedly engage in deadly terrorist attacks, and the charitable activities help draw recruits."

The groups get "a considerable portion of their funding from Europe," Pope said in a written statement to the panel, saying Europe and the United States have "differing perspectives on the dividing line between legitimate political or charitable activity and support for terrorists groups."

Funds the groups allegedly raise for humanitarian purposes are easily diverted for terrorist acts, Pope said.

Rep. Robert I. Wexler, D-Fla., told de Vries it was hard for some Americans to understand the distinction between political and military wings of the organizations.

"Would you have thought it acceptable for a European citizen to do business with the political wing of the Nazi Party and divide that separate from the military wing?" asked Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif.

"And if not, why is it OK for Europeans to provide aid and comfort to those who have so much blood on their hands by saying, 'Oh, these are just the politicians?'"
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

CAIRO, Sept. 14 (Xinhuanet) -- Arab foreign ministers on Tuesday voiced 'full solidarity' with Lebanon against any attempt to sever its ties with Syria.

'The ministers show full solidarity with Lebanon against any attempt to hit historic relations with Syria,' said a statement issued at the end of a regular meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo.

The ministers also renewed their rejection to a unilateral US sanction against Syria, the statement said.

On Sept. 2, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution demanding respect for Lebanon's political independence and withdrawal of Syrian forces from the country.

The United States, which accuses Syria of exerting too much influence over extending Lebanese incumbent President Emile Lahoud's six-year term, has circulated a draft resolution to other Security Council members.

Syria sent troops to help quell a year-old civil war in Lebanonin 1976 and the forces remained through 14 years of fighting and are still deployed in the country.

Lebanon's government has reiterated that the presence of the Syrian army has been a stabilizing factor since its 1975-90 civil war."
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon

The controversial security fence Israel has been building as a defensive barrier against terrorist raids originating in Palestine has received support from a surprising source: Germany's Interior Minister Otto Schily.

Mr Schily is quoted in Deutsche Welle as saying that the barrier is effective because it has led to a drop in attacks on Israel. He also rejected comparisons between the Israeli fence and the Berlin Wall.

'Those who draw comparisons with the Berlin Wall are wrong, because it does not shut people in and deprive them of their freedom,' Schily told Deutschlandfunk radio on Monday, DW said. 'Its purpose is to protect Israel from terrorists.'

Speaking from Israel where he is attending an international conference on terrorism, Mr Schilly said the security barrier was the result of decades of failed efforts to prevent Palestinian suicide bombers from crossing the border and attacking Israel.

'All the efforts undertaken over many years, even decades, have unfortunately failed to bear fruit,' he said, according to DW. 'So it is understandable that Israel should try to erect a protective barrier, which furthermore has shown it works, and I think that the criticism is far from the reality.'

In the radio interview, Schily also insisted the security barrier should be referred to as a 'fence' and not a 'wall,' as it is often called in Germany, DW said.

The statements were harshly criticised by Palestinian spokesmen who said the remarks were inconsistent with the official position of the German government. But a spokesman for the German foreign ministry indicated that the concerns Germany had over the fence were primarily about its route, not its construction, DW said.
  • Wednesday, September 15, 2004
  • Elder of Ziyon
If they polled 1300 people, of whom 3% described themselves as "extreme right-wing", then all of their questions to this group was to a group of less than 50 people. Statistically, this is a joke - there is a reason that surveys use a thousand people, not fifty. If they find 1000 "extreme right wingers" and get the same results then this would be a story.


Ongoing research studying tendencies of political violence in Israeli Jewish circles suggests that there is a steady rise in the support for political violence among the radical right.

A series of polls has been carried out on this topic by Haifa University’s National Security Studies Center.

The most recent poll was conducted in September. It polled 1,613 of Israel’s Jewish population with a margin of error of between three and five percent.

One in every four declared supporters of the extreme right wing believes that sending threats and hate mail to public figures may at times be necessary in order to stop a dangerous political measure.

The term ‘supporter of extreme right wing’ was determined according to the interviewees’ declared political stand (choosing from the options ‘extreme right wing,’ ‘right wing,’ ‘center,’ ‘left wing,’ ‘extreme left wing.’) Some 3% of those polled declared they belonged to the extreme right wing.

Some 18.5 percent of radical right wing supporters believe that when a political disaster is imminent and all means of protest have been exhausted, physical harm to politicians may be forgivable. This is a 4% rise compared to a similar survey conducted in May 2004, and an 8% rise compared to a poll conducted in February 2003.

Of the radical right supporters, 14.8% said they believe there are situations in which there is no option but to use weapons to prevent the government from carrying out its policy. From the total Jewish population in Israel, 9.6% expressed support for this statement. (This also makes little sense, if only 3% are considered "extreme right-wing." - EZ)

The findings are particularly pertinent since the Israeli government is planning to withdraw from Gaza and security forces may encounter physical resistance by those opposing the evacuation.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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