Wednesday, January 12, 2005

  • Wednesday, January 12, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Forty-six communities in the western Negev will be exposed to Qassam rocket fire after the disengagement plan is implemented, a Home Front Command official told lawmakers yesterday.
Colonel Uzi Buchbinder, head of the civil defense department at the Home Front Command, told the Knesset Interior and Environment Committee that all of the threatened communities are within seven kilometers of the the Gaza Strip and are vulnerable to both rocket fire and infiltration.

The communities include Yad Mordechai, Or Ha'ner, Erez, Gevim, Kfar Aza, Miflasim, Nahal Oz, Nir Am, Ein Habesor, Ein Hashlosha, Talmei Yosef, Gvar-Am, Netiv Ha'asara, Be'eri, Holot, Dekel and Yovel.

Buchbinder briefed the committee on a Home Front Command plan designed to provide solutions for the threatened communities, including an early-warning system to alerting residents of incoming Qassam rockets, installing safety glass at schools and kindergartens throughout the region, and upgrading the physical protection for the population. Windows in school buildings have already been reinforced. Buchbinder said that NIS 340 million is needed to implement the plan, but that the funding has not been approved.

Colonel (res.) Mordechai Yogev of the National Security Forum presented the committee with a report that said that "the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces from the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria will bring numerous large population centers and communities within the range of Qassam rockets and mortar shells, including Ashkelon in the south and the cities of Beit She'an, Afula, Pardes Hannah and Hadera in the north."

Yogev said the greatest danger is anticipated to be in the Ashkelon region, home to many strategic facilities, including three power stations - the Rotenberg power station and two others, facilities related to the Eilat-Ashkelon oil pipeline, and the massive gas tanks moved from Pi Gelilot near Tel Aviv to Ashkelon, as well as the large gas terminal to be built south of Ashkelon for the natural gas Israel will buy from Egypt. Up north, Qassam rockets will threaten the "Rabin Lights" power station in Hadera.

In the course of a committee session devoted to post-disengagement measures in the border communities, the deputy head of the National Security Council, Itamar Yaar, said that "as of today, the NSC does not have a sure-proof solution to Qassam rockets fired from short range."

According to Yaar, all of the territory to be evacuated under the plan are currently under IDF control, including areas in which there are Jewish settlements. By contrast, the Qassam rockets targeting Sderot are being fired from territories which are not under IDF control. He said that it is very important that the IDF provide solutions to security threats originating from areas with no Israeli presence.

The committee's chairman, MK Yuri Stern (National Union), said that "the disengagement plan is one of the most irresponsible decisions a government of Israel has ever taken. Any rational person who lends a hand to this will be called upon to give a reckoning some day."

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

  • Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is a long article by Yaakov Amidror analyzing the security ramifications of a unilateral Gaza withdrawal. Here is the conclusion:

The proposed unilateral withdrawal contains a strategic, diplomatic, and military risk that has been described concisely by senior defense officials as 'backing for terror.' This expression has not merely a literal meaning, i.e., rockets being fired against Ashkelon, but also a broader, deeper one, of historic surrender to the wave of Islamic terror and words of encouragement to the terrorists in the vein of 'continue on your successful path.' Spain fled from Iraq because of terror in Madrid, and the Israelis will be regarded as fleeing from Gaza for the same reason.

That which we found easy to analyze and condemn regarding Spain, we prefer not to understand in the Palestinian context. Flight from terror, even if it is called 'unilateral withdrawal,' remains flight, and its results will be disastrous. Israel must remain where it is and make difficult, courageous decisions regarding regaining control of additional areas in the Gaza Strip in order to remove the capability of firing at Sderot. This is part of the IDF mandate.

If and when there will be someone to talk to on the other side, removal of settlements and the IDF presence can form bargaining chips in negotiations. The Israeli government, however, has played its cards without receiving anything in return, and therefore can only expect to experience more terror. This was explained better than anyone else by Prime Minister Sharon years ago when as an ordinary Knesset member he appeared at the Likud Central Committee and said, 'Labor wants to hand over the Gaza Strip, and even among us there are people who voice similar opinions . . . The Jews have apparently forgotten why we liberated it twice, in 1956 and 1967, from the Egyptian occupier (which followed a previous attempt to do so at the end of the War of Independence that nearly succeeded). Why did we pay the price three times? Because the Gaza Strip threatened us when it was not in our hands. What is proposed is to abandon the security of Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, Sderot, Netivot, and dozens of kibbutzim and cooperative communities."

At the time Sharon made an excellent analysis of the tactical danger resulting from the disengagement. The current strategic danger is even greater.
  • Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon

In the Gulf War in the early 1990s, US soldiers fighting on the Middle Eastern battlefield sometimes found themselves using dressings dated from World War II to patch up their wounds. In the present Iraqi conflict, however, American forces are now using an advanced new bandage, developed in Israel, that can save lives by stopping traumatic hemorrhaging wounds, and can also be used as a tourniquet, or a sling.

The new bandage, called the Emergency Bandage, was developed by First Care Products, a tiny four-man Jerusalem start-up. The bandage marks the first major alteration to field dressings since the 1940s, and has already established its worth.

One of the major causes of death for soldiers at war is not the injury itself, but loss of blood on the battlefield. In the Vietnam war, for example, one in four soldiers died from hemorrhage bleeding or injuries to their extremities. In the current Iraqi war, only one in 10 deaths are attributable to this. One of the main reasons for this is that the US military has changed tactics. In the past, soldiers were taken off the battlefield and then treated for their injuries. Today, they are treated on the spot, which improves a victim's chances of survival. Often it is the soldier himself who takes responsibility for dealing with his wounds.

The Emergency Bandage fits well into the new philosophy of military medicine. In the past, soldiers or medics treating wounds would have to use three or four different dressings to bandage a wound. It was time consuming and often it was difficult to achieve the right pressure on a wound to stop the bleeding.

Ofer Molad, First Care's VP of marketing in the US, remembers how he and fellow soldiers serving in the Israel Defense Force (IDF), would wrap a rock into the bandage to maintain the right pressure.

The Emergency Bandage, however, is an elasticized bandage with a non-adhesive bandage pad sewn in. The bandage has a built-in pressure bar, which allows the soldier to twist the bandage around the wound once, and then change the direction of the bandage, wrapping it around the limb or body part, to create pressure on the wound. Aside from this, the pressure bar also makes bandaging easier. A closure bar at the end of the bandage means that it clips neatly into place and will not slip.

The pressure bar also enables a soldier to use the bandage on complicated injuries like the groin and head, which require wrapping in different directions.

The bandage can be put on with one hand, as Molad deftly demonstrates. "It's a very versatile bandage," he says. "It can be applied quickly and easily by an injured soldier or non-medical personnel for immediate hemorrhage control. It saves time in an emergency situation where every second is crucial."

Certainly the US military thinks so. Last year, the US Army purchased nearly 200,000 bandages for its troops. This year, the US Army purchased 800,000.

  • Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
GAZA, Jan 11, 2005 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- Newly elected Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has informed Washington that he will not seek to disarm Palestinian militant groups.

Abbas relayed the message to the U.S. administration through former U.S. Consul in Jerusalem Edward Epington, the Saudi daily al-Watan reported Tuesday, quoting diplomatic sources in Washington.

Abbas argued that Palestinian armed groups did not pose the main problem in the Palestinian territories at this point.

He said clearly that 'he will not seek to disarm the militant groups, not now nor tomorrow' and that the first step should be working out a cease-fire 'after Israel agrees in writing to stop pre-emptive assassinations of Palestinian leaders.'

Abbas also stressed that his first priority will be reforming Palestinian institutions, combating corruption and restructuring the 14 security agencies.
  • Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm sure that the press and Bush and Sharon have much to be optimistic about. All you have to do it close your eyes and click your heels three times, and say "Peace is around the corner. Peace is around the corner..." - EoZ

As the Palestinian Central Election Committee was holding a press conference in Ramallah on Monday to announce the final results of the election for the chairmanship of the Palestinian Authority, hundreds of students attended a rally organized by Hamas at Bir Zeit University, where they called for more suicide attacks against Israel.

'Oh suicide bomber, wrap yourself with an explosive belt and fill the scene with blood,' chanted a chorus of five male students at the rally, held by the Hamas-affiliated Islamic List to mark the ninth anniversary of the killing of Hamas bomb-maker Yehya Ayyash, better known as 'The Engineer.'

Green Hamas flags and large portraits of slain Hamas leaders Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz Rantisi decorated the campus and the hall where some 500 activists gathered to honor the former university student responsible for a string of suicide bombings that killed at least 100 Israelis in the mid-90s.

Organizers said the timing of the parley was not linked to the election of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) as Yasser Arafat's successor. Speakers refrained from making any reference to the election, pointing out the event, approved by the university administration, had been planned long before the vote. They also refused to comment on the results of the vote.

'Ayyash is alive and don't say that he's dead,' a speaker told the crowd, who responded by shouting 'Allahu Akbar! (God is great).' Another speaker described the Hamas bomb-maker as 'the engineer of death for those who deserved to die.'

The students also paid tribute to anther colleague, Izzaddin al-Masri, who carried out the suicide attack in Jerusalem's Sbarro restaurant in 2001, killing 15 people and wounding more than 100.
  • Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon

Monday, January 10, 2005

  • Monday, January 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The results of a new demographic study of the Palestinians shows that:

1. Today, the Palestinian-Arab population of the West Bank (1.4MN) and Gaza (1MN)
totals 2.4 million, rather than the 3.8 million reported by the Palestinian Central
Bureau of Statistics

2. A solid Jewish majority of 60% has been sustained – between the Jordan River
and the Mediterranean – since 1967.
A solid 80% Jewish majority has been maintained
within the "Green Line".

3. Long-Term demographic trends re-entrench the Jewish majority.

In other words, the "demographic time bomb" that is taken as a fact and as a reason why Israel has no choice but to give up territory is false.

There may or may not be other reasons, but demography is not one of them. The report shows that the assumption that Palestinians reproduce at one of the highest rates in the world is simply false. (Comments by EoZ)
  • Monday, January 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
( Interestingly, 80 per cent of visitors from Britain described their visit as “excellent” or “very good” according to a new survey conducted by the firm Geocartographia during the first half of 2004.

This following a recent survey by the UK Daily Telegraph showing Britons have a largely negative opinion of Israel. Statistics were compiled from a sample of 1,769 British visitors. Thirty-six per cent of British respondents stated their visit was “excellent”, 44 per cent said it was “very good”, 17 per cent described their experience as “good” and three per cent called it “reasonable” or “poor”. In 2004, 140,000 tourists arrived from the United Kingdom, a 44 per cent rise over 2003. In 2005, Israel’s Ministry of Tourism expects an additional 20 per cent more British tourists.

In total, 14,000 tourists from around the world were participated in the survey. Eighty per cent of all tourists also described their visit to Israel as either “excellent” or “very good,” and, on average, assigned their satisfaction a value of 4.2 out of 5.

The survey reveals that 73 per cent of all tourists were not concerned about traveling to Israel and 95 per cent of them would encourage their friends to visit the country as well.
  • Monday, January 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
As Fatah supporters shot their rifles in the air in celebration of the outcome of the seven-candidate race, Mr. Abbas gave his first victory speech last night. Calling the election results 'a victory for Yasser Arafat and the entire Palestinian people,' Mr. Abbas proclaimed: 'The small jihad is over and the big jihad has begun. We are facing tough missions - how to build a state of security where people live a dignified life.'"

Remember how the pundits said that when Abbas make pro-terror statements during the campaign that it was only "rhetoric" to get elected? Well, he hasn't seemed to get the memo. - EoZ
  • Monday, January 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Anyone who knows anything about Judaism knows that the Madonna-flavored version of Kabbalah is a joke. -EoZ

A senior figure in the controversial Kabbalah Centre - the sect championed by stars including Madonna and Demi Moore - seems likely to spark a storm of protest by saying Jews killed in the Holocaust brought their downfall upon themselves.

Eliyahu Yardeni, of the London Kabbalah Centre, made the astonishing claim to an undercover reporter investigating high-pressure sales techniques employed by the group, which promotes its own brand of beliefs, part ancient Jewish mysticism and part pseudo-science.

The probe also revealed how Kabbalah Centre representatives claimed bottles of 'healing' spring water sold by the group could help cure cancer - and how they sold a batch to a sufferer for hundreds of pounds.

Talking about the wartime massacre of the Jews, Mr Yardeni said: 'Just to tell you another thing about the six million Jews that were killed in the Holocaust: the question was that the Light was blocked. They didn't use Kabbalah.'

The claim provoked outrage from Kabbalah scholar Rabbi Imannual Schocket, from Ontario, Canada. He said: 'To me this is one of the most obscene statements anybody could possibly make.'

Genuine scholars of Kabbalah, which is a respected branch of ancient Jewish mysticism, reject the Kabbalah Centre as an opportunist offshoot of the faith with charismatic leaders who try to attract the rich and the vulnerable with the promise of health, wealth and happiness.

The Holocaust claim comes in a secretly-filmed BBC documentary. One undercover reporter, who has suffered from cancer, went to the London Kabbalah Centre - a �3.7million building off Oxford Street - seeking help, and was offered a package of remedies for the disease for �860.

The cost included nearly �400 for 10 cases of Kabbalah water, �150 for 'extra-strength' water and �289 for Zohar books - the Kabbalah 'bible'.

The Zohar is also said to have special powers which followers can benefit from by running a finger over the text as if reading Braille.

A second investigator, who worked undercover as a Kabbalah Centre volunteer for four months, was told how the Kabbalah water worked, with a devotee explaining: 'We start with the purest artesian water and then we do the various meditations, injecting energy into it.'

The Kabbalah Centre website explained that a process called Quantum Resonance Technology 'restructures the intermolecular binding of spring water'.

The investigation discovered the water actually comes from CJC Bottling, a bottling plant in Ontario, Canada, which was the subject of a public health investigation in 2002 into how its water was tested.

CJC was ordered to improve manufacturing techniques, though there was no suggestion that they ever sold polluted water.

The film also investigates the background of the sect's founder, 'Dr' Philip Berg, who is known to followers as the Rav. He enjoys a millionaire's lifestyle in Los Angeles.

The source of Mr Berg's 'doctorate' is not clear, but it is known that he was born Feivel Gruberger in New York, trained as a rabbi and worked as an insurance agent before deserting his first wife and seven children for second wife, Karen.

The couple then set up their first Kabbalah Centre in Tel Aviv. The lucrative marketing operation for the water, Zohar books, face-creams, candles, videos, and red string bracelets worn by followers came later.

The organisation claims to have Kabbalah Centres in 40 cities worldwide and to be a non-profit-making organisation.

The centre has launched a US$1m campaign asking followers to donate money so it can send its own brand of Zohar books and water to the victims of the Asian tsunami.

In Israel, the authorities have refused to give the charity a certificate of proper management for three years running because of accounting inadequacies, and in Britain the Charity Commissioners have criticised the centre's accounts for 'significant shortcomings in transparency'.
  • Monday, January 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
(Hebrew article in Maariv)
The London-based daily Al-Quds al-Arabi reported that Abu Mazen funneled at least $100,000 to wanted terrorists during the PA election campaign.
The paper revealed that Zakariya Zubeidi, the fugitive leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in Jenin, and other Fatah leaders gave Abu Mazen a letter expressing their interest in joining the PA security services.
Such a step would mean the disbanding of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
Meanwhile, the London-based daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported that the American government is concerned about Abu Mazen's close relationship with armed elements and is refusing to invite him to Washington until it receives clarifications.

I'm sure he only gave the money to moderate terrorists. -EoZ

Sunday, January 09, 2005

  • Sunday, January 09, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've been chuckling over how readers suddenly found this blog, not for the 427 articles on Israel and terrorism but for the one of me answering questions about Judaism. I still have no idea how this happened.

At any rate, I want to emphasize that while I love answering questions and I love giving advice (I happen to love the religion as well!), I ain't no rabbi and serious questions that need accurate and sensitive answers should go to an Ask the Rabbi site, such as Ask the Rabbi
(requires registration)
Ohr Somayach Ask the Rabbi
Arutz Sheva Ask the Rabbi

But I will be happy to do what I can, for what it is worth.

  • Sunday, January 09, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just for fun I decided to Google "Abbas moderate" in I came back with 3760 articles, most of which sounded like:

"Early results showed the moderate candidate Mahmoud Abbas overwhelmingly..."
The ones who emerged with relatively moderate views, like Abbas, gravitated toward the mainstream Fatah..."
Abbas, a moderate Palestinian leader advocating non-violent struggle for an independent state..."
Moderate Fatah faction candidate Mahmoud Abbas is the front-runner to succeed him in the first Palestinian election since...."
Abbas has staked out a moderate, pragmatic approach to dealings with Israel, saying he wants to open negotiations with Sharon..."
Mr. Abbas, a moderate who has raised hopes of a renewed peace process by calling for a "demilitarization" of the intifada..."
In the last week, Abbas, a moderate opposed to armed struggle with Israel, has sought to woo younger, more militant Palestinians by toughening his rhetoric..."
Saadi believes the likely election of moderate businessman Mahmoud Abbas..."
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is a moderate who deserves to succeed the late Yasser Arafat in Sunday's presidential election."

I am especially tickled at the many articles that say, as a fact, that the Holocaust denying Abbas, who referred to Israel as "the Zionist enemy" and said he will defend terrorists from Israel, who has shown not the slightest deviation from the maximal Palestinian positions on the "right of return" or the borders of an eventual Palestinian state - is a "moderate."

Now, how many articles can be found that refer to Ariel Sharon, who is making plans to give up parts of biblical Israel unilaterally, who has in many speeches (never reported by the press) reached out to Palestinians who want peace, whose army has sustained incredible casualties to avoid hurting Palestinian civilians, who has accepted a two-state solution - all very far from the right-wing Israeli positions - how many can be found to call him a "moderate"?

Words matter. When people read for years that Sharon is a "right-wing hawk" and that Abbas (and even Arafat) is a "moderate pragmatist", is it any wonder that the world hates Israel?

  • Sunday, January 09, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
This seems to be the most popular commercial in Israel nowadays, spoofing a famous scene from "Pulp Fiction":

Vincent: Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder in Israel?

Jules: No.

Vincent: A Mc-Ro-yal

Jules: A Mc-Roy-yal?

Vincent: That's right. And guess what they call the pita bread with the turkey meat?

Jules: No

Vincent: A McShah-wah-rma

Jules: So a guy just walks into McDonald's and says, "I'll have a McShwarma, please."

Vincent: Yeah....but they don't say "please" in Israel.

Jules: Ha Ha Ha

You can see the commercial

- Here to watch it
- Here to download

  • Sunday, January 09, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon



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