Sunday, April 16, 2017

  • Sunday, April 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Israeli authorities have detained approximately one million Palestinians since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in 1967, according to a joint statement released Saturday by the Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS), and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).
I've been following this fake statistic since the claim from similar groups that 750,000 had been arrested by 2009.

(Update: Don't be fooled by the word "detained," in the past they have said "arrested" explicitly and the press release from the PCBS says "cases of arrest" in English and Arabic.)

Last year they also claimed a million arrested, so I guess no one was arrested this year at all. As I wrote then:
The April 2015 report from the same groups said that the number of Palestinians arrested from 1967 to 2015 was 850,000.

150,000 arrests in one year?

In 2014, they said the number was 800,000.

That number had been pretty constant since 2006, when they claimed 700,000.

As I have shown in the past, these numbers are completely made up.

150,000 arrests in a year would mean over 400 a day and nearly 3000 arrests a week.

If you look at arrest statistics from Palestinian sources themselves, they range from a few hundred to a few thousand a year, not the 50,000-150,000 that these committees and the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics claim.

These statistics are complete fiction. And the Western media regurgitates them over and over again.

It also shows how unreliable the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics is. If they lie about this, then they could be lying about, oh, I don't know, maybe population?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, April 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
We've discussed Amna Nossier before, the Egyptian "scholar" who is against the Islamic veil and who claims that it really comes from Judaism, using fake quotes from Maimonides to prove her point.

Now she says that the Torah itself forbids women from showing their faces.

An Egyptian lawmaker has said members of parliament are drafting a law that would ban women from wearing the burqa in government institutions after alleging the Islamic full-face veil was a "Jewish tradition".

Amna Nosseir said on Sunday that the proposed ban would be in the best interest of Egyptian society and that she has been battling against the burqa over the past 40 years.

Nosseir, who wears the hijab, said on Wednesday that the burqa - known in Arabic as the niqab - had its origins in Jewish religious law.

"In the Old Testament, you find in chapter 38 that the Jewish religious authorities tell you that if Jewish women leave the house without covering the face and head then they are breaking Jewish religious law," the lawmaker said during an interview with local media.

"I have gathered around 20 texts by Jewish religious authorities that completely forbid women from showing their faces and heads," Nosseir said while discussing also banning female university students from wearing "ripped jeans" in lectures.

She added that this part of Jewish law became entrenched in pre-Islamic Arab tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and then spread throughout the Middle East with the Muslim conquests.
She is referring to Genesis 38 which actually says the opposite, mentioning that at the time prostitutes were known to cover their faces, which proves that normal women of course didn't.

The only place that Jewish women ever covered their faces were when they lived in Arab countries, as a mishna in Shabbat chapter 6 says. Rashi there comments that "it is the custom of Arab women to cover their heads and faces except for their eyes" saying the garments were called the Reulot in Arabic (a variant of that word is still used in Hebrew today to mean "veil.") Jewish women in Arab countries followed the local custom, probably more out of fear than anything else.

It is fascinating that Egyptian "scholars" who want to fight against the burqa feel that they must associate it with Judaism in order to make the naturally antisemitic Arabs turn against it.

(h/t Bill P)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Kay Wilson: A letter to the bereaved parents
As a British-born Israeli Jewish tour guide, I endured a similar experience to your Hannah, but lived to tell the tale. In 2010, while guiding an American Christian tourist, we were accosted by two Palestinian terrorists. They found my Israeli ID and minutes later, my client, Kristine Luken, was dead. When I faced the terrorists in court, I learned that her brutal murder was an unfortunate case of mistaken identity: The terrorists assumed she was Jewish, too.
Hannah's death is intertwined with Kristine's. Both women came to learn about our people. Both came to learn our language and both came to explore our land. Yet both were murdered due to mistaken identity. How unfathomable it is that they are now inscribed in the annals of our history.
Since the terrorist attack, I have been telling my story all over the world, educating people about Israel. I describe how, thanks to our democracy, it was an Israeli Arab Muslim surgeon who saved my life. I also speak about the incitement in the Palestinian Authority, where children are taught that Jews are pigs and monkeys and unworthy of life. I speak about the financial incentive that the corrupt Palestinian Authority government offers terrorists in the form of monthly salaries drawn from monies donated by Western tax-payers.
I also speak for those who are no longer with us, those who have been senselessly and brutally murdered because they were Jewish -- or assumed to be.
Next time I tell my story, Hannah will be foremost in my mind.
Daphne Anson: 'So Why "Free Palestine"?'
At the site of the attack in Jerusalem that took the life of a young British exchange student and wounded two other people, a mindless anti-Israel activist, asked the above question, splutters a response:
Perhaps now she's in the Middle East she might care to confront these situations instead.

BBC reports on British student murdered in Jerusalem exclude the word terror
Originally titled “Jerusalem stabbing: British woman killed in train attack”, the report was amended numerous times and its headline changed as details emerged and the victim was identified – but the word terror does not appear in any of its thirteen versions.
An additional report on the same story appeared on the BBC News website’s ‘England’ page on April 15th under the title “Hannah Bladon Jerusalem stabbing: Family ‘devastated’ at attack“. The word terror is likewise absent from all versions of that article.
When British tourists were murdered in Tunisia in 2015, the BBC accurately described the incident as a terror attack. When an attack in which some of the victims were visitors to Britain took place in London in March 2017, the BBC similarly used accurate terminology to describe it to its audiences.
However, when visitors to Israel have been murdered in terror attacks perpetrated by Palestinians, the corporation has consistently refrained from using accurate language to describe those attacks.
Once again, the BBC’s double standards on terrorism, together with the redundancy of its inconsistently applied guidelines on ‘Language when Reporting Terrorism’, are glaringly apparent.

  • Sunday, April 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency "reports:"

Thousands of Christian followers of the Orthodox and Catholic faiths from all over the world gathering at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem’s Old City celebrated Easter Holy Saturday with the emergence of the holy fire from the location of the tomb of Jesus Christ.

However, only a few privileged Palestinian Christians, mainly those living in East Jerusalem or Israel, were able to attend the celebrations. Thousands of their brethren from the locked West Bank and Gaza Strip, only few kilometers away from Jerusalem, were not able to attend them.

Israel does not allow Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza to reach the walled-in East Jerusalem without special army issued permits.

As in every year, Israel issued a ed number of permits for West Bank and Gaza Christians to enter Jerusalem during Easter. But then it imposed a week-long closure on the occupied territories for the Jewish Passover holiday, which coincided with Easter celebrations, thus deeming all permits void for this week.

At the same time, Israeli police set up blockades around the Old City of Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher preventing thousands of pilgrims from reaching their holy sites.
We've seen these lies before.

Israel issues tens of thousands of permits for both Christians and Muslims to enter Jerusalem, even during Passover.

We saw on Friday that some 30,000 Muslims, including from the West Bank, entered the Temple Mount - according to Arab media - during the Passover "closure."

The crowds in Jerusalem are expected to be even higher than usual this year. The churches themselves have to limit the number of people that can visit because of the crowds. Wafa is pretending that these are all Israeli restrictions aimed at Palestinian Christians, and this is not true.

Anyone who ever visited the Old City knows how narrow the streets are and how difficult it is to manage tens of thousands of pilgrims visiting. Of course there have to be restrictions, but they are not aimed at any particular group.

Also, the permits work even with the pseudo-closure of the territories for Passover, contrary to what the PA's mouthpiece says.

300 Christians from Gaza were allowed to come to Jerusalem this year, and there are only 700 Christians in Gaza altogether.

I don't know how many total permits were issued this year and I don't know how many applications were denied. In the past some 20,000 permits were given for Palestinian Christians. There are always some who are denied permits because of security reasons, and they are a minority.

Either way you slice it, this Wafa story is simply filled with lies.

UPDATE: This Arabic news story says "Thousands of Palestinians and foreign Christians flocked to Jerusalem, despite military checkpoints and the security cordon imposed by the occupation to secure the Jewish Passover celebrations."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, April 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ein al-Hilweh

From Ma'an:
Gaza’s power authority on Friday temporarily cut off electricity to all districts of the besieged Gaza Strip in protest of “unfair measures” imposed on the coastal enclave, as Hamas and the Fatah-ruled Palestinian Authority (PA) have continued to blame each other for a deepening crisis in the small Palestinian territory.

The authority said in a statement earlier on Friday that the decision was in response to “popular events” that have been organized lately to protest recent measures imposed on Gaza, notably the drastic cut of salaries of PA employees in the besieged territory and renewed conflict over the taxes on electricity levied on Gaza amid a deepening electricity crisis.

Electricity will be cut off completely in Gaza from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. on Friday, the statement said.

The PA responded to the decision, holding Hamas responsible for the statement released by Gaza’s power authority, adding that it was “part of Hamas’ attempt at creating a new crisis in the Gaza Strip.”

PA spokesperson Youssef al-Mahmoud said that the PA was committed to covering the costs of Gaza’s electricity originating from Israel and Egypt. The PA has paid 40 million shekels ($10,931,732) a month for Israeli electricity and seven million shekels ($1,913,053) for Egyptian, he said.

Al-Mahmoud added that if the power authority carries out the electricity cuts, then “it must be ordered by Hamas, who controls the electricity company and power authority.”

Al-Mahmoud noted that over the last three months the power authority was supplied with Qatari-funded fuel -- the last shipment of which arrived in Gaza on Friday and is expected to completely run out by Sunday. “Hamas’ electricity company,” he said, has collected 100 million shekels ($27,329,329) worth of electricity fees from residents of Gaza while not paying anything to receive the electricity.

After the Gaza power authority warned that Gaza’s sole power plant would stop operating on Sunday when the Qatari-funded fuel is expected to run out, they said that the primary reason for the potential shutdown was the PA decision to continue imposing taxes on fuel. If taxes were abolished, the authority would be capable of buying fuel from the PA to guarantee that the electricity plant keep operating.
This is nothing new. Hamas has engineered fuel crises in Gaza many times before and their bickering with the PA over fuel taxes has been a sore point for years.

The PA could waive taxes, or Hamas could pay them. Either way, either party would lose some money but their people would have fuel and electricity, which is the important thing, right?

I'll wait while you stop laughing.

There is an underlying theme that escapes most media analysis about the Palestinian leaders, which is that both Hamas and the PA are prioritizing their own survival over the well being of the Palestinians they supposedly care for.

Israel tries to help Jews in the Diaspora, but Palestinian leaders tell their own people in other Arab lands to go to hell. 

Right now Palestinians in the Ain al-Hilweh camp in Lebanon are suffering greatly from infighting, their houses being destroyed and the camp looking like war-torn areas of Iraq, and Palestinian leaders are doing next to nothing.

The death toll of Palestinians in Syria is approaching 3500, but Palestinian leaders have told them it is better for them to die in Syria than to compromise on Palestinian principals to destroy Israel.

This is all because of the number one principle that is obscured behind tens of thousands of pages of false analysis, hundreds of  UN resolutions and tens of millions of NGO dollars: Palestinians don't want to build a country, they want to destroy one.

This is manifested by theses leaders consistently and cynically using  Palestinian Arabs as cannon fodder or as cheap PR gimmicks rather than actually doing anything positive for them.

The Arab world is catching on to this deception but the Western world has been blind to the obvious facts for way too many years.

The real question is, why should the world care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do?

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, April 16, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Middle East Monitor reported last week:
The Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education is suspending contact with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) it announced, Thursday. The move came in protest at UNRWA’s intention to amend the Palestinian curriculum in West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip schools.

The Ministry said in a statement that “Any distortion of the Palestinian curriculum is a flagrant violation of the laws of the host country,”.

“Changes in any character, to appease any party, is a betrayal of the Palestinian narrative and the right of the Palestinian people to preserve its identity,” it added.

Commenting on the decision, Minister of Education and Higher Education Sabri Sidem said that “Palestine will not surrender to anyone, and will not accept to give up our dignity, history and decades of struggle to protect the Palestinian narrative,” he said.
What were the changes that were proposed by UNRWA?

According to stories leaked in March, they include the following revisions in textbooks aimed at grades 1-4:

* Removing maps of "Palestine" that include all of Israel
* Replacing the phrase "Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian state" with the words "Jerusalem is a holy city for all Abrahamic religions"
* Replacing a picture of a wedding that showed only men with one that showed men and women
* Stop referring to Israelis cities as "Palestinian"
* Remove some pictures of evil Israeli soldiers and innocent Palestinian victims.

UNRWA's own principles for teaching human rights include "the building and maintenance of peace." Its educational vision is one "which develops the full potential of Palestine Refugees to enable them to be confident, innovative, questioning, thoughtful, tolerant and open minded, upholding human values and religious tolerance, proud of their Palestine identity and contributing positively to the development of their society and the global community”.

A 2011 study of the UNRWA human rights curriculum said in its section of the omissions from the program:

What is missing from this list - with no justification - is freedom of religion, religious equality and religious tolerance. In fact, the books are totally devoid of any mention of religion.

· The Middle East war is absent from the books. None of the values mentioned: peace, tolerance, peaceful resolution of conflicts, non-violence, etc. is given an interpretation in connection to the conflict. On the other hand, there are few references to aspects of the conflict - all presenting the Palestinians as victims. For example, an exercise includes a picture of two girls sitting next to a tent with a demolished house in the background. The caption reads: "A family whose house was demolished lives in a tent" (Human Rights Curriculum, Grade 3, Part 2 (2010) p. 34). In another example the children of Gaza fly kites "in spite of the [Israeli] siege" (Human Rights Curriculum, Grade 5, Part 2 (2010) p. 66).

· [The books'] contribution to a peaceful solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is nil, if not negative.
There have been plenty of other studies that show that the Palestinian textbooks used by UNRWA promote hate and intolerance.

This episode with UNRWA shows that all of this is true.

We've seen this play before, and we know that UNRWA will cave and not change anything.

In the past when they tried to introduce, for example, Holocaust education in their programs, UNRWA workers leaked the potential programs to the Arab media, the Arabs freaked out, and UNRWA was able to quietly table the idea of changing the curriculum without admitting anything.

The PA's refusal to deal with UNRWA based on these unofficial curriculum changes indicates that not only will UNRWA cave and not implement these changes, but also that the PA simply refuses to teach peace to its students.

Given that the PA has existed now for over 20 years, an entire generation that could have been raised on the desire for peace has instead been taught nothing but hate for Israel.

Now that the PA publicly admits that it refuses to teach peace and basic facts like Israel's existence, UNRWA and the PA will need to explain to their Western funders why they both adamantly insist on teaching incitement and hate.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The New York Times, April 16, 1954, reported that Israel barred a priest from visiting holy places on Easter!

Then, way down the article, in parenthesis, it reports on a possible reason why:

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Meet The Men Who Fought Hitler — And Fought Dirty
In the hours and days following the invasion of Normandy, allied soldiers sacrificed their lives on the northern shore of France for one goal: to establish a beachhead. The time had come to fight Adolph Hitler’s army and push it eastward toward the German border, but to do that they first needed to gain a solid foothold on the continent. While many are familiar with the heroism of the soldiers who stormed the beaches, few know about a much smaller group of men and women behind enemy lines who helped to ensure their success.
In preparation for D-Day, a highly secretive British department known as Baker Street worked to drop 250 saboteurs behind enemy lines with one purpose: to stop the German army from sending supplies and reinforcements to Normandy. These guerillas were tasked with a massive coordinated sabotage mission to frustrate and block Hitler’s war machine in any and all ways possible. Especially important was stopping Germany’s most lethal division, the 2nd SS Panzer Division, Das Reich.
One saboteur destroyed all of Das Reich’s tank transporters by replacing the axle oil with axle grease mixed with an abrasive, forcing the division to travel by road and damaging six out of every 10 tanks. A separate team then barraged Das Reich with sabotage after sabotage, including felling trees in their path and planting bombs beneath them. In the end, what should have been a 72-hour journey took Hitler’s crack tank division 17 days—enough time for the allies to establish their beachhead.
Baker Street is the focus of Giles Milton’s latest book, Churchill’s Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler’s Defeat, which follows the department from its inauspicious beginnings in a small office in Caxton Street to its hundreds of successful sabotage missions around the world, culminating in the allied landing in Normandy.
Anti-Semitism envoy post to be filled, State Dept. says
The Trump administration will appoint a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism, according to State Department spokesman Mark Toner.
The envoy post has been vacant since Trump took office in January. On Thursday, JTA reported that the envoy’s office staff could be eliminated soon due to new State Department employment rules. The envoy is responsible for keeping tabs on global anti-Semitism and advising other countries in fighting it.
In a statement to JTA Friday, Toner didn’t address whether the staff would remain intact. But he said the department will continue its work to protect religious freedoms globally, and that it has selected candidates for the envoy post. Toner did not say when the envoy would be appointed.
Several senior positions at the State Department remain vacant.
“The Department remains committed to advancing the protection of basic human freedoms and values including the unimpeded practice of religion and protection of communities of faith from persecution in every form,” the statement said. “There have been no actions taken to limit or close the offices in the Department dedicated to this pursuit. Candidates have been identified for this role.”
Silence in Paris
What does it mean when no one talks about a brutal murder?
As every married person knows, silences can be pregnant with meaning, even if the meaning is not immediately clear. The silence in the French press about a recent startling event in Paris is surely pregnant with meaning. On Monday, April 3, an Orthodox Jewish woman, Sarah Halimi, a doctor aged 66, was thrown out of a window to her death by an African man aged 27. He was her neighbor in the flats where she lived. According to witnesses, whose testimony has yet to be confirmed, the man, who had been harassing her with insults for several days, shouted “Allahu akbar!” as he threw her.
Also, according to unconfirmed reports, neighbors had called the police because of the young man’s behavior. Three policemen came but did nothing, deciding that it was up to other authorities, presumably psychiatric, to act. At any rate, the young man was transferred to a psychiatric clinic almost immediately after his arrest.
He had a history of delinquency and in all probability had taken drugs. It seems likely that he was in a state of psychotic excitement, whether drug-induced, drug-exacerbated or purely endogenous, at the time of his crime.
But it has been known for a long time that the delusions of madness take on the coloring of the culture of those who suffer them. (De Quincey says, in The Confessions of an English Opium Eater, that if a man thinks of oxen, his opium dreams will be of oxen.) It would be stretching credulity to suggest that the young man’s victim was chosen at random, that he might just as well have chosen someone else. If this is so, it reveals something unpleasant about the man’s cultural milieu.

Friday, April 14, 2017

From Ian:

PBS Islamic Lesson Plan Encourages Students to Identify with Radical Jihadists
A new lesson from PBS teaches your kids the glory of martyrdom.
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is home to Big Bird, Frontline, and other “programing made possible by viewers like you,” including lesson plans instructing teachers how to show kids to be more sympathetic to radical Islamic suicide bombers in Palestine.
“Dying to be a Martyr.” That’s the name of a lesson plan offered to students and teachers at no cost by the Public Broadcasting Service, a taxpayer-funded nonprofit, and some of the material seems to encourage students to learn to sympathize with radical Islamic terrorists.
The “Dying to be a Martyr” lesson plan is offered through PBS’ LearningMedia website, “a media-on-demand service offering educators access to the best of public media and delivers research-based, classroom-ready digital learning experiences,” according to the PBS website.
The stated “objectives” for the lesson plan, which is designed for use by students in grades nine through 12, include analyzing “why the Middle East conflict began and continues today,” discussing “how religions can unite or divide people” and explaining “why individuals and groups sometimes turn to tactics of terrorism, and evaluate how terrorism affects the world we live in.”
Seth Frantzman: Whaaaa – The NYT just published a column supporting ISIS in Syria?!
The New York Times just published a column by Thomas Friedman (‘Why is Trump fighting ISIS in Syria’) that argues for supporting ISIS in Syria. Surely that can’t be, you say? Well, the sick and twisted column really does say “In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache.” Friedman argues for treating the Nazi-like Islamist extremist group that carried out genocide of Yazidis and still holds thousands of Yazidi women as slaves, “the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.” A reminder: The US spent hundreds of millions supporting the mujahedeen.
You need to read the Friedman piece to believe it.
He starts out by asking “Why should our goal right now be to defeat the Islamic State in Syria? Of course, ISIS is detestable and needs to be eradicated. But is it really in our interest to be focusing solely on defeating ISIS in Syria right now?”
Friedman claims that ISIS “controls pockets in western Iraq and larger sectors of Syria. Its goal is to defeat Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria — plus its Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah allies — and to defeat the pro-Iranian Shiite regime in Iraq, replacing both with a caliphate.”
What evidence is there that ISIS has spent its main resources fighting Assad? It has spent most of its resources fighting the Kurds in Syria and persecuting minorities, blowing up religious shrines and historical sites and committing crimes against humanity. ISIS has also undermined the Syrian rebellion through fighting other Syrian rebel groups. On April 9th ISIS attacked a Syrian rebel base near Jordan. If you want to know what ISIS has been doing since 2014 read the accounts of Yazidi women sold into slavery and raped by the group. See the photos and videos of ISIS mass graves.
More Evidence The Anne Frank Center Misrepresented Itself
Yesterday, I asked the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect some questions, relating to some inconsistent stories relating to their founding and relationship with Otto Frank and the Anne Frank Fonds.
They did not respond.
Someone who did respond was writer Daniel Greenfield, who drew my attention to a piece he wrote on them over a month ago, exposing them as frauds.
He’s right. Anne Frank Fonds did sue the Anne Frank House in 2013, and made clear they are the only representatives of Anne Frank’s legacy.
What is interesting is, as I posted yesterday, the Anne Frank Center’s website at the time linked itself to Anne Frank House…
Founded in 1977 by Anne’s father Otto, The Anne Frank Center USA, a partner of the Anne Frank House…
But in 2016, changed the description to this..
In 1959, Otto Frank, Anne’s father, founded our organization as the Anne Frank Foundation, the American partner of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Fonds in Basel.
In other words, well after the court case which made it clear Anne Frank Fonds is the sole legitimate organization established by Otto Frank, the Anne Frank Center amended their description to add a supposed connection to Anne Frank Fonds. It seems to me this was a deliberate move to make themselves sound more legitimate (even though still mentioning Anne Frank Foundation in the same breath seems like a dumb move).
Given this further information and the Center’s silence in the face of my genuine questions, I believe they are frauds co-opting Anne Frank’s name and playing up a relationship with Anne Frank Fonds that simply does not exist.

  • Friday, April 14, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Oregonian:

Portland is getting out of corporate investing altogether. The Portland City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday to end the practice following pressure from activists to withdraw from companies that are problematic for the environment, human rights or government.

The city has $539 million invested in corporations this year, City Treasurer Jennifer Cooperman said.

Activists for months have urged the Portland City Council to divest from controversial companies. They pleaded with them in December to withdraw from Wells Fargo due to its investments in the Dakota Access Pipeline and from Caterpillar, a company that makes trucks and bulldozers, some of which they say are used to harm Palestinians in the Israel Palestine conflict.

Instead, commissioners decided not to invest it in any corporations period, in part to avoid the trouble of having to perpetually decide which corporations the city considers bad actors.

Cooperman estimated divesting could cost the city a minimum $4.5 million or more this year and even more the following year. The mayor estimated that amounts to more than 200 affordable housing units or more than 600 new shelter beds based on current costs.

"I think the hit is too hard," Wheeler said. "I'm erring on the side of doing what I was elected to do."

Commissioner Dan Saltzman told the activists that he based his decision on having limited time that he'd rather spend addressing the city's housing crisis and potholes than regularly evaluating which companies belong on the do-not-buy list.

 "I fully respect and appreciate what you're saying, but I think it's the wiser course to get out of the business altogether because I don't want to do this every year," Saltzman said.
BDSers were among the groups that were trying to get Portland to divest from various companies.

The city had the choice of losing millions of dollars from all corporate investments or losing hundreds of hours of time listening to activists whining about their pet causes.

They chose to lose the millions of dollars.

The subtext is that BDSers and other "social justice warriors" are really disliked even in the most liberal cities in the US.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, April 14, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
This item from Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today site is very informative, but not in the ways it intended.
Dozens of people banned from the Al-Aqsa Mosque led Friday prayers in the Lions Gate area after the occupation forces prevented them from praying at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Dozens of known provocateurs were stopped from causing trouble. How many people managed to get past the Israeli cordon?
About 30 thousand worshipers were allowed by the occupation to enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque, after imposing a security cordon on the West Bank (for Passover.)

In an article about how Israel limits Muslims from worshipping, it says that 30,000 people still came. This is far, far more Muslims visiting the Temple Mount in a single day than Jews who visit in a year.

But the next section is even more telling:
After finishing Friday prayers,  some young men tried a threw stones at Israeli soldiers stationed at the Mughrabi Gate, but the Al-Aqsa Mosque guards and worshipers prevented them from doing it so as not to goad occupation soldiers to break into the mosque.
From listening to the huge number of complaints given in the Arab media about Israeli soldiers wantonly "storming" the "Al Aqsa Mosque" one would think that they do it without any provocation. But here we see that everyone knows - the Muslims who worship in the area, the Waqf guards, everyone - knows very well that the Israeli police only go there when they need to.

Which means also that when there are riots on the Temple Mount, they are always instigated by Arabs. Always. And in those cases, they want the Israeli police to show up in order to rile up the population for some political reason.

Furthermore, the fact that the Al Aqsa guards are stopping stone throwers means that Israeli police actions in the past have accomplished what they were meant to - stone throwing and rioting are being deterred (except, again, when the political leaders feel that it is in their interest to stir things up.

Yes, you can learn a lot from Arab media that you wouldn't know otherwise.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

US charges 2 terrorists for 2010 murder of American tourist in Israel
Charges were filed in the United States Thursday against two Palestinian terrorists jailed in Israel for the 2010 murder of a US citizen who was visiting the Jewish state.
Ayad Fatafta and Kifah Ghanimat face federal charges for murdering Kristine Luken on December 18, 2010, in a stabbing attack in the Jerusalem Forest that also seriously wounded Kay Wilson, a British-born Israeli citizen.
The two terrorists, both residents of a village near Hebron — which is under the control of the Palestinian Authority — are currently serving prison sentences in Israel. Arrest warrants were issued against them in the US on Thursday.
In 2012, Fatafta was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 20 years, and Ghanimat was sentenced to two terms of life imprisonment and a further 60 years, for the lethal stabbing attack as well as another crime.
According to the US affidavit, Fatafta and Ghanimat stabbed Luken — a 44-year-old US national — to death while she was hiking near an archaeological site on a visit to Israel. She died at the scene.
According to the US Justice Department, “the maximum penalty for a person convicted of murdering a US national outside the US is a lifetime term of incarceration or death.”
Melanie Phillips: The West’s ideological quagmire
Officials like Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster are from the school of pragmatic realism. This views politics through the prism of state power and underplays the titanic civilizational issues now pitted against each other.
Which is why such figures tend not to understand the particular threat posed by Islamic religious fanaticism. It is also why they fail to grasp that the Middle East impasse is not a dispute over land boundaries between Israelis and Palestinians but an Islamic war of extermination against the Jewish homeland.
Trump’s great strength is that he is not an ideologue. The downside, however, is that he is therefore not governed by a strong, coherent view of the world. So he tends to be blown hither and yon by those who do have a strong worldview, depending upon who impresses him at any one moment.
Reportedly he has become exasperated by the vicious turf wars within his administration. As a result, it’s being said that his strategic genius Steve Bannon, who is driven by his own perception of the West’s suicidal civilizational decline, has lost out.
Those who believe Bannon is the ideologue driving America into disaster will sigh with relief that Trump appears to be reverting to traditional type.
Those who think pragmatic realpolitik was previously leading America off the civilizational precipice will be aghast.
This presidency is a work in progress. Donald Trump is on a steep learning curve. Whether he will learn the correct lessons is something on which we must all still hold our breath.
Your neighbor's house is on fire, but he hates you. Do you help? That's Israel's Syria dilemma.
Israel has spent most of the Syrian civil war watching from the sidelines rather than becoming mired in a sectarian conflict in which neither of the sides looked particularly appealing as an ally.
Last week’s sarin gas attack, apparently by Syrian air forces, has intensified a long running debate about whether the government should be doing more to alleviate humanitarian suffering just beyond its northern border and act militarily to weaken President Bashar Assad.
Despite a state of war that exists between the neighbors, a growing number of Israelis are calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to do more to assist Syrian civilians, arguing that Jewish history of displacement imparts a moral obligation on Israel to help wounded Syrian civilians.
At a security cabinet meeting on Sunday, ministers mulled proposals to accept Syrian children injured in the gas attack — beyond a 4-year-old policy to take in Syrians from rebel areas near the border for temporary medical treatment — but made no final decision. A similar proposal that got consideration in the wake of the siege of Aleppo has yet to be implemented
“As Israelis and Jews, the use of gas takes us back [in time],’’ said Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz, alluding to the Holocaust, during the cabinet meeting. “Our obligation as Jews and Israelis is to offer aid to the victims of the gas attack. There are many children and the elderly…. We must not stand idly by.”
The angst points to a tug of war between two schools of thought on how to grapple with Syria, a dilemma that former National Security Advisor Giora Eiland described in an interview with Israel Radio as a “struggle between the Jewish heart and mind.’’

  • Friday, April 14, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Wednesday, April 12, the Twitter account of Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi was suspended.

Tamimi is the mastermind behind the 2001 Sbarro massacre, where a suicide bomber entered the restaurant and murdered 15 people, half of them children, among 145 casualties. She was tried and sent to prison in Israel until 2011, when she was among the terrorists released in exchange for Hamas hostage Gilad Shalit, and went to live in Jordan.

Last month, the United States unsealed a criminal indictment against Tamimi and sought to have her extradited to the US to face charges for the murder of a US citizen who was killed in that bombing.

Jordan has refused to extradite Tamimi, falsely claim that there was no extradition treaty between the US and Jordan. She has been enjoying the use of a Twitter feed, which is popular among her many fans.

What is it about Twitter?

Time magazine has suggested an answer as to Why Terrorists Love Twitter:
Twitter is something of a digital town square—a free megaphone to reach a mass audience, easily accessible on smartphones and largely unmonitored.
Suspending accounts on Twitter has been controversial:
  • There is the issue of the difficulty of tracking down and removing the accounts
  • There is the issue of new accounts popping up elsewhere on Twitter
  • There is the issue of whether allowing terrorist accounts on Twitter enable agencies to keep tabs on the terrorists
These issues do not apply to Ahlam Tamimi.

She would not be hard to track down on Twitter since she thrives on the publicity -- she needs her admirers to be able to find her easily so she can spread her message.

That's because besides having carried out terrorist attacks against Israel in the past, Tamimi now praises and encourages terrorism against Israel as well.

MEMRI, which has been tracking her on Twitter, notes that Tamimi shares photos of the bombing she facilitated and lauds Hamas leaders:
Her tweets have included videos and photos of the scene at the 2001 Jerusalem bombing that she facilitated, including one marking the 14th anniversary of the attack and praising the bomber; a model of a bombed-out Israeli bus against a mural of Jerusalem featuring Al-Aqsa; promotion of her program "Breeze of the Free Men" on the Al-Quds satellite channel; and images, photos, and poems on Palestinian topics, including photos of Yasser Arafat, Hamas bombmaker Yahyah Ayyash aka "The Engineer, Hamas cofounder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, Hamas cofounder Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, and imprisoned Hamas commander Abdallah Al-Barghouthi.

...On April 28, 2016, she tweeted a photo evidently sent to her from Gaza, showing a model of a bombed-out Israeli bus on display against the backdrop of a mural of Jerusalem, featuring Al-Aqsa. In the photo someone holds up a sign with a message addressed to her, saying: "Ahlam Al-Tamimi, Gaza misses you." In the tweet she responds to the message, saying "Peace be upon you, Oh Gaza [city of] peace."

On April 15, 2016, Al-Tamimi tweeted a map of Palestine composed of photos of prominent Palestinians, including Yasser Arafat, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rantisi, Osama bin Laden mentor Abdallah Azzam, and Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, with a poem: "Palestine unites us/ Hugs us/ Gathers us/ Embraces us/ Be angry with us/ Forgive us/ She is our mother."

...On August 9, 2015, the 14th anniversary of the 2001 Sbarro bombing that she facilitated, she tweeted a photo of the scene of the bombing that included a photo of the bomber Izz Al-Din Shuheil Al-Masri prior to the attack, along with a poem referencing the guitar in which he concealed the bomb: "When the melody becomes destructive/ Then we would enjoy listening to music/ Oh guitarists, your time has passed/ Only your memory is left." 

Ahlam Tamimi is a wanted terrorist who admitted to her part in the Sbarro massacre. The fact that she was tried and imprisoned in jail before being released in exchange for the release of an Israeli hostage held by Hamas terrorists does not create an issue of double jeopardy. Tamimi was not pardoned. She was released conditionally, based her ceasing from any further terrorism herself or encouraging it among others.

Tamimi has clearly violated the conditions of her release.

Twitter had no need to get involved in any fine legal points here -- the fact remains that Ahlam Tamimi is a fugitive terrorist, wanted by the US, who continues to encourage terrorism.

Suspending Tamimi's Twitter account was the first step.
The next step is to extradite her to the US where justice can be meted out.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, April 14, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
A 23-year-old British student was killed after being stabbed multiple times in the chest in a terror attack at IDF Square on Jerusalem’s light rail on Friday afternoon.

The terrorist was arrested after a number of police officers managed to gain control over him. He was later identified as 57-year-old Jamil Tamimi from the Palestinian neighborhood of Ras al-Amud.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics arrived at the scene to find the woman lying on the ground unconscious after having suffered multiple stab wounds.

The Shin Bet later reported that the terrorist attempted to commit suicide this year by swallowing a razor blade while in hospital. In 2011, he was convicted of sexually assaulting his daughter.

“This is another incident of many in which a Palestinian suffering from mental health or personal issues has chosen to carry out an attack as a way out of his problems,” the Shin Bet statement said.
A mentally ill and probably disgraced member of the "peaceful" Tamimi family wants to kill himself. What better way to rehabilitate his image and get likely killed than to murder an innocent woman in a public place?

This story is not only about a mentally ill murderer. It is yet another indictment of a Palestinian society that glorifies terrorists and turns their shame into honor.

The murder is already being called heroic by Palestine Today.

The official Wafa news agency is not yet sure whether the person arrested is the stabber, saying that a Palestinian was arrested on the pretext of being involved in a terror attack.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, April 14, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jordan signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1976. This covenant says

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.
This covenant indicates pretty clearly that Jews have the right to practice their religion on the spot that is the undisputed holiest place in Judaism.

But Jordan has again engaged  in a rhetorical attack on Jews who peacefully visit their holiest site:

The Jordanian government on Thursday condemned the "storming of Jewish extremists" of the Temple Mount under the protection of Israeli police so they wouldn't be lynched.
The Minister for Media Affairs, government spokesman Mohammad Momanim, said in a press release that Jordan "strongly condemns these provocative acts that offend the sanctity of the holy place and the feelings of Muslims all over the world and we call on the Israeli authorities to stop it immediately."

So the "feelings of Muslims" are more important than Jews having the basic human right to visit their holiest spot - let alone pray there.

Momani urged the international community to pressure Israel to adhere to fictional obligations to keep Jews off the Mount.

He condemned and rejected the actions of "Jewish extremists" and said that their quiet strolls are a "mockery of the importance of continued calm and an abuse of international efforts to re-launch serious negotiations between the Israeli occupation and the Palestinians."

Here you can see those terrible "Jewish extremists" doing their storming this week. Prepare to be shocked at how provocative they are.

At the same time, Muslims erected a banner celebrating the founder of Hamas Sheikh Yassin on the Temple Mount.

No one condemned that.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.


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