Thursday, April 14, 2005

  • Thursday, April 14, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Troops searching a West Bank house for a wanted Hamas gunman found his sister hording his gun in her underpants, the army said, adding that it would consider renewing strip-searches among Palestinian women when searching and screening for potential terrorists.

The soldiers in the Balata refugee camp, a terrorist hotbed, find the gunman inside his house and ordered him to surrender his weapon. He refused, saying he didn't have it. After questioning, they found the man's sister had hidden it her underwear.

Troops then arrested the Hamas terrorist. They also found a gun holster and bullets inside the building.

An army spokesman said the incident raises serious questions about the need to search Palestinian women, mainly at checkpoints.

“Until now we have gone easy on women,” a spokesman said. “Perhaps we need to reconsider that policy.”
  • Thursday, April 14, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ghassan Elashi is one of the founders of th Texas chapter of the Council of American-Islamic Relations, which puts up a moderate front in the press but which has had numerous terrorist connections.
Three brothers have been found guilty of supporting terrorism in a US court in Dallas, Texas.

The men were charged with passing money to an official in the militant Palestinian group, Hamas.

Ghassan, Basman and Bayan Elashi were tried on 21 counts of conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in the property of a terrorist.

They will be sentenced later, after one of the US government's highest profile terrorism prosecutions.

Ghassan and Bayan Elashi were convicted on all 21 counts, while Basman Elashi was found guilty on three counts.

Prosecutors said the men tried to conceal a $250,000 investment in their computer firm by an alleged official with Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook.

Ten years ago he was accused of being a terrorist by the US government.

He was deported and is now believed to be living in Syria.

This effectively meant that it would be illegal for anyone to do business with him - something the Elashi brothers have now been found guilty of.

Last year the three, along with two other Elashi brothers, were convicted of making illegal technology shipments to Libya and Syria - countries the US government considers state sponsors of terrorism.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon

Another classic from Cox and Forkum.

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hockey? In Israel?

Once upon a time Ephraim Kishon wrote a funny story about an Israeli hockey team that didn't know how to skate.

TEL AVIV - As it turns out, our hot and humid Middle Eastern nation has an ice-hockey team, and not a bad one at that.

At the beginning of the week, Israel won the gold medal at the International Ice Hockey Federation Division II Group B world championships, an achievement that pushed it into Division I, one tier below the top division.

Under the direction of Canadian coach Jean Perron, Israel was able to win four of its five games and tie one.

More impressively, the team won without Israel’s most renowned hockey star, Max Birbraer, who was drafted by the NHL’s New Jersey Devils three years ago.

However, Israel did enjoy the services of the three Eisenman brothers, Alon, Erez and Oren.

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
An excellent article in response to a rabidly anti-semitic crackpot article published in the same newspaper last month. The newspaper, the Baltimore Chronicle and Sentinel, is unabashedly left-wing and critical of Israel, and it is to their credit that they even agreed to publish this response.

by Michael Suedfeld

This is a critical time in Middle East history. Both the Palestinians and Israelis are eyeing painful concessions to achieve lasting peace and no one in the world is more acutely aware of this than Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The way forward is not through old rhetoric and the dredging of past events but through conciliation and dealing with the hard realities of 2005. Unfortunately, one of those realities is that some people, when presented with the possibility of turning to peace and progress, will be unable to leave their tired views behind.

How else to explain those such as William Hughes who, in this publication last month, went on a vitriolic tirade against Sharon and the nation he heads? Hughes repeated the many mantras of Israel-bashers, relying on falsehoods and half-truths to reach his goal.

It is fruitless to comment directly on such attacks. Those who forward them are on a mission. They want a very public humiliation, if not the outright dissolution, of the Middle East’s sole traditional democracy; the country that ranks highest among Middle East nations when rated for human development[1]; a country that is a world leader in technological, medical and other scientific advances[2]; a country with less than three per cent of the Middle East’s population[3]; a country that is such a minute portion of the Middle East geographically, it can be measured in tenths of a per cent; a country with few natural resources and none of that most precious Middle East commodity--oil.

Rather, I challenge readers to ask themselves: why is Israel a world pariah?

Is it because of its actions? There are numerous areas around the world where the death tolls are hundreds of times higher and where oppression--particularly of women and minorities--is a routine part of daily life, including most, if not all, other Middle East countries.

Is it because of Sharon? Since Yasser Arafat’s death, Sharon has released hundreds of prisoners[4], allowed convicted and exiled Palestinian terrorists to return to their homes[5], strengthened his commitment to removing Gaza settlements, relaxed travel restrictions[6], removed checkpoints and turned over security to Palestinian forces[7]. As for war crimes, if Sharon’s guilty so, too, are numerous world leaders with UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan leading the list. Sharon may have stood by as between 500-1,000 innocents in Sabra and Shatila were murdered by Christian Phalangists (Arabs, not Jews or Israelis), Annan did exactly the same thing in Rwanda (500,000-plus dead[8]), in the former Yugoslavia (more than 100,000 dead[9]), and, today in Sudan (an estimated 300,000 dead[10]).

Is it the media? As the second Intifidah began, there were 350 press organizations with permanent representatives in Israel and another 1,300 arrived shortly after[11]. Those people were there to write “hard” news even if they had to create it. The Jenin refugee camp reporting was one of the great shams of modern journalism, yet people, including Hughes, still cite it as if there were actually a massacre there.[12]

Do we hold Israel to a higher standard than its neighbors? That’s unfair to Israel but more so to Arabs. Lebanese historian Kemal Salibi described it this way: “The liberal tradition in the West tries to impute to the behavior of the native or the underdog an idealist position which is not really there...When it comes to the thinking about Middle East politics, the American liberal mind is often chasing rainbows. They are living in a world of delusion.”[13] Arabs are not children and would be best served if we in the West demanded better from their leaders.

Is Israel perfect? No modern nation is. Israel is, however, home to a kaleidoscope of people from some 100 national backgrounds of diverse races and cultures.[14] The Arab Muslim, Christian and Druze minorities comprise approximately 20 per cent of the population.[15] Druze serve with distinction in the Israeli Defence Forces. There are Arab members of the Knesset[16], Arab members of the courts, including Supreme Court[17] and, in the last two World Cup of Football (soccer) qualifying games, Arab-Israelis scored the tying goals becoming, at least briefly, national heroes.[18] In contrast, Jews can’t even visit countries such as Saudi Arabia.[19]

In short, there is no reason to hate or demean Israel in proportions so out of whack with its actions and significance. At least not for anyone really interested in peace, justice and the other ideals this publication’s operators profess to espouse.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

  • Tuesday, April 12, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
You can't make this stuff up.
Hassan may have wanted to be detained by the army in order to do his high-school matriculation exams in an Israeli prison, says his brother Amar.

“There’s a rumor among youngsters that it’s easier to succeed in Israeli jails,” he told Ynet. “Many boys were detained at roadblocks with weapons, in order to do the tests in jail.

Family friends said Hassan’s father was very strict with his son, who was not succeeding in school. Therefore, they estimate, the boy attempted to incriminate himself at the roadblock.

“Hassan thought that now he would be with his friends, who were detained in recent weeks, and that way they could study and succeed together,” one acquaintance said.
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Good to see that Israel can trust Abbas to stop terror!
TEL AVIV - A 15-year-old Palestinian boy carrying five pipe bombs was detained by IDF forces at the Hawara roadblock south of the West Bank town of Nablus.

The boy aroused the troops’ suspicions after approaching the Hawara roadblock wearing a jacket, despite the hot weather.

The soldiers instructed the boy to remove his jacket, at which point he lit a match in an attempt to detonate the explosives, the army said.

However, the soldiers were able to overcome the youngster, who was subsequently taken in for interrogation by security authorities.

Meanwhile, sappers have been dispatched to the scene and are working to neutralize the explosive devices.

A 15-year-old boy was detained at the same checkpoint only three months ago. In that case, the youngster was carrying a bag containing an explosive belt, an improvised weapon, and 20 bullets.
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Who here is surprised to see that Palestinians teach their children Jew-hating lies in their schools?


There has been a decrease in incitement in the Palestinian media, experts say, but according to the Center for the Monitoring of the Impact of Peace (CMIP), there is still no recognition of Israel in the 160 Palestinian textbooks it has reviewed.

In the latest revelation, the CMIP said that a newly published textbook for 10th graders promotes fiction as fact.

The 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fabricated booklet from the early twentieth century, describes an alleged plot by Jewish leaders to take over the world. Historians have debunked it as a political forgery written by Russian Czar Nicholas II's secret police in an attempt to make the Jewish people a scapegoat for the country's problems.

According to the Palestinian textbook, however, the Protocols were among the resolutions adopted by the first Zionist Congress, which convened in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, with the aim of promoting the establishment of a Jewish homeland.

'There is a group of confidential resolutions adopted by the Congress and known by the name 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' the goal of which was world domination. They were brought to light by Sergey Nilos and translated into Arabic by Muhammad Khalifah Al-Tunisi,' CMIP quoted the textbook as saying.

Monday, April 11, 2005

  • Monday, April 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
There seem to be way too many Arabs who feel that murdering Jews is moral but a woman walking with her fiance in public is immoral.

A little topsy-turvy, but one gets used to that in the Middle East.

Hamas has begun operating a "vice and virtue commando" in the Gaza Strip to safeguard Islamic values, Palestinian security officials and residents told The Jerusalem Post.

The new force, called the Anti-Corruption Unit, is believed to be behind the gruesome murder over the weekend of Yusra al-Azzami, a 22-year-old university student from the northern Gaza Strip.

Her "crime" was that she was seen in public with her fiance .

Although "honor killings" are not a new phenomenon in Palestinian society, the perpetrators were almost always relatives of the victims. But this is the first time that one of the Palestinian groups has openly acted against a woman suspected of "immoral behavior."

Hamas's "morality" patrolmen first spotted the young couple strolling along the beach in Gaza City, together with Azzami's younger sister. After enjoying the spectacular sunset over the sea, they got into the future husband's car and started driving towards Azzami's home.

According to eyewitness accounts, five masked gunmen who were in another car gave chase, opening fire at Azzami, who was sitting in the front seat next to her fianc . She died instantly.

The fiance and sister were later brutally beaten and moderately injured by the attackers.

The incident took place at a busy intersection in Gaza City.

What happened immediately afterwards left many passersby traumatized.

The assailants dragged the young woman's body out of the car, pouncing upon it mercilessly with clubs and iron bars.

"It was the most horrific crime I've seen in my life," said a university student who witnessed the attack. "What they did to the body while it was lying on the ground was barbaric. This does not represent Islam." The student, who asked not to be named, said he and several other people at the scene were too afraid to interfere. "We waited until the gunmen left the area before we called the police and an ambulance," he added.

The Palestinian Authority police, who have since arrested two suspects, confirmed that the attack was carried out by Hamas vigilantes who have been waging a campaign of intimidation against people exhibiting un-Islamic behavior.
Update: Hamas apologizes for the murder.
  • Monday, April 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Even al-Ha'aretz admits this now, although their initial article about this ignored the IDF statement that they were smuggling and entirely believed the Palestinian "eyewitnesses" that the teenagers were just innocently playing soccer. But note even here the "newspaper" tries very hard to hedge its bets.
The Gaza command was meanwhile continuing its investigation of the circumstances that led to the shooting of three 14-year-olds from Rafah, on the Philadelphi route. The Israel Defense Forces is almost certain that the youths were somehow involved in smuggling weapons from Egypt. A videotape from the observation post documents them approaching the Egyptian border, far beyond the reach of a kicked football that Palestinian witnesses said they had gone to retrieve.

A squad commander and a sharpshooter from Golani shot them. The members of this division are backing up the soldiers: The rules of engagement in Philadelphi are different because of the weapons-smuggling. In about 40 incidents over the last two months along the Green Line, troops have not fired as Palestinians crossed over. The people who have attempted these crossings, nearly all of them looking for a way to make some money, were arrested on the Israeli side.

The commander of the Palestinian forces inside Gaza, Mussa Arafat, reported - both to Israel and the PA leadership - that the youths were smugglers. But the PA announcements on the subject focused on condemning Israel for shooting youths.

As did al-Ha'aretz and hundreds of newspapers.
  • Monday, April 11, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The 80 rockets and mortars fired into Jewish communities are of course fine, but the death penalty for Palestinians? That is too much for the EU elite.

Notice also the usual Reuters lies sprinkled around the article.
The dozens of Palestinians sitting on death row can breathe easier since the European Union, the biggest aid donor to the Palestinian territories, raised an uproar over a move by President Mahmoud Abbas to carry out 15 executions.

'We put them on hold after a number of visiting European prime ministers and foreign ministers told Abbas he would risk a freeze in EU reconstruction aid if the executions were carried out,' a senior Palestinian official told Reuters.

Emma Udwin, spokeswoman for EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, denied any threat to withdraw or suspend aid. 'But we have underlined to them how strongly we are opposed to the death penalty,' she said.

Aides said Abbas was keen not to endanger EU diplomatic and financial support key to Palestinians' hope for reconstruction and eventual statehood on Israeli-occupied land, where they have halted a ruinous uprising and begun an open-ended cease-fire.

But Abbas, a moderate who succeeded the late Yasser Arafat on a platform of peace talks, is also sensitive to a domestic clamor for executions to better rein in murderous armed gangs and deter Palestinians from spying for Israel.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

  • Sunday, April 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
A search on for the words "Jewish extremists" finds 1750 entries as of Sunday night.

And what extreme thing are these Jews doing? Are they assassinating anybody? Are they exploding bombs? Perhaps they are throwing stones at innocent civilians? Are they preaching for the genocide of entire population groups? Maybe stabbing bystanders? Shooting at soldiers?

Well, from reading the articles it appears that they are trying to peacefully rally in the area of the holiest Jewish site in the world. I have not seen any threats to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque, I have not seen any threats on anyone or anything besides possibly the democratic change of Israel's government. How extreme!

If any Arabs would be acting in exactly the same way, they would be hailed as moderates. Actually, Arabs who deny the Holocaust and support the deaths of Jews are also called moderates.

And the people who name these people "extremists" are not only the usual Israel bashers, but the Israeli government itself.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

  • Saturday, April 09, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon

Two young Palestinians practice with unloaded weapons during a rally of the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades militant group, in Gaza City Friday April 8, 2005 . Palestinian militants are threatening to call off their month-old cease-fire with Israel and resume attacks if a rally planned for Sunday by Jewish extremists at the Dome of the Rock  the most hotly disputed holy site in Jerusalem takes place. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)

A picture taken at a rally of the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades (part of Fatah, which the PA leadership belongs to as well.)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Arabs have used this "reasoning" to get their way many, many times.

"Don't depose Saddam - it will cause the Arab street to get upset!"

No one is saying that the right-wing Israelis who want to protest at their holiest site are going to hurt anyone - they are saying that they'll "provoke" Muslims into bloodshed. Once again, the world regards Muslims and Arabs as people who are somehow not responsible for their actions, who cannot be blamed for their crimes. It is an amazing racism that the liberal world has towards Arabs - they are expected to be treated as if they are wild bears, or people with low IQs - "Don't get too near the cage or you'll upset him!"

This soft bigotry plays well into Arab hands - they can always use their threat of not being able to control their people to get what they want. (Even though they control their people quite well when they want to.)

And you will never see anyone say "Don't pressure Israel - it will make them upset." No, Israelis are expected to be rational human beings who can understand the complexities of the situation, who can separate emotion from logic, who can be spoken to as equals. As opposed to Arabs, who have to be "managed" so they won't do anything rash. So Jewish sensibilities towards the Temple Mount or Hebron or Rachel's Tomb or Joseph's Tomb are downplayed because the Jewish love of these areas is irrational - it is only religious.

What is a shame is that there is an implicit agreement from the current Israeli government that Jews do not have full rights over some parts of Israel, and by extension this makes it appear that Israel's rights over any territory is suspect. As long as the rights of Jews to go wherever they want is not insisted upon, then "competing" rights of Arabs making areas Judenrein will win.

And that means that bigotry and anti-semitism is being approved by the Israeli government and everyone else who thinks that Jews cannot peacefully visit or pray at their simgle holiest site. If Israel doesn't stand up for the rights of Jews, no one else will.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Honest Reporting is having an Internet sweepstakes. Grand prize is a trip to Israel; other prizes are an iPod and a necklace.


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