Friday, August 17, 2012

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Latma: How much does it cost to attack Iran and the most decorated president

J Street Makes an Attack on Iran More Likely by Alan Dershowitz
“J Street should get out of the business of telling Israel how to balance existential risks regarding the security of its citizens. It should stop undercutting American policy with regard to Iran. And as an organization that claims it is both pro-Israel and pro-peace, it should recognize that its superficial approach to this complex problem is bad for peace, bad for Israel and bad for American efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran without the need for a military attack.”

How Palestinians Keep Shooting Themselves in the Foot by Hisham Jarallah
Instead of using the billions of dollars that were given to them by Americans and Europeans to create new jobs, the PLO leadership stole most of the funds and later blamed Israel for damaging the Palestinian economy.
As the Arab countries continue to impose strict employment restrictions on Palestinians, Israel is opening its doors to Palestinian workers from the West Bank. Palestinians say, in fact, that Israel is becoming one of the largest employers of Palestinians in the Middle East.

Southern Poverty Law Center Joining Pro-Hamas, Hezbollah, Groups in Blasting ‘Haters’ – Mostly Jews
“The Center’s views have now been stretched so far that, in the name of tolerance and equality, the SPLC is partnering with, on the one hand, a Muslim group whose followers revere and support Hamas and Hezbollah, and a far-left think tank whose writers were spewing accusations of dual loyalty and other anti-Semitic canards just a few months ago.”

The War Against the Jews by Efraim Karsh
“A saddening thought, indeed. But is there any other explanation as to why, more than sixty years after its establishment, Israel remains the only state in the world whose citizens are presented as the heirs to the Nazi mantle; whose economy faces relentless calls for sanctions, boycotts, and divestment; whose policies and actions year in and year out are condemned by the international community, and whose right to exist is constantly debated and challenged?”

York University Professor Lauds Palestinian Terrorist in Toronto Star Op-Ed
“In an op-ed published in the Toronto Star on August 12, Faisal Bhahba, a Law Professor at York University's Osgoode Hall Law School, promotes the morally repugnant belief that Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian arch-terrorist convicted of five counts of cold-blooded murder, is a “a popular and promising Palestinian politician” who he implies has been wrongly “imprisoned by Israel since 2002.”

PM shoots down dangerous quotes from Arab world
For the second time in a week Israel found itself on Thursday denying potentially dangerous and erroneous statements attributed to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the Arab world.

Santa Monica hotel discriminated against Jews, court rules
According to the testimony, the plaintiffs, young leaders of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, held a poolside party on the afternoon of July 11, 2010. As the event commenced, hotel staff confronted the revelers, telling them to remove their banners and barring them from using the pool.

Iranians commemorate ‘Al-Quds Day’ by burning Israeli, US flags
Millions of demonstrators march with Palestinian flags, shouting ‘Death to Israel’; Ahmadinejad calls Israel ‘an insult to all humanity’

Securing Syria chemical weapons may take tens of thousands of troops

Two Egyptian journalists to stand trial for criticizing Morsi

Militant group warns Egyptian army over Sinai crackdown

Salafi Terror Group Threatens to Attack in the Heart of Cairo
Army of Islam threatens to carry out mass suicide bombings in the heart of Cairo, in response to the Egyptian operation in the Sinai.

Hamas helps Egypt in hunt for Sinai terrorists

State Dept. Trained 450 Imams on the ‘Compatibility of Women’s Rights and Islam’

IDF Blog Introducing IDF’s History on Facebook

Melville in Jerusalem
The Moby-Dick author sought spiritual connection on an 1857 Holy Land trip. He found dust and rocks instead.


"This Programme Is Sponsored By Auckland City Council" & "To Bring Down The Israeli State"(videos) at Daphne Anson

(h/t O)
  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram English:

The media committee of the Mujahideen Shura Council, a jihadist group, issued a statement on Thursday denying any involvement in the 5 August attack near Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip in which 16 Egyptian borders guards were killed.
In its statement, the militant group said that it, along with other Jihadist groups, was being falsely accused by the media of standing behind the attack based only on statements by Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee.

The Mujahideen Shura Council also rejected "baseless accusations" against the Palestinian people in general, saying that such accusations were merely aimed at justifying the six-year-old Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The council also condemned the ongoing "media campaign" against it, stressing that the group's sole objective was "to fight the Jewish invaders" of Palestine.
Their English version waters down the their Arabic version significantly.

In Arabic, the headline says that the Shura jihadists "assert that the Jihad is against the Jews." In the article it mentions that their targets are "Jews," "Jewish usurpers" and the "Jewish forces."

But state-run Al-Ahram wouldn't want their Western audience to think that the jihadists were anti-semitic or anything.
Arab media are reporting that some half a million people are expected to go to the Temple Mount today, the last Friday of Ramadan. Similarly, they reported that over 400,000 people came to the courtyard on the night of Laylat al-Qadr earlier this week.

The Temple Mount is about 35 acres (14 hectares); this number would be reduced by the many structures on it where people cannot stand.

Approximately 5000 people can fit in an acre assuming one square yard (meter) per person. Certainly you can jam pack more in that space but not if they want to kneel and prostrate themselves, which the Muslims do in prayer.

Here's a photo from last Friday when the number of worshipers was estimated at "250,000," showing how much space is between them:

So at no time can the Temple Mount support more than 150,000 people, and probably the number is significantly lower than that.

I supposed it is possible that people are not staying the entire time, but I'm not sure.

However, it seems likely that the figure of half a million visiting the Al Aqsa Mosque today is a very large exaggeration.

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Samir Kuntar, the disgusting child-murdering terrorist who is considered a hero to the Palestinian Arabs, visited Tunisia this week.

And he was almost lynched.

On Thursday evening, police used tear gas to disperse Salafists who attacked a cultural festival in the northern city of Bizerte.

They had sticks and swords.

The festival's guest of honor was the child-murderer Kuntar, known in Arabic as the "Dean of the Lebanese prisoners."

The reason for the attack was that Kuntar enraged the Salafists by criticizing the Syrian uprising and praising the Assad regime in Syria, which has been killing tens of thousands of its citizens over the past year and a half.

Many of those present received serious injuries and were rushed to the hospital. This included some of the organizers of the festival. Kuntar fled out the back door while he let his sponsors get beaten for him.

Because that's what heroes do.

It is indeed unfortunate that Kuntar was not ripped into little terrorist bits to be eaten by the flies.

  • Friday, August 17, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
The military wing of the Hamas movement said Friday that one of its members had been killed a day earlier in the Gaza Strip after an explosive device mistakenly detonated.

The Al-Qassam Brigades said Majed Zaki Al-Kahlout, 40, from Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, had died on Thursday.

The accident took place in Jabalia, the brigades said.
Hamas praises him as having been a great career Jihadist, and hoping that the unfortunate circumstances of his death don't prevent him from being accepted to paradise.

Since Hamas is getting all respectable and all, with its leaders being greeted with honor in all Arab countries and its PR hacks writing op-eds in major US and European newspapers, perhaps it is time for Hamas to start taking out workman's compensation policies (not to mention life insurance) for its employees, the career jihadists. I'm sure with all the respect they receive from the world as a legitimate global player they won't have a problem finding an insurance company willing to underwrite them.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a scorecard on how well different media outlets handled the fake "scoop" of supposed Israeli war plans that were revealed by the egomaniac serial liar and anti-Israel blogger Richard Silverstein:

Media outlet

Skepticism about story and Silverstein



What will an Israeli strike on Iran look like? American blogger Richard Silverstein on Wednesday published what he claimed is an Israeli briefing document outlining Israel’s war plans against Iran.




A prominent left-wing blogger has published what is claimed to be an outline of Israel’s attack plan against Iran. Richard Silverstein, on his blog Tikun Olam, has posted a report that is based, according to Silverstein, on a briefing document prepared by the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Silverstein’s blog is known for breaking news banned for publication in Israel due to military censorship.

Finds him very credible with a track record (!)



Any Israeli attack on Iran will open with a "coordinated strike, including an unprecedented cyber-attack which will totally paralyze the Iranian regime and its ability to know what is happening within its borders," American blogger Richard Silverstein wrote Wednesday.



Richard Silverstein told the BBC he had been given an internal briefing memo for Israel's eight-member security cabinet, which outlined what the Israeli military would do to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons. They did say they couldn't verify, but they gave him an interview

I don’t doubt that the document is real. I don’t doubt that it came from somewhere inside  the Israeli government. What I doubt is the veracity of Silverstein’s source’s claim that this document is being used to “persuade high-level Israeli officials.” Believes him completely

Christian Science Monitor

Is the document real? It would be a shocking security breach if so, and Silverstein offers no evidence of its accuracy beyond his anonymous sources and his own judgement. But there is plenty of strategic messaging, smoke, and mirrors to go around on Israel's war plans for Iran.

A little skepticism


Business Insider

While the validity of the report is seriously in question, it does outline a rather spectacular 21st century attack....The news of the "leak" is blossoming around the Web, but David Cenciotti at The Aviationist brings his experience to bear on the subject and offers some of the most unique insights that conclude with the likelihood it's all nothing more than speculation. 

Some followup, but only at the end


ABC News Radio
A U.S. blogger says he has been given leaked documents by a high-placed Israeli source that detail that country's plan for stopping Iran's rogue nuclear program. No skepticism

Jerusalem Post

The official, meanwhile, dismissed a report on a left-wing, anti-Netanyahu blog called Tikun Olam Wednesday purporting to have "an Israeli briefing document outlining Israel's war plans against Iran." ...One government official said there is "a lot of press speculation out there, and everyone has their 'secret source.' It is not the government's policy to comment on any piece of speculation."

Reasonable doubt but not enough to show the lies


Altogether, the media behaved abysmally. And none of the reports that gave the leak credibility have been updated to reflect the fact that virtually the same text was published as a "what-if" scenario days before Silverstein's posting. Similarly, none followed up with the evidence that Silverstein lied about the story, repeatedly, especially his attempts to claim that the virtually identical forum post was not similar at all to his "source." 

Anyone who reads Silverstein's pathetic excuses knows that he has no credibility. Too bad that the media is unwilling to change their initial enthusiasm for the story - because by choosing to ignore the new information, they show themselves to be hardly more credible than the liar who spread this fantasy around.

If this angers you, you should contact these media outlets and demand to know why they feature stories from  people who are not credible to begin with.

And the lion's share of the blame goes to the BBC, because their publication of the story and interview of the Israel-hater gave cover for many other outlets to run the story themselves, simply by quoting the Beeb.

See also The Algemeiner and Honest Reporting.

UPDATE: Fresh, the forum where the war scenario was first published, writes a withering attack on the Israeli media that fell for this.

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hurriyet Daily News:

A presenter for Turkish state broadcaster TRT omitted part of iconic British musician John Lennon's lyrics that call for “no religion” during the broadcasting of the Olympic Games’ closing ceremonies, NTV reported on its website.

One of Lennon’s most famous songs, “Imagine,” was included in the Aug. 12 ceremonies and was translated into Turkish by the TRT presenter as it played in the background.

The verses of the song which called for people to imagine a world with no countries and no reason to kill or die for were correctly translated into Turkish, but the presenter skipped the part where Lennon sang for "no religion."

The presenter translated the remainder of the lyrics correctly.

Reminds me of a classic episode of WKRP in Cincinnati from 1981:

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From HuffPo Canada, by Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress:

Did you know there are Canadians among us who are inspired by a mass-murderer?

Canadians who take their cue not from our constitution or the values we have developed over the past 400 years of western civilization, but from the words of a hate-monger whose sinister image to this day instils fear and casts a shadow of misery wherever his tentacles reach.

Indeed, there are such Canadians, and on Aug. 18 they'll defile the lawns of the Ontario Legislature to rally to the call of Ayatollah Khomeini for the destruction of the State of Israel -- the observance of "Al-Quds Day."

Khomeini first introduced Al Quds Day rallies in Iran in 1979, ostensibly to show solidarity with the rights of Palestinians.

However, the real agenda was to undermine and sabotage the Camp David Accords signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on Sept. 17, 1978.
Khomeini's message was not one of peace and reconciliation. He was not fighting for the right of the Palestinians for a state of their own, at peace with Israel. In fact, he declared:
"We must all rise, destroy Israel and replace it with the heroic Palestinian nation."
Palestine merely became the fig leaf behind which Khomeini and his fellow Islamists -- ranging from Shia Hezbollah to the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood -- camouflaged their deep-seated Jewish hatred.

This is why most of the people who attend these rallies are not Palestinian or Iranians, but Shia Pakistanis, radical backers of the Muslim Brotherhood, pro- Hezbollah Lebanese and a scattering of left-wing useful idiots.
Last year when this motley crew of Khomeini cheerleaders descended on Queen's Park, they were led by a lifetime backer of the Iranian Islamic regime and a fan of Osama bin Laden, Zafar Bangash.

Mocking U.S. President Barack Obama as "that black man in the White House" and Israel as a "parasitical state," Bangash declared amid cheers of Allah O Akbar:
"Insha'Allah I see the day when we the Muslims will march on Palestine and liberate Palestine for all the people of the world ... Under Islamic Law they will all be living as equal citizens."
Equal citizens? Tell that to the Christians of Egypt and Hindus of Pakistan; the Kurds of Turkey and the Baloch of Iran.
Another speaker belched out this conspiracy of the Jews:
"Wherever you see injustice happening, understand that there is a 1%, 2% or 100% involvement of the 'Zionist Regime'. The same Zionist regime that sucks the resources, the blood that belong to the people all across the world.
" These words are vintage hatred with barely concealed threats to eradicate the state of Israel from the map of the world. Seeped in anti-Semitism, such language had not accorded respect in the West after the 1940s, until now.
This article was also reprinted in The Muslim Times.

An ex-Iranian co-write another op-ed opposing the rally.

Toronto may be reconsidering allowing the hatefest.

Looks like the London version will go on without a hitch, though.

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From a column by D. Fayez Rashid in Al Quds (UK):

The Zionist movement exploited the Holocaust to find a justification for legal rape of Palestine and the expulsion of its people, and bring immigrants and the establishment of its statehood. And to blackmail the European countries, particularly Germany.

The writer also criticizes any Palestinian Arab who acknowledges that the Holocaust happened or anyone who teaches about the Holocaust to Palestinian Arab children (which UNRWA once considered then backed down from all the criticism.)

Rashid then goes on to characterize Jewish contacts with the Nazis before the Holocaust to save millions of Jewish lives as if it proves that Zionists and Nazis were collaborators. He also supports Holocaust revisionists like David Irving.
  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Will the West Bank Become the Next Islamic Emirate? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"Hamas continues to operate in the West Bank under the cover of hundreds of Islamic charities and organizations. An Israeli pullout from any part of the West Bank, under the current circumstances, will undermine the Palestinian Authority and most likely lead to its collapse, paving the way for radicals to seize control."

A Lost Opportunity of Historic Proportions
"Ninety years ago last month, the League of Nations, the precursor to today’s United Nations, approved the Mandate for Palestine, out of which Israel was to emerge in 1948. Israel’s neighbors have been in varying states of war and hostility with it from that date to this. As this conflict has flared up across the decades and is even cited, persistently but wrongly, as the root cause of regional and even global turbulence, its origins repay attention."

Israel Would Strike Iran to Gain a Few Years, Oren Says
"Israel would be willing to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, even if doing so only delayed its ability to produce nuclear weapons for a few years, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said.
“One, two, three, four years are a long time in the Middle East -- look what’s happened in the last year” in terms of political change, Oren said today at a Bloomberg Government breakfast in Washington. “In our neighborhood, those are the rules of the game.”

R2P and intervention in Syria: where we are now
It seems quite clear that Syria is now a prime candidate for application of the R2P concept, so what now?

UNWatch: OIC suspension of Syria sparks renewed call to expel Assad from U.N. human rights committee

Iran’s Al-Quds Day at Queens Park
Politicians and Jewish organizations have raised the alarm about the potential for antisemitic hate speech at the annual ‘Al-Quds Day’ anti-Israel protest to be held this Saturday at Queen’s Park.

Canada's United Church affirms settlements boycott
Church votes to boycott goods produced in the West Bank, East Jerusalem; Jewish organizations voice outrage at decision.

Despite Alarm by U.S., Europe Lets Hezbollah Operate Openly

Israel Removes Roadblocks in West Bank, Increases Aid to PA

Pro-Obama campaign video looks to Sderot

Probe sought of alleged shoddy work at Arafat tomb

MEMRI Al-Azhar Cleric Hashem Islam Issues Fatwa Allowing the Killing of Anti-Morsi Demonstrators

Despite South African ‘boycott’ call, Zulu king to visit Israel
Just days after Pretoria’s deputy foreign minister said it was improper to associate with Israel, King Goodwill Zwelithini promises to ‘intensify bilateral co-operation’

Lenny Kravitz bids Israel ‘Shalom’ ahead of first-ever tour
‘It’s time. I must go now,’ says half-Jewish rocker who plans to ‘hang out a bit’ in the Holy Land after the show Israel

Israel Daily Picture: Jewish Shopkeepers in Jerusalem's Old City -- More than 100 Years Ago

Related: President Lincoln's Secretary of State Describes Jerusalem in 1871, Attends Friday Night Services at the Hurva Synagogue

Also, Muslim hotel owner discriminated against Jewish group, jury finds

Photo of second man involved in Burgas bombing released

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP/Daily Star:

Lebanon's president held urgent talks with security chiefs and ministers Thursday after an eruption of violence in Beirut, including mass kidnappings, over events in neighboring Syria.

Several Gulf states ordered their nationals Wednesday to leave Lebanon, with the United Arab Emirates warning that the situation was “very dangerous.”

A Shi’ite Muslim clan claimed Wednesday it had kidnapped 33 Syrians and a Turkish man after a family member was kidnapped this week by a Syrian rebel group which accused him of being a Hezbollah sniper.

And dozens more Syrians were kidnapped and their shops vandalized by rioters in Shi'ite areas of Beirut on Wednesday, according to the state-run National News Agency.

“What happened today is a clear indication that we are [on] the brink of major chaos in Lebanon,” a senior political source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Daily Star Thursday.

The storm in Syria has reached Lebanon now and there is no going back,” the source added.

  • Thursday, August 16, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember how Morsi promised to respect all signed agreements? Well, not so much.

Ha'aretz reports:
The Egyptian army has been deploying large anti-terrorist forces in parts of the Sinai peninsula without informing Israel in advance. The peace treaty between the two countries limits the Egyptian military presence in Sinai.

Some of the Egyptian forces in the peninsula were sent there with Israel's consent, but Haaretz has learned that forces have also been deployed without Israel's prior approval. Israeli government officials only learned about it after the fact. Although Israeli defense officials declined to comment on the matter, they did note that there has been good security cooperation between the two countries, adding that there is regular contact between the two sides.

According to the 1979 peace agreement negotiated at Camp David, Egypt is not allowed to introduce tanks into certain areas of Sinai, including the vicinity of Al-Arish, to which dozens of tanks have been transported over the past several days. The treaty also bars the use of fighter aircraft, including helicopters, but that was approved retroactively by the Israeli security cabinet.

At the moment, Israel has decided not to respond to the unilateral Egyptian moves, apparently to avoid a confrontation. Nonetheless, it is seen as a source of future problems, particularly with the entrenchment of the Muslim Brotherhood's power in Egypt. The Egyptians could ask to have their current troop presence remain in Sinai until the end of their military operations there, although it is not clear when that would be.

The situation puts Israel in a dilemma. Just three days ago, Mohammed Gadallah, legal adviser to President Mohammed Morsi, said the president was considering amendments to the Camp David Accords to provide Egypt with "full sovereignty" over the peninsula.

(h/t Yoel)


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