Showing posts with label terror attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terror attack. Show all posts

Thursday, June 29, 2023

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Sept. 16— Haj Amin el Husseini, the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, and his Arab Higher Committee have started. a move to create a solid belt of Palestine Arab settlements around Israel and prevent-the moving of refugees away from Israel borders.

This change of front has come with the present evident collapse of the. former insistence by the Arab League, the Arab Higher Committee -and the Arab governments on the return of Palestine Arab refugees to their original homes under the terms of a 1948 United Nations resolution.,

The Arab Higher Committee was the last to demand that the refugees must return to the territory now under Israeli control. This demand not only has been abandoned. for practical, as opposed to political, purposes but the Arab Higher Committee and certain Arab statesmen now are opposed to. any return of Palestine Arabs to Israel territory. This change has been brought about by the fact that Israel will accept only a few Arabs into their old home, and that it is better to avoid the impression that the Palestine case has been settled. by agreement for a few to return.

...Strongly nationalist elements apparently are rallying around the Mufti and the Arab Higher Committee’s program for a belt of thickly settled Palestinians surrounding Israel.

...‘The shift in. the Mufti’s policy was apparently connected with the enthusiasm which Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria displayed for the preservation of the independent Kingdom of Jordan, and their strong opposition to its unification with Iraq. The Palestinian element is becoming increasingly predominant in Jordan in which it constitutes not only some two-thirds of the. population but is an educated and trained element that is pushing the original Jordanians, largely of Bedouin stock, into the background.
At the time, UNRWA was actually trying to solve the problem: it was pushing hard for Palestinian Arabs to be resettled in areas of Syria and Lebanon where they would be given plots of land and could become financially independent. And Israel had agreed to allow tens of thousands of Arabs to return but only in conjunction with the Arab world naturalizing the rest. 

But the Mufti did not care about what was best for the Palestinian Arabs. He wanted to destroy Israel. If he couldn't flood Israel with hundreds of thousands of refugees, he intended to turn Jordan into a temporary Palestinian state whose only purpose would be to destroy Israel - and that included building settlements surrounding Israel where they could be used as a means to attack Israel from a short distance. 

While his entire plan was not realized, during the 1950s and 1960s Israel suffered numerous terror attacks from Palestinian "fedayeen" who lived in nearby communities in Syria, Jordan and Gaza.

The Mufti's plan still lives, though. The PA, with the EU, are building their own settlements non-stop in Area C specifically to block Israel from controlling the land it is supposed to control in the Oslo Accords. Hundreds of illegal structures and ramshackle communities have been built, and Palestinians moved in from Areas A and B, daring Israel to tear them down in front of the cameras. 

It is an updated version of the Mufti's plan for settlements being built in Judea and Samaria not to benefit Palestinian Arabs but to hurt Israel. 

(h/t Charles)

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

According to Palestinian media, there were 16 "acts of resistance" in the past 24 hours.

These terror attacks included an attempted stabbing, 4 shooting attacks, the detonation of an explosive device and the throwing of a Molotov cocktail.

The stabbing attempt was near Beit El, and the explosive device was detonated at Itamar.

Here is the Palestinian tally of 193 attacks in the past week.

The media is silent on all these attacks, and only when Israel responds does it make the news.

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Friday, January 27, 2023

During the State Department briefing yesterday, Said Arikat badgered spokesperson Vedant Patel trying to get him to condemn Israel, and in part of his diatribe he said, "Now, who guarantees that equality? Who will guarantee that Palestinians and Israelis can actually have the same equal measures, as you keep repeating? It’s not the Palestinians that keep going day after day into Israeli villages and towns and so on and attack them during night raids..."

Actually, Palestinians attack Jews literally every  day. They brag about it. They keep detailed statistics, is this poster of last week's attacks shows:

Today, Islamic Jihad issued a press release: "The Al-Quds Brigades - Jaba Groups announced, this morning, Friday 27-1-2023, that they were able to target the Homesh settlement with dense and successive salvoes of bullets." 

What exactly does that look like? 

On January 15, another division of the Al Quds Brigades published a similar statement saying they attacked the village of Hermesh. This time they included a video showing automatic machine gun fire aiming at random Jewish homes.

Do the residents of Hermesh deserve to live in peace, without worry that they would be subject to automatic gunfire randomly shot at their houses?

Does any human rights group ever say that?

Do any of the reporters at the State Department even know that this happens every day?

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Sunday, January 01, 2023

January 1 is considered the 58th anniversary of the Fatah movement.

Just a few reminders about what exactly that means:

1. Fatah was founded in the 1950s, but it doesn't celebrate the date of its founding. It celebrates the date of its first attempted terror attack, against Israel's national water carrier. It was the definition of a terror attack, an attempt to make most Israelis die of thirst.

Fatah defines itself as a terror group.

2. The Palestinian Authority is run by Fatah.

3. Mahmoud Abbas controls Fatah - meaning, he is the head of a group that openly celebrates terror.

4. Fatah has never stopped actively supporting terror, as its current party platform makes clear.

5. This attack happened in 1965 - before "occupation." Fatah then had, and now has, a goal of the destruction of Israel, not an end to "occupation." 

6. Hamas congratulated Fatah on this occasion, saying "We congratulate our brothers in the Fatah movement on their 58th anniversary, and we affirm our firm strategy with the inevitability of joint national action on the grounds of adhering to the principles of our people, and the struggle in all its forms, to restore its just national rights, foremost of which is liberation." 

There is no fundamental difference between the two.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

In the Palestine Post of December 26 and 27, 1947, Arab terror attacks on Jews were as bad as they were during the second intifada. 

No one talks about that today.

It is worthwhile to study them. The Palestinian mentality and antisemitism, their making no distinction between Jewish civilians and armed forces, remains exactly the same today. 

The December 26 edition mentions the murder of a Jewish Olympic athlete, Elias "Elo" Katz, who had won the silver and gold medals in the Paris Games in 1924 (the article is mistaken.)

While any Palestinian terrorists who ever kicked a ball are trumpeted to the world as if Israel targets athletes (this article today from the official Palestinian news agency claims Israel has targeted and killed over 700 Palestinian athletes!), here was a real Olympics gold medalist who was murdered by Palestinians.

The December 27 Palestine Post reports on two more convoys - meant to bring food and supplies to isolated Jews - ambushed and seven Jews murdered:

The Arab Legion of Transjordan at the time partnered with the British to help keep things calm - but instead, this professional army shot at two civilian buses near Haifa, killing one Jew and wounding others, originally claiming that the Jews attacked first but it was found to be a lie. 

An absolutely heartbreaking story of a little girl in bed killed by Arab gunfire. 

Violence was so prevalent that here we see four separate incidents - including an attack on a Jewish children's home, a Jew killed - are thrown together on a single Page 3 story (the newspaper was only four pages long.)

Palestinian Arabs openly threatened Jews - from London.

Egypt decided that since it was impossible to ensure that they were only boycotting Jews in Palestine, they should boycott everyone in Palestine.

 Like today's BDSers, the point isn't to help Palestinian Arabs but to try to hurt the Jews. Like today's BDSers, they would swear that they are doing this to help the Palestinian Arabs. Like today's BDSers, they never actually asked the affected Arabs if they want to be collateral damage.

Other news from that paper are also echoes of today: a huge blizzard in the US that kills many people, and a fatal cholera outbreak in Syria that people are desperate to contain.

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To the West, Palestinians cry about the number of them - mostly terrorists - who were killed this year.

In Arabic, though, they brag about how many Jews they managed to kill - which is the entire reason the IDF was forced to respond to begin with.

This poster celebrates the attacks.

It says, "Palestine in numbers. 2022 was a year of resistance par excellence.

* 14,000 resistance acts during the year
* 31 Israeli dead
* 770 shooting operations

This graphic celebrates 31 Israelis killed, listing out each attack:

Here is the list of attacks from the Jewish Virtual Library; I didn't try to reconcile the two lists.

November 23 Aryeh Shechopek (15), Tadese Tashume Ben Ma’ada (50) Two explosions at a bus station near the entrance to Jerusalem killed two and injured 22. Aryeh Shechopek died on the day of the attack,  Tadese Tashume Ben Ma’ada, several days later.
November 15 Tamir Avihai (50), Michael Ladygin (36), Motti Ashkenazi (59)

 Muhammed Soof, a cleaner in the Ariel industrial zone. stabbed seven people, killing three, in Ariel.

October 25

Shalom Sofer (55)

Died two weeks after being seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near Kedumim.
May 5 Boaz Gol (49), Yonatan Havakuk (44), Oren Ben Yitfah (35) A terrorist attack in the city of Elad left three men dead and eight injured, one critically.
April 29 Vyacheslav Golev (23) Two Palestinian terrorists murdered Vyacheslav Golev, a security guard, at the entrance to Ariel.
April 7 Tomer Morad (28), Eytam Magini (27), Barak Lufan (35) A shooting at a downtown Tel Aviv bar left three people dead and seven others were wounded and hospitalized. 
March 29 Amir Khoury (32), Ya’akov Shalom (36), Avishai Yehezkel (29), Victor Sorokopot (38), Dimitri Mitrik (23) Five people were killed during a series of drive-by shootings in Bnei Brak. The perpetrator was Diaa Hamarsheh who had been imprisoned in 2015 for charges of supporting terrorism as well as arms trafficking.
March 27 Yezen Falah and Shirel Abukarat, both 19 Two Border Police officers were killed by two terrorists believed to be supporters of the Islamic State.
March 22 Doris Yahbas (49), Laura Yitzhak (43), Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky and Menahem Yehezkel, (67) Four people were killed and two more were injured during a stabbing and vehicle-ramming attack by an Islamic State supporter in Be’er Sheva.

Here are some Felesteen cartoons this year that are either antisemitic or that glorify terror:

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Sunday, December 25, 2022

The "UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories" has shown, yet again, how little she cares about the truth - and about Jewish lives - in this Twitter thread about the lung cancer death of arch-terrorist Nasir Abu Hmeid (Hamid).

Abu Hamid, Palestinian refugee from Al-Amar Camp, West Bank, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2002, for alleged involvement in attacks against Israeli forces during the 2nd Intifada. His detention appeared to violate basic human rights standards, including denial of family visits.
Lie #1: He was not a "Palestinian refugee." By definition, a refugee cannot live in the same country they are supposedly refugees from. The definition of refugee is very clear in the UN Refugee Convention. 

Lie #2: He was not sentenced for "alleged involvement in attacks against Israeli forces." He was sentenced to multiple life sentences for his involvement in murdering seven Israeli civilians, not soldiers.

And there is nothing alleged about it. Palestinians openly brag about his so-called "resistance."

Lie #3: While Israel may have sometimes denied family visits for specific technical reasons, but they certainly allowed them. Not only did the family get to visit Abu Hamid and his three terrorist brothers in prison - they would all get together in a single group, with no glass wall between them, laughing and having fun together. I have seen two separate visits documented in photos:

That's only one tweet. 

Albanese links to a letter she co-write about Abu Hmeid in October, that shows how little she cares about fairness and truth. Even though she tries to ensure that no one can call her a liar because she liberally sprinkles her spurious accusations of Israeli mistreatment of Abu Hmeid with "allegedly" and "reportedly," she still manages to show her contempt for Israel and for Israeli civilians, and the lies still shine through:

* She again makes the false accusation that his arrest was for "attacks against Israeli forces." This shows that she believes Palestinian propaganda, where every Israeli civilian is considered a legitimate military target.

* She repeats the lie by saying "On 19 September 2022, the Board postponed the date of the hearing for Mr. Abu Hamid’s case until 6 October 2022, allegedly in light of objections to his release by the families of Israeli soldiers allegedly killed by Mr. Abu Hamid." 

This is not a mistake - she repeats the lie that he did not kill civilians, only "soldiers."

* She writes, "Mr. Abu Hamid has served most of his sentence in Askalan Prison, where he was reportedly subject to detention conditions that do not respect the minimum safety, hygiene or health standards. He was placed in a narrow and overcrowded cell without proper ventilation and deprived of adequate health care."

First of all, the prison name is Ashkelon, not Askalan. Even if you use the Arab name of the city, the prison does not have that name. This shows that Albanese simply does not accept any information from Israel as truth, while she believes Palestinian lies implicitly. 

Secondly, she doesn't couch her accusations of prison conditions with any "allegedly." Albanese states, as fact, that the prison is overcrowded and has improper ventilation. Has the Red Cross said that there is no proper ventilation there? Has she read any Israeli inspection reports? Of course not. 

Palestinians lie about the prison conditions all the time...and yet, when they go on strike for better conditions, we can see the truth.  This extensive list of demands in 2004, during the height of the second intifada, asks for things like allowing second cousins to visit and "to allow all cells to have access to a computer and not only students." But it doesn't demand basic things like better ventilation or less crowded conditions! 

Why not? Because that wasn't a problem even in 2004, let alone today!

Here is more proof, as if any is needed, that Francesca Albanese is a liar. And her refusal to believe a word that Jewish Israelis say while believing the accusations of murderers and their supporters shows, yet again, that her railing against the "Jewish lobby" was not a mistake, but antisemitism is part and parcel of who she is. 

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