Showing posts with label fifth column. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fifth column. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023

I just received a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations declaring that they consider Israel's attacks on Hamas to be "genocide."

It is disgusting. CAIR fully accepts Hamas' lies about how many were killed.

Looking back, their press releases since the massacre on October 7 have been truly disgusting. The very first one, drafted when the first news of a huge attack on Israeli civilians were being published, was a blatant attempt to change the subject and imply that no matter what happened to the Jews, it is their own fault.

It was an obvious attempt to exonerate Hamas and blame Jews for being massacred.

The following Monday, their first statement was more of the same, "CAIR Urges Congress to Address Root Cause of Mideast Violence - Israel's Occupation of Palestinian Lands." They reluctantly said that anyone calling up their representatives should first "acknowledge the loss of lives and recognize the humanity on both sides, including Israelis and Palestinians" before urging Congress to do exactly what Hamas wants it to do: handcuff Israel.

CAIR never condemned Hamas. Not once - not even when Hamas was blowing  up buses and pizza shops in the second intifada. 

This is even though the only genocide in the Middle East was Hamas' attempt to murder every Jewish man, woman, senior citizen an child it could find. 

This is even though CAIR claims that it always condemns terrorism, no matter who the guilty party is. 

It never condemned the rapes or murders or kidnappings. It never called on Hamas to release the hostages. 

This last part is interesting because CAIR has called for the release of other hostages, even those held by Muslims in Iraq and by the Taliban.

Apparently, CAIR condones the attacks on Israelis. There is no other explanation. 

Moreover, CAIR condemned Israel for the Islamic Jihad rocket that fell in the parking lot of a hospital. There has been no correction even as every major government and independent researchers all agree that Israel had nothing to do with it.

Remember, CAIR was consulted on the US strategy to fight antisemitism. 

But its website makes it quite clear: CAIR implicitly supports Hamas and everything it does.

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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Israel haters were given a huge gift this week courtesy of anti-government protester Shira Eting.

Eting, interviewed by Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, said, "I was a combat helicopter pilot…. If you want pilots to be able to fly and shoot bombs and missiles into houses knowing they might be killing children, they must have the strongest confidence in the people making those decisions."

The modern antisemites have been having a field day with an attractive and articulate Israeli woman matter of factly saying that Israelis knowingly shoot missiles into homes that kill children. Here we have proof of how monstrous Israelis are - even leftist Israelis!

A number of years ago, I looked at a B'Tselem report on families killed in their homes during 2014's Operation Protective Edge. Even that incomplete report showed that many families were acting as human shields for the terrorists - sometimes the shields were the terrorists' own families, and sometimes the terrorists were sheltering in an innocent family home. 

I did further research and listed over a hundred children who were used as human shields to protect terrorists, often senior terrorists.

This is only what I could find out with open source research. But it proves the point: Israel is not going to bomb a house unless it has excellent intelligence that the house is a legitimate military target. Perhaps a senior terrorists is inside, perhaps a weapons cache is underneath, perhaps a command and control center is in the apartment next door. 

As long as the military advantage outweighs the collateral damage, this is a moral decision and also legal under international law.  While we are not privy to the specific calculus that Israel uses in making those decisions, it employs teams of lawyers to review every airstrike and goes to great lengths - never reported in the media - to ensure that it minimizes mistakes. Israel goes above and beyond the requirements of the Laws of Armed Conflict in its own policy decisions. 

Eting caused more harm to Israel with her out of context quote than the proposed judicial reforms she is protesting could possibly do. But she wasn't wrong in what she said: in the real world, in real wars, decisions must be made that sometimes mean children would die. 

In the case of Gaza, that is entirely the fault of the terrorists who deliberately choose to locate military targets in residential areas. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Last year, the IDF killed an 18-year old terrorist, Ibrahim al-Nablusi, who was a leader of the Lion's Den terror cell in Nablus and involved in multiple attacks.

He had been a child soldier, joining a terror group at 15.

Articles about the Lion's Den have implied that it was a home-grown group that just popped up out of frustration with Israel or the PA. Members claimed not to be loyal to any one armed faction.

But today, Islamic Jihad has written a new obituary for Ibrahim al-Nablusi, where they take credit for the creation of the Lion's Den.

Today, Wednesday 8/9/2023, the Al-Quds Brigades - the Nablus Brigade confirmed, on the first anniversary of the martyrdom of Ibrahim Alaa Al-Nabulsi "Abu Fathi", one of the most prominent leaders of the Al-Quds Brigades - the Nablus Brigade and the fighter Islam Muhammad Sabouh, that the blood of the two martyrs will remain a light for the Mujahideen and a fire for the aggressors Zionists at all times .

The battalion revealed for the first time that the martyr, Commander Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, was part of the department for developing military action in Nablus and that he was one of the first leaders in establishing the battalion.

 This makes a lot more sense. The many armed groups that have arisen in the West Bank over the past two years were not spontaneous, but planned - and they were planned by Iran, via Islamic Jihad.

It was in the Palestinian interest to tell Western media that these were organic groups that were created at the grassroots level, and Islamic Jihad had a "department for developing military action" in the West Bank.

More evidence that Iran was behind these groups comes from the Tehran Times "Man of the Year" last year - none other than Ibrahim al-Nabulsi.

Iran's actions in Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and Gaza are not haphazard, but they are coordinated and planned to keep Israel under siege and on the defensive.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, August 01, 2023

From Sama News:
Today, Monday, President Mahmoud Abbas received a phone call from the head of the Lebanese Phalange Party, Sheikh Sami Gemayel.

The President discussed with Gemayel, during the phone call, the unfortunate events that took place in Ain El-Hilweh camp.

He stressed support for what the government and the army are doing in Lebanon in order to impose law and order.

The President stressed that the Palestinian presence in Lebanon is temporary until they return to the homes from which they were expelled according to international resolutions.
That last sentence is a coded message, saying that Abbas - as head of the PLO, and therefore ostensibly the leader of all Palestinians worldwide - would not ask Lebanon to give citizenship to Palestinians who have lived there, stateless, for 75 years. 

Abbas has said this explicitly in the past, numerous times

Which means that his official position is for Palestinians in Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and other Arab countries should not become citizens of those countries - they must remain without any national protection until Israel is destroyed or somehow forced to commit suicide via "return" to destroy it as a Jewish state.

The cynicism of this position is breathtaking. The closest thing the Palestinians have to a leader wants to use his own people as pawns, with no national rights in the countries where generations have been born, lived and died.

The cynicism does not end there, though. Because in 2005, Mahmoud Abbas had a completely different position, as reported then in AFP:

DUBAI, 12 July 2005 — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told Arab countries hosting Palestinian refugees to give them citizenship, insisting such a move would not compromise their right of return.

“I call upon every Arab government wishing to give citizenship (to Palestinian refugees) to do so. What is wrong with that?” he said in an interview with Dubai Television late Sunday.

But the Palestinian Authority president insisted that obtaining citizenship in a host-country should not compromise the right to return to their homeland of which many Palestinian refugees dream.

“This does not mean resettlement (of refugees). A Palestinian would return to his homeland whenever he is allowed, whether he carried an Arab or non-Arab citizenship,” he said. “A fifth-generation Palestinian living in Chile also wishes to return when allowed ... It is an emotional matter, not related to citizenship,” he added.

The Palestinian leader, who visited Syria and Lebanon last week — both host to hundreds of thousands of refugees, slammed claims that the Arab League had banned naturalization of refugees as “mere excuses”. “There is no decision ... the Arab League only recommended (not to grant citizenship) but this was not a decision,” he said.
Once upon a time, Mahmoud Abbas asked Arab countries to naturalize Palestinian "guests." But only a couple of years later, he changed his position to being against them becoming citizens.

What caused the about-face?

Chances are, Lebanon and Syria and maybe also the Gulf countries that host hundreds of thousands of Palestinians told him to shut up. They don't want Palestinians to become citizens. And probably Hamas took advantage and portrayed Abbas as being weak on the mythical "right to return." 

Whatever the reason, Abbas switched from acting as a real leader that tries to help his people into a corrupt leader who simply wants to abuse his people for his own political purposes.

Abbas was right in 2005. Citizenship has nothing to do with "return." Palestinian citizens of Jordan are given the clear message that they will lose citizenship if "return" would become an option. And for whatever bizarre reason, even though most of them are citizens of a state, they are still called "refugees" by the international community. 

And Palestinians, when given the rare chance to become citizens of other countries, eagerly take that option. So those who say that Palestinians prefer statelessness to becoming citizens of their countries are simply liars. 

Each stateless Palestinian adds an infinitesimal amount of pressure on Israel. That is the only reason for insisting that Palestinians remain stateless. Which proves that to Palestinian leaders, their own people's lives are worthless.

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Monday, July 24, 2023

Iraqi news site Buraitha News, which is a Shi'ite site, has an "analysis" of Israel-Turkish relations by journalist and TV presenter Tabarak al-Raadi. She recently earned her PhD in International Relations from the University of Baghdad.

It starts off with:

The issue of the role of the Jewish lobby in Turkey may shed light on the Israeli-Turkish relations, which are frequently talked about these days, and which cannot be separated from their historical course.
A Jewish lobby in Turkey? Who knew? 

You see, this expert has traced back the Jewish influence on Turkey to Shabbati Zevi, the famous false messiah who converted to Islam. According to her his followers converted to Islam but remained Jewish and continue their secret Jewish influence in Turkey today. 

As she writes, "Since those times, they assassinate the sultans, support the generals, promote this and oppress that, and sign secret treaties."

Her conspiracy theory extends into classic Western-style antisemitism, as she claims that Turkey's major media are all controlled by these secret Jews. She then adds some legitimate anecdotes of Israeli-Turkish cooperation and agreements, as if that proves that Turkey has been infiltrated by Jews. 

It is hard for Westerners to wrap their heads around this sort of pseudo-intellectual antisemitism that is widespread even among the Arab intelligentsia. But it is there, and it drives a lot of decisions. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, June 08, 2023

During the War of Independence in 1948, on a few occasions the Palestine Post could not publish the newspaper properly. The editors nearly always managed to get something out, even if it was typewritten.

That is what happened on June 7, 1948.

But one of the stories includes an important quote that I have not seen elsewhere, possibly because of the newspaper looking the way it did.


The Arab radio stations are broadcasting appeals to Arab refugees from Palestine to return to their homes. The Arab authorities are offering financial support to those who come back, while men of military age are promised exemption from duty.

In Cairo, Azzam Pasha [secretary general of the Arab League - EoZ] has stated that the refugees constituted a fifth column in the Arab states, where they are spreading despondency and alarm.
The closest I could find was a second hand quote from Aharon Cohen, in his book "Israel and the Arab World" (1964), where he says that Arab leaders were very critical of "fifth columnists and rumormongers" behind the flight from Israel.

The juxtaposition of the two reports in the newspaper shows the contempt that the Arabs leaders had for Palestinian Arabs and how much they wanted to rid their countries of them. 

Which is still true today.

The only difference is that soon after 1948, the Arab leaders came up with a better sounding plan. They still wanted to get rid of the refugees whom they considered cowardly and a threat to their own stability - but they started couching their desire to rid themselves of them as being "pro-Palestinian" because they supported "return" and avoided naturalization - ostensibly for the Palestinians' own good.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Monday, April 24, 2023

i24news reported Sunday:

Violence should be discarded and condemned “in all its manifestations” for Jews and Arabs to have a common future as neighbors, Mansour Abbas, arguably the most prominent Arab Israeli lawmaker of the day, told i24NEWS in an exclusive interview.

“We think that this demand is a compulsory for all of us, and we should push the violence in all of its manifestations aside, and we should engage in peace and in construction. We need to treat the wounds of both sides, to translate into the reality the goals of both sides, in order for us to reach a solution that would be acceptable for both sides,” Abbas, chair of the United Arab List faction, said.

Abbas stressed that he regards himself and fellow Arab citizens of Israel as Israelis, and rejected attempts by Palestinian leadership including the Hamas terrorist group to enlist Arab Israelis against Israel on the side of the Palestinians.

This is in response to Hamas trying to drag Israeli Arabs into becoming terrorists as a fifth column. 

I agree with very little that Mansour says, but this is a sane statement that reflects reality and not the fantasy of wanting nothing less than the destruction of Israel.

Naturally, major Palestinian factions condemned his words.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - which has extensive ties with "human rights" NGOs -  strongly condemned Abbas’s statements, and said they are "treacherous and do not represent our people from near or far, and reveal the suspicious role assigned to him as an obedient tool in the hands of the occupation...he is a traitor to the interests of our people and their national rights.” 

Mahmoud Abbas' "moderate" Fatah said his words “essentially affect the historical national rights of our Palestinian people in Palestine,” and described them as “a cheap fit with the Zionist narrative that falsely monopolizes the history of Palestine.... Mansour Abbas crossed the red lines with his positions.”

As of this writing, I have not yet seen any reaction from Hamas or Islamic Jihad, but since Abbas' comments were aimed squarely at them, one can assume that they would be at least as angry as their rival  Fatah is. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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