Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Al-Aqsa Mosque, anti-normalization, blame Israel, blame Jews, coexistence, Muslim intolerance, Yehuda Glick, Yom Kippur

Monday, September 04, 2023
Monday, September 04, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
Abraham Accords, anti-normalization, bahrain, Murtada Al-Sindi, normalization, supporting terror, Tasnim News Agency, Zionist entity
The leader of the Islamic Al-Wafa Movement in Bahrain, Mr. Murtada Al-Sindi, affirmed that no one can guarantee the safety and stability of the Zionist entity in Bahrain.On the implications and objectives of the visit of the Zionist entity's foreign minister, Eli Cohen, to Bahrain, the leader of the Islamic Al-Wafa Movement in Bahrain, Mr. Mortada Al-Sindi, said in a statement to the correspondent of Tasnim News Agency that the government chose its position in the struggle of the axes, and the people of Bahrain also determined their position, the government chose to be with the Zionists and a tail of Israel, while the people of Bahrain chose to be with the axis of resistance and the Palestinian cause.Regarding the possibility of a popular resistance to the Zionist presence in Bahrain, he said, the natural reaction to the presence of the usurping entity in Bahrain is resistance and rejection, and the people of Bahrain are jealous and religious people, and all segments of Bahraini society and all sects of society have expressed their rejection of the Zionist presence, but no one guarantees that it [civil disobedience alone] will continue ...Matters are subject to escalation and may be manifested in resistance movements and factions to confront the bastard presence of the usurping Zionist entity of the holy land of Palestine.He added that the violations and crimes committed by the Zionist entity against our brothers and loved ones in occupied Palestine turn into lava in the chests of our people, and this lava may erupt at any moment and turn into a movement of resistance to the Zionist presence in Bahrain, and no one can guarantee the Zionist entity's safety and stability in Bahrain. .
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Friday, September 01, 2023
Friday, September 01, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
1957, anti-normalization, honor/shame, jew hatred, Libya, normalization, propaganda, Zionist entity
But perhaps the strangest announcement of people trying to out-Arab the Palestinians - who do indeed speak to Israeli officials - comes from the Libyan Ministry of Oil and Gas, which said
The Ministry of Oil and Gas announces its rejection of state officials calling joining organizations or forums attended by the Zionist entity or in which it is a member, especially in areas related to the oil and gas sector.I don't know how many international energy organizations Israel is a member of, but Israel certainly has been a member of the World Petroleum Council for decades - and so is Libya, and Iran,.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
anti-normalization, Arab antisemitism, Eli Cohen, foreign policy, Israel, jew hatred, Libya, Muslim antisemitism, Najla Mangoush, USA
US President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly furious with Jerusalem for revealing last week’s meeting between the foreign ministers of Israel and Libya.US officials told Israel that the episode will deter other countries from embarking on a normalization process with Israel, multiple Hebrew media outlets reported Monday.A US official also said it “killed” the conversation channel with Libya about recognizing Israel.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
anti-normalization, Article 285, boycott, Israel, Lebanon, Netanya, z can't make this stuff up
Lebanon’s National Security Ministry confiscated Israeli goods from store shelves around the country, its National Security Ministry announced, according to Lebanese media reports on Tuesday.It is unknown how the Israeli goods ended up in commercial centers in Lebanon, as the two countries do not have diplomatic relations and do not engage in trade.According to the reports, the Lebanese ministry stated that “relevant parties had been summoned for questioning.”According to Ynet, among the Israeli goods confiscated in Lebanon were kitchen towels from the Netanya-based home goods company, Golf & Co. as well as sealing strips from PROMAX.
This doesn't come close to capturing the absurdity of Lebanon's zealousness at enforcing Article 285 of the Lebanese penal code which prohibits trade with an enemy state.
Lebanese State Security released this video dramatizing how their strangely masked employees received the information of the dangerous goods, then enter a vehicle while heavily armed, where they race down the streets in order to confiscate the contraband that is, shudder, "MADE IN ISRAEL."
It is a clown show, yet they are taking this all so seriously.
The entire country is going to hell, but at least Lebanese citizens can sleep at night knowing that their security forces are protecting them from Zionist kitchen towels.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
academic freedom, Andre Lajst, anti-normalization, BDS, BDS is antisemitic, Brazil, JTA, NGO lies, propaganda, StandWithUs
Pro-Palestinian protesters injured a university employee while demonstrating against a lecture speaker who heads the Brazilian chapter of a pro-Israel advocacy group.Andre Lajst, the director of StandWithUs Brazil, was speaking about ways that Israeli technologies could help develop the Amazon region at the Federal University of Amazonas in Manaus on Thursday when protesters clashed with security and other university employees outside the lecture auditorium.According to news reports, the advisor to the university’s rector left the scene with a broken nose after attempting to safeguard her daughter. Several students entering the lecture were also harassed, and police officers escorted Lajst into and out of the venue. One protester was reportedly arrested for pushing a police officer but later released.
Here's video at the scene:
Andre Lajst completed his lecture and had to be escorted out by police for his safety from the violent mob.
But BDS-aligned media are bragging (and lying) that they managed to shut down his speech with their thuggish mob!
Pro-Palestine Brazilians demonstrated at a university in the Brazilian city of Manaus against the organization of a pro-Israeli-occupation event on campus.
Despite the high-security measures against them, the protesters managed to stop the meeting in support of the Israeli occupation, which is entitled “Cooperation with Israel”.
André Lajst, director of the Brazilian branch of StandWithUs, a pro-Israeli-occupation group in Brazil, spoke at the event about supporting the occupation and normalization with it.
Video clips showed the large number of anti-Israel-occupation demonstrators, known as BDS Mob, who confronted the Brazilian police and attempted to shut down the event by force, forcing Lajst and his companions to leave the place quickly.
These protests are a part of the international BDS activities against all forms of normalization with the Israeli occupation, especially educational normalization.
Among themselves, BDSers don't even pretend to be "non-violent." They are happy and proud to threaten and attack people.
And then they claim in mainstream media articles that they are doing it in the name of "academic freedom."
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
anti-normalization, Fake News, negotiations, normalization, Palestinian media, Palestinian propaganda, propaganda, psy-ops, Saudi Arabia
Private sources reported that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia desires strong political, economic, security and social relations with Israel that include all kinds of cooperation with friendly countries and the establishment of an unprecedented partnership in all fields.For this, the Kingdom needs security and political guarantees before starting serious negotiations on the form of the relationship. Therefore, the Saudi National Security Council set four conditions for starting real negotiations under the auspices of the United States of America, which are:1- The United States agrees to sell the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 50 F-35 aircraft, without banning any of the types of advanced capabilities it has, like Israel.2- The United States of America agrees to complete the sale and construction of 5 nuclear reactors for peaceful purposes.3- Israel's agreement to subject its nuclear reactors to be under the supervision of the Atomic Energy Commission, and agreement of a Middle East region free of nuclear weapons.4- Israel should stop weakening the Palestinian National Authority and return to the negotiating table in order to achieve peace and stability in the region.
The only places these were published were Palestinian media, so the list is a little suspect.
Beyond that, these are pre-conditions before any negotiations, and from that perspective they seem absurd - the US giving advanced weapons in exchange for talks that could go nowhere? Israel being forced to make major concessions before any negotiations even start?
And one more thing: The Saudi National Security Council was dissolved in 2015.
This looks like a Palestinian psy-ops attempt to pressure the Saudis to demand more concessions from Israel on the Palestinian issue, as there is a real (and founded) fear among Palestinians that they will be only an incidental part of any normalization plan.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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