Showing posts with label Turkish antisemitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkish antisemitism. Show all posts

Sunday, September 08, 2024

This is a recent cover of a recent issue of a Turkish magazine, Gerçek Hayat. The title says "The Jewish era is ending."

Here is another recent cover:

"Child victims of the evil Jewish network."

One of the stories in this latest issue says that the classic blood libel of Jews murdering gentile babies is not a conspiracy theory, but true:

The first records of Jews sacrificing children in Greek temples date back to the 1st century AD. Due to these accusations, which increased especially during and after the First Crusade, hundreds of Jews were tried and killed in Europe. The rest were exiled.
There are hundreds of recorded 'blood rituals' in the history of every region where Jews lived, from England to Rhodes, from Hatay to Damascus. However, the Jews, who took complete control of Europe in the early 1900s, distorted the reality of rituals as they rewrote history.
The 'blood ritual', which has hundreds of examples in the records, turned into a 'blood libel' after this date. All cases were recorded as 'slanders against the Jews' and the name 'blood ritual' was changed to 'blood libel' in European encyclopedias. Jews who were executed by European Christians for much less than what they did in Gaza today were tried to be cleared with a fake history woven with lies.

It is accompanied by a video that includes some AI-generated images, which claims among other things that the "secret tunnel" under the Chabad headquarters in New York last year was a place where Jews were murdering gentile children.

It seems to be way past time for businesses to boycott Turkey. Because its media is inciting genocide and the government is complicit.

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Wednesday, September 04, 2024

As I've been documenting over the past couple of months, Turkish media is virulently antisemitic.  It doesn't even pretend to be merely "anti-Zionist;" there is no distinction between Jews and Zionists. 

Here are some examples from the past few days.

In Milat Gazeti, Muhammad Oskilinc - an Islamic cleric with a regular column inciting hate for Jews - writes:
As the saying goes, Jews are “both guilty and powerful”, they have always committed crimes against humanity and human values ​​throughout history. But on the other hand, with the enormous media power in their hands, they have managed to present themselves as an oppressed, innocently pushed and pushed poor people. Since they have executed this plan very well, they still continue to receive large amounts of compensation from many European countries. The grandfathers of Europeans witnessed dozens of crimes of Jews and exiled them from their countries. But over time, many insidious plans have presented to their grandchildren that Jews are as clean as a spoonful of milk and innocent. Then, step by step, the lie that they were exiled by their grandfathers without guilt was pumped in, and then the Europeans were brought to the position of standing behind the Jews no matter what, with both compensation and a guilty mindset.

This cursed nation, cursed by Allah (swt) dozens of times, has managed to present itself as a victim and a wretched to the entire humanity. For this; the cinema, theater sector and the entire art world have been taken under control. The educational curriculums of the countries and then the entire internet world have been mobilized. The history of the nations has been forgotten and a new and false history has been invented that suits the interests and benefits of the Jews. In other words, the memories of the nations have been erased and a new memory has been loaded. Pressure has been put on the parliaments of almost all countries and bringing up the crimes of the Jews has been made a crime by law under the name of “ANTI-SEMITISM”.

Yes, people can be misled, deceived, and even their history and archives can be designed in reverse. But nothing can be erased from the divine archive. When you look at the Holy Quran, it is immediately understood how dark and hostile to humanity this cursed people are. ...

In fact, it is not possible for this cursed people to escape the humiliation collar that has been put around their necks because of their corrupt character and their hostility towards humanity and human values.
Yeni Akit quotes Akşam newspaper writer Hüseyin Besli's insane railing against Jews and the West:
Like all false structures, the divinity of the West and the existence of the State of Israel will soon come to an end, and the Jews will be condemned to live in disarray and misery on earth, as they deserve.

Because Jews are the perpetrators of unforgivable sins and crimes...

That is why today's Israel is a country inspired by George Orwell, where animals live and are ruled by wild animals.

Just as Abraham put Nimrod, the symbol of human deification, in his place, today's false god puts humanity in its place in the person of the people of Gaza. I hope and pray that; just like Nimrod was defeated and killed by a fly, the people of Gaza will enter through the West's nose and spill their brains on the ground, God willing..."
Popular Turkish news site Haber7  calls closing of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron from Muslim worship ten days a year "systematic genocide." 

Ali Barskanmay writes in Karar about the antisemitism in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and concludes that it was prompted by how evil Jews are to begin with.

At least in Egypt and Morocco, there are also articles about the history of Jews in those countries that are not overtly hostile. I have yet to see any such articles in Turkish media since I started looking a couple of months ago.

Arabic media used to be this bad, and they were shamed by Western media reporting on the most hateful articles translated by MEMRI. At this time, Turkish media is the most antisemitic in the world, with Yemen in a distant second place (since Yemen doesn't try to dress up its hate in intellectual arguments as Turkey does.)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, September 01, 2024

In Taba, Egypt, three Arab Israelis vacationing there got into an altercation with two hotel employees. But before the news was reported, there were rumors that six Jews were stabbed in Taba.

Turkish magazine Baran Dergisi was very happy upon hearing that rumor:
There is no longer any place for Jews in the world!
Six Jews were attacked in a hotel in Taba, Egypt. The occupying Jews, who gained the hatred of the world with the massacre they carried out in Gaza, are being destroyed on sight....

Jews must learn that from October 7th onwards the Jewish world will be narrow and they will not be able to find comfort anywhere. They will be destroyed wherever they are seen.
As we've been seeing lately, Turkish media is much less reluctant to spread pure Jew hatred than even most Arab media. 

The same magazine had a recent article interviewing author Peren Birsaygılı Mut who said that "after October 7, Jews lost more blood than ever before, and in order for them to weaken them even more, we need to know our enemy and their propaganda methods well and fight. For example, it is essential that studies are conducted in academia on the invalidity of the concept of anti-Semitism."

Another article about a secular Turk who is critical of Islamism and supports Israel gives him the ultimate insult: it calls him a "crypto-Jew." himself.  It ends off by asking "How long will Turkey shelter Jewish dogs?"

Similarly, it attacks the secular CHP party of Turkey as "Jewish-friendly."

There are about 14,500 Jews living in Turkey. I hope they wake up soon.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

For centuries, people have debated why antisemitism exists.

A column in Turkey's Yeni Mesaj by Akin Aydin comes up with the answer:

It's the Jews' fault!

 The real question that needs to be asked here is why Jews have been targeted so much since the beginning of their existence!

Another question is how did those who believed that they were superior because of their beliefs, who saw other people as their servants and who did not even look at other people as "human", live in disgrace throughout history? 

The answer to such questions is always themselves, the books they have changed with their own hands and the beliefs they have created.

Jews, who believe they are 'superior', have always been under the domination of other nations throughout history. But they have never sat still in any period of history.

So much so that they were exiled from Palestine, Egypt, Babylon, ancient Greece, Rome and Europe.

During the time of our Prophet, they were exiled from Medina and Khaybar. In addition, in the unwritten will of our Prophet (pbuh), they were ordered to be exiled from the 'Hejaz peninsula'.

But why?

The answer itself is the Jews. They have always created intrigues and caused mischief in the lands and states they lived in, and they have tried to overthrow the state they lived in by collaborating with the enemies of that region, but they have failed every time. 
See how liberal he is? Unlike other Muslim writers, he doesn't deny antisemitism. He agrees it is a bad thing. But, hey, the Jews deserve to be hated.

(This is only part 1. Who knows what we'll learn in the rest of the series?)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Ankara-based news site Baskent Postasi has this as one of their top stories:

It starts off a being unsure whether Zionists of the US/UK are trying to control the world:

Right now, the 'WORLD' is under the threat of global Imperialism and Zionism!.. Imperialist/Zionist Powers are working with all their might to take over the world as a whole and to be able to rule it from the center. The reason for the 1st and 2nd World Wars is the same as the reason for the war that has broken out in the Middle East (Israel-Palestine-Hamas) and has spread to Iran-Lebanon. The sole reason/source of this war stems from the desire of the global Imperialist/Zionist power to dominate the entire world by establishing dominance in the Middle East.
...Although Israel is known to be the cause of this war, the countries that are actually provoking the war, supporting the war and wanting it to spread to the region are the US and the UK. No matter how much we call Israel just a subcontractor, puppet and pawn, we still do not understand whether the US/UK governs Israel or whether Israel governs the US/UK!..
But in the end, inevitably, it is really the Jews.

The world's 15 million Jewish population has established a system to control a world population approaching 8 billion! In other words, 15 million Jews are standing up to 8 billion people! Or 15 million Jews are fighting 2 billion Muslims!

...Since Jews dominate money in the world, they have of course also dominated production. Those who dominate production have already taken over the consumption network. In other words, they can easily control all kinds of needs of humanity. At the same time, all cashless payment systems in the world (Visa, Mastercard, UnionPay etc.) are in the hands of Zionist Jews. They can also manage and direct all the world media such as written, spoken, visual, social etc. They have practically established a global dictatorship on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

The CEOs or owners of world-famous companies such as Walt Disney, Time Warner, Vivendi, Redstone Universal Studios, New World Entertainment, DreamWorks are Jewish. The owners, partners or managers of many world-famous companies such as Rupert Murdoch, Fox Tv and Fox Film, Sony Picture, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, HBO, TNT, Turner, Sports Illustrated, Time Warner, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Times, Economist, Foreign Policy, Bild are Jewish… Jewish pharmaceutical companies such as Teva/Israel, Pfizer, Novarts… Among the weapons/defense companies are IAI, Elbit Systems and Rafael Advance Defense Systems…

There are 5 major companies that direct the world's agriculture/food sector and set prices. Companies such as Cargill, ADM, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus and Haifa...
This is all taken from the neo-Nazi playbook.

Except for the end, which differentiates Muslim antisemitism from the white supremacist flavor:
If Israel and those who support it have a plan, Allah (swt) also has a plan. Israel will definitely be disappointed. And those who support it will experience the same fate. One day, JUSTICE will be served. FALSE/EVENNESS can never stay in a place where Truth/Right COMES. 
If this is the kind of thing being published in daily Turkish media, I would not feel safe traveling to Turkey. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I've been looking at Turkey's news media lately, and it often makes even the worst Arab antisemitism look tame.

You know how Arab newspapers say "Extremist Jews stormed Al Aqsa MOsque" when Jews visit the Temple Mount? Well, in Turkey today, the consistent headline was "Fanatic Jews raid Al Aqsa mosque."

Note the subhead refers to the Israeli flag as "Israeli rags."

One newspaper helpfully added, "It was emphasized that there was concern that fanatic Jews might raid the mosques in Al-Aqsa."

In other news, the Turkish conspiracy theory that there are still a significant number of secret Jews who were followers of Shabatai Zvi in the 17th century pretendingto be Muslims, and these "Sabbateans" are fighting in Israel's army when they are not pretending to be upstanding Turkish citizens:

For the Zionists, integration into Ottoman society was the mainstay of the struggle to establish a Jewish state. The Zionists’ inclinations towards assimilation were perceived as a strategic maneuver, while assimilation within the borders of another country was a humiliating situation for them. The underlying interest of the Zionists in the Ottoman Empire was to settle and dominate the Palestinian territories. For this purpose, they were willing to fall into all kinds of pits of ignobility, let alone assimilate and integrate.

Today, the Sabbateans continue to be in the elite segment of Turkish society and skim the cream of the crop as first-class citizens. Although some may not consider this group, who appear to be Muslims but have not surrendered to the values ​​of Islam, to be Jews, they are friends of the Jews. It is an undeniable fact that this group of murderers, who have dual citizenship, volunteered for Israeli military service and were involved in the crime of genocide by massacring Muslims in Palestine. 
The destruction of the usurper gang that burns and destroys the lands of Muslims is near, God willing!
Finally, I mentioned one newspaper column where the writer denied the Holocaust. Another columnist took that column as fact and added more details, claiming Sephardic Jews were the ones who sent Ashkenaz Jews to the concentration camps while the "pure-blood" Sephardim were then allowed to move to Israel. 

The Arab world used to be this bad but they were shamed when organizations like MEMRI exposed the antisemitism so they started to preted to be only anti-Zionist" for the most part. It looks like Turkey never got the memo. 

Or they can't be shamed.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, August 02, 2024

Turkey's president Recep Erdogan declared today to be a  national day of mourning in Turkey for the leader of a murderous, raping terrorist organization. memorial services for one of the architects of the October 7 pogrom were held in every one of Turkey's mosques

Turkey is still a member of NATO.

Yesterday, Erdoğan told President Biden that Israel is working to "spread the fire in Gaza to the entire region. " 

His threats and slanders are being reflected in Turkish media, where they now have carte blanche to spread the most absurd conspiracy theories and antisemitism. There is a combination of insane paranoia and Jew-hatred as Turkey is inciting the people to support a war against Israel.

In Telgraf, a columnist spins a truly crazy antisemitic conspiracy theory that the entire world is preparing war against Turkey:

It is only a matter of time before America and Western countries declare war on us as a result of the war spreading to Turkey. Turkey is the target of a great world game. Unfortunately, even the countries we consider Muslim and brotherly are in this game. If there is a war in Turkey, will they enslave us or will they commit genocide like they did in Palestine and Gaza? Turkey is a strong country but how long can it withstand traitors?
When we accept immigrants with pity, I wonder with what intention did they come and settle among us?
Our president gave the message that we can enter Israel in his statement.
Where are these countries we consider Muslim?
Is the world preparing for a new World War?
We know that Israel is America's puppet and pawn. We are content with just watching everything. The wealth of the Jews is shifting to China every moment, and after this process is over, China will be the new superpower of the world. When Jews do business, they will now hide behind China. There will be two superpowers in the world. There will be two superpowers, the Jews and the Muslims. The Jewish headquarters will be China. The Muslims' headquarters will be Turkey.
A lawyer writes about another deranged theory that Israel has territorial designs on Turkey. He says since the Torah says the Israelites would inherit the land of the Hittites, and the Hittite Empire reached today's Turkey, that southeastern Turkey are in the Jews' crosshairs. And Ismail Haniyeh was defending Turkey from Israel. 

Another newspaper says "Treacherous Jews target women especially" in Gaza. They don't even pretend they mean "Zionists."

Here's how another site described Israel's attack on Fuad Shukr in Beirut and a US airstrike on terrorists in Iraq:
Christians and Jews are killing Muslims in the Middle East 
Following the Jewish religious state of Israel's attack on Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, the Evangelical radical religious state of the United States has now launched an airstrike on the headquarters of the Shiite militia force Hashd al-Shaabi in the Babil province of Iraq. 
Yet another newspaper writer, Hüseyin Besli, said that the Holocaust was a myth, and the Jews are the worst people in history:
All the evidence presented for the existence of the Holocaust is a lie and a fabrication.

It is a lie that Jews were burned in ovens.

It is a lie that Jews were massacred with poisonous gas.

It is a lie that Jews were massacred and thrown into pits...

Apparently, we see from today's practices that all of these are things invented by the Jewish mind.

...In other words, throughout human history, there has never been another nation as brutal, liar, genocidal, and disruptive as the Jews; no one has committed cruelty and genocide equal to what they did.
In yet another example of incitement, this columnist repeats Israel's supposed goal of conquering parts of Turkey and curses the Jews.

We will never and never forget and will not let it be forgotten: Murderer and terrorist Israel, this savage nation of Jews; with the same justification, also claim rights on the lands of the Republic of Turkey and will do so.

This determination is not a fairy tale, paranoia or delusion.

Zionist Jews have distorted the holy texts and fabricated laws, and they claim that our country's lands were promised to them...

Israel and the Zionist Jews are cursed all over the world because of the terrible genocide they have committed, and will continue to be cursed until the end of time. In order to cover up the heinous crime of genocide they have committed, they are attacking everyone who opposes them… President Erdoğan has always been a great obstacle to the ambitions of the imperialist cannibals and the perverse dreams of the genocidal/murderer Israeli government. For this reason, the person they attack the most is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The tongues of the genocidal, murderous, and enemies of the Republic of Turkey, President/President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will be cut off and their hands will be broken, and they will be held accountable for the genocide. We will see this with the permission of GOD.
One liberal politician, Cem Toker, went on TV and said that Haniyeh was a terrorist and deserved to die. The responses were withering as the media went after Toker.

And at least one of them gave him the biggest insult that is possible in Turkey today: They called him a Jew. And, for good measure, they  asked and answered what patriotic Turks should do to those "Kemalist Jews amongst us.": "Gaza also serves as a litmus test by exposing these Jews. Explode thoroughly so that Muslim Anatolia does not hesitate to crush you!"

This is mass hysteria, directed by Turkey's leader, inciting violence against Jews and war against Israel. It is not a fringe phenomenon - on the contrary, the liberals who are against antisemitism are (at least in the media) the fringe. 

Europe has not woken up to the problem in their midst. So far, there has been only silence in response to Erdogan's threats of war.  They do not realize that the vitriol against "Christians" is almost as crazed as against Jews. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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