In this month of every year, the occupied city of Jerusalem and all of the occupied territories are experiencing their worst and most bitter stages, when thousands of extremist Jews desecrate the sanctity of the Holy City, and begin spreading their poison and unleashing their Talmudic and racist rituals that exceed the limits of humanity and religious freedom, which have disappeared from the dictionary of the “Hebrew State.” “.During the Jewish holiday season, which falls in September of each year, the Holy City turns into a military barracks whose entrances and exits are controlled by the occupation forces, to besiege, harass, and oppress the Jerusalemites, under the pretext of securing the settlers’ celebrations, while the heavy hand of the settlers is unleashed to oppress, steal, orgy, and assault the residents under heavy protection from the occupation police.With the beginning of the holidays, the settlers who live in the Old City turn their homes and the surrounding areas into shrines in order to receive other settlers from the surrounding settlement outposts, of all ages, to eat the holiday meal and sleep inside or outside those homes.The holiday season not only affected Jerusalemites through assaulting and humiliating them at checkpoints and in the streets, but also turned into an economic curse, forcing many merchants to close their shops and leave the city until these seasons, which the people of Jerusalem call “the curse of the Jewish holidays,” ended.
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