Suleiman Abu Yahya:"The Jews, Allah's curses upon them, are described in the Quran as the slayers of the prophets....The Jews are cowards. The diapers that the Israeli soldiers wear attest to that. May Allah curse them and their diapers."Safaa Momani: "We must annul all the accords and agreements, because the Jews are the slayers of the prophets, who have betrayed all the pacts and contracts. From the beginning of time, they had no respect for treaties. They violated their pact with the Prophet Muhammad, so why do we expect them to abide by their promises? All our agreements with them should be annulled."Salamah Al-Bluwi: "What happened and is happening in occupied Palestine constitutes a war crime by the criminal Zionists, the sons of apes and pigs, Allah's curses and curses by the Prophet Muhammad upon them. ..Our conflict with the Jews is of a historical, religious nature. The Jews do not abide by any agreement, contract, or pact."
1. How many Jews have come to Jordan during the past three years, what are the reasons for the visit and what are the areas they visited?2. Is it true that there are groups of Zionists who come to Jordan with foreign nationalities, as well as Israelis, who begin long rounds of hiking in the southern regions of Aqaba, passing through Ma’an, Tafilah, Karak, and Madaba, cities, deserts, and valleys? What do these groups do during their trips? Does the government monitor these groups and their movements, and stand up to the goals and objectives behind them?3. Is it true that there are Jewish plots that were transferred from Iraq to Jordan and from Jordan to the Zionist entity in occupied Palestine, and who are the middlemen who conducted these operations if they took place in the past years, and through what channels, and what are the connections between this issue and the Zionist entity’s embassy in Amman?4. Are there antiquity traders in Jordan who search and buy what is called “ancient Jewish gold”, is there “ancient Jewish gold” in Jordan at all or is the Zionist entity burying ancient Hebrew antiquities in Jordanian land for dishonorable and illegal goals and purposes?5. Does the enemy’s embassy in Amman smuggle antiquities, and what are the means it uses to smuggle these antiquities, if any, and does the government check, monitor, and monitor the mail issued by the embassy that travels across the border, and are the embassy cars that travel across the border merely cars carrying passengers or are they doing illegal acts?6. Does the government know that there is a Jordanian photography association that has prepared a competition celebrating the city of Madaba called Mosaic Land? Does the government know that the Jordanian photography association has made the Jewish Nakhshtan erected on Mount Nebo an emblem of the Jordanian city of Madaba?7.- Does the government know that Nakhshtan is a Hebrew word taken from "Nakhash" which means snake in Hebrew?8. Does the government know what prompted the group of Franciscans who control Mount Nebo to construct that huge, ugly Jewish Nakhshtan monument?9. Does the government know that the first act of the Franciscans was to change the Arabic name of Mount Naba to the Hebrew name “Nebo” and does the government know that planting that Jewish symbol Nakhshtan, especially on the top of Mount Naba’a/Nebo overlooking occupied Jerusalem, is a challenge to the feelings of people and Jordanians?10. Who is the body now that takes care of the religious affairs of the monastery in that mountain? Is it a national body from the people of the country, or are they strangers from outside the country?11. Does the government have the intention to cancel this Jewish-Zionist symbol that provokes the feelings of Muslims and Christians and transgresses all higher values and morals, and which is also sed as a symbol for one of our cities that we are proud of?
And please accept respect,,,Attorney AttorneySaleh Abdul Karim Al Armouti
The last few questions appear to be referring to the "Brazen Serpent" sculpture on the summit of Mount Nebo, which is meant to symbolize the copper snake on a pole that Moses crafted and the Israelites who suffered snakebites would look at it and live, together with a Christian cross. The Franciscans own the site of an ancient Byzantine church on the mountain.
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