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The Lord is great and highly extolled in the city of our God, the mountain of His Sanctuary. Beautiful in its panoramic vista, the joy of all the earth is Mount Zion, on the northern edge [of Jerusalem] the city of the great King. Do good as You see fit, to Zion, may You rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Turn away Your anger and Your rage from Your city, Jerusalem, Your holy mountain. To recount in Zion, the Name, Lord, and His praise in Jerusalem. And may the Lord be pleased with the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem as in the days of old and in earlier years. The builder of Jerusalem is the Lord, the banished ones of Israel, He will gather. For the Lord will not cast off His people, and His inheritance, He will not abandon.
[Inhabitants] of Jerusalem, praise the Lord. O God, exalted with myriads of [angelic] hosts, seeking its welfare from the beginning to the end [of the year] providing it with benevolent rain. Your beautiful daughters [without sin] are like the corner of a king’s palace which are adorned with decorations. Open your mouths and sing together ruins of Jerusalem [when you are rebuilt].
Let Jerusalem be called the throne of God in the coming times. The precious stone (the Temple’s foundation) will be recognized by throngs for its grace when all Israel comes to be seen when they beseech the Lord of Hosts [for His kindness] in Jerusalem.
I would bet that this poem alone mentions Jerusalem more times than all of published Arabic poetry between the 10th and 19th centuries combined.
Remember Your congregation which You have acquired of old, You have redeemed the tribe of Your inheritance, this mountain of Zion where You have dwelled. Remember, oh Lord, the affection of Jerusalem, the love of Zion, forget not until eternity. Remember, oh Lord,, to the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, [it was they] who said, “Raze it, raze it to its very foundations.” You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to be gracious to her, for the appointed time has come.
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The Nazis famously subverted academia by creating an entire new field of “Jewish research” (Judenforschung) where respected academics from various fields produced a corpus of academic papers to justify the Nazi policy of genocide of Jews. One early example of this perversion of academia is described in Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism inNazi Germany by Alan E. Steinweis:
Early in the [Nazi] regime, when the universities’ embrace of antisemitic Jewish studies still seemed tentative, Nazi supporters decided to fill the gap by creating their own free-standing Jewish studies institute. The main force behind this initiative was the historian Walter Frank. In 1935, with support from high-ranking Nazis such as Alfred Rosenberg and Rudolf Hess, Frank founded the Institute for History of the New Germany (Institut für Geschichte des neuen Deutschlands), the purpose of which was to infuse a National Socialist perspective into German historical scholarship. A short time later, this so-called Reich Institute established its special Research Department for the Jewish Question, based in Munich, and placed it under the direction of the historian Wilhelm Grau. ..Operating under the administrative protection of the Reich Education Ministry, during the second half of the 1930s the Research Department occupied a central position in the emerging field of Nazi Jewish studies. It sponsored research projects at universities, convened conferences that drew participants from a variety of academic disciplines, and published the conference proceedings in a scholarly yearbook, Forschungen zur Judenfrage (Research on the Jewish Question).
In recent years, the Israeli flag has increasingly appeared around the world alongside racial supremacist political messaging– for instance, at the January 6th riot in Washington D.C., Hindutva rallies in India, Nazi rallies in Europe, and, most potently, in anti-Palestinian pogroms in the West Bank. At this point, it could not be clearer that Zionism is a political ideology tightly enmeshed with racism, fascism, and colonial dispossession.It doesn't take a graduate level logic course to understand that "racists embrace the Israeli flag" does not mean "Zionist are racist." That's like saying that KKK use of crosses prove all Christians are racists.
Studying Zionism through such a comprehensive [sic!] lens means, for instance, looking at the role of Zionist institutions in arenas beyond Palestine as well as the range of Jewish communities, organizations, and institutions where it is not as readily transparent.
ZIONISM. One of the most interesting results of the anti. Semitic agitation has been a strong revival of the national spirit among the Jews in a political form. To this movement the name Zionism has been given. In the same way that anti-Semitism differs from the Jew-hatred of the early and middle ages, Zionism differs from previous manifestation of the Jewish national spirit. It was originally advocated as an expedient without Messianic impulses, and its methods and proposals have remained almost harshly modern. Nonetheless it is the lineal heir of the attachment to Zion which led the Babylonian exiles under Zerubbabel to rebuild the Temple, arid which flamed up in the heroic struggle of the Maccabees against Antiochus Epiphanes. Without this national spirit it could, indeed, never have assumed its present formidable proportions. The idea that it is a set-back of Jewish history. in the sense that it is an unnatural galvanization of hopes long since abandoned for a spiritual and cosmopolitan conception of the mission of Israel, is a controversial fiction. The consciousness of a spiritual mission exists side by side with the national idea. The great bulk of the Jewish people have throughout their history remained faithful to the dream of a restoration of their national home in Judea. Its manifestations have suffered temporary modifications under the influence of changing political conditions, and the intensity with which it has been held by individual Jews has varied according to their social circumstances, but in the main the idea has been passionately clung to.
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JUNE 11 1915. Djemal Pasha examines reports of various Zionist congresses and other Zionist literature, and warns Jewish colonists that despite their success in the past the Government would in future make establishment of colonies more difficult.JUNE 18 - Djemal Pasha prohibits Jews to pray at the Wailing Wall, because their prayers include plea for the re-establishment of Jewish State.AUGUST 13. Djemal Pasha announces that the Government has become convinced of the necessity of destroying the entire Jewish colonization work in order that the colonies should not become a danger to the integrity of Turkey.NOVEMBER 2. Jaffa Hebrew weekly, Hapoel Hazair, reports that Djemal Pasha, commander of Turkish Army, orders barricade to be placed across approach to Wailing Wall, thus preventing Jews from visiting it. Order said to be based on sanitary grounds.MARCH 3 (1916) . Djemal Pasha offers to give Jews free access to Wailing Wall for from eighty thousand to one hundred thousand francs.
I always enjoy when I read in the general press - I don't
know why I enjoy it, perhaps its vanity on my part, but I believe it is more than vanity - when I
read in the general press that no
statements were issued by the Israeli government in Yerushalayim because it is the Sabbath today and all
offices are closed.
I enjoyed very
much when I read in the (Boston) Globe yesterday that actually the proclamation of the State
of Israel was on the 14th of May but
since the State of Israel observes the Hebrew calendar, it was the fifth of
Iyar, and since the fifth of Iyar
coincided this year with Friday they
were afraid that the Shabbos not be desecrated by the celebrations, [so] they
advanced it to Thursday. Particularly
when the Christian Science Monitor [wrote it].
This means
kiddush Hashem.
Alright, I am not
completely in agreement at all times with the government of Israel, there are many policies which are wrong and
fallacious. However, we have to have a
look. Those are small details, peripheral matters. The main idea is correct and there is no doubt that hashgacha
(Providence) is planning something it is
far from geulah (redemption) yet, but hashgacha is planning something something in hashgacha holds something in
store for us I don't know. We are still
groping in the dark I don't know what
will... to me the chapter has not been
closed yet It is as if we are in the
middle of the writing of a chapter The
hashgacha is in the middle of writing a chapter... What the continuation will follow, what the
continuation will be I don't know; no
one knows. I have faith in God that it
will lead to geulah sheleimah (the complete redemption).
Whatever happens and transpires is
magnificent, and has tremendous significance
to the Jewish community as such and to individuals as well. Not only the community as such, but every
Jewish individual. After all, Jewish
nevuah (prophecy) has been realized - certain prophecies have been realized, I
wouldn't say in full [but] certain
prophecies have found their fulfillment and realization.Not every generation in
the last 2000 years could take pride in
the fact that ...this time a prophecy by Isaiah was realized. Our generation has been fortunate that
somehow the hashgacha found it necessary
to implement certain prophecies, and
we have been waiting for it thousands of years.
You will ask why
our generation? Why not the generation
of the Vilna Gaon? This question has
been raised. This question has been raised by the Satmarer. If, actually, the establishment of the State
of Israel is so important, you say it is
actually a result of the will of God, not,
as they call it, the will of the Satan, (we have Satanists somehow in the house,
Satan as an autonomous power which rules the world.) He actuality has a duality, the man has a
certain duality of darkness and light. It’s a very strange, strange distorted
philosophy he advocates Never mind his
argument with Zionism, I'm not interested in that The question should be answered - the
question should never be thrown into a waste basket. If you don't know how to answer a question,
say that you don't know.
Don't try to ignore
a question; this is one of our shortcomings, particularly of Orthodoxy We ignore questions. The question which is
unpleasant, we ignore. We don't care. We
don't hear the question. A question
addressed should either be answered or one should admit that it is insolvable There are many equations in mathematics which
are insolvable but still mathematics
retains its dignity If mathematics
should try to ignore an equation which is insolvable (....)
The same thing
with Orthodoxy; ask a question of a Rosh Yeshiva, the question has got to be
answered. "No, ah..." this is
no answer. Either answer the question,
resolve the problem or admit your inability, that you are not competent to
answer certain problems
The problem is a
big problem: This great miracle not happen in the 12th century when Maimonides
was alive Is it because our generation
is worthier? More worthy than the
generation of Maimonides, or the
generation of the Vilna Gaon, or the generation of the Baal Shem Tov? Why did this happen now?
Maimonides could get along without Eretz Yisrael and as a matter of fact we did get along
without Eretz Yisrael! We got along very
well without Eretz Yisrael. Chazal says מדברך נאוה
(Shir Hashirim.) We interpret מדברך נאוה
[to mean] "Your speech is pleasant"
Chazal say מדברך נאוה means "your desert is
pleasant". Chazal say that in the
exile the Jews have excelled themselves have
exhibited excellence, displayed so much
tenacity and so much consecration, and so much loyalty
The Jews in the
first commonwealth could not stand up
and claim as much credit as the Jew in exile in Germany during the Crusades or in 1648 during the Khmelnitsky pogroms The Jew in exile was a proud Jew, a Jew who
was ready to sacrifice
But however,
after the Holocaust of Hitler, six
million people disappeared, actually one third [of the world's Jews] perished Missionaries...you don't know what was going
on in European countries In America it
was not so noticeable because we live in ...Jewish ghettoes But the Jews living in France, in England, in
Italy, there was actually a swarm of missionaries who descended upon them "Don't you see that the words of the
Gospel has been fulfilled? That God is angry at you?" "Do you still believe that your attitude
vis a vis Christ was the right one?"
"Now, if you will just accept baptism all problems will be
I'll tell you if
not for the State of Israel, I don't what would have happened to the small
communities throughout Diaspora Shmad
(spiritual destruction), assimilation.....
disintegration, because of black despair. Because of simply not being able to understand
what happened. Do we understand what
happened? Can you explain, can any
theologian explain it? Can any philosopher interpret? Just accept the will of God. But for the real believer, for the man who
has indomitable faith in God, alright, it's possible, but for the people who are just on the
borderline, we don't understand what happened,
we cannot explain it. It was a time of hester
panim, complete hiding of the Face, God actually turned His back on our
people. If not for Eretz Yisrael...it's
impossible to imagine what would have happened to the Jewish diaspora, with the
dispersion. That's why our generation
has something which previous generations didn't, because our generation was in
despair and was in need of it.
Arafat got the ball rolling.
In a 1997 online article on Azure, Yoram Hazony describes a 1996 festival staged by Arafat's Ministry of Culture, in honor of Ba'al:
Arab youths dressed in robes bearing ancient Canaanite figures brandished torches as they danced about the town square, packed with officials of the PLO’s administration and security services...On the stone stage in the middle of the square, a dramatic passion was acted out, with the Ba’al, god of the heavens and fertility in the pantheon of the ancient Canaanites, heroically struggling against Mut, god of the underworld...the narrator took the opportunity to pour praise on the loyal Palestinian-Canaanite nations, the Amorites, Girgashites, Jebusites and Perizzites, which had fought at his side in the battle against the Hebrew invaders from across the Jordan.And Arafat kept the ball rolling. On March 30, 2000, Arafat declared during a 'Land Day' speech:
Our forefathers, the Canaanites and Jebusites, built the cities and planted the land; they built the monumental city of Bir Salim [Jerusalem]…
The previous year, his advisor and minister for Jerusalem affairs, Faisal Husseini, said in an interview with New York Times Magazine:
I am a Palestinian. I am a descendant of the Jebusites, the ones who came before King David. This [Jerusalem] was one of the most important Jebusite cities in the area…. Yes, it’s true. We are the descendants of Jebusites.
Similar claims by Abbas and Saeb Erekat are not new.
The Middle East Forum finds efforts of this falsification in 1978 in the Palestinian encyclopedia (Al-Mawsu'at Al-Filastinniya),
which declared, "The Palestinians [to be] the descendants of the Jebusites, who are of Arab origin," and described Jerusalem as "an Arab city because its first builders were the Canaanite Jebusites, whose descendants are the Palestinians."The entry continued, "Ever since the destruction of the Temple, the link with Jews and Christians has been severed. Muslims alone have a right to the Temple."
No Palestinian claim is too absurd to be made -- after all, who in the West ever calls them out on such things. Here is Dr. Hayel Sanduqa on PA TV, on June 2, 2011, claiming that a famous Psalm was actually first said by a Crusader:
[The Israelis] have acted to change Jerusalem's character. Even the expression (Psalm 137:5) “If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth.” This statement said by the Frankish (Crusader) ruler of Acre shortly before he left – was borrowed by the Zionist movement, which falsified it in the name of Zionism.
Is the problem really that the West is unwilling to call out the Palestinian Arabs on their falsification of history, or is the problem really much bigger -- is the West actually complicit in this falsification?
Erasing Jewish history seems to be a UNESCO specialty.
In 2011, Elder of Ziyon pointed out how UNESCO identified the Rambam (Maimonides) as Maimouna Ibn Moussa, effectively claiming that the revered Jewish philosopher, legal scholar and leader of the Jewish community during the 12th century was a Muslim.
Other attempts by UNESCO to erase Jewish ties to their land just up to 2011 alone include:
o November 7, 1974: voted “to withhold assistance from Israel in the fields of education, science and culture because of Israel’s persistent alteration of the historic features of Jerusalem.”o November 20, 1974: voted to exclude Israel from its European regional group -- until 1978, after the US withheld $40 million in payments from the organization in protest.o 1989: claimed “Israel’s occupation of Jerusalem” was destroying the holy city by “acts of interference, destruction and transformation”
o 1990: attacked the “irreversible” changes to Jerusalem's architectural heritage resulting from Israeli “occupation”o 1993: then-UNESCO director-general Frederico Mayor boycotted an international conference on science in Jerusalem
o 1995: When the UN celebrated its 50th anniversary, UNESCO refused to mention the Shoah in its World War II resolutiono 1996: organized a symposium on Jerusalem at the body’s Paris headquarters without inviting any Jewish or Israeli groupso 1998: a delegation visiting Jerusalem refused to meet with Israeli officials.o 2001: UNESCO promoted the “Cairo Declaration Document for Jerusalem Antiquities Preservation,” accusing Israel of destroying Islamic antiquities on the Temple Mount and in Jerusalem’s Old Cityo 2002: During the Second Intifada, condemned Israel for “the destruction and damage caused to the cultural heritage in the Palestinian territories” as “a crime against the common cultural heritage of humanity.”
o 2009: designated Jerusalem as a “capital of Arab culture”
o 2010: declared Rachel’s Tomb and Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs as “Muslim mosques.”
o 2011: called on Israel to stop all archaeological works in the Old City of Jerusalem
In the past, UNESCO also has also called for “financial sanctions against Israel” and passed hundreds of resolutions criticizing Israel’s activities in Judea and Samaria
According to the UN Watch Database:
Between 2009 and 2021, UNESCO adopted 82 resolutions against Israel; 9 on Crimea; 4 on Iraq; 2 on Syria; and none on Iran, Sudan, North Korea, or any other country in the world...UNESCO repeatedly denies the ancient Jewish heritage and culture of the holy cities Jerusalem and Hebron – which it has declared a World Heritage site of “Palestine.”
But when it comes to denying Israel's right to Jerusalem and its Jewish history, everyone wants to get in on the act -- which is ironic, considering how in 1925, the Supreme Muslim Council published A Brief Guide to Al-Haram Al-Sharif, which in addition to permitting non-Muslims to visit, explicitly recognizes the history of Solomon's Temple as being "beyond dispute" as the location where the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque stand today -- and quotes from the Book of Samuel to make its point. The guide goes on to mention in passing that in 637 Caliph Omar "occupied Jerusalem."
The Mosque of Omar, 16 miles southwest of Jerusalem, has an inscription dating back to the 9th or 10th century CE that refers to the Dome of the Rock as “the rock of the Bayt al-Maqdis” -- literally "the rock of The Holy Temple."
Things have changed.
Things have changed in the media as well. CAMERA UK has pointed out that while at one point the BBC recognized the Jewish historical ties by referring to The Temple Mount...
...in 2014, after the PLO warned international reporters not to use the term Temple Mount, the media obliged and perpetuates the Palestinian Arab narrative, the BBC among them. Last month, when Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the Temple Mount, the BBC reported:
The hilltop site is the most sacred place in Judaism and the third holiest in Islam. It is known to Jews as the Temple Mount, site of two Biblical temples, and to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif, the site of Muhammad's ascent to Heaven. The entire compound is considered to be al-Aqsa Mosque by Muslims. [emphasis added]
The BBC includes a graphic that helpfully emphasizes the point:
By perpetuating this distortion, the BBC is aiding the Palestinian Arabs who undercut Jewish rights and Jewish history by increasing the number of mosques on the Temple Mount from 1 to 5 while deliberately destroying archaeological evidence of the ancient Jewish ties to the area.
Helping the Palestinian cause is the EU.
Back in December, a document came to light describing the EU's plan to help the Palestinians by undercutting the Oslo Accords and help Palestinian Arabs gain a foothold in Area C of Judea and Samaria.
The six-page document calls for mapping the territory in order to prove Palestinian rights to the land and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity, as ancient Jewish ties reinforce Israeli claims.The article quotes Shlomo Ne’eman, head of the Gush Etzion Council and the Yesha Council who decries how "the allies of the State of Israel, the European governments, are actively working to change the borders of our country." This is just taking the attempt to arbitrarily refer to Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel and taking it to a whole new level.
The document also recommends strengthening Palestinian infrastructure in Area C and supporting Palestinians with legal aid.
Meanwhile, Wikipedia is doing its share to falsify history.
An article on Wikipedia on Iran–Jordan relations, traces those relations back for "most of Jordanian history" -- in this case back to the Persians:
The article on Jordan itself tells you that "the oldest known evidence of hominid habitation in Jordan dates back at least 200,000 years."
You have to check out the Wikipedia article on Iraq-Jordan relations to get the straightforward history starting in the 20th century:
And now the Biden Administration has decided to play along with the Palestinian Arabs.
According to a press release from the Manhattan DA's office:
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr., today announced the repatriation of an ivory cosmetic spoon dating back to approximately 800-700 B.C.E to the Palestinian Authority, marking the first time a cultural object has been returned to the Palestinian people from the United States...
“We are proud to join our law enforcement and government partners in this moment. It is impossible to put a value on the cultural and historical significance of looted antiquities and I thank our talented team of attorneys and investigators who are continuing their incredible work of returning these objects to where they rightfully belong,” said District Attorney Bragg. [emphasisd added]
Rightfully belong?
As Johanna Markind pointed out at Legal Insurrection:
American law calls for repatriation of certain artifacts to Indian tribes, if “the requesting Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization can show that the object was owned or controlled by the Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization.” That is, the Smithsonian would return a qualified Cheyenne artifact to the Cheyenne tribe. It would not return a Cheyenne artifact to, say, the Pawnee.
According to the law, then, the artifact should have been returned to Israel. But that would have been a problem. After all, the spoon was originally looted from Hebron, so returning it to Israel would amount to admitting the Jewish ties to that area.
So instead, we are treated to an onslaught of government officials publically supporting the Palestinian Arabs in fabricating an imaginary history:
o Ivan J. Arvelo, a special agent in charge of US Homeland Security Investigations in New York, described the transfer of the spoon to the PA as a "historic repatriation”
o George Noll, head of the US Office of Palestinian Affairs, described the spoon as “an example of Palestinian cultural patrimony.”
o DHS official, Jeff Brannigan, claimed that, “This repatriation is representative of HSI’s commitment to ensuring the storied heritages of peoples around the world through the preservation and protection of cultural artifacts.”
o He graduated from Syracuse University’s law school in the top half of his class.But this time, the media is unlikely to call him out on this fake history.
o He received 3 undergraduate degrees.
o He attended law school on a full academic scholarship
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The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews
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