The thoroughly discredited Khazar theory, that claims that all Ashkenazic Jews are descended from people in the Khazar kingdom that converted to Judaism in the ninth century, has been a favorite of Arab Jew-haters for at least seven decades.
In the year 802 AD, a number of Jewish merchants, led by Rabbi Ebadi, came to Khazaria from Iran after a revolt broke out against them. The shrewd rabbi succeeded in persuading Khagan Khazaria to convert to Judaism in order to remain independent, because his conversion to Islam would make him a follower of Baghdad, and his conversion to Christianity would make him a follower of Constantinople. After Judaism was declared the official religion of the country, the rabbi refused the entry of the entire population into his religion, and made Judaism a monopoly on the nobility of the major merchants, army leaders and notables of the people.The Russian historian and archaeologist Lev Gumilyov states in his book “The Discovery of Khazaria,” that the immigrant Jews “bloodily and brutally suppressed any popular revolt demanding a limitation of the domination of foreign Jews.”The important thing is that Khazaria, thanks to its strategic location, controlled the trade of Chinese silk and Siberian fur, and collected taxes from the caravans that passed through it. In the year 965 AD, the Russians were fed up with its policy and attacked it from the land and across the Volga River under the leadership of Prince Svetislav, and its Jews were scattered in Eastern and Central Europe. The most amazing thing that historians have reported is that the Jews of the ruling class in Khazaria disappeared with their money and gold just before it fell into the hands of the Russians. The old Russian references say: "When the Russians entered the city of Itil, the capital of Khazaria, they did not find any of its rulers or anything from the treasury." It is said that the rich Jews of Khazaria left with their money and went to Venice and Sardinia via Byzantium, where they established maritime trading companies that dominated trade in the Mediterranean, through which they doubled their wealth and then moved to Andalusia. After the weakening of Spain's role, they moved to Britain, and established the Bank of England, which collected most of the world's gold reserves. In the mid-nineteenth century, their grandchildren transferred their money to America, which is called “the second Khazaria,” and there they established Hollywood and the American Federal Treasury, and those who remained in Europe established the Zionist movement. As for the rest of the story, we not only know it, but we live it as a daily tragedy.