Showing posts with label EuroMed Human Rights Monitor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EuroMed Human Rights Monitor. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

We've seen for years that the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor and its head Ramy Abdu make up absurd lies against Israel. One example is the insane claim that the IDF took dead bodies from Gaza for organ transplants, something that is medically impossible. Its board members have ties to Hamas.

But since it calls itself a "human rights organization" and is based out of Geneva, they are often believed by credulous Israel haters.

Here's a new accusation from them, a blood libel against Israel.

As part of its ongoing genocide, which started on 7 October 2023, the Israeli army is using new disturbing techniques to intimidate, lure, and target Palestinian civilians in the central Gaza Strip’s Nuseirat refugee camp.

Testimonies from camp residents, which were provided to the Euro-Med Monitor team, confirm that the sound of women screaming and babies crying was heard late at night on both Sunday and Monday. When some of the residents went out to investigate and tried to help, they were shot at by Israeli quadcopter drones. The sounds they had heard were in fact recordings played by the Israeli drones, with the intent of forcing the camp’s residents out into the streets, where they could be easily targeted by snipers and other weaponry.

According to the testimonies, this tactic also involved broadcasting gunshots, armed conflicts, explosions, military vehicle movements, and occasionally songs in Hebrew and Arabic in order to psychologically intimidate civilians who live amid total darkness at night and total disconnection from the external world.

A 20-year-old camp resident, who requested anonymity due to safety concerns, reported to the Euro-MedMonitor team: “We were sitting at night when we heard voices of girls and women screaming: ‘Come, help me, I am injured!’ We went out to find out what was happening. No women were found, but we were directly targeted by a quadcopter drone.”

Continued the camp resident, “I fled inside, and two people right in front of me were seriously injured. Because of the ongoing gunfire, we were unable to treat them, so we called an ambulance, and they arrived to transport them. Many residents heard these sounds and responded to provide help.”

A 60-year-old woman reported hearing loud gunfire, then hearing women’s cries of distress, informing the residents that their children were hurt and pleading for help. She went on, saying: “This sound continued for about 10 to 15 minutes, but none of us went outside because it was really late and I knew these were recordings from planes.”
No names of witnesses. No names of alleged victims. No video or audio of the gunshots. 

Just anonymous Gaza residents saying things that Hamas wants them to say.

Middle East Eye has a supposed video of what they claim is a recording from the quadcopter, which sounds exactly like - a recording through a tinny speaker of a baby crying.  No one would think that a sound coming from above them is a real baby crying, even if the audio is true. (It would be trivial to add a crying baby track on any video.) 

I only found social media posts about the crying baby recordings. Euro-Med added the lie about the recording of the women screaming, gunshots, and  Hebrew songs. 

If Israel just wants to kill civilians, they could just drop bombs on houses and tents in the camp. Why would they lure civilians to their deaths this way? If you assume the IDF is that bloodthirsty - and clearly the people spreading this lie do - then why go through all this effort just to kill innocents?

It only makes sense if you start from the premise of Jews taking perverse pleasure out of murdering gentiles.

CAIR believes this, of course, and issued a press release parroting this blood libel as they have done for all the previous ones, no matter how blatant the lies are. 

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Thursday, February 01, 2024

In November, I noted that the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor accused Israel of stealing organs from dead Palestinians in Gaza, and mentioned that it was medically impossible to transplant organs from dead bodies.

In December, after there was no public pushback against the NGO's accusations, Hamas claimed the same thing, saying that bodies returned from Israel to Gaza had "evidence" of stolen organs. I went into a bit more detail how this is impossible and the media that parroted these accusations without mentioning the science were allies of Hamas.

But I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. So why should they listen to me?

At the Times of Israel, David weill,  a doctor who specializes in organ transplants, sets the record straight:
I have spent over three decades in the transplant field, most recently directing the Lung Transplant Program at Stanford University. I find these accusations alarming, though wholly unsubstantiated. We in the transplant community take illegal organ trafficking extremely seriously.

Like many people around the world, especially health care workers, I am devastated by the loss of innocent civilian lives, in this conflict and others. But seemingly in wanting to keep the narrative alive that there is moral equivalence between what Hamas has done and how Israel has responded, we now hear from the same sources that Israel is stealing body parts from people who have long been dead, including allegedly exhuming dead bodies from gravesites as a source of organs for transplantation. Never mind, I suppose, that the organs would be unusable, if something this outlandish were tried.

Under the best of circumstances in a controlled hospital environment, procuring viable organs for transplant is complicated, a primary reason being that there is a long waiting list. A battlefield is not the place to attempt to expand the donor pool and has never been suggested as such by transplant professionals.

But let’s not let the medical facts get in the way of tantalizing propaganda. Until now, no similar credible accusations have ever been made against Israel, a country where transplant has been performed for decades carefully and responsibly without a hint of any unethical practices.
Will this slow down the blood libels? Of course not. 

Facts are strictly optional nowadays. And even in mainstream media, only the facts that support the viewpoint of the writer or reporter are allowed to be mentioned.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Washington Post writes:
Palestinian officials said Tuesday that Israel had returned the bodies of 80 people it had held during the Gaza war via the Kerem Shalom border crossing. The Hamas-run government media office said Israel had not identified the bodies or said where they had been taken from. They had been “mutilated,” the media office said in a statement, and there were “clear” indications that organs had been “stolen” from the corpses.

The claims could not be independently verified. The Israel Defense Forces referred questions about the bodies to the Israeli agency for civilian coordination with the Palestinians, which did not immediately respond. The corpses, wrapped in blue body bags, were buried Tuesday in a mass grave.

This is not journalism. This is a blood libel pretending to be journalism.

It is impossible to use organs like hearts and kidneys from dead bodies.   Tissue donation must be within 24 hours after death and requires a full medical evaluation of the donor beforehand. 

In short, it is not just a lie, but a lie that is easily proven to be a lie. Yet the Post didn't bother to take that extra step and actually inform their readers that it is indeed a lie.

Which would also prove that one cannot trust anything Hamas says. That is a real story, and it is one that the news media is loathe to tackle.  It continue to give Hamas statements the same gravity that it gives to the IDF.

Israeli officials are (too) professional. They have to chase down these stories and disprove them. It takes time to do that - they need to find and contact the departments that were responsible for the return of the bodies, find out the circumstances of their return, the circumstances of their deaths, what happened to the bodies in between - in short, they need to do an internal investigation to responsibly answer even the most absurd charges, because respected news media is asking for the information and they need to ensure that they don't misstate anything.

It takes minutes for Hamas to make up a lie. It takes dozens of man-hours to debunk them properly. This is an asymmetric cognitive war that Hamas has a huge advantage in - as long as it knows that journalists will take their lies seriously.

A real journalist doesn't simply parrot what a terror organization says. Saying "the claims could not be independently verified" is a way to claim journalistic integrity but in reality it gives the obviously false claims validity. That vaunted journalistic respect for "science" that proves Hamas is lying is missing from this story.

An NBC News tech editor named Ben Goggins posted the organ stealing charges without any skepticism, to the delight of hundreds of antisemites who reposted or "Liked" it.

The same blood libel had surfaced a month ago, when the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor claimed that Israel was stealing bodies from mass graves and said there were "signs of possible organ theft."  It was again uncritically repeated in the media, without any journalists checking to see that this NGO has a history of anti-Israel lies. 

I can only find a single example where a mainstream media outlet actually did reporting on the "organ harvesting" lies - showing its origins and how there is zero evidence that it is happening. (Even they didn't mention the medical impossibility.)

Another part of the story that professional journalists missed is that the bodies were transported from Israel. This means that they are very likely the bodies of terrorists who murdered, maimed and raped Israelis on October 7 - those were the only Gazans in Israel itself, unless you want to believe the IDF is kidnapping Gazans and then killing them for their organs.

Treating Hamas statements the same as Israeli statements is not journalistic integrity. It is an abdication of journalistic responsibility. Instead of informing, it is being used as a means to spread hate. 

Beyond that, the respect that the media gives obvious Hamas lies encourages Hamas to make up morel lies. 

If reporters would do their jobs, and note that these charges are obviously false and part of a pattern of proven lies that goes back decades, then Hamas would have no incentive to use these slanders. Journalists are supposed to hold people to account - but Hamas terrorists get a pass.

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Friday, December 08, 2023

Ramy Abdu is chairman of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, which we have seen in the past just makes stuff up.

This tweet is a doozy:

Some 14,000 people so far have retweeted this, and fully believe that Israel calls up people they are about to assassinate.

Why? Because this makes it a better sport before killing them, like some cheesy supervillain who says "the human is the toughest prey" before giving  him a head start in some B-movie?

But let's go with it. Let's say that Israel really called up Refaat Alareer and warned him that he would be killed.  What would he do?

He would plaster the threat all over social media. He would call every news outlet and tell them that he was just warned about his own assassination. He would frantically call friends in Hamas and ask to hide in a tunnel. Failing that, he would hide himself, alone, in some basement.

But what does he do instead, according to his admirers who are retweeting this story?

He goes to his family, where they can be killed along with him!

So if you believe this risible lie, then you also believe that this Palestinian icon, poet, human rights activist, saint, demi-god, or whatever they are calling him now, chose to doom his sister and her children to certain death.

What a guy!

Now look who "liked" this tweet - Ali Abunimah! The editor of Electronic Intifada, a site quoted often by the likes of Ken Roth, believes this obvious lie without even a question.

This one tweet tells us a great deal about how easily anti-Zionists lie, how easily they spread obvious lies, and how gullible they are. 

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is an anti-Israel NGO that pretends to care about human rights. 

We've caught them in lies many times in the past - they literally make stuff up.

Like this new press release from them:

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor called for the formation of an independent international investigation committee into the Israeli army’s detention of the bodies of dozens of Palestinians killed during its war on the Gaza Strip since last October 7, and suspicions of the theft of organs from them....

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory documented that the army detained dead bodies from the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, and others from the vicinity of the displacement corridor to the center and south of the Gaza Strip, which it designated on the main Salah al-Din Road.

Euro-Med reported that the Israeli army also exhumed a mass grave that had been established more than ten days ago in one of the courtyards of the Shifa Medical Complex, and extracted the bodies of the dead from it and detained them.

The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory raised suspicions of the theft of organs from the bodies of dead people, including observations made by doctors in Gaza who conducted a quick examination of some of the bodies after their release and noticed the theft of organs such as the cornea of ​​the eye and the cochlea, and other vital organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart.
Doctors working in several hospitals told the Euro-Mediterranean team that the forensic medical examination is not sufficient to prove or deny the theft of organs, especially in light of the presence of previous surgical interventions on several bodies.
They stated that it was impossible for them to conduct an accurate analytical examination of the bodies of the dead that were being held by the Israeli army under intense air and artillery attacks and the continuing influx of wounded, but they detected several signs of possible organ theft.
Of course this is absurd. Organs are useless more than a few minutes after death (with the exception of corneas, which can still be used for a day or two under the proper conditions.) The NGO is claiming that somehow Israel exhumed bodies and then stole their organs, or took bodies that had been in the hospital morgue for who knows how long to steal organs.

There is really no limit to the lies of today's antisemites. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Maha Hussaini, who works for the EuroMed Human Rights Monitor, is upset that the IDF killed - a baker.

"Omar Mannaa, 22, a Palestinian baker, killed earlier this morning by Israeli troops during a military raid in the Deheishe refugee camp in the occupied West Bank," she tweeted.

She continued, "Another Palestinian killed, another Israeli soldier will go unpunished," and posted a video of him making bread.

The tweet has (as of this writing) over 21,000 Likes. 

This "human rights activist" knows the truth, though. She tweets in English to ensure that Palestinians are viewed as innocent victims - but in Arabic media, everyone knows that he was a member of the PFLP. Not only because the PFLP controlled his funeral:

But the PFLP news site explicitly said that he was killed while fighting Israeli troops!

It said, "he died during an armed clash he fought with the occupation army forces on the grounds of the revolutionary camp in Bethlehem." And "the PFLP confirmed that Comrade Manna was one of the comrades who always advanced the ranks to confront the occupation’s crimes against the Dheisheh camp, where he rose today alongside the arrest of a number of comrades."

Interestingly enough, the PFLP doesn't mention his career as a baker.

Is Hussaini a human rights activist or a propagandist? 

Is there any difference nowadays?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Sunday, July 04, 2021

This morning, Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch tweeted this:

His source was the ridiculously biased Middle East Monitor which is essentially a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece.

Middle East Monitor got the statistic from the equally biased Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, which wrote a report about it.

Actually, "report" is way too generous. It was essentially a ten page slideshow with minimal text.

Here is the "source:"

The small print says "Based on a random sample conducted by Euro-Med Monitor."

A random sample of whom?

There is no methodology described. Did they interview children? Parents? Doctors? How did they randomize the people they sampled? Who diagnosed them with trauma - psychiatrists or parents? What was the exact question asked?

We don't know.

What we do know is that the Euro Med Monitor has, in the past, has shown it is pro-terror and regularly lies about Gaza deaths. In fact, their most recent report on Gaza shows that the pattern continues. For example, it counts Bashar Ahmed Ibrahim Samour as an innocent child when Fatah refers to him as a "hero martyr."  It says

Killing four civilians in Nuseirat
On May 12, an Israeli aircraft bombed with a single missile a group of civilians in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing four of them: Hamza Mahmoud Al-Hor, 25, Muhammad Abdel Moneim Shaheen, 27, and Muhammad Mu›in al-Qarah, 26, Ahmed Walid Al Talaa, 29.
All four of them were Islamic Jihad terrorists. Here are Shaheen and Talaa. 

An NGO with a history of lying makes an unsupported claim based on no written methodology - and gets quoted by a leader of an international human rights group as being accurate.



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