Human Rights Watch issued a new front-page press release today to attack its favorite target, Israel:
The Israeli military and border police forces are killing Palestinian children with virtually no recourse for accountability.
Last year, 2022, was the deadliest year for Palestinian children in the West Bank in 15 years, and 2023 is on track to meet or exceed 2022 levels. Israeli forces had killed at least 34 Palestinian children in the West Bank as of August 22. Human Rights Watch investigated four fatal shootings of Palestinian children by Israeli forces between November 2022 and March 2023.
We've seen this approach before. HRW describes scores of potential Israeli crimes, but chooses to "investigate" only a small number of them.
By sheer coincidence, the ones they are "investigating" are the ones that seem the most likely to be innocent victims.
In other words, HRW knows quite well that the vast majority of "children" killed by Israeli forces are legal combatants - teens who are acting as spotters, or hurling firebombs or IEDs, or even shooting weapons themselves. The majority are child soldiers. They are recruited by terror groups, violating accepted international law.
But HRW doesn't want to say anything bad about Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Their reports are meant to be anti-Israel, so they cherry-pick the specific incidents that seem to imply Israeli malfeasance.
Yet even in this constricted, biased choice of trying to stack the deck against Israel, they rely on lies and don't tell you the whole story.
Their "star" is Mahmoud al-Sadi, 17, who "according to witnesses" was hundreds of meters from any fighting when he was shot and he wasn't holding any weapons.
To emphasize his alleged innocence, HRW gives a photo montage of al-Sadi being a teenage boy.
Does it make sense that well-trained soldiers would shoot hundreds of meters away from the fighting for no reason? HRW seems to think so, but Palestinian witnesses are notoriously unreliable (even according to NGOs) and they will say what their leaders want them to say. Very few ever admit that the "innocent child" is not so innocent.
Other cases that HRW think are a slam dunk are anything but. Even the NGO admits that they were all involved in active fighting.
In the other cases investigated, the security forces killed boys after they had joined other youths confronting Israeli forces with stones, Molotov cocktails, or fireworks. While these projectiles can seriously injure or kill, in these cases, Israeli forces fired repeatedly at chest-level, hitting multiple children, and killed children in situations where they do not appear to have been posing a threat of grievous injury or death, which is the standard for the use of lethal force by law enforcement officers under international norms. That would make these killings unlawful.
HRW admits that the "children" were actively engaged in fighting.
HRW claims that Israel must adhere to the standards of "law enforcement" in these situations, when the "criminals" are heavily armed fighters whose aim is to destroy Israel. It is true that the line isn't clear between what is legally considered a law enforcement situation and what is governed by the laws of armed conflict (LOAC) but to breezily decide that these situations where armored vehicles and scores of soldiers are needed is "law enforcement" is, at the very least, an oversimplification.
The ICRC says "An armed conflict arises whenever there is fighting between States or protracted armed violence between government authorities and organized armed groups or just between organized armed groups."
Sure sounds more like an armed conflict than a law enforcement operation, especially since Islamic Jihad and Hamas have been bragging that they really control, organize and fund these seemingly local armed groups.
Of course, if the laws of armed conflict apply, then any fighter - no matter what age - is a legitimate target. So HRW doesn't want you to even consider that possibility.
But let's look at the innocent children HRW lists:
Here is video from a proud relative (starting at 0:12) showing Wadia Abu Ramuz shooting fireworks at Israeli troops.
Mohammed al-Sleem, 17, was a member of the Al Aqsa Brigades and also shot incendiary devices at soldiers.
We've previously discussed Adam Ayyad, 15. He went into battle intending to die and left a "will" in his pocket saying how happy he was to be about to be martyred. He was a member of the PFLP and buried wearing a PFLP flag.
These aren't innocent children by any definition. But HRW is trying to hide the truth.
Moreover, the number of children who are admitted members of armed groups prove that there is a real human rights concern here - that of recruiting child soldiers - and HRW has, as far as I can tell, not once said a word against the PFLP, Hamas or Islamic Jihad for that reprehensible practice of using children as bait meant to be killed.
HRW's dishonesty is clear to all, and they are playing their role to put a respectable face on modern antisemitism to the hilt. and even when they clearly know that dozens of the children killed were members of armed groups, they don't say a word of condemnation.
That's only for Israel.
(h/t Adin Haykin)
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This morning, a 40 year old Palestinian terrorist was killed in a firefight with IDF troops near Hebron. The shooter, Hamdi Abu Dayyeh, used a homemade "Carlo" submachine gun.
It appears that he had also shot at an Israeli bus two days ago.
He had worked in security for the Palestinian Authority.
This marks two PFLP members killed in two days, the other being the 14-year old Omar Lotfi Khumour. Both of them, as well as the 15 year PFLP "comrade" Adam Ayyad, wrote wills before being killed, indicating that in all of these cases they planned to die.
The PFLP is a secular, socialist organization. The members who write these wills are not religious Muslims. They are not aiming to reach paradise and cavort with 72 virgins.
Yet they are no less fanatic than Islamic Jihad or Hamas.
From the right or the left, Palestinianism is a death cult. It praises death, it encourages dying, and becoming a martyr is not a religious obligation - it is a political obligation.
The upsurge of attacks in recent months had been initially attributed to new groups, like the "Lion's Den". Then Islamic Jihad apparently became jealous and started ramping its own attacks up, and taking credit. Now the PFLP is joining the fray. And there have been lots of attackers who are from Fatah as well.
Ideologically, they have nothing in common.
The common denominator is a fanatical hate for Jews and the Jewish state.
As we know, antisemitism requires no consistent ideology, philosophy or creed. It stands alone as the one hatred that crosses all populations and groups. And the West Bank is now a microcosm of worldwide antisemitism.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
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Yesterday I noted that Defence for Children International - Palestine falsely claimed that Israel had killed 3 children so far this year - one of them was 25, and the other two were active militants at the time of their deaths.
One of them, 15 year old Adam Ayyad, was killed throwing Molotov cocktails.
It might be thought that he was just like a stone thrower, play-acting at being a hero, and Israel shot him for no legitimate reason. But Arab media sites have been showing that not only was Ayyad an active fighter - but he planned to die that day.
He had a note in his pocket, written in his handwriting, with a message he intended to be seen after his death.
“I am very happy that our Lord fulfilled one of my dreams, martyrdom..and I tell you that martyrdom is not just a martyrdom death, but pride in yourself and pride in the whole world.”
He continued: “Martyrdom is a real victory. Your life is over, but it's over and you're happy."
He ended the note with, “Do not forget me, I do not want to say goodbye to you, we have a meeting in paradise.”
This was "suicide by Zionist."
Ayyad had been brainwashed to want to die a martyr's death. This is the child abuse that every single Palestinian child is exposed to - they are taught this in schools, indoctrinated with music videos, inundated with martyr posters glorifying death.
Where is the world outrage over a generation of Palestinian kids who are told by adults that they should want to die?
Perhaps there is none left over after it was expended over a man taking a walk on a hilltop.
In fact, these kids are dying because the world doesn't want to criticize this cult of death. Whether it is because of baseless fears of being accused of Islamophobia, or because they want to shore up the false narrative of Israel as evil and Palestinians as oppressed victims, the world's refusal to get involved is what allows Palestinian leaders to think it is OK to raise children this way.
Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.
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