ASHREI-ME (Middle East) is a new organization/website I am creating to highlight human rights issues in the Middle East that get ignored by other human rights NGOs.
Started up with no money and no paid workers, ASHREI seeks to shine a light on:
- Palestinians who want citizenship in Arab countries
- Terror victims who don't want to see murderers freed
- Jews who want to freely visit and worship at their holiest spots
- Arab women and others who want to be protected from "family honor" crimes
- Peace-loving Arabs who are being bullied into silence
- Arabs and Jews who want to work together on common interests without fear
- Arab and Muslim antisemitism
In addition, ASHREI exposes the bias of other human rights organizations who concentrate disproportionate effort and resources to demonize Israel while downplaying or ignoring HR issues in its neighbors.
Time permitting, I will be adding more material on these themes, both from here and from other researchers who have not found an outlet or an audience for their work.
I don't know where this will go or if it will gain any traction. But some topics covered here are too important to let them be forgotten as new posts replace the old ones. I hope to make ASHREI a repository and resource for solid, reliable information on these critical issues.
It is frustrating to see the entire concept of human rights get hijacked by organizations who can't distinguish between real human rights issues and their political viewpoints. Everyone deserves human rights. ASHREI seeks to help, in a small way, highlight the human rights of those who are ignored by the existing NGO community.
Browse ASHREI-ME today!