Thursday, March 21, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Elder of Ziyon
Beyond that, the IDF has uncovered caches of weapons and cash earmarked for terrorism.
In Israel's initial raid of Shifa Hospital in November, the media expressed doubts as to whether it was really a Hamas command center. Evidence after the initial raid proved that it was but the media had lost interest by that time.
This time, no one is really arguing that Hamas isn't at the hospital and engaging in fierce firefights from within and around it. The evidence is overwhelming that Hamas really was using the hospital as a military center. No one really denies it. Hamas even publishes videos of its shooting RPGs at IDF troops near the hospital.
That is a violation of international law. it endangers patients and hospital staff. It may amount to perfidy.
But even though everyone knows it, human rights groups remain silent. Hamas militants took over space in the hospital making it a valid military target? So what? Easier to condemn Israel for following international law than to condemn Hamas for violating it.
So much of the bias by the media and NGOs is from what is not said.

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