Pro-Israel media mistakenly reported on a recent poll by Zogby Analytics, which was misreported by Sky News Arabia, saying that a majority of Arabs in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt support Arab countries having normalized relations with Israel.
The actual results were flipped from what was reported. Only in the UAE itself was there a majority support for the Abraham Accords.
While the majority of Arabs are still against normalization, the number that support it is amazngly high, considering how much opposition there has been over the years.
The 2019-20 Arab Opinion Index, a massive survey of 28,000 Arabs throughout the region sponsored by the Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, was released last week. Practically the entire survey was done before the announcement of an agreement between Israel and the UAE.
In that survey, taken between November 2019 and September 2020, the overwhelming majority of Arabs throughout the region - 94% of those who expressed an opinion - opposed recognizing Israel. Note that the question was not about normalization but mere political recognition, a far lower bar.
These numbers opposing any diplomatic relationship with Israel have remained steady over the years:
Which means that in only two months, the percentage of Arabs in Saudi Arabia and Jordan who support Arab relations with Israel skyrocketed from 6% to 41%; in Egypt (which already has relations) it zoomed from 13% to 42%.
These are astonishing numbers.
Once again, it is difficult to overstate how earth-shattering the Israel-UAE agreement is, even though too many "experts" continue to absurdly downplay it, like this New York Times foreign desk editor.
Mr. Trump's transactional approach to the Middle East hasn't blown up in his face as some experts had predicted. But aside from a few more Arab recognitions of Israel, he doesn't have much to show for it. @halbfinger@NYTBen@farnazfassihi
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