They start off merely as ahistorical. They then move into lies and culminate with blatant anti-Israel propaganda that would make Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss proud.
The McMahon-Hussein correspondence did not include all the land taken by the Ottoman Empire; there were explicit exceptions in Syria and the British interpreted the letters as specifically excluding Palestine.
The photos here are taken straight out of the "Israel is Evil" playbook - the Neturei Karta member who represents exactly zero percent of all Jews worldwide, the implication that Israel has not wanted negotiations while Arabs have which is the exact opposite of the truth, the photo of an Israeli soldier that, while it may or may not be Photoshopped, makes no sense as reflecting reality (soldiers don't pose with their weapons in such a bizarre way where they would fall on their rumps if they fired, for example, and the angle of the photo with a shaky provenance is intended to make it look like the soldier is aiming his weapon at the poor Arab family, when he is not.)
This isn't theoretical. Here is a photo of the final slide taken by a student when it was taught this year in the classroom.

Here's the worksheet with the flawed information verbatim from the slides.
The first question is predicated on a false assumption about the McMahon-Hussein correspondence, written in a way to elicit an "It's not fair!" reaction from students who assume the "fact" about the letters are accurate.
But look at that last question, in the present tense, stating as fact that Jews are warmongers and there would be peace if those uppity Jews just let the UN do its job.
Even with the understanding that teachers must condense facts for tenth graders, this lesson is outrageous in its lies, focus and omissions. It looks like it had been written by a member of "Students for Justice in Palestine."
This slide deck is educational malpractice and it is unimaginable that the creator did not know the actual facts. It is propaganda aimed at high school students who implicitly trust that what they are being taught is true.
It appears from the metadata on the original show that the slide deck is at least a couple of years old. (I have the name of the most recent editor of the deck who is indeed a teacher at that school.)
And this is just one school among thousands. What are the others teaching? Who fact checks these teachers?
There is something very rotten going on, and students are getting taught propaganda instead of facts.
(This is not the first problematic issue at Bellaire High School, by the way. A ninth grade geography teacher once had students read an ISIS recruiting blog for a "critical thinking" exercise. )