Sunday, October 27, 2013

From the ADL:
The lat­est con­spir­acy the­ory com­ing out of Egypt sug­gests that Pepsi is owned by Jews and that the com­pany is some­how being used to infil­trate the coun­try. Accord­ing to the con­spir­acy the­ory, Pepsi is an acronym for “Pay Every Pound for the Secu­rity of Israel.

The absurd con­spir­acy the­ory recently sur­faced on the Egypt­ian tele­vi­sion talk show, Egypt Today. The program’s host, Taw­fik Okasha, who is known for his oppo­si­tion to the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood, said:

"What is the cor­po­ra­tion of Pepsi? It is one of the largest and most impor­tant cor­po­ra­tions owned by the Jew­ish Zion­ists… the Torah of Ezra tells them [the Jews] you can’t enter heaven before you rule Egypt."

Okasha then men­tioned a recent Pepsi ad campaign geared toward foot­ball fans in the streets of Cairo, saying that the ad is proof that Israel and the Jews are try­ing to infiltrate Egypt.

Okasha elab­o­rated on this idea yes­ter­day on his Twit­ter account, where he posted a photo of the Pepsi ad with cir­cles around the jer­sey num­bers of the foot­ball play­ers. The num­bers, accord­ing to Okasha, rep­re­sent a coded mes­sage indi­cat­ing when the Jews will bring back the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood to rule Egypt.

Accord­ing to Okasha, “The motto of Pepsi cor­po­ra­tion is Pay for Israel and its own­ers are Jews who sup­port the Mus­lim Brotherhood…anyone who wouldn’t under­stand the [below] ad is stupid!!”
Well, he's right about one thing. There are a lot of stupid people around.

Here's the ad and its brilliant interpretation:

Yes, Israel is bringing the Muslim Brotherhood back into power on January 25, 2014!

Don't you see the resemblance between the W of NOW and the four fingered logo of the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators? (UPDATE: I didn't see it, but the 4 on the player's jersey is probably what is being highlighted, not the W. h/t Ian)

I cannot believe that the people behind this theory didn't know about Pepsi's sponsorship of the Hamas soccer tournament every year. What more proof do you need that it supports the Muslim Brotherhood?

Anyway, did you ever wonder why Jews feel such a compulsion to give coded messages of their nefarious plans to the enemy? Wouldn't it be easier to just act without telegraphing their moves?

Ah, but the reason is that this way, the Jews can discredit the bright Egyptians who figure out their schemes - by changing the date on them!

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