Egypt neither approves nor rejects the construction of a fence that Israel has begun constructing along the Egyptian-Israeli border, so long as it is built on Israeli territory, spokesperson for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Hossam Zaki, said on Monday.But Jordan's press is reporting it a bit differently in Arabic.
Zaki said Egypt has reiterated this position several times before, adding that the wall is an internal Israeli affair that does not harm Egypt's interests nor violate its sovereignty.
Israel says the fence should stop infiltrators and smugglers who cross into Israel from the Egyptian side of the border.
Bulldozers were dispatched to three points along the 250km boundary and Israeli TV showed them clearing patches of land and digging trenches near Egyptian border posts.
The project is estimated to cost US$370 million and will take up to two years to complete.
The fence is expected to cover at least 140km of the border and will be backed up by an electronic barrier.
Jordan's Al Ghad newspaper writes:
Israeli occupation authorities began yesterday in building the racist wall along the borders of a new entity with Egypt and the Golan up to the Gaza Strip, threatening "to seal the blockade against the occupied Palestinian territories and isolated from its surroundings."Yes, this mainstream liberal Jordanian newspaper is saying that anything Israel does to stop terrorists and infiltrators, that might however indirectly hinder the "resistance" is, by definition, "racist."
...But there are other goals of the racist wall that brings serious implications for the occupied Palestinian territories, where it will cause "a negative impact on life in the Gaza Strip, indirectly, and prevent any relationship [between Gaza and] neighboring Egypt except through checkpoints and borders," according to a political adviser to Palestinian Prime Minister in Gaza Youssef Rizqa.
Rizqa said "the occupation through this wall is trying to obstruct the efforts of the resistance factions and any activity practiced in the occupied territories."
Apparently, Jews objecting to being blown up is just one example of their inherent racism.