Sunday, November 04, 2007

  • Sunday, November 04, 2007
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency (pro-Fatah) says that a Hamas jeep recklessly hit and killed a 38-year old woman in Gaza City, bringing our 2007 PalArab self-death count to 568.

The same agency reports that Hamas leaders are preparing to escape to Egypt via tunnels if Israel invades Gaza. Brave fighters!

Palestine Today (pro-Hamas) picks up on a Maariv story (also in YNet) that Israel will deduct from the tax revenues it gives the PA the cost of the damage from rocket fire. Of course Hamas won't feel any of that shortfall.

Ma'an (Arabic) reports that Fatah in Gaza is trying to get a massive rally for Monday to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat. Since everyone loves Abu Ammar they are trying to leverage that into a show of support for Fatah in Gaza.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida (Fatah) said that Mahmoud Abbas demanded Israel to adhere to its obligations under the "roadmap" and called on the US to pressure Israel to do so. Since the roadmap puts as a precondition that the Palestinian Arabs stop trying to kill Israelis this is beyond hypocritical.

Al-Hayat adds another demand from Mahmoud Abbas - that Israel release 2000 prisoners as a "confidence building" measure as well as demolish roadblocks before the Annapolis summit/meeting/gathering.

UPDATE: A Gaza "policeman" was killed during a clan clash. 569.

UPDATE 11/7:
An Islamic Jihad leader died from wounds from Hamas last month. 570.


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