The point of the series is to show that Zionism is simply an extension of traditional Jewish racism dating back to Biblical times.
Written by a "researcher in religious studies," the series seems almost entirely lifted off of neo-Nazi sites like Stormfront.
The author, Ahmed Ashkar, claims that there are six themes in Judaism that run through Zionism as well:
1. The divine promise and colonizing the country
2. Messianism
3. Expulsion and displacement and the destruction of villages and cities
4. The purity of Jewish race
5. Seizing the property and lives of the "goyim"
6. Religious-sanctioned violence
Part 3, just published, climaxes with a long series of fake Talmud quotes purportedly allowing Jews to kill and steal from non-Jews with impunity. (Answers to these can be found here.)
Again, Ad-Dustour is a respected, mainstream, independent Jordanian newspaper. Ashkar has been writing on this topic for years.
Needless to say, one would be hard-pressed to find a single word of protest against this series or indeed against any anti-semitic article in Arab media.
This is yet another example of how entrenched anti-semitism is in Arab society, even among "moderate" states. Samira Ibrahim is not the exception - she is the rule.