President Mahmoud Abbas met Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Wednesday evening in Cairo to put "final touches" on an agreement to reconcile the leaders' rival factions.
Fatah leader in Gaza Yahiya Rabbah said the meeting is intended to agree on a final arrangement before the outcome is announced Thursday.
Thursday's meeting will be for what is being referred to as the temporary leadership of the PLO; it includes the executive committee, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and four independent personalities.
If true, this may be an alternative to the failed attempts in creating a "technocrat" unity government, by adding the leadership of terror groups to the PLO they would indirectly become the leaders of the PA (since the nominally democratic PA reports to the clearly non-democratic PLO.)
Even with the recent flood of false articles that Hamas is "moderating," it is obvious to all but the most dedicated of reality-deniers that Islamic Jihad has not changed its terrorist ways.
Which means that it is the PLO that is literally embracing terror, not terror groups embracing peace.
UPDATE: Fatah denies it. (h/t CHA)