Colonel Richard Kemp:
...After the terrorist attacks in London on July the 7th, 2005...we in the UK were left deeply shaken by the attacks, and I remember that the first ones to call to offer help – for some time, in fact, they were the only ones to call – was the IDF. It was then that we knew who our real friends are.
Hamas on how the Jews gained from the Holocaust.
Latest issue of Military and Strategic Affairs. Looks good.
PC Magazine: Why Google Earth pixilates Israel
Israel vulnerable to cyber attack
Israel holds an olive branch towards Lebanon's new Hezbollah-dominated government!
Sheikh Raed Salah warns, for the millionth time, that Israel is preparing to ethnically cleanse all Palestinian Arabs.
"The machinations of the Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are immaterial. The Arab reform process is the peace process."
Ever see Arabs drape themselves with an Israeli flag and say "Allah Akbar"?
(h/t Israel Muse, Akiva, Yisrael M., Joel)