Thursday, March 31, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
You have to check out this home page. It's got it all...USS Liberty, Rachel Corrie, the fake "We Control America" quote, bizarre conspiracy theories concerning Israel, ISM links, links to Al Jazeera, and much, much more. Not to mention a link to an Introduction to Islam from a website that supports suicide terror.This is the type of idiot that is teaching at US colleges.And, as LGF reports, her final exam reeks of bias. Can you imagine a student...

Thursday, March 31, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Once again, we'll see how long it takes NGOs to condemn the bigotry in Dubai....
DUBAI — Education authorities here have promised to review a book taught in an international private school that features a photograph of two Jewish children sporting plaited hair and yarmulke.
Dr Obaid Butti Al Mohiri, the Director of Curriculums Centre at the Ministry of Education, said he would order the withdrawal of the book for primary Class I of the Dubai International...

Thursday, March 31, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Isn't it nice to be able to handpick the people who are going to investigate you?Update: Noted liberal columnist Nat Hentoff wrote an excellent article about the bias that the investigating committee had.Columbia University, after a months-long investigation, has determined that only a small fraction of complaints from Jewish students against anti-Israel professors constituted intimidation.The faculty committee appointed by Columbia's president,...

Thursday, March 31, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
After years of hearing pro-Palestinian Vatican rhetoric, this is refreshing.
This speech probably dooms his papal chances, but it is still nice to see.
A cardinal considered a candidate to succeed Pope John Paul II delivered a strong message in favor of Jewish settlement in the Holy Land on Wednesday night, rejecting the claim that European Christians' support for the State of Israel is based on Holocaust guilt and saying that all Christians should...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
March 29, 2005 http://www.danielpipes.org/article/2489 "Shocked" is how Aisha Sherazi, principal of the Abraar Islamic school in Ottawa, described the reaction of the school's administration and board on learning last week that two of its teachers had incited hatred of Jews. And "shocked" was how Mumtaz Akhtar, president of the Muslim-Community Council of Ottawa-Gatineau, described his own reaction to the front-page news about the Abraar school....

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
archaeology, Temple Mount
The word "Allah" in Arabic hewed into the eastern wall of the Temple Mount <img> Once again, an egregious example of intolerance from Islam. This story is buried because it only happened to a Jewish holy site - imagine the world outrage if a similar incident happened in Mecca? Wars have been fought over...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
For an administration that bills itself as having a groundbreaking new doctrine when it comes to the Middle East, the Bush administration is starting to look a bit too close for our taste to the Clinton administration, at least on the question of Israel's rights in Jerusalem. Reading Secretary of State Rice's comments in an interview Thursday with the Los Angeles Times, we were hard-pressed to tell if it was Ms. Rice or President Clinton.
Here is...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Waiting for the loud denunciations of the Saudis from Human Rights Watch, the UN, the New York Times editorialists....
Saudi religious police have destroyed a clandestine makeshift Hindu temple in an old district of Riyadh and deported three worshippers found there, a newspaper reported yesterday.
Members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, or religious police, on Thursday stumbled across a room converted into...

Monday, March 28, 2005
Monday, March 28, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Notice this isn't Hamas or Islamic Jihad talking - it is a member of Abbas' own party, openly advocating terror and Jew-hatred.
But we know that Abbas will crack down on the terrorists in his own organization, right? If we close our eyes and wish real hard, Palestinians will be very happy about disengagement and quietly build a new Hong Kong in Gaza, asking the Israelis to move in and help them build an infrastructure. Everything will be great...

Monday, March 28, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
It's beginning to sound alot like Oslo!
Israel's defense minister said Sunday that Palestinian security agents recently smuggled anti-aircraft missiles into the Gaza Strip from Egypt, according to officials a development that would threaten a recent cease-fire between the two sides.
Defense Minister Shaul told a closed Cabinet meeting that Palestinian intelligence agents were involved in bringing the Strella missiles into Gaza through smuggling...

Sunday, March 27, 2005
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Who says that terrorists are against capitalism?Terror organizations are advancing their recruitment and public relations methods: Internet surfers who enter the word “Hamas” in Arabic in the Google search engine, will view, in addition to the search results, an AdWord message that links directly to the website of the organization’s military faction Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades. The link also appears in a search of several other words, such as...

Saturday, March 26, 2005
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Once again, beyond parody.
Hamas terrorist leaders have said they intend to make a museum out of the house of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the Hamas leader whom Israel killed last year.
The museum will consist of five rooms, including the room where Yassin received guests and a waiting room where he sat with guards. The focus of the museum will be some of his writings, gifts that he received and parts of his wheelchai...

Saturday, March 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Thanks to the excellent NGO Monitor organization.
Ken Roth and Human Rights Watch have employed Lucy Mair as a researcher in Israel/Occupied Territories. Ms. Mair's qualifications include writing for the "Electronic Intifada" and work with Grassroots International, a radical pro-Palestinian political organization. (Since HRW's employment process is secret, and not subject to independent review, we are unable to compare her credentials and expertise...

Thursday, March 24, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
When was the last time you heard of a "human rights" group boycotting any Palestinian event because of child abuse, suicide bombing, honor killings, incitement to hate, support for terror....Human rights groups in Ireland are calling on Irish national soccer team supporters to boycott a World Cup qualifying match against the Israeli national team.The organizations asked fans to refrain from making the trip to Israel for the May 26 match, and have...

Thursday, March 24, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
A lengthy report from the South Asia Terrorism Portal site, trying to see if India can learn the lessons of Israel.This disturbing practice of deadly child abuse is on the rise in Muslim societies all over the world, most notably in the Palestinian areas and in Pakistan as also in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). While the average Israeli or Indian citizen does not usually make the connection, there are striking similarities between the threats that...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Perhaps their leadership should be regarded as collaborators and lynched.
Arab countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf emirates are among the recipients of medical equipment exported by 24 Israeli companies in 2004, Globes reported. Israeli exports of medical equipment rose by 7.2% in 2004 to $1.09 billion. The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute predicts that medical equipment exports will rise by...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
A new version of a biomolecular computer developed at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology - composed entirely of DNA molecules and enzymes - outdoes even the fastest of its kind, performing as many as a billion different programs simultaneously.
Previous biomolecular computers, such as the one built by a joint team from the Technion and the Weizmann Institute of Science three years ago, were limited to just 765 simultaneous programs.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This article is three years old. I was inspired to look it up because this Purim is the third anniversary of the newest blood libel from the Arab world - that Jews eat the blood of Gentiles in their Purim pastries (hamantaschen). And if it wasn't for MEMRI, we wouldn't know about the medieval bigoted rantings that are commonplace in Arabic media.
There are other Arabic media watchdogs as well, like Palestine Media Watch, and MEMRI now has an entire...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
From the New York Times:Hamas, the Islamic group that combines philanthropy and militancy, confirmed publicly on Saturday that it would take part in Palestinian legislative elections scheduled for July 17.....They sound just like the Boy Scouts!And check out the Washington Post:Hezbollah, an armed Shiite Muslim political movement that operates in the south (of Lebanon).Is it any wonder that the mainstream media is becoming more and more irrelevant?Hat...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Last Summer, the Israeli company Tadiran Spectalink revealed one of the more successful information tools used in recent Israeli counter-terrorist operations. The system, called V-Rambo (Video Receiver And Monitor for Battlefield Operations), is a 3x3 inch color video screen, with a wireless communications link to overhead UAVs. The battery powered system is worn on the wrist...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Here is how Abbas is stopping unlicensed weapons: he's licensing them! After all, if armed terrorists can't be trusted, who can?
According to the London newspaper al-Quds al-Arabiya, Palestinian Minister of Interior Nasser Yousef has been asking armed terrorists to sign contracts that would limit their use of weapons. Yousef has issued orders barring unlicensed weapons and carrying weapons in public. (Maariv-Hebre...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
So, once again we see that a period of relative peace has no relationship with real peace, in the minds of the terrorists and their supporters. But such is the power of wishful thinking that the Israeli and Western leadership can willfully ignore the explicit statements of their "peace partners", point to minor diplomatic victories like an Egyptian ambassador to Israel, and whistle past the graveyard.
I wonder whether we'll see any "peace" groups...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
What are friends for?
Israeli-developed armor that has been installed on American armored personnel carriers (APCs) in Iraq has saved 'many lives', according to a letter of recognition the US Army has sent to Rafael, the Israel Armament Development Authority.
The Bradley and 7AV APCs in the service of the US Army and the Marines, which play a central role in the armed operations in Iraq, have been fitted over the last year with armor by Rafael in...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Can anyone think of a case where even "moderate" Arab leaders didn't side with the worst of their own rather than the hated West?
Arab leaders arrived Monday in the Algerian capital for a summit meeting that will include a statement of solidarity with Syria and a rejection of any further 'foreign intervention' in that country's promised pullout from Lebanon.
The proposal, which was completed Sunday and is expected to be ratified by the Arab League...

Monday, March 21, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
A bus stop located on Sanhedrin St. in Yavne was stolen in its entirety early Monday.The perpetrators loaded the bus station, including the cement surface the station was situated on, onto a truck in the middle of the night, according to the Yavne Municipality.A number of residents who live near the station said they noticed the truck and the thieves but did not report the...

Monday, March 21, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This guy is an ambassador!
COLOMBO, March 19 (Bernama) -- Attallah Quiba, the Palestinian ambassador in Sri Lanka, believes that Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was killed by unnamed Israelis using advanced technology, the Island newspaper said.
Responding to questions at a media conference in Colombo on Friday, Quiba claimed that two Israelis who met Arafat on the day he was taken sick 'used a laser device to attack Arafat.'
'They tried to flee...

Sunday, March 20, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
I hate you so much, I'm going to pull out my own fingernail!
Lebanon has pulled out of this year's Eurovision song contest because of the presence of an Israeli participant in the show, organizers said Friday.
A statement posted on the Eurovision Web site said Lebanon was forced to withdraw because its national television station could not broadcast the Israeli portions of the contest, to be held May 19 and 21 in Kiev, Ukraine.
Tele Liban's head,...

Friday, March 18, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Those Jews, legally purchasing land in Jerusalem again! I'm sure this will be condemned strongly by people who prefer Jews to be dead to owning real-estate in the Middle East.The sad part is...why do Jews have to act stealthily to buy land in their own capital?Two groups of Jewish overseas investors have discreetly purchased the lands, hotels and restaurants around the Jaffa Gate into Jerusalem's Old City. Until now, the properties, worth millions...

Friday, March 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
"Yes, this money would be better spent given directly to the families of those that kill Israelis!"
The Palestinian Authority's decision to purchase more than 100 new vehicles for all members of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the new cabinet has drawn sharp criticism from some Palestinians.
The PA s 24 ministers will each receive a German Audi A-6 car, which costs $76,000. The 86 lawmakers will be given the cheaper version of Audi, the...

Friday, March 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Let's give these guys a country!
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Office)
Friday, 18 March, 2005
On Thursday, 13.1.05, Muhammad Mansour was kidnapped for interrogation in the context of being suspected - by fugitive Fatah Tanzim terrorists in the Balata refugee camp - of cooperating with Israel.
According to the fugitives, Mansour admitted that he cooperated with Israel and worked with an...

Friday, March 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Contradictory information in the article - France banned Al-Manar because of racism, but the remaining Dutch satellite provider says it was a licensing issue. So are the Dutch using the license problem as an excuse to save face among their Muslim population who would accuse them of caving to Zionist pressure?
Hizbollah's al-Manar television channel, branded a terrorist organization by the United States, will no longer be available on European satellites...

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Sort of interesting. They want to be closer to Israel to neutralize the "Zionist lobby" against them in Washington.
Sometimes, ruling the world has its advantages.
KARACHI - In the changing world, where many Arab countries, as well as the Palestinian leadership, have adopted a more flexible policy toward Israel, decision-makers in Pakistan are developing a strategy to better relations with the Jewish state, though without compromising Islamabad's...

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Today's raving Islamic fantasy:
Bangladesh Industries Minister and the chief of the right-wing Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh, Matiur Rahman Nizami, has categorically accused anti-Islamic Zionist elements for perpetrating the recent spate of terror-related violence in the country.
Describing it as an well orchestrated international conspiracy to destabilise normal life in Bangladesh, Nizami, a minister in the four-party coalition government of Prime...

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This is so stupid it borders on self-parody. The EU "investigates" whether the PA used EU funds for terror, and finds it cannot determine that the PA did anything wrong - because the PA has no records!
Hmmm..The PA got billions of dollars and has nothing to show for it. But where could all of this money gone?
And is there the slightest chance that this distinguished EU commission decided to look at the question from the other side - where did...

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
As goes Europe....
According to an annual report released by B'nai Brith Canada's League for Human Rights on Tuesday, anti-Semitism in Canada is at its worst point in more than two decades. A total of 857 incidents were reported in 2004, nearly 47 percent more than the previous year, according to the report. It also said that the number of incidents had increased more than three-fold since 2000.
Dimant believes the real number of anti-Semitic incidents...

Thursday, March 17, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Here's a thought experiment: Whose side are the newly-lauded "democratic" Palestinians on in the Syria/Lebanon issue?
Do we even have to ask?
Damascus has been secretly dispatching dozens of Palestinian youths to Lebanon during the past two weeks, alongside the apparent withdrawal of Syrian forces from the country, Farid N. Ghadry, president of the Reform Party of Syria, a U.S.-based opposition party, said this week.
“The youths underwent training...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
It is being referenced in many other places but it is a very good article and well worth reading.
Here's a part:
Here, first, is the way Palestinian Arabs have manifested their alleged embrace of peace and democracy in the months since Mahmoud Abbas replaced Yasser Arafat. Abbas was elected last January 9 with 62 percent of the vote, but, as Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki clearly shows, this was not a vote against terror: Two thirds of Palestinians...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday (3/15), leaders from more than 40 nations gathered in Jerusalem to dedicate a new, expanded Yad Vashem Holocaust museum.
Yet at the very time that this monument to Nazi evil was inaugurated, the American cable network C-SPAN planned to give a notorious Holocaust denier a broad audience to promote his ideology that the murder of six million Jews never occurred. This, in the name of 'journalistic balance'. Here's what happened:

Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Creating a supportive social environment for terrorists has been a critical factor in the Palestinian Authority’s successful promotion of suicide terrorism. To this end, PA policy has been to honor terrorists as Shahids (Martyrs for Allah), and to teach Palestinian mothers to celebrate when their children die as terrorist Shahids. Categorizing these dead terrorists as Shahids grants them the highest honor a Muslim can achieve, and is therefore cause...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Hat tip to Israpundit.
By Nadav Shragai
"Unauthorized settlement outposts" have existed here for many years, ever since Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel resumed in the early 20th century.
"A small Jewish settlement among large Arab villages to the east, north and south," wrote Moshe Smilansky about the first settlement, Petah Tikva, in its early years. "Its houses are in one place, in Yehud. Its fields are elsewhere, and Arab fields are...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
But we thought that the Palestinians would be so thankful to Israel for freeing prisoners!
A Palestinian resident of Kalkilya, Naim Hable, who was freed in the release of 500 Palestinian security prisoners on February 21, was caught along with two others with 102 M-16 assault rifle bullets, a knife and stolen property at a checkpoint outside Kalkilya on Monda...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
More evidence that wearing a suit does not make you a partner for peace.
A Palestinian militant accused of ordering the killing of an Israeli minister will be freed from jail in Jericho when Israel pulls back from the city this week, President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday.
But Israel said it had not agreed with the Palestinians that Ahmed Saadat or any of the other three it accuses in the 2001 assassination could be released after the redeployment...

Monday, March 14, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
There has been some muted criticism of these executions, I'm glad to see that they may have had an effect.
Knesset Member Michael Eitan (Likud) said this evening that sources in the Palestinian Authority (PA) have informed him that the PA will cancel the scheduled executions of 15 Arabs charged with helping Israel prevent terror or track down terrorists.
A complaint to police charging incitement recently was filed following a Moslem cleric's religious...

Monday, March 14, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
For what has been described as 'the first time in living memory,' a Jewish house of worship in Switzerland has been set afire. Less than a kilometer away, a Jewish-owned shop was also set alight.
Both attacks, which local police said were connected, occurred last night in the southern Swiss city of Lugano. Elio Bollag, the president of Lugano's Jewish community, described the incidents as 'anti-Semitic.' No one was hurt in either attack, but the...

Monday, March 14, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah has a history of killing Americans.
We are now approaching the 20th anniversaries of the murders of Robert Dean Stethem and William Buckley. The CIA station chief in Beirut, Buckley was beheaded by the Hezbollah on June 3, 1985. Stethem, a Navy diver, was murdered by Hezbollah the same month aboard hijacked TWA Flight 847. An eyewitness described Stethem's killing:
"They singled him out because he was American and a soldier. . . . They...

Friday, March 11, 2005
Friday, March 11, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
I'm mildly surprised that this was published in the San Francisco Chronicle.by Semha Alwaya In discussions about refugees in the Middle East, a major piece of the narrative is routinely omitted, and my life is part of the tapestry of what's missing. I am a Jew, and I, too, am a refugee. Some of my childhood was spent in a refugee camp in Israel (yes, Israel). And I am far from being alone. This experience is shared by hundreds of thousands of other...

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