Thursday, May 18, 2017

  • Thursday, May 18, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

In just the past month, at least two women were murdered in Rafah, Gaza alone. A man shot his daughter and a husband stabbed his wife to death in her sleep.

Times of Israel discusses the little-known loophole that allows Palestinian murderers of women to get off easy:

Despite a series of reforms to the Palestinian legal code since 2011 aimed at preventing so-called “honor killings,” the law has continued to allow men who murder, assault and rape women in the Palestinian territories to receive significantly reduced sentences.

Over the past half year, a petition initiated by Palestinian women’s rights groups has received over 12,000 signatures asking Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to do away with the measure, which allows judges to use their discretion in cases that have “extenuating circumstances.”

Yet while the law’s effect on women is well-known and well-documented, neither canceling, freezing nor amending it is in the cards.

According to a legal adviser for the Palestinian Authority’s Women’s Affairs Ministry, the law is necessary to ensure justice in some cases.

...[I]n the majority of other such cases in Jordan and the Palestinian territories, the “extenuating circumstances” the judges cited to lighten the sentences were that the family dropped charges against the defendants — who are part of the family — saying it was an honor killing.

Once the charges are dropped — in Palestinian legal parlance this is called “dropping the personal right [of the victim]” — the judge can use Article 99 to lighten the sentence.

Palestinian women’s rights advocates have argued the law is a two-pronged dagger: it incentivizes murder by minimizing punishment and also incentivizes murderers of women to claim they killed for their family’s honor.

“We have documented cases where someone was killed over inheritance or financial issues but it was documented as an honor killing,” Victoria Shukri, director of the Women’s Courts Project in TAM, a women’s rights organization, told The Times of Israel in a recent telephone interview.

A 2014 United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights report found that the dropping of personal rights is most often the “extenuating circumstance” judges cite before granting clemency to abusers or murderers of women.
The UN report notes that Mahmoud Abbas supposedly modified the penal code to eliminate the exemption for "honor killings" - but Palestinian judges ignore the new language!

Moreover, the conflict of interest involved in the "waiving of right" exemption is simply ignored:

It is noted that Palestinian courts will in general
allow one of the heirs to the victim to waive their
personal right to punishment of the perpetrator
in cases of murder of women under the pretext of
as a cause for extenuating punishment. This
is what a majority of the judgments of the courts of
first instance (Criminal) are based on, a matter that
is explicitly expressed by the Court of Appeal held
in Ramallah, in its judgment No. 54/2005, when it
concluded “jurisprudence shows that when one of
the heirs waives a personal right, this is a reason for
”. Therefore, one of the heirs can waive
their right and courts can extenuate the penalty for
the offender. This is the result in the vast majority
of the cases reviewed. Waiving the right was in most
cases done by a single person, be it the father of the
victim or her brother or mother.
In other words, the family that waives its right may be
taking advantage of the fact that the criminal offense
has been committed in defense of its own honour,
claimed by the defense in most of these cases. The
courts have demonstrated no interest in looking into
conflict of interests or deliberate complicity in cases
where perpetrators had committed murder after
incitement by the family, as in felony No. 18/97 at
the Nablus first instance court, where the accused
had killed his sister following the urging of his family
Abbas' supposed declaring "honor killings" to be murder in 2011 has done literally nothing to help Palestinian women.

(h/t/ Josh K)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

European history is full of wars, culminating in the massive eruptions of violence that characterized the first half of the 20th century, which overflowed the boundaries of Europe to the point that they were called “World Wars.” These wars were responsible for an unimaginable amount of suffering. Whole generations of young European men were wiped out by WWI. About 61 million people, more than half of them civilians, lost their lives in WWII. Genocides were committed, entire cities erased from the earth.

After WWII, Europe and her allies responded to the trauma. They blamed nationalism, jingoism, militarism and racism. They came to distrust expressions of patriotism, and to dislike borders and barriers to free passage of people and goods. They decided to create a new world, one in which the forces that had led to the horrors of the 20th century were suppressed, and in which reasoning and negotiation would replace war. They created the UN and its countless agencies; and they tried to unify Europe, first economically and then culturally, by means of the EU.

They tried to improve individual lives as well, to eradicate hunger and poverty, to provide free education to all, to reduce social and economic inequality, to ensure that everyone that could work could get a job and that those that couldn’t work would still have the necessities of life. The Dickensian conditions of the 19th century would not return; a new humanistic, universalist, caring ethic would replace the social Darwinism of old.

Western society, it was thought, had to change. War was an unaffordable luxury in a world of machine guns, strategic bombing and now nuclear weapons and ICBMs. It was often said that a WWIII would bring about the end of civilized life (if not all human life) on the planet. The changes were seen as an evolutionary development in order to adapt to a new environment. Things had to change, or humankind would destroy itself.

But evolutionary changes brought about by environmental pressure can have unintended consequences. A genetic trait that offers protection against malaria and which became common in Africa for that reason, also renders people that have it susceptible to Sickle-cell Disease. And the evolutionary social and political change in Europe and to a lesser extent in America may have helped reduce some of the dangers that threatened civilization, but it also made Western society more susceptible to others.

One of those dangers is the Islamic jihad.

One definition of jihad is a struggle – which can be violent or non-violent – to establish Islamic rule and law (shari’a). Douglas E. Streusand explains:

For the jurists, jihad fits a context of the world divided into Muslim and non-Muslim zones, Dar al-Islam (Abode of Islam) and Dar al-Harb (Abode of War) respectively. This model implies perpetual warfare between Muslims and non-Muslims until the territory under Muslim control absorbs what is not, an attitude that perhaps reflects the optimism that resulted from the quick and far-reaching Arab conquests. Extending Dar al-Islam does not mean the annihilation of all non-Muslims, however, nor even their necessary conversion. Indeed, jihad cannot imply conversion by force, for the Qur'an (2:256) specifically states "there is no compulsion in religion." Jihad has an explicitly political aim: the establishment of Muslim rule, which in turn has two benefits: it articulates Islam's supersession of other faiths and creates the opportunity for Muslims to create a just political and social order. 

The “quick and far-reaching … conquests” in the West were stalled in 1683 at the Battle of Vienna, when the troops of the Ottoman Sultan were stopped by the combined forces of the Habsburg Monarchy, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Holy Roman Empire. By then Islam had a firm foothold in parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, but as time passed the Islamic world began to lag behind the West militarily, economically and culturally. The long jihad had made Islam the second-most common of the world’s religions, and placed a large portion of the inhabited earth in Dar al-Islam (the abode of Islam, i.e., under Islamic rule), but its advance had ended – at least until recently.

Jihad need not be conventional warfare. It is possible to expand Dar al-Islam by war, but also by subversion, by demographic means – migration and reproduction – and by da’wa(proselytizing), which can be totally non-violent or include terrorism as a persuasive component.

The weakness of the West today has allowed the still smoldering Islamic jihad to rekindle itself. Every form of jihad can be found in action today: kinetic warfare in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan (jihad can target “heretical” Muslims as well as non-Muslims); infiltration, subversion and da’wa, including terrorism, in the US; and of course demographic jihad in Europe.

In the US, the Muslim Brotherhood has had an elaborate plan for subversion and da’wa in place for several decades. It has infiltrated government agencies including those related to national security. Conversions to Islam spiked after 9/11, and the number of prison conversions has also increased (this phenomenon is also seen in other Western countries). There has been an increase in Muslim immigration to the US in recent decades, but of course it does not compare to the mass migration into Europe.

Dutch politician Geert Wilders called the flow of Muslims into Europe “a Tsunami” and the expression fits. In addition to the large number of immigrants, they tend to be younger and to have more children than the native Europeans. In Germany, the fertility of native Germans was 1.5 children per women in 2016, far below the replacement rate of 2.1, while foreign women living there had 1.95 children. Since the amount of immigration has very recently shot up (900,000 applied in 2015) we can expect that as these immigrants settle in they will have even more children.

Islamic terrorism in Europe has also made headlines recently, including high-profile mass killings in France, the UK, Germany, Sweden and Belgium. There has also been an increase in “misdemeanor terrorism” like harassment of Jews, much of it perpetrated by Muslims.

In the UK, outrageous behavior by Muslims (e.g., the Rotherham rape scandal) was allowed to continue for years because police and other officials feared being called “racist.” In another shocking case, thousands of women were sexually assaulted on New Year’s eve of 2016 in several German cities. Few of the perpetrators were prosecuted. 

The massive migration into Europe was facilitated by the EU’s Schengen Agreement, which allows free passage between EU countries. Combined with liberal rules for asylum and lax enforcement, almost anyone could get to any country (rules have been tightened and enforcement improved to some extent). Europe’s walls were not breached; she voluntarily opened her gates. Germany, especially, welcomed migrants, many of whom passed themselves off as Syrian refugees with fake passports. 

Unfortunately, the evolutionary changes in European (and, to a lesser extent, American) society after WWII have placed it at a disadvantage relative to the Islamic jihad. Jihadists are strongly dedicated to their cause, even in some cases prepared to sacrifice their lives in suicide attacks. Native Europeans, on the other hand, are less committed to their faith and to their nations. While some 72% of Europeans identify as Christian, this number is falling, with the influx of non-Christians and an increase in those who are becoming “unaffiliated.” Church attendance is low, and liberal religious leaders sermonize against “Islamophobia” rather than Islam. 

Nationalism is associated with fascism, and criticism of Islamic ideology with hate speech, which is illegal in some countries and can be punished with fines or imprisonment. Thus European law is aligned with Islamic blasphemy laws! This is a particularly dangerous trend, which Richard Landes has named “Proleptic Dhimmitude,”  defined as “taking on the requirements of dhimmitude in anticipation of Muslim rule.”

So what will be the outcome? Will unassimilated Muslim populations increase, along with terrorism, conversions to Islam, disrespect for liberal traditions, harassment of Jews and women? Will taboos against insulting Islam and Muslims continue to stymie the prosecution of Muslim criminals? Will European society find itself adapting to Islamic standards rather than the other way around? And ultimately will countries like the UK, France and Germany become shari’a compliant?

I believe that if current trends continue, the answer will be “yes.” But there is an alternative. It will require a serious shift in attitudes on the part of native Europeans. They were right to regret their 20th century behavior, and right to try to ensure that it did not happen again. But they went too far when they denied their own national identities.  

If they are to prevail over the jihadists, who know who they are and what they are fighting for, they will need to care about their own countries, their history, traditions and religions. They will have to be French or German first, and only then European (the British have already made this decision). They will have to re-embrace nationalism and patriotism, which are not the same as fascism. They will have to care more for their own people than for others, while still treating the others like human beings. They will have to control their own borders.

They will have to make the all-important distinction between the ideology of Islam and Muslim people, and emphatically reject the former while protecting the rights of the latter (and by “rights” I mean things like the right to live where one wants and not the “right” to not be offended). They will have to enforce the laws of their nations fairly. 

They will have to learn that there are some things that aren’t open to negotiation, and some disagreements that can’t be settled by talking. They will have to maintain military forces just in case someone tries to take what is theirs by force.

Do the contributions of European civilization, Shakespeare, Mozart, Michelangelo, balance its mistakes, moral lapses and even heinous crimes, and justify its continued existence? Or ought it to join the Roman and Byzantine Empires, the Aztecs and all the rest in the dumpster of history? 

The choice is in European hands.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

White House: No Plans to Announce Embassy Move During Israel Visit
The White House does not expect to announce plans to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, despite President Donald Trump’s campaign promise to do so.
“There’s no planned announcement for the embassy on the trip,” a White House official told Breitbart News. The official however cautioned that the plan could change, pointing out that Trump “has his own mind and will make his own decisions.”
Trump’s U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley indicated on Tuesday that the capital should be in Jerusalem and that she saw the Western Wall as part of Jerusalem.
A White House source speaking to Reuters said that moving the embassy to Jerusalem remains a goal of the Trump administration, but that they do not want to complicate their goal of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
The official signaled optimism about an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, although the administration was “well aware” that many presidents had tried and failed to reach a deal.
Cruz: Western Wall 'part of Israel' & Jerusalem Israel's capital
Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, reiterated his position on the Western Wall and Jerusalem Tuesday, telling Conservative Review that the former is part of Israel and the latter remains its “undivided” capital.
The Texas senator’s statement follows statements from three separate Trump administration officials refusing to say whether the Western Wall in (Israel’s capital city of) Jerusalem is part of Israel. The wall is one of the holiest sites in Judaism, and it’s visited by thousands of Jews from all over the world each day.
“The Western Wall is part of Israel,” Cruz tells Conservative Review, “and Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel.”
Cruz has long pushed for the president and the past administration to make good on promises to move the American embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In January, he introduced (along with Sens. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Marco Rubio, R-Fla.) the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act, which called for the relocation of the embassy.
“Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of Israel,” Sen. Cruz said in January. “It is finally time to cut through the double-speak and broken promises and do what Congress said we should do in 1995: formally move our embassy to the capital of our great ally Israel.”
Unfazed by Western Wall row, Jerusalem mayor still expects Trump to move US embassy
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat insisted Wednesday he is unfazed by US officials disputing or refusing to affirm Israeli sovereignty over the Western Wall, and said he still expects the Trump administration to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Four days before President Donald Trump is due in Israel for his first-ever visit, Barkat praised Russia’s recent recognition of Western Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and said he expected more from the Americans. While it was legitimate for Trump to consult with all regional stakeholders before relocating the embassy, the mayor said that the president’s appointment of several top officials seen as staunchly pro-Israel indicates that he will ultimately order the relocation.
“I wouldn’t give too much value to a statement by a person anywhere in the world,” the mayor said, referring to reports that a US consular official stationed in Jerusalem told his Israeli counterparts during preparations for the Trump visit that the Western Wall is not Israeli territory but “part of the West Bank.”
“Everywhere you put a shovel in the ground there are Jewish roots. So we don’t need anybody to explain to us how the city was and will always be — Jewish, on one hand, but respectful of other religions on the other. I do think that the Trump administration understands that very well,” Barkat told journalists during a briefing on the sixth floor of City Hall.

  • Thursday, May 18, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

For the 12th straight year, Algerian authorities have banned Jews from visiting the grave of Rabbi Ephraim Alnaqua, a 14th century Jewish leader, philosopher and physician.

I found the background in this recent article in Raseef22, a liberal Arab publication.

Darb al-Yahoud, or the Jews’ Path, is one of the most prominent neighborhoods in the Algerian city of Tlemcen that lies on the border with Morocco. The name of the neighborhood is no coincidence; it reflects a history that was once the reality of the area, though one that is today ignored by most Algerians, who have collectively forgotten that one of the most renowned Jewish rabbis in the world is buried there.

Not far from Darb al-Yahoud, on the eastern front of Tlemcen, lies a Jewish synagogue, surrounded by a high wall that can only be crossed through a large metal gate. Inside the wall is a garden with trees bearing various fruit, peering over the height of the wall.

A family lives in the garden, tending to the property. “This is an Arab Muslim family, and the father guards the tomb and the mausoleum,” Shawi Boudaghn, the tour guide, tells Raseef22.

Near the synagogue, behind yet another metal gate bearing the Star of David, lies a graveyard. The graves are emblazoned in Hebrew lettering, with the names of the dead. There is a nearby well, holding what many Jews consider to be holy water.

However, the most important relic is the mausoleum of the Rabbi Ephraim Alnaqua, considered one of the most prominent rabbis in Jewish history. Entry to the mausoleum is forbidden without prior permission granted by the governor (wali) of Tlemcen.

After the independence of Algeria, Jews were forbidden from pilgrimage to most of the holy sites in North Africa. In 2003, under the rule of current President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a plan was set, in collaboration between France and Algeria, to reopen the Jewish synagogues and burial sites in Algeria.

In 2006, the Algerian parliament passed a law guaranteeing freedom of religion, which led to the authorization of an official Jewish association in Algeria.

Moreover, in 2005, in response to a request from France, the Algerian authorities permitted the relaunching of the pilgrimage season for Jewish delegations from Europe. Jewish delegations began pouring in to visit the various historical and religious sites, and to perform the pilgrimage to the mausoleum of Ephraim Alnaqua.

Those would mark the last of the publicized pilgrimages, as Algeria once again suspended them during the Israeli war on Gaza in 2006 [sic]. In the meantime, the locals in Tlemcen had not taken well to the initial decision to allow Jewish visitors in. Instead, they organized large marches in protest, and threatened to burn the remaining Jewish properties in the city.
The veto of Jew-hating Islamists continues:
In 2014, Minister of Religious Affairs Mohamed Eissa declared his intent to reopen the closed Jewish synagogues. Against the outcry by Salafis, who considered this an act of provocation, he affirmed that the Algerian constitution guarantees the freedom of belief, and that the authorities would provide security protection to these areas. He later backtracked, stating that there was no clear timeline for reopening the synagogues, and claiming that the Jewish representatives themselves were not enthusiastic about the reopening, as they feared potential tensions.
Israel has nothing to do with this. It is naked, explicit anti-semitism. And the lack of pushback from the Arab community shows (as if we need more proof) that Arab antisemitism is endemic and condoned.

Whenever Arabs claim they have nothing against Jews, ask them what they are doing about Algeria.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, May 18, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Miri Regev wore a dress featuring the Old City of Jerusalem skyline at Cannes, to celebrate 50 years since its liberation.

Arabs are freaking out.

Alahed News reports:
The most recent form of transgression on Palestinian heritage is a dress!
The “Israeli” entity’s so-called “Culture Minister” Miri Regev attended an event at the Cannes film festival in a designer dress dong the skyline of the Old City of al-Quds [Jerusalem], Western Wall and al-Aqsa mosque included.
The Palestinian "Islamic and Christian Association for Jerusalem" condemned the dress saying that it shows the "Judaization" of Jerusalem.

The "Secretary General of the Palestinian National Committee for Education, Culture and Science: condemned the dress.

Twitter is going crazy with Israel-haters  Photoshopping the dress to make it look like the security fence or other places.

As we've noted before. Palestinians spend more time on symbolism than substance. The honor/shame culture values appearances over facts. So when an Israeli does something symbolic on turf that they consider their own, they go crazy.

Because deep down they know that Jerusalem is Jewish and always will be. And when Israel emphasizes that fact even in innocuous ways, they simply cannot deal with it.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, May 18, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Remember a couple of weeks ago when Mahmoud Abbas said at the White House "I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace"?

Here it is:

A poem which encourages Palestinians to go to "war" and "destroy the Zionist's soul" has again been recited by a child on official PA TV, this time on the children's program The Best Home. When the boy finished the poem, the studio audience stood and cheered while the host congratulated him:

Boy: "I am a Palestinian, my name is Palestinian
I've etched my name on all the town squares...
Saladin (i.e., Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem), calls to me from the depths of my heart
All my Arabness calls me to vengeance and liberation...
Thousands of prisoners and thousands who are jailed
call to this great nation and call to the millions
They say: To Jerusalem, the [first] direction of prayer in the faith [Islam]
To war that will smash the oppression and destroy the Zionist's soul
and raise the banner in the world's sky.
Palestinian, Palestinian, Palestinian. "
Official PA TV host: "Bravo."
[Official PA TV, The Best Home, March 17, 2017]

Palestinian Media Watch has documented four other children reciting this poem on PA TV in recent years.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, May 18, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Wall Street Journal reports:
The Trump administration on Wednesday announced new sanctions against Iran aimed at its ballistic missile program.
At the same time, the administration is taking a step to adhere to the 2015 deal to restrain Iran’s nuclear program by signing a sanctions waiver for Tehran, as stipulated in the pact, a senior administration official said.
Also on Wednesday, the State Department released its report on Iran’s human-rights record, emphasizing abuses in the country’s prison system and its detention of foreign nationals, including American citizens, the official said.
The moves come just days ahead of Iran’s elections and before President Donald Trump is scheduled to travel to the Middle East to meet with America’s Gulf allies and Israeli officials to discuss new measures to counter Tehran’s influence in the region.
“The actions that the administration is taking today are intended to highlight that the U.S. moving forward intends to address all the various aspects of Iran’s destabilizing and hostile behavior,” the official said. “So the message today is that we continue to take action against these and other aspects of Iran’s negative behavior that affect the U.S.’ security and that of our allies.”
The sanctions target seven individuals and entities, including two senior Iranian defense officials and a China-based network the U.S. says has supported Iran’s ballistic missile program, the official said.
The official said the U.S. had notified China of the pending sanctions.
One Iranian defense official who is sanctioned facilitated the sale of explosives and provided other support to Syria, the official said. Another is the director of an Iranian organization that is responsible for the Iranian regime’s ballistic missile program.
One would think that J-Street would be thrilled that, at least for now, the Trump administration is keeping the Iran deal, and instead is working on other Iranian outrages against human rights and peace.

But, no.

J-Street has officially outed itself as an explicit supporter of the Iranian regime, no matter what it does.

The organization claims otherwise, but read this letter they sent supporters:
There's a lot going on in the news, and this may not be on your radar this week, but Congress is considering legislation that risks killing the Iran deal.

The Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act (S.722) has the worthy goal of putting pressure on Iran to combat some of the truly despicable activities of its authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, the bill -- as currently written -- is so broad in its language that many experts see it as undermining or even violating the nuclear deal President Obama achieved to block Iran's pathways to nuclear weapons.[1]
The footnote points to an article in Foreign Policy from March by  Antony J. Blinken, Avril Haines, Colin Kahl, Jeff Prescott, Jon Finer, Philip Gordon and Robert Malley.

It talks about the Corker-Menendez bill, which does some things similar to the sanctions announced by the White House.

Here's what the FP article says:
[T]he bill adds new conditions that must be met before Washington can lift sanctions on certain Iranian parties in the future, including sanctions we are already committed to remove if Tehran continues to comply with the nuclear deal. According to the draft legislation, lifting sanctions on such Iranian entities would require a certification that they had not supported or facilitated ballistic missile or terrorist activity. This provision is unnecessary and could give Iran an excuse to undermine the deal. It is unnecessary because once nuclear-related sanctions are removed years from now, as required by the JCPOA, nothing in the deal prevents the administration in power from immediately using legal authorities already on the books to re-designate any individuals or entities that support terrorism or Iran’s ballistic missile program. And it is problematic because gratuitously adding new conditions could be read by Iran as unilaterally altering the terms of the deal, casting doubt on our future compliance. This could provide Iran a pretext to take reciprocal action — such as adding conditions to the performance of its own commitments. If our Chinese, European, or Russian negotiating partners agree that we are altering the deal, the international consensus necessary to keep pressure on Iran to abide by the deal could erode.
[Also],  by mandating sanctions on any person or entity that “poses a risk of materially contributing” to Iran’s ballistic missile program, the bill introduces a standard that is overly broad and vague. Such a loose definition could potentially be used to impose sanctions in violation of the JCPOA — particularly when in the hands of an administration that is overtly hostile to the deal.
J-Street's "experts" are arguing that any sanctions being lifted against Iran must be lifted no matter what unsavory non-nuclear activities the sanctionees are doing, like supporting terror, or building ballistic missiles, or anything else. Protecting the holy JCPOA is a "get out of jail free card."

To J-Street and the JCPOA's supporters, seemingly anything that might upset Iran is off the table. And Iran should have the veto power over any US legislation that might hurt its feelings, because it can retaliate by claiming the US is altering the JCPOA.

Anti-semites claim that Jews control America. Here, the supposedly Jewish J-Street group is saying that Iran should have an implicit veto over any legislation that might upset it and give it a hissy fit.

All while J-Street claims that the US should be tough on Iran.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

From Ian:

Holocaust survivors attempt to prevent Linda Sarsour from CUNY event
A group of about 100 Holocaust survivors wrote a letter to New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo asking him to stop anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour from speaking at a City University of New York graduation next month.
Despite a public outcry and strong opposition from Jewish leaders, CUNY has chosen to maintain its invitation for Sarsour to speak to graduates of its School of Public Health and Health Policy, scheduled for June 1.
Sarsour, who was among the organizers of January’s Women’s March on Washington, has stirred controversy by speaking against Israel. In a recent interview, she said one cannot be part of the feminist movement unless he or she is critical of Israel’s “occupation” of the West Bank. Sarsour was also highly criticized for publicly supporting convicted Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh at a conference advocating for the boycott of Israel last month.
“What Linda Sarsour advocates for – boycotts against Jewish businesses in Israel and random acts of violence against the innocent – are no different than the things that we personally experienced,” the survivors wrote in their letter. “This is a frightening reality that we hoped we would never see again.
“But what makes matters worse is to again see good people and respected institutions responding with indifference,” they added.
“Nothing good can come of Ms. Sarsour telling young people, with CUNY’s imprimatur, that violence against the innocent for any reason at all is acceptable or courageous.”
JPost Editorial: Tempest in tea pot?
What happened to all the criticism of Sebastian Gorka, President Donald Trump’s senior adviser on counterterrorism? Why have all his critics disappeared?
We ask, because for the last month this paper has come under a fierce volley of criticism for agreeing to host Gorka – who holds the title of deputy assistant to the president – at its annual conference in New York City last week.
The attacks came from across the political spectrum, but mostly from left-wing, progressive organizations whose criticism was based on a series of articles in the Forward that alleged Gorka had secret ties with a far-right Hungarian group and neo-Nazi affiliate.
One head of a US-based Jewish organization told the paper that hosting Gorka made The Jerusalem Post no better than Jews who acquiesced to the rise of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s in Germany. No less.
As the Post’s editor-in-chief Yaakov Katz wrote a few weeks ago, the paper had asked the White House to send an official representative to its conference. Gorka was selected, and because of the reports about him and the emotions he stirred within the Jewish community, the paper felt it was not only appropriate to have him speak, but also its duty.
During his on-stage interview, Gorka dismissed the allegations against him and challenged his critics to find even “one sentence that is antisemitic or anti-Israel” that he, himself, ever uttered. “Nobody,” he said, “has found one [such] sentence that I have said in the past 46 years.”
Gorka then told how his father helped Jewish neighbors throughout World War II. In 1944, during Germany’s occupation of Budapest, Gorka said his father “escorted his fellow Jewish schoolmates – who were forced to wear the Star of David – to school every day and back to stop local German forces from assaulting or spitting on them.”
The week before the conference, reports surfaced that Gorka was on his way out of the White House. Gorka’s dismissal – according to The New York Times, The Daily Beast and CNN – was imminent.
But he is still in his position; still working in the White House. As he said at our conference: “The White House works like a well-oiled machine... I will be there for as long as the president has use for me.”

The 2016 African Debate Champion shares his thoughts on Israel

While everyone else was worried about the perceived status of a retaining wall, Michael Miller was more concerned with a different piece of Jerusalem real estate, namely the real estate that retaining wall is meant to protect.

Michael wrote:

“Even he sadly make the most common, serious mistake: the Kotel is the holiest site in Judaism, totally disregarding the Temple Mount. We've truly forgotten about the Beit HaMikdash.”

The “he” referred to in this comment was no less than Ambassador David Friedman.

Friedman’s first trip to Israel in his official capacity as American ambassador to Israel began with a visit to the Western Wall. “Well, it was a long trip,” said Friedman, flanked by his wife and daughter. “We’re a bit tired, but we wanted to come straight to the holiest place in the entire Jewish world, the Kotel HaMaaravi, the Western Wall, straight from the airport.”

Miller, one of the admins of the Facebook group, Take Back the Temple Mount, despaired that Friedman, an orthodox Jew, would publically refer to the Wall as the holiest Jewish site “in the entire Jewish world,” since this is a false and misleading statement. Yes, Friedman meant well, but it’s a statement that stains the honor of the true owner of that title of holiest Jewish place, the Temple Mount, and effectively relegates it to the ash heap. Friedman’s statement tells the world, “We don’t care about the Mount, just let us keep our remnant of a retaining wall and we’ll keep quiet about the rest—keep our heads down, like good little Jews.”

And of course, since this symbolic visit to the not holiest place in the entire Jewish world was followed by the fuss with the consulate figure, the probable Obama holdover who said that the Western Wall doesn’t belong to Israel (thank you UNESCO), the Temple Mount got completely lost and buried in the shuffle. No one thought about it.

No one thought about the Temple Mount.

Not Friedman. Not the Israeli organizers of Trump’s trip who took umbrage at being told they don’t have ownership of the Wall.

Because why worry about the Temple Mount when you can worry about a fragment of one of its retaining walls?

(That’s what the Western Wall is, in case you didn’t know it, or haven’t figured it out from the preceding paragraphs of this blog piece—a partial remnant of one of the Temple’s retaining walls.)

To be perfectly clear, in no way is the Western Wall the holiest place in the entire Jewish world.

Only the Temple Mount has that honor.

The Temple Mount was built on Mount Moriah, the place where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his only son Isaac.

It’s the place we turn toward as we pray.

It’s where the Cohen Gadol, the High Priest, prayed for the Jewish nation every Yom Kippur.

The Temple Mount is not just our holiest place, rather, it is the very epicenter of the Jewish universe.

And presently, we Jews are not free to pray there, for complicated reasons that make absolutely no sense. We recaptured our Temple Mount in 1967. But then that shtunk, Moshe Dayan, gave custodianship back to the Waqf, the Muslim Authority.

He had no right to do that and in so doing, he blackened his name forever.

Back in 1967, we still knew what was precious. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem tells the story in his autobiography, With Might and Strength,* in such a way that you can actually feel the power and majesty of that moment: the moment when we took back our holiest place, the Temple Mount:

I began running toward Lions’ Gate. The battalion of paratroopers was spread out on both sides of the road, because artillery fire was raining down incessantly on the road itself. Stranded at the entrance to Lions’ Gate was a bus engulfed in flames; one of our tanks was also stuck at the gate.

Suddenly, I heard the battalion commander shouting at me, “Rabbi Goren, you’ll get yourself killed. Come with us and stick close to the wall.” 
I felt as if I were flying. I walked out into the middle of the road. To my right, paratroopers from one company hugged the wall, and to my left, paratroopers from another company hugged the other.

“Go to Rabbi Goren and force him against the wall,” I heard the battalion commander ordering his company commander.

“I am the highest ranking officer here,” I told them. “Don’t force me against anything.”
I took [my father in-law’s shofar] and rushed back in the direction of the Rockefeller Museum, and from there I began to climb toward the Old City.

According to Jewish law, when Jews go out to battle they blow trumpets or shofars to assure their victory, as the Torah states: “And if you go to war in your land, against the enemy that oppresses you, then you shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and you shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies.” 
It was for this reason that I had brought a shofar with me. The moment we drew close to the gate, I began blowing the shofar, sounding it loudly in this war for the liberation of Jerusalem. I continued to blow the shofar repeatedly until we reached the truck that was stuck at the gate, blocking the entry to the Temple Mount. I quickly climbed up onto the tank and slid down the other side, finding myself at the entrance to the Temple Mount. 
As I made my way forward, I began to utter a prayer in between shofar blasts and shouted to the soldiers, “In the name of God, take action and succeed. In the name of God, liberate Jerusalem, go up and be successful.” 
I kept shouting the entire time, until we were right on top of the Temple Mount, where I found Motta Gur standing surrounded by his soldiers. I had prepared a proclamation which I then recited on the Temple Mount: 
In honor of the liberation of the Old City, the Kotel, and the Temple Mount from the enemy legions, on 28th Iyar, 5727 on the Jewish calendar. Israeli soldiers, beloved of the nation, decorated with courage and victory, may God be with you valiant heroes. I am speaking to you from the plaza of the Kotel, the remnant of our holy Temple. (Comfort my people, comfort them, says your God.)

Here Goren goes on to tell how the area was administered in the early days after the war. Sifrei Torah were brought in and a study hall was established.

I appointed ten officers to be in charge of the Temple Mount and gave them armbands bearing the words, “Temple Mount Officer.” They controlled the area throughout that period, which lasted about 40 days after we liberated the Temple Mount, until Dayan went and transferred it to the Muslims.

One day, Dayan came to me and told me that I had to pack up and leave the Midrasha [a study hall that Goren had established on the Temple Mount], take out all the books and everything we had put there, and reassign the officers, because he had handed control of the Temple Mount to the Waqf. Those words were like a clap of thunder on a clear day.

Why did Dayan give the Temple Mount to the Waqf? For one thing, he, being a secular man, did not see the significance of this holy place. When the IDF was contemplating its recapture, Dayan was said to remark, "What do I need all this Vatican for?"

Dayan? As he handed over the keys to the Waqf, he was thinking more about the Arabs than his own people. Did he think losing the Jews' holy place would be too much of a blow to their Arab Muslim manhood for them to survive?

A misplaced mercy?

Surely misplaced. Because all these years later, our rights to our holy places and to Jerusalem itself are in danger. It is because of Dayan and our lack of will to fight him. It is our willingness then and now to turn our back on the Temple Mount that is the beginning of all that causes us to slowly lose hold of everything else. If we won’t fight for the jewel in the crown, who will see us as a worthy contender to the crown itself?

It’s an affront to God, what we did then. What we do now. He, God, gave us these beautiful gifts and made miracles happen that these gifts would be restored to us after thousands of years of loss and so much blood spilled and then we simply gave back the keys and said, “Here. You take them.”

A kind of shrug.

That is what has led to Friedman and everyone else saying the Wall is our holiest place, because we've already given up on the Temple Mount. It doesn't even rent space in our conscious mind.

That is how we cherish our holy places. And if this is how we cherish our holy places, what then will be the fate of Jerusalem?

(And do we even deserve to have the American embassy relocated there?)

*With Might and Strength: An Autobiography
Rabbi Shlomo Goren
Edited by Ari Rath
Hardcover: 457 pages
Publisher: Maggid (July 3, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592644090

ISBN-13: 978-1592644094

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TortitSavyon, May 17 - Trendy Israelis have begun to embrace a new regimen for controlling food intake, inspired by the discipline of a prominent Palestinian prisoner, that only reckons calories from food not eaten on the toilet, in the closet, slouching down in the car, or otherwise concealed from view.

The Barghouti Diet, as it has become known, is gaining popularity among those who keep up with the latest in culture and fashion, according to social commentators, and appeals to a growing segment of the population looking for a way to balance nutritional and fitness needs with the fact that dieting sucks. Its source is Fatah terrorist Marwan Barghouti, currently serving five life sentences for his involvement in attacks that killed Israelis during the Second Intifada, and who was filmed consuming snacks in the toilet stall of his cell after announcing a hunger strike on the op-ed page of The New York Times.

Local Nutritionist Ivana Binge has noted numerous new inquiries from clients in the last two weeks regarding the Barghouti Diet, asking whether the regimen can be tailored to their lives. "It started about a week and a half ago," she recalled. "My clients were buzzing with talk of this new trend, and it turns out the eat-all-the-junk-food-you-want-as-long-as-you-think-nobody-is-looking diet is the latest thing."

Binge noted that variations of the Barghouti diet have existed for centuries, but have been dismissed as diets by most researchers, who tend to insist on some semblance of discipline in order to warrant the term. New research, however, points to a parallel between the diet and the political hunger strike, in which a Palestinian prisoner is still referred to by the news media as conducting such a strike even after repeated and consistent eating.

"I have advised my clients to adopt it gradually, as I do with any new diet," offered Hertzeliya-Pittuach dietitian Heidi Snackbeiter. "It's not healthy to go full-bore right away. You have to ease into it week by week. For the first week, only chocolate-covered-wafers and some cookies are to be eaten in the toilet stall, but within a month, I'm counseling my clients to mix it up, perhaps gorging on a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in a back stairwell at work, or shoveling an entire can of sour cream and onion Pringles down their gullets in the coat closet while trying to muffle the sound of the crunching by rustling a newspaper."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: "To war that will smash the oppressor and destroy the Zionist's soul"
Once again, a young child recites poem calling for war on PA TV kids' program
A poem which encourages Palestinians to go to "war" and "destroy the Zionist's soul" has again been recited by a child on official PA TV, this time on the children's program The Best Home. When the boy finished the poem, the studio audience stood and cheered while the host congratulated him:
Boy: "I am a Palestinian, my name is Palestinian
I've etched my name on all the town squares...

Saladin (i.e., Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem), calls to me from the depths of my heart
All my Arabness calls me to vengeance and liberation...
Thousands of prisoners and thousands who are jailed
call to this great nation and call to the millions
They say: To Jerusalem, the [first] direction of prayer in the faith [Islam]
To war that will smash the oppression and destroy the Zionist's soul
and raise the banner in the world's sky.
Palestinian, Palestinian, Palestinian. "

Official PA TV host: "Bravo."

[Official PA TV, The Best Home, March 17, 2017]
Palestinian Media Watch has documented four other children reciting this poem on PA TV in recent years.
Boy recites poem on PA TV children’s program: “To war that will … destroy the Zionist's soul”

Bereaved Israeli Families Urge Trump to Pressure Palestinian Authority to End Payments to Terrorists
Ahead of President Donald Trump’s visit to the Jewish state next week, hundreds of family members of Israeli terror victims have signed a letter to the American leader that urges him to pressure the Palestinian Authority (PA) to stop giving money to terrorists and their families, the Hebrew news site nrg reported on Tuesday.
Before peace talks can be renewed, the letter said, the Palestinians “must demonstrate good faith and show that they are truly willing to change their ways by stopping incitement and halting all payments to terrorists who murdered Israelis.”
Furthermore, the letter’s signatories asked for a meeting with Trump during his time in Israel.
“We are the voice of the terror victims and bereaved families in Israel, and unfortunately, our number and pain are great,” the letter said.
Last week, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon called on the Security Council to “act immediately” to halt the flow of money from the PA to jailed terrorists.
Arab Bank settlement over Israel attacks may hit snag in US appeals court
A settlement between Arab Bank Plc and Americans who accused it of facilitating militant attacks in Israel is in jeopardy after US judges said they may not have jurisdiction over an appeal that would determine how much the bank should pay.
Judges of the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in New York raised the jurisdiction issue during an oral argument on Tuesday.
Jordan-based Arab Bank is appealing a September 2014 jury verdict in a Brooklyn federal court finding it liable for facilitating two dozen attacks linked to Hamas by handling financial transactions.
Following the verdict, Arab Bank reached a settlement covering 527 plaintiffs. Under the deal, the bank would appeal the verdict, and the amount it would pay was left subject to whether or not the appeal was successful, lawyers for both the bank and the plaintiffs said during Tuesday's arguments.
Arab Bank said in January 2016 it had accumulated $1 billion in provisions for the case that would cover "expected obligations" under the settlement.
But 2nd Circuit Judge Lewis Kaplan said he was concerned that the court did not have the authority to decide an appeal of the merits of the jury's verdict merely to help the parties determine a settlement payment.
"We don't sit here to provide opinions to fit into some settlement agreement that the parties have," he said.
UN Watch Gala Dinner '17 Israel Video

What’s his name?
The women whisper between themselves, not sure they heard correctly: “What’s his name?
Shimon? Ah, Shimon… that’s a good name.
“Shimon, because of Lag BaOmer. That’s a good name.”
Repetition registers his name. Eight days old, he is now known to the community, part of the collective memory - the newest member of the tribe.
Satisfied, the women move to congratulate the mother, ignoring the men who are still in the midst of the ceremony. Everyone says “Mazal Tov!” to everyone else. It’s not just the parents who are congratulated on the birth of their son, it is the community that congratulates itself, rejoicing and celebrating the addition of a new member.
A new Jew. That’s not something to be taken for granted.
I started the day with a brit and ended it with a wedding.
The brit milah is the covenant of circumcision, commanded of every Jewish male, since Abraham. The circumcision is performed by a mohel ("circumciser") on the eighth day of a male infant's life. Modern medicine has discovered that this ancient tradition helps preserve physical health, promoting cleanliness and preventing disease. This is a side benefit to fulfilling the ancient covenant.
The brit is meant to be an undeniable, permanent symbol of the bond between God and the Jewish people. Often this was used against the Jewish people. Enemies searching out Jewish men for destruction could simply force the suspects to undress. No man could deny his connection to the Jewish people. The difference between him and every other man was inescapably obvious.
Throughout the centuries, the Nation of Israel has kept our covenant, for better and for worse.  
Not something to be taken for granted.
A wedding is also a covenant. Bride and groom stand in front of the community and join themselves to each other. Different cultures consider this occasion one that is sanctified, viewing both the ceremony and the union that is created as holy.
The Jewish wedding has more layers. Here too community has a unique role as does Jewish history - our unbreakable connection to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
The Jewish wedding celebration does not belong just to the couple and their families. The community attending is part of the event, tasked with the job of making sure that the celebration is full of joy.
Bringing joy to the bride and groom is a task that is considered so important that even people in mourning (who are not allowed to attend or participate in celebrations) are permitted to come to the event to congratulate the couple and witness the ceremony (after which they should leave so as to not take part in the actual celebrations).
You might wonder, isn’t celebrating a wedding obvious? Of course, that’s a joyful time! Why should you need to be commanded to be happy?
How many times throughout Jewish history has it been difficult to celebrate? Was it easy to find joy during the Holocaust, when neighbors were disappearing in the night, when family was murdered in front of your eyes? When you don’t know if you or your loved ones will live to see another day, how do you celebrate?
Then again, how do you not?
Through pogroms, exile, wars and terror attacks, despite enemy after enemy rising up to destroy us, the Jewish people have carved out niches of joy – determined to celebrate new Jewish life. A wedding, a promise of a new Jewish home, a new family, children. A brit, a new member of the community. These are not to be taken for granted.
And then there is Jerusalem.
The Jewish wedding is not complete without the additional layer of our history, our bond to Jerusalem. On what is supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, the couple must pause and put Jerusalem first. The community listens in silence as the groom declares: “May my tongue cleave to my mouth, if I ever think not of thee, if I ever prize not Jerusalem above all joys!” (Psalm 137). After this the groom breaks a glass, symbolizing the destruction of the ancient Jewish Temple that once stood on the Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is held up, above all other joys.
I began the day with a brit and ended it with a wedding. A day of expanding the Tribe of Israel, welcoming a new Jew, just eight days old in to the community, cheering the creation of a new Jewish family who, in turn, will add their children to the tribe.
Not something to take for granted.
Our tribe is unusual. We are bound to each other, individuals and community. We are bound to God, as individuals and as a nation. And Jerusalem pulses through our veins and memory, binding it all together.

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