Wednesday, April 24, 2013

  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dreuz reports that a French appeals court in Versailles has ruled that Israel was not acting illegally in building a light rail line across the Green Line.

The PLO must pay 30,000 euros separately to Alstom, Alstom Transport and Veolia Transport.

The PLO had argued that Israel was violating the Geneva Conventions by "transferring" citizens to the territories and destroying property, as well as a host of other claims.

The court ruled, however, Israel was acting within the Hague Regulations of how an occupier must act, "the authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country."

Going beyond that, the court ruled that the Geneva Conventions and Hague Regulations only apply to states, and to signatories, and the PLO is neither.

Google Translate does a good job - it is worth reading. The full ruling is also at the site, but in French.

(h/t EG)
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
From Ian:

Douglas Murray: The Honey-Trap of Moral Equivalence
As long as even Abbas takes such an attitude towards the murder of Israeli civilians, it is not just disingenuous but wrong to claim moral equivalence between the sides. It is precisely this realization that sits at the core of the Harper government's convictions. Convictions are not just opinions or oft-repeated talking points. They are principles which the holder is willing not only to be praised for, but to be criticised for and even suffer for. There is no reason why the Canadian government should suffer for supporting freedom and liberty at home and abroad. Just as there was no reason why Thatcher should be so criticized by some for defeating socialism at home and abroad. But even when politicians of conviction do suffer the odd buffeting by the winds of popular opinion, they should brave them as Thatcher did. For as she realized, as her death has shown and as Churchill -- her only peer among recent statesman -- said, it is the only way to ensure that "however the fates may play," they will "march always in the ranks of honor."
Hard to deny a Holocaust your father saved Jews from
Tackling a fractured relationship with London’s Muslims, the Anglo-Jewish leadership is staging a display honoring righteous Muslims during the Shoah
When the Gestapo ordered the Jews on the island of Rhodes to report to its headquarters in July 1944, Selahattin Ülkümen acted fast. As the Turkish consul, he demanded the release of all the Turkish citizens and their families, reminding the German commanding officer, General Ulrich Kleeman, that Turkey was neutral. He even invented a Turkish law that said that spouses of citizens were considered citizens themselves. Threatened with an international incident, Kleeman let 50 Jews go, of whom 13 were Turkish citizens; the other 1,700 were deported to concentration camps.
Just how anti-Semitic are British politicians?
Do the ramblings of a few minor figures without much influence really matter? The consensus is yes, because their vicious rhetoric normalizes extremism and encourages irresponsible discourse
UK soccer club probes fan abuse of Israeli player
Chelsea is investigating the alleged abuse of midfielder Yossi Benayoun by the club’s fans during recent games.
Benayoun wrote Monday on Twitter that there are “some … issues that the club is taking care and try to handle them in the right way.. .as sometimes people are crossing the limit.”
MKs say high time for recognition of Armenian genocide
Marking 98 years since the murders, legislators from across the political spectrum agree Israel should recognize massacre
CAMERA: CAMERA Prompts Ha'aretz Correction on Prisoner Samer Issawi
CAMERA's Israel staff has prompted a Ha'aretz correction regarding an article in yesterday's English edition which wrongly asserted that an Israeli judge and prosecutors agreed with hunger-striking Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi when he compared his appearance to that of Holocaust victims. As noted in CAMERA's Snapshots blog yesterday, the original Hebrew article by Jack Khoury actually stated that the Israelis were shocked by the comparison -- a far cry from agreeing with it.
US steps in, stops PA going after Israel at UNESCO
In US-brokered deal, Israel will attend meetings to discuss Mugrabi bridge that leads to Temple Mount, allow UNESCO to survey sites.
Two life terms for Palestinian stone-thrower
Wa’al al-Araji hurled a rock at an Israeli car, causing it to crash and killing the driver and his infant son in 2011
A Ukrainian Christian who saved a dilapidated rural synagogue was honored at an interfaith forum in Kiev.
Boris Slobodnyuk of Satanov received the forum’s 2013 Crystal Noah Tolerance Award on Tuesday at the Kiev Interfaith Forum for guarding the 500-year-old Stanovskaya synagogue in western Ukraine and initiating renovation work there.
Israeli leads international league to save the Med
Coastline development restrictions already exist in the rulebooks, but an Israeli legal eagle is determined to see to it that they are enforced.
Over the millennia, the Mediterranean Sea has become much more than a transport hub for empires that control the region: It links nations, feeds countries, and its shores hold some of the world’s most expensive real estate and natural beauty.
Qualcomm founder gives $133m. to Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute
The goal to turn New York into the next Silicon Valley by leveraging Israeli expertise is well on its way, thanks to a $133 million donation from Irwin Jacobs, founding chairman and CEO emeritus of Qualcomm, and his wife Joan Klein Jacobs. The generous gift will help fund the planned Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute, set to open on Roosevelt Island in 2017.
The state-of-the-art applied science and technology academy — to be jointly run by Cornell University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology – will now be called the Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute (JTCII).
The Israeli sharing his mass casualty expertise in Boston
Israeli critical care specialist Dr. Pinchas Halpern is used to dealing with terror attacks. It’s not a familiarity that most doctors would wish to achieve, but as director of emergency medicine at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center since 1993, Halpern has had no choice but to become an expert on mass casualties.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ahmad Maslamani, a popular Egyptian news personality, spoke at an Egyptian university yesterday, complaining about how the Muslim world is not performing according to its huge population.

He noted that 95% of the medicines consumed in Arab countries are manufactured by others, which he believes is unacceptable.

His most interesting statement, considering that he is apparently a relatively educated Egyptian, was that "14 million Jews control the fate of the world," as he wondered why can't 1.6 billion Muslims have as much influence as the paltry Jewish population does?

Maybe because even the educated Muslims believe that Jews control the world?

  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
We have previously mentioned Ouda Tarabin, an Israeli Bedouin who has been held in Egypt on trumped-up espionage charges since 2000.

There were rumors of Tarabin's imminent release in in 2011 and 2012, but nothing ever materialized.

Egypt Independent reports that Tarabin is trying to shame everyone into letting him go:

Ouda Tarabin, an Israeli citizen imprisoned in Egypt since 2000 on espionage charges, accused his country of betraying its pledge to work for his release, claiming that Israeli officials know he is innocent.

In a letter to the Israeli ambassador in Cairo that was featured in a Voice of Israel Radio broadcast on Wednesday, Tarabin urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to file a complaint with the UN Security Council and a lawsuit with the UN's International Court of Justice for his release.

Addressing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsy, he said that he was not given a fair trial and held the Israeli prime minister responsible for his life.

According to an Israeli television channel, a team from the United Nations Commission of Human Rights that investigated Tarabin’s case said in 2012 that he was subjected to arbitrary arrest and had not received a fair trial.

Tarabin is on hunger strike to highlight his plight. Political sources in Israel have warned that the strike may endanger his life and have called for his immediate release.
The issue had disgracefully not gotten much coverage in Israel. The government of Israel should be in the forefront of pushing for Tarabin's release.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I mentioned yesterday, last night I attended the Algemeiner J100 Gala dinner to be anonymously honored as one of "the top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life."

This was a $500/plate dinner chock full of famous Jews. Unfortunately I am really bad at recognizing faces, but I did manage to say hi to a few. I felt a lot like a "D-lister" who happened to be accidentally thrown in with the A-list. Even worse, my not wanting to be outed quashed what little desire I have to engage in small talk with people.

I saw Ron Prosor when he walked in; I shook his hand but didn't introduce myself. I saw Alan Dershowitz, who I interviewed once, but didn't get a chance to say hi.

I did say hi to Malcolm Hoenlein, who I had briefly met once before and who had known of my blog. Rabbi Shmeley Boteach didn't seem too interested once I refused to say my real name. Elie Wiesel was there but I couldn't see any benefit to bugging him. But I did introduce myself to the Algemeiner's editor, Dovid Efune.

The gala was hosed by Heather Nauert, a Fox News morning host and self-described "shiksa." But, she pointed out, you don't have to be Jewish to show love for Israel.

Oddly, the National Anthem was sung by Tony Orlando - the 1970s pop star. We were told that he had turned down singing the national anthem many times, including at Dodger Stadium, but he felt it important to do it here. The bad news - he made a few mistakes in the lyrics. Oh, well.

During the speeches I managed to find Emet from CiFWatch, whom I have met before, and he introduced me to some of the Algemeiner writers who know my stuff (including Zach Pontz, who has linked to me numerous times.)

The 100 names were listed in a special print edition of the Algemeiner that everyone received, but Heather announced the names of those who were at the gala itself - maybe 25 of us - asking them to stand when their names were read. She even announced me as an anonymous blogger. (No, I didn't stand.)

I tweeted to some other honorees who are also active in the cyber-world - Avi Mayer (winner of the 2013 Hasby award for tweeting), William Daroff (Vice President for Public Policy for The Jewish Federations of North America), Itamar Marcus (founder of Palestinian Media Watch) and Andrea Levin (founder of CAMERA.)

I did get one video interview with a fellow honoree who spoke as well, but that will have to wait...

UPDATE: My blurb is finally up on the Algemeiner site.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
From Ian:

US: It's time for UN's Richard Falk to go
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice on Wednesday said that it was "past time" for the U.N.'s Human Rights Council special rapporteur for the Palestinians to be relieved of his position.
On her twitter account, Rice said, "Outraged by Richard Falk's highly offensive Boston comments. Someone who spews such vitriol has no place at the U.N. Past time for him to go."
Flap over Kerry flotilla remarks
I asked the State Department if Kerry wished to clarify and/or if he was making a moral comparison between flotilla participants and innocent Boston victims. A State Department official authorized only to speak on background retreated but stopped short of apologizing for his boss’s gaffe: “In light of the recent events in his hometown of Boston, Secretary Kerry was expressing his own personal connection to the impact of tragedy on a community and was not comparing the two events — only the pain caused by violence. He has long said that both Prime Minister Erdogan and Prime Minister Netanyahu deserve a great deal of credit and he welcomes the restoration of positive relations.”
Douglas Murray: America, like Europe, is dishonest about Islamic extremism
I think of this as ‘Toulouse syndrome.’ Much of the reaction to Boston is very reminiscent of what we saw last year after the shooting of seven people in France. From the first attacks on French soldiers until after the third shootings at a Jewish school, both national and international news focussed on the possibility that the lone gunman had been a far-right extremist. This led to claims that various right wing politicians – including then President Sarkozy – bore at least some degree of responsibility for the attacks. Alleged trails of culpability were sniffed out and fingers pointed.
However, once the gunman turned out to be a radical Muslim called Mohammed Merah, the speculation ceased. Nothing much to see here. Please move along.
IsraellyCool: Lauren Booth Endorses Boston Bombing Trooferism
On her Facebook page, antisemitic convert to Islam Lauren Booth endorses a blog post claiming the Boston bombing was staged.
Norway: Muslims praise Boston jihadis
"The Islamic group Prophet's Ummah has repeatedly and publicly praised terrorist acts carried out abroad. Also the terrorist attack in Boston on Monday is hailed by the leader of the extreme Norwegian group. On his facebook page Ubaydullah Hussain writes, 'To hell with Boston and the U.S., and may Allah destroy America.'
The leader of Prophet's Ummah has also posted pictures of the terrorists on their profile and calls the brothers a pair of 'real lions.'"
Barry Rubin: When Terrorists Fall Out You Know Jihad is Doomed
One of the reasons why the Middle East situation is less fearsome than it might seem is that the radicals and terrorists are not united at all but battle among themselves for tactical, doctrinal, ethnic, and ambition-related reasons.
Despite their daily, bloodthirsty howls for Israel’s destruction, for example, three groups are at odds:
The Indy’s Alistair Dawber whitewashes terrorist crimes of Samer Issawi
Issawi didn’t play merely a ‘supporting role’ in terror attacks, but, rather, was directly responsible for firing an automatic weapon at innocent Israeli civilians with the hope of murdering as many of them as possible – and was responsible for ordering additional lethal attacks on other Israelis.
Hamas’ Drug Lords
Hamas has brought misery, pain and destruction to Gaza, so Hamas’s alleged involvement in narcotics trafficking should not come as a shock to anyone.
A Palestinian news website, Yabous Press reported that the drug trade in Gaza was controlled by Hamas’s Police Counter-Drug Unit, which is supposed to fight drugs. Yabous Press reported Hamas police would arrest drug dealers who don’t work for them, confiscating their drug supplies, and then selling it in the market for themselves.
US Treasury takes action against Hezbollah funders
Lebanese exchange houses accused of scheme involving money from used car dealerships, drug trade going to terror group.
Iranian Minister: Sanctions Are 'Causing a Lot of Trouble'
Iran's Finance Minister says international pushed inflation above 30%, but stresses that nuclear program will continue.
Al-Qaeda Toddlers Filmed Firing Guns At Weapons Training Camp (VIDEO)
A video making the rounds on the internet shows children as young as five shooting weapons at an Al-Qaeda training camp.
The boys stand, sit and lie in rows while taking target practice. The weapons of choice appear to be AK-47s, pistols and, ironically, Israeli-made Negev machine guns.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Washington Times:

Several Tennessee parents are outraged over a textbook distributed in their children’s high school “human geography” class that suggest Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO are political parties.

One statement from the 10th edition of “The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography” textbook was most alarming to one of the parents, Hugh Nemets, who is Jewish.

“If a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions?” the book asks.

Nemets said, “It smells of anti-Semitism to me. It opened the door to legitimizing terror,” Mr. Nemets told Nashville’s News 2.
He is one of 10 Williamson County parents who voiced their concerns at a board meeting earlier last week.

A Williamson County school district spokesperson told the station that the book was selected from a list given to them by the State Department of Education.

Parents concerned about the textbooks can submit a formal written complaint. The school district told Nashville’s News 2 it has not yet received any such complaint.

WKRN, Nashville News, Nashville Weather and Sports

Glancing at an online version of sections from the book, I see other issues. It has a ton of information about Islam but very little about Judaism.

It includes a few problematic questions:

The Western Wall in Jerusalem remains an effective boundary between:

Two problems: it doesn't describe the Kotel at all as to its importance, and it implies that Jews have no business on their holiest site.


Using this diffusion map of religion, the hearths of the three religions illustrated in this map are

"Palestine"?  Is that where Judaism and Christianity came from? Funny, I don't think Jesus ever used that term.

I wish that full textbooks were online - I'm sure that there is a ton of bias that is evident, but it takes a lot of effort to find it.

(h/t Einfal)
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
And 9/11. And the tsunami.

I can't wait for the next hurricane season.

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon delivered by Sheik Abd Al-Jalil Al-Karouri, which aired on April 19, 2013:

Abd Al-Jalil Al-Karouri: The most important political events of the week were the Boston earthquake and the Texas earthquake, which joined it yesterday… Or rather, the bombings in Boston and in Texas, as well as the Iran earthquake. In short, the peculiar thing is that no one knows who is behind these events. Even President Obama said: "We do not know who did this or why." Iran, too, does not know who caused the earthquake.

People know who is responsible for earthquakes. It is God. But now there are allegations that this earthquake was artificial. The so-called "earthquake-war" has begun. The industrialized countries have the capacity to make bombs that impact the Earth’s crust and core, causing earthquakes. It is even said that the tsunami that raised the waves, causing thousands of deaths, was, in fact, an experiment in that weapon.


This earthquake had two goals: first, to [prevent] the Russians from officially handing over the Bushehr nuclear plant to Iran within a month’s time. The West does not want this to happen.

They wanted to destroy the new gas pipeline [from Iran to Pakistan], along with the [Bushehr] nuclear plant. There is also the issue of promoting the sale of gas masks. These expired gas masks, meant to protect people from nuclear gases, have recently been sold in the Gulf. The fourth goal is to sow fear in the Gulf region, where the earthquakes were heard. They want to make these people scared of the Iranian nuclear plant, and to ignite a regional Sunni-Shiite war, a war between Iran and its neighbors.


To this we should add the bombings in America. Now they are saying that the bombs were placed in "primitive" pots. Why would anyone in the U.S. need to resort to nails and pressure cookers to make a bomb? You can find any type of weapon there and simply buy it. Why did they say "primitive"? I don’t have time to read you the quotation. They said that the bomb was "primitive," in order to direct the blame at one of us in the Third World.


When North Korea stopped manufacturing buses, it started making nuclear warheads. Today, North Korea poses a threat to America. America might be drawn into an historic war, a war between Communism and capitalism. This is precisely what Israel does not want. Israel wants the war to be between America and the "primitive" Arabs, and that is why the bombs were "primitive."

I have said that the [9/11] Manhattan bombings were meant to transform America from a country to an empire, and that it is, indeed, what happened. Now, they do not want this empire to expand, and to revive the Cold War – this time with North Korea and the Asian countries. No, they want America to continue to defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
In Saudi Arabia, there have been moves in the Shura Council to change the current weekend, Thursday and Friday, to Friday and Saturday in order to better sync with world economies.

This has been creating a backlash among clerics, who say that giving Saturdays or Sundays as days off would be forbidden.

Sheikh Saleh Fawzan, a senior cleric in Saudi Arabia, said that such a move would "invoke Allah's wrath" because this is a custom of Jews and Christians, the Jews taking off on Saturdays and the Christians on Sundays.

In his written fatwa, he said that Islam must be practiced uniquely, and that while it is forbidden for Muslims to imitate non-Muslims in general, it is especially bad to imitate Christians and Jews. Giving people vacations on Saturdays and Sundays is one of the forbidden imitations.

It is difficult to read this without recalling the saying that has reportedly been seen in graffiti and heard in the Muslim world - "first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people," as targets within Muslim-dominated countries.
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Monitor:
“I was completely bereft when he pulled me by my hand and embraced me. … I felt warmth emanating from his chest.” This sentence in a short story titled “Love in War” was enough for Gaza's Al-Aqsa University to launch an investigation into faculty member Dr. Khoder Mahjez. Mahjez teaches a course titled “Literature and Modern Criticism” at the Faculty of Arts in Al-Aqsa University. The investigations began following a complaint filed by a female student, who claimed that the professor used obscene words during the lecture.

In an interview over the phone with Al-Monitor, Mahjez said that the obscene words — which he was accused of using by the investigation commission during the interrogation attended by the dean of the Faculty of Arts and a legal advisor — were present in a story he had used as an example in his book, which carries the same name as the course. He added that there had been objections to the use of certain words — such as "women," "sons of a bitch" and "Jews" — as opposed to using terms with ideological connotations that are preferable to the university, such as sons of "monkeys" and "pigs."

"They hate poetry, literature and all that has to do with creativity and life," he said.

Mahjez added that although he retired last year, it is customary for retired teachers to continue to be allocated a few hours of teaching. Yet he was blackmailed, he said, by the University Board of Directors, who threatened to publish a statement that would tarnish his reputation if he did not leave the university. Thus, he resigned.

He explained that his story spread when a journalist friend published it in the local newspaper. This started a war not only with the university administration, but also with the Hamas movement that has been managing the university for years.
Later in the article we learn that "nightgown" is also an obscene word in Hamastan.

An interesting historical note at the end of the article:
However, it appears that monitoring academic freedoms at Palestinian universities has existed ever since their inception in the 1980s. According to a study by Asta, in one of the West Bank Universities the father of a female student filed a complaint against an Arabic literature teacher for discussing the famous novel "Season of Migration to the North" by Sudanese author Tayeb Salih, which contains sexual expressions. Moreover, academic Ghazi Fallah has resigned from his post due to pressure at the same university for describing the West Bank as "Judea and Samaria."

This sounds startlingly like Orwell's "1984" - in "Palestine," if you do not use the modern equivalent of "newspeak," you are charged with a "thoughtcrime." And this applies both under Hamas and Fatah rule, although at the moment Hamas is clearly the innovators in quashing any original thinking in Gaza.

(h/t Gidon Shaviv)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Algemeiner:
In honor of our forthcoming 40th Anniversary Gala, The Algemeiner set out to establish an annual list ... entitled the JEWISH 100, of the top 100 people positively influencing Jewish life.

Throughout millennia of tumultuous Jewish history, our people have been inspired and led by a select few. Icons revered by the Jewish community have included powerful military leaders, prophets, visionaries, scholars, innovators, pioneers, kings, saints, politicians and righteous gentiles. What they all share in common, is their appreciation of the unique contributions of the Jewish people in serving as a voice of moral conscience for mankind and their willingness to make sacrifices for its continuity.

Our list aims to capture a glimpse of the top 100 people alive today that embody this spirit. For some it may come through their role in a position of influence or power. For others, it is through serving as a role model embodying Jewish values or qualities. Others will be listed for serving as a source of Jewish pride, or for bringing new and innovative ideas to Jewish expression; others yet may have stuck out their necks to advocate for Jews and Israel at great personal sacrifice. Some who will be listed, though rarely heard from in public, nonetheless have a significant influence on the important Jewish or Israel related events of our time.
If that isn't over the top enough, here is their video describing the Jewish 100:

Notice the photo used when they say the word "scholars."

Does this mean that I am one of the honorees?

Well, it is possible they are referring to Rashi, not me.

Maybe. Or maybe not.

Because at the very moment this is being posted, I am attending the Jewish 100 Gala dinner - incognito - to be there when Elder of Ziyon is announced as one of the "Jewish 100" for the year. 

No joke! I received this in the mail last week:

This may be one of the few times that an anonymous person has received such an honor.

To put it mildly, I was blown away when I found out I was an awardee. I mean, they have a real red carpet for the awardees to walk on (an honor which I am skipping, thank you.)

And I thought being ranked #1 in Technorati was a big deal.

This is an amazing honor, and since I can't do it at the dinner, I'd like to thank the Algemeiner Journal for giving it to me.

A report on the gala will be forthcoming!

  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ammon News (Jordan):
The Islamist Centrist Party (ICP) decided on Monday to expel Member of Parliament Mohammad Asha Al-Dawaymeh from both the political party and its parliamentary bloc following a probe into his reported recent visit to Israel.

An ICP source told Ammon News that the deputy was subjected to questioning by the party regarding his recent visit to Israel, and attending a reception held by Israeli President Shimon Peres celebrating Israel's so-called "Independence Day," marking 65 years of the founding of Israel, considered the Palestinian Nakba of 1948.
Al-Dawaymeh told Ammon News earlier this week that...the purpose of his visit was to defend the cause of Jerusalem and Al Aqsa Mosque.

ICP issued a statement on Monday stating that the party's parliamentary bloc met with ICP's political committee and decided unanimously to expel Al-Dawaymeh, citing his visit to the "Zionist entity" and his attendance of a reception and shaking hands with the "criminal" Peres, according to the statement.

"The Bloc and Political Committee voted unanimously to expel him considering that such acts violate the party's principles and foundations that reject all forms of normalization with the Zionist entity," the statement added.
Last I checked, Jordan still had a peace treaty with Israel.

This is the best kind of "peace" Israel could ever realistically hope to see with its Arab neighbors.
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
From Ian:

Isi Leibler: American Jewish leaders: Stop the rot now
Many consider it a wake-up call and believe that alarm bells should be ringing at major Jewish organizations.
Visiting New York this week, I sought to assess the broader implications of the recent “International Peace Award” bestowed on former president Jimmy Carter by Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School. This unsavory display of groveling by a major Jewish institution to a committed foe of the Jewish people is not merely a stain on the entire Jewish community but highlights a dramatic erosion of Jewish values and Jewish dignity.
Nazi hunter chides Israel over anti-Semitism confab invites
A leading Israeli Nazi hunter scolded the Foreign Ministry this week for extending invitations for an anti-Semitism conference to representatives of four European countries, which, he says, “are part of the problem and not part of the solution” when it comes to anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli bigotry.
Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office, said senior government officials from Lithuania, Greece, Hungary and Ireland should not be allowed to attend — and speak at — the Foreign Ministry’s 4th International Conference of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism, which is scheduled to take place later this month in Jerusalem.
Israelly Cool: Roger Waters Backtracks On His Backtrack
Last week I posted an interview with BDShole Roger Waters, in which he seemed to state he was considering his position regarding boycotting Israel.
Now Waters is claiming he was misinterpreted.
After effects: BBC accuracy failure used to promote hate
Is the BBC responsible for the fact that the picture of a father carrying his son who was killed as a result of a terrorist missile can be misrepresented as an image depicting Israeli “murder”? Yes.
Because if BBC journalists in the Gaza Strip at the time had adhered to their own editorial guidelines on accuracy and impartiality, that story would not have been promoted as part of a preconceived narrative depicting Israelis as ‘baby killers’ and that image would not have become entrenched in the minds of the general public as a depiction of Israeli wrong-doing.
CAMERA: Ha'aretz Lost in Translation: A Shocking Holocaust Comparison
Once again, Ha'aretz translators are again engaging in creative, even shocking, translations, inserting text into the English edition which is diametrically opposed to the Hebrew original. In an article today regarding a judicial proceeding against Palestinian prisoner Samer Issawi, who is refusing food, the English edition reports online
Anti-Semitic Graffiti Found On Boston-Area Church
Police in the Boston suburb of Sharon are investigating swastika graffiti that was found on the Victory Assembly of God church last week.
The graffiti may be related to a Jerusalem Day celebration at the church next month. Banners and posters advertising the event, which celebrates Israeli soldiers reuniting Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War, was vandalized as well.
How an Israeli start-up beats flash’s ‘dirty little secret’
SSDs, the new standard in hard drives, have some serious disadvantages. Israel’s Reduxio has a way to turn the tables
Israel’s top 12 video surveillance advances
Last week’s Boston terror attack highlighted the critical role of video surveillance analytics in tracing criminals and terrorists. It’s a field in which Israeli companies excel.
In light of the pivotal role these new technologies are now playing in solving terror and crime, ISRAEL21c offers an updated list of 12 of the biggest Israeli video synopsis and analysis firms now operating around the world.
Sol Chip wins Energy Harvesting Award at IDTechEx
Sol Chip, the Israeli company behind the development of an innovative solar operated battery, recently took the Technical Development Award Winner in the 2013 IDTechEx Energy Harvesting & Storage and Wireless Sensor Networks exhibition in Berlin, Germany.
Israel Daily Picture: More Treasures from the "Cigarbox Collection" -- Part 2
We continue to scan and research the treasure trove of photographs donated to Israel Daily Picture, pictures taken by the donor's father in the Land of Israel in the first decades of the 20th century.
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
A hilarious story from VexNews:

PressTV, the official news outlet of the theocratic government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has employed an Australian correspondent, Edwina Storie, who is a former “adult entertainment” model and big-boozing party girl.

Her behaviour, all perfectly lawful here in Australia, would be sufficient for her to be stoned to death in the theocratic and tyrannical regime that pays her to propagandise on their behalf.

Storie, a trained journalist and glamour model, has recently started reporting for the Iranian news outlet, with stories including one broadcast this weekend cheering on the efforts of local ultra-left and Greensparty militants to institute a “boycott” against the Jewish state of Israel of the kind once pushed in Nazi Germany. Respecting customs in Iran, Edwina Storie partly covered her hair and dressed modestly during the broadcast.

The VEXNEWS Investigations Unit can exclusively reveal the religiously fanatical Iranian regime’s reporter has had an extensive history of glamour modelling and behaviour inconsistent with the regime’s strict requirements.

Her social media accounts have quite recent declarations of enthusiastic consumption of alcohol, complete with photographs of her clutching the grog. One tweet made in December 2011 exclaimed “I wish I had blamed more on being young and dumb when I had the chance!” Indeed.

Modelling sites, and her own social media accounts, accessed by VEXNEWS investigators, and saved for the purposes of news reporting, highlight the hypocrisy of the regime and its propaganda agents, and clearly demonstrate Edwina Storie’s double life she probably didn’t mention during her job interview. Her ground-breaking work on sex with robots probably didn’t feature prominently either as the regime mulled over her appointment.

One modelling site has dozens of racy images of Ms Storie with “tags” describing her work that would have any Mullah reaching for his stones. The descriptions include “porn movie,” “sex video,” “call girl,” “girl kneeling,” “erotic,” “sensual,” “mistress,” “affair,” “laying back,” “legs in air,” “seductress,” “sucking on finger,” “married man,” “office affair,” “secret rendezvous,” “cleavage,” “buttocks in air,” “arched back,” “body in air,” “busty,” “boobs,” “heels on bed,” “afternoon delight,” and “afterwork surprise.” Certainly it would be something of a surprise for Ms Storie’s work colleagues at PressTV.

(h/t Ian)
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah might be good at shooting rockets while hiding underground, but they seem to be not nearly as good at fighting against a ragtag rebel force:
The Free Syrian Army has reportedly killed 18 Hezbollah fighters in the Western city of Qusayr, activists at the Syrian Revolution General Commission reported on Tuesday.

The fighters were allegedly killed in a battle between the Syrian rebels and the Hezbollah fighters.

Elite fighters from the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah, a staunch ally of the Syrian regime, are leading the fight against rebels in the region of Qusayr in the central province of Homs, a watchdog said on Monday.

“It’s Hezbollah that is leading the battle in Qusayr, with its elite forces,” Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told AFP.

On Sunday, the main opposition National Coalition urged Hezbollah to “immediately withdraw its forces from Syrian territory”, adding its involvement in Syria’s conflict “could drag Lebanon and the region into an open-ended conflict with disastrous consequences.”
Other reports have the Syrian army making gains in the Qusayr area, however.

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri described Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria as a crime against Lebanon Tuesday while rejecting recent calls for Jihad by Salafi sheikhs against the resistance group.

"Hezbollah’s involvement in the fight in Syria is an involvement in defense of the Syrian regime, regardless of the sectarian or factional excuses that the party is putting forth to justify this crime. [This will] drag Lebanon into a fire that Bashar Assad has warned of,” Hariri said in a statement.
Both Hezbollah and its Lebanese opponents seem to be inexorably widening the conflict to Lebanon:
"What Hezbollah is doing with regard to this issue is a national and moral duty in the defense of the Lebanese in border villages," Lebanon's official news agency quoted senior Hezbollah leader Sheikh Nabil Qaouq as saying on Monday.

"To those who ask us to allow our brothers in these border villages to be victims of murders, kidnaps, massacres and expulsions, I respond to you: 'Can we leave these Lebanese hostage to this situation?" he added.

"Hezbollah's martyrs are the martyrs of the entire nation because they are defending their Lebanese compatriots," he said at a ceremony marking a week since the death of a Hezbollah fighter killed in Syria.

Meanwhile, Sunni Sheikh Ahmad al-Assir late Monday urged Muslims and the Lebanese people to fight alongside the rebels in Syria and announced the formation of the “Free Resistance Brigades.”

“Jihad in Syria is a must – especially in Al-Qusayr – for all those Lebanese who can,” Assir said during a press conference on Monday.

He also called for the creation of “secret armed groups for self-defense in case [Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan] Nasrallah decides to start killing in Lebanon as he is doing in Syria.”
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
From Ian:

Charles Krauthammer: The language of terror
The Boston Marathon attack, the first successful terror bombing in the US since 9/11, was designed for maximum effect.
Terrorism is speech – speech that gathers its audience by killing innocents as theatrically as possible. The 19th-century anarchist Paul Brousse called it “propaganda by deed.” Accordingly, the Boston Marathon attack, the first successful terror bombing in the US since 9/11, was designed for maximum effect. At the finish line there would be not only news cameras but also hundreds of personal videos to amplify the message.
CIF Watch: Glenn Greenwald condemns the word ‘terrorism’ as racially-loaded
According to the National Counter-Terrorism Center, over the past several years the overwhelming majority of terrorist-related fatalities world-wide were the result of attacks by Islamist (Sunni) extremists.
Friends wonder if Boston suspect was linked to 2011 murders
At least two of the murdered men — Raphael Teken and Erik Weissman — were Jewish. (Friends of both Teken, 37, and Weissman, 31, maintain Facebook memorial pages in their honor.) The third victim in the September 2011 triple-homicide, Brendan Mess, was said by Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s acquaintances to have been his closest American friend.
Daniel Pipes: Boston Bombing Lesson: Ban Niqabs and Burqas
The Tsarnaev brothers pulled off their terrorist attack with great skill but made a fatal mistake in letting their faces and bodies be seen at a heavily photographed international sporting event. This meant that multiple images of them were available for a massive law enforcement squad to comb over and, after three days, identify them by name and appearance.
Spain arrests 2 men suspected of al Qaeda group links
The statement said the two suspects have a "profile" that is similar to the two suspects in the Boston Marathon attacks.
UN Watch: UN Official Justifies Boston Bombings as ‘Retribution’, Blames America & ‘Tel Aviv’
Richard Falk warns of "worse blowbacks," says “Those to whom evil is done, do evil in return”
Does the United Nations treat all refugees equally?
There are multiple UN agencies safeguarding the rights of refugees the world over - but the funding and staffing of one agency perhaps tells us about the institutional UN bias towards one people... doesn't it?
Fatah continues to praise suicide bombers on Facebook
Murderers of 7 are Martyrs and heroes
On the anniversary of their terror attacks, Fatah honored suicide bombers Andalib Takatka and Fadi Al-Amoudi as Martyrs and heroes.
Andalib Takatka killed 6 and wounded more than 80 when she blew herself up at the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem in 2002.
Fadi Al-Amoudi killed 1 and wounded 3 when he detonated a bomb he was carrying at the Erez crossing at the Israeli-Egyptian border in 2004.
Iranian on fake Israeli passport held in Nepal for possible terror plot
An Iranian national carrying a forged Israeli passport was arrested by Israeli Embassy personnel in Kathmandu on April 13, amid fears that he was part of a plan to carry out a series of attacks against Israeli institutions and tourists in Nepal.
Ex-MI Head: Iran has Passed Red Line
Yadlin, who is the Head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), said that in the summer, Iran will reach a distance of one or two months between a decision and a bomb." That is, it will be able to build a nuclear bomb within a month or two of deciding to do so.
Assad attacked rebels with nerve gas, top IDF analyst says
Itai Brun: Based on photo evidence, regime deployed sarin on March 19; over 1,000 tons of chemical weapons in Syria
Afghan girls' school feared hit by poison gas
As many as 74 schoolgirls in Afghanistan's far north fell sick after smelling gas and were being examined for possible poisoning, local officials said on Sunday.
Hungary OKs limit to Nazi, communist symbols
Hungary’s parliament has overwhelmingly approved a modified plan to restrict the display of Nazi and communist symbols such as the swastika and red star.


Daniel Pipes is speaking in Ottawa on May 13, on "Islam vs. Islamism: Is the problem religion or ideology?"
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is the start of the tenth annual Doha Conference for Interfaith Dialogue:
At the 10th Doha Conference on Interfaith Dialogue, we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of
establishing the annual conference on interfaith dialogue in Qatar by presenting to the world the work of interfaith at its best. Therefore, we are inviting organizations, institutions, universities and NGOs working in the field of interfaith dialogue to present their successful projects in this domain, and to display their best achievements during the event. The Doha International Award on Interfaith dialogue will be granted for the first time to a person or institution which will present the best practice in the field of interfaith dialogue.
We have seen before that these conferences are usually not at all about dialogue and everything about preaching Islam. Muslims and liberal non-Muslims happily play along  to make Islam look more tolerant.

But this time, popular Islamic terror supporter, preacher and TV personality Sheikh Yusef Qaradawi couldn't even go along with the charade that he can stand talking to Jews as equals.

Qaradawi rejected participating in the conference when he found out that Jews would be there as well.

Qatar media quoted Sheikh Qaradawi as saying that "after the announcement of the expansion of the conference to be a dialogue between Muslims, Christians and Jews, I decided not to participate in it so as not to sit with Jews on a single platform, as long as the Jews are usurping Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque and destroying homes of God, and as long as the question of Palestine hung not been resolved."

He didn't say "Zionists." I don't know what rabbis actually participate in these things but it is a safe bet that they are not from Israel. Qaradawi is simply proving that he hates Jews.

So far, I have not seen any criticism of Qaradawi for his public display of antisemitism.
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
The head of a monastery in East Jerusalem on Monday accused residents of al-Eizariyya of building illegally on church land.

Al-Eizariyya residents are constructing buildings on the private lands of the Holy
Monastery of Martha and Maria, "brushing aside all religious, social and national values," said Sister Efpraxia.

"This is a dangerous violation in broad daylight, and construction is ongoing despite our frequent appeals and calls. Such provocative acts are not acceptable by any rational human," the abbess added.

The nun appealed to President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah, custodian of holy sites in East Jerusalem, "to relieve the feeble people as soon as possible bringing these overt violations against the monastery's property."
One of the commenters assumed that the people building were Jews - but of course they aren't. The Christian land is being stolen by Muslims, as it has been throughout the West Bank for years.

Not to mention that Arabs routinely illegally build all over the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem without regard to zoning laws or safety.

Will the international community rise up against these "settlements" being built illegally in "east Jerusalem"? Do you have to ask?

Note however that the monastery isn't asking Israel to intervene. Even if you consider Israel the "occupying power" of that area, Israel is still responsible to ensure the laws are enforced - that is basic occupation law.

But the idea of asking the Israelis to help is apparently more distasteful than the theft of land itself.

Al Ahram (Egypt) reports:

Israeli forces used a 17-year-old Palestinian as a human shield while trying to disperse a protest in Abu Dis in the West Bank this Friday, the Electronic Intifada website reported.

Independent journalist Huthifa Jamous took pictures of the incident and shared a video shot by another observer, Kate A, a journalist, on his Facebook page.

The boy, called Muhammad R. by Electronic Intifada, is marched out of an armoured vehicle by Israeli forces. With his hands tied with a single plastic cord and raised above his head, and his shirt pulled up, he is led out to face out-of-frame protestors.

Three soldiers then raise their weapons, and shoot twice in the direction of the protesters. The youth is then forced back to the vehicle. One of the soldiers then flashes the V-for-victory sign.

According to the Jerusalem Media Center and Ma'an news agency, the incident occurred when at least 500 Palestinians in Abu Dis held a protest expressing solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. Israeli forces fired teargas and rubber bullets at them. The protestors responded by hurling stones and empty bottles.
They show this video as proof:

We have seen many times that an event might be photographed accurately, but the caption lies. This is the video equivalent.

Here is a classic case of an ambiguous event occurring where the framework is given by an anti-Israel source - and gullible journalists believe that the video supports the report, when in fact it is the opposite.

Think for a second. How effective is a "human shield" if it is used for only a couple of seconds and then put back in the police van?

Just a quick unbiased view of the video indicates that the soldiers are showing the rioter to his comrades. Before I researched this my guess was that the rioters started a rumor that the teenager (assuming he is a teen) had died and the soldiers were proving that he was not injured.

Which was what indeed happened, as the Jerusalem Post reported after the incident:
Border Police spokesman Idan Iluz said Saturday that the officers were not using the teen as a human shield, and instead had pulled him out of the jeep in order to show the protesters that the boy had not been harmed.

Iluz said that a rumor had made its way among the demonstrators that the boy had been injured, and as a result they began to react violently, throwing rocks at officers.

He said that not long after the boy was taken out of the car and shown to the protesters, the situation calmed down considerably.
A look at the fuller version of the video shows also that the "Jerusalem Media Center" - which is, a site that lies continuously, often about "Jews storming the Temple Mount" - is lying here as well as to the order of events. It is clear that the stone-throwing and rioting came first, and the tear gas later.

You can see that the IDF even temporarily withdrew from the dangerous stone rioting, as the rioters yelled "Allah Akbar". This supports the idea that the IDF only returned to show that the youth had been unharmed.

This incident also illustrates how Al Ahram believes the lies of Israel haters without the slightest critical thinking, or even a five second search through the Internet to see the Israeli statement about the incident, even though it published this two days later. Which means that this respected Egyptian paper acts exactly like Hamas in its reporting.

(h/t Israel Muse)

UPDATE: Now Electronic Intifada is walking back the "human shield" claim (even though they keep it in the headline) and restating the "crime" by saying that the IDF exposed the youth to danger by bringing him to a dangerous place. Which is funny, because I thought rock throwing was "non-violent resistance."

They also say, implausibly, that the beginning of the video happened after the part where the teen is shown. Sure, everyone edits things backwards.

I cannot answer why the IDF shot a couple of rounds in the latter part of the video, but clearly this is not a "human shield" situation and the initial lies by EI were picked up by media worldwide. Which is, of course, what they intended, truth be damned.

Monday, April 22, 2013

  • Monday, April 22, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Now Lebanon, which is becoming a better news source every day:

Ayman as-Sayyed is a 19 year-old Palestinian who lives in Gaza. He was arrested last week by the Hamas police who picked him up on the streets because they were bothered by his long hair. So they decided to cut it for him.
Such practices are the result of a mentality based on monopolizing power, which leads to confiscating other people’s freedoms and imposing certain values and modes of behavior on them, according to Palestinian writer Majed Kayyali, who writes “This is how totalitarian systems – especially ideological ones – work, using means of direct and symbolic violence to impose their authority.”

These renewed violations have been occurring sporadically in the Gaza Strip since 2007, the year Hamas took over the Gaza Strip as a result of internal Palestinian divisions. Palestinian writer and activist Mustapha Ibrahim says “When Hamas won the 2006 legislative elections, many Hamas officials promptly reassured people that they would not harm public and private freedoms and would commit to implementing the law. However, things were different on the field.”

Zeinab al-Ghoneimi, a women’s rights activist and director of the Council for Women’s Legal Research and Counseling in Gaza, comments: “Hamas wants to Islamize society, which is already Islamic and conservative in Gaza. In reality, male and female students are already separated as of Grade 3 in most schools, except for two or three of them. The prevailing culture here is for women to cover their hair. So what do these decisions mean?”

What is being imposed here, she argues, is a “political rather than ‘religious’ version of Islam.” Hamas is seeking to forcefully consecrate its presence by relying on religion, and to portray itself as the warrantor of ethics and values. “On the one hand, they want to show that their decisions are being heeded; that they set moral criteria and spread virtue as though people were all devoid of any morals. On the other hand, they are issuing these laws to hamper the work of any new government seeking to initiate change in the future. Furthermore, these practices instill fear and allow them to demonstrate their strength to people and portray themselves as absolute rulers.”

When human rights organizations protest against such unconstitutional laws, Hamas recants its decisions, “but not before having caused a stir among the people and allowing the movement to interfere with the details pertaining to people’s lives,” according to Zeinab al-Ghoneimi. This is exactly the feeling young Ayman as-Sayyed sought to convey to AP when he said that he is scared of the future and does not feel safe, as he can be insulted and arrested at any time for no reason whatsoever.

Both Ibrahim and Ghoneimi asserted that even when these decisions are officially revoked by the cabinet, some still prevent female attorneys from entering courthouses or assault people on the streets. The Hamas cabinet declines any responsibility in these cases, claiming that these are individual transgressions with which it has nothing to do.

Hamas’ monopoly over power, its use of violence, its interference in the private lives of citizens and its exclusion of all organizations – even allied ones – from the Gaza Strip have led to an outcry against the movement, which is losing support among the youth, according to Majed Kayyali. “This was manifested in the festival celebrating the launch of the Fatah Movement in Gaza in January 2013, knowing that Fatah had been banned in the Gaza Strip for the past six years. [The festival drew] a massive crowd and this was surprising not only for Hamas, which controls the Strip, but also for Fatah, which is in a state of organizational disrepair and is riddled with domestic conflicts. In this sense, an approximately one million-strong crowd on the Gaza square and surrounding streets voiced the complaints of Gaza’s Palestinians against Hamas violations. [Their participation] had more to do with opposing Hamas [practices] than with supporting Fatah.”
Zeinab al-Ghoneimi describes the situation in Gaza as depressing. People are expecting “a national reconciliation to occur and end the current division between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, rather than to be oppressed, intimidated, and insulted. Many university graduates are unemployed. Unemployment, self-imposed isolation, and the inability to move [freely] lead to problematic social behavior, the price of which is paid primarily by women. Hamas is not seeking to adopt policies that alleviate this situation. On the contrary, with every security tension or Israeli threat, criminals are released from prison and political detainees remain behind bars.”


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