Monday, December 27, 2010

  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
What do would-be genocidal madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, master terrorist Hassan Nasrallah, and despot Bashir Assad have in common with our favorite "moderate" Palestinian Arab leader Mahmoud Abbas?


The answer? All of them have met with, and praised, Samir Kuntar, the terrorist who murdered a 4-year old girl along with her father as well as others.

  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A video showing the building of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, a tower and stockade settlement that had to be built in a single day to defend itself against terrorists and robbers.

Note that the Jews are greeted warmly by their new Arab neighbors.

I've mentioned this a few times; don't know why it took me so long to make it a graphic:

Arabic quote only slightly shortened in the poster:
هناك كثير من يتحدث عن الثوابت والتمسك بها وكثيرا يكون كلامهم مجرد شعرات لا يعرفون ما يقولون أنا
واضحا وثابتا وأقول لمن يتحدثون عن مسلسل التنازلات أتحداهم أن يجيدوا تنازلا واحدا لأي ثابت من الثوابت منذ العام 1988
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
We Elders control the weather, of course, and I was proud of this snowdrift visible from Chez EoZ:

The hedge is about 3 feet (1 meter) tall. To the left of the photograph it gets covered completely.

Alas, I will need to go back to Round 2 of shoveling soon....
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
I had missed this story in the NYT following up on the anti-semitism of Greek Bishop Metropolite of Piraeus Seraphim where he "clarified" his remarks:

In response to the outrage caused by his remarks, the cleric posted a statement (in Greek) on his Web site in which he stood by his theories and described himself as a friend of the Jewish people but an enemy of Zionism, a Greek newspaper, To Vima, reported.

Here is an English translation of the bishop’s complete statement, first posted online by John Sanidopoulos, a Greek-American blogger, and verified by a Greek-speaking reporter for The New York Times:

2. I respect, revere and love the Jewish people like any other people of our world according to the teaching of the incarnated Son of God and the true Messiah the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior and Redeemer, who was heralded by all the Prophets and was incarnated through the Jewish nation.

3. My public vehement opposition against International Zionism refers to the organ that is the successor of the “Sanhedrin” which altered the faith of the Patriarchs, the Prophets and the Righteous of the Jewish nation through the Talmud, the Rabbinical writings and the Kabbalah into Satanism, and always strives vigorously toward an economic empire set up throughout the world with headquarters in the great land beyond the Atlantic for the prevalence of world government and pan-religion.
So that means that the bizarre bishop is all for the Judaism that he thinks existed two thousand years ago, but not the Judaism that spawned the Talmud, Maimonides, Rashi, the Ibn Ezra, the Vilna Gaon, the Ba'al Shem Tov or any other Jewish leader since Old Testament times.

Not only that, but he equates normative Judaism of the past two millenia to be Satanism. Naturally, that Satanism is linked to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion where we evil Talmudists and our minions are controlling the world from New York City, in that great land beyond the Atlantic. So according to the Metropolite, every major rabbi of the past two thousand years has been a satanist, hell-bent on taking over the world.

How's that for an apology!
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Getty Images:

It looks more like a fashion shoot than a news photographer.

"Just hold that pose, ok baby, beautiful, turn a little more towards me, try to look angrier, I know you are wearing a hood, can you flex your muscles a little, hold on, your sleeve is in the way of my lens, ok, now we're talking, can you get a bigger rock? No? OK, now let 'er rip!"

See also Israelycool.
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al-Arabiya:
Ramzy Abul Jedian is a blind radio presenter who worked for the Gaza-based Sawt al-Erada (The voice of determination) station for the handicapped, the first of its kind in Palestine and the whole world.

The station was established by the Higher Committee for Defending the Rights of the Handicapped in the Deir al-Balah refugee camp in central Gaza Strip then was closed after Hamas took control of the strip in 2007.

“According to human rights activists, the station started facing pressure by the Hamas government and eventually had to close,” Abu Jedian told “In October 2007, I left Gaza.”

Accompanied by his younger brother Ahmed, also blind, and Abul Jedian left for Ramallah, leaving behind his wife and children and hoping he would be able to find a job in one of Ramallah’s radio stations.

“I wanted a job that allows me to speak for my fellow handicapped, but the society still underestimates the handicapped and does not understand the role they can play in the media.”

After failing to secure the job he wanted, Abul Jedian now roams the streets of Ramallah with his brother, who he can’t leave alone at home, with coffee flasks in order to earn his living.
A sad story that shows the problems of the handicapped in any society as well as the problems from the Hamas takeover of Gaza.

But how does Al Arabiya introduce this article?
The sight of former Palestinian radio presenter Ramzy Abul Jedian selling coffee in the streets of Ramallah sheds light not only on the suffering of Palestinians under the Israeli occupation, but also the effects of internal divisions between Palestinian factions.
How exactly Israel is hurting Jedian is never mentioned. But then again, it is obvious that every Palestinian Arab who ever suffers must blame Israel. Israel is the one unifying factor that allows Palestinian Arabs to escape responsibility for their own shortcomings.
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today quotes a new study showing that some 32,000 Palestinian Arabs have emigrated from the PA between 2005-2009.

24% moved to Jordan, 20% to Persian Gulf states, and 22% to the US.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of factors that make such a move difficult - the PA passports are not recognized in many countries, for example, so often the would-be immigrants need to show citizenship of another country. If Arab countries would eliminate their laws that discriminate against Palestinian Arabs from becoming naturalized, these numbers would skyrocket.
  • Monday, December 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is the second anniversary of the beginning of Operation Cast Lead - but it is not the anniversary of the beginning of the Gaza War.

On the very first day of OCL, I pointed out something that has been all but ignored by the media (but that I had mentioned earlier): Hamas declared war on Israel on December 24th, a full three days before Cast Lead.

From Ma'an, December 25th, 2008:
The military wing affiliated to Hamas, Al-Qassam Brigades released a statement on Thursday morning briefing the group's military activities over the first twenty four hours of an operation they called "Oil Stain" which started Wednesday morning.

According to the statement, a total of 87 shells have been fired at Israeli targets bordering the Gaza Strip including 54 mortar shells, 31 homemade projectiles which Hamas calls "Qassam", and two Soviet-made Grad missiles.

Al-Qassam Brigades threatened to enlarge the "Oil Stain" to get more thousands of Israelis "under fire". The group asserted that its fighters are "far greater than surrendering to Israeli threats and that they became much more prepared to counter Israeli aggression and to defend themselves than in the past."
Even after Cast Lead started, Hamas - in Arabic - continued to call the war "Oil Stain." For example, on December 30th, an article in the Palestine Today website brags that "Operation Oil Stain" had been expanded and a Grad rocket had reached Beersheva for the first time.

Hamas has since changed its tune. First, it renamed the operation during the war "Battle of the Criterion." And now that they have seen how much the Gaza war has hurt Israel's reputation, they have even changed their own history - in an article earlier this year on the Al Qassam website, they claim that Oil Stain was a reaction after Israel to reflect their deploying longer-range Grad rockets.

And there is a very good reason why Hamas has changed their history.

One of the most insidious ways that NGOs and the media attack Israel is by creating a false framework around events like Cast Lead. The issue isn't "competing narratives" - it is much bigger than that. By framing the issue in false terms, Israel looks like the aggressor without having to say it explicitly.Every time an NGO and newspaper says that the Gaza war started on December 27th, they really mean that Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians are not important and that Israel is the aggressive party.

Amnesty's history of the war starts on December 27th.

HRW characterizes the entire war as "Israel’s three-week-long military offensive in Gaza that began on December 27." It isn't even a war - it is simply framed as Israeli aggression. And this is in a report about Hamas rocket fire!

Goldstone's chapter headings show this false framework as well:
When the very framework of the issue is biased to begin with, anyone trying to take Israel's aide is already handicapped. It loads the dice before the game even starts, and it takes an effort to re-frame the argument - something that Israeli spokespeople have little opportunity to do when giving statements to the press or when answering questions about NGO accusations.

Even though Hamas wants to be known as a masculine defender of Arab rights in Arabic, and it was proud to take credit for starting the war back in 2008, it has realized the immense value of the false framework provided by Goldstone and HRW and Amnesty and the mainstream media. So it has adopted that framework simply because it puts Israel at a disadvantage.

This is one of the biggest issues that Israel faces when speaking to the world. The idea of Israel as aggressor is so ingrained in the fabric of the discussion that it is not easy for even Israel's defenders to recognize it when they see it. It is especially difficult in the heat of a debate to be able to step back and challenge the questioner as to their implicit assumptions.

One fact is clear - Hamas started the war, and they bragged about it. Any narrative of the Gaza War that does not recognize that simple fact is inherently biased from the outset. No mater how prestigious the NGO or media outlet that promulgates this lie - it is still a lie, and that lie must be corrected.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
I spent many hours this weekend watching episodes of "Community." I got addicted to the show and now I must watch every episode. (Although none in real time. Commercials are evil.)

My favorite character on the show is Abed, who is an Arab. An episode where his sister visits from Gaza was nicely done. But Season 1 episode 17 was fantastic, and this season the show is going in all sorts of bizarre but funny directions.

I still have a couple of them to go, so this is an open thread until I get done.
Richard Falk, the proven liar and twister of international law who explicitly supports terror against Israel yet still holds the position of "UN Rapporteur for Palestine," has written an article that make clear that the purpose of BDS is not to change Israeli behavior but to delegitimize Israel altogether in the international community.

The article in Al Jazeera - a fitting venue for his hate - refers to the current wave of efforts to demonize Israel in the international arena by BDS advocates and lawfare supports as a "Legitimacy War."

And although the headline in Al Jazeera makes it appear that he means a war for the legitimacy of the Palestinian Arab cause, the article says no such thing. In fact, an earlier article by Falk in a far-left journal that introduced the same expression makes it very clear what he means:

The essence of this legitimacy war is to cast doubt on several dimensions of Israeli legitimacy: its status as a moral and law abiding actor, as an occupying power in relation to the Palestinian people, and with respect to its willingness to respect the United Nations and abide by international law. Those that wage such a legitimacy war seek to seize the high moral ground in relation to the underlying conflict, and on this basis, gain support for a variety of coercive, but non-violent initiatives designed to put pressure on Israel, on governments throughout the world and on the United Nations to deny normal participatory rights to Israel as a member of international society.
Although he speaks in third person in this paragraph, it is obvious that he is a leading member of this very movement to eject Israel - and only Israel - from the community of nations.

Not Syria. Not Iran. Not China. Not Sudan.

No, in Falk's twisted mind, only the Jewish state is uniquely evil enough to be shunned and expelled from the international community.

And in that original article he makes it very clear that his desired goal is to destroy the Jewish character of the state!
Even if the Palestinians win the legitimacy war there is no guarantee that this victory will produce the desired political results. It requires Palestinian patience, resolve, leadership and vision, as well as sufficient pressure to force a change of heart in Israel, and probably in Washington as well. In this instance, it would seem to require an Israeli willingness to abandon the core Zionist project to establish a Jewish state, and that does not appear likely from the vantage point of the present.
One wonders why Richard Falk is so against a Jewish (nationality and/or religion) state and has nothing bad to say against states that define themselves as Arab (nationality) or Muslim (religion.)

(h/t Zach and Womble)
  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mapping the Organizational Sources of the Global Delegitimization Campaign against Israel in the UK is a new study by Ehud Rosen and released by JCPA. It shows in great detail the major groups in Great Britain that are aiming at delegitimizing Israel and who is behind them.

The paper discusses how these often marginal groups make themselves appear to be mainstream. For example:

The best way for small and rather marginal groups, such as those mostly engaged with Israel’s delegitimization campaign, to gain exposure is through the media. Britain today is a major capital for world media, and serves as the base for the BBC, the largest global media network, for important economic papers such as the Financial Times, and for the popular Guardian’s website’s open platform “Comment is Free” (CiF). This is in addition to being the capital for international Arab media outside the Middle East. In the last few years, other leading Islamist outlets were also established in the country, such as the Al Jazeera English channel, the aforementioned Al Hiwar TV channel, the Iranian English channel Press TV, and more. Leading Brotherhood figures make use of all these channels, have written articles on CiF for a long time, and are regularly interviewed by different outlets of the Arab and Islamist media. The far left, on the other hand, is represented in main papers such as The Guardian and The Independent, and sometimes in other papers and channels such as the BBC that are not automatically identified as leftist or liberal.

Activists from both groups appear and engage in debates, usually describing themselves as human rights, welfare, or community representative bodies. Thus, marginal groups such as the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC UK), featured in the 2007 report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism, are frequently invited to attend BBC discussions on relevant issues, as organizations aiming to “empower” Muslims in the country. The BBC also uses Abdel Bari ‘Atwan (see “The academy”) as commentator on Middle Eastern issues. However, as far as anti-Israeli and other joint “red-green” activities that might be perceived as controversial are concerned, usually the Islamists give interviews to the Arab and Islamist media while the far-left activists turn to Western outlets.

In addition, activists from both sides widely use new-media outlets, opening notice boards, Facebook, and Twitter pages, and often also give interviews to news websites.

The paper also touches upon Israel's failures at addressing these threats:
Notwithstanding the delegitimizing tendencies that have developed against Israel, it does not appear that Israel itself has formulated a coherent strategy to tackle these tendencies. There is insufficient understanding of the British and European civil society structures, and hardly any official use of new-media outlets. Instead Israel seems to stick to military measurements such as threat assessments and the like. The best case study for this claim is Israel’s treatment of the May 2010 Freedom Flotilla. Despite the fact that the main organizers of the flotilla openly spoke about their intentions, no official Israeli bodies have either exposed them or dealt with the identities of the organizers, and their affiliation with the far left and the Muslim Brotherhood. As uncovered by Israeli sources, media outlets that accompanied the flotilla did not include any major, “mainstream” agencies.

It was only Israel’s military action that brought worldwide interest in the flotilla, and even then the flotilla participants were mainly described as “peace” or “humanitarian” activists. A simple search, for example, would have found that the Free Gaza Movement (affiliated with the International Solidarity Movement, ISM) has received a large donation of 300,000 Euros from the Perdana for Peace Global Movement, established by the anti-Semitic/anti-American, former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon (Hebrew only, not online) quotes Nabil Sha'ath, head of the Palestinian Arab negotiating team, as saying:

I would like to thank the people who write in Haaretz, which we read every day; we know that you are with us and that you represent us.

The B'Sheva newspaper (Hebrew) says that he made this quote in Ramallah during a meeting of "The Geneva Initiative" and paraphrased him as saying that they read Haaretz every day and that it faithfully represents their cause.

(h/t Ruchie)
  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
Mayor of Cologne Jürgen Roters (Social Democratic) and its sister city partnerships, Cologne-Tel Aviv and Cologne-Bethlehem, issued a joint statement last week blasting the long-standing anti- Israel exhibit in his community’s bustling Cathedral Square pedestrian-only zone.

According to the resolution, “The anti-Semitic and anti- Israel presentation of the socalled ‘Cologne Wailing Wall’ spreads hatred against humans and feeds anti-Israel resentments.”

Roters and the Cologne authorities called on Walter Hermann, the organizer of the “Cologne Wailing Wall,” to “immediately remove the installation that shows contempt for humanity” and said the city of Cologne would no longer accept Hermann’s exhibit and approach.

The resolution said that Hermann has displayed his hatefest against Israel since 2004.

Hermann’s display of an anti-Semitic cartoon in January triggered a legal complaint and a grassroots campaign from the non-Jewish theater director Gerd Buurmann. The cartoon showed a man sporting a Star of David on his bib as he devoured a young Palestinian boy with a fork while draped in an American flag and a knife with the word “Gaza.” A glass filled with blood stood next to to his dinner plate.

Buurmann filed a legal protest earlier this year, asserting a violation of Germany’s anti-hate law, which prohibits incitement against minority groups. In April, the Cologne public prosecutor dismissed Buurmann’s grievance, saying the cartoon represented criticism of Israel’s policies in Gaza and not hostility toward Jews.

The Israeli Embassy then said: “If one shows a figure with an Israeli flag devouring a Palestinian child, this reminds us of the most scurrilous accusations of ritual murder in European anti-Semitism... We don’t interfere in the decisions of German judicial authorities.

But at the same time, we are convinced that the cartoon was of a clearly anti-Semitic nature and that it incites hatred and violence.

“The claim that one must distinguish between hatred of the Jewish people and hatred of the State of Israel is absolutely inappropriate and leaves a bad taste.”
(h/t Philosemitism Blog)
  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
AP shows us how heartless the IDF is. Imagine, tear-gassing Santa Claus on Christmas Eve!
A Palestinian protester wearing a Santa Claus costume runs away from a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops during a protest against Israel's separation barrier outside the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah, Friday, Dec 24, 2010.
That's all we know from AP.

But Getty Images has another photo of our peaceful protesting Santa:
A Palestinian demonstrator dressed as Santa Claus throws stones towards Israeli soldiers during a weekly protest against Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah on December 24, 2009.

UPDATE: Even though the second photo says 2009, I believe that is a typo. The photo EXIF information shows it is copyright 2010 and these protests are always on Fridays, and December 24 2009 was a Thursday. The downloaded picture says it was taken December 24, 2010.
  • Sunday, December 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember the Arab farmer last week who claimed that evil extremist Jewish settlers had gathered his sheep in a group and burned them - on the Sabbath?

And that this ridiculous claim was instantly believed by  Uruknet, Islamic News Daily, PressTV, Ikhwanweb  and Mondoweiss?

Well, surprise surprise - he admitted he was lying.

From Arutz-7:
A Jordan Valley Arab farmer has exposed the tactic of leftists accepting Arab claims and falsely accusing Jews of attacking Arabs. He admitted that the “burning sheep” libel against Jews was meant to disguise his own blunder of losing control of a brush fire.

The Arab farmer, Samir Bani Fadel, claimed that four armed Jews approached him, chased him away, set fire to his field – which also is forbidden on Sabbath – and drove away as the fire spread and burned to death 12 pregnant ewes while injuring others.

Regardless of the doubts, the left-wing B'Tselem and Yesh Din human rights group rushed to allege that the supposed attack was another one of hundreds of supposed acts of vandalism by Jews against Arabs.

New York-based writer Philip Weiss promptly reprinted the libel on his Mondoweiss blog, and the image of sheep being cruelly burned aroused sympathy for Arabs and anger against Jews. “It was an awful sight,” the farmer said. "I've lost at least $12,000."

The Palestinian Authority called on the international community to pressure Israel to stop "settler violence.”

The tale began to unravel when Arabs pointed their fingers at residents of Itamar, an easy target as it is a religious community, but located almost an hour’s drive from the scene of the fire. The story then was changed, with the blame being placed on the closer community of Maaleh Ephraim, most of whose residents are professionals and who almost never have been accused of any activities against Arabs.

Fadel finally admitted to police the whole story was a lie and that he was responsible for the fire, which he set to burn thorns before it spread beyond control. Blaming Jews not only would have saved him from the embarrassment of having burned his own sheep, it also would allow him to claim damages from the government while being hailed as a hero among Palestinian Authority Arabs and left-wing anti-Zionists.

Hundreds of accusations against Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria have been leveled in recent years, usually in claims that Jews attack or destroy olive trees, although evidence has been produced that in most cases the Arabs have simply pruned their trees, counted on lack of agricultural knowledge on the part of the media and leftwing groups, and then accused Jews of damaging them. Olive trees look hacked when they are pruned and months later, the supposedly damaged orchards have been seen to be full of fruit.

Another tactic has been to instigate violence, especially on the Shabbat when Jews are forbidden to take pictures, and then accuse Jews of attacking them.
A quick Google search shows that this story has already been reproduced in about 5000 websites.

Which proves the old adage, ironically mis-attributed to Mark Twain:: "A lie can travel half way around the world before the truth has time to put its boots on."

(h/t My Right Word)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

  • Saturday, December 25, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon

This one requires some documentation.

Here are the best numbers I could find in Arabs killing Arabs since 1948, mostly relying on Wikipedia.

War Year started Low estimate deaths High estimate deaths
Algeria civil war 1954 150000 800000
North Yemen Civil War - Egypt 1962 100000 126000
Black September, Jordan 1970 2000 25000
Sahara war 1975 10000 24000
Lebanese Civil War 1975 130000 250000
Libya Egypt war 1977 500 500
Iraq under Saddam 1979 600000 800000
Hama massacre, Syria 1982 17000 40000
South Yemen civil war 1986 10000 10000
Iraq invasion of Kuwait 1990 1000 2000
Yemen civil war 1994 7000 7000
Yemen - Sa'adah Insurgency 2004 5000 8300
Hamas-Fatah fighting 2006 600 600
Lebanon Camps 2007 275 275
TOTAL 1033375 2093675

As you can see, estimates vary wildly for many of these events. I pretty much took the midpoints for the purposes of the chart, estimating about 1.5 million Arab deaths. (There have been perhaps 60,000 Arabs killed in all the Arab/Israeli wars combined including the intifadas.)  I tried not to include Kurdish deaths nor those Arabs killed by the French during the Algerian war - much of that war was a civil war as well. I also did not include the Iran/Iraq war at all since that was not Arab on Arab violence, and Muslim on Muslim deaths is an entirely different set of numbers.
  • Saturday, December 25, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the most cynical articles I've read in a while:
Palestinians deported after the 2002 siege of the Nativity Church were sad during Christmas to be away from Bethlehem and the church, which sheltered them or 39 days.

Fahmi Kan’an, a spokesman for the Gaza deportees, said Friday that they grieved to be away from the festivities.

“The deportees will never forget the courageous support they received from the monks who disobeyed Israeli military orders to evacuate the church, and instead they offered as much services and support to those who took refuge in their church,” Kan’an said.

He added: “Nine years have passed, and we are burning and yearning to see each alley, tree, and stone in the city. We would never give up on Bethlehem even if they give us the whole world. It is our right to return to Bethlehem just as all other Palestinians displaced from their homes have the right to return.”

Kan’an wished all Christians in Palestine a merry Christmas expressing his hope that all deportees in Gaza and in Europe will celebrate Christmas next year in Bethlehem.
The deportees shot their way into, and desecrated, one of the holiest shrines of Christianity, bringing guns and explosives in and causing huge amounts of damage. They used nuns as human shields and insulted Christians worldwide.

And now they are wishing them a Merry Christmas???
  • Saturday, December 25, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is another of those animated videos popping up all over, but thankfully not a bear to be seen. Here Mahmoud Abbas is being interviewed as to his goals.

(h/t Adi)
  • Saturday, December 25, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Milli Gazette, described as "Indian Muslims' Leading Newspaper", some garden-variety anti-semitism:

President Obama and other Western leaders are repeatedly asking the Muslims to stop “terrorism” so that they can call off their “war on terrorism”.

There is lot of hypocrisy on this newly popularised term “terrorism”. The Western war on terrorism is nothing but a war on Muslims – plain and simple.

This war is nothing but a zionist conspiracy carried out by the Western Christian leadership at the behest of Jews.

This is because all the Western Christian countries are controlled by the Jews with the help of their money power, media and Christian stooges.

Even a child knows it.

Muslims refused to be fooled: It is the American Jews, who control that country and managed Obama election. It is they who managed to make him utter sweet words to Muslims at Cairo and elsewhere.

But the Muslims refused to be fooled. The Jewish engineered war on Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq resulted in disastrous defeat for US.

Obama later tried to fool the Muslims on Palestine. But here also he failed because the zionist Jews are not prepared to budge even an inch on Palestine.

Any amount of his pouring milk to the serpent is no use. Serpent will continue to bite Obama.

China on the top of the world: Western Christian leaders, led by the US which is controlled by its 2% Jews, are defeated in their war on terror. The Jews with their monopoly over the media, have launched a hurricane of Islamophobia. But nothing is working.

The disgusted Jews got Obama defeated in the recent Congressional elections. Nor are they giving any opportunity to him to succeed in Palestine.
It keeps going but this is the gist of it. When Obama wins, it is because of the Jews. Then he does the bidding of the Jews. Then they get disgusted at how poorly he is acting as their puppet and they defeat him.

Insane ramblings, true, but these ramblings represent at least a portion of Indian Muslims - of which there are some 140 million. Even if only one in five Indian Muslims believe this garbage, they outnumber the Jews of the world by a wide margin.

This endemic Jew-hatred among mainstream Muslims is still rarely addressed in the Western media, as they concentrate on more polished Muslims' public statements that they are only against "Zionists," not Jews. But scratch the surface and you can see that a great portion of the Muslim world makes no such distinctions, and never have.


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