Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From Ian:

John Podhoretz: Why Joe Biden Has Gone from Friend to Enemy
This political maneuvering just doesn’t pass the smell test. Nor do Biden’s expressions of disapproval at Israel’s “indiscriminate” bombing, which has been the opposite of indiscriminate. Something else is going on here.

Now, I’m not saying the Biden people are being disingenuous. It could be, as Matthew Continetti points out in his column this month, that they’re just bad at politics and are miscalculating the electoral importance of the anti-Israel voter. But what if it’s not just that. What if it’s something darker?

For three years, Biden and his team have been fighting to get the American people to give him and themselves credit for a booming economy. Whether he deserves that credit or not, it’s not happening. They are beside themselves with frustration because they are not receiving the gratitude they think they deserve. Add to this that there’s nothing they can do about Biden’s own personal infirmities. These matters appear out of their control, and beyond their ability to fix, and it’s maddening to them. And they’re terrified—maybe even more terrified now that it’s clear that three of the four criminal cases against Donald Trump will not reach a courtroom before Election Day. They have been pinning their hopes on a turn in American opinion against Trump due to multiple Trump convictions. They might get the verdicts they want in the Stormy Daniels case, but the public’s lack of response to his being found liable for sexual assault and financial fraud might suggest even that anti-Trump moment will not be the knockout blow they desperately crave.

Ask yourself: Might there be something irresistibly seductive for the Biden team and Biden himself in the idea that his electoral woes have a foreign root? Doesn’t the disorder and crisis in and around Israel provide a convenient scapegoat for his own failings? No, it’s not that inflation has eaten away at the ordinary American’s financial gains. It’s not that Biden now needs his staff to stand between him and photographers to obscure video images of his halting gait. It’s not that he sounds like his throat is coated in sandpaper and that his tongue lolls about around his mouth when he speaks.

No, it’s that damn Bibi that’s threatening to drag him down.

The obsession with Netanyahu—when Israel’s prime minister is doing nothing more than reflecting the consensus opinion of his people about the necessity of winning the war—is reminiscent of another shameful moment in English history. “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Henry II is reputed to have said of Thomas à Becket, after which four knights cornered Becket in Canterbury Cathedral and murdered him. Perhaps, in his private councils in the White House and perhaps in conversation with Chuck Schumer before Schumer’s speech, Biden offered some woke variant of the same sentiment: “Who will rid me of this meddlesome Jew?”

Biden’s policy now is that Hamas should be allowed to live to massacre another day. In the end, then, while Biden spent months being the best friend Israel may ever have had in the White House, he has now become one of its worst enemies.

And, again, for what? For Wales?
The Gates of Gaza
The healthy alternative to the Star Wars paradigm, which has so visibly and spectacularly failed to assure Israel’s security, is “Mad Max.” This alternative paradigm states that new and old weapon systems will merge, thanks to innovative concepts of operations. Mad Max understands that the twenty-first century battlefield is home to T-64 tanks, which fought their first battles in the early 1960s, as well as state-of-the-art cyber-electronic warfare. Mini drones that are commercially available across the globe can spot for Cold War-era artillery.

Never underestimate technologically inferior adversaries, the Mad Max paradigm counsels. High-tech tools and weapons will never be the sole or even the primary factor determining the winner of wars. This dictum is especially true for the wars of the Middle East, where great powers external to the region determine the balance of power on the ground.

Because war remains today what it has always been, a political activity, we cannot gauge the true advantage of any weapon—be it new and technologically advanced or old and rusty—without first considering the political-military strategy that it serves. Victory comes not to him who kills the most enemy soldiers or who fries the most motherboards but to him who converts what transpires on the battlefield into the most beneficial political arrangements. Losers on the battlefield frequently win wars, by bleeding giants until they are too exhausted to continue fighting. For example, in Vietnam, the second Iraq War, and Afghanistan, the U.S. repeatedly outmatched its adversaries militarily but lost the wars, nevertheless.

The digital revolution has enhanced the powers of technologically advanced countries in many ways, but it has also exposed them to new risks while also delivering surprising new tools to underdogs. Even the poorest of powers, thanks to the internet and smartphones, now enjoy a bonanza of open-source intelligence that just a few years ago was not available to even the richest of states. Cheap drones purchased off the shelf can offer startling reconnaissance capabilities to Ukraine against Russia. Cyber-enabled supply chains and GPS present an otherwise ragtag group like the Houthis opportunities to disrupt global commercial shipping. The list goes on.

The Star Wars paradigm also rests on the assumption, often unstated, that taking and holding territory has somehow become a secondary part of warfighting. While it is certainly possible to name wars that have been won without territorial conquest, they are few and far between. Almost inevitably, the magnitude of such victories is small, because victors who impose their will from over the horizon—from the air, sea, or through economic leverage—lack the physical presence on the ground that is necessary to shape a new political order.

The Mad Max mentality cultivates a heightened sensitivity to the phrase “on the ground.” With minor exceptions, armies translate battlefield victories into lasting changes either by seizing territory or threatening persuasively to do so. In the brave new digital world, traditional warfighting assets—large combat formations, replete with artillery, rocket systems, engineering units, and heavy armor—will not disappear, because only they can take and hold territory decisively.

Under the influence of Star Wars, Israel neglected its role by allowing its land forces to atrophy. In 2018, Brigadier Roman Goffman, who was then the commander of the 7th Armored Brigade, took the extraordinary step of airing his concerns about this issue openly before the senior leadership of the IDF at a command conference. “Chief of Staff,” Goffman said, referring to his senior most commander, General Gadi Eisenkot, “I first want to tell you that we [in armored units] are ready to fight. There is one problem. You don’t activate us… [T]here is a very problematic pattern that is developing here, namely, the avoidance of the use of ground forces.”

Eisenkot sat in the front row of the audience flanked by the top leaders of the IDF. Behind them sat hundreds of senior officers who greeted Goffman’s remarks with smirks. But he continued undeterred. The non-deployment of ground forces, he argued, “ultimately affects the will to fight. What makes us into combat commanders over time is friction with the other side.” Absent friction with the enemy, he continued, the military enters a state of “clinical death.”

On October 7, the Israelis tasted what Goffman meant by “clinical death.” The Israeli military had at its disposal a glittering arsenal of exquisite weapons, including a large squadron of radar-proof F-35s, whose capacities previous generations would have considered to be the stuff of science-fiction. As it turned out, however, none of these weapons were of the slightest use against terrorist bands, armed mainly with Kalashnikovs, who were intent on murdering, raping, and kidnapping civilians.
The Legacy of the Maalot Massacre
Fifty years ago today, Palestinian terrorists attacked a school in northern Israel, taking hostages and murdering 22 students. The memories endure for those who survived, and the lessons learned in 1974 resonate anew for a country facing another hostage crisis.

An intersection opposite the central bus station in Tzfat illustrates the interwoven trauma between that city and the Galileean town of Maalot, a half-hour’s drive away. At the intersection, one sign designates the road’s name as 22 Children of Tzfat Street, while a sign at the adjacent bus stop calls it 22 Children of Maalot Street.

Fifty years after a notorious terrorist attack that killed 28 Israelis near and in Maalot, including 22 students on a field trip from a Tzfat high school, places and people testify to the lingering pain.

It’s there a few hundred yards from the Tzfat intersection, on the Fig Kindergarten sign for the school named after Sarah Madar, “murdered in the Maalot disaster of May 15, 1974, may her memory be blessed.” Bracha (meaning blessing), a teacher there, told me that it’s one of 22 flora- and fauna-named kindergartens in Tzfat that memorialize the victims.

It’s there in Maalot’s Founders Museum, where a wall placard tells of the tragedy that began May 13, 1974, when three Palestinians who’d trained in Lebanon infiltrated Israel through the border fence a few miles north, setting off a series of security failures and attacks that culminated in the same terrorists taking more than 100 Israelis hostage in the Netiv Meir School and murdering the 22 students.

It’s there down the street from the museum, where a sculpture memorializes the Cohen family, who lived in the next apartment building until the terrorists shot them to death en route to the school.

It’s in a memorial in the Maalot school building where the teens’ lives were extinguished; in Tzfat’s Amit School that they attended, since relocated and renamed The Religious Comprehensive High School in Memory of the 22; in that school’s first-floor room with a wall filled by the victims’ pictures on branches of a painted tree and, next to the tree, a stained-glass window with 22 chiseled brown circles containing their names; in a bomb shelter that a Maalot survivor renovated, inside whose entrance he hung pictures of his 22 classmates; and in the cemetery where the children were buried together down a hill from the ancient part of the city renowned for its holiness.

It is even 7,500 miles away in the Los Angeles suburb of Irvine, California, in a Reform synagogue that in 1975 renamed itself Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot in solidarity. The synagogue includes its namesake, out-of-the-way town on each congregational visit to Israel and a decade ago paid for the memorial site in the Maalot classroom that it also refurbished.

“It’s part of our hearts, part of our soulful connection, how much more so in the period we’re now living in,” said Richard Steinberg, the synagogue’s rabbi.
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
This letter, by the chancellor of University of California-Irvine Howard Gillman, is a model of how universities should treat students who are protesting properly - and improperly.

May 13, 2024
Dear Campus Community,

The situation at Rowland Hall has not changed over the past week.

Students have said that they will not rejoin conversations with the university until we end normal administrative enforcement of university policies. As I noted previously, we cannot selectively waive our rules against encampments (or other relevant policies) for this situation and not other situations. Such selective enforcement is unlawful. Moreover, a decision to abandon enforcement of our policies would effectively permit any group of people – campus affiliates or otherwise – to come onto campus and establish an encampment for any reason, without consequences. Setting such a precedent would create ongoing threats to the safety of our community and our ability to do our important work.

However, as we have informed our students, the outcomes of conduct proceedings depend on factors such as the severity of the violation, the intention to engage in more misconduct or not, and the impact of one’s activities on others. Students who proactively contact Student Affairs as soon as possible to arrange for their departure from the encampment will find their cooperation reflected in the outcome of their cases.

Moreover, far from engaging in the mere expression of anti-war sentiments, encampment protestors have focused most of their demands on actions that would require the university to violate the academic freedom rights of faculty, the free speech rights of faculty and fellow students, and the civil rights of many of our Jewish students. While there is a fine tradition of anti-war protests, it is important that one not confuse that legacy with efforts to intimidate and silence students with whom they disagree and or to diminish the rights of our Jewish students at their university.

I have heard from some that I should welcome the efforts of these students given my commitment to the protection of free speech and academic freedom. Indeed, I have consistently upheld the right for these students and their supporters to express their views. There have been many lawful protests, events, and messages where their positions have been freely expressed without any effort at censorship or punishment. But everybody understands that free speech does not grant the right to speak in any manner you want at any time you want, or in violation of laws and rules while claiming their violations should be exempt from sanctions. To be clear, my concerns are not with their speech, but their violations of important policies and with their assault on the free speech and academic freedom of others.

Some in our community have expressed support for the encampment, standing with our students. Of course, the well-being of our students is crucial. Accordingly, we have scores of dedicated employees working every day, diverting their time away from their normal responsibilities, to help maintain a safe campus environment and the well-being of the encampers. However, those who are committed to standing by our students should also stand for and support the students (and employees) who are being targeted by the protesters. And, of course, we must not forget our support and commitment to the tens of thousands of other students who worked diligently to get into UCI and want to pursue their dreams of a great college education free from concerns of larger-scale disruptions or disorder of the sort we have seen on too many other campuses.

Let us also stand by the principle that members of a university community must be willing to tolerate the fact that other members may hold views they disagree with or even despise.

We remain eager and willing to talk to the encampers so that we can arrive at a peaceful conclusion of this situation and prevent the protesters from having to experience the most serious consequences for their actions.

As always, I urge all members of the campus community to act in ways that maintain the peace of the campus and our ability to continue with our work, and I urge members of the broader public to take no steps that threaten the safety or well-being of our students, faculty, and staff.

Fiat Lux,

Chancellor Howard Gillman
There is no compromise on free speech - as long as it is truly free and doesn't infringe onthe rights of others.

This is one of the few communications I've seen where the rights of Zionist and Jewish students are placed on par with those of the protesters. 

(h/t Miriam Elman)

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  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The US wants Israel to have plans:

President Biden’s national security adviser said on Monday that while the United States was committed to Israel’s defense, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government had still failed to provide the White House with a plan for moving nearly a million Gazans safely out of Rafah before any invasion of the city.

In a lengthy presentation to reporters, the adviser, Jake Sullivan, also said Israel had yet to “connect their military operations” to a political plan for the future governance of the Palestinian territory.
But the US' own statements on what it wants to see contradict each other:

More than seven months into the Israel-Hamas war, the Biden administration’s top priority is to try and secure a hostage deal. This would commence a weeks-long truce, but Washington’s goal is for that pause to be turned permanent.

“If we can get a ceasefire, we can get something more enduring and then maybe end the conflict,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said this month.

What appears less clear, though, is how pushing for this ceasefire squares with another US commitment, which is to eliminate the threat of Hamas.

“An enduring defeat of Hamas certainly remains the Israeli goal, and we share that goal with it,” Kirby said last week.

The two objectives seem to clash, given that a temporary-turned-permanent deal with Hamas would ostensibly leave the terror group standing in Gaza.
And the US plan?
“What we are trying to do is advance a vision where Hamas would be marginalized, while Israel would be stronger through improved relations with its Arab neighbors,” the official explained. “By doing that, we are able to eliminate the threat of Hamas without having to continue the war indefinitely.”

It’s a years-long process, and it will require Israeli buy-in, but the alternative is a never-ending cycle of violence that the Israelis could be left alone to deal with,” a second US official said, referencing the danger of waning international support.

The four sources described an international effort to support the re-deployment of the Palestinian Authority’s security forces in the Gaza Strip.

They recognized that the PA is not currently in a position to immediately assume security — let alone governing — responsibilities in Gaza.

The US along with its Arab and European partners are not deterred, though, and are working to establish mechanisms for a reformed PA to return to the Strip.
So let's get this straight. The US is against Israel destroying Hamas because it is not a realistic goal, but somehow getting the PA to rule Gaza, which they admit would take years at best, is more realistic?

The most recent PCPSR pol shows that most Palestinians - including in the West Bank - want to see Hamas control Gaza, not the PA.

So the US is pushing a plan that Palestinians do not want. How realistic!
Stop talking about solutions. Talk about the least bad of bad scenarios. And while another occupation of Gaza by Israel would be awful and something no one wants, the alternatives are even worse or pipe dreams.

The West is trying to leverage Hamas atrocities into creating a Palestinian state. But a Palestinian state would be a disaster for Israel, for Palestinians themselves and for the world. They have no path for a state because Palestinian nationalism was never about building a state but destroying one. 30 years after Oslo, between the repeated refusal to accept a state that was offer to them, through the second intifada, wars in Gaza, continued corruption from Palestinian leaders and high Palestinian support of terrorism including October 7, this is pretty obvious. 

But the West believes in the religion of the two state solution. There's no realistic plan there either for the day after, but for some reason that doesn't require a plan. 

Israel does need to ensure that civilians in Rafah have food and medical help. It is trying to do that. It is Egypt that is withholding aid, not Israel - and no one says a word against that. 

The hypocrisy stinks to high heaven. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
During April, the Palestinian health ministry issued their detailed reports of casualties in Gaza - documents that are typically about 45 pages long - every day or two.

Their Telegram channel published those statistics on April 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29,and 30, May 2 and 3.

Since then - silence. 

Meanwhile, Hamas continues to publish its own statistics from its Gaza Media Office that contradict the latest MoH report.

Total casualties (confirmed)3509124691

Why the sudden silence from the health ministry?

While I and others have been pointing out the contradictions between the two sources for quite a while, only recently has the UN started to report the detailed MoH figures that cut the number of women and children allegedly killed in Gaza by half.

Can it be that Hamas was embarrassed when the UN finally started publishing the MoH statistics that flatly contradicts the Hamas claims? (There are 12,305 more dead women and children according to Hamas, but only 10,400 more total casualties - which is quite impossible.) 

Did Hamas tell the health ministry to shut up and stop making its bosses look bad?

Meanwhile, the health ministry continues to report Hamas' inflated total numbers in its own daily press release, as it has the entire time, ignoring the discrepancies from its own staistics.

If the health ministry publishes a new report, it will be interesting to see whether they try to square away their numbers with Hamas' inflated claims. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Monday was fun on Twitter/X.

I posted a meme. Admittedly, not one of my best ones, neither in AI artwork nor execution.

I captioned it, "And who wants that?"

It went viral. As of this writing, over 3 million views.

The hundreds of comments from Israel haters, assume that somehow this graphic is celebrating genocide and a large percentage believe I am advocating murdering Palestinian children specifically. 

The intended point, which I didn't do a great job at, is that if the "State of Palestine" is represented by a watermelon, it would not be the type of watermelon anyone would enjoy. 

I stand by that opinion. A Palestinian state, whether in the territories or replacing Israel, would be a corrupt, autocratic, terror supporting, misogynist, gay bashing, Jew-hating dictatorship (as the PA is now) or it would be all that plus an Islamist fundamentalist ally of Iran that would happily nuke itself and its people to destroy Israel (as Hamas is now.) It would be another Algeria or Libya or Syria. 

And who wants that?

The watermelon pictured is not damaged or destroyed, just very unappealing.

But the crazed reactions say a lot about how bigoted Israel-haters are.

They are convinced that Israeli Jews are trying to wipe out Palestinians. They will twist any facts or statements to support that pre-established conclusion.. No other explanation of the war that Hamas started even enters their tiny brains. They are mind-readers, and they know that by default Jews are rotten, disgusting, murderous, genocidal people - so therefore everything they see is refracted through the prism of "Jews bad." Not coincidentally, their opinions of Israel are aligned with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. 

That knee-jerk reaction to any information, that everything is evidence of evil Jewish intentions, is proof that it isn't the Jews who are the bigots. 

Even after I explained the joke, they insist that I'm just gaslighting and they know that the meme was advocating killing Palestinian children. 

It isn't the first time haters misunderstand one of my memes and assume I'm a bigot, and it won't be the last.  But their assumptions prove who the bigots really are. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, May 13, 2024

  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Every year for the past 23 years, even before I started this blog, I've written an essay for Yom HaAtzmaut entitled "Proud to Be a Zionist."  Here is the latest edition for 5784.

It is an understatement to say that this was a difficult year. 

The big problems from 12 months ago - when judicial reform seemed to be splitting the Jewish state - suddenly, in October, became very small problems. 

Now, Israel is in the midst of a seven front war.

Now, the main disagreement among Israelis is whether to prioritize a deal for hostages or to destroy Hamas. 

Now, even some of Israel's friends have faltered. 

Nevertheless, there is perhaps more to be proud of this year than any other. 

Once you filter out the propaganda and lies, it becomes readily apparent that Israel's conduct in the war has not just been moral - it has been exemplary. The large civilian death toll is awful, but it is entirely - and I mean entirely - because of Hamas using dead civilians as their major military strategy.  

Israel has succeeded far better than the best Western military experts predicted in October. Israel has innovated new techniques in tunnel warfare that other Western countries will be studying. Hamas fully expected that the IDF would leave them alone in their tunnels because the risk was too high - and Israel proved that it is possible to fight and prevail in even the most difficult combat conditions anyone ever imagined. 

That is because of Israeli creativity, Israeli genius and Israeli motivation to do what needs to be done to win.

As far as I can tell, every military expert who has given an opinion finds Israel's conduct in this war to be beyond anything they had seen before in terms of protecting civilian lives as well as in effectively fighting in an urban battlefield. I'll listen to them over "human rights" NGOs an day of the week.

Although I am not an Israeli, I am damned proud of the IDF and how it has fought this war.

The world sees an Israel filtered through the eyes of the media,  so-called "human rights" NGOs, Palestinian and other Arab antisemites, and "progressive" anti-Israel organizations on college campuses. 

The real Israel has no resemblance to the Israel one sees in the media or on campus placards.

The real Israel is messy and beautiful. It has diametrically opposed viewpoints and surprising amounts of consensus. It has passion and cynicism, the heights of joy and the depths of sadness, incredibly serious decisions that affect people's lives and black humor. And the morality that Judaism gave to the world is entrenched in everything most Israelis do. 

I am a proud Zionist and I embrace all of these. 

While Israel must never discriminate against its non-Jewish minorities, it is and must remain a Jewish state. That is what makes it special. It is the only place in the world where a Jew can be him or herself without apologetics, without explanation, without fear. I am still tickled when I visit and see so many tiny examples of living in a Jewish state - Talmudic expressions in graffiti, quotes from Tanach on the side of a delivery truck, buses whose electronic signs with everyone a happy holiday in Hebrew, the automatic "Shabbat Shalom" said by cashiers  and in emails on Fridays and "Shavua Tov" Israelis say on Saturday night. 

There is a reason that the expression "Shver tsu zayn a yid" (It is hard to be a Jew) is in Yiddish and not Hebrew. Because for all the problems in Israel, it is much easier to be a Jew in Hebrew-speaking Israel - even during wartime - than it ever was anywhere in the Diaspora. 

After a pause of a few decades, antisemitism is becoming mainstream again, often disguised as "progressivism" or "human rights" or whatever else is popular. This year that trend accelerated, powered by, of all things, a horrendous terror attack against Jews. And I am glad to know that no matter what happens elsewhere in the world, Israel is there and will welcome me. 

Israel is wonderful. Israel is maddening. Israel is glorious. Israel is frustrating. The real Israel is filled with Jews who want to do the right thing, and disagree strongly and passionately on what that is. The reason they can be so earnest, so loud and so argumentative is because they are all family - and people are more comfortable raising their voices at their own family members than at strangers. When a soldier falls, every Israeli mourns. 

Right now Israelis are fighting together - Mizrahi with Ashkenazi, Druze with Jews, religious with secular, women with men. The unity in the field will hopefully transition to peacetime. 

May we have a complete victory and may it bring in a real peace. 

Am Yisrael Chai!

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Richard Landes: The Paradoxical “Proof” that Jews are the Chosen People
The deeper motives of anti-Semitism have their roots in times long past; they come from the unconscious, and I am quite prepared to hear that what I am going to say will at first appear incredible. I venture to assert that the jealousy that the Jews evoked in other peoples by maintaining that they were the first-born, the favorite child of God the Father, has not yet been overcome by those others, just as if the latter had given credence to the assumption.” (Sigmund Freud, Moses and Monotheism)

It’s well known that the thing about the Jews that most grates on gentiles – especially derivative monotheists and post-monotheists – is the notion that Jews are the chosen people. And yet, the claim is specifically enunciated in Jewish scripture that God chose the Jews to be mankind’s moral leadership.

Observe these laws carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” For what nation… is there so great, that has statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day? (Deuteronomy 4: 7-8).

The pretension to be “the chosen people” has inspired both hatred and emulation. Both Islam and Christianity, the two religions most likely to generate Jew-hatred, are also claimants to the status of God’s chosen people, replacing, erasing the Jewish claim.

Recently, modern progressives have expressed if not anger, then exasperation at so primitive and pretentious a notion. Nobel-prize author Jose Saramago deplored “the monstrous and rooted ‘certitude’ that in this catastrophic and absurd world there exists a people chosen by God…” Science writer Jostein Gaarder declared (in the royal “we”):
“We do not believe in the notion of God’s chosen people. We laugh at this people’s fancies and weep over its misdeeds. To act as God’s chosen people is not only stupid and arrogant, but a crime against humanity. We call it racism.”

Among those attitudes most associated with antisemitism is a hostility to, a resentment of the Jewish claim to be a chosen people. Indeed, a good progressive Jew views that problematic claim with great wariness if not scorn: ‘we are the same as everyone else.’

Of course, even if one rejects any divine claims, biblical or otherwise, about the Jews being chosen, there is historical evidence for the claim. Studies of the resilience of Jewish communities over time, of Jewish success in societies based on merit, certainly indicate that there is something special about Jews, whether God chose them, or they imagined that God chose them, or they chose a God they invented. The very survival – and vigor – of Jews to this day suggests that something unusual is at work.

But I think the most striking proof that the Jews are the chosen people comes from what social scientists call “non-reactive” evidence, that is from a pattern of evidence produced by agents who do not behave in reaction to being seen, but whose behavior nevertheless unconsciously reveals evidence they might deny, even vigorously, were they aware. And the proof, in our day, for the chosenness of the Jews, comes from the dual phenomenon of the extraordinary obsession gentiles display over Jewish behavior, on the one hand, and the extraordinary inversion of reality – both moral and empirical – that obsession takes, on the other.

The obsession is not hard to document. If one were to weight the international news coverage of countries by their population, then the coverage of the only Jewish state by international news organizations is skewed by several orders of magnitude. One study published in 2013, found that, aside from the US (“the uncontested world news hegemon”), articles about Israel and Palestine rank the highest, literally pushing out China, Russia, and Europe. If one factors in size and population, this means over a hundred-fold greater attention to this particular Middle East state and its behavior with its hostile neighbors, than any other global story including the entire US. Similarly, if one factors in casualty figures, then Israel/Palestine media footprint is the exact inverse of the Democratic Republic of Congo: about ten thousand dead in twenty years (1989-2009) has filled global media, whereas about four to six million dead in the same period in the Congo, remains nearly invisible to the world―one of many stealth conflicts.
Phyllis Chesler: The prophet unhonored
Is Joe Biden on Hamas’s payroll? If not, why is his administration withholding promised military equipment to America’s most reliable and stable ally in the Middle East? Does Biden fail to understand what Israel is up against?

Clearly, his administration is acting as if Iran and its proxy armies, beginning with Hamas, are “good” people, no different from the rest of us. He thinks they are “reasonable” people with whom he can negotiate or even outwit.

I strongly beg to differ.

Long ago, I was held captive in Kabul as a young bride. When I managed to get out, I understood in my bones that the West and the East are very different places. Other Americans do not understand this.

Although I loved many things about the Muslim world—the awe-inspiring mountains, the ancient bazaars, the ceremonial aspects of dining, rose petals in the pudding, the biblical barefoot nomads tinkling as they walked together with their sheep and camels—I saw that the East was very wild. It was rife with unending blood feuds, vigilante (in)justice, illiteracy, poverty, disease, cruelty and above all hatred.

Hatred of infidels, especially Jews, Christians and Hazaras who are Shiite, not Sunni Muslims. Hatred of women. Hatred of servants. Hatred of daughters-in-law. Hatred of their own political dissidents and free-thinkers. Hatred of Americans. But respect for Nazi Germany and German products.

One cannot blame any of this on imperialism or colonialism. These customs were all indigenous. It is crucial to understand this.

Why? Because this is the neighborhood in which Israel lives. The Jewish state has weathered every storm. We are an eternal people and will always survive. But the cost in blood has been high. The IDF is now fighting brilliantly. The Israelis are miraculously resilient.

Seth Mandel: Lifting Hamas’s ‘Fog of War’ Reveals a Very Different Conflict
The fog of war is no excuse to use unethical counting methods. And it is no excuse to lie.

Does anyone feel guilty for what they’ve done here? We’re left with a circus-like cycle of duplicity: Hamas puts out fake numbers, the White House promotes those fabrications, which fuels street protests, which the president uses as an excuse to shift policy against Israel, which incentivizes Hamas to publish more fake numbers, etc. Around and around the blood-libel Ferris Wheel we go.

Something in the machinery of the White House has come loose. The whole edifice most closely resembles the Boeing planes with faulty bolts that just started falling apart mid-flight. Instead of bringing calm, the Biden team increasingly brings chaos—and seems unwilling or unable to act responsibly. The media that report the Hamas numbers are complicit in transforming America into an erratic actor on the world stage.

All of this is now undeniable. The only question left is what Joe Biden is going to do about it.
  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the New York Times:
The Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has for years overseen a secret police force in Gaza that conducted surveillance on everyday Palestinians and built files on young people, journalists and those who questioned the government, according to intelligence officials and a trove of internal documents reviewed by The New York Times.

The unit, known as the General Security Service, relied on a network of Gaza informants, some of whom reported their own neighbors to the police. People landed in security files for attending protests or publicly criticizing Hamas. In some cases, the records suggest that the authorities followed people to determine if they were carrying on romantic relationships outside marriage.

Hamas has long run an oppressive system of governance in Gaza, and many Palestinians there know that security officials watch them closely. But a 62-slide presentation on the activities of the General Security Service, delivered only weeks before the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, reveals the degree to which the largely unknown unit penetrated the lives of Palestinians.

The documents show that Hamas leaders, despite claiming to represent the people of Gaza, would not tolerate even a whiff of dissent. Security officials trailed journalists and people they suspected of immoral behavior. Agents got criticism removed from social media and discussed ways to defame political adversaries. Political protests were viewed as threats to be undermined.

This story only gives a little bit of information that was not known before - the extent of Hamas' oppression and limiting of freedoms. 

But from the beginning of Hamas' takeover of Gaza, it was obvious that the people were expected to tell Western reporters and NGOs only what Hamas would allow them to say. 

 For years, whenever Human Rights Watch or Amnesty reported on "witnesses" to events in Gaza, the anti-Israel witnesses were named, and the ones who confirmed Israel's side of the story were anonymous. Amnesty even once wrote a report about how unreliable eyewitnesses could be when they are in a heavily politicized environment.

The reporters who aren't completely incompetent know all of this quite well. They are looking for an anti-Israel angle and will not bother reporting anything that adds complexity to the "evil Israel, good Palestinians" narrative. They know their stringers will bring them the right people to interview that will tell them what Hamas wants them to hear. 

So now we know a bit more about how extensive Hamas' control has been over Gaza and over what people could say to Westerners. Will any newspaper or NGO go back over their last 15 years of Gaza coverage and re-examine their interviews in this light? Will they issue corrections saying that the Gazans happen to be deathly afraid of Hamas and their words need to be viewed from that viewpoint?

Come on. 

Only two weeks ago, CNN reported on a demonstration in Gaza of children thanking US university students for their support. Does anyone seriously think that this rally was organized by the kids who are holding professionally created signs in English but don't even know which side is right side up?

CNN showed no curiosity as to who organized the demonstration, or who printed the signs. 

The Palestinian Authority is just as repressive as Hamas, although I don' t know if their spying abilities are quite as extensive. Every Christmas, the wire services dutifully interview Palestinians in Gaza and Bethlehem about how Israel oppresses them. At the same time, some courageous Christian news outlets dig a little deeper and find anonymous Palestinian Christians who describe how they are being oppressed by their own leaders and by the larger Muslim population.  But nothing will change in media coverage in the West Bank, either. 

Not even from the New York Times which belatedly mentions what every reporter knows. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

Jonathan Tobin: After 76 years of Israeli independence, Jews must still be Zionists
A new debate about Zionism
The antisemitism of the Soviet Union and the reality of the Nazi Holocaust destroyed the illusions of the Socialists (or at least should have), as well as convinced Western Jews that there was no alternative to a Jewish state. And once Israel came into existence, those who feared it for secular or religious reasons generally made their peace with it.

Today, there is a new anti-Zionist movement among the Jews that gets disproportionate coverage in the corporate press, yet represents only a minority of non-Israeli Jews. Unlike past opponents of Zionism, it doesn’t oppose Israel’s existence because they have a better idea to protect Jews. Rather, these Jews who belong to groups like IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace exalt Jewish powerlessness and twist Jewish beliefs into a creed that believes Jews alone of the peoples of the world ought not to have the right of self-determination or the power to defend themselves.

It is no accident that they also traffic in antisemitic blood libels, such as the claim that Israel trains American police to murder African-Americans. As the reaction to Oct. 7 has shown, these Jewish anti-Zionists may be loud and have strong support from the mainstream media, but they have nothing to do with normative Jewish values and represent only themselves.

Yet the battle over Zionism isn’t merely this faint echo of past Jewish squabbles. Today, anti-Zionism is a main plank of leftist activists, whether they are environmental extremists like Thunberg (who want the world to give up air travel, the right to own cars, as well as to eat meat or cheese); Black Lives Matter activists in the United States who smear America as an irredeemably racist nation; or the LGBT+ community that sees Palestinians as fellow victims, even though unlike Israel but in most Arab countries, they would be in danger because of their lifestyle. Ze'ev JabotinskyRevisionist Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky (bottom right) meeting with Beitar leaders in Warsaw, circa 1939. Future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin is on the left in the first row. Source: National Photo Collection of Israel

Another variant of antisemitism
They claim to speak for human rights but have little interest in any conflict or alleged humanitarian crisis unless it can be blamed on the Jews. Like intellectuals of the early 20th century who blazed the trail for the acceptance of Nazism, they claim to be moved by the suffering of victims of war but have a curious blind spot when those victims are Jews. The plight of the hostages or those who were slaughtered in the orgy of rape, murder, torture, kidnapping and wanton destruction committed by Hamas and Palestinians on Oct. 7 move them not at all.

Their nurturing of Palestinian fantasies of Israel’s destruction is helping to doom the supposed objects of their sympathy to a future of more war, terrorism and destruction. The fact that their reaction to Hamas barbarism was not merely to oppose Israel’s justified war to eliminate a genocidal terrorist group, but to vow to “crush Zionism” and erase it from “the river to the sea,” remains proof that it is not so much an intersectional human-rights cause as it is just a new variant on the same old tropes of antisemitism. They aren’t merely criticizing an Israeli government’s policies or actions. Their problem is with the fact that there is one Jewish state on the planet.

They seem to believe the Jews are the only people on the planet whose right to self-determination deserves no respect. While they reject accusations of antisemitism, what else can you call those who discriminate against Jews and judge them by a standard they would never apply to any other people?

Jew-haters are now recirculating tropes that Soviet propagandists first issued a half-century ago to label Zionism as racism. The only rational reaction to this is for Israelis and Jews wherever they live to embrace not just the label of Zionist but the ideas behind it. Zionism recognizes age-old ties between a people and their land, and at its core is a fundamental expression of Jewish rights.

Zionism has created a nation that for all of its flaws and frailties is a unique experiment in the ingathering of a people in a democratic state. In the last 76 years, Zionist Jews have worked miracles not just in surviving wars waged by enemies bent on their elimination but also in a society capable of enormous economic, technological and cultural achievements. It should be celebrated—not reviled—and people of good will, whether Jewish or not, should know that by embracing it, they are identifying themselves with among the most just causes and most amazing stories in modern history.

Israelis are still mourning their dead since Oct. 7 while they battle Hamas and work for the safe return of the remaining hostages held captive in Gaza. But they are also celebrating a nation that needs no permission from any foreign power to exist and, false accusations of antisemites about “genocide” notwithstanding, whose conduct under excruciating circumstances has been exemplary by any standard.

Zionism isn’t dead. Nor will it be defeated by Hamas and its leftist enablers in the streets of Malmö or on North American college campuses. It is very much alive, and on Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israel’s 76th Independence Day—every Jew with a conscience and sense of self-respect should be proudly calling themselves Zionists.
The Jewish Oyster Problem
The one who best answered Steiner was Isaiah Berlin, who, in a witty article called “The Cost of Curing an Oyster,” compared the exile of the Jews to a disease. “A people condemned to be a minority everywhere, dependent on the goodwill, toleration or sheer unawareness of the majority, but made aware of its insecure condition, of its constant need to please, or at least not to displease … cannot achieve a fully normal development either individually or collectively.” Exile created distortions of personality: self-insulation, anxiety, aggressive defensiveness. True, the peculiar position of the Jews as a minority on the margins of society resulted in works of genius, like Kafka, Freud, or Heine. When your life depends on understanding the whims of the majority, you develop a clear and critical view of that majority, an outsider’s perspective. But that deeper insight possessed by gifted individuals was “purchased by untold suffering of entire communities” and “could not be accepted as natural or unavoidable.” Exile, in this sense, subjected Jews to mental illness and, as mental illness sometimes does, produced works of genius. But at what cost?

“Hundreds of thousands of oysters,” wrote Berlin, “suffer from the disease that occasionally generates a pearl. But supposing an oyster says to you, ‘I wish to live an ordinary, decent, contented, healthy, oysterish life; even though I may not produce a pearl. I’m prepared to sacrifice this possibility for a life free of social disease; a life in which I need not look over my shoulder to see how I appear to others.’”

Maybe Imre Kertész, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, synthesized better the bargain that Jews needed to make. During a visit to Israel, a foreign journalist, aware of Kertész’s humanist and pacifist leanings, asked him, “How does it feel for you to see a Star of David on a tank?” “Much better than seeing it on my concentration camp uniform,” he answered.

The exercise of power is messy. Always. Not a single national liberation movement in the world was neat and blameless. Thinkers like Steiner don’t deny that. In fact, they admit to the dirty nature of statehood and consider that the only way for Jews to stay “pure” is to forego political power and submit to the rule of others. This is different than universalist utopians. Anti-Zionists who long for powerlessness don’t necessarily harbor a Lennonesque dream of “no countries and no religion.” Pointedly, they see nothing wrong in Palestinians exercising political power in the context of a Palestinian national state and even oppressing Jews—or killing them. It’s Jewish power that bothers them; it’s Jewish sovereignty that they disdain and rage against for exposing their own pretensions to moral superiority as fallacious.

That their supposed moral excellence is acquired by trading on the bodies of dead Jews doesn’t bother them, since they’ve established that playing the victim is by definition a morally superior posture. Jews need to be oppressed to produce their best.

Under the layers of intellectual distortion and self-righteousness, this pretension of moral superiority is, paradoxically, morally rotten. The carefully crafted self-image of privileged Jewish academicians, who observe the world from the heights of their tenured positions, seems ruined by Jews who refuse to be at the mercy of others. “How dare those plebeian oysters deny me the right to be a pearl? Don’t they know that they must die so that I can be an ethical beacon to the world?”

Those who criticize Israel for pushing “Jewish supremacy” are, in fact, advocating for another type of Jewish supremacy, probably more racist and self-righteous than the former. But more important than the question of whether being a Jewish oyster with or without a pearl is better, the argument that powerlessness is necessary for “the Jewish genius” to develop is factually false.

Yes, the diasporic persecution produced Freud and Kafka, but Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel produced the Bible and the Mishnah. Israeli Jews win more Nobel Prizes and gain more patents than French Jews or Russian Jews. The truth is that a people, any people, can develop its greatness only by being the master of its own destiny. True, you mess up bigger and more noticeably if you run an economy, an army, and a police force than if you run a corner store or a physician’s office. But avoiding power to avoid the problems of power is like starving to death to avoid obesity.

The anti-Zionism of powerlessness is deeply cowardly. It avoids the real challenges of power, its messiness, its insolvable moral dilemmas, and its endless shades of gray. Diasporism is a facile escape, for which someone else is expected to pay the tab. Easier to sit in judgment in an air-conditioned room at Columbia University writing about the virtues of powerlessness than to work hard to make prophetic visions a reality.

Zionism’s Israel presents a historical opportunity for Jews to deploy the values we developed in the Diaspora and move them from the abstract realm of books to the arena of real life. It may not be so pristine and pure as Steiner wanted, but that’s okay. Our values were never meant to be theoretical. They were meant as a practical guide to life in the here and now, not in the hereafter.

Refusing the opportunity and rejecting the challenge is craven. Doing so while putting other Jews at risk so that our unearned sense of our own superiority can remain intact is a morally criminal act.
The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete
The Biden administration does not appear ever to have issued the slightest threat, warning or ultimatum to the authors of the war: Hamas, Iran or Qatar.

US Senator Chuck Schumer, after declaring himself a friend and defender of Israel, suggested overthrowing Israel's democratically elected prime minister, and -- as if Israel, and not America, were within his jurisdiction -- called for new elections.

Meanwhile in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, where anti-government demonstrations began again, one of their leaders, Ami Dror, revealed on social media that the demonstrations and riots are part of a plan by the Biden administration to bring down the Netanyahu government.... The US State Department has, for more than a year, been providing financial support for protests hostile to the Netanyahu government.

Biden, it seems, is frustrated that Netanyahu is objecting to humanitarian aid -- which basically resupplies Hamas. Hamas, Israel's argument goes, released hostages only after unremitting pressure. Relieving that pressure by backing Hamas makes the probability of seeing any more hostages released less likely. Biden is also reportedly frustrated that Netanyahu, for some inexplicable reason, objects to the creation of a terrorist Palestinian state next door.

One cannot leave aside that the Biden administration, through ignoring sanctions on Iranian oil, has allowed the Iran's regime to earn up to an estimated $100 billion... Without those funds, the massacre of October 7 would not have been possible, Hezbollah would not have been able to fire so many missiles into Israel from Lebanon, and Iran itself would not have been able to launch more than 300 drones and ballistic missiles at Israel in April, and to attack US troops more than 150 times on, just since October 7, 2023 -- evidently in an attempt to drive the US out of the Middle East.

The Biden administration, it seems, does not want a definitive end of the conflict -- as with Ukraine as well -- especially if the end would entail the defeat of Hamas or Russia. Hamas is a protégé of Qatar and Iran, the world's two leading state sponsors of terrorism. The Biden administration has been rewarding them -- Iran with money and Qatar with renewing its protection by Al-Udeid Air Base, headquarters of America's CENTCOM, as well as controlling the new terror pier the US has built in Gaza At the same time, the Biden administration is falsely accusing Israel of violating human rights.

The Biden administration may even be complicit in the arrest warrants for Netanyahu and other Israeli officials that might be issued by the International Criminal Court – possibly as a way to dispense with him.

The mullahs are, in effect, using their proxies – Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and so on -- as their "human shields".

The Biden administration has placed the existence of Israel in danger to protect Biden from the dangerous voters of Michigan.
  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Greta Berlin, the anti-Israel activist who co-founded the "Free Gaza" movement in 2006, was interviewed by the Tehran Times in December where shared some antisemitic tropes like this one:

The West has three major reasons for supporting Israel’s genocide against the indigenous Christian and Muslim Palestinians. [The first is ] Zionist money, blackmail and bribery that influences much of the West.
She also highlighted her idea of Israel's goals in the war:
The Israelis want all of Palestine with no Palestinians in it, and their current leaders are blatantly saying that Palestinians in Gaza should be shoved into Egypt and live in tent cities. That is their intent. 
So naturally she, like all anti-Israel activists, want Palestinians to stay "steadfast" in Gaza to frustrate Israel's nefarious plans of grabbing Gaza beachfront and gas fields and to build an alternative to the Suez Canal* (yes, she really says this is why Israel is fighting in Gaza.)  

But when it comes to her own friends in Gaza, she is raising money to get them out!
My name is Greta Berlin, and I'm the co-founder of the Free Gaza movement, the boats to Gaza. I'm here to raise money for a family, Allam, Rania, and their 2-year-old daughter, because I've worked with Allam for years since I was his mentor with We Are Not Numbers. I've watched him grow into an amazing young man, marry the woman he deeply loves, and was thrilled when their daughter was born. Now, as another war rages on, Mais and her family desperately need your help to escape the devastation and build a future.
She is the only "pro-Palestinian" activist I've seen actively raising money for Gazans to escape. But not just any Gazan - only the ones she knows should have the chance to save their lives by going to Egypt. The rest of them, presumably, are traitors to the cause if they want to leave.

Berlin is the exception that proves the rule: "pro-Palestinian activists" don't give a damn about actual Gazans' lives. 


* It turns out that anti-Israel propagandists have been spreading the rumor that Israel's invasion is to help facilitate the "Ben Gurion Canal," a fanciful  and prhibitively expensive idea from the 1960s for an alternative to the Suez Canal, going from Eilat through the Negev to north of Gaza. There isn't a shred of evidence that Israel still wants to do this - there is always discussion of smaller plans to bring water from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea,. and of a pipeline to pump crude oil from Eilat to the Mediterranean and save time for oil tankers too large for the Suez Canal to go around Africa. But anything about a canal is simply fantasy to support antisemitic conspiracy theories.

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  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's another case where the media doesn't check the claims of anti-Israel organizations.

While Israel says the number of trucks entering Gaza has risen sharply in recent days, the UN has provided much lower figures, and says it is still far less than the amount required to meet humanitarian needs.

Israel said that 419 trucks entered the Gaza Strip on Monday, but the main UN agency there, UNRWA, said only 223 trucks came in on that day. 

Both COGAT, the Defense Ministry body responsible for aid transfers, and UN agencies have said that the discrepancy in numbers results from different ways of counting.
But when you look at the total amount of aid counted in truckfuls, the numbers from IDF COGAT and UNRWA are not all that different.

UNRWA, today, says 25,189 trucks entered Gaza, of which 17,574 are food.
COGAT, today, says the numbers are 27,775 and 18,112, respectively.

The discrepancy for medical supplies is a bit larger: UNRWA says 1,304 trucks while COGAT says 1,993. 

Part of the discrepancy  is because UNRWA does not count trucks that enter from Erez or Netzarim, nor the aid that started coming in from sea. Israel opened a third crossing for aid into northern Gaza this past weekend, Western Erez, and sent about 18 trucks through there that UNRWA does not count.

In the end, they are pointing fingers at each other, but the totals are not all that different. Yet the media accepts UNRWA's claims and dismisses COGAT's. 

Par for the course.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Israeli military and Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announce that they have coordinated the establishment of a new field hospital in the central Gaza Strip, run by the International Medical Corps aid organization.

The hospital was built in the Deir al-Balah area, and began operations in recent days, according to the IDF.

Israeli authorities say they coordinated the entry of 150 international medical staff and equipment, including medication, beds, food, water, tents and other materials for the field hospital.

Seven other field hospitals were established in Gaza amid the war. 
Eight field hospitals built in seven months. It is very strange behavior for a genocidal entity hellbent on wiping out all Palestinians.

Israel is sending more aid into Gaza than Egypt. Bizarre behavior for the Zionists who want to destroy all Palestinians. 

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics issued a report saying that there are 14.63 million Palestinians in the world - an increase of 1000% since 1948. Most peoples would be thrilled to be subjected to that kind of "genocide." 

Believe it or not, there are more Gazans alive today than on October 7. According to Palestinian Red Crescent, 180 Gaza women give birth every day, which means that over 39,000 children have been born since October 7 - higher than even the exaggerated death count claims of Hamas. Apparently, Israel cannot even do a genocide in Gaza. 

That same report considers the casualties in Gaza today as part of the "Al Aqsa Intifada" - the second intifada that started in 2000. Which means that the official Palestinian Authority opinion is that this is all the same war that they launched when Arafat rejected statehood.

October 7 is, according to the "moderates," a continuation of the war Arafat started 24 years ago. Which means the only attempted genocide going on now is the one that Palestinians have never stopped waging against Jews. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
The latest PCPSR poll came out in mid-April. In most way it is similar to their previous poll from three months earlier, but some Palestinian attitudes that are quite important to understand are still barely mentioned in Western media. 

71% of Palestinians still believe that Hamas was correct to launch the war in October, a consistent finding both in Gaza and the West Bank.

In Gaza, 70% of those in shelters run by UNRWA say that the organizers distribute aid unfairly based on political considerations. 

Only 7% of Palestinians say Hamas is responsible for the suffering in Gaza. 

The ability of Palestinians to delude themselves is apparently unlimited. While 78% agreed in December that murdering civilians in their homes is a war crime, only 5% think Hamas committed those war crimes. Most have not seen the videos of the atrocities on October 7, but even among the people who did see the videos, only 17% believe that Hamas committed the murders that they themselves saw on the videos. That's down from 31% in December.  

When Gazans were asked how they expect Egypt to react if masses of people break through the barrier to Egypt, 68% expect Egyptian soldiers to shoot them dead.

When asked who should control Gaza after the war, 59% say Hamas should remain in charge. And 49% say that Hamas should be the ruler over all Palestinians. 

70% of all Palestinians are satisfied with how Hamas is waging this war. 83% are satisfied with the Houthis intercepting ships and shooting missiles at Israel.

Twice as many Palestinians would vote for Hamas compared to Fatah if elections would be held today, 30% to 14%.

The answer to this next question shows that the scenario that the West insists must be the solution for Palestinian leadership  is one that Palestinians would never accept:
Finally, we asked the public about if it is for or against an idea of a long-term vision for the day after in which the US and an Arab coalition comprising Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan would develop a plan that would strengthen the PA, restore negotiations based on the two-state solution, and bring about an Arab-Israeli peace and normalization. Almost three quarters (73%) said it stands against the idea 
Similarly, this question showed a side of Palestinians that close observers know to be true but that Western media refuses to report:

We asked the public about its willingness to compromise for the sake of peace: “if during negotiations, Israel agrees to make painful concessions to the Palestinian side, would you be willing in this case to support a similar Palestinian position in offering similar concessions to Israel?” A majority of 63% (70% in the West Bank and 52% in the Gaza Strip) said “no,” while only one third (33%; 46% in the Gaza Strip and 24% in the West Bank) said “yes.”
The Palestinian attitude for years has been that they want the world to give the a state on a silver platter without any compromising for peace, and even without a peace agreement.  As the UN General Assembly vote last week showed, they are being rewarded for their intransigence.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Sunday, May 12, 2024

  • Sunday, May 12, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Not this week ot this month. Today.

Akhbar El Yom (Egypt):

The tyranny of the Jews has not been stopped by calls for wisdom and mercy, and despite the negotiations, the machine of Israeli treachery continues on its path and humanity is evaded.Jewish arrogance is reinforced by the hidden support of great powers that pamper their allies and croak like an owl.


Al Madinah (Saudi Arabia):

Selfish and treacherous Zionist genes were born in the distant past, since the era of the Prophet Moses - peace be upon him - and they are still breeding and multiplying, and oh how safe the world is from Jewish genes!
Jafra News (Jordan) :
President Biden celebrates with the oppressive racist Jews of America who do not pay attention to the practices of their colony in Palestine against its people. 

Al-Binaa (Syria):

It has become clear that the term anti-Semitism is an invention proposed by international Zionism after the so-called “Holocaust” carried out by the Germans against the Jews.
Al Anwer (pan-Islamic):

Revealing a malicious conspiracy of the Jews 
In this context, the Arab thinker Ali Al-Sharafa Al-Hammadi says: I do not rule out at all that behind the dispersion of the Islamic call and the creation of intellectual confusion for Muslims are hidden hands, which created different and fabricated narratives in the words of the Companions, creating a state of contradictions, tensions, and intellectual polarization, and each sect now has its own reference. Private, which led to an intellectual and dialectical conflict that then turned into a physical conflict, resulting in Muslims fighting each other.

These evil hands were preparing their malicious plan, whether they were Jews who could not imagine that God would choose a messenger from other than their people, because they believed that the choice of prophets and messengers was limited to the children of Israel, because they are God’s chosen people, as they believe and claim. This aroused in their souls envy and jealousy for the appearance of a sent prophet. He carries a divine book for all people, including the so-called illiterate people who are not People of the Book, such as the Christians and the Jews. They did not give them any weight or respect and treated them in an inferior manner. This created in them grief and revenge when a prophet appeared among them.

The Jews achieved what they wanted, isolating the Qur’an from the lives of Muslims and following the divine approach, and the evidence today that we live in confirms the condemnation of the Qur’anic verses against the Jews and the children of Israel. It is the divine warning that anticipates the future with divine wisdom.

Thinker Ali Al-Sharafa Al-Hammadi says: Today we see that the Israelis rule the world, control its economies and its media, and provoke wars in order to maximize their financial capabilities, which is the weapon with which they were able to control the capabilities of peoples, create revolutions, and corrupt morals. 

The hatred of Jews is explicit, but their denials of antisemitism get far more media attention than their actual antisemitism. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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