Friday, April 05, 2024

  • Friday, April 05, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

+972 magazine has written a sensationalist article by Yuval Abraham about how Israel uses artificial intelligence in this war, claiming that it is killing thousands of civilians for no reason because an unfeeling machine is making the decisions and humans are merely rubber stamps approving airstrikes against those people identified or misidentified - and their families.

It conflates several different issues and topics in order to build an anti-IDF narrative. 

First, it describes an database called "Lavender" that uses AI to generate large target lists much faster than humans could. It takes information from many disparate sources to figure out where to attack. 

That is not a secret - the IDF published an article about this targeting database in early November, saying it had generated 12,000 potential targets at that time.

Then Abraham describes a different tracking system to identify where specific terrorists are, based on cell phone and other sources, that they said was called "Where's Daddy?" Intelligence officers would input names generated by Lavender into systems like Where's Daddy to track the human targets. Then, when the target was identified, approval would be given to hit the target. The article describes how the Hamas members were often hit in their homes.

According to IDF procedures, the intelligence officers are supposed to vet the information generated by Lavender before inputting them into Where's Daddy. One of the intelligence officers interviewed claimed that this wasn't done: "'You put hundreds [of targets] into the system and wait to see who you can kill,' said one source with knowledge of the system. 'It’s called broad hunting: you copy-paste from the lists that the target system produces.'"

Another source reveals that he himself made decisions to kill people with no vetting: “One day, totally of my own accord, I added something like 1,200 new targets to the [tracking] system, because the number of attacks [we were conducting] decreased, That made sense to me. In retrospect, it seems like a serious decision I made. And such decisions were not made at high levels.”

The article describes an army where previous standards of calculating targets and proportionality in attacks have been thrown out the window and a vengeful IDF is just trying to cause as much pain as possible. 

Finally, the people interviewed claim that the IDF would use "dumb bombs" to then kill the targets in their homes with little regard to the number of civilians who would be there. But the intelligence officers interviewed wouldn't make the decision of what weapon to use - that is a completely different department. As we've seen, "dumb bombs" are deployed in a smart way, so this part of the article is mostly sensationalism and supposition.

So what is the truth?

This is a different war than any previous war in Gaza. While the goals of the previous wars were to deter Hamas from wanting to attack Israel, in this war the goal is to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad. With different goals come different policies: the killing of a low-ranking Hamas member would not be a priority if the goal is deterrence but it becomes more important when the goal is to ensure Hamas cannot stage another October 7. 

This would prompt the IDF to loosen Israel's proportionality calculations since October 7. Today a   low-level fighter's family would be considered to be acceptable "collateral damage" while in the past it wouldn't have been.

Moreover, people who participated in October 7 itself - and there were thousands - would be a higher priority even if they are low-level members of Hamas, or "civilians" who enthusiastically took part in the pogrom.

And all of this is legal and still proportional under the laws of armed conflict.

As I noted previously, a German court decision gave as an example of what is clearly disproportionate to destroy an entire village of hundreds of people to kill a single fighter. 

[An] infringement [of the law] is only to be assumed in cases of obvious excess where the commander ignored any considerations of proportionality and refrained from acting “honestly”, “reasonably” and “competently” … This would apply to the destruction of an entire village with hundreds of civilian inhabitants in order to hit a single enemy fighter, but not if the objective was to destroy artillery positions in the village
This is the equivalent of destroying a high rise apartment building to kill a single low level fighter. The IDF doesn't do that - even this article says it would level a private residence but only hit larger targets for much higher level Hamas targets. 

Killing a family that a fighter is hiding with is a tragedy but it is legal. The rules changed because the circumstances changed  and military goals are different, but international law is still being followed.

The article says:
The sources said that the approval to automatically adopt Lavender’s kill lists, which had previously been used only as an auxiliary tool, was granted about two weeks into the war, after intelligence personnel “manually” checked the accuracy of a random sample of several hundred targets selected by the AI system. When that sample found that Lavender’s results had reached 90 percent accuracy in identifying an individual’s affiliation with Hamas, the army authorized the sweeping use of the system. From that moment, sources said that if Lavender decided an individual was a militant in Hamas, they were essentially asked to treat that as an order, with no requirement to independently check why the machine made that choice or to examine the raw intelligence data on which it is based.
The article also says that there was a requirement to vet the targets from Lavender, even though it claims it was cursory, where the officers would check to make sure that the person is an adult male, for example.* This contradicts the claim that there was "approval to automatically adopt" these "kill lists."  But the important question, which of course Abraham never asks, is what is the accuracy of human-only intelligence? 90% may be far better than humans can do on their own based on lower amounts of data. The 90% number in a vacuum doesn't mean anything. 

An army makes decisions based on the best information it has at the moment. These systems help commanders make these decisions with far more information than was available before. I agree that blindly following the recommendations of AI should never happen: a human must check how the target was identified, and as I've reported before, Israel's AI systems can be queried to understand the process behind their decisions. 

I would not be surprised if mistakes were made in the weeks after October 7. No one should be surprised. It was a new kind of war, with new rules, and new procedures being made on the fly. There is  also no doubt that the shock and anger from October 7 could and would affect human decision making.
Abraham writes:
“It has proven itself,” said B., the senior source. “There’s something about the statistical approach that sets you to a certain norm and standard. ... I have much more trust in a statistical mechanism than a soldier who lost a friend two days ago. Everyone there, including me, lost people on October 7. The machine did it coldly. And that made it easier.”

Even this article shows that as the IDF learned more, it adjusted its procedures to minimize unnecessary damage. The statistics bear this out - the number of casualties and the amount of damage has gone down significantly since the first chaotic weeks of the war. 

The IDF adjusts and changes its procedures in real time in a war it did not plan, perhaps faster than any army in history.

The process of identifying military targets in the IDF consists of various types of tools and methods, including information management tools, which are used in order to help the intelligence analysts to gather and optimally analyze the intelligence, obtained from a variety of sources. Contrary to claims, the IDF does not use an artificial intelligence system that identifies terrorist operatives or tries to predict whether a person is a terrorist. Information systems are merely tools for analysts in the target identification process. According to IDF directives, analysts must conduct independent examinations, in which they verify that the identified targets meet the relevant definitions in accordance with international law and additional restrictions stipulated in the IDF directives.

The “system” your questions refer to is not a system, but simply a database whose purpose is to cross-reference intelligence sources, in order to produce up-to-date layers of information on the military operatives of terrorist organizations. This is not a list of confirmed military operatives eligible to attack.

According to international humanitarian law, a person who is identified as a member of an organized armed group (like the Hamas’ military wing), or a person who directly participates in hostilities, is considered a lawful target. This legal rule is reflected in the policy of all law-abiding countries, including the IDF’s legal practice and policy, which did not change during the course of the war.

For each target, IDF procedures require conducting an individual assessment of the anticipated military advantage and collateral damage expected. Such assessments are not made categorically in relation to the approval of individual strikes. The assessment of the collateral damage expected from a strike is based on a variety of assessment methods and intelligence-gathering measures, in order to achieve the most accurate assessment possible, considering the relevant operational circumstances. The IDF does not carry out strikes when the expected collateral damage from the strike is excessive in relation to the military advantage. In accordance with the rules of international law, the assessment of the proportionality of a strike is conducted by the commanders on the basis of all the information available to them before the strike, and naturally not on the basis of its results in hindsight.

As for the manner of carrying out the strikes – the IDF makes various efforts to reduce harm to civilians to the extent feasible in the operational circumstances ruling at the time of the strike.

In this regard, the IDF reviews targets before strikes and chooses the proper munition in accordance with operational and humanitarian considerations, taking into account an assessment of the relevant structural and geographical features of the target, the target’s environment, possible effects on nearby civilians, critical infrastructure in the vicinity, and more. Aerial munitions without an integrated precision-guide kit are standard weaponry in developed militaries worldwide. The IDF uses such munitions while employing onboard aircraft systems to calculate a specific release point to ensure a high level of precision, used by trained pilots. In any event, the clear majority of munitions used in strikes are precision-guided munitions.

The IDF outright rejects the claim regarding any policy to kill tens of thousands of people in their homes.

There is a tendency to sensationalize anything about AI and treat is like science fiction autonomous robots going amok.  Reality is quite different, and facts matter. 

* I wrote this post with the assumption that the +972 article is slanted but honest. But this part of the article makes no sense:

However, sources said that the only human supervision protocol in place before bombing the houses of suspected “junior” militants marked by Lavender was to conduct a single check: ensuring that the AI-selected target is male rather than female. The assumption in the army was that if the target was a woman, the machine had likely made a mistake, because there are no women among the ranks of the military wings of Hamas and PIJ. 
Are they saying that the AI system looks at hundreds of disparate pieces of information but cannot tell whether someone is a male or female? 

This makes me wonder whether the author didn't understand what the interviewees were saying to begin with, or whether his understanding of technology is so poor that he wrote without knowing a thing about what he is writing about. 

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  • Friday, April 05, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gary Michael Tartakov is an academic who specializes in a specific kind of Indian art.   He wrote an essay in the Daily Hampshire Gazette that starts off with several paragraphs establishing his Jewishness.

I have been a Jew for 83 years. Though I’ve only known it for around 78. My parents explained it to me at Christmas in 1945, as the reason that I was not going to get a Christmas tree, like my playmates, in Los Angeles. It was at the end of the Second World War and Jews in the United States were coming out of the antisemitic closet that mainstream 20th-century America had constructed for them, and widespread news about the Shoah (Holocaust) had shaken them out of.  
So you know where this is going.
Growing up in west L.A. and the San Fernando Valley in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s, I had a reform bar mitzvah and went to college, without ever experiencing the sort of fist-fight-in-the-schoolyard antisemitism my son-in-law faced in the 1960s growing up in Alexandria, Virginia.
It wasn’t until the mid-1990s, on returning to Amherst from a job I had in Iowa, that I learned from my friend Bob that we were both listed on a website as “Self Hating, Israel Threatening Jews.” You can still find references to it as the Masaada2000 S.H.I.T. List on the internet.

What was my crime? As far as I can tell, it was my criticizing of Israel as an “apartheid state.” And this is the point of my note here. There are a good many people, Jews and non-Jews, who think that criticism of the state of Israel is antisemitic, as so many white nationalists consider any criticism of the United States to be anti-American.
As with all the modern antisemites, Jewish or other, he moves the goalposts and claims that he is merely a "critic of Israel."

But if he accused Israel of "apartheid"  - especially in the mid-1990s, during the Oslo process, when Israel was heading towards giving autonomy and a state to Palestinian Arabs - then he wasn't merely "criticizing Israel." He was engaged in a blood libel, of expecting standards of Israel not given to any other nation on the planet.

The straw man argument that every critic of Israel is accused of antisemitism is a lie. Criticism of Israel similar to criticism of any country is not antisemitic. But singling out Israel for acts that other countries do and reserving all the vitriol for Israel is indeed antisemitism.

There have been more column inches denouncing Israel's accidental killing of aid workers in three days than there have been in all the accidental killings of civilians by US and British forces over twenty years. And no mainstream media outlet accused the Western armies of doing this deliberately. 

When the US attacked a hospital in Kunduz in 2015, killing 42 medical personnel and patients, not one newspaper accused the US of a systematic campaign to destroy Afghan healthcare. But when Israel goes into hospitals and only kills terrorists, it is accused of that. 

Those double standards are antisemitism, whether intended  or not. Just as racism can be subconscious, so can Jew-hatred.

Tartakov is an expert on Dalit art. He spent decades studying and teaching about it.  Dalits are members of the lowest caste in India and they suffer unimaginable abuse as this 2007 HRW report describes:
Dalits endure segregation in housing, schools, and access to public services. They are denied access to land, forced to work in degrading conditions, and routinely abused at the hands of the police and upper-caste community members who enjoy the state’s protection. Entrenched discrimination violates Dalits’ rights to education, health, housing, property, freedom of religion, free choice of employment, and equal treatment before the law. Dalits also suffer routine violations of their right to life and security of person through state-sponsored or -sanctioned acts of violence, including torture.

Caste-motivated killings, rapes, and other abuses are a daily occurrence in India. Between 2001 and 2002 close to 58,000 cases were registered under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act – legislation that criminalizes particularly egregious abuses against Dalits and tribal community members. A 2005 government report states that a crime is committed against a Dalit every 20 minutes. Though staggering, these figures represent only a fraction of actual incidents since many Dalits do not register cases for fear of retaliation by the police and upper-caste individuals.

Tartakov is quite aware of the systematic discrimination Dalits suffer. He's written about it. But he didn't call it apartheid.

If you describe Israel's treatment of its Arab minority as apartheid but don't use the same term for India's treatment of Dalits, when by every possible metric the Dalits are treated worse, yes, you are an antisemite. 

Even if you had a Reform bar mitzvah.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, April 04, 2024

From Ian:

WSJ: The International Court of Justice is waging lawfare on Israel
The party with clear genocidal intent here is Hamas, which, because it’s not a state, is conveniently not subject to the jurisdiction of the ICJ. Just take a look at the Hamas founding charter, which outlines “our struggle against the Jews.” After the, yes, genocidal Oct. 7 attack, a senior Hamas official declared the terrorist group’s intention to repeat the murderous feat and announced that “Israel is a country that has no place on our land.”

As to Israel, yes, there are painful and difficult questions about the civilian casualties and suffering it has inflicted in Gaza — casualties that are the result of not only the Hamas attack but also the organization’s cruel and cynical decision to reap benefit from embedding its operations deep in the civilian population and using the ensuing civilian casualties in its war for public support.

But the matter of Israel’s complicity in the suffering is an issue of international humanitarian law entirely separate from the unfounded allegations of genocide. “Israel, its officials and/or agents, have acted with the intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza,” South Africa claimed.

No. Israel’s intent — its legitimate intent, under international law — is to defend itself and destroy Hamas. The Genocide Convention requires proof of intent “to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.” A country with genocidal intent does not warn the civilian population it is supposedly seeking to destroy to leave an area it plans to bomb. It does not deliver incubators and baby formula to their hospitals.

None of this stopped the International Court of Justice. Responding to another prod from South Africa, it said Israel had to do more to ensure humanitarian aid to civilians — and, alarmingly, seven judges on the 15-member court said they would order Israel to stop the fighting.

To be clear: Israel has erred, badly, on the issue of humanitarian relief, which is a moral and strategic imperative as well as a legal one. The tragic killing of seven aid workers for World Central Kitchen only adds to the understandable pressure on Israel to ease the humanitarian crisis — and to its potential legal exposure on that score. But, and here I need to make a maddeningly legalistic point, the ICJ has jurisdiction to decide only the genocide question. It doesn’t have the authority to determine whether Israel has violated the broader requirements of international humanitarian law.

Add to that the structural imbalance because of the ICJ having no power over Hamas. As Judge Aharon Barak, Israel’s representative on the ICJ, wrote, “The Court has accepted South Africa’s invitation to become the micromanager of an armed conflict,” a “dangerous endeavor” when only one party, Israel, is bound by its decisions.

What’s going on here isn’t law; it’s lawfare, an effort to hijack what should be the somber mechanisms of international justice to the political ends of tarring Israel with the calumny of genocide. South Africa, with close ties to Hamas and its sponsor, Iran, is deploying the Genocide Convention to dirty Israel in the public eye.

Years from now, when the genocide claim is ultimately resolved, it’s not likely Israel will be found to have committed this most terrible of crimes. But that’s not the goal. The goal is in the here and now, to turn public opinion even further against the Jewish state.

The ICJ is enabling it. As Barak put it, the ICJ’s “approach to this case is steadily leaving the land of law and entering the land of politics. The ideas of a judge as a human being should not determine the opinions of a human being when he or she acts as a judge.” The court’s new president, or chief justice, Nawaf Salam, is a former ambassador to the United Nations from Lebanon, where another front could erupt into war at any moment. In 2015, he wrote, “Unhappy birthday to you, 48 years of occupation.” Doesn’t exactly sound impartial.
Melanie Phillips: Lawyers for blood libels
The 600 British lawyers who have signed a letter to the Prime Minister denouncing Israel for breaking international law and potentially committing genocide deserve nothing but contempt.

Not only have they parroted the falsehoods and distortions with which Israel is being demonised and delegitimised across the world. They have also shockingly misrepresented January’s ruling by the International Court of Justice in the case brought against Israel by South Africa.

The letter, which is signed by 60 KCs and three former Supreme Court judges, says that the ICJ “concluded that there was a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.

This is a wicked lie. The court said nothing of the kind. Here’s what the legal commentator Joshua Rozenberg (in whom I declare an interest) has written on his Substack:
In its third paragraph, the letter says that on 26 January 2024 the International Court of Justice “concluded that there was a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”. This error is repeated by the Guardian in its report of the letter. There are several further references in the lawyers’ letter to “the ICJ’s finding of plausible risk”.

The words “plausible risk” appear nowhere in the court’s order. They are a misrepresentation of what the court concluded in paragraph 54 of its judgment:

“In the court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible. This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in article III [of the Genocide Convention], and the right of South Africa to seek Israel’s compliance with the latter’s obligations under the convention.”
Gadi Taub: How Much Is a Dead Jew Worth?
The Palestinian Authority compensates the families of terrorists in proportion to the amount of harm they inflict on Jews. Killing Jews is not just a religious calling that can grant you the status of "martyr" and guarantee you a place in heaven with 72 virgins. It is also a way to make a living. If you're sentenced to 10 years, you make four times the minimum wage and twice the average wage in the PA. The PA spends 7% of its budget on the pay-for-slay scheme.

This program is just one thread in the whole fabric of Palestinian national culture that has woven the idea of jihad against the Jews into all aspects of life. Terrorists dominate the gallery of national heroes. They are essentially the only role model for Palestinian youth. Regardless of how much well-meaning Israelis tried desperately to imagine otherwise over the years, the Palestinian national ethos is built around a genocidal war to ethnically cleanse Palestine, from the river to the sea, of Jewish presence.

Itamar Marcus, founder of Palestinian Media Watch, said Oct. 7 was not the result of Hamas indoctrination, but the product of PA indoctrination, which has been around for three decades. Both in Gaza and the West Bank, Palestinian children are still being instructed in books produced by the PA that ceaselessly pump into young minds the poison of the death cult - of suicide and genocide.

Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs concurs that PA indoctrination is a greater source than Hamas of this genocidal hate. The idea that the way forward in Gaza is for Hamas to be replaced by the PA is therefore a risible exercise in wishful thinking, since the PA, in reality, glorifies and incentivizes terrorism.

By now, we know that PA security forces personnel are directly involved in terror attacks. The police forces Israel armed and the U.S. military trains are active participants in the terror they were supposed to stop. Using the guns we gave them to stop terror, they instead kill Jews - in the process securing the livelihoods of their families.
Bret Stephens: The Appalling Tactics of the "Free Palestine" Movement
Protest movements have an honorable place in American history. But not all of them. Not the neo-Nazis who marched in Chicago in 1978. Not the white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017. And not too much of what passes for a pro-Palestinian movement but is really pro-Hamas, with its open celebration of the murder of Israel's people and its efforts to mock, minimize or deny the suffering of Israelis, which so quickly descend into antisemitism.

It wasn't a response to the human suffering in Gaza. Pro-Hamas demonstrations broke out worldwide on Oct. 8, before any Israeli response. Nor is it a matter of seeking a Palestinian state. Among the popular chants at many protests is "We don't want no two states! We want all of '48!" - all of what had been Mandatory Palestine. In other words, the central, animating sentiment behind much of the protest movement is neither humanitarian nor liberationist. It's eliminationist.

Tactics like the routine removal or defacement of posters of Israelis kidnapped to Gaza; or holding a loud and aggressive demonstration outside of New York's Memorial Sloan Kettering cancer hospital; or shouting down Rep. Jamie Raskin at the University of Maryland for being "complicit in genocide" reveals the bullying mentality at the heart of the pro-Hamas movement.

It isn't enough for them to speak out; they must shut other voices down. They aim to instill a palpable sense of fear in their opponents. American civil libertarians once understood that inherent in the right to protest was the obligation to respect the right of people with differing views to protest as well.
  • Thursday, April 04, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran has vowed to retaliate against the assassination of major Revolutionary Guards generals in Damascus, and they will be buried on Friday.

Which is "Quds Day," the holiday to "liberate Jerusalem" that the late Ayatollah Khomeini declared for the last Friday of every Ramadan.

The current Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, isn't shy about his penchant for promoting violence. As Tehran Times reports in English, 

Central to the Leader’s vision for Quds Day is the promotion of Jihad and self-reliance in the struggle for Palestinian liberation. He has called for a referendum in Palestine to determine its future, emphasizing the restoration of Palestinian rights and the rejection of Zionism.
He's not referring to any "personal jihad." As Iran's president Raisi said Thursday night, "the Islamic Republic of Iran considers defense as the legitimate right of all resistance groups and loudly supports the movement of resistance in Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen and all Islamic countries."

Funny how he classifies what these groups are doing as "defense." 

But he also makes it clear that this is a war between all of Iran's satellites and Israel, not just Israel and Hamas. eave it to the Iranians to frame things properly while most of the Western media still gets it so wrong.

Iranian news site articles are nearly all about Israel.

But they are not beating the drumbeats of preparing their people for war, from what I can tell.

I don't think Iran will start shooting rockets at Israel tomorrow or anytime soon. They still prefer proxy wars to direct wars, and the bigger question is whether Hezbollah would risk escalating. My guess is that we will see an increase of rockets and drones from Yemen, Syria and Iraq, though. And Islamic Jihad will try to dig up some hidden short range rockets to shoot towards nearby Jewish communities to make it appear that Israel has not finished the job.

We'll see.

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So Cute: You Think Violent Pro-Palestine Activism Aims To Generate Sympathy

by Aisaq Samqaq, Students for Justice in Palestine, Vanderbilt University Chapter

Nashville, April 4 - It's been months since October 7 and my gleeful reaction to it, but it's also been years and years that we in the pro-Palestine movement have made intimidation our methodology for policy change, and well-meaning, but I must say, naive AF, allies in progressive circles admonish us that glorying in the death and suffering of Jews, and threatening more of it for anyone who gets in the way, will only alienate the American public, and drive them away from solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. These well-meaning allied fail to appreciate that the purpose of my activism, and of the larger pro-Palestine movement, is not to generate sympathy or solidarity, but to cow opponents into inaction and compliance.

The Islamist cause embraced and took over the Palestine cause long ago; Islamism, wherever possible, seeks not to portray Muslims as helpless victims, but as triumphant victors over the infidels. Yes, we welcome your efforts to portray Palestinians as victims of Israeli brutality, but only insofar as those efforts help us subdue all of western society. Note how quickly "Free Palestine!" devolves into antisemitic chants, graffiti, vandalism, and violence. And then it goes beyond the Jews to target anyone and anything we believe stands in the way of Islamic dominance, such as the American or British flags. It's adorable, the way you insist on seeing us as in need of your benevolent empowerment and protection.

Look at the Palestinian and ISIS flags all over London. Look at how Muslims attack Jews everywhere, and not the other other way around. Look at how our activists shut down Jewish - not just Zionist - events with shouting and threats. The evidence surrounds you; you practically drown in it. Yet somehow, you have convinced yourselves that you know us better than we know ourselves. It's charming, in a quaint way that invites condescension commensurate with the condescension implicit in your assumptions about Palestinians.

I used to think you acted like this out of fear, of wanting to be left alone while we targeting more prominent and obvious foes. That was fine with me; fear is the point. But of late, I harbor concerns that you do so out of empathetic cluelessness, and I confess that while the result, in the end, will be the same domination we exert over you when we do triumph, I still have nagging doubts that you will still think you're doing us a favor.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Biden is dreaming it’s like 1918, but Israel is fighting like it’s 1945
Washington is dreaming like it’s 1918, but Jerusalem is fighting like it’s 1945.

President Biden is approaching the conflict in Gaza with the mindset that ended World War I, while the Israelis are fighting with the spirit that transformed Germany 27 years later.

In 1918, the United States and its allies sought a German surrender that would neutralize its war-making capabilities without having to transform its state and society.

Leaving Germany unoccupied and its latent capacity for war intact, the armistice failed to establish a stable European order.

A true solution to what contemporaries called the “German question” came only after World War II, when America and its allies demanded unconditional surrender from Hitler, occupied Germany and de-Nazified its institutions.

The Israelis believe, correctly, that only Hamas’ unconditional surrender, the dismantling of its military capabilities and the de-Hamasification of Gazan institutions will deliver a stable order.

But Biden has been significantly distancing America from these aims.

Hamas, Biden said in his State of the Union, could end the war “by releasing the hostages, laying down arms and surrendering those responsible for October 7th.”

The president was effectively calling for a World War I-style armistice, one that would allow armed Hamas cadres not just to survive in Gaza but to shape its political future.

The president’s decision last week to abstain from voting on a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire — not predicated on the release of Israeli hostages — is the armistice plan in action.

Biden’s intentions became clear just two days after the State of the Union, when he warned that an Israeli campaign to take Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold in Gaza, would cross an American “red line,” possibly prompting the United States to withhold military assistance.

Netanyahu responded directly and bluntly.

“I have a red line,” he said. “You know what [my] red line is? That October 7 doesn’t happen again.”
Melanie Phillips: The global onslaught against Israel
The U.S. and the U.K. have already abandoned Israel at the U.N. Security Council over its resolution last month calling for an immediate ceasefire, which would entail surrender to Hamas.

Britain and America behave in this malevolent way towards no other country on earth.

Israel is on the front line of the battle against Iran and radical Islam, which have declared war on the West. Israel is doing the West’s dirty work for it—and suffering grievous losses as a result—because America, Britain and the rest of the West aren’t prepared to fight to defend their civilization.

America and Britain refuse to face up to the Islamic war against the free world of which the Palestinian Arabs are the shock troops and whose cause is a key strategy to render the West powerless in the face of the Islamic jihad.

Instead, America and Britain have largely bought into the Palestinian cause. As a result, they are turning on Israel and making it their scapegoat. In so doing, they are tapping into profound prejudices about supposedly diabolical Jewish power and Jewish bloodlust, thus pouring petrol onto the flames of the Jew-hatred now consuming the West.

It seems as if the world has now turned against the Jewish nation and wants it gone. Yet there are many decent people who very clearly see what is happening and are horrified. And the Gulf states and countless other Muslims who recognize Islamist Nazism for what it is and what it means for them are silently cheering Israel on.

The Jewish people has been through persecution, enslavement, pogroms, inquisitions and genocide at different times and at the hands of disparate groups and states. It has suffered from varying mutations of antisemitism—the desire to wipe out the Jews as a religion, a race and a nation. It has, however, never been subjected to a concerted global onslaught like this.
Brendan O’Neill: Al-Shifa Hospital and the crisis of the West
Those still denying that Hamas uses al-Shifa as a terror base, those depicting the events of the past fortnight as just a genocidal siege by Israel, are, to be blunt, lying. This is not scepticism of ‘Israeli propaganda’. Scepticism is a noble philosophical pursuit where one awaits further evidence before deciding what the truth is. The swirling Israelophobia of Western influencers openly discounts and denies evidence on the basis that we don’t need anything as trifling as facts because the truth has already been revealed to us: Israel is evil. It is cult-like delirium dressed up as anti-war activism.

Even worse than the misinformation is the moral cover these activists provide to Hamas. Their post-truth depiction of the Battle of al-Shifa as a demented Israeli onslaught absolves Hamas of responsibility for these calamitous events. It allows Hamas to pose as the aggrieved party when in truth it was Hamas’s homicidal use of a hospital for the purposes of terror that gave rise to the battle in the first place. Hamas is now calling on the International Criminal Court to investigate Israel’s ‘crimes’ at al-Shifa. I’m struggling to think of anything more repellent than a terror group that commits the war crime of using a hospital as a military base accusing others of war crimes. It is thanks to the wide-eyed, craven apologism of so many in the West that Hamas can get away with such antics.

The Battle of al-Shifa confirms an uncomfortable truth about many Western observers and agitators – they’re in the pockets of Hamas. Wittingly or otherwise, they’re doing the bidding of violent bigots. For if it is widely known that Hamas and the IDF are fighting in al-Shifa, and if you only demand the expulsion of the IDF, then what you’re saying is: give Hamas free rein. This isn’t opposition to Israeli ‘war crimes’ – it is support for Hamas war crimes. It isn’t a principled objection to the use of hospitals for war-like violence – it is an implicit acceptance of Hamas’s right, and Hamas’s right alone, to use hospitals for this purpose. The Israelophobia of Western influencers directly benefits the pogromists of Hamas. It adds a veneer of anti-war radicalism to their anti-Semitic hysteria.

The Battle of al-Shifa is a clarifying moment. Not only for Israel in its war with Hamas, but also for us in the West. For it confirms that many of our young in particular are siding with the forces of darkness, with the violent anti-humanism of a group like Hamas. There’s a backstory to their sympathy for Hamas, their harebrained acceptance of the idea that Israel is solely responsible for the al-Shifa disaster. Namely, their inculcation with anti-Western views. Their exposure to the regressive ideology that says everything ‘white’ and Western is bad, while everything non-white and non-Western is deserving of compassion.

The end result is that even in a clash between a virulently racist movement that uses a hospital to plot war and murder and the army of a democratic state that is hunting down the terrorists that committed a pogrom against its people, they side with the former. It isn’t only al-Shifa that lies in ruins – so do the West’s own future prospects if we fail to have a serious reckoning with the Hamas apologism infecting our youth, our activists and our institutions. That so many of our fellow citizens have sided with barbarism over civilisation demands our urgent and undivided attention.
  • Thursday, April 04, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

The IDF must be the only entity in the world that readily admits mistakes, and whose statements are almost always found to be accurate, and yet is also routinely accused of lying. 

It took responsibility for the deaths of the World Central Kitchen aid workers. And for the killing of three hostages. It said that it did some limited fire towards Gazans approaching its position during a riot and stampede to get food from aid trucks, but it did not fire into the crowd. 

If the IDF routinely lies to the world, why would it ever admit any of these things? 

Instead of these admissions being used as proof that the IDF is telling the truth when it denies responsibility for other incidents, Israel haters use them as proof of IDF evil. And when the IDF says it was not responsible for, say, the Al Ahli hospital bombing, the haters claim that it is a lie, even after independent researchers confirm Israel is telling the truth.

A small incident this week proves yet again that the IDF reports things accurately. 

When four UNIFIL peacekeepers were injured in a blast in Rmeish in southern Lebanon, the IDF denied any airstrike in the area. Yet the Lebanese Foreign Ministry blamed Israel, saying that the attack violates international law and international humanitarian law, and Israel targeted peace protectors who are United Nations employees. 

Now investigations prove Israel was telling the truth, again.
The Lebanese Army’s investigations determined that the blast that hit a U.N. military observers patrol in Rmeish on Saturday was caused by an explosive device planted underground, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Israel's military meanwhile said Wednesday it had obtained information that indicated a Hezbollah explosive charge caused the blast.

"According to information available to the (army), the explosion that occurred on March 30... was caused after a UNIFIL patrol drove over a charge that had been previously placed by Hezbollah in the area," it said.

An ongoing investigation by the Lebanese Army has meanwhile found that the three U.N. military observers and the Lebanese interpreter were wounded by a "landmine," a Lebanese judicial official said Wednesday.

"Preliminary results of a Lebanese Army investigation have found that the observers were wounded by a landmine," the official told AFP, adding that the probe was continuing and the source of the mine had yet to be determined.
The media knows that the IDF track record on these kinds of events is far better than those of any of its enemies. It takes hours or days to determine the circumstances of specific incidents in war, and the IDF isn't perfect in this regard, but it is quite close. 

Which is why the constant media refrain that it cannot confirm IDF claims while accepting those of the people who want to see every Jew in the region ethnically cleansed or dead is a reflection not of the media's desire for accuracy but the built in bias that Jews cannot be trusted, no matter what they say.

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  • Thursday, April 04, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of weeks ago, the Center for Strategic and International Studies issued a detailed report, "The Coming Conflict with Hezbollah." It is comprehensive and describes the current situation, comparative military strengths of both Israel and Hezbollah, possible scenarios and recommendations of what the US could do to try to forestall or avoid a major, devastating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. 

Its main recommendation is for the US to engage in "coercive diplomacy:"
Another approach is to use coercive diplomacy to compel Hezbollah to abide by UNSCR 1701. To this end, the United States, often represented by mediator Amos Hochstein, is using diplomacy to negotiate with Lebanese leaders, and thus indirectly with Hezbollah, while Israel is putting military pressure on the group through a mix of strikes on Hezbollah forces and leaders. The renewed threat of an all-out war gives this pressure additional strength. Hezbollah, however, does not want to be seen as surrendering to Israeli pressure, particularly at a time when Israeli attacks on Palestinians are dominating the headlines.
That last line undermines the approach, but CSIS cannot come up with anything better.

Yet there is an alternative, and the seeds for it can be seen in the same document. It says, "Hezbollah seeks broader popularity in Lebanon, and triggering a destructive war could grievously undermine support, particularly outside its Shiite core constituency."

Hezbollah is not afraid of Israeli escalation, because it positions itself as the resistance against Israel. Its honor/shame mindset would never allow it to back down and appear to kowtow to Israel.

It is not afraid of the Lebanese government or army, which is can bully at will. 

But Hezbollah is afraid of Lebanese public opinion.

As I've argued previously, the Lebanese people hold the key to stop a true catastrophe that nobody wants. Only if they rise up and protest Hezbollah's escalations can Hezbollah end its attacks on Israel and maintain its perceived honor, by doing the will of the people it pretends to defend. 

The Lebanese people know that Hezbollah is not "defending Lebanon," but rather bringing Lebanon closer to destruction. Most of them oppose Hezbollah and a few are speaking up. They need to be supported by the world community.

In 2020, there were some small protests by Lebanese citizens in Beirut demanding Hezbollah adhere to UNSCR 1701 and Lebanon implement UNSCR 1559 disarming Hezbollah among other demands. 

The Lebanese know that Hezbollah is sensitive to their public opinion. During anti-Hezbollah protests in 2019, the terror group got very nervous, and they sent thugs to threaten and attack the demonstrators, as well as the army that tried to separate the two groups. They threw stones and, according to reports, "explosive devices."

Part of the reason that anti-Hezbollah protests are not in the streets in force is that the Lebanese  majority does not feel like they have any real political, financial or moral support from the rest of the world. Those protests fizzled just as the anti-Iran protests fizzled - they did not get enough external support, and that support is critical to shore up the bravery necessary to stand up to Iranian intimidation in both countries.

There is no shortage of governments that say they do not want to see a war in Lebanon. There is no shortage of NGOs on Earth that advocate peace. There are plenty of media organizations who write passionate op-eds decrying the devastation of Gaza who would write the same about Lebanon during any war. 

Now is the time to act against war, not when it breaks out.

Lebanese anti-Hezbollah groups need to be identified and promoted in the media. Anti-Hezbollah voices need to be highlighted now by NGOs who claim  to care about peace and human rights. Governments, especially the US and France, must work to publicly support the Lebanese people against the Iranian proxy that is bringing Lebanon to the brink. This is not a time for wishy-washy "both sides"-ism. 

Behind the scenes, the West can engage in the sorts of covert social media initiatives that are now ubiquitous by Russia, by anti-Israel forces and by political campaigns. Financial incentives to help Lebanon's economy can be conditioned on Hezbollah's withdrawal from the southern border. 

There are plenty of things the West can do to weaken Hezbollah, but the main power comes from the Lebanese people, and those people need to be strengthened by everyone who wants to avoid Lebanon's collapse.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Thursday, April 04, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
At the White House press briefing on Monday, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked for an official reaction to the news that Israel Knesset passed a law giving the prime minister the power to shutter foreign news networks, specifically aimed at Al Jazeera.

She answered,  "If it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. We believe in the freedom of the press. It is critical. It is critically important. And the United States supports the critically important work journalists around the world do. And that includes those who are reporting in the conflict in Gaza. So we believe that work is important, the freedom of the press is important, and if those reports are true, it is concerning to us."

In 2006, the US designated Al Manar TV - a Hezbollah-allied Lebanese TV station - on its terrorist list as a " "Specially Designated Global Terrorist entity." Al Manar TV was banned from being broadcast into the US. The Treasury Department also placed Al Nour Radio and the Lebanese Media Group on the same list as affiliates of Hezbollah.

Al Manar remains on the State Department Terrorist Exclusion list even today. 

Two years earlier, Al Manar was placed on the US terrorist watchlist. But it is hardly the only media company on that OFAC Sanctions List. The database shows all these (apparent) media outlets, amd I found several more after making this list:





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The EU banned several Russian media companies as well in 2022. 

What is the difference, exactly, between these dozens of media outlets that the US and EU designates as being terrorist and those that would be limited under Israel's new law?

If anything, Al Jazeera is more directly implicated in terrorism than, say, Russia Today. As MEMRI's damning report showing the links between Al Jazeera and Hamas mentions:

Since the October 7 attack, Hamas's leaders have been managing the war from Doha and conveying their messages mostly via Al-Jazeera. The network has been operating as a propaganda outlet in the service of Hamas 24/7, with hardly any coverage of other topics. The channel expresses unreserved support for Hamas, justifying the deadly attack, showing footage of it obtained from the body-cams of the terrorists, and celebrating it as a victory that brought pride and honor to the Islamic nation.

Some Al-Jazeera journalists have recently been "outed" as Hamas and PIJ fighters. A Palestinian journalist working for Al-Jazeera, Muhammad Wishah, appears to have also been a commander in the military wing of Hamas, according to documents on a laptop found by the Israeli army in a Hamas base in northern Gaza. Wishah, from Al-Buriej in the central Gaza Strip, has featured in Al-Jazeera broadcasts in recent months, with the station calling him one of their journalists. According to the Israeli military sources, however, Wishah is a prominent commander in Hamas's anti-tank missile unit, who began, in late 2022, to work in R&D for the terror group's air unit.[68] A photo that emerged of Wishah together with Yahya Sinwar suggests warm relations between the two.

Another Al-Jazeera correspondent, Ismail Abu Omar, who participated in the October 7 attack, documenting it from within the Gaza Envelope, was airlifted to Doha for medical treatment on February 19 after having been wounded in an Israeli airstrike in Rafah a week earlier. He has been identified as a Hamas platoon deputy commander.[69]

Mustafa Thuraya, an independent journalist who worked with Al-Jazeera TV and Agence France-Press, was, according to documents found by the Israeli army in Gaza, an operative in the Al-Qassam Brigades' Gaza City Brigade, and he specialized in developing drones. Hamza Al-Dahdouh, another Al-Jazeera journalist and photojournalist, was a member of the electronic engineering unit of the PIJ's Northern Gaza Brigade.
The "concern" the US is showing over sanctioning Al Jazeera is just as hypocritical as its "outrage" over the accidental killing of civilians, something the US has done many times over the years, and rarely apologized for.

(h/t Avi)

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