Wednesday, March 20, 2024

From Ian:

Phyllis Chesler: The world should be on trial in Jerusalem, or should it be Nuremberg?
The only place a fair and trustworthy trial of Hamas could take place is Jerusalem.

According to one prominent international lawyer:
“There’s no existing framework for trials against Hamas terrorists or the Hamas terrorist organization in Nuremberg (the closest would be trials with German prosecutors and under German law, which will never happen). There’s no way I can see any agreement for a new tribunal and, in any event, I wouldn’t have great confidence in any such tribunal judging Palestinian terrorists or even being willing to put them on trial. I would like to see fair trials of Hamas terrorists; the only chance of that is in Israel, and even in Israel, there’s a danger it would be too forgiving to the terrorists (depends on the court).”

But we face an even greater problem:
Hamas terrorists, starting with their leader Yahya Sinwar, are not the only ones who should be on trial in Jerusalem and before history.

With a few blessed exceptions, almost the entire world must be judged for supporting Iran and Qatar’s proxy armies: Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, etc.

-The United Nations belongs on trial. The only thing it has ever done is legalize Jew-hatred. They passed a resolution falsely claiming that Zionism is racism rather than a resolution that accurately stated that anti-Zionism is racism.

-The world professoriate, students, human rights activists and media also belong on trial for having incited the immediate and continuing jackal chorus for a “ceasefire,” which is the equivalent of a call to ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of Jews. Some of them have been on the Iranian and Arab oil payroll for more than 60 years.

-Iran’s leaders must also appear in the dock. The mullahs have indoctrinated, funded and strategized with not only Hamas but also the zombie armies who march for jihad in the West.

-Let’s not forget every single Muslim country that has refused to offer safe passage or temporary shelter to Gaza civilians. They also belong on trial. None of them want the Arab Palestinians. They do not want the enormous trouble they will inevitably bring with them.

Please note: Such countries, by refusing entry to civilians, make no distinction between the “innocent” civilians of Gaza and the terrorists whose ideology and torture control them.
The lies of Josep Borrell
Borrell, however, surely knows that he’s lying. At the moment, 80% more trucks loaded with food are entering Gaza than before the war. Pre-Oct. 7, there were 70 trucks per day; there are now 126 on average and the number is growing. Israel places no limits on aid and has opened new routes to deliver it.

Unfortunately, Hamas and other malign actors are doing everything in their power to stop the aid from getting to the people Borrell supposedly cares about. Last week, for example, six trucks entering via a new route were forcibly seized, likely by Hamas and local criminal gangs.

So, the problem is not the lack of food, of which Hamas has already accumulated great quantities. The problem is Hamas. As long as the terror group reigns, it will steal the food and use it to feed its terrorists or sell it on the black market.

Of course, all this could end if Hamas releases the remaining hostages and then simply surrenders. Indeed, it would end if Hamas accepts the offered six-week ceasefire, for which it would receive a thousand murderers of innocent civilians in exchange for a few dozen hostages. But that, we know, will never happen.

If Borrell is not a liar, then he lacks any moral clarity whatsoever. It seems that he does not even know what starvation-induced extermination actually looks like. Despite being ostensibly tasked with foreign affairs, he appears not to have seen the heartbreaking images from Sudan, where Islamist militias are demanding slaves in exchange for food. Some 250,000 Sudanese children are dying of hunger at the whim of the barbarians. Their parents must kneel before these monsters and hand over their children to an unthinkable slavery. But not a word is heard about them.

Double standards and lying are two of the best-known symptoms of antisemitism. Here, they go together.
I've Won an Argument about Israel I Wish I Hadn't
Over my 20+ years of blogging at Volokh, commenters have often questioned why I focused my attention on what I saw as unfair attacks on Israel, rather than on Israeli policies I disagreed with that might be obstacles to a future peace deal. My response was consistent: debates over specific Israeli policies were a sideshow. Israel's harshest critics simply wanted Israel to cease to exist, and given that this goal could likely be achieved only via genocide, I chose to focus my attention on that. My commenters were also pretty consistent, arguing that I was being paranoid, that the vast majority of critics, even the harshest ones, wanted a two-state solution, not to eliminate Israel.

We have had something of a test of this debate since 10/7. Hamas is a terrorist theocracy with explicitly genocidal goals. It carried out a taste of those goals on 10/7, and its leaders promised to repeat those atrocities again and again until the "Zionists" were driven from Israel.

So whatever one thinks of Israeli policy, or Israel's eventual response to 10/7, one would think, based on my interlocutors' position, that critics of Israeli policy would nevertheless agree on one thing: Hamas must be deposed, one way or another. There is no plausible two-state solution with Hamas in power; the harsh critics are almost all self-styled progressives, and there is nothing progressive about Hamas's policies toward freedom of religion, LGBTQ rights, women, militarism, antisemitism, and so on, nor its constant theft of humanitarian aid. Hamas's rule in Gaza is essentially every Progressive's worst nightmare.

Yet, ever since at least 10/10, when it became clear that Israel's reaction to Hamas's atrocities was not going to be to capitulate, the harsh critics have been all but unanimous in calling for Israel to essentially surrender ("immediate ceasefire") with Hamas still in power, and have almost to a person not called on Hamas to surrender and abdicate. (And self-styled human rights organizations have felt free to make up human rights law, including contradicting their own past public positions in other conflicts.)

I have to admit that I underestimated the mendacity of these people. As much as I knew that they hated Israel much more than they were concerned with the well-being of Palestinians, I didn't imagine that they would be willing to run interference for, if not outright support, Hamas, certainly not after Hamas put its brutality and genocidal intentions on display for all the world to see. I would have expected something more like "immediate ceasefire, but the world has to work on replacing Hamas with something else."
Netanyahu Made a Huge Mistake in Suspending Eylon Levy
In a terrible PR decision, Eylon Levy — the brilliant spokesperson for the Israeli government — has been suspended by the Prime Minister’s Office after Levy’s response to British Foreign Secretary David Cameron regarding humanitarian aid provoked anger.

Whether the UK or anyone else in the world likes it, Levy is a very effective spokesman for Israel, and suspending him is a bad decision. There were also reports that Netanyahu’s wife had pushed for the ouster because of Levy’s past criticism of Netanyahu.

As the owner of one of the world’s leading independent PR firms, I know that Eylon is a native English speaker, quick-thinking, intelligent, quotable, and is doing simply a brilliant job. Eylon should be given many more opportunities to defend Israel — not taken off the case.

The Zionist prophet Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the ideological forefather of Netanyahu’s Likud Party, said about the importance of Public Relations: “The work of the publicist is a legacy from the Prophets of Israel … Our passion is to speak, to proclaim … One thing that the audience forgets is that speech is also an action — perhaps the most authentic of all other actions. Cities have been destroyed, and more will fall, but what was shouted in the wilderness thousands of years ago is alive and still relevant. The world was created by the word. The world will be mended by the article.”

Eylon Levy has been doing just that. From his raised eyebrows to battling absurd media questions, he fights day and night against a biased media as he brilliantly articulates Israel’s point of view on the world stage.
By Daled Amos

From March 2018 to December 2019, the media reported on The Great March of Return

Each Friday, the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza approached the barrier separating Gaza from Israel in "spontaneous," "peaceful" protests, demanding the right to return to their homes in "Palestine." It didn't take long for Hamas to co-opt the protests. Soon, amidst the smoke of burning tires and under cover of night, Gazans attempted to break through the fence into Israel.

These were not peaceful protests; they were destructive riots. But how does international law apply to civilian rioting in support of military objectives? Which paradigm is applicable: Conduct of Hostilities or Law Enforcement -- or a combination of the two? 

The March was useful for Hamas. It put pressure on Israel to deal with masses of Gazans at the barrier, many of whom tried to break through and infiltrate into Israel. The Gazans who were killed or injured became frontpage news generating worldwide condemnations of Israel

By the end of 2019, Hamas "postponed" the weekly riots.
But on October 7, 2023, Hamas penetrated the barrier -- murdering, raping, and kidnapping Israeli civilians.

Now, riots against Israel are again in the news, but this time they are around the world. These are pro-Palestinian riots, and they are not peaceful -- but that does not stop the media from calling them "protests" even while describing the destruction they cause. After all, no one wants to admit the government is losing control:
NBC: Buildings vandalized during pro-Palestinian rally in West Hartford: police
o  LA Daily News: Lawmakers call for DOJ investigation of pro-Palestinian vandalism at LA veterans cemetery
o  ABC News: Pro-Palestinian protesters deface front of the New York City Public Library
o  Axios: Multiple congressional offices hit with pro-Palestinian vandalism
Beyond the destruction, another goal of the riots is disruption:
Some have questioned the methods of the rioters. After all, how can they hope to change people's minds when they resort to violence and inconveniencing people? This misses the point. The rioters and those organizing them are not interested in reason and dialogue. They are pushing an agenda.

And they are using public disruptions as leverage.

This is not a new form of protest. It is an application and even a refinement of hybrid warfare. The NATO Review explains the concept:
Conflicts are fought in new, innovative, and radically different ways. With the advent of modern hybrid warfare, they are less and less about lethal or kinetic force.

It is important to note here that the concept of hybrid warfare might not be entirely new. Many practitioners contend that it is as old as war itself. Nevertheless, it has gained significant currency and relevance in recent years as states employ non-state actors and information technology to subdue their adversaries during or—more importantly—in the absence of a direct armed conflict. [emphasis added]
 Back in 2018, during The March, The Begin-Sadat Center For Strategic Studies made the connection between the Hamas-inspired riots and how other countries were also weaponizing unarmed civilians. For example, during the Russian campaign in Georgia:
Those campaigns made deliberate and effective use of the combination of military force and civilian activity. In the fighting in Georgia, for example, armored forces were able to enter the north of the country thanks to the efforts of Russian-oriented Georgian-Abkhaz civilians, who, in a preparatory move, seized the tunnels and bridges of the expressway that leads to the capital, Tbilisi.
This is not limited to Russia, nor does there have to be a military component: "Similarly, Beijing is making use of thousands of civilian fishing boats in its efforts to extend its sovereignty over the South China Sea."

According to The NATO Review, hybrid warfare does not require a context of all-out war:
What takes the centre stage here is the role of civilians: how they think and act in relation to the state. Contemporary digital and social media platforms allow hybrid actors to influence this to the detriment of the adversary state with considerable ease. The Russian online disinformation campaigns, some of which are very subtle yet grave, against some Western states constitute a good case in point. [emphasis added]
The riots we are seeing are not spontaneous. They are a means to push an agenda, demanding that Biden and the Democratic Party support a ceasefire in Gaza. The alternative is the disruption of Biden's presidential campaign. 

These riots are not like the anti-Israel protests we are used to. The Toronto Sun points out that instead of the smaller, less organized anti-Israel protests we are used to, now
Hundreds, sometimes thousands, participate. They’ve got professionally-rendered signs and banners. They’ve got transportation, and food and drink. And they’ve got organizers who wear uniforms and control the crowds.

There is more to this than just better organization; there is also better funding. But the money is for more than just staffing and supplies. People are being paid to riot:

pro-Palestine — and, increasingly, pro-Hamas — protestors are being paid to protest.  To block highways and roads.  To intimidate and threaten Jews and non-Jews. To cause chaos.

From the Palestinian Authority's pay-to-slay program, we have now arrived at the pay-to-riot program. The people who hold the money call the shots. Since the organizers are still paying out despite the riots, vandalism, and chaos  -- it appears that the rioting, vandalism, and chaos are what the organizers want.

According to Francesca Block, writing for The Free Press, one of those funding this chaos on the streets of the US is the American-born tech entrepreneur, Neville Roy Singham. He is the founder and one of the lead supporters of The People’s Forum. The group helped to organize at least four protests after October 7 as of November 14.  One of them was on October 8, before Israel had taken any action in Gaza:

The New York Times found ties between Singham and "a lavishly funded influence campaign that defends China and pushes its propaganda":

What is less known, and is hidden amid a tangle of nonprofit groups and shell companies, is that Mr. Singham works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.
The article describes him as "a socialist benefactor of far-left causes." Singham denies any connection with the Chinese Communist Party or China itself. However, according to the article:
He and his allies are on the front line of what Communist Party officials call a “smokeless war.” Under the rule of Xi Jinping, China has expanded state media operations, teamed up with overseas outlets and cultivated foreign influencers. The goal is to disguise propaganda as independent content. 
"Smokeless war" is a good description of hybrid warfare.

The August 2023 Times article makes no mention of Israel, Palestinian Arabs, or Gaza, but as a supporter of far-left causes Singham's People's Forum supporting violent protests is not surprising. For China, the riots are not necessarily a question of supporting Gaza, but rather using pro-Palestinian protests and the chaos they create to undermine the US. 
These Chinese media interests are helping sow discord in the U.S., Rep. Mike Gallagher, the chairman of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, told The Free Press.

“The Chinese Communist Party uses tools like Confucius Institutes on college campuses, TikTok’s addictive algorithm, and organizations like those that Mr. Singham funds to divide and weaken America,” Gallagher said.
If Gallagher is right, the chaos created by these "protests" is not a bug.
They are a feature.

Which means that Israel is not the only target.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas remains enormously popular among all Palestinians., both West Bank and Gaza, according to a new poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research released today mostly mirrors the results from the last survey in January.

71% of Palestinians, in both the West Bank and Gaza, supports Hamas' decision to attack Israel on October 7. This represents a significant drop in the West Bank and a significant increase in Gaza.

64% believe Hamas will win the war. 

59% want to see Hamas control the Gaza Strip after the war, far more than Fatah. In the West Bank, 64% want to see Hamas control Gaza.

75% in the West Bank and 62% in the Gaza Strip express approval with how oHamas is performing during the war. The only people in the world with a higher approval rating among Palestinians is Yemen, with 83% approval.

Hamas was the political party supported by a plurality, 34% to 17% for Fatah. 

Yet the presidential candidate that Palestinians are most interest in is terrorist Marwan Barghouti.

There is one response to the survey that proves that, to put it charitably, Palestinians are delusional.  

As we found in the previous poll, almost all Palestinians (94% think Israel has committed war crimes during the current war. By contrast, only 5% (compared to 10% three months ago) think Hamas also committed such crimes; 4% think Israel has not committed such crimes and 91% think Hamas did not commit war crimes during the current war.

80% (compared to 85% in December 2023) say they did not see videos, shown by international news outlets, showing acts committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians, such as the killing of women and children in their homes; only 19% (11% in the West Bank and 30% in the Gaza Strip) saw these videos.

When asked if Hamas did commit these atrocities that are seen in these videos, the overwhelming majority (93%) said no, it did not, and only 5% said it did. The belief that Hamas fighters have committed atrocities against civilians is higher among those who did watch videos showing such atrocities (17%) compared to those who did not (2%).

In other words, 83% of Palestinians who saw video of Hamas murdering women and children in their homes do not think that they attackers committed any atrocities.

Talk about cognitive dissonance!

There could be several explanations. One is that they simply don't accept what their eyes are telling them. Or they might think that the atrocities were done by other non-Hamas Gazans.

Or, perhaps, they do not consider butchering Jews to be an atrocity, or a violation of international law, in the first place.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Ian:

John Podhoretz: Israel Better Get a Move On
My time of marveling is almost at an end. Today, Netanyahu informed his fellow Israelis that Biden had told him Israel should not enter Rafah, and that the Israeli PM told the American president there was no alternative. “We have a disagreement with the Americans about the need to enter Rafah,” Netanyahu reported to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Knesset. “I made it clear to the president in our conversation, in the clearest way, that we are determined to complete the elimination of these battalions in Rafah. There is no way to do it except by going in on the ground.”

Stuff is going to happen now, over the next week. Negotiations over hostages are going to heat up. American officials (Secretary of State Blinken primary among them) are traveling to talk ceasefire. An Israeli delegation headed by Bibi intimate Ron Dermer will go to DC to be briefed on some magical American plan to win with war without having to, you know, actually win the war.

This cannot hold. Israel has to go into Rafah. America is now saying flatly Israel should not go into Rafah. What this says to me is this:

Israel is going to go into Rafah, at which point Biden will cease being Balaam and he will go flat-out negative. He will say America had a plan and Israel refused to take it up. He will say Israel has chosen to endanger Palestinian lives. He will say he was more patient and more supportive than any American president has ever been (which is true), but that enough is enough and he’s had it and Israel is doing wrong.

I do not believe that I’m in any position to give military guidance to the Israelis, and they would be stupid to take it if I did. But if Israel has the means and the ability and the plan at hand to do what it needs to do in Rafah to win this war, it should do so as soon as it is possible to do it. This dynamic with the Biden administration cannot get better, and Israel would be better off establishing facts on the ground and showing progress in the destruction of the final pieces of Hamas’s terror infrastructure than it would be if its continuing inaction simply accelerates speculation that it can maybe be talked out of finishing what it was forced to start after October 7.
Seth Mandel: Lifting Hamas Off the Mat
The times I feel most sympathetic to the Palestinians are when their “allies” in the West try to help them. Whatever the crimes and mistakes of the Palestinians over the years, I can’t think of anything they’ve done to deserve, say, Canada or Tom Friedman.

Several days ago, something unsettling but important happened. Hamas executed the leader of the powerful Doghmush clan of Gaza. The clan’s offense appeared to be its alleged collaboration with the Israeli military to distribute humanitarian aid to Palestinians.

Essentially Hamas’s argument is the same as Vizzini’s in the Princess Bride when he tells the man who has come to rescue the princess from him: “You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen!”

Now I don’t know if things have gotten a bit wilder in Canada since I was last there a few years ago, but the NDP, a center-left minority party in parliament, saw in that bloody chaos the finished product of state formation. The NDP introduced a measure to recognize the State of Palestine. Eventually the resolution that passed was watered down to merely say Canada is working toward Palestinian statehood.

To declare or recognize an existing Palestinian state right at this moment would be, in a word, insane. It would save Hamas, enable Iranian proxies to take the West Bank too, and destroy the Palestinian national movement root and branch by permanently establishing formerly Palestinian-ruled territories as Iranian colonies.

And these are the Palestinians’ friends.

Considering Hamas that is maintaining its controversial policy of murdering anyone who eats, I have a hard time understanding the broad popularity of the Save Hamas movement in the West.

Yet what happened to the Doghmush clan is just a risk Tom Friedman of the New York Times is willing to take. Friedman, an absurd figure who nonetheless at times acts as a conduit between Democratic White Houses and Times readers, has a plan for peace. Days after Hamas executed the Doghmush clan leader for supposedly working with Israel to get around Hamas and deliver goods and services to the people of Gaza, Friedman proposed that more Palestinians work with Israel to get around Hamas and deliver goods and services to the people of Gaza.
A More Accurate Accounting of the War in Gaza
War is cruel; that is the definition of war. It is an unpleasant fact of combat, that civilians are always caught in the crossfire. But unlike Israel's enemies, the Israel Defense Forces, have a code of conduct that works to ensure the fewest civilian casualties possible.

However it may sound to civilian ears, the fact is that even if you take the Hamas numbers at face value, Israel is fighting this threat with far more care than is the norm. When looking at the Hamas numbers and the IDF numbers, the combatant to civilian death ratio in Gaza is less than 1:2. In other words, for every combatant killed, fewer than two civilians are killed. While every loss of civilian life is tragic, with this ratio, Israel is achieving something remarkable on the Gaza battlefield.

As a point of reference, according to the United Nations, civilians usually make up around 90 percent of casualties in war.

The IDF's actions in Gaza are unparalleled. Israeli soldiers are confronting an unprecedented form of urban warfare, where civilian infrastructure is weaponized, and tunnels snake beneath otherwise unremarkable neighborhoods. Despite these challenges, Israel maintains a remarkably low collateral damage rate.

These facts are met with deafening silence from the world's leaders. They condemn Israel, accuse it of genocide and clamor for a ceasefire—actions that bolster Hamas's grip on power and ensure that it will continue to rule the Gaza Strip. They are asking of Israel something that they would never ask of themselves.

It's a double standard uniquely reserved for Israel. Allowing Hamas to endure is tantamount to conceding victory to terror. Advocating for a ceasefire while falsely branding Israel as genocidal serves only to embolden Hamas. Refusing to acknowledge Israel's data while embracing the fabrications of a terrorist regime is nothing short of surrendering to Hamas' narrative.

We must ask ourselves why it is that so many around the world prefer the fabrications of Hamas to the facts to be found on the ground. There is no answer that is satisfactory.
  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
A video has been going around of a children's book found in Gaza with antisemitic images including this one showing a man shooting a stereotypical Orthodox Jew.

It also includes another evil Jew, probably threatening to destroy Al Aqsa.

The book is titled  "Maher Al-Hashlamoun, the Living Martyr."

Al-Hashlamoun is in prison, not for shooting a chassidic Jew, but for a 2014 car ramming and stabbing attack, fatally wounding Dalya Lemkus, 26. 

How brave!

This book is catalogued in Gaza's Ministry of Culture. 

This is the pure evil that is mainstream in Gaza.

You can see the entire book in this video.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Haaretz writes:

Those speaking for Israel to U.S. audiences tend not to understand the historical lens through which Americans view the world, or the racial viewpoint that they tend to apply to international conflicts. They do not understand that the visuals that communicate security and control to the Israeli public – like images of soldiers with Gazan detainees – show Americans subjugation and oppression. Even if they can speak English, what is their audience going to hear?

Some of the foreign-born Israeli spokespeople do get this, and have catered their messaging to America and the English-speaking Western world. At the forefront has been the former news presenter Eylon Levy, who, whether you agree with him or not, has managed to get the Israeli perspective across without descending into Netanyahu's farcical "total victory" messaging. 

If there is someone still willing to stand up for Israel internationally who speaks perfect English, has a firm grasp on America's liberal values and can meet Netanyahu's stringent purity test – will they please stand up? 
This was published right before the news that Levy had been suspended from his role, either for a tweet to British Foreign Secretary David Cameron that wa impolitic but accurate, or reportedly because Sara Netanyahu disliked his position against judicial reform.

Either way, it is a huge blow to Israel's efforts to get its message out to the Western world.

I have my own frustrations with Israel's messaging, as I have had for years. In this war, even though it is better, it still has not been effective.

Here are some of the points that Israel needs to get across, that so far have been failures.

Israel needs to emphasize the necessity of destroying (or at least fatally crippling) Hamas. This is a valid military goal under international law; without that Israel is keeping the door open to more October 7ths. Allowing Hamas to regroup is not an option and that point must be made.

Comparisons with Al Qaeda are useful. The group had to be effectively destroyed after 9/11. A recently declassified document gave a good definition of Al Qaeda's irrelevance nowadays, saying the terror group "has lost target access, leadership talent, group cohesion, rank-and-file commitment, and an accommodating local environment." That is a good list of what is necessary for Hamas to no longer be a threat, both short and long term. 

Israel needs to educate the Western world as to the reality of how wars are fought. This narrative has been taken over not by military experts but by human rights leaders who do not understand war.  We see people who have never seen a battlefield confidently declaring that Israel is not doing enough to minimize civilian deaths. The message that needs to be expounded is that urban warfare is extraordinarily difficult, and that fighting an enemy that hides in extensive tunnel networks is virtually unprecedented. 

Beyond that, the world doesn't quite understand the depth of Hamas' evil. This is the first war that has been fought with the goal of maximizing the number of deaths on one's own side. It is the first war where an immoral actor uses morality as its major weapon - to pressure Israel into abandoning its primary goal because Israel does not want to kill innocent civilians. Hamas' depravity is given lip service in the context of October 7, but no one is emphasizing how shameless it is towards its own people. Hamas has billions of dollars and has stolen hundreds of millions more, all to attack Jews - and hardly any to protect or help its own people.

One of the points I made early in the war has barely been mentioned anywhere else: things were getting better for Gazans, consistently, before the pogrom. More jobs, more imports, more exports, more movement than at any time since before Hamas took over. The "siege" was effectively over. Hamas decided to throw all that away. But even worse, Hamas only kept things relatively calm in Gaza to fool Israel into thinking that it cared about the welfare of its own people. It doesn't. It looks at Palestinians as nothing more than potential recruits and at the very least, useful human shields who are worth more dead than alive, more valuable suffering than happy.  

No one is talking about logistics, “Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics, ” said 
General Robert H. Barrow, Commandant of the Marine Corps in 1980. Logistics for the military in an environment like Gaza is incredibly difficult, and the logistics involved in safely transporting aid to civilians while Hamas is trying to disrupt that very movement is an order of magnitude harder. When Israel turns back a convoy carrying aid to parts of Gaza, it is not a capricious decision just to make Gazan lives difficult - it is based on the environment, the safety of the convoy, and the potential for disruption by Hamas. So many things go into so many decisions, and none of them are "let's make Gazans suffer." The more people know about the reality of war and logistics, the more they can understand Israel's position and predicament. 

The narrative that the IDF acts without thought, or with malice towards civilians, is insane - as well as antisemitic. Israel is spending countless hours trying to minimize civilian casualties, and every one is the result of Hamas decisions to use Gazans as one of their war weapons, as literal human shields. Isrel has layers of decision points, and layers of lawyers, to ensure that everything they do is by the book and legal under the laws of war. That message is not getting through.

When an incident occurs, like the stampede that allegedly killed over a hundred Gazans, the IDF has been better at responding as quickly as possible but it needs to do far more. It needs to be transparent about each investigation and it needs to be as honest as possible.

The IDF is a professional army. A lot of people are involved in every decision, and these people want to win the war with a minimum of collateral damage. Any story that says otherwise is an antisemitic conspiracy theory, where every layer of the IDF bureaucracy is implicated in war crimes and none of them speak up against them. The inner workings of targeting, of internal investigations, of the detailed amount of work involved is not being publicized. 

Israel also needs to emphasize Hamas lies. The very people that are being trusted by the news media and NGOs for casualty statistics regularly issues absurd press releases that are provably false. Israel needs to go on the offense and issue fact sheets showing how Hamas lies and why anyone believing them is simply not paying attention. 

And finally Israel needs to show that its statements in previous wars, that were equally discounted as "hasbara," nearly all ended up being proven true. The skepticism of reporters towards the IDF might be justified if there is no track record, but there is. There is no comparison between the historic veracity of Israeli and Hamas statements. 

Israel hatred won't go away, and those who suffer from Israel Derangement Syndrome won't change. But there are plenty of people in the West who are only being swayed by reporters who do not understand the reality. 

The facts are on Israel's side. But they must be presented in a way that understands how Western journalists and politicians think, or else they all drown in a sea of lies. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



  • Wednesday, March 20, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Fourth-rate pseudo-academic Norman Finkelstein was interviewed on Al Jazeera where he revealed, yet again, his own antisemitism. 

What do you think of the position of the administration of US President Joe Biden and its support for Israel so far?
I personally think that Biden's main concern is that he relies too heavily on what you might call the Jewish billionaire class to contribute to his campaign funds.

Hence, Biden currently supports Israel, supports its genocide in Gaza, and must stand by Israel if he wants to ensure that he receives the campaign funding contributions he needs in order to win the upcoming November elections.
OK, lets look at Biden's biggest donors.

Future Forward USA Action is set to spend $250 million on campaign ads for Biden. Itis led by Chauncey Mclean, which is not exactly a Jewish name. It does get millions from George Soros' Open Society Policy Center, but Soros is emphatically not a Zionist. 

The Service Employees International Union said it would spend $200 million on Biden and other Democratic campaigners. It is led by Mary Kay Henry, a Catholic.

The American Bridge 21st Century SuperPAC pledged to spend $120 on anti-Republican ads for Biden this year. It was founded by David Brock, who is also Catholic.

The League of Conservation Voters is also a major fundraiser for Biden. Its president is Gene Karpinski, it is not clear if he is Jewish. His biography certainly does not show anything about Judaism or Zionism, and neither does the LCV webpage. It is fair to say that nothing Biden can say about Israel would cause them to drop him.

These are the only groups I could find that are pledging or donating tens of millions of dollars to Biden's campaign. Not one of them would reduce their funding a penny if Biden went full-blown anti-Israel. Jews, and certainly Zionist Jews, are not even a blip on Biden's donor list. 

In fact, a letter just written to Biden from 100 smaller donors warning him that he will lose the election unless he turns against Israel has several Jewish sounding names. Biden's policy appears to mirror J-Street, not AIPAC, and J-Street wants the US to stop supporting Israel's war effort.

Finkelstein is propagating antisemitic tropes about Jewish money controlling the government. There is no evidence behind his theory. It is identical to what neo-Nazis say about Jews in America. 

And it proves that antisemitism on the Left is just as toxic and just as widespread as antisemitism on the Right. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

From Ian:

The Invisible Weapon: Propaganda Operations Behind Global Antisemitism and the Israeli-Palestinian Narrative
Of the many, many world events that have surprised and confused me over the past 4 turbulent years, perhaps the most shocking was seeing mass demonstrations across the Western world in support of Hamas in response to their Oct 7th terrorist attack on Israel.

From street protests and traffic blockades to a flood of social media posts, a strong narrative has taken hold globally and is driving a mass anti-Israel activist movement. The narrative goes something like this: Jews are white colonizers who stole Israel’s land from the native Palestinians, created an apartheid state, are holding Palestinians in prison-like conditions, and are committing genocide against them.

Amazingly, every single part of this narrative is definitively false; yet it is widely and passionately believed around the world- especially among young people.

The goal of this text is not to prove why the narrative is wrong, as many other people are already doing so and the facts are readily available to anyone willing to do research. My goal is rather to bring light to the side that no one is talking about, to expose where the narrative comes from and reveal what might be the world’s most successful propaganda and psyop campaign, ever.

Could it be that the widespread falsehoods and misunderstandings about the history of Israel and the long-running conflict between Israelis and Palestinians organically emerged and found ideological adoption around the world? It turns out, no.

In this work, I aim to clearly and concisely demonstrate how the Soviet Union and subsequently the current Russian regime have developed and propagated a fabricated narrative and recruited, trained, planted, and supported a network of agents to carry out a wide-reaching campaign of deception and ideological subversion with the intent to advance their geopolitical interests in the Middle East and beyond — and that this Russian effort is at the heart of modern day global antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment.

In making my case, I will rely heavily on firsthand accounts from expert witnesses who held high ranking positions in Soviet intelligence and verified classified Soviet documents. By definition, the work of the KGB or any intelligence organization, if effective, is supposed to be undetectable and untraceable; which is why it’s crucial to rely on sources from the inside.
The Human-Rights Establishment
Past critiques have shown that regulatory and legal gaps leave significant flaws in how NGOs answer to donors and the governments of countries where they operate, as well as in their responsibility to affected communities when their projects and interventions go awry.

Too often, rights groups have been able to swat away allegations of bias without meaningful proof or challenge. Too frequently, NGO issues have arisen only to disappear from the radar as rogue incidents, rather than being connected as points in a possible pattern. There are too many examples of malpractice that have come to light only because of leaks, rather than because rights groups practice the transparency and accountability that they demand of others.

Shamefully then, they must be made to do so. The push for them to prove, not just claim, their rectitude must be exerted from without and targeted at what does matter to them.

Needless to say, the media must treat NGOs as they would any other source: critically and with fact-checking.

As tax-exempt entities under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, U.S.-based human-rights groups should face rigorous congressional scrutiny like that applied to similarly tax-exempt Ivy League universities in December 2023. Groups based in other countries need similar governmental oversight.

Human-rights organizations must also submit to independent, thorough, external reviews of their operations, with the findings made public — and not only after a reporter happens to find that such a review has been sat on for months.

These audits should include investigating their editing, corrections, and fact-checking processes, as well as complaint mechanisms, meeting minutes, research priorities, resource allocations, terminology, and organizational operations. Staff must be interviewed for their experiences related to workplace culture and management. (In nearly 14 years, I formally reviewed my managers once. Budget reasons, I was told.)

Concerned staff must speak out and join forces if they want to change the course of organizations they feel are gravely distorting their values. One place to start is for them to share their experiences so that the nature and scope of problems can be understood, a first step to forging solutions. NGO Confidential is a new platform designed for this purpose. The often-heard rationale that was my own for many years — “I don’t like what’s happening, but at least if I’m here, I can try to do something about it” — is doomed to fail if everyone thinks it alone.

Focusing on the warped thinking and practice, never mind the deafening silence of many NGOs on Hamas’s wanton savagery of October 7, does not abnegate Palestinian suffering or Israeli abuses.

Rather, pointing this out is to show that the failures of rights monitors before and after October 7 reveal wider problems so fundamental to accuracy and fairness that they ultimately collapse NGO claims to be reliable and apolitical when they serve as society’s presumptive moral ambassadors in the halls of power and influence.

And this focus is about noting the dismal reality that the capacity of people to rejoice at, ignore, and relativize Jewish suffering has historically often been the canary in the coal mine, a portent of society’s wider moral slide.

As such, the corruption of human-rights organizations is a warning light not just for Jews and Israelis, but for all.
Leo Dee: We Are All "Settlers" Now
The Gazans had independence for almost 20 years, after Israel evacuated the 10,000 Jews living in Gush Katif in 2005.

They have enjoyed self-rule and billions of dollars of foreign aid since the Disengagement, with UNRWA-funded schools and Qatar-funded mosques and hospitals.

By attacking Israeli kibbutzim and launching heavy missile attacks into Ashdod, Ashkelon, and Tel Aviv, the Gazans made something very clear. They regard every Israeli as a "settler."

This should not have been so surprising since Palestinians and their supporters have been calling for a Palestinian state "from the river to the sea" for many decades, a term that defines the entire State of Israel as their rightful homeland.

We are all "settlers" now. Hamas has made clear that they see no difference between any type of Israelis.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last week, I suggested that some of the people stealing aid in Gaza might not be Hamas, but regular criminals taking advantage of the high prices for goods. 

Times of Israel has details on the difficulty of delivering aid to northern Gaza from an anonymous aid worker who has made the trip eight times - and this aid worker confirms my theory. And he also confirms that it isn't Israel blocking aid, but the lawlessness and hazardous conditions.

Accounts from inside the Strip indicate it has become increasingly impossible for aid convoys to traverse the route from the south of the Strip, where Israel allows them to enter, to the north, where the worst hunger is.

According to Mark, who asked to use a pseudonym due to the sensitivity of the subject, as Gazans have grown hungrier, relief trucks are increasingly being emptied by both desperate civilians and armed looters before they can reach their intended distribution points.

Aid deliveries are exposed to lawless mobs and gun-toting criminals, making orderly distribution of aid rations to pre-approved beneficiaries a thing of the past.

On Mark’s last time joining an aid delivery, several weeks ago, the convoy was assaulted by armed men.

At around 4 a.m., as the motorcade of 10 trucks making their way to Gaza City passed Khan Younis and neared the central Gazan city of Deir al-Balah, the trucks were halted at an improvised roadblock set up by a local gang.

“We tried to remove the obstacles off the road, but a group of people with donkey carts standing nearby the road came in and threatened us with knives. We tried to negotiate with them and offered to hand out one ration per person off the trucks. But they didn’t want that. Basically they wanted everything,” Mark said, adding that each truck was carrying about 430 food packages.

These gangs, as well as groups of Hamas members, often hoard humanitarian aid from convoys, and resell it on the black market at highly inflated prices, ignoring the “not for sale” markings on each box of food or water.

Eight trucks managed to make it through and then the gang members got “desperate,” Mark recalled.

One of them pulled out a pistol, pointed it at the driver of the second-to-last truck, and threatened to kill him if he moved. The driver revved the engine and the looter fired a shot into the cabin, hitting the passenger seat.

“At that point, we realized it was going to escalate very badly,” Mark said.

The driver jumped out of the truck and was beaten up by the looters, who plundered his truck. He eventually managed to get back in his vehicle and return to Rafah. The other nine trucks made it to Gaza City.
Of course, some of the looters are Hamas but just moonlight as looters, since they have guns. Abu Ali Express documented one Hamas member who advertises on social media the water and diapers he has stolen, with his phone number.

Hamas may or may not be directly behind all the looters, but they benefit from the chaos. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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From Ian:

Saving Sinwar
Hamas’ leaders considered Israel’s willingness to release over 1,000 Palestinians for a single Israeli soldier a victory. Most of the prisoners were ecstatic about their release. But Sinwar denounced the trade. “He was furious, even though he was among those scheduled to be released,” Bitton recalled. He told me that releasing Shalit for a thousand Palestinian prisoners was “not enough.” All of the Palestinians in Israeli jails had to be released. He sent messages to Hamas’ leaders in exile urging them to reject the deal. But he was overruled by Saleh al-Arouri, a senior Hamas leader and the founding commander of its military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassem Brigades (Israel assassinated al-Arouri in Beirut on Jan. 2, 2024).

“Sinwar didn’t care how many Palestinians would die for their cause,” Bitton recalled. For Sinwar, “there was no flexibility, no room for compromise.”

While some Hamas leaders were political, Sinwar thought only about military operations and war. “He was always crystal clear: The struggle against the Jewish state must continue, no matter what he had to do.” If it meant agreeing to close the tunnels between Egypt and Gaza and arresting jihadists suspected by Cairo to enhance security coordination with Egypt, a main supply route to Gaza, that was fine. If it meant trying to reconcile with the Palestinian Authority, which Hamas had violently ousted from Gaza in 2007, by temporarily renouncing violence to pursue “peaceful, popular resistance” to Israeli occupation, which he also did in 2018, so be it. If it meant appearing on Israeli TV to call for a truce with Hamas, in Hebrew, he volunteered. His objective never wavered, though: Do whatever must be done to fight another day and free all Palestinians from jail. Sinwar believed that Israel’s prisons were “a grave for us. A mill to grind our will, determination, and bodies,” he said after his own release.

Having spent hours listening to Sinwar, Bitton had vigorously opposed his release, he disclosed. “I knew he was trouble, and that he would create even more trouble for us outside,” he told me. But he, too, was overruled by higher authorities—in this case, the Shabak, Israel’s domestic intelligence service, then headed by Yuval Diskin. “I wasn’t the head of Shabak,” he said somewhat ruefully. “I was just the head of intelligence in a prison.

Days after his release, Sinwar publicly blasted the deal he had opposed in jail. He also urged Palestinians to kidnap more soldiers to secure the release of his Islamic brothers in jail. “He told me that he had an Islamic duty to ensure that no Islamic fighter would be left behind,” Bitton recalls.

Bitton ultimately paid a personal price for the decision to let Sinwar go free. His 38-year-old nephew Tamir was wounded, kidnapped, and killed by the Hamas terrorists Sinwar sent to southern Gaza on Oct. 7. “I knew when I saw the photo of Tamir that he wouldn’t make it,” he said. “There was too much blood.”

Three weeks after Oct. 7, Sinwar once again proposed that all Palestinians in Israeli jails be released in exchange for the hostages Hamas had kidnapped during its killing spree and barbaric assault. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rejection was fast and furious. Sinwar, Netanyahu said, was a “dead man walking,” vowing to kill Israel’s No. 1 target in its massive offensive. Israel offered a bounty of $400,000 for information about his location. But Sinwar has so far escaped Israel’s wrath.

Last November, the Israeli Defense Forces claimed to have trapped the Hamas commander in an underground bunker after surrounding Gaza City. He escaped. Later, Israeli officials claimed he was in a tunnel in Khan Yunis. Social media carried photos at the time of a shadowy figure fleeing into a tunnel with his children and the wife he had married after his release from jail. Again, he escaped.

The Israelis now say he is moving constantly within the tunnel network in Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city where 1.2 million Palestinians have fled for safety. His presence there, and Israel’s assertion that four Hamas battalions remain there ready to fight, are part of the justification Israel has offered for its planned land offensive in Rafah, Gaza’s main supply area on the Egyptian border. Israel’s military claims to have destroyed or damaged 19 of Hamas’ 24 battalions, each consisting of about 1,000 soldiers.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Feb. 29 that Sinwar had sent a message to exiled leaders claiming that Hamas was winning the war in Gaza and that international pressure would soon force Israel to stop the fighting because of the high civilian death toll, which according to unverifiable Hamas and United Nations estimates, now stands at over 31,000 Palestinians. Israel estimates that it has killed approximately 13,000 Hamas fighters.

Safe in Qatar and Turkey, Hamas’ leadership outside Gaza took a different view: They concluded that Israel was crushing the group and seizing ever more ground, despite increasing pressure from the West for Israel to agree to a cease-fire. Yet according to the Journal, Sinwar assured his confederates that despite Israel’s tactical successes, Hamas’ four remaining battalions in Rafah were fully prepared to withstand a likely ground assault, and that Israel would ultimately yield to Hamas’ demands.

According to the Journal, Egyptian intelligence officials who have received Sinwar’s messages think he has “lost touch with reality.” Yet the success of Sinwar’s bloody Oct. 7 offensive and his presence on (or under) the ground in Gaza gives him credibility and authority that Hamas’ external leadership lacks. Practically speaking, the fighting will end when Sinwar says it does, so his assessment of Hamas’ strategic position and of Israeli psychology is the one that matters.

Whether Sinwar has become demented or merely diabolical, Bitton said, the Hamas leader’s hard-line stance does not surprise him. In his desire to rid Palestine of Jews for good, Sinwar has been nothing if not consistent.
The Strategy of Atrocity in the Gaza War
Hamas is perhaps the first regime in recorded history to fight a war designed to maximize casualties among their own population.

Failing to swiftly destroy Hamas and directly punish Hamas's backers in Iran and Qatar will teach sympathizers in other parts of the Muslim world that strategies of atrocity should be added to the playbook of regimes challenging U.S. allies around the world. Even worse would be for Hamas to actually achieve a strategic victory and gain a Palestinian statehood; such an outcome would ensure that atrocity becomes a standard and widely used strategy for at least a generation to come.

The laws of war -- primarily a Western innovation -- are being weaponized by the enemies of the West, who do not subscribe to Western culture..... Today, the United States and our allies find ourselves at war with states and non-state entities who do not subscribe to the laws of war.

"[T]he Hamas terrorists killed by Israel in the ensuing war, and civilian non-combatants killed in the Gaza Strip while being used as human shields by Hamas. They are all considered "Martyrs" whose families are eligible to receive stipends of 1,400-12,000 shekels [$375-$3200] per month for life." — Itamar Marcus; Founder, Palestinian Media Watch,, January 10, 2024.

The popular accusation of disproportionality is, in point of fact, aimed to prevent Western-aligned nations from achieving decisive victories. Even when the allies of the United States have the military capacity to break the will of the enemy, thereby imposing peace on the defeated, they will be forced to resort to fighting forever wars.

Why should the Israelis be compelled to allow aid into Gaza, when Hamas continues to hold hostage not just Israelis but also Americans? Under the guise of benevolence and generosity, international organizations promote forever wars.

If the type of warfare that we have seen from Hamas is allowed to succeed, and is not met with overwhelming violence and utter defeat, it will become the standard approach for those challenging Western dominance. If, however, we want to live in a world where the laws of war mean something, then the penalties for deliberately flouting them need to be terrible. Otherwise more regimes will be tempted to gain advantage through strategies of atrocity.

The US should stop imposing on our allies a doctrine of defeat.

Finally, the day after hostilities end, the Israelis must protect the new Gazan government from being undermined by renewed efforts to support terrorism and remilitarization.

The only path to peace, other than the destruction of Israel, is through a comprehensive Israeli victory and an unconditional surrender by Hamas in Gaza, and a post-war arrangement ensuring that the Gazans will not be able to commit such atrocities in Israel again.
WSJ Editorial: Democrats Turn Against Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday that “no international pressure will stop us from realizing all of the goals of the war: Eliminating Hamas, freeing all of our hostages and ensuring that Gaza never again constitutes a threat to Israel.” That this is interpreted as a challenge to President Biden speaks volumes about the shift in U.S. policy toward Israel.

The joke around Jerusalem is that while Mr. Biden once worked to help Israel after Oct. 7, he’s now working on the “two-state solution”: Michigan and Nevada. Israelis notice that the President rarely speaks of defeating Hamas anymore. Instead, he bashes Israel under the cover of bashing its Prime Minister.

This dance is Mr. Biden’s way of catering to the anti-Israel left without alienating the bulk of U.S. voters who would find it unconscionable to turn on the Israeli people in wartime. What Henry Kissinger once said about Israel having no foreign policy, only domestic politics, Israelis are now saying about America. How else to explain Mr. Biden’s “red line” on Rafah, Hamas’s final stronghold?

Mr. Netanyahu says, “You cannot say you support Israel’s goal of destroying Hamas and then oppose Israel when it takes the actions necessary to achieve that goal.” To leave Hamas in power in Rafah is to lose the war, and to replace Hamas with Fatah is to lose the peace. That’s an Israeli consensus, not “Bibi.”

Israeli officials say the U.S. military understands that Rafah must fall, but Biden officials don’t. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Monday that “our position is that Hamas should not be allowed a safe haven in Rafah or anywhere else, but a major ground operation there would be a mistake.” Yet none of their political solutions for Gaza can succeed if Hamas battalions remain intact. There will be no politics if Hamas can put bullets in the heads of its Palestinian rivals.

To condemn Israel, Mr. Biden trots out the Hamas figure of more than 30,000 casualties in Gaza. Why doesn’t he mention that Israel says more than 13,000 of them were Hamas fighters? The resulting combatant-to-civilian casualty ratio of around 1 to 1.3 attests to Israeli accuracy and restraint, but that isn’t what they want to hear in Dearborn, Mich.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Reuters:
The U.N. children's agency said on Sunday over 13,000 children have been killed in Gaza in Israel's offensive, opens new tab, adding many kids were suffering from severe malnutrition and did not "even have the energy to cry."

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell did not provide a source for the child fatality figure during an interview with CBS News.

When asked if Russell was referring to the agency's own estimate or was basing the figure on reporting from authorities in Hamas-governed Gaza, a UNICEF spokesperson pointed to a press statement by the U.N. children's agency that attributed the figure to Gaza's health ministry.

As I reported yesterday, the vast majority of deaths reported by the health ministry since January 1 have not come directly from hospitals but from "trusted media sources," meaning Hamas. While the ministry directly counted 890 women and children killed since January 1, it also parrots the supposed deaths of 6,000 more women and children from Hamas in that same time period.

The "trusted media sources" claim 89% of the fatalities that they count outside the MoH are women and children. 

Why does UNICEF believe these numbers? Part of it is because dead Gaza kids mean more funding for UNICEF. There is no incentive to disprove the Hamas numbers, and great incentive to believe them. 

But there is another side to the equation, which is the desire to believe that Israel is targeting children. UN agencies and organizations follow the theme that Israel is one of the worst human rights abusers in the world, so they will highlight any information from any source that confirms their antisemitic bias - and discount anything that contradicts it. 

The entire world eagerly accepts the lies of a murderous terror group.The only reason for that is because the entire world, including the UN, thinks that Jews are less trustworthy than raping, murdering, kidnapping terrorists whose strategy is to maximize their own people's deaths.

Expect other NGOs and the media now to quote UNICEF's false statistics, that came from Hamas via a "health ministry" that routinely lies about Israel and that officially supports Hamas war crimes

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