Wednesday, October 12, 2022

From Ian:

Alan Johnson: On Amnesty’s Antisemitic ‘Apartheid’ Report
This new introduction to the updated 2022 edition of The Apartheid Smear (forthcoming), originally published by BICOM in 2013, critiques a recent Amnesty International report, one of a crop of very similar ‘reports’ published by NGOs and UN bodies in 2021 and 2022 that smear Israel as an ‘apartheid’ state [6]. The introduction is organised in three parts, critically examining in turn the analysis, politics, and methods of Amnesty’s report.

Why is it so important for opinion formers and policy makers who seek peace via the two-state solution to reject the Amnesty Apartheid Report?

Because it has long been understood by democrats on all sides that a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is impossible without the hard work of mutual recognition and peacebuilding, negotiations and compromises, and, eventually, a lasting settlement based on a division of the land and an institutionalisation of the democratic right to national self determination of both peoples.

Some way-stations on the journey to peace have been Madrid, Oslo, Camp David, Taba, Annapolis, and the Kerry-Obama talks. Yes, the last inch of the journey, as the saying goes, is a mile deep, but there is no real-world alternative to trying again to traverse it. Today, that effort will proceed in the more hopeful context of the Abraham Accords, a historic series of agreements between Israel and several surrounding Arab states. For an extensive collection of some of the most creative and expert thinking from Israelis, Palestinians and others about how to recommence that journey to peace see Rescuing Israeli-Palestinian Peace: The Fathom Essays 2016-2020.

However, while a negotiated two-state solution remains the only viable way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by recognising the right of both peoples to national self determination, right now the gaps between the sides remain significant, and there is insufficient trust, or political will, to build the kind of relationships between the leaderships that might allow those gaps to be bridged.

In the real world, which is found at some distance from NGO-UN Reportland, the task of Britain, along with other European states, the US and Arab leaders, is not to make Israel an international pariah as the Amnesty report would have us do, but to prevent further deterioration on the ground, lower tensions, and find ways to improve the situation. This approach may not be well suited to winning applause from a campus audience, but it is well suited to encouraging a recommencement of the peace process down the line. The analysis, politics and methods of the Amnesty report would take us in the opposite direction, and should be rejected as a political dead-end by opinion-formers, policy makers and, not least, Palestinians.

Mainstream Jewish Organizations Don’t Have Leftwing Antisemitism “Under Control”
While the Jewish community is playing the short game, doing what it’s always done to win the moment, radical social justice warriors are playing the long game—what activists call “the long march through institutions”—in inculcating a stark ideological worldview that portrays anyone with power or success (success is a function of power, in this worldview)—America, Israel, Jews, Asians, men, etc.—as oppressors. Schools are teaching students to see people’s identities as markers of privilege and power and to “recognize and resist systems of oppression.” The problem is that the ideologues who are driving the agenda define the oppressor as anyone perceived to be powerful and successful, and the oppressed as anyone they deem powerless and, hence, unsuccessful. It’s a highly simplistic, binary worldview.

With this ideological software running through our kids’ brains, the school system does not have to even utter the word “Jew” or “Israel” for Jews and Israel to be ultimately implicated in oppression. Indeed, this is already happening. Survey data shows a strong correlation between progressive political attitudes on oppression and antisemitism on the left. The Jewish Institute for Liberal Values commissioned a poll of 1,600 likely voters. Survey respondents were split roughly between Democratic and Republican voters. Respondents were asked: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? America is a structurally racist country in which white Americans, and white-adjacent groups who emulate white culture (like Asian Americans and Jewish Americans), have unfair advantages over minorities which must be addressed to achieve equity?” The poll revealed that those on the far left were much more likely to agree with the statement, an indication that progressive ideological attitudes about structural racism are fueling antisemitic and anti-Asian sentiment (viewing Jews and Asians as privileged).

The ideologues are rewiring the way young people think so that they’ll adopt their worldview, including the view that Israel is a “settler-colonialist” state. They are, in effect, laying the groundwork for the Berkeley Law Schools of the future, when there will be more true believers on their side, at which time the future Dean of the Law School will face more pressure from radical activists and less pushback from us.

For Jewish organizations to effectively counter the long-term threat, they must come to terms with the underlying ideology that powers progressive antisemitism. They cannot, on the one hand, pretend to support this oppressor/oppressed binary, as many did in the California Ethnic Studies controversy, and, on the other, hope and pray that such a stance doesn’t ultimately manifest in the portrayal of Jews and Israel as oppressors. As long as radical social justice ideologues are experiencing success pushing a program that simplistically divides the world into oppressed and oppressors and condemns anyone who doesn’t agree with them, we are going to have major antisemitism problems, in ever greater frequency and intensity.

The sooner the Jewish community comes to terms with this reality and stops playing footsie with radical forces, the sooner we can develop strategies and tactics aimed at winning the long game.
Martin Kramer "Semites, Anti-Semites, and Bernard Lewis: The Life and Afterlife of a Seminal Book"
Martin Kramer is a historian of the Middle East and Israel at Tel Aviv University and the Walter P. Stern Fellow at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy. He was the founding president of Shalem College, a liberal arts school in Jerusalem, and a visiting professor or fellow at Brandeis, Chicago, Cornell, Georgetown, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and the Wilson Center. He earned his degrees from Princeton, under the supervision of Bernard Lewis. Among his many publications on Islam, Israel, and the Middle East, Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America (2001) has been widely discussed and influential.

Imagine a Jew waking up each morning in his plush, temporary Jerusalem digs, drinking his chai latte, and saying to himself, “What immediate steps can I take today to make Judea Judenrein? Is there something I can do right now to block Israel’s use of the mountain aquifer that supplies half of Israel’s water? Who can I meet with during my 8-hour workday to ensure that Jerusalem is surrounded by hostile Arab terrorists sworn to annihilate the Jewish people—little girls like Hallel Yaffa Ariel; high school boys like Naftali Frenkel, Gilad Shaer, and Eyal Yifrah; and babies still housed in their mother’s wombs like Amiad Yisrael Ish-Ran?”

“Most of all, how can I get Jews to stop building homes so they can’t take shelter or raise families in their indigenous territory?”

If you’ve imagined all that, congratulations. You’ve just imagined U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides, who, in an October 7 interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), said “We do not support settlement growth. Period. I work every day behind the scenes, with the Israelis, to try and eliminate, slow down or avoid that.”

In other words, Tom Nides daily threatens Israel out of the public eye in his quest to eliminate all traces of a Jewish presence in the place where G-d made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants. God and only God promised the Jews that they would forever inherit this land, which is why it’s called “the Promised Land.” Tom Nides, however, is apparently so powerful that he can render God’s promise to the Jews null and void.

God told Abraham that He would make his descendants “as numerous as the stars in the sky.” But Tom Nides, a Jew, would like to “slow down or avoid that,” at least in the land where Jacob wrestled with the angel and was renamed “Israel” (Yisrael), “for you have contended (‘sarisa’) with the divine and with man and you have prevailed” (Gen. 32:29).

Ambassador Tom Nides has forgotten these words. He does not tremble, thinking of the consequences of turning Jewish land Muslim. For Nides, the nonsensical makes sense in that he thinks he can announce his intentions, publicly, via a supposedly Jewish news service, and God will not know what he, Tom Nides, plans to do. As if he could hide anything from God, though perhaps even Nides read these words in synagogue not three weeks ago, and would have been wise to consider them well:

You remember the dealings of [men in] today’s world, and You [also] consider the behavior of all those who lived in earlier times. In Your Presence are revealed all hidden things and the multitude of secrets from the beginning of creation; for there is no forgetfulness before the throne of Your Glory, and there is nothing hidden from Your eyes. You remember all that has been done, and even all that which is formed is not concealed from You. All is revealed and known before You Adonoy, our God Who observes and looks until the end of all generations.

For You set an appointed time of remembrance, to consider every soul and being; to cause numerous deeds to be remembered and the multitude of creatures without end. From the beginning of creation, You have made this known, and from before time You have revealed it. This day [Rosh Hashana] is the beginning of Your work a memorial of the first day. For it is a statute for Yisrael a [day of] judgment of the God of Yaakov. And over countries [judgment] is pronounced, which of them is destined for the sword [war] and which for peace, which for famine and which for abundance. And on it, creatures are brought to mind, to be remembered for life or for death.

Who is not considered on this day? For the remembrance of all that is formed comes before You: the dealings of man, and the decree of his fate, and the misdeeds of man’s actions, the thoughts of man and his schemes, and the motives for the deeds of man. Fortunate is the man who does not forget You, the son of man who gains strength in You. For those who seek You will never stumble, and never will they be disgraced— all who trust in You. For the remembrance of all their deeds come before You, and You examine the deeds of all of them.

And No’ach too, You remembered with love, and [therefore] decreed for him a promise of deliverance and compassion, when You brought the flood-waters to destroy all flesh because of the wickedness of their deeds. Therefore, his remembrance came before You, Adonoy, our God, to multiply his seed like the dust of the earth, and his descendants as the sand of the sea; as it is written in Your Torah; “And God remembered No’ach and all the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the Ark, and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters were calmed.” And it is said: “And God heard their groaning cry, and God remembered His covenant with Avraham, with Yitzchak, and with Yaakov.” And it is said: “I will remember My covenant with Yaakov, and also My covenant with Yitzchak, and also My covenant with Avraham, will I remember; and the land [of Yisrael] I will remember.”

God remembers Israel and always will, but apparently Nides forgot. Or couldn't care less. At any rate, Nides believes he can go over God’s head by making threats against Israel behind the scenes. As Nides told the JTA: “This is a sovereign country. We can’t dictate to them what they can or can’t do, but I can put as much pressure as I can to make sure they understand our position.”

Tom Nides, it is true, has ways to really hurt the Jewish people, irrespective of what God might want. We know this because we have learned to read between the lines. “Pressure,” in the lexicon of America’s dealings with Israel, is the equivalent of the Arab terrorist’s “legitimate resistance.” Just as “legitimate resistance” gives moral permission to Arab terrorists to murder, decapitate, ram, kidnap, rape, bomb, stab, and burn Jews—even civilians, children, babies, rabbis, and grandmas—“pressure” means, for example, no more American aid, Iron Dome, or F-35s.

“Pressure” might also, for example, mean many more pallets of cash for Iran, so eager to spend that money toward the obliteration of the Jews. 

Why would he, Tom Nides, do these things to Israel? Because he, Tom Nides, can rally the combined hate of the world against the Jews, to finally prove to the world, that he, Tom Nides, is not one of THOSE Jews—the ones whom everyone hates.

It’s a funny thing: God can see everything about Tom Nides, but Nides can’t see God. Is it possible that Nides has dyslexia, or that he has never read the bible? Does Nides not know that God commanded the Jews to settle the Promised Land?:

“And you shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have assigned the land to you to possess” (Numbers 33:53).

Settlement in Judea and Samaria is a mitzvah, a religious imperative. But Tom Nides, in his JTA interview, suggests he doesn’t care about any of that, demonstrating that God’s words mean nothing to him. Nides thinks he can turn his back on his tradition, his people, and his God. Perhaps he thinks it is the only way he can declare his allegiance to the non-Jewish world, as if to say, “Here I am, Hineni. I am not one of them, the accursed Jews.”

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From Ian:

Left-wing lawmaker causes uproar after saying IDF 'executes' Palestinian children
An Israeli lawmaker caused a firestorm Wednesday after footage emerged in which he accused Israeli troops of carrying out deliberate killings of Palestinian minors. MK Ofer Cassif, who represents that Arab-Jewish party Hadash in the Knesset, said in a speech on Tuesday that the recent deaths in Judea and Samaria have only one side to blame – Israel.

In the footage obtained by Israel Hayom on Wednesday, a day after it was filmed, the lawmaker can be seen saying that the recent spate of terrorist attacks on Israelis, including deadly shooting incidents in Jerusalem and Samaria in successive days, could be explained by Israel's overall actions throughout the years and that the real victims were the casualties on the Palestinian side who died during Israeli counterterrorism raids.

"The root cause is the occupation, it is an injustice in and of itself; 12 Palestinians were murdered in the occupied territories, including minors, children who were executed. This bloodshed is terrible, the occupation is a form of injustice," he said, ignoring the fact that Israeli troops targeted armed Palestinians during the raids.

During the event, which was attended by other lawmakers from Arab parties, the participants were asked whether they would agree that terrorist attacks on IDF soldiers should stop. Joint Arab List leader Ayman Odeh tried to evade the question, saying that "everyone is a victim of this wicked occupation... Arabs and Jews are dear to everyone and we do not want even one person to die. We have to end the occupation."

In the wake of Cassif's comments, Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued a harsh rebuke. "Cassif has once again crossed a red line with lies and incitement precisely when the IDF soldiers are protecting all Israelis – Arabs and Jews alike – from murderous terrorism. They have been doing this with professionalism, determination, and in accordance with IDF values and purity of the arms, and we should all praise them for this." Gantz vowed to provide "full backing" for the soldiers and added that "precisely because of statements like that no government will have the Joint Arab List in it," referring to the Nov. 1 election, from which he hopes to emerge Israel's prime minister.

In response to Gantz's comments, Cassif said, "If a war criminal like him attacks me, then I am in a good place."
Ruthie Blum: Israel’s far-left is no better than the anti-Zionist Arab parties
One campaign mantra of the camp of Israeli opposition and Likud leader Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu ahead of the Nov. 1 Knesset election is that interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid will not be able to form a coalition without the Arab parties.

Barring a miracle—or an egregious manipulation of the system similar to that which Lapid and Naftali Bennett pulled last year—this numerical given is a truism that the “anybody but Bibi” politicians have been trying to obfuscate.

Though having no choice but to lean on the support of Hadash-Ta’al and Balad in order to keep Netanyahu from returning to the helm, they are aware that the public is none too fond of MKs who openly side with Israel’s sworn enemies. As a result, they prefer to point to the one Arab parliamentarian, Mansour Abbas, who distanced himself from his more treasonous colleagues.

The United Arab List (Ra’am) chairman made a historic move by being the first of his ilk to join an Israeli coalition. In fairness to the head of the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Southern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, he did acknowledge that Israel is both a Jewish state and here to stay.

Still, Netanyahu has been highlighting Ra’am’s dubious record to admonish voters not to be lulled into considering it kosher. But there’s another party that warrants at least as much, if not more, negative attention: Meretz—without which Lapid also has no chance of coming even close to a 61-mandate majority.

Like Ra’am, Meretz is polling at four-to-five seats. In other words, each is straddling the electoral threshold.

Meretz, too, moderated its rhetoric when it became part of the now-defunct coalition. This is probably why its members penalized the faction’s top honchos in the Aug. 23 primary, and elected Zehava Gal-On to replace Nitzan Horowitz as party leader.

It was an ironic turnaround.

Horowitz brought the party out of backbench exile and into the glory of government, serving for the past year and a half as health minister. Gal-On, on the other hand, resigned five years ago from her post as chair of the far-left party, reappearing on the scene to resume her coveted spot.

In an interview on Oct. 8 with the Mako Weekend magazine, Gal-On let her radicalism rip. This wasn’t novel. She’s never been one to hide her aversion to Jewkhaish settlement and sympathy for the “plight” of Palestinian terrorists “under Israeli occupation.”
Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians' New Enemy: British Prime Minister Liz Truss
The defamation campaign against the British prime minister is yet another sign of the ongoing radicalization of Palestinians not only against Israel, but anyone who dares to say a good word about Israel. This radicalization is the result of the massive campaign by Palestinian officials and media outlets to delegitimize Israel and demonize Jews.

The campaign coincides with the Palestinian leaders' continued talk about their commitment to the so-called two-state solution.

If the Palestinian leaders are so committed to the "two-state solution," they should cease and desist from their lethal incitement against Israel.

It is this campaign of hate that is the real obstacle for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. For many years, the Western countries that fund the Palestinians have utterly ignored Palestinian incitement against Israel.

Now, as is evident from the attacks on the British prime minister, Western leaders are themselves becoming victims of the Palestinians' smear campaigns. This is what happens when Western governments lavish untold millions of dollars on the Palestinians without requiring accountability and without demanding an end to the venomous Palestinian rhetoric against Israel and Jews.
Last October, the New York Times described how forward=thinking the UAE is in diversifying its energy needs towards more green tech:

The Emirates plans to spend 600 billion dirhams, or $163 billion, over the next three decades to reduce the emissions from power plants that now burn enormous volumes of natural gas in part to cool buildings in the fierce Gulf heat. A lot of the money will go into solar farms, which can be set up across the sands of the Emirates. Another source of clean power will be a group of four nuclear reactors recently built by South Korean contractors in Abu Dhabi that are gradually coming online.

Analysts say that spending so much money is bound to have a major impact in a small country of 9.9 million people that is already well ahead of neighboring petroleum exporters like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in diversifying their economies away from oil. The Emirates, for instance, is a regional hub for finance, logistics and tourism.

And more funding is likely to be forthcoming to support the green agenda, like retrofitting buildings so that they don’t suck up so much power for air conditioning, or converting transportation to electric power or hydrogen. The Emirates is one of those places with the riches and the will to implement “loss-leading projects that are about being at the cutting edge,” said Raad Alkadiri, managing director for energy and climate at the Eurasia Group, a political risk firm.
But when the NYT writes about Israel and green tech, things suddenly get more problematic.

This is the great solar tower of Ashalim, one of the tallest structures in Israel and, until recently, the tallest solar power plant in the world.

“It’s like a sun,” said Eli Baliti, a shopkeeper in the nearest village. “A second sun.”

To backers, the tower is an impressive feat of engineering, testament to Israeli solar innovation. To critics, it is an expensive folly, dependent on technology that had become outmoded by the time it was operational.

Sometimes it feels like a dystopian skyscraper, looming ominously over the cows and roosters of a dairy farm across the road. The tower’s height prompts comparisons with the Tower of Babel, its blinding light with the burning bush. Its base looks like the hangar of a spaceship, its turret the pinnacle of a fantasy fortress.

Using energy from the sun, the tower generates enough electricity to power tens of thousands of homes. Completed in 2019, the plant showcases both the promise and the missteps of the Israeli solar industry, and it is a case study in the unpredictable challenges that await any country seeking to pivot from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

For many villagers, who moved to Ashalim for a flawless desert view, it was a considerable blot on the landscape.

“I’m pro clean energy,” noted Mr. Malka, who runs the pool. “But they chose to do it on the road by the village.”
In the UAE, solar power is wonderful. In Israel, it is problematic.

Anyone wonder why?

(h/t Joshua F)

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From all appearances, the new Lebanese-Israeli maritime border agreement seems to indicate that Israel has given up significant positions for very little return. 

David Schenker summarizes in the Wall Street Journal:
During negotiations, mediated by the Biden administration, Israel conceded the entirety of its claims to the 330-square-mile zone to Lebanon in return for a 3-mile internationally recognized buffer zone adjacent to the shoreline. The remainder of the zone goes to Lebanon, which will also have the right to exploit a natural gas field known as Qana, which extends south of the frontier, and an obligation to remunerate Israel for the extracted gas there.

The contours of the proposed deal are stunning. ...As per the new agreement, Lebanon will attain virtually 100% of its initial negotiating position.

It’s a remarkable turn of events, especially given Beirut’s profound lack of leverage. 
Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist organization, also played an important if indirect role in the talks. The organization has threatened to attack the Energean floating production system rig in Israel’s Karish field, south of the 23 line, if the ship started to extract gas prior to reaching an agreement on the maritime border. Before Hezbollah’s warning, Israel announced that pumping would start in September. In the absence of a deal, extraction didn’t commence.  

Israel's logic seems to be that if Lebanon becomes a partner in selling natural gas, Hezbollah is far less likely to start another war. But Israel is permanently giving up hundreds of square miles of maritime rights for an assumption of logic on the part of a group that slavishly does whatever Iran tells it to do. And Hezbollah has a history of not giving a damn about Lebanon when it makes its own decisions. 

It turns out that there was practically a mirror image of these negotiations happening on Israel's other maritime border, with Egypt. Al Monitor reports that Israel appears to have given up on its maritime rights in the sea off the Gaza coast as well:

Egypt succeeded in persuading Israel to start extracting natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip, after several months of secret bilateral talks, according to information provided to Al-Monitor by an official in the Egyptian intelligence service and a member of the PLO Executive Committee. 

It comes after years of Israeli objections to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza on security grounds...

The member of the PLO Executive Committee told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity that Egypt informed the PA of Israel's approval to start extracting Palestinian gas off the coast of Gaza. He pointed out that this came after political pressure exerted by European countries on Israel to meet their needs for gas alternatives to Russian gas.

The PLO official said that under the agreement, Egypt and Israel would supervise the extraction process, and that part of the gas will be exported to Egypt, and the bulk of it will be exported by Israel to Europe through Greece and Cyprus. The financial revenues from the process of exporting Palestinian gas will return to the treasury of the PA, with part of these revenues allocated to support Gaza’s economy.

The details are fuzzy, but it is apparent that there are commonalities between the Lebanese and the Egyptian/PA agreements: Israel agreed to both under pressure from world powers, Israel abandoned its long standing positions protecting its own rights, and Israel hopes that these agreements will reduce the chances of war without her enemies Hezbollah and Hamas making  or even hinting at a single promise. 

Avoiding war is of course important, but assuming that making agreements with parties who are adjacent to irrational enemies will avoid war with those enemies is a hell of a stretch, especially one to give up permanent rights for. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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The official Palestinian Wafa news agency reports:

The Palestinian Presidency condemned the continued storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque by settlers, under the protection of the Israeli occupation police .

Today, Tuesday, presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh said that the settlers' continued storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, under the protection of the occupation forces, comes within the framework of the Israeli escalation against our people, their land and their holy sites, and an attempt to impose a new fait accompli that we will never allow .

He warned that the continuation of these escalatory practices against our Islamic and Christian holy sites would lead to more tension and violence and an explosion of the situation. 

Clearly this is the biggest problem for the Palestinians, given that this is a daily headline in their newspapers.

Luckily, Wafa included a video showing what exactly it looks like when "Jewish settlers stormed Al Aqsa" on Tuesday morning.

Be prepared to be shocked at the wanton disrespect for the holy site, as Jews quietly walk about and avoid playing respectful soccer and parkour. 

Comments on this video include, "Oh God, take revenge on them."

The Palestinian foreign ministry was also disgusted by this video of families peacefully walking, issuing this statement on Tuesday:

The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs has warned against the provocative incursions by Jewish extremist settlers on a daily basis into the Old City of Jerusalem and the consecration of Talmudic Judaic prayers in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards.

These "moderates" who cannot stomach Jews quietly walking around the holiest Jewish site cannot be regarded as people who want to have peace with Jews.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

From Ian:

The Palestinian illusion
Prime Minister Yair Lapid has recently announced his vision at the United Nations for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – the two-state solution.

While many lauded Lapid, including President Joe Biden, a policy recommendation based on an illusion is unlikely to succeed. The idea that Jewish and Arab states will coexist peacefully is widespread in contemporary academic and political circles but ignores the reality on the ground.

Unfortunately, a stable and peaceful outcome per the two-state solution is unlikely to emerge soon for two reasons: the Palestinian Arab and the Zionist national movements are not close to reaching a historic compromise, and the Palestinians have proven themselves unable to build a state.

The two are too far apart when it comes to the core issues – Jerusalem, refugees, and borders – and bridging the differences appears impossible. Israel's positions have hardened since the outbreak of the Second Intifada in 2000 and the intermittent Palestinian terror after the Gaza Strip became a launching pad for thousands of missiles aimed at Israeli civilians after 2007.

At this juncture, Palestinian society, under the spell of a nationalist and Islamic ethos, is unable to reach a compromise with the Zionist movement. Recent polls (March 2022) show that two-thirds of the Palestinians say Israel is an apartheid state, and 73% believe the Koran contains a prophecy about the demise of the State of Israel. The current Palestinian education system and official media incite hatred of Jews, who are blamed for all Palestinian misfortunes.

Indeed, Palestinian rejectionism won the day whenever a concrete partition was on the agenda, such as the one offered by former Prime Minister Ehud Barak in 2000 or the one proposed by former premier Ehud Olmert in 2007. Even the "moderate" Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas rejects the idea that Israel should be a Jewish state. Any Palestinian state will be dissatisfied with its borders and intent on using force to attain its goals.

Finally, the two dueling societies still have the energy to battle and, more significantly, to absorb the anguish required to achieve their respective political objectives. Nationalism inspires people to endure pain and hardship during national wars. Often, societal exhaustion – rather than an opportunity for an optimal compromise – ends protracted ethnic conflict. If pain is the most influential factor on the learning curve of societies, it seems that Israelis and Palestinians have not suffered enough to settle.
JPost Editorial: The Palestinians must lay down their weapons to achieve peace
What has been going on in the West Bank in recent weeks is an example of what happens when the Palestinian Authority neglects its responsibility and decides to allow terrorist groups to thrive, to accumulate illegal arms and to operate with impunity.

Israel prefers not to have to enter places like Jenin or Nablus but – as Israeli officials have repeatedly declared – they will continue to do so as long as intelligence shows brewing threats. This was the case on Yom Kippur, a time that the IDF usually rests, when soldiers went into a town near Nablus to apprehend a wanted terrorist suspect.

And while the PA claims it is concerned with the ongoing violence and the activities of armed groups that do not heed its authority, President Mahmoud Abbas has not been taking harsh action to rein in those armed men.

Many of the gunmen are said to be affiliated with Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The Palestinian leadership is particularly worried that the current security deterioration could prompt the IDF to launch a large-scale military offensive similar to 2002’s Operation Defensive Shield, which resulted in the deaths of dozens of gunmen in Jenin and Nablus.

Israel might in the end need to launch such an operation. If Abbas truly wants to prevent that from happening, he will need to be more forceful and take more aggressive steps within the PA and the cities it controls to stop the violence.

It was the late Golda Meir – Israel’s prime minister 49 years ago – who famously said, “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.”

Five decades later, this statement still rings true and will continue to be the case until Palestinians decide that they prefer a different life, one of peace, prosperity and coexistence.

They do not have to look far. The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco are three Arab countries that decided two years ago to set aside differences, to reconcile and to normalize relations with Israel. While the peace with Jordan and Egypt is not warm, there still is peace, and those treaties are pillars of stability in this volatile region.

The Palestinians can have the same. They just have to decide that a better future is what they want.
Johnathan Tobin: Israel walked into a Lebanese trap
Unfortunately, however, the Americans clearly hope that strong-arming Israel in order to help Iran-proxy Hezbollah – which will presumably profit, directly or indirectly, from Lebanon's natural-gas business – will influence its masters in Tehran to stop stalling and sign a new, and even weaker, nuclear deal with the West.

If this happens after more humiliating US concessions to Iran in the negotiations that will likely resume after the midterms, it ought to get Iranian oil flowing freely to the West. That could impact the price of oil in the long term and help the Democrats' efforts to hold onto the White House in 2024, even if it also guarantees that the Iranians will eventually obtain a nuclear weapon. It will also constitute a betrayal of the courageous demonstrators who have taken to the streets in Iranian cities to resist the theocratic regime.

Lapid walked into this trap because he is committed to a strategy of avoiding public disputes with Biden at all costs. For months, as the Americans moved closer to an agreement with Iran that he knew was antithetical to any notion of protecting the security of Israel or its Arab allies, he spoke of trying to influence the US not to go down the path of appeasement.

Iran's hardline stance in negotiations momentarily seemed to vindicate him. Yet, when Biden gave him his marching orders on Lebanon, he appeared to have believed that he had no choice but to blindly obey.

Seen from this perspective, it's clear that Lapid was not so much surrendering to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah as he was to Biden, though the blow to Israel's national interests was much the same.

It remains to be seen whether Biden will tolerate, even if only for the five weeks until the election, Lapid's act of political survival in moving away from the Lebanon pact that the US administration has ordered him to accept. What is obvious, however, is that Lapid has not yet learned what Netanyahu came to understand during the course of his 15 years as prime minister.

Managing relations with Israel's sole superpower ally is the nation's top foreign-policy priority. And though doing so is vitally important, Washington can't be allowed to dictate to its small Israeli ally. The true measure of an Israeli prime minister's diplomatic acumen is not how close he can stay to an American president. The real test is showing that a premier can say "no" to the Americans when it's absolutely necessary, as it was with respect to the natural-gas-fields dispute.

Lapid failed that test. Biden and his team now understand how far they can push him, even when Israeli security is on the line. That's a fatal flaw in any leader.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

  • Sunday, October 09, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
I wish everyone a happy Sukkot!

Here are a couple of typos from 19th century ads for Lulavim and Etrogim.

Bloch corrected the "zulofes" in subsequent years.

But this one seems to move the typo of "lulofim"  from English back to Hebrew!

Which reminds me of this bizarre Yom Kippur greeting I tweeted last week, where someone transliterated a bad English mispronunciation of "g'mar chatimah tovah" back to unintelligible Hebrew:

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Yesterday, Islamic Jihad (PIJ) celebrated the 35th anniversary of its founding with a military parade through Gaza City. It has been advertising the event for weeks.

But although the webpage of its organ, Palestine Today, has lots of articles about the celebration, there are very few photos showing how many people actually attended,

The video of Islamic Jihad's military parade is heavily edited with mostly tight shots, not allowing one to see large crowds. At the very end, we see two seconds of an aerial view, where it appears there are more vehicles in the parade than members of the audience.

The actual anniversary rally occurred on Thursday. It did seem to attract several thousand people.

The video of the speech by PIJ's leader was pre-recorded. He didn't make a live speech in front of the crowd, worried about being assassinated.

Compare to my photos of the 25th anniversary rally with many thousands attending.

It seems like Islamic Jihad's popularity has gone way down.

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From Ian:

Amb. Dore Gold: Why a Two-State Solution Won’t Work
There is a school of thought among historians that each of the Arab states, back then, had its own particularistic aims for attacking Israel: Damascus was looking to establish a Greater Syria in the Levant, Amman hoped to reinforce its hold on the holy sites of Jerusalem after the Hashemites lost the holy sites of Islam that they once held in the Hijaz, and Cairo was looking to connect itself with the Mashreq – that portion of the Middle East that was located in West Asia – and by doing so avert becoming isolated in North Africa.

If the considerations of the Palestinian Arabs were paramount for the Arab world, then why wasn’t a Palestinian state established in Judea and Samaria during those years, when the Arab world had the chance because it already held those areas?

True, the Palestinian Arabs tried briefly to set up a mini-state in the Gaza Strip, known as the All-Palestine Government, but it never acquired wider backing through international recognition.

Its association with the Jerusalem mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Palestinian leader most visibly connected with Nazi Germany during the war, undermined the chances of the All-Palestine Government succeeding. Gaza remained an area under Egyptian military occupation until the Six-Day War.

Today, Israel needs to design an approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that keeps in mind the true dimensions of the wider conflict. The Arab-Israel conflict has resembled an accordion that can expand or contract according to international circumstances. In 1967, there was an Iraqi expeditionary force that sought to cross into Israel by cutting through Jordan. The conflict had grown.

By 2022, Iraq was no longer the same strategic factor. And it was Iran that was recruiting Shi’ite militias from all over the Middle East and sending them mostly to Syria.

Today there is a risk that if the two-state solution becomes popularized again, without justification, then Israel will come under rising international pressures to adhere to its terms, even if they do not apply. It risks stripping Israel of its right to secure boundaries which is an integral part of Resolution 242.

What recent events have demonstrated is that a very different Middle East has arisen. Diplomacy remains vital in this new period, but it will only yield results if it addresses the vital interests of the parties which engage in it. That is the lesson of the Abraham Accords, which produced four normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states.

But right now, the two-state solution is just a nice-sounding mantra that will lead diplomats off course. This should be the message of the State of Israel the next time an Israeli prime minister addresses the UN General Assembly.
The silence that screams
Sunday, Oct. 9, 2022 is the 40th anniversary of the 1982 Palestinian terror attack on the Great Synagogue of Rome, in which a two-year-old child, Stefano Tache, was killed and 37 others wounded. Stefano’s brother Gadiel, also wounded in the attack, has just published his memoir, The Shouting Silence, in which he deals with the Italian government’s complicity with the terrorists.

The whole of Italy must thank Gadiel for his strength and determination, and for telling the story of his suffering and that of his whole family, especially his courageous mother Daniela and his father Joseph. His story is a personal one of universal value. It teaches us that victims of terrorism face an emotional tsunami from which they can never completely recover. Their psychological and physical pain is unacknowledged and still far from being fully understood, defined and addressed.

In recent months, Israel has faced a wave of terror attacks and attempted attacks. Only the victims know the trauma they must endure, the family heartache, the legacy of physical wounds. During the second intifada, I saw the streets of Jerusalem literally covered in the blood of over 1,000 dead. Yet the aggressors were absolved and even exalted as princes of the world’s oppressed. The victims, however, were erased, and Israel and Jews libeled as oppressors.

Gadiel Tache’s account of his personal experience and the horrific political scandal that allowed the attack sheds light on the true nature of anti-Semitic terrorism and the suffering it causes. In his book, Gadiel makes it clear that anti-Semitic terrorism is simply the latest historical iteration of genocidal anti-Semitic violence, which culminated in the Holocaust. Anti-Semitic terror today uses political viciousness, media defamation, campus and social media hate and outright physical attacks on Jews around the world.

This terror is at its worst in Israel, where anyone, anywhere can fall prey to shooting, knife and car-ramming attacks. There is no family that does not have a relative or friend who has been a victim of terror. But there is also no place in the world that has not known anti-Semitic terrorism, from the 1972 Munich Olympics to Paris, Madrid, London, Toulouse, the Netherlands, New York and many American cities, as well as Mumbai, Kenya and, of course, Rome.
Melanie Phillips: Welcome, Sir Tom. It's been too long My 2020 review of "Leopoldstadt"
The analogy with today could hardly be more obvious. Diaspora Jews will always view their position and prestige in society as proof not only that they have assimilated into the host culture but that the host culture has assimilated them. And on that latter point, they will always be wrong.

Those who think that, with Jeremy Corbyn on his way out, Britain’s antisemitism crisis has passed, have their heads stuck firmly in the sand— even if the “moderate” Keir Starmer becomes Labour leader.

The crisis is far broader and deeper. For some of us, Jew-hatred made Britain unbearable years before Corbyn became party leader. We concluded we’d been living in a fools’ paradise, that after Auschwitz there had been merely a 50-year moratorium on antisemitism which had now ended.

Under the fig-leaf of anti-Zionism and Israel-bashing, it was clear that Jews would only be accepted as fully British on condition that they didn’t identify as a people, and certainly not with Israel’s fate.

For some British Jews, therefore, anything that dwells upon the myopia of that doomed pre-war Jewish community may exacerbate the disquiet they already feel.

It’s important, though, for British people to be made more aware not just of the liquidation of the Jews of Europe but also the nature of the culture that was thus destroyed. Many in the wider society have no idea about the significance to Jews of brit milah, for example, or the Passover seder.

Maybe Stoppard himself now wonders how different his life would have been had he been brought up inside Jewish family life.

Except that the specific culture to which he is drawn here is one that no longer exists.

Among Jews who feel the pull of their Jewish identity after years of having ignored or suppressed it, it’s not uncommon for them to identify not with Jewish religious rites and practices, nor with the State of Israel, but with a Jewish culture that is no more.

Sometimes this is a disreputable impulse, identifying with those murdered in the Shoah in order to cloak themselves falsely in reflected victimhood and moral impunity.

For others, though, it’s a Jewish epiphany no less genuine for being so tenuous.

Often, such stirrings of identity occur through discovering the fate of family members who were murdered. Recreating their culture in literary form creates a line of continuity with a people to which no other link is desired.

Indeed, what other link can there be? Often implacably agnostic or atheist, viewing the world through the Christian or secular prism of the society in which they were raised and educated, and indifferent or even hostile to Zionism and Israel, the only way such people can realistically connect to their Jewishness is through the ghosts of their family’s past.

With Leopldstatdt, Stoppard is saying “hineini” — here I am, Jewish people, I am one of you and I am declaring it to the world. Welcome, Sir Tom; it’s been too long.
Last week, Arab media was filled with anger at news that the Jews of Hebron had taken over the Tomb of the Patriarchs and held a concert there on Sunday for the Selichot prayers.

They emphasized that Muslims were not allowed into the building, insisting that this was unacceptable.

But yesterday, no Jews were allowed into the same building. It was filled exclusively with Muslims. It was Judenrein. 

The reason? It was Mohammed's birthday, one of the ten days a year the shrine is dedicated to Muslims only. Just as there are ten days a year it is for Jews only.

Yet there are no screaming headlines about how no Jews were allowed to the site. Because the rules are clear and well-known. The holidays are published ahead of time every year.

Three of the exclusively Jewish days are coming up - this coming Wednesday and Thursday, and next Monday. Expect more angry articles in the Palestinian media, none of which will mention the fact that the holy site is exclusively Muslim exactly as often as it is exclusively Jewish.

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Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur of the "Occupied Palestinian Territories," had a telling exchange with NGO Monitor's Anne Herzberg.

Herzberg, commenting on the reported kidnapping and beheading of a gay Palestinian man, tweeted, "Horrific. Will you be reporting on this @FranceskAlbs?"

Albanese subtweeted, "Passive-aggressiveness of the insinuation aside, I am impressed with certain people's talent for cherry-picking."

Herzberg: "It’s a legitimate question and falls under your mandate. So will you be addressing this case and other LGBTQ+ violations in the PA by Palestinian authorities and armed groups?"

Albanese acted offended: "Of course, I am even surprised you are asking such a question. I intend to investigate all human rights violations, and my visit to the occupied Palestinian territory is particularly necessary to this end."

Of course the UN Special Rapporteur will investigate Palestinian human rights abuses! How dare anyone question that?

Perhaps because since she assumed that position, she has called for submissions for three reports that are meant to attack Israel and none to investigate Palestinian human rights abuses? The three reports are titled, "Deprivation of liberty in the occupied Palestinian territory," "Thematic report to the UN General Assembly on the right to self-determination [for Palestinians only]" and "Is the Israeli conduct of its occupation of the Palestinian Territory in breach of the prohibition against apartheid in international law?"

Perhaps because virtually every tweet since she started the position has been anti-Israel? She has never mentioned Palestinian terror spree earlier this year, she never mentioned the Palestinian Authority or Hamas attacks on their own media freedoms or freedom to assemble, she never mentioned the anti-woman laws on the books in the PA, and she never mentioned Palestinian rockets killing Palestinian children.

The only time she said anything negative about any Palestinians - about rocket fire -  she made sure that the tweets emphasized that everything Israel does it worse.

Here she almost agrees that Gaza rocket fire, while regrettable, is almost justified.

And here she pretty much says that Palestinians can aim to kill Israelis and Israel cannot defend itself.

Given this track record, does anyone honestly think Albanese will ever report anything negative about Palestinians outside of Gaza rocket fire?

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Middle East Eye, an anti-Israel UK news site, has been closely following the potential "disaster" of Great Britain considering moving its Israel embassy to Jerusalem, which Prime Minister Liz Truss has mentioned she is considering.

They claim to have discovered a briefing note by Conservative Friends of Israel, which seems legitimate - and is a very good list of reasons why the UK, or any nation, should move embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem:

It has long been customary for sovereign countries to choose their capital city and for embassies and other diplomatic offices to be located there.

It is understood that the UK Government already owns land in West Jerusalem for an embassy to be built there.

The State of Israel’s main institutions are all located in Jerusalem, including its Parliament, government ministries, Supreme Court and the residences of both the Prime Minister and President. UK diplomats arriving in the country will receive their credentials from the President in Jerusalem and throughout their service will routinely hold meetings in the city.

Efforts to secure a lasting peace agreement and a viable and prosperous Palestinian state will continue.

At its core, a move to relocate the British Embassy to Jerusalem would be a bureaucratic one that recognises the reality on the ground. It would not preclude the Palestinians from establishing their capital in East Jerusalem in the future, nor would it alter the UK’s longstanding view that the future status of the city is an issue that must be negotiated between the Israelis and Palestinians in bilateral negotiations.

Under any realistic two state solution, West Jerusalem would remain under Israeli rule – this has been long-accepted in peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians over decades.

The United States has formally recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved its embassy there,as have Taiwan, Nauru, Honduras, Guatemala, and Kosovo. Australia and Russia have both recognised West Jerusalem as the capital.

The ground-breaking U.S.-sponsored Abraham Accords were negotiated following the U.S. relocating its Embassy to Jerusalem.

Remember how all the "experts" predicted that the US moving its embassy to Jerusalem would spark war and waves of terror?  

They are claiming that again in the UK. And it is just as false. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Saturday, October 08, 2022

From Ian:

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul pictured with fundraiser Maher Abdelqader, who shared Holocaust denial content
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul took several pictures with a Democratic donor who has a history of sharing anti-Semitic content online, including propagating the conspiracy theory that 6 million Jews were not killed in the Holocaust.

Hochul, the Democratic governor running for election in the Empire State, attended a Harvard Club fundraiser in New York City last month where she stopped to take a few photos with Maher Abdelqader.

Abdelqader is the vice president at AI Engineers in New York and is also an activist who has propagated anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, such as sharing a video claiming that Jews are “satanic” and controlling the media and questions whether 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Abdelqader also promoted claims on social media that the Jews were not really from Israel and used his Facebook account to promote the boycott, divestment, sanction (BDS) movement targeting Israel.

“A great fundraiser by a small group of entrepreneurs and business leaders at the prestigious Harvard Club of NYC for NYS Governor Kathleen Hochul,” Abdel Qader wrote in his tweet. “Governor Hochul is an American politician serving as the 57th Governor.”

New York State Governor, Kathy Hochul speaks on stage during The 2022 Concordia Annual Summit - Day 2 at Sheraton New York on September 20, 2022 in New York City.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is running against Rep. Lee Zeldin.

The tweet has since been deleted after Fox News Digital reached out to the governor’s campaign.

Will Reinert, spokesperson for the Republican Governors Association, told Fox News Digital, “Kathy Hochul unabashedly rubbed shoulders with a widely publicized radical anti-Semite — begging the question — who else in the Governor’s inner circle have anti-Semitic ties?”

“With friends like these, it’s no wonder recent polling shows Hochul on the ropes and Zeldin surging towards victory,” Reinert said.
‘The Man Is Brilliant’: Mandela Barnes Praised Rev. Jeremiah Wright After Speech Accusing Israel of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’
Mandela Barnes, the Wisconsin Democratic Senate candidate, praised anti-Semitic pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright as "brilliant" after attending a speech in which the controversial preacher accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and the United States of committing "war crimes."

Barnes posted an Instagram photo of himself shaking hands with Wright at a small group dinner in Milwaukee in 2013. "What's for certain is that the man is brilliant. It was amazing to hear Dr. Jeremiah Wright speak this evening," Barnes, who was then serving as a state representative, wrote in the caption.

Barnes's comments could add to perceptions that the lieutenant governor holds radical views that are out of step with state voters. Barnes's applause for Wright came years after Wright's former congregant, Barack Obama, famously cut ties with Wright in 2008 due to the preacher's inflammatory anti-American remarks. Wright went on a public rant blaming "them Jews" for his fallout with Obama. Wright previously compared the United States to al Qaeda and claimed that the U.S. government invented HIV to kill black people.

Video of Wright's speech at the dinner, which was reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, included strong condemnations of the United States and Israel.

In his speech, Wright claimed the Palestinians "are undergoing ethnic cleansing as we gather here tonight."

Wright also appeared to compare the Holocaust to U.S. actions during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calling for "justice not just for the perpetrators of the war crimes at Auschwitz and in Germany, but justice also for the war crimes at Abu Ghraib, the secret CIA rendition camps where waterboarding is an everyday, commonplace occurrence."

Wright added that "war crimes" are being "committed against Gaza and the residents in Guantanamo" by the Israeli and U.S. governments. He described the American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which ended World War II, as "murders."

While running for lieutenant governor in 2018, Barnes stood by his praise for Wright, telling the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the pastor gave a "good speech that night." Barnes's original post about Wright is still on the Senate candidate's Instagram page.

Barnes campaign spokeswoman Maddy McDaniel told the Free Beacon after publication that "Lieutenant Governor Barnes rejects comments that sow division, and has always condemned anti-Semitism."
Canadian politician found guilty of hate speech against Jews
Travis Parton, the former leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party in Saskatchewan, has been convicted of hate speech against Jews, according to a Wednesday report from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

A Canadian local court has convicted Parton of hate speech, following a video of him claiming that there is a "black sheep" or "Parasitic tribe" that controls the media and Canada's central bank.

In the video, he also said that "what we need to do, perhaps more than anything, is remove these people once and for all from our country."

The prosecution is asking for a one-year jail sentence according to the CBC.

Parton and the law
Parton has been having trouble with the law for the last few years, after he was found guilty of assault against two women, he was sentenced to a year and a half in prison, and served just a year before being released.

The Canadian Nationalist Party dissolved earlier this year after failing to maintain an active party membership of at least 250.


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