Monday, November 29, 2021

From Ian:

White Noise and the Haters of Israel
To me, this story of horror and triumph is Israel’s ethos, encapsulated within a single life. When Israelis and Jews speak, they speak as people who have been chewed up and spit out by history; as people who have crawled out of history by their fingernails. When they invoke morality, it is as people with the most intimate knowledge of the horrors of life. And they know what these horrors have to teach us about how tenuous and compromised morality can be, and what it means to live in the absence of morality. They can speak to its inherent complications, compromises, and desperations. They know, in other words, of what they speak. They possess an ethos their enemies cannot, because they have earned it.

The saints, on the other hand, believe that one can simply assert one’s morality and be done with it — that by claiming to be moral, they become moral. The horrors of life are not just irrelevant but inconceivable to them, because they have never known these horrors. Nor can they conceive of the inevitable consequences of these horrors, because as a sheltered and privileged class, they have always lived without consequences. They will never have to pay the cost of what they demand of Israel and the Jewish people. This is how they can not only advocate hurling the Jews back into statelessness and exile, but actually claim it is the moral thing to do. It is how they can justify and even praise the wanton violence they and their allies incite. It is how they can remain blissfully ignorant of what all this says about their morality and their ethos.

What it says is quite clear: the saints have no ethos. They are a morally bankrupt privileged caste who, in their fantasies of rectitude, presume to judge a people who have known horrors of which they cannot begin to conceive. These are people who weep when Whole Foods runs out of kale, and then condemn those who have survived the gulag. And in a supreme act of hubris, the saints not only judge these refugees from history, but consider themselves their moral superiors. The admonitions of such people can, in the end, never be anything more than white noise.
Promised Government action on anti-Semitism is just blah, blah, blah
Other European states who have expressly adopted the definition have voiced no similar reservations and the Minister failed to identify which of the illustrative examples the Government takes exception to and why. At a time of escalating anti-Semitism in Ireland and criticism of Israel being freely and increasingly used as a Trojan horse to justify and disguise the spread of anti-Semitic tropes, there is a need for greater Government clarity.

O’Gorman assured Devlin of the Government’s commitment to an anti-racism strategy, to the enactment of new hate crime legislation and to preventing anti-Semitism and other forms of racism. He also reminded him of the funding annually provided by the State for many years to support the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration.

Memorialising Jews murdered in the Holocaust in today’s world generates enthusiasm and is not politically complicated. It seems that protecting today’s Jews against escalating anti-Semitism in Ireland generates less enthusiasm and is deemed so complicated that the Government is incapable of endorsing illustrative examples of anti-Semitism agreed and adopted by most EU member states.

The enactment of new anti-hate or anti-racism legislation will have no practical application to countering anti-Semitism if unaccompanied by a working definition of anti-Semitism and illustrative examples. In that context ministerial talk of action being taken to prevent anti-Semitism, to use the words of Greta Thunberg, is just so much “ blah, blah, blah”.
Squash world championship in Malaysia canceled over refusal to allow in Israelis
The World Squash Federation announced on Monday that the men’s world championship scheduled for next week in Kuala Lumpur was canceled after Malaysian authorities refused to allow entry to Israeli athletes.

In its statement, WSF said it “believes in an open and inclusive” event, and it was forced to cancel “due to the lack of confirmation over the issuing of visas and travel authorizations.”

Malaysia and Israel have no diplomatic ties, and Israelis are barred from visiting the South Asian country. In 2019, Malaysia was stripped of the right to host the World Para Swimming Championships for threatening to refuse Israeli athletes, and the competition was moved to London. This year’s tournament was moved to Malaysia from New Zealand because of coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

WSF President Zena Wooldridge indicated that Malaysia’s Olympic officials worked to allow the entry of Israeli athletes, but were unsuccessful in persuading the government to reverse course.

“I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Malaysia for their unwavering efforts to influence the highest authorities of Malaysia to ensure the ability of all participating teams including Israel to enter Malaysia and compete, without any political discrimination, in accordance with the principles and rules of the Olympic Charter,” said Wooldridge. “It is important to WSF that no nation who wishes to compete misses out on the event.”
  • Monday, November 29, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just released yesterday, and it shows two candles, so it has to be watched tonight!

  • Monday, November 29, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
It barely makes the news anymore, but Palestinian Arab prisoners have been going on hunger strikes a lot over the past few months with various demands.

Lately, Palestinian media has been celebrating "victories" where they end their strikes claiming they got their demands.

Here's one:

But as this article shows, he was already supposed to be released on December 14!

Middle East Monitor reported on more "victories" where hunger strikers agreed to end their strikes, but remain in detention for many more months:

Palestinian prisoner Ayad Al-Harimi has suspended his hunger strike after 61 days after Israeli occupation authorities agreed to release him on 4 March 2022.

On 11 November, Palestinian prisoner Miqdad Al-Qawasmi agreed to end his hunger strike, which was ongoing for 113 days, after Israeli prison authorities agreed to release him in February.
In each case it appears that Israel is releasing the prisoners on the original date they were supposed to be released, and not a day earlier.

There is certainly no indication that the hunger strikes are affecting any Israeli decisions on their release.

(h/t Tomer Ilan)

From Ian:

The Most Legitimate State on Earth
For a brief moment in the late 1980s, with communism passing away in Europe and Central Asia and its serf states breathing free, you may have been forgiven for assuming “The End of History” was correct, that the debate about which worldview best guarantees peace and prosperity had been decided, and that proponents of global empire would henceforth speak more softly, if at all. But then came the European Union, the cheerleaders of a hegemonic Pax Americana, an increasingly confident and expansive China, and the captains of the global oligopoly, all braying praises to their new world orders and warning us that attempts to resist them meant returning to carnage and chaos.

If such resistance could be embodied in a state, it would be the Jewish one. Israel may be an enthusiastic participant in international diplomacy and the high-tech global economy, but it is not in any danger of being assimilated into the borg. Its upper crust still sees itself as committed primarily to national interests, not cosmopolitan pieties. And it is not afraid to defy an empire or two for the sake of its survival—as it did, for example, when it bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq and was rewarded only with condemnation from the United States, the United Nations, and everyone in between.

But even more than Israel’s actions, it is the country’s essence that is so troubling to advocates of a global moral and political order that preaches sameness, not difference. Israel’s existence, and its continuing success, are an intimation that the light unto the nations may shine not from the embrace of universalist dogma, whether proclaimed from on high in Brussels or Beijing or Cupertino, but rather from a small nation that insists on living by its own traditions and happy to simply lead by example.

The idea that particularism is not an atavistic survival technique from a benighted past, but in fact the wellspring of human culture and social process, is as wicked to the Davos set as the Peace of Westphalia was to the Roman Catholic Church. To those who despise the idea of national sovereignty and national character, to those who want us all to watch the same shows, buy the same goods, and obey the same regulations and standards of virtue promulgated by a single authority, there can be no greater threat than the continuing existence of a strong, prosperous, and free Jewish state with its capital in Jerusalem. And what case can be made for a particularistic national existence in countries like Japan and France—to say nothing of more brittle constructions like Nigeria, Brazil, or the United States of America—if Israel is judged to be illegitimate?

Israel’s continuing success in the face of universal condemnation and scorn is a reminder that Herder’s celebration of difference was a solution to the universalist dreams of Pope Innocent X and his ideological successors, who nearly drowned the world in blood. Today, the universalist set foolishly insists that there is no greater crime than the belief that people and nations are and should continue to be different rather than the same. Feel free to ignore them.

  • Monday, November 29, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as declared by a 1977 UN General Assembly resolution. 

The date was specifically chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the 1947 UNGA Resolution 181 that called for a partition of Palestinian into a Jewish and Arab state. As the UN webpage for the day says, "The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is observed annually on or around 29 November, solemnly commemorating the adoption by the Assembly, on 29 November 1947, of resolution 181 (II), which provided for the partition of Palestine into two States."

November 29 was a day of celebration for Jews, as the UN recognized the necessity of a Jewish state in Palestine. 

But it also handed the Palestinian Arabs their own independence from colonial Ottoman and British rule. If they would have accepted partition, they would have been given their own state . They would have been able to celebrate their 73rd anniversary this year.

Instead, Palestinian Arabs - and the entire Arab world - violently rejected the partition resolution and started a war within hours of the vote, threatening a "holy war" and  "massacres" of Jews not only in Israel but throughout the Arab world.

Clearly, there was little desire for a Palestinian Arab state. The anger, threats, and terror attacks in 1947 were to stop a Jewish state, not to create a Palestinian Arab state.

By choosing November 29 as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the UN is extending the genocidal intent of the Arabs in 1947. It has nothing to do with the desire for a Palestinian state, but for the destruction of the Jewish state. That choice of date is a deliberate insult to Jews. 

It is notable that in 1977, when the resolution was made, Palestinians were still best known as international terrorists. And barely four months after this resolution, Yasir Arafat's Fatah murdered 38 Israeli civilians including 13 children in the Coastal Road Massacre. The UN called for solidarity with murderers and terrorists against Israel, not for them to build a state.

Similarly, "Nakba Day" is not the date of any massacres, or military defeats, or expulsions, but it is tied with the date Israel declared independence. Nakba Day commemorates a "catastrophe" because that was the first full day of independence for Israel.

Both the Day of Solidarity and Nakba Day give a message that is anti-Israel, not pro-Palestinian. They say that any days that Jews celebrate are days of mourning for the world.

The outbreaks of Arab violence in Palestine before 1947 were generally not aimed at throwing off colonial rule or agitating for a Palestinian Arab state. The violence was all primarily aimed at the Jews - against Jewish immigration, against Jewish land ownership, against Jewish nationalism. 

Think about the Palestinian "red lines" for accepting peace with Israel:  control of the Old City of Jerusalem, ethically cleansing Jews from Judea and Samaria, insisting that millions of Arabs have the right to "return" not to a Palestinian state but to the hated Jewish state, releasing terrorists who have attacked Jews from prison. Not one of them is a prerequisite for a state. All of them, however, are deliberately intended to weaken the Jewish state and Jewish ties to the Jewish historic homeland. 

A look at the last 140 years of modern Zionism shows a consistent pattern of the Arab desire to destroy Jewish nationalism, and Palestinian nationalism has been only a facade to help accomplish that goal when military means failed. 

Everything in Palestinian Arab history is consistent with the idea of destroying Israel as a Jewish state, including Oslo. This is why even today Palestinians deny any Jewish connection to the land - to Hebron, to Jerusalem, to Bethlehem - and why they rewrite history to erase the core of Jewish ties to Eretz Yisrael.

November 29 is not a day of solidarity with Palestinians. It is another attempt to destroy Jewish nationalism. 

  • Monday, November 29, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Israel's President Isaac Herzog lit the first flame of the Chanukah menorah in Hebron, at the Tomb of the Patriarchs. He emphasized that the Jewish connection to Hebron is beyond question, but Muslims are also descendents of Abraham.
The historic connection of Jews to Hebron, to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, to the heritage of the patriarchs and matriarchs, is unquestionable. Recognition of this connection must be beyond all controversy

You won’t agree about everything, but we need to remember that ‘we are all one man’s sons.’...

We all have shared roots from this cave. Alongside that, we have to remember that our roots are not the only ones that go back to this cave. Especially today, and especially here, in this holy space dedicated to all sons of Abraham, we have to continue dreaming of peace, between all faiths and creeds in this land, and to condemn any type of hatred or violence.
Then we saw a repeat of a theme we've seen countless times before.

Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Shtayyeh denied any Jewish connection to Hebron, as Wafa reports:

Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh rejected the claims of Israeli President Isaac Herzog that the Jews have a historic right to the city of Hebron.

Shtayyeh stated that Herzog's statements are an attempt to impose more false facts in the Arab Islamic city, as a prelude to Judaizing and extending control over it, and subjecting its original inhabitants to the apartheid regime whose features are evident in the streets and lanes of the Old City, which is subjected to ethnic cleansing and racist discrimination. .

Shtayyeh condemned Herzog’s provocative intrusion into the Ibrahimi Mosque, warning of its dangerous repercussions, and called on the United Nations and UNESCO, which placed the Haram al-Sharif on the World Heritage List, to take urgent action to stop these violations of Islamic and Christian sanctities, especially in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. And the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Hebron.

Jews accurately say that a holy site was theirs first, and they are willing to share but not forfeit their rights. The Palestinians say that the Jews have no historic rights to anything in the region and are trying to steal it all from them.  

Facts don't matter - the Palestinians take a political position, that they are the only people with a legitimate claim to the region, and they twist history and archaeology and common sense to their bigoted, antisemitic viewpoint.

It happens all the time. But Westerners cannot grasp the concept that Palestinians lie so openly, contradicting what Muslims have themselves admitted for centuries. So the false Palestinian claims get enshrined at UNESCO because no one wants to upset them.

  • Monday, November 29, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
It turns out the story about the University of Toronto -Scarborough Student Union (SCSU)  is much, much worse than I originally reported.

There were two resolutions passed. One was the pro-BDS resolution that I reported about, saying that all vendors - including kosher food vendors - must pass an anti-Israel purity test before being allowed to serve the campus.

But there was another resolution passed at the same time that was arguably even worse.

The Jewish Students Union submitted a motion to counteract the BDS motion, emphasizing that Jewish students must be treated equally as any other student, with the freedom to hold any political opinions.

The SCSU passed the motion - after taking out the parts it found objectionable, including giving Jewish students equal rights on campus!

Those parts included the right for Jewish organizations to exist on campus.

And it did this without even consulting the Jewish students who drafted the motion. 

In other words, the SCSU took a motion to support Jewish students and turned it into an antisemitic motion where Jewish students are denied the same rights that all other students have on campus.

Here is the entire resolution, entitled "RE-AFFIRMATION OF RIGHTS OF JEWISH STUDENTS AT UTSC," with the deleted parts in blue and struck out. 

WHEREAS the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) membership is a diverse mix of students of different nationalities, ethnicities, places of origin, and religions whose views sometimes conflict; and

WHEREAS Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects freedom of expression everywhere in Canada subject to statutory limits of hate speech, including at UTSC; and

WHEREAS the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union’s equity statement assures students that “any form of discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated;” and

WHEREAS the SCSU equity statement further declares: “We all have an obligation to ensure that an open and inclusive space, free of hate is established;” and

WHEREAS the SCSU is obligated to follow the principles articulated in the University of Toronto’s Policy on the Recognition of Student Groups, stating, “the University will not attempt to censor, control or interfere with any group on the basis of its philosophy, beliefs, interests or opinions expressed unless and until these lead to activities which are illegal or which infringe the rights and freedoms already mentioned;” and

WHEREAS the SCSU membership includes Jewish students, including citizens of the State of Israel, who are protected under Ontario’s Human Rights Code (1962) based on creed, ancestry, place of origin, and/or ethnic origin, defined as “social, cultural or religious practices drawn from a common heritage or a shared historical past;” and

WHEREAS provisions of the Ontario’s Human Rights Code protects Jews, including Jewish students, from discrimination in the provisions of services and by vocational associations and unions, including from discrimination by the SCSU or in the services the union provides students at UTSC; and

WHEREAS most Israeli citizens are compelled to serve in the Israeli military or perform mandatory national service.

BE IT RESOLVED that SCSU re-affirm its commitment to ensuring that Jewish students  are unencumbered by discriminatory policies or actions by the union or its officers, as promised by the union’s equity statement, and the Ontario Human Rights Code, by recognizing the right of Jewish students, like all students, to organize & advertise events to express their political, cultural and/or religious views; and

BE IT RESOLVED that SCSU executives oppose conditions that discriminate against, or significantly impede, full Jewish participation in political, religious, cultural, academic, or social life on and off campus. To do so, the union, its executives, and staff will:

1.  Continue to recognize Jewish student groups, including Jewish student groups affiliated with outside organizations, consistent with the University of Toronto’s Policy on the Recognition of Campus Groups; and

2.  Protect the right of Jewish students to enjoy their Charter rights of a freedom of expression on campus, including the articulation of political views, the practice of religious beliefs, and the display of Jewish symbols.

3.  Fund all recognized student groups who apply for, and qualify for, union funding for student programming events through normal processes without exceptions for particular political beliefs held by the student groups, the views expressed by participants or organizers of such events, or the political views of co-sponsors of the events.

4.  Refrain from placing restrictions on Jewish students or Jewish student organizations seeking to affiliate with outside organizations when organizing, funding, or advertising events beyond the limits established by the University of Toronto’s Policy on the Recognition of Student Groups

5.  Oppose and condemn hostile behavior directed against Jews because they are Jews, or Israeli students because they are Israeli citizens, by executives and staff of the SCSU, and discourage any such behavior in social media forums controlled by the SCSU, its executives, and staff.

6.  Eschew the use of union participation in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as an inhibition of student participation in campus organizations like Hillel, or community organizations like UJA or Independent Jewish Voices.

7.  Defend the principles of academic freedom, by ensuring that students, staff and faculty at UTSC enjoy opportunities to: 
•  attend lectures, workshops and films about Israel and/or Palestine, 
•  participate in joint research with Israelis or Israeli institutions,
•  enroll in classes offered in conjunction with Israeli universities,
•  travel or study abroad in Israel, or with organizations that support Israel or Zionism.

8.  Disavow remarks or rhetoric that may be seen as antisemitic, including statements that:
•  amplify historical tropes about Jewish power;
•  perpetuate stereotypes about Jews;
•  blame Jewish students for the actions of the Israeli government or military; 

9.  Be mindful of conflating support for Israelis or Palestinians with support for actions by the governments of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and their allies, or other groups operating within Israel and Palestine;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that regardless of positions taken by the union on contemporary politics in Israel, Palestine, or more broadly in the Middle East, the union will continue to support campus events through normal processes including but not restricted to, educational events about the Holocaust, Jewish religious beliefs, or Jewish history, or current events that are organized or sponsored, in full or in part, by campus and community groups that support Israel or Zionism.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that to avoid discriminating on the basis of ancestry or place of origin, the union will ensure that neither prior service in the Israeli military, nor reserve service in the Israeli military, will disqualify students, faculty and staff from engagement with the union. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the union will not refrain from co-sponsoring activities or entering into contracts with organizations that include participants, directors, or employees who have served in the Israeli military, or continue to hold reserve status in the Israeli military, solely on that basis.
By deleting the parts that it found inconsistent with BDS, the SCSU showed that it is explicitly opposed to academic freedom, to Jewish student groups being given the same rights as other student groups, and to Jewish students not being discriminated against!

This is pure antisemitism by any definition. 

The President of the University of Toronto only addressed a small part of this in his letter by mentioning "striking of the language about academic freedom from the second motion." But they struck the very first "be it resolved" that says Jewish students should not be discriminated against for any reason. 

The SCSU says there are some reasons to discriminate against Jews!

This unilateral editing of the Jewish Student Union motion to change it to something it was not intended to be shows blatant disrespect for the Jewish community on campus, and the parts it chose to remove betray an actual desire to discriminate against Jewish students - no other students are forced to prove that they hold certain political positions to be treated equally on campus with everyone else.

BDS is antisemitic, and this proves it.

(h/t Andrew P.)

Sunday, November 28, 2021

  • Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Returning to my tradition of bringing you a new music video for every night of Chanukah. Here's Six13 parodying West Side Story.

Happy Chanukah!

  • Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Chanukah is as Zionist a holiday as one can imagine. 

It celebrates a military victory of Jews against people who were trying to take over their homeland. It celebrates a victory of the few over the many. It celebrates the purification of the holiest Jewish site, the Temple in Jerusalem. It celebrates a miracle of the oil, showing God's involvement in the Jewish story.

It goes against everything the anti-Zionist, secular, socialist, "Jewish" Voice for Peace stands for.

But JVP's entire raison d'etre is to pretend that their brand of anti-Zionist Jew-hatred is actually a part of Judaism itself. So Chanukah is a challenge to them.

They must redefine the holiday itself. And, in so doing, they must redefine Judaism itself as well.

Here's what their Hanukkah page says:
Come celebrate Hanukkah this year building a radical, loving, anti-Zionist Jewish movement for liberation.

Who was liberated in the original Chanukah again? Oh yes,  the people whose descendants JVP wants to exile!

Hanukkah means rededication.

Actually, it means "dedication."  

This Hanukkah Against Apartheid, we rededicate our resolve to be bold and win against all that is life-taking and land-grabbing.

Oh? They are against Hamas, who just murdered a Jew? No, of course not. 

It is said, the Temple was cleaned, sanctified, and rededicated after the Maacabees [sic] won the fight. Here, in diaspora, we can recognize the “Temple” as what we are building together: Judaism beyond Zionism. The Temple is where we practice our treasured values of justice, freedom, and equality; it is this practice that sanctifies the Temple.

JVP's' Temple has been replaced with a new, symbolic "Temple." 

Sounds somewhat familiar.... 

Oh, yes, it sounds like Christian supersessionism! In various flavors of Christianity, the Jewish Temple has been replaced with the Christian people - or with Jesus himself, just like the Jewish people have been replaced with Christians. 

Jewish Voice for Peace cannot stomach an actual Temple being central to Judaism. They take a page from Christianity and replace the Temple that is a central component of Judaism with whatever they consider important - in the process, saying that real Judaism is obsolete and their replacement theology is the real thing.

Similarly, JVP cannot subscribe to real Judaism, because in real Judaism the Temple and Jerusalem as central - and they don't want Jews to have any attachment to those. So they replace them. 

You can call it a replacement theology.

"Jewish" Voice for Peace cannot possibly accept real Judaism. So it has to make up its own religion of anti-Zionism and calls it Judaism. And if that religion borrows some concepts from Christianity, well, why not? That religion was a success!

And then JVP writes something that sounds truly Christian:

Scroll down for JVP and friends’ virtual Hanukkah offerings.

Jews simply don't use the word "offerings" today. 

Christians do it all the time.

There is nothing Jewish about "Jewish Voice for Peace." Their concept of and knowledge of Judaism is not Jewish at all.

I didn't think about this when I made this cartoon, but, wow, it is really true.

From Ian:

A Call to Action: Join the Maccabees
The Maccabean victory over Greece, the world’s major military power of the time, was miraculous. Perhaps even more miraculous was the third major successful effort to reestablish an independent Jewish state.

The modern-day Greek nations were first the Ottoman Empire and then the British Empire, upon which the “sun never set”; that is, until the British departure from Israel.

Last week, we witnessed the murder of Eli Kay. He immigrated to Israel on his own in his teens; served with distinction in the esteemed paratroopers’ unit; studied in a yeshivah; worked as a tour guide in the Old City; and was engaged to be married. A newly commissioned Israel Defense Forces paratrooper who attended his crowded funeral said that you could sum up the mood in one word: “determination.”

In other words, if you think that terrorists or their sympathizers are going to have even a shred of impact on our will, you are sorely mistaken. This only strengthens our resolve. We are the Maccabees. With God’s help, we have vanquished the world’s largest empires. More of us are coming, and we are building families and our Jewish future right here in the land of Israel.

This year, when celebrating the joy of Hanukkah, we must make it more than a superficial effort. Remember those who fought and found the oil to light our way.

Thank God for the miracle of Israel then and now. Commit to support the mission of the Maccabees of today. Support our people and help build the State of Israel.
Edwin Black: Yom HaGirush—The inside story of ‘Expulsion Day’
No one can show me any identification of Arabs as Palestinians before 1964. On “The Edwin Black Show,” I have publicly asked for just one example. Yet the “Palestinian” cause has been championed—based on false history, fake facts, Jewish ignorance and the forgotten realities of 850,000 expelled Jews.

There have been many expulsions and forced migrations in history. The Spanish Inquisition broadly covers a single sphere of expulsion. The Trail of Tears covers one category of forced migrations, that of Native Americans. But never since the Roman Empire has the world seen some 15 countries openly coordinate the deprivation and expulsion of their citizens based solely on their religion.

Even though this grave act was always a flame burning in the families of the dispossessed, it was forgotten by the world. The “sha-sha” virus can infect an entire people proving there is both collective memory and collective amnesia.

But I stumbled upon the Farhud in researching my 2003 book Banking on Baghdad. This rekindled the torch of awareness.

“The Farhud Recognition Project,” energized by Sephardim in the United States, only asked for the mass murder to be remembered. I dove further into the topic, resulting in my 2010 book, The Farhud—Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust, which tracked the Arab-Nazi alliance, the awful pogroms and the post-war expulsion.

In June 2015, I and a group of committed communal leaders were able to do what many memory-seared families called the impossible: proclaim International Farhud Day at the United Nations in a historic event globally livestreamed by the U.N. itself.

But I always wanted to do more and give identity and homage to the mass expulsion. This month, with the support of my colleagues in many countries, on a special edition of “The Edwin Black Show,” I proclaimed Nov. 30 forever more to be a day of remembrance named “Yom HaGirush.”

That name, Yom HaGirush, marks when Jewish communities across many countries were once again dispossessed, but became repossessed in the free nation of Israel. The Jewish state now possesses these people and their descendants—and they in turn now possess their Jewish state. Possession is nine-tenths of survival. Israel has become the final stop for the Jews.

From Morocco to India, and from Yemen to Afghanistan, the lives and centuries of legacies were incinerated. It was done in broad daylight with barely a murmur from the world.

It happened not even five years after the world learned that six million Jews had been exterminated and millions more made refugees. Mark it down on a piece of paper: Yom HaGirush. is now in embryonic form, but soon will be a vibrant worldwide resource and a warning to the world that when we say, “Never again,” we mean it.
Brown University’s Anti-Zionist Fantasy World
Brown University is working hard to become the most anti-Israel school in America. In its competition with Columbia University and New York University, Brown not only boasts the nation’s first ever endowed chair in Palestinian studies (named after PLO poet Mahmoud Darwish), but the recipient of that dubious honor, professor of history Beshara Doumani, is currently serving as the president of Birzeit University, located down the road from PLO headquarters in Ramallah. Brown University has become the Providence Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

To that end, Brown’s Center for Middle East Studies competes with Columbia’s Center for Palestine Studies and NYU’s Kevorkian Center to celebrate Palestinianism and decry the evils of Israel. Brown’s latest effort came on November 12 in the form of a Zoom talk by Somdeep Sen, associate professor in international development studies at Roskilde University, Denmark. Sen was promoting his book, titled “Decolonizing Palestine,” which is academic-speak for “Denouncing Israel.”

Like many anti-Zionists, Somdeep Sen lives in a dream world, partially of his own creation and partially thrust upon him by the fantasy world created by a sect of pro-BDS, anti–Semitic liberal-arts academics who insist that Israel is an “apartheid state” and there is a country called “Palestine.”

He announced repeatedly that his book is an attempt to “normalize Hamas” by rendering it “de-exceptionalized.” In academic jargon, this means that Sen’s work is dedicated to softening the image of Hamas, contextualizing the terrorist organization so that it seems to be just another movement of downtrodden underdogs fighting against oppressors. This delusion led him, multiple times during his talk, to compare Hamas to Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel's President Isaac Herzog plans to light the first Chanukah candle in Hebron, at the Tomb of the Patriarchs - Judaism's second holiest place.

The reactions from the "moderate" Palestinian Authority and "extremist" Hamas were nearly identical.

Mahmoud al-Habbash,  advisor for religious affairs to Mahmoud Abbas, and Husam Abu al-Rub, undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Awqaf and Religious Affairs, said that Herzog's visit represents a provocation to the feelings of the Palestinians, and to the feelings of millions of Arabs and Muslims.

Hamas said that the visit would be "a provocation to the feelings of the Palestinian people and a flagrant violation of the sanctity of the Ibrahimi Mosque." It warned that "the occupation bears full responsibility for the repercussions of this attack," calling on the Palestinians in the West Bank, and Hebron in particular, to "confront this provocative step and confront the attack on the Ibrahimi Mosque."

But Leftist Israeli groups are no less strident. 

Breaking the Silence, Peace Now and other groups plan to protest in Hebron, making a pun on "The Days of Chanukah" into the "Days of Chanufah - Impiety/Hypocrisy:"

Israel's previous President Reuven Rivlin also visited Hebron, also to protests.

Hamas and the Leftist protesters agree: Jews should not be allowed to visit their holy places unless the Muslims generously allow them to. 

Historically,  Jews were never allowed to enter the Tomb of the Patriarchs (or the Temple Mount) when they were under Muslim rule. Jews had a pay an annual protection payment to ensure that Muslims wouldn't destroy Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem and that they would be allowed to visit the Western Wall. Right now, the only way Jews can visit places like the synagogue in Jericho or Joseph's Tomb in Shechem (Nablus)  is under permission from the PA and IDF protection. 

That is what these groups want the status quo to return to.  

According to these groups, freedom of religion is not a human right - but Muslim antisemitism is.

UPDATE: All Palestinian media headlines at this moment say "Herzog stormed the Ibrahimi mosque."


  • Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Thursday, I reported on the insanely antisemitic resolution passed by the University of Toronto at Scarborough Student Union (SCSU) that demanded that all student groups - meaning Jewish student groups - actively support boycotting Israel in order to be accepted, and that all suppliers of kosher food to Jewish students must also be anti-Israel (although the new fascists might allow exceptions if they decide that it is absolutely necessary for Jews to eat.)

On Friday, the adults in the room made a statement about how unacceptable this new brand of antisemitic fascism is on campus.

The University of Toronto is opposed to all forms of discrimination, and committed to the protection of freedom of speech and academic freedom.  The University was alarmed to learn about two motions passed at the Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) Annual General Meeting on November 24.  Both motions are inconsistent with the University of Toronto’s core values of freedom of speech and inclusion.

One motion reaffirmed SCSU’s commitment to the “Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” (BDS) movement; another concerns the rights of Jewish students at UTSC.  Student organizations are free to take positions on a wide variety of controversial topics. Student societies for which the University collects mandatory fees based on registration must abide by our Policy on Open, Accessible and Democratic Autonomous Student Societies.  This Policy simultaneously affirms the independent operation of autonomous student societies and the requirement that “autonomy must be exercised in a manner that is compliant with the law and University policy.  Further, all Student Organizations must conduct themselves in an open, accessible and democratic manner.”

One of the requirements in the BDS motion is that SCSU “refrain from engaging with organizations, services, or participating in events that further normalize Israeli apartheid.”  The motion allows an exception for suppliers of Kosher food if “no alternatives are available.”  A requirement that providers of food as a religious accommodation be required to apply for an exemption, or even be asked about their views about issues elsewhere in the world is unacceptable.

So too is the striking of the language about academic freedom from the second motion.  Academic freedom is an individual right, and the Policy on Open, Accessible and Democratic Autonomous Student Societies requires that these organizations must permit their members to determine which positions to take.  Nor should they restrict the speakers that they can invite, or organizations with which they can cooperate based on their connections to a particular country.

The motions are specifically focused on Israel in a way that is troubling to many members of the community.  Such motions would be no more acceptable if focused on another country, or if a student organization in which members are enrolled by their registration were to take multiple stands on a wide variety of issues.

The University’s place in society requires that its members be free to take positions on controversial questions.  These issues are addressed by a number of University of Toronto policies, including the Statement on Freedom of Speech and the Policy on the Recognition of Student Groups.  According to our Statement of Institutional Purpose,

The University of Toronto is dedicated to fostering an academic community in which the learning and scholarship of every member may flourish, with vigilant protection for individual human rights, and a resolute commitment to the principles of equal opportunity, equity and justice.

Within the unique university context, the most crucial of all human rights are the rights of freedom of speech, academic freedom, and freedom of research.  And we affirm that these rights are meaningless unless they entail the right to raise deeply disturbing questions and provocative challenges to the cherished beliefs of society at large and of the university itself.

These requirements apply directly to the SCSU motions.  It is not acceptable to impose political tests on the recognition of Jewish student groups on any of the University of Toronto campuses.  It is unacceptable to impose political tests on suppliers of Kosher or any other type of food.

The University will be following up with the SCSU to address our concerns.

Meric S. Gertler
The statement is way too polite. The people behind these motions were themselves violating University policy, not to mention basic decency and liberal standards, and they should be put on notice. Putting a purity test on student groups and on suppliers of goods and services is, simply, fascism. 

Singling out Jews by making a specific motion banning kosher food from vendors who are not sufficiently anti-Israel is clear-cut antisemitism, and President Gertler should have called that out. As the Jewish Student Life group at U of T mentions:
Although there were many strong comments made by the University in our support, there is a need to call out bigotry by name when it is so clearly manifested. The actions of the SCSU were not simply political disagreement. The passing of these motions is an act of blatant antisemitism and must be addressed as such.

I am also troubled by one sentence: "The University’s place in society requires that its members be free to take positions on controversial questions." This implies that supporting the existence of the only Jewish state in the world is controversial. It is not; it is mainstream. Calling it controversial is essentially saying that one supports the positions of such human rights luminaries as Algeria, Syria and Iran. When President Gertler says a statement like that, it shows that the haters have scored a victory in putting Israel's very existence into question even in this statement against them. 

Gertler's mother survived the Holocaust and he has lectured in Israel, so no doubt the modern fascist antisemites will claim that his position is due to his being "Zionist," not because he is right.

  • Sunday, November 28, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Every once in a while one can see the birth of a new conspiracy theory in the Arab world. 

This one is a doozy.

Palestinian news site Amad reports that the Egypt-based Justice and Development Organization for Human Rights, which we recently noted supports Hamas terrorism, has figured out why the US is pushing normalization agreements between Israel and Arab states.

According to this theory, because of climate change, millions of Jews will want to emigrate from the US and Europe to Israel. 

Israel is too small to accommodate them, so - according to Zaidan al-Qani, its spokesperson - the US hatched a plan with Israel to push normalization with Arab countries so that the millions of Jews have a place to go.

Al-Qani added that Arab governments are implementing the "deal of the century" with its various clauses in agreement with the United States of America, with the aim of opening the doors of Arab countries to settle Jews displaced from Europe and America.

It's a little unclear why only Jews would be displaced in this future climate catastrophe. But it takes time for crazy conspiracy theories to flesh out.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

From Ian:

The 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai helped shape Israel-India relations
November 26 marks 13 years since the terror attacks in Mumbai, India. On that night, in 2008, 10 gunmen associated with the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT – “Army of the Righteous”) organization attacked five locations in the city, firing at random, with the simple intention of killing the maximum number of people. The attackers deliberately targeted areas of the city frequented by foreigners, evidently with the intention that this would maximize the global impact of their actions.

Among the sites targeted was Nariman House, known also as “Chabad House.” Six Israeli citizens were tortured and murdered at this site, which had been deliberately selected by the organizers. Among the dead Israelis were Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, who managed the Chabad House. Sandra Samuel, an Indian citizen who worked as a nanny for the Holtzbergs, famously risked her own life to save their then two-year-old son, Moshe.

The Mumbai attacks did not conclude on the evening of November 26, 2008. Rather, the gunmen took hostages and held off the Indian security forces for three days. The final death toll was 165 killed, consisting of 140 Indian citizens and 25 foreign visitors. Nine of the 10 gunmen were also killed. The 10th was apprehended by the authorities, convicted of murder, and executed four years later.

The Mumbai attacks were a profoundly traumatic event seared in the memory of the people of that city, and of India as a whole. Meanwhile, 13 years on, many unanswered questions remain regarding the perpetrators of the attacks, and who stood behind them.

The direct responsibility of the Sunni Islamist LeT group for the Mumbai killings is not in doubt. The captured gunman, Ajmal Kasab, admitted his membership of this organization, and described in detail the process in which he and his colleagues had trained in Pakistan, and set out for the attacks from Karachi, the capital of Pakistan’s Sindh province.

Canada’s Largest Labor Union Rejects Israel Boycott by 2-to-1 Margin
Canada’s largest labor union rejected a motion endorsing the movement to boycott Israel during its national convention on Thursday, by a broad margin that was applauded by Canadian Jewish groups.

Members of the 700,000-strong Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) held the body’s biennial summit online this week. Resolution No. 70 called for CUPE to “support the Palestinian people’s’ right to self determination and their demands to end Israel’s military occupation and colonization,” and to officially back the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

Weighing the measure Thursday, CUPE members spurned the measure with 32% voting for and 68% against.

“CUPE members should be praised for standing up to the lies and intimidation of the BDS movement,” said Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada, on Friday. “The passage of this motion would have inflicted great harm not only on Jewish and Israeli members of CUPE, but on all workers who benefit from trade between Canada and Israel.”

“CUPE has heeded the wise words of Tommy Douglas, Canada’s greatest labour icon: ‘The main enmity against Israel is that she has been an affront to those nations who do not treat their people and their workers as well as Israel has treated hers.’”

Commenting Friday, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs said members voting against the resolution “chose peace over division.”

“BDS is an anti-Zionist, antisemitic movement that calls for the demonization and delegitimization of Israel and denies the Jewish people the universal right of self-determination,” CIJA said. “It does not stand for Palestinian rights.”
  • Saturday, November 27, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
When BDS says that it was created by a call from "Palestinian civil society," or when the socialist Left complains that Israel is calling some "Palestinian human rights groups" fronts for terrorism, they try to give the impression that Palestinian society is a socialist paradise.

It is nothing of the sort.

While Palestinian terrorism had originally traditionally skewed far to the Left, with the most spectacular terror attacks of the 1960s and 70s coming from socialist organizations like the PFLP and its offshoots, the vast majority of Palestinian society is not interested in socialist ideals. 

A new poll from the JMCC asked Palestinians about what should govern the Personal Status Law, and 72.3% of respondents said it should be based on Islamic Sharia.

More directly, the survey asked Palestinians which political party they would vote for in legislative elections. All the socialist parties combined - the PFLP, DFLP, PPP, FIDA - gather just 2% of the support of Palestinians. 

The socialist Left is excellent at propaganda. They excel at making it appear that they have a groundswell of popular support. The entire concept of basing BDS on the call of "Palestinian civil society" which sounds very impressive while no one realizes it is on the fringe of Palestinian society as a whole is brilliant.

But when you support Palestinians, you are supporting people who show time after time that they support the most regressive positions in regards to social justice issues. 

Here is an infographic I made in 2013 based on a Pew poll that shows the side of Palestinian society that the Western media ignores.


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