Friday, November 26, 2021

From Ian:

Meir Y. Soloveichik: The 1620 Project
Four hundred years ago this month, the Mayflower set sail for the New World. On board was William Bradford, who would serve for decades as governor of Plymouth Colony and whose memoir is still the central source of knowledge about the colonists’ triumphs and travails. His grave is in Plymouth as well, an obelisk marking the spot and bearing his name. But above the engraved English words three words appear, etched in Hebrew: Adonai ezer hayai, the Lord is the help of my life. To most tourists, the Hebrew words are gibberish, but to Jews who come upon them, they are a source of fascination—and a reminder, 400 years after the Mayflower set sail, of the remarkable tale of America itself. The origin of the intriguing epitaph can be found in Nick Bunker’s fascinating book on the Pilgrims, Making Haste from Babylon. There he reveals Bradford’s fascination with Hebrew, and how, at the end of his life, he began to study what he saw as a sacred script. “I have had a longing desire,” Bradford reflected, “to see with my owne eyes, something of that most ancient language, and holy tongue … and what names were given to things, from the Creation.” With paper scarce, Bradford “copied out his exercises on blank pages at the front of the manuscript of his history of the plantation. He covered the white space with nearly 900 Hebrew words, starting with eight names for God.” Bradford’s Pilgrims, like the Puritans who would follow him, “wished to swim back up the stream of learning, and to absorb the wisdom of the Bible from as close to the source as possible.” They sought out Christian exegetes with interests similar to theirs, who “read with sympathy the rabbis of the Roman Empire, Egypt, and medieval Spain, authors whose books were preserved by the Jews of Germany or Venice.”

Bunker further reveals that Bradford’s engagement with Jewish tradition began on the Mayflower itself. One book he carried with him was a commentary on the Psalms by the Hebraist Henry Ainsworth. While Ainsworth was interested in the vastness of rabbinic tradition, he was in love with Maimonides, whom he called “the wisest of the Hebrew Rabbins.” Ainsworth cites Maimonides in explaining how Psalm 107 serves as the source for Jews to express gratitude to God after successfully crossing a wilderness or a treacherous body of water. Bradford’s brethren could certainly identify with this teaching, and his memoir, which references the words of this Psalm, recounts that upon arriving safely at Cape Cod, the Pilgrims expressed their own gratitude to the Almighty. The feast that we annually commemorate today would not come until 1621, but, as Bunker reflects: “If we could ask William Bradford to define the first Thanksgiving in America, he would point to something else. He would say that it took place at the instant of arrival, at the moment on Cape Cod when the Pilgrims fell on their knees to say the Jewish prayer.”

Bradford’s Hebraism set the stage for what would follow. The Puritans who arrived after the Mayflower were equally obsessed with the people of Israel. This was succinctly and sublimely described by George W. Bush in remarks to Israel’s Knesset: The alliance between our governments is unbreakable, yet the source of our friendship runs deeper than any treaty. It is grounded in the shared spirit of our people, the bonds of the Book, the ties of the soul. When William Bradford stepped off the Mayflower in 1620, he quoted the words of Jeremiah: “Come let us declare in Zion the word of God.” The founders of my country saw a new promised land and bestowed upon their towns names like Bethlehem and New Canaan. And in time, many Americans became passionate advocates for a Jewish state.
Lyn Julius: Exodus commemoration is an antidote to denial
Professor Mohamed Aboulghar is a busy man—an obstetrician, politician and amateur historian who has published two books on the Jews of Egypt. Apparently, they are selling like hotcakes. At a recent Zoom meeting, however, his assertion that few Jews had been driven out after the 1956 Suez crisis, and that the rest had left of their own free will, provoked outrage.

Some 25,000 Jews were forced out: Dozens of Egyptian Jews could testify to having been expelled at 24 hours’ notice, or interned for months and put on a ship leaving Egypt, their property sequestered without compensation.

As the saying goes, “denial is a river in Egypt”—but denial is not confined to the Arab world. Plenty of academics and opinion-makers in the West believe that Jews and Muslims coexisted peacefully before Israel was established. Executions in Iraq? Torture in Egyptian prisons? Deadly riots in Libya? If all this was not a figment of the Jewish imagination, they say, it was “understandable backlash” for which the Zionists are ultimately to blame. (The Farhud massacre in Iraq seven years before the establishment of Israel, and the Tritl in Fez, Morocco, in 1912, are harder to explain.)

Jews who look back to their idyllic childhoods in Arab countries have themselves contributed to Exodus denial. Their golden age only lasted as long as the colonial era in the Middle East and North Africa. Arab nationalism soon marginalized and oppressed minorities. Other Jews suppress negative memories because they suffer from a kind of dhimmi syndrome, a survival strategy developed more than 14 centuries of “coexistence” that entails silence and submission.
President Herzog marks 30 November
This year, Israel President Isaac Herzog will mark 30th November, the date designated to commemorate the exodus of 850,000 Jews from Arab lands and Iran with a reception, live-streamed to a global audience and hosted jointly with Merav Cohen, minister for Social Equality, at the President’s residence in Jerusalem. After the formalities, organisations representing the different communities have been invited to join him for a tour of the residence, which was home to the President when his father Chaim Herzog was himself President.

The commemoration has a personal significance for President Isaac Herzog, as his mother Aura (nee Ambache) was a Jew from Egypt, born in Ismailia. Her sister Suzy married the great diplomat Abba Eban. The President has often mentioned that his mother’s family had fled Egypt in 1948, leaving all their possessions behind.

The Ambache family was among 11,000 Ashkenazi Jews driven out from Palestine during World War I by the Ottoman Turks, mostly because they were identified with the Turkish enemy Russia. The Palestinian Jews found refuge in Egypt. They were helped to resettle by the local Sephardi community. They joined other Ashkenazi refugees fleeing the Tsarist pogroms at the turn of the 20th century. Egypt was the only Arab country to host a Jewish community composed of both Sephardim and Ashkenazim.
  • Friday, November 26, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,

From Ian:

Mark Regev: Anti-Zionism, antisemitism does nothing to help Palestinians
THERE IS a lesson here for all the militant “friends” of the Palestinians worldwide. Demonization of Israel, unequivocal backing of maximalist demands and fervent opposition to any concessions, does nothing to help the Palestinians. Such positions only support the perpetuation of the futile hardline approach that created the Nakba in the first place.

From Dublin to Durban to Detroit, those urging the Palestinians to remain steadfast and unbending, proclaiming their belief in ultimate victory, are peddling a lie. Every vector points in the opposite direction. With each passing year Israel is stronger; more powerful militarily, more influential diplomatically, more integrated regionally, more consequential economically, more sizable demographically and more advanced technologically.

There is no evidence that Palestinians will somehow be able to dictate terms, and by promoting a maximalist stance divorced from the strategic realities these “friends” are emboldening the intransigence that can only lead the Palestinian people to a political dead end.

Such an untenable position can have no logic unless the militants’ publicly professed solidarity with the Palestinians is merely a veil for the oldest of hatreds. Of course, charges of antisemitism often face a knee-jerk rejection, portrayed as an attempt to silence criticism of Israel. But to refute the connection between radical pro-Palestinianism and antisemitism is to disavow reality.

First, on the substantive level, anti-Zionist activists deny Jewish peoplehood and reject the Jews’ right to national self-determination. This while championing the very same right for others, the Palestinians. When you uphold a universal principle, but oppose it for the Jews, what is that called?

Second, there have been a series of documented cases where groups ostensibly established to support Palestinian rights have been exposed for being awash with antisemitic bigotry, Holocaust revisionism and Jewish conspiracy theories. David Collier’s 2017 report on the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign is but one of numerous such examples. This is not a new phenomenon. In his autobiographical Once Upon a Country, acclaimed Palestinian intellectual Sari Nusseibeh describes being in London on the eve of the 1967 Six Day War, searching for a pro-Palestinian event among what he perceived as being wall-to-wall British public support for Israel. When finally coming across such a meeting Nusseibeh discovers it is being hosted by neo-Nazis.

Finally, social scientists have found a clear statistical correlation between anti-Israel activism and antisemitism. When surveyed, hardcore pro-Palestinian activists are more likely than others to hold strong antisemitic prejudices, soft pro-Palestinian activists are more likely than others to be mild antisemites (see Jewish Policy Research’s 2017 “Antisemitism in contemporary Great Britain: A study of attitudes towards Jews and Israel”).
Melanie Phillips: Israel needs a narrative strategy. This is why
Israel needs to develop a strategy that shapes the narrative rather than – as at present – trying to defend itself on ground chosen by its enemies. Rather than merely responding to the onslaught, it should be constantly placing essential but rarely stated truths into the public domain.

It should be pointing out, for example, that there is nothing illegal about its "settlements" that are underpinned by international law. It should be calling out Western governments for misrepresenting the Geneva conventions in the false claim of "illegal occupation."

It should constantly be driving home the fact that that the Jews are the only extant indigenous people of the land. It should be publicizing the Palestinian Authority's Nazi-style portrayal of the Jewish people as bloodsuckers controlling the world – and pointing out that this vile agenda is actively supported and promoted by supposed "anti-racists" in the West. And so on.

Yet Israel has no such proactive strategy.

Understandably, it is preoccupied with the need to fight off the immediate threats to Israeli lives from its genocidal enemies bristling with weapons on its borders and on its streets. It's also frightened of not playing by the diplomatic rules and thus upsetting its friends in the west, however false they may be.

More fundamentally, it believes that trying to influence Britain or Europe, with their terrible histories of endemic antisemitism, is a useless endeavor.

This is a bad mistake. In Britain at least, many support the Palestinian narrative of lies simply because they haven't the faintest idea of the truth. And that's because Israel doesn't provide it for them.

America and the West ignore the reality about Iran or the Palestinians or the Muslim Brotherhood because they take refuge in the fantasy that the world is shaped in their own image.

Israel is in the unique position of being both of the West and at the same time of the Middle East. It is therefore uniquely equipped to educate the West out of this dangerous fantasy. That it chooses not to do so is a tragic mistake, both for Israel itself and for the world.

UN Watch: Protecting Human Rights
On Thursday, November 25, at 12 pm EST, UN Watch’s Fundraising Campaign continues. Hillel Neuer will speak about how we protect human rights, fight dictatorships, and answer your questions on the subject.

Mark your calendars and send your questions in advance to:

About the Campaign:
UN Watch needs to raise $500,000 by the end of November to ensure the continuation of its vital work. We are turning to our social media community to help us reach our goal.

We are only 1 week away and still need to raise $335,000!

To take part in the campaign, all you have to do is make a $5 donation and inspire 5 friends to do the same so that we can reach our $500,000 target by the end of November. It might not sound like much, but if every one of our social media followers gives $5 and asks 5 friends to do the same, we will surely hit our goal.

Donate now, visit:

As part of the Campaign, Hillel Neuer, the Executive Director of UN Watch, will be holding a series of exclusive Live events, during which he will talk about the main pillars of our work and answer your questions.
  • Friday, November 26, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
The pace of normalization between Israel and Arab countries is, if anything accelerating. 

This week we saw Israel and Morocco signing a security deal, Israel's former defense minister “Bogie” Ya’alon announced  a new Israeli-owned venture capital fund in the UAE, American Jewish leaders are openly visiting Gulf leaders, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem wrote an op-ed in the Khaleej Times, and Qatar reached an agreement with Israel for the diamond trade, allowing Israeli companies to open there.

Any one of these would have front page news two years ago. Now they are happening every day.

Palestinians are alarmed at losing their Arab patrons, who for so many years they were able to bully in the name of "Arab unity." 

This cartoon in Felesteen shows this antipathy with an illustration that would be considered very positive for Israel and very negative for Palestinians.

The caption says "Security and economic agreements with the occupation."

  • Friday, November 26, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the early 1990s, the Internet Usenet forums were flooded by Holocaust deniers with long, detailed articles that purported to show that the Holocaust never happened. 

This upset a lot of people, as most of the newsgroups were not moderated and no one could keep them out. Some would ignore them, some tried to create a new group where people could argue about the Holocaust. 

Most people didn't notice that the antisemites were using the forums to refine their arguments to become more effective.

The points that were easily debunked were dropped, while arguments that could not be as easily countered were promoted and refined. Blatant antisemitism was reduced while pseudo-scientific arguments were improved in order to make the Holocaust deniers appear more reasonable and interested in historic research and debate.

In less than a year, the antisemites had managed to transform themselves from looking like bigots into looking like historians who were just challenging the conventional narrative. Without knowing the context of where they came from and a deep knowledge of the subject matter, their heavily footnoted papers appeared to have some legitimacy and could fool people who did not understand the nature of propaganda.

The so-called revisionists did not become any less antisemitic. They still subscribe to conspiracy theories where Jews are promoting myths to gain power. But by leveraging the nascent Internet, they learned how to hide their antisemitism better and present themselves as promoting a legitimate alternative history.

In many ways, this is the story of the movement to boycott Israel today.

BDS didn't come out of a vacuum. It is a direct continuation of the Arab boycotts of Israel throughout the 20th century. But the Arab boycott movement had mostly run out of steam by the turn of the century., and BDS came along to modify it and avoid the pitfalls that defeated the Arab boycott.

For one thing, like the Holocaust deniers, the Arab boycott was explicitly antisemitic. It demanded that companies that wanted to deal with Arab countries answer questions about whether their owners or board members were Jewish. It blacklisted Jewish actors and performers. It extended into boycotting Jewish bankers in the 1970s. It didn't allow Jewish employees of multinational companies to set foot in their borders. Blatant antisemitism was not a good look.

Another more technical issue is that the US passed laws against the Arab boycott. The Office of Antiboycott Compliance summarizes its goals: "These authorities discourage, and in some circumstances, prohibit U.S. companies from taking certain actions in furtherance or support of a boycott maintained by a foreign country against a country friendly to the United States (unsanctioned foreign boycott)." 

US anti-boycott laws are specifically against boycotts by foreign countries. So BDS emphasizes that it is supposedly a grassroots, non-government movement, answering a call from "Palestinian civil society," to boycott Israel. 

This is also why the PLO and the Palestinian Authority have not officially supported BDS, even though they encourage their own citizens to boycott Israel. (In 2018, the Central Council of the PLO did explicitly endorse BDS, but it is unclear if that has any official standing as a government body.)  If they called on the world to support BDS, then the US anti-boycott regulations would kick in and US citizens would be penalized. The state-level anti-BDS laws are meant, in part, to counter the loophole that BDS exploited to ensure the campaign does not run afoul of US laws at the national level.

For its part, the BDS movement goes out of its way to deny any connection with the Arab League boycotts, saying "BDS activists are not acting in accordance with the Arab League boycott, which calls for boycott and divestment of any corporation doing business with or in Israel. Modern BDS campaigns take their cues directly from Palestinian civil society groups – not governments or political parties."  This is directly to avoid US and possibly European sanctions. 

The BDS proponents are just as antisemitic as their progenitors. Their movement is a continuation of the Arab boycott. Like the Holocaust deniers, they play up the pretense that they are legitimate players. Like the Holocaust deniers, they try to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors to appear more legitimate. 

And as with the Holocaust deniers, those who see clearly see that they are just as antisemitic as they have ever been.

  • Friday, November 26, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

At this time, Palestinian society is extremely worried about Jewish schoolchildren.
Israel is considering encouraging schools to go on field trips to the Temple Mount, and Palestinian media has been talking about it non-stop.

On Thursday, the main preacher at Al Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, issued a statement today about how Jewish schoolchildren visiting Judaism's most sacred place is somehow an existential danger Al Aqsa mosque.

Warning: extreme hyperbole alert.
The preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, warned today, Thursday, of an “existential danger” threatening the blessed mosque, as it was transformed into a lawless intrusion arena for students of settlement schools, as part of their compulsory tours. 

Sabri said that the occupation's transformation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque into a shrine for settlement schools is an attempt to promote the Jewish character of Jerusalem and end the Islamic landmarks in it. 

He added that the occupation wants to make Jerusalem the capital of the Jews, and accordingly it completes its procedures with the purely Jewish characteristics to say that Jerusalem is Jewish. 

He continued, "We've said before that Al-Aqsa Mosque is in danger, but today it is really facing dangers." 

He considered the decision to include Al-Aqsa in the program of trips to the settlement schools as "a blatant interference in the affairs of the mosque, and an insult to its sanctity and its courtyards." 

Sheikh Sabri stressed that Al-Aqsa Mosque is above being subject to the decisions of the Israeli Knesset or the occupation courts, as it is for Muslims alone and by a divine decision. "We categorically reject the Israeli decision regarding Al-Aqsa, and we hold the occupation government fully responsible for any damage to the blessed mosque," he added. 

He cautioned about the seriousness of the decision, which violates Al-Aqsa courtyards, intensifies the presence of Jews inside it, and tightens the noose around Muslims, indicating that this step is in the interest of imposing Israeli sovereignty over the mosque. 

Sheikh Sabri pointed out that "these extremist Jewish groups feel that the atmosphere is ripe for them to attack Al-Aqsa Mosque." 

The preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque called on the people of Palestine and Jerusalem to "intensify the pilgrimage to the blessed mosque, and to reconstruct it permanently, to repel any possibility that we might be surprised by the extremist Jews."  
Not a word about Zionists or Israelis visiting - only Jews.

The Temple Mount is a microcosm of the entire conflict. Israel wants to share with the Muslims, Muslims want to expel the Jews. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

From Ian:

Hitler Intended to Eradicate the Jews of the Middle East
As German historians Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cüppers have detailed, Rauff carried out a “reign of terror” against Tunisian Jews that included conscripting 5,000 for forced labour. But with shipping to Europe under constant attack, Rauff could not carry out the larger SS plan to send Tunisia’s Jews to death camps in Europe.

The Nazis’ intentions to carry the war against the Jews beyond Europe never wavered. Ultimately, though, defeat at El Alamein turned the tables and kept the SS from carrying out its plans.

Yet leaving north Africa and the Middle East out of Holocaust history has erased the suffering of many of the Nazis’ victims and obscured the full significance of the victory at El Alamein.

Early in 2021, I received an email from the scientist Michael Bevan, son of Lance Corporal John Bevan of the Second New Zealand Division, who fought and was taken prisoner at El Alamein. “My father always thought they were fighting to preserve the British empire,” he wrote, which for “a colonial was not a high priority.” Only in the winter of 1945 in Germany, when as a prisoner of war his father saw female slave labourers building an airfield, did he fully grasp “the evils he had fought to contain”.

Therefore, the soldier’s son went on, understanding how the Eighth Army “established the El Alamein line”, and thus prevented genocide in the Middle East, “has brought new and deserved honour to the brave men of my father’s generation, who fought and suffered in Egypt.”

For their sake, too, the story must be told.
Giving Thanks in America
When Israel Zangwill’s play The Melting Pot, a theatrical salute to the power of love in modern-day America, made its debut on Broadway in 1908, it brought down the house. How could it not? The production’s melodramatic staging of New World promise had something for everyone—family tension, musical bravura, patriotism, romance—and a host of visual clues to anchor it. Act I, for instance, featured a prominently displayed American flag in the home of a recently arrived Jewish immigrant family—you couldn’t miss it even if seated in the cheap seats—while the drama’s concluding coup de theatre involved the Statute of Liberty.

In the course of their daily lives, America’s immigrants didn’t have too many opportunities to demonstrate their love of country in a forum that felt true, unforced, and from the heart. The Melting Pot provided them with one.

The celebration of Thanksgiving furnished the nation’s newest Jewish arrivals, as well as those of long standing, with yet another. The two communities took eagerly to this most American of holidays, both on its own terms and, most especially, in relation to what some of their number defined as its biblical pedigree. Long before the New World gave rise to Thanksgiving, the Israelites of the ancient Near East, it was proudly said, had celebrated a national “day of gratitude”: Sukkot.

Now and again, flag waving and Thanksgiving went hand in hand. Jewish organizations that helped to familiarize immigrant children and their families with American culture often made a point of linking the two. In 1900, for instance, New York’s Educational Alliance held a “special Thanksgiving service” at which 50 young boys and girls, each bearing two small American flags “crossed on their breast,” marched in formation to the head of the auditorium. One young girl, “slightly larger than the rest,” or so the New-York Tribune reported, then waved an equally large flag, after which the children “in concert” recited the following pledge: “Flag of our great Republic, inspirer in battle, guardian of our homes, whose stars and stripes stand for Bravery, Purity, Truth and Union, we salute thee!” No sooner had they concluded this verbal display then they were once again put through their paces by engaging in a series of calisthenics without dumbbells—proof, it would seem, of their newfound physical dexterity as budding Americans.

Even when it wasn’t Thanksgiving, much was made of Old Glory on the Lower East Side and in other American Jewish immigrant enclaves. At graduation exercises and comparable public assemblies, educators and civic reformers were given to extolling the flag in the hope that those in the audience would come to understand that it wasn’t a “mere piece of bunting,” but a benefaction. “Every time you gaze upon it, every star and stripe should cause you to reflect upon what it means to those thousands of our people who, driven from their homes by persecution, find actual physical shelter beneath its folds,” declaimed the Honorable N. Taylor Phillips, a highly pedigreed New York Jew (his forbears fought in the Revolutionary War) and a dedicated public servant, at one such gathering in 1903. “Order your lives that you will shed lustre upon it in gratitude to the blessings which it gives you.”
Patriotic Manhattan synagogue has celebrated Thanksgiving since 1789
A patriotic Upper West Side synagogue whose leaders fought with George Washington has been celebrating Thanksgiving since the first president proclaimed it a national holiday in 1789.

As a modern and secular holiday, Thanksgiving celebrations are rare in Jewish houses of worship — but that is not the case at Shearith Israel, America’s first Jewish congregation.

On Thanksgiving day, the temple will feature a special holiday-themed liturgy, followed by an address by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and readings from a Torah adorned with Liberty Bells. An English prayer wishing good health and fortune on the president, vice president, governor, and other elected officials has been recited for two centuries. There’s no turkey at the morning gathering, but ample hot chocolate for parade watchers.

The congregation was organized in 1654 by Sephardic Jews fleeing the inquisition in Portuguese-ruled Brazil, and the members of the synagogue at 2 West 70th St. take pride in being not just the oldest Jewish congregation in the United States but eyewitnesses to American history.

“We were around when it was a Dutch colony, and the establishment of the United States of America, and the very first Thanksgiving,” Barbara Reiss, executive director of the synagogue, told The Post. “We felt it was important enough to incorporate that into our service and our prayers from the get go as a day of thanks as American Jews.”

The roots of the Thanksgiving celebration stem from Gershom Mendes Seixas, the temple’s hazzan and first American-born leader of the congregation. He was a devoted patriot of the American Revolution.
  • Thursday, November 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hasbara Fellowships:

Hasbara Fellowships Canada is demanding that the University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC) intervene after its student union (SCSU) voted to eliminate funding for student groups that support Israel.

At its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, Nov. 24, the SCSU passed its second motion in support of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. A subsection of the original motion passed in 2013 now requires that any kosher food brought to campus must come from an organization that does not support “Israeli apartheid.”

The subsection states that if Jewish students cannot find such an organization, kosher food suppliers that support “Israeli apartheid” shall be granted exemptions.

According to the motion, the SCSU must also “refrain from engaging with organizations, services, or take part in events that further normalize Israeli apartheid.” The SCSU will now mandate that a “BDS List,” which must be “accessible” to all members, is aimed at blacklisting organizations that support the Jewish State.

Gabriela Rosenblum, a Hasbara Fellow at UTSC, harshly condemned the motion at last night’s AGM. “This BDS vote undoes all the critical work done by this student government,” she said. “This motion requires that Jews at UTSC prove that they are ‘good Jews’ in the eyes of the student government, distinct from the many ‘bad Jews’ who support Israel. This motion even defines antisemitism for the Jewish students on campus.”

She continued. “These are hurdles that exist for no other group. It is clear that this motion targets Jews for discrimination. Even for something as simple as ordering jelly donuts for Chanukah, Jewish students at SCSU will now be forced to prove that kosher caterers do not support their Jewish homeland, which is basically impossible.”

The language of the motion is insane. Here is a screenshot from the SCSU November 3 meeting discussing it:

From the BDS perspective, anyone or any company that does not sign onto BDS may be"normalizing Israeli apartheid." A supermarket that sells Osem snacks cannot supply any food to campus. Jewish students in the SCSU would not be allowed to display Israeli flags. Jewish organizations would not be allowed to celebrate Yom Haatzmaut. 

And the motion includes thought control: any students that point out that BDS is targeting Jews and is antisemitic violates the policy itself!

What about Chanukah? After all, it celebrates Jewish sovereignty over  "Palestine" and the "Al Aqsa mosque." Is celebrating that allowed? Can Jews mourn the destruction of the Temples on Tisha B'Av? Are they allowed to say "Next Year in Jerusalem" on Passover and Yom Kippur? Because all of those can easily be considered "normalizing Israeli apartheid" to the bigots who drafted this obscenity.

As far as the kosher food goes, the BDSers are the ones who would determine if "alternatives are available," so they can easily tell all Jewish students that they must become vegan to avoid buying meat from companies that are not sufficiently anti-Israel.

Or perhaps the BDSers will ensure that all meats come from Satmar Chassidim.

People who hate Israel will determine which Jewish practices, beliefs, holidays and prayers are acceptable and which are not. Sort of like medieval Christian censorship of the Talmud, updated for campus life.

This is spectacularly antisemitic - and you can be sure that the words of this resolution will now be copied by BSD bigots on other campuses in North America.

(h/t Andrew P)


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Credit: James Grellier via Wikipedia
Credit: James Grellier via Wikipedia

Ashkelon, November 25 - Activists denounced the Jewish state again today over its discriminatory attitudes and policies, in this case over the latter's refusal to operate a desalination plant just up the coast from where a Hamas-governed territory dumps untreated wastewater into the sea, a refusal that the activists say provides further evidence of Israel's view of Palestinians as "dirty" or "inferior" and therefore worthy of exploitation.

Representatives of Human Right Watch, Btselem, and others from within Israel, within the Palestinian Territories, and around the world accused Israel today of racism in its handling of the millions of gallons of raw sewage that flows from the Gaza Strip into the Mediterranean, which causes Israel not to operate the desalination plant near this coastal city. The groups called on the international community to pressure Israel into reversing the decision, thereby destroying the plant and depriving its people of drinking water even when the sea remains clean.

"Palestinian sewage is just a pretext for this bigoted behavior," insisted Omar Shakir of Human Rights Watch. "If anything, Israelis should be drinking that raw sewage regardless of desalination, because I don't like them and I think they should be made to suffer because of my prejudices."

A Btselem activist explained that the refusal to desalinate sewage-contaminated water from Gaza goes beyond the mere insult of deeming Palestinian sewage unfit for Israeli consumption. "The hurt is magnified because until Zionism came along, forcing Jews to drink Muslim wastewater, whether figuratively or literally, was the norm in the region," observed Mashka Biyuv. "The institutionalized power of the Zionist state, embodying as it does the emancipation of Jews from underclass status under Muslim domination, defiantly not taking in Gaza's wastewater, is a bitter pill to swallow, so to speak. It's merely the latest manifestation of malignant Zionist arrogance that harms Palestinians."

Gaza lacks sufficient facilities to process sewage, a situation that human rights activists blame on an Israeli blockade aimed at keeping war materiel from reaching the militants factions that thrive in the territory, and which attack Israel with rockets and other weapons they smuggle into Gaza, or manufacture with imported materials. Those materials include pipes that would otherwise function as components of proper sewage treatment infrastructure, but end up as parts of locally-made rockets. The activists further explained that since the Palestinian leadership sees no problem harming its own people in order to hurt Israel, and international activists such as the BDS movement see no problem in harming Palestinians economically just to pursue symbolic moves against Israel that fail to harm her economically, Israeli must suffer to spare Palestinians from feeling the shame inherent in the diminution of their once-superior status vis-à-vis Jews.

From Ian:

The UN Must Reject Palestinian Rejectionism
The United Nations reserves November 29, its International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, for robust anti-Israel activity. The day’s events inappropriately put the UN’s thumb on the scale in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, encouraging Palestinian obstinacy by normalizing Palestinian viewpoints.

November 29 marks the anniversary of the 1947 partition plan, which would have created an Arab state and a Jewish state in British Mandatory Palestine.

While the Jewish leadership accepted partition, Arab leaders rejected it, setting in motion more than seven decades of bloodshed. Now, many pro-Palestinian activists have embraced Solidarity Day as a repudiation of Israel’s existence.

In previous years, speakers at Solidarity Day events have falsely charged one of Israel’s founding fathers — David Ben-Gurion — with advocating ethnic cleansing; mendaciously accused Israel of perpetrating apartheid and ethnic cleansing; called for boycotts of Israel; and advocated a “free Palestine from the river to the sea,” which is a call to ethnically cleanse the land of Jews.

According to the UN, Solidarity Day provides an opportunity to focus on how the Palestinians have yet to “attain their inalienable rights,” including “the right to return” to Israel, as a UN advertisement put it. Yet the Palestinian “right to return” is fictitious, according to many international law experts, since it rests on non-legally binding documents, including a General Assembly resolution. Forcing Israel to accept an influx of potentially hostile individuals would infringe on the Jewish state’s right to security — a recipe for promoting violence and strife.

The UN event’s advertisement also highlights the participation of “Palestinian activist” Mohammed El-Kurd. El-Kurd has previously praised the violence of the Second Intifada, which occurred between 2000 and 2005, for terrorizing Israelis; he has described all Israelis as terrorists; and he also called for ethnically cleansing the land of Jews. Just this month, El-Kurd justified the murder of an Israeli civilian in Jerusalem by posting an old photo of the victim in an army uniform and falsely calling him a settler — which, in any case, is not an open license for murder.

Solidarity Day is also sandwiched between the General Assembly’s 16 annual end-of-year resolutions promoting the Palestinian agenda and castigating Israel. One resolution, titled “Occupied Syrian Golan,” even deplores Israel’s presence in the Golan — without mentioning the Syrian regime’s butchering of over half a million of its own people
Report: US to unilaterally reopen PA Consulate in Jerusalem
A high-ranking Israeli official has told i24news that the United States will be opening a consulate to deal with Palestinian affairs “soon,” Asharq Al-Awsat reports.

According to the report, the Biden administration has already informed Israel of its intentions and plans to move ahead unilaterally if it does not obtain a response from Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government, which is no longer seen as under immediate threat of dissolving due to internal strife, now that the budget has passed.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump closed the consulate in 2019 after recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the U.S. embassy to the city, merging its services with the consulate.

The report added that the official Israeli source also stated that the government would soon be announcing a new settlement plan in “East Jerusalem,” an area which includes parts of the city’s northern and eastern neighborhoods that were brought under Israeli control during the Six-Day War. The area referred to is actually in the northern suburb of Atarot near to where an industrial zone already exists.
Tom Gross: “A stronger Israel in a less stable world,” Tom Gross, 24 Nov 2021
Tom Gross argues that despite the various threats and challenges it still faces, Israel has never been in a stronger position: diplomatically, economically, militarily, culturally, and in terms of personal safety for its citizens. Meanwhile, several Arab states are in a state of full or partial disintegration (Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq) -- and the wider world is in many ways less stable than at any time since the end of WW2.

Tom Gross is interviewed by Paul Gross (no relation) of the Jerusalem think tank, the Begin Center. (Nov 24, 2021).
  • Thursday, November 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

In 1966, Saudi King Faisal showed what he meant when he said he was against Zionists.

From the New York Daily News, June 23, 1966:
Saudi Arabia's King Faisal declared today, while Washington officials shuddered, that Jews throughout the world are his country's enemies.

Under heavy questioning at a newspaper luncheon, the monarch finally poured out his deep feelings about the historic conflict which has divided Jews and Arabs. 

"Unfortunately the Jews throughout the world provide assistance to Israel . . .," he said. "We consider those who provide assistance to our enemy is our own enemy." 

Faisal's words, which seemed to tumble out without premeditation, triggered an immediate diplomatic rhubarb which clouded the start of his state visit to the U.S. Even while the Saudis were feting President Johnson at a glittering embassy dinner, the storm built up. And Secretary of State Dean Rusk was called to late night conferences on the fate of the king's New York visit. A spokesman said no final decision was reached immediately and meanwhile there would be no comment. 

The hawk-nosed king, dressed in flowing Bedouin robes, gave frank answers to questions from the audience, speaking Arabic with a State Department interpreter translating. 

"It has never been our objective to exterminate Israel and throw it into the sea." Faisal said. ". . . This impression has been spread around by Jewish propaganda." 

But he said that present Arab rulers were as determined as ever to reclaim the former state of Palestine and evict the Jews who immigrated to Israel after the new country was established in 1948.

 "Zionism has . . . through aggression ... taken over that country ... occupied it .. and thrown its people out." he said. 

On other matters, defending Saudi Arabia's Islamic penal code, he said: "We are going to preserve — continue— the present practice of punishing thieves by chopping off their hand, because it is derived from the Koran. It has served us very well and almost eliminated crime in our country." 
JTA added, "The king said 'the Jews' had been guilty of “violation of every human right” of the Arabs."

As indicated in the article, King Faisal went off-script to make these statements, revealing the truth that people even today refuse to admit: anti-Zionism is just another form of antisemitism. 

Of course, the Saudi government then went into firefighting mode, and days later issued a statement that he only meant Zionist Jews, not all Jews: “We are not against the religion of the Jews, but against the Zionists and the Jews who help the Zionists.”

Even that clarification is antisemitic, since it still singled out Jews who help Zionists, not non-Jews.

Nowadays the Jew-haters are much more circumspect in their words, knowing that explicit hate of Jews is forbidden but explicit hate of the Jewish state is celebrated. Still, when you catch them off-camera, off-mic, or in drunken tirades on Twitter, you almost invariably discover that they really meant Jews all along.

Notice that Faisal used the terminology "occupation" to describe Israel in 1966 - before "occupation." 

One other difference between 1966 and today: In 1966, reporters actually would ask tough questions to Arab leaders. Now they generally treat them with kid gloves because they don't want to jeopardize their access to the same rulers in the future.

  • Thursday, November 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, Australia extended its existing ban on Hezbollah's "military wing" to the entire group, declaring all of Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Australian Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews explained that the Iran-backed Hezbollah threatens terrorist attacks and provides support to Islamic Jihad and the Izzadin al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, which is also considered terrorist under Australian law.

So why doesn't Australia also ban all of Hamas?

Australian National Security explains  why Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades is considered a terrorist group:
Division 102 of the Criminal Code provides that for an organisation to be listed as a terrorist organisation, the Minister for Home Affairs must be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the organisation:

- is directly or indirectly engaged in, preparing, planning, assisting in or fostering the doing of a terrorist act; or
- advocates the doing of a terrorist act.
For the purposes of listing a terrorist organisation under the Criminal Code, the doing of a terrorist act includes the doing of a specific terrorist act, the doing of more than one terrorist act and the doing of a terrorist act, even if a terrorist act does not occur.
As we saw only this week, the murderer of Eli Kay in Jerusalem on Sunday was done by a prominent Hamas "political wing" member, praised by Hamas' "political wing," and even the political leadership of Hamas didn't distinguish between its supposed wings when it protested Britain's designation of the entire organization as a terror group, instead defending terrorist attacks as "legal."

Even Australia's description of the Qassam Brigades describes Hamas as a whole as "an ideologically and religiously motivated violent extremist organisation and political party."

After the British decision, I imagine that Australia will follow suit to declare all of Hamas as terrorist, and it has probably started the process.

It is notable that when Australia lists Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades terrorist activities, it highlights its rocket and incendiary balloon attacks on Israel as terrorism:

From 10-21 May 2021, Palestinian militants, including from the Brigades, launched over 4,000 rockets into Israel from Gaza. The Brigades’ official spokesperson claimed its responsibility for multiple strikes against Israel during this period.
On 29 December 2020, Palestinian militant groups, including the Brigades, launched rockets into the Mediterranean Sea off Gaza during joint military drills. According to an official Brigades statement, the exercises aimed to simulate expected threats posed by Israel and to develop the capability of Palestinian resistance fighters for conflict.
Throughout August 2020, Palestinian militants in Gaza launched hundreds of incendiary and explosive balloons and at least 16 rockets into Israel before a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was reached on 31 August. The Brigades probably supported some of these attacks.
...On the basis of these examples, the Brigades is assessed as responsible for directly or indirectly engaging in, preparing, planning, assisting in or fostering the doing of terrorist acts.
Most countries and NGOs, while generally condemning Hamas rocket attacks on Israel, have avoided calling it "terrorism" - even though it clearly is. It is good to see that Australia does.

Let's hope they do the right thing soon and extend their ban to all of Hamas.

  • Thursday, November 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a press release from the Palestine Scholars Association in the Diaspora, putting an Islamic imprimatur on murdering Jews:

A statement about the heroic operation carried out by the martyr Sheikh Fadi Abu Shkhaydam in Jerusalem

The Almighty said: {And do not think that those who were killed in the way of Allah are dead, but they are alive with their Lord, receiving sustenance} Al Imran 69:1

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions and those who followed them in goodness until the Day of Judgment; And yet:

The Association of Palestinian Scholars congratulates our Palestinian people and our Islamic nation on the heroic operation carried out by the martyr Sheikh Fadi Abu Shkhaydam on the doorstep of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

This heroic operation, which is considered a security penetration of the security fortresses of the Zionist enemy and an outperformance of its intelligence capabilities, to vex and abuse them in full view of the world.

The martyred preacher Sheikh Fadi Abu Shkhaydam has watered his influential words and sermons in the mosques of Jerusalem with his blood and led the ranks in redemption and sacrifice as a great model for working scholars, sacrificing preachers and mujahideen preachers.

The martyr Sheikh emphasized that the path to purify the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is paved with the souls of the faithful and paved with their blood.

Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque will remain the first Qibla for those who deny our sanctities and our dignity, for those who defend our homelands, and for those who expose Zionist falsehood and repudiate what is above.
The headquarters for this association is in Istanbul, Turkey.

It's always interesting to note that the secular Israel haters (represented by the PFLP and its allies) and the religious Israel haters (like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Palestine Scholars Association) have nothing in common except their hate for Israel, but antisemitism make strange bedfellows.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

From Ian:

Meir Y. Soloveichik: Hanukkah Unbound
It is with this in mind that the central ritual of Hanukkah today—the kindling of several small flames in commemoration of a Menorah that burned in the Temple for eight miraculous nights—must be understood. The story of the flask of oil has been mocked by bigoted anti-Jewish writers who celebrate the intellectual achievements of Hellenism. Thus did Christopher Hitchens sneer that “Epicurus and Democritus had brilliantly discovered the world was made up of atoms, but who cares about a mere fact like that when there is miraculous oil to be goggled at by credulous peasants.” But such a critique, like most of Hitchens’s commentary on biblical religion, entirely misses the point. The contrast between the fire of Greece and the flames of the Talmud allows us to understand that for Jews, to light the menorah is to do more than mark a miracle; it is to look at those small flames and ponder what biblical monotheism bequeathed to a pagan world, and the miraculous endurance of the tiny people that brought this message to humanity.

We are indeed forever indebted to Athens for its intellectual achievements, but the menorah’s flames remind us of the insights found not in Athens but Jerusalem—that human beings are created in the image of God, and therefore precious and inviolable; that history has purpose; and that countries stand under the judgement of a good and just God. The Nazi effort to seize the Olympian mantle ought to remind us of the dangers of rebelling against this biblical message, as Germany in the early 20th century was, in a sense, the Athens of its age. This point was made by the late Justice Antonin Scalia in a speech delivered at a congressional Holocaust memorial:
You will have missed the most frightening aspect of it all, if you do not appreciate that it happened in one of the most educated, most progressive, most cultured countries in the world. The Germany of the 1920s and early 1930s was a world leader in most fields of art, science, and intellect….Berlin was a center of theater.…German poets and writers included Hermann Hesse, Stefan George, Leonhard Frank, Franz Kafka, and Thomas Mann.…In architecture, Germany was the cutting edge.…And in science, of course, the Germans were preeminent.

The right response to what happened in Germany, Scalia reflected, “can be achieved only by acknowledging, and passing on to our children, the existence of absolute, uncompromising standards of human conduct. Mankind has traditionally derived such standards from religion; and the West has derived them from and through the Jews.”

This, in the end, is what Hanukkah is all about, and the holiday therefore speaks particularly to us today. Throughout much of the West, biblical faith has waned profoundly. No one still sacrifices to Zeus, but given the approach of many to the sanctity of human life and the worshipful embrace of nature, the prospect of a repaganized Europe is all too real a possibility. In a season marked all too often by holiday kitsch, it is worth remembering the clash of cultures that brought Hanukkah into being—and the profound message that the menorah’s flames have to teach us.
Does Hanukkah Make You Uncomfortable? This Year Ask Why
In a previous piece, I told the tale embedded in Jewish-American folklore of the Hanukkah story inspiring George Washington during the Revolutionary War. And as President Reagan remarked at a 1983 Hanukkah celebration: “[the holiday] is of great importance to the meaning of America. … Hanukkah is symbolic of the Jewish struggle to resist submission to tyranny and to sustain its spiritual heritage.”

President Obama got it right at the 2013 White House Hanukkah Reception, when he said that Hanukkah is about “a people who surmounted overwhelming odds to reclaim their historic homeland … Jewish communities around the world kept alive a light that would not be extinguished. The hope that freedom would triumph over tyranny.”

The sources above demonstrate that Hanukkah is a tale of unyielding resistance to government despotism, of fighting and dying for freedom, of religious conservatism, of sovereign independence, of civic virtue, of risking everything, of right makes might, of seeing God’s hand in history, and of believing miracles are still possible.

Unfortunately, these ideals have loosened their grip on the hearts of modern man and woman. Some deny them outright. Adam Smith observed that “every faculty in one man is the measure by which he judges the like faculty in another. I judge of your sight by my sight … of your love by my love.”

When the motivations that stirred the Maccabees to battle mean little to us, so does Hanukkah. Can we be inspired by martyrs for a cause we hold in ambivalence?

However, if this brand of Hanukkah feels uncomfortable, this year, ask yourself why.
Hey American businesses: Hanukkah is not the Jewish Christmas
Media companies are just as guilty. The Hallmark Channel is famous for its month+ of heartwarming Christmas movies, and in recent years they’ve included some token Hanukkah-themed stories as well…but the results indicate that the writers neglected to consult anyone knowledgeable about Judaism. The movies often feature a Jewish main character with no Jewish knowledge who needs to be educated about the holiday. Expect lots of dreidel decorations and a “happily ever after” with a couple from different faiths coming together to show the value of cultural diversity.

It’s as if these creators sat around and asked themselves, “How can I take my Christmas merchandise and market it to Jews who celebrate Hanukkah despite my lack of knowledge about Hanukkah? I’ll make a ‘Jewish’ elf-on-the-shelf! Or a Jewish Christmas movie!” These creations indicate the mistaken assumption that Jews don’t have a rich enough culture and are looking to incorporate Christmas traditions into their celebration of Hanukkah instead of celebrating the unique characteristics of their own winter holiday without connection to anything else. Of course, these artists and companies think that if they use these symbols or a few Jewish words, it makes everything kosher and Jewish. And frankly, it’s insulting.

I understand that this trend to use Jewish signs and symbols in holiday merchandise stems from a desire to include Jews in a Christmas-oriented society, who often feel left out of the holiday excitement. By including a token nod to other cultures’ winter holidays, these businesses demonstrate a level of cultural sensitivity that indicates that they understand. They make attempts at humor with puns using Jewish words, thinking they’re making a humorous joke, but in reality, they’re making a bad ethnic joke by those who aren’t part of the ethnic group, and that is culturally offensive.

Hanukkah celebrates Jews refusing to assimilate to an occupying culture that tried to define what their culture should be. It’s sadly ironic that this celebration of Jewish freedom from outside cultural influences has turned into a celebration of assimilation.

Perhaps I’m being too sensitive since I am an educated Orthodox Jew familiar with the background of our holidays. I guess what is truly tragic is that for some American Jews, Jewish Christmas is exactly what they’re seeking, and they miss the true meaning of Hanukkah.

Buried deep into a piece about the heart-wrenching murder of Eli Kay, HY”D,* was this sentence: “The Temple Mount was closed to Jews immediately after the attack.”

This is a sentence to which we have become accustomed to encountering after every Jerusalem terror attack. And it is a painful sentence to read. It is a sentence that represents a fundamental disagreement between everyday Israelis and decisions successive Israeli governments, through the years, have made.

Many of us believe it is a tactical mistake for Israel to make it illegal for Israeli Jews to exercise their religious rights in reference to the holiest site in Judaism. It means we have ceded sovereignty, surrendered power. It means they, the Arabs, have won the battle, and kept the Temple Mount for themselves, the crown jewel of Jerusalem, Judenrein. They kill us in the streets of the Holy City, and our response is to make concessions. We make nice to them by sacrificing our own fundamental human rights, as we watch them preen over their victory and plan the next step in eradicating the Jewish presence in what they think of as their land.

And so it goes with all our religious sites. When the sovereign government of Israel forbids Jews from visiting religious shrines, what are the Arabs to understand but that the Jews have submitted to Allah? The fact that the “Temple Mount was closed to Jews immediately after the attack,” is tantamount to Jewish acknowledgement that Islam reigns supreme (God forbid) over the Temple Mount, God’s house.

This tactic of not riling up the "natives," in which we bow to false narratives and antisemitic dictates makes Jews pathetic. When we concede the Temple Mount to Muslims, barring Jewish prayer and access, we support the view that Jews have and should have no rights: no right to the land, no access to Jewish holy sites, no recognition of Jewish history.

We look the other way as they rewrite history, regurgitating lies to their children in mosques and UNRWA classrooms. We look the other way on the things they say about us among themselves in their own language, and what they teach to their children and the masses at large. Indeed the murderer of Eli Kay was on the payroll of the Jerusalem Municipality in his profession as a teacher in a boy’s school in the Muslim Quarter, under the auspices of Israel’s Education Ministry. This monster (may his name and memory be erased) got paid by Israel to mold young minds using the antisemitic PA curriculum.

Teachers like the murderer of Eli Kay declare and preach that the Jews are thieves, that the Arabs were in Israel before the Jews, that the Jews are from Europe. These “educators” tell young people that Jews are vermin who appropriate Arab food. Their students learn that the Jews started the Holocaust to provide an excuse to steal more Arab land. The world, headed by Europe, sends them billions of dollars in support, much of it going precisely for this sort of concerted incitement. It is impossible not to deduce that the world wants us, the Jews, dead.

For people like the monster who killed Eli Kay, there is only one way, one world. That world is black and white and divided into two. There is land ruled by Muslims (dar al-Islam), and land that is yet to be ruled by Muslims, and until then, remains the domain of war (dar al-harb).

This Arab attitude of attack and receive concessions has taken hold. But back in 1967, things were different. The Arabs knew that they had been trounced. They saw no return to Muslim rule on the horizon. The Jews had trumped Islam and captured the height of heights, the pinnacle of holiness, the Temple Mount.

The Arabs were beaten and they knew it. But as it turned out, however, that didn’t matter. They'd lost but they'd won. Because Moshe Dayan, a man right up there in the Israeli hierarchy, a man who had just suffered a nervous breakdown, went and returned the Temple Mount, the spoils of war that anyway belonged to the Jews by right, to the vanquished enemy.

Moshe Dayan ceded the Temple Mount (and other important holy sites) consulting no one. Giving back what Israel had fought hard to restore to the rightful owners, the Jewish people, was one man’s doomed, dumb, and tragic attempt at making peace with an implacable enemy. Dayan did not succeed in making peace. Instead, he succeeded in giving the defeated party a hold on his people, the Jews.

From the time Dayan gave the Temple Mount, so recently b’yadeinu (in our hands), to the Waqf—the Jordanian Islamic Trust—the Jews were screwed. From the Arab perspective, the Jews had bent their heads to Islam. The Jew Dayan had given Islam a clawhold on God’s house, the Temple. Islam had received a gift at the hand of a Jew, a prize, the Temple Mount, a place at the heart of Judaism, the height of Jewish holiness.

Why should anyone be surprised that they should think they had gained the upper hand? After all, the Temple Mount had been handed over to them on a platter. Why would they not think that the Jews had submitted to Islam? With the Temple Mount in their hands, they hold us by the neck like a bulging plastic bag. With their stranglehold on Jerusalem, from atop Temple Mount, they believe they are king.

This is not a good thing for the Jews of Israel. Dayan give them a mile, and expected them to refrain from taking an inch. But the opposite was and still is true. The more concessions made, the more Arabs and their supporters demonize us in the media, and the more terrorists set out to murder Jews within the Holy City. Here is the “peace” agreement between Jews and Arabs: Jews agree not to pray or step foot on the Temple Mount. In exchange, maybe the Arabs won’t riot, or maybe they will. Because they are holding the football.

The Arabs hold the crown jewel of Judaism. Dayan, a symbol of the Israeli left, handed it to them. This is his legacy: the more Arabs riot, the more Jews are forbidden access to their holy places. Because the Arabs have learned to make a ruckus when Jews ascend to their holy places, in particular after a terror attack: it’s too “contentious” for Jews to be in this spot that means so much to them, but has been stamped with the imprint of Islam, a stamp so difficult for Jews to now revoke.

Thus, Israel keeps the quiet by assenting to their rules, their way, their God.

That is the only way to understand this tactic, this mechanism by which the Jews are trapped in a web of violence of their own making by way of Moshe Dayan and now the Israeli left. This is the apparatus by which the sacrifice of a beautiful young man who was murdered, Eli Kay, is trivialized and demeaned by an Israeli edict against Jewish religious rites.

Going back to 1967, we see that it took the Arabs a bit of time to understand that while they were sure they’d lost, they’d actually won, because they received the Temple Mount. But until that realization sank in, the Arabs understood only that they had been humiliated. A few Jews had vanquished many Arabs, a modern-day David meeting the infernal Goliath.

In 1967, the Arabs absorbed a lesson. They’d been spanked. They knew who was who, and what was what. Allah had not smiled on them. They’d been trounced, and thoroughly cowed. The effect was to drastically reduce Arab terror.

This was the Israel I came to when I arrived in 1979. An Israel in which the Arabs of the Old City were docile and submissive. When the residents of the Jewish Quarter of which I was one, hired the occasional sabal to cart our things around on their backs, I was reminded of how the British had treated the people of India as their inferiors. How submissive the natives were, saying “Yes, Memsahib, no, Memsahib.”

Now it was the Arabs who were subservient to the Jews. And that was good. It meant recognition that the Jews were back, that the land had been restored to them. That acceptance, and the fear that attended it, again, translated to fewer acts of Arab terror. Jewish might had been demonstrated, as well as the Arab ineptitude in war. It had been insultingly necessary, from their viewpoint, for Israel to hand the prize to them, as they, on their own, had not able to defend it, to hold onto the Jewish Temple Mount for themselves.

At some point, however, the Arabs figured it out. They had Israel by the short hairs. The idea that Israel was sovereign was a joke, meaningless, as long as they held Har HaBayit, the vestiges of the Jewish Temple, in their hot little hands.

What is the solution to this untenable and unsustainable status quo in which Jews are sovereign, but the Arabs hold sway? How do we make clear that the Jews are sovereign, and that Jews can and will pray out loud on the Temple Mount?

It begins with destroying the hold of the left on Israel. It is helped by intelligent initiatives such as the Abraham Accords. The accords appear to have an impressive ability to drown out the chatter: the false narrative of the fake refugees and their supporters, the people who hate the Jews so much they don’t even want them to have even a tiny sliver of land for themselves.

But mostly it begins at home. Israel must end the practice of issuing edicts forbidding Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount after murderous Arab terror attacks on Jews. This must stop.

It seems obvious that this simple act of omission would have a major impact on this terrible dynamic, in which the Jewish people are wronged and slighted after one of them is murdered, an imbalance of power in which the victim kowtows to his butcher. Don’t make edicts, don’t make statements. The enemy will begin to get the message. The terror attacks will lessen in number. The balance of power will yet be restored.

Just watch and see. Halavai.

*Acronym for the Hebrew: Hashem Yinkom Damo/Dama (may Hashem avenge his/her blood). Used instead of Alav/Aleha Hashalom (may he/she rest in peace), when speaking of Jews who were murdered for being Jews, or who otherwise die in the service of a holy cause.


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