Friday, June 25, 2021

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: The delusional faith in reason of the liberal intellectual
Surreally, the latest such candidate is radical Islam which is currently being accommodated, sanitised and genuflected to in western progressive circles. Evidence of the fanatical aggression perpetrated in its name is blanked out as if it isn’t there.

I personally encountered this phenomenon during the creation of the appalling 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which at best would merely delay the Iranian bomb while funnelling billions of dollars into the regime to fund its terrorist activities.

One of that deal’s most enthusiastic political architects told me that reports of the Iranian regime’s repression of its people were baloney because he’d seen no sign of it on a recent visit to Tehran, where he’d been impressed by the politeness of the Iranian police.

When I pointed out that in Iran dissidents were jailed, women violently oppressed and gay people hung from cranes, he simply waved all this away. When I observed that the regime was run by genocidal fanatics, he told me sternly that they were in fact highly rational individuals as evidenced by the way they negotiated. The idea that unhinged fanatics can also exercise strategic cunning was simply not on his radar.

For intellectuals who live inside their own heads, belief in a rational utopia is as immovably set in stone as is the fanaticism of the Iranian regime.

The irony, however, is that this worship of rationality has made liberal intellectuals irrational. They deny the evidence of their own eyes in order to declare that things are not as they are but as they want them to be. They are hopelessly in thrall to the power of the abstract idea.

So liberals like the Bidenites believe, with an arrogance exceeded only by their ignorance, that everyone in the world behaves like them — invariably motivated by a rational assessment of the benefits to themselves of negotiated compromise. All that remains to be hammered out are the terms.

As a result, the mortal enemies of the west are no longer bothering to hide their scorn and contempt as America humiliatingly plays into their hands, now putting at reckless and terrible risk the free world it is supposed to lead.
Caroline Glick: American antisemitism – Israeli paralysis
Lapid's strategy for securing and strengthening Israel-US ties cannot work because it is predicated on an untrue assumption – that the problems with the Democrats owe to former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's identification with the Republicans. Netanyahu was castigated as a "Republican" because the Democrats wanted a justification for their unwillingness to stand up to the likes of Omar and Ocasio Cortez – and Barack Obama before them.

Now that Netanyahu is out of office and Lapid the "Democrat" is in charge, the Democrats are still unwilling to stand up to them. And so, as Politico noted, their power continues to grow.

Netanyahu found that the best way to secure and expand US support for Israel was to work with people who are actually capable of achieving the goal. The man who has done the most in this area is Pastor John Hagee. Hagee founded and leads Christians United For Israel, the largest, and most politically powerful pro-Israel organization in the US But in the same speech where Lapid made rebuilding ties with Democrats and the liberal Jewish establishment in the US his top goals in office, he also made outreach to the Evangelicals a second-tier priority. In his words, "The fact that we are supported by Evangelical groups and others in the US is important and a heartwarming. But world Jewry are more than our allies. They are our family."

And this brings us to the second obstacle that will block the Lapid-Bennett government from acting effectively against the growing anti-Semitism in the US emanating from the Red-Green alliance. While 12 Jewish Democrat lawmakers were willing to sign a letter condemning Omar, other Jewish Democrat lawmakers supported Omar against their Jewish colleagues. Just as former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn had Jewish groups that were dedicated to acting as fig leaves to cover his anti-Semitism, so progressive Jewish groups and leaders serve as fig leaves for Omar, Sanders and their comrades. Some, like Bending the Arc and IfNotNow do so by joining them in their delegitimization of Israel's right to exist. Others, like Anti-Defamation League leader Jonathan Greenblatt, do so by refusing to call them out by name for their anti-Semitism and by going to great lengths to underreport and hide the breadth and depth and danger of leftist anti-Semitism and its direct relation to the demonization of Israel.
Meir Y. Soloveichik: How Chancellor Kurz Redeemed Vienna
It is often assumed that it was the Dreyfus affair that inspired Herzl’s vision, but in fact, as Rick Richman has noted, Herzl had originally assumed Dreyfus’s guilt, and he had dismissed French anti-Semitism as a mere “salon for the castoffs.” In contrast, Richman writes, “Vienna was Herzl’s home, the capital of the Hapsburg empire, the heart of Central European high culture, where a Jewish population nearly twice as large as that of all of France resided.” These Austrian Jews, who had given so much to their country, “were being accused of polluting the culture they had for a century longed to join, and not simply by a benighted clergy but by politicians and the populace at large, in a democratic election.”

Thus it can be said that, in 1895, Vienna’s leader taught Hitler his insidious craft and also inspired Herzl’s Zionist dream. Others had already written of a restored Jewish society, but Herzl became convinced that only as a genuinely political movement could Zionism succeed. “What,” Herzl wrote immediately after Lueger’s election, “is a flag? A pole and a piece of cloth? No Sir. A flag is greater than this. With a flag people are led to where you want, even to the chosen land. For a flag, people live and die. It is the one thing people are willing to die for.”

We are now able to understand the meaning of what it meant to fly the Zionist flag in the city that taught Hitler the power of hate and the city that taught Herzl the importance of Jewish nationalism. In a speech to American Jews, Kurz argued that Austria’s history “guides my political work today,” reminding him that “we have to be a strong partner of Israel.” By flying the Israeli flag, Kurz communicated that Vienna faces a choice: to stand with the locus of living Jewry, or to stand with Hamas, the heirs of the Nazis’ quest for genocide of the Jewish people.

And in the end, Kurz reminds his fellow leaders that this is a choice faced by all of Europe. Writing from Paris, Michel Gurfinkel recently reflected how, throughout the continent, ostentatious memorials to the Holocaust are erected, as Europe mourns “its lost dead Jews of yesterday, whose murder it variously perpetrated, abetted, or (with exceptions) found it could put up with.” Gurfinkel summarizes the European approach in a stark sentence: “To the dead Jews of yesterday, everything; to the living Jews of today, little and littler.”

But not, at least for one moment, in Vienna, where a chancellor in the city stood side by side with the state that was born in the mind of a Viennese Jew and hung Herzl’s flag from the edifice embodying his administration. It is too soon to tell whether the realignment described by Haddad is to endure, but if there is to be a better future in Euro–Israel relations, it will be because Sebastian Kurz has helped show the way.
MEMRI: The Dramatis Personae Behind The 1941 Farhud Pogrom In Baghdad – And Personal Recollections Of The Events
Between June 1-2, 1941, there occurred the most dramatic and gruesome event in the modern history of Iraqi Jews – the Farhud. During two days of political interregnum, after the coup of the pro-Nazi Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali Al-Kailani had failed and the monarchy had been restored with the help of the British army, a violent mob attacked Jewish residents of Baghdad and plundered their businesses. Order was restored on the night of June 2, but the mob, which included soldiers and members of the police force, had left behind a shattered community. At least 180 Jews had been murdered and close to 2,000 wounded; women had been raped, and many Jewish businesses had been looted or destroyed. The Farhud was a turning point in the history of the Iraqi Jews: Previously, Jews may have thought that the future of the community was precarious; now many wondered whether the Iraqi Jewish community had a future at all.

Iraq's port city of Basra, where I was born and grew up, suffered less than Baghdad, but from the windows of our house I witnessed looters running through the streets carrying whatever they could grab from Jewish stores. There was always the uncertainty of whether the mob of looters was going to turn into a mob of murderers. Even though we were spared the fate of the Baghdadi Jews, the terror of our experience remains indelible in my mind.

The word farhud itself needs some explanation. It describes both an action and a cultural value. According to Nabil Abdul-Amir Al-Rubayi, who wrote two important volumes on the history of Jews in Iraq, the word is uncommon in the Arabic language; rather, it is adopted from Bedouin dialect and refers to looting and plundering. Quoting the well-known Iraqi sociologist Ali Al-Wardi, Al-Rubayi notes that the concept of farhud is part of Bedouin culture, in which looting and plundering are activities signaling "courage and daring."[1]

The events of the Farhud are well documented in numerous publications, and there is no need to dwell on them in detail in this report.[2] Instead, this report will focus on a number of individuals who played critical roles in the policies of the country which led to violence against a peaceful community and planted the seeds for the Farhud.

The figures discussed in this report are the following:
- The four colonels
- Prime Minister Rashid Ali Al-Kailani
- The Mufti of Jerusalem and his associates
- Younis Bahri (Radio Berlin)
- German Chief of Legation in Baghdad Fritz Grobba (commonly referred to as the German ambassador, but he did not carry this rank)
- British Ambassador to Baghdad Kinahan Cornwallis.

David Hirsh: Antisemite Richard Falk spearheads a global effort for ‘academics, artists and intellectuals’ to denounce Israel as apartheid
Antisemite Richard Falk spearheads a global effort for ‘academics, artists and intellectuals’ to denounce Israel as apartheid June 24, 2021 — David Hirsh

Richard Falk, who has for years now embraced an explicitly antisemitic worldview, who pushes 9/11 conspiracy fantasy and endorses Gilad Atzmon’s antisemitic book, is the public face of this campaign. He has referred to a ‘Palestinian Holocaust’ and he has published an antisemitic cartoon on his blog.

The text that he is asking ‘academics, artists and intellectuals’ (as if other people weren’t important) to sign:
- constructs Israel as an apartheid state
- constructs Israel as a criminal enterprise
- constructs Israel as a ‘system of ethnic cleansing’
- constructs the Nakba as ongoing
- claims that Israel explicitly claims ‘Jewish supremacy’
- claims that Israel has a system of ‘racial segregation’
- finds Israel guilty of crimes against humanity
- calls for the ‘dismantling’ of Israel
- urges governments to cease ‘complicity’ with Israel
- calls for an ICC investigation into Israeli leaders and security personnel
Copenhagen votes against renaming Israel Square for 'Palestine'
Members of the Copenhagen City Council voted not to split the city's Israel Square and rename one-half Palestine Square, Thursday night.

A vote on the proposal resulted in a tie, with 26 council members voting in favor of the move and 26 against. The ruling party in the Danish capital, the Social Democrats, voted against the proposal, which was introduced by council member Niko Grunfeld of the Free Greens party.

In an interview with local news outlet TV2/Lorry, Grunfeld said: "We have an Asia Square, an America Square, and an Israel Square in the city. Naming the square for Palestine would be an incredibly strong message of solidarity with the Palestinian people."

Finn Rudaizky, a member of the Copenhagen city council from the Danish People's Party who is Jewish, told Danish news channel TV2/Lorry the move would see "Copenhagen send the wrong signal."

Noting Palestinian ties to Hamas and Hezbollah, Rudaizy said such a proposal should only be considered once there is peace in the Middle East.

New ADL Guide Helps Campus Safety Teams Spot, Report Antisemitism and Hate Crimes
Amid a recent rise in antisemitic incidents on college campuses across the United States, a joint guide from a leading US Jewish organization and two college campus safety groups gives universities new advice in the fight against hate crimes.

The guide — “Combating Hate Crimes on College and University Campuses” — was released Tuesday by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in partnership with the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) and the Clery Center, a nonprofit promoting campus safety. It outlines identifying markers of hate crimes, their effects on victims, and how campus officials can prevent and respond to them.

“A bias incident – whether or not it is determined to be a hate crime – deeply impacts a community,” the guide said, emphasizing the importance of informing campuses when incidents are being investigated as potential hate crimes, and of doing so with “compassion.”

“Include in your messaging a statement denouncing hate crimes and bias incidents, as well as details about efforts your campus takes to educate all campus community members about bias-related incidents or hate crimes, and the importance of working together to prevent them from occurring,” it said.

The guide gave a series of indicators to help officials identify hate crimes: the use of certain signs and symbols; the timing of an incident around dates such as Hitler’s birthday; and perpetrators that bear clothing patches or tattoos indicating membership in organized hate groups.

“We seek to help campuses improve communication about hate incidents, improve the rates of community members reporting incidents, and to improve communication in the wake of an incident so that campus community members feel supported,” the ADL’s National Director of College & University Programs, Elissa Buxbaum, told The Algemeiner. “Campuses will ultimately work together to create a culture where hate is a data point, but inclusion is what counts.
Listen: CBC Fails To Challenge Palestinian Authority’s Rationale For Rejecting 1 Million+ COVID Vaccines From Israel
Under pressure from Hamas, the Palestinian Authority rejected the 1.4 million Pfizer vaccine doses offered by Israel, saying they don’t “meet our standards.” But they’re the same vaccines given to Israelis. Now three other countries are asking for them.

What wasn’t good enough for the Palestinians seems to be good enough for everyone else! And yet Israel gets accused of “vaccine apartheid!”

With respect to this CBC report, it goes against CBC policy for its journalists to regard Gaza as being “occupied,” but Ms. Collard has done just that by claiming that it is, despite how Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, removing its 8,500 settlers, 21 settlements and its combined armed forces. There is no Israeli presence in Gaza (except for several Israeli soldiers that Hamas is holding captive and the remains of deceased IDF soldiers killed in battle).

Secondly, Collard said: “Israel has been a world leader in vaccine rollout with more than 55% of eligible adults already having received shots, but Israel came under international criticism for not providing vaccines to the millions of Palestinians under its military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza.”

Collard ignored how Israel say that the Oslo Accords require the Palestinians to provide for the healthcare and vaccines for its own populace and how the Palestinians had declined Israeli assistance at the onset. As well, Collard also ignored how Israel has vaccinated over 100,000 Palestinians already – almost all are labourers who enter Israel.

CBC News told HonestReporting Canada that it felt that this was a short report that didn’t require any of the aforementioned context. Of course, we beg to differ as this report was highly tendentious, though CBC did concede that its referring to Gaza as being “occupied” wasn’t in adherence to its language guide.
Stand With Us: Why did Palestinians reject covid vaccines from Israel | Israel Weekly

Phoenix hospital axes Palestinian doctor who accused Israel of cannibalism
A radiologist at Phoenix Children's Hospital in Arizona is no longer affiliated with the center after posting antisemitic messages on social media and saying that Israel was a state based on "inhumanity" and even "cannibalism."

On May 26, Dr. Fidaa Wishah wrote a post saying, "We will uncover your thirst to kill our Palestinian children. … We sense your fear. The fear of your collapse. A state-based on atrocity, inhumanity, racism and cannibalism never last[s] long! Hey #israel … your end is coming sooner than you think."

In a post she published on several networks earlier this week, Wishah wrote: "You will not censor us anymore. Bomb our media buildings, we have phones. Bribe the mainstream media, and we have our little social platforms. From our streets, from the windows, from the destruction, we will expose you to the world."

In another post, Wishah revealed she had been called in for a conversation with Human Resources and wrote: "I told my boss I would not stop writing posts or talking about Palestine. This is my life and this is my struggle. The false accusations against me and my labeling as antisemitic will not lead them anywhere."

She also posted a picture of herself crying and wrote: "It hurts to be accused of lying just because I dare to tell the truth. The Zionists have a large and influential lobby that supports them in the US and everything is based on money buying everything, even my silence."

The hospital said in a statement on Wednesday: "All children in the care of Phoenix Children's receive hope, healing and the best possible health care, regardless of race, color, disability, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or national origin. After a thorough review of the facts related to this matter, this individual [Wishah] is no longer providing care at Phoenix Children's."

Incoming Cal State Dean Defended Farrakhan, Attacked Jewish Critics
An incoming dean at California State University Los Angeles is a staunch defender of the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and has denounced the minister's Jewish critics.

Julianne Malveaux, whom Cal State L.A. appointed to lead its newly established College of Ethnic Studies, wrote in 2018 that "white people's hatred for Minister Farrakhan is irrational and … racist" after the Women's March movement faced calls to denounce its ties to Farrakhan, who has compared Jews to termites.

In a series of past remarks uncovered by school reform journal Education Next this week, Malveaux also lashed out against Jewish critics of the Nation of Islam leader. Malveaux condemned a congressional effort to denounce Farrakhan in 2018, framing the push to condemn the minister as being led by Jews asking black people to "buck dance," according to the Nation of Islam's official newspaper, the Final Call.

"We have tens of thousands if not millions of people, black people, in these United States who are members of the Nation of Islam. They are productive people in our community, who many of us interact with, work with, on a daily basis," the Final Call quoted Malveaux as saying. "They are not racist people. They are not anti-Semitic. They are black people. So, until these Jewish people who are running around asking black people to buck dance, until they ask white people to buck dance, I ain't having it! I'm just not having it!"

Malveaux reportedly appeared at a 2005 event hosted by Farrakhan, where she criticized attacks on the Nation of Islam leader's rhetoric.

Farrakhan has a history of making anti-Semitic remarks. The Nation of Islam leader has attributed "pedophilia and sexual perversion" in Hollywood to "Jewish influence," said that "powerful Jews are my enemy," and accused Jews of being responsible for the slave trade in the United States. Farrakhan in 2018 tweeted, "I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-Termite."

Malveaux, a columnist and former president of Bennett College, is also a staunch critic of Israel. During the country's latest conflict with the terrorist group Hamas last month, Malveaux wrote that the Jewish state "has a lock on U.S. foreign policy" and that "too many Jewish people say that criticism of Israel makes you anti-Semitic."
An Opening for Dissenters
Three years ago this month, the Supreme Court protected the First Amendment rights of public employees. In Janus v. AFSCME, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that requiring nonmember workers to help fund government unions violated the employees’ free speech rights “by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.” At its core, Janus recognized the impossibility of distinguishing between clearly political causes—for which even union leaders conceded that they could not charge non-members—and allegedly apolitical workplace matters, for which unions could demand an “agency fee.”

A recent resolution from the Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the City University of New York’s faculty union, confirmed the wisdom of Alito’s holding—and also showed how Janus can empower beleaguered dissenters in higher education. By a vote of 84–34, over the objections of a handful of delegates who argued that Middle East security issues weren’t a legitimate concern of the union, the PSC passed a measure described as a “Resolution in Support of the Palestinian People.” The offering approvingly cited groups accusing Israel of “apartheid,” and described the recent conflict in Gaza as “the massacre of Palestinians by the Israeli state.” To reach this peculiar interpretation, the resolution mentioned neither Hamas’s initiation of hostilities nor the thousands of rockets that Gaza’s leaders targeted at Israeli civilians.

Backers of the effort did not explain why CUNY faculty should condemn the alleged human rights abuses of one and only one foreign country. The PSC hasn’t criticized Iran for its treatment of gay citizens or Morocco for its annexation of Western Sahara. Egyptian persecution of the Muslim Brotherhood has escaped the PSC’s attention. The union not only has remained silent about China’s genocidal policies toward Uighurs but also passed a resolution last month claiming that “incessant China-bashing by the mainstream media” would lead to another “Cold War.” One PSC delegate even downplayed Hamas’s anti-Semitism, explaining that Hamas merely “wants to get Palestine back for the Palestinian people.”
Why I Resigned From the Professional Staff Congress (PSC)-CUNY
I am an ardent, lifelong supporter of organized labor. In the past, I served on the executive board and two contract negotiating teams for the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild. In recent years, I have focused on other areas and done other work — so during my five years teaching as an adjunct in the English department at Queens College, CUNY, my participation in the City University of New York’s Professional Staff Congress (PSC) has been limited to membership and reading union communications (many of which over the past couple of years concerned contract negotiations and the COVID-19 pandemic).

I first learned of the PSC’s so-called “Resolution in Support of the Palestinian People” on the very day, June 10, that the union’s delegate assembly was scheduled to vote on it. Like much American campus activity that is part of the malign campaign against Israel, it was a stealth act. Not primarily the supportive statement it labels itself to be, the resolution is really a malicious attack on the moral legitimacy and character of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people

News of the resolution came to me from an email blast, not by the PSC but rather from CUNY Rank and File Action (RAFA), a more radical, often dissident faction of PSC members.

RAFA, along with CUNY for Palestine and other, smaller groups, is leading the anti-Israel campaign within CUNY — which is aiming for a further BDS resolution in 2022, CUNY divestment from Israel, and a break in ties between the AFL-CIO and Histadrut, the Israeli General Federation of Labor.

According to Left Voice, a news service self-described as “part of the Trotskyist Faction” of the Fourth International, the resolution effort originated within PSC’s “anti-racist committee, international committee, and academic freedom committee.” All four principals of the PSC, including its president, newly installed after the retirement of 20-year leadership, voted against the much-amended-for-stridency final resolution, but it is instructive that they had been willing, according to Left Voice, to support language condemning the “massacre of Palestinians” by Israel.

Canada’s Leading Labor Union Secretly Passes Resolution to Boycott Israel
Canada’s largest labor union adopted “behind closed doors” a motion last week that supports a boycott of Israel after the resolution initially failed to garner support among members.

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) held its annual convention virtually this year, during which delegates from affiliated unions debate and vote on a range of topics. A resolution calling for a boycott of Israel was proposed but never brought to the convention floor since members gave it such a low priority.

Later that same day, a committee called the Canadian Council—comprised of the CLC executive and some representatives from affiliated unions—met and secretively adopted the anti-Israel resolution.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) said in a press release on Monday that it has spoken with leaders of CLC-affiliated unions and union members who are “bewildered and upset to find out that an anti-Israel resolution was passed behind closed doors.” The CLC used “backdoor methods to ram through” a resolution in support of a boycott of Israel that have left many union representatives “shocked and angry,” said the FSWC.

A union member who was a delegate at last week’s convention told FSWC: “The CLC knew that the delegates did not consider it a priority to so much as debate this kind of inflammatory and divisive resolution. But it was adopted anyway. This leaves a lot of us with some very serious questions about the CLC and its commitment to hearing members’ voices.”
CAMERA Prompts Washington Post Correction on Palestinian Terrorist Attack
After contact from CAMERA, The Washington Post has changed inaccurate wording in a June 13, 2021, report.

That article, by Jerusalem bureau chief Steve Hendrix, initially stated that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu “leaves behind a booming economy, newfound international respect and a decade without bus bombings by Palestinian militants [emphasis added].”

Yet, as CAMERA pointed out to Post editors and staff, the latter claim isn’t true.

On June 24, 2021, the dispatch was commendably changed, and per standard journalistic practice, a correction was appended, stating:

“Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said Israel had experienced a decade without bus bombings under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A bus bombing in 2016 injured at least 21 people. The article has been updated.”
Germany passes law to give descendants of Nazi-era refugees citizenship
Germany's parliament approved changes on Friday that will make it easier for descendants of people who fled Nazi persecution to obtain citizenship, a move Jewish groups described as an important signal in the country responsible for the Holocaust.

The amendments approved by the Bundestag lower house of parliament enshrine in law decrees from 2019 already in force, which followed a campaign by relatives of Nazi-era refugees.

"The ruling coalition has taken important legal steps to ensure that Germany lives up to its historical responsibility," President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, said.

Relatives of refugees have been angered that their applications for citizenship were rejected despite constitutional guarantees.

Germany’s Basic Law states that former German citizens who between 1933 and 1945 were deprived of their citizenship on political, racial or religious grounds and their descendants can have their citizenship restored.

However, some had applications rejected or were told they are not eligible to apply, often on the grounds that they were born to a German mother and non-German father. Until 1953, German citizenship could only be passed on through the paternal line.
Lapid slams ‘immoral’ Polish bill complicating Holocaust survivors restitution
Poland must do the right thing for Holocaust survivors or ties with Israel will suffer, Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said on Thursday, shortly after a parliamentary committee in Warsaw considered a bill making it more difficult for survivors to recover property seized by the Nazis.

Polish officials, however, defended the law as fighting post-communism corruption.

“No law will change history,” Lapid said. “The polish law is immoral and will severely harm relations between the countries. Israel will stand as a bastion protecting the memory of the Holocaust and the dignity of Holocaust survivors and their property.”

“Poland, on whose ground millions of Jews were murdered, knows the right thing to do,” the foreign minister added.

Poland-Israel ties have been strained since 2018, after Poland passed a law penalizing those arguing that Poland or the Polish people were in any way responsible for the Holocaust. Prominent Israelis sharply criticized the law; then-foreign minister Israel Katz repeated a quote from former prime minister Yitzhak Shamir that Poles get antisemitism with their mothers’ milk, and Lapid, then an opposition lawmaker, said Poland was complicit in the Holocaust. Then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said soon after that some Poles collaborated with the Nazis, which also sparked an uproar in Poland.
Tucson police arrest man in connection with synagogue vandalism
Tucson police have identified and taken into custody a suspect connected to the vandalism at the Chabad on River Synagogue that occurred on June 7.

Nathan Beaver, 30, was arrested Thursday in connection with the vandalism and was charged with aggravated criminal damage.

On June 7, at around 8:30 a.m., Tucson police were called to the Chabad on River Synagogue for a vandalism report, according to police.

Upon arrival, officers located graffiti on the building in the form of a swastika and anti-Semitic slur, according to police.

Tucson police spokesperson Officer Frank Magos said the vandalism happened sometime between 8 p.m. June 4 and 8 a.m. June 7.

The vandalism was first reported by Orthodox Jewish news service COLlive, and the news was later shared by state Rep. Alma Hernandez, D-Tucson, who tweeted that she woke up to the news Tuesday morning.

"When it happens to one, it happens to all of us," she wrote. "The amount of Jewish hate isn't shocking. The silence is."

Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin of Chabad Tucson said the vandalism was discovered on the morning of June 7 by a congregant coming to the synagogue for prayer and a Torah class.

Gov. Doug Ducey condemned the "terrible" vandalism on social media.
Toronto man receives antisemitic abuse in a city-centre pharmacy
A Jewish shopper in Toronto posted a video on Facebook showing a fellow shopper screaming “dirty Jew” at him.

The Jewish shopper was abused while in a city-centre pharmacy by a woman shopper who had refused to put on a mask offered by an employee. She screamed “homosexual” and “dirty Jew” at him, in addition to other, inaudible comments. On leaving the pharmacy she again shouted “dirty Jew.”

The author of the Facebook post said that he had “considered not sharing” the video but “realised silence will not stop this sort of thing from happening again.” He added: “Let this be a reminder that hate is alive and well in our city” and said he had sent the video to B’nai Brith Canada which monitors antisemitism.
New York Cops Arrest 14-Year-Old Boy in Connection With Assault on Jewish Man in Times Square
Police in New York on Thursday confirmed that a 14-year-old boy had been arrested in connection with the savage assault on Joseph Borgen, a Jewish man who was set upon by pro-Palestinian thugs following an anti-Israel demonstration in midtown Manhattan on May 20.

The teenage boy, whose name was not released by the NYPD because he is a minor, was charged with assault, gang assault and menacing, all as hate crimes, and aggravated harassment.

The boy, who lives in Staten Island, is the fourth person to have been taken into custody since the attack. Police arrested 23-year-old Mahmoud Musa of Staten Island two weeks ago on charges of gang assault and hate crimes. Musa’s arrest came after the previous detentions of 25-year-old Faisal Elezzi, also of Staten Island, and 23-year-old Waseem Awadeh of Brooklyn for participating in the gang beating of Borgen. Awawdeh is alleged to have told prosecutors, “I would do it again.”

Interviewed in the wake of the attack, the 29-year-old Borgen emphasized that he had “been a proud Jew my entire life, I’ve lived in New York my entire life. Never once before was I accosted verbally or felt threatened by the fact that I was Jewish, for wearing a kippah, or anything of that ilk or that nature.”
UK Ministry of Defense Chooses Trophy Protection System to Boost Its Defenses
The UK Ministry of Defense chose the Trophy Active Protection System, made by Israeli defense company Rafael, for its Challenger 3 main battle tank, Rafael announced on Thursday.

The decision followed a study carried out by the British Ministry of Defense as part of an upgrade program that is being led by prime contractor Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land, “which will entail detailed integration and system trials of this lighter Trophy variant (Trophy MV) to fit the particular requirements of this vehicle,” said Rafael.

Trophy has been installed and operational on Israel Defense Forces’ Merkava tanks since 2010, and has also been installed on IDF Namer APCs.

It has made numerous real-world combat interceptions and accrued more than a million operating hours.

Developed in response to successful anti-armor attacks, the Trophy active protection system provides “combat-proven protection against rocket and missile threats, and simultaneously locates the origin of the hostile fire for immediate response,” the company added.

Trophy has been supplied to four US Army Abrams main battle tank brigades and will soon go to Germany for its Leopard main battle tanks.
Israel’s ZzappMalaria Wins IBM Watson AI XPRIZE Competition by Helping Eliminate Malaria
ZzappMalaria, the developer of a mobile app and dashboard to help eliminate malaria, has won first place in the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE Competition, as well as the People’s Choice Award for the Most Inspiring Team. As part of the award, the company has received a $3 million prize to continue its efforts to eliminate malaria from the world.

“The Zzapp team is deeply grateful to Xprize and IBM Watson for acknowledging the importance of the fight against malaria,” said Arnon Houri-Yafin, CEO and founder of ZzappMalaria. “We will dedicate the prize money to one ambitious goal: demonstrating that rapid malaria elimination is possible in Sub Saharan Africa.”

Malaria kills more than 400,000 people per year, most of which are young children under the age of five. While many countries have successfully eliminated the diseases, there are several African countries that are still impacted by malaria-bearing mosquitoes due to the operational complexities of such efforts, as well as the continent’s dispersed geography and tropical climate.

Zzapp uses AI to provide specific malaria-control strategies depending on the needs of each village or neighborhood. Then, it breaks down those strategies into clear and manageable tasks. Tasks are allocated to fieldworkers via its mobile app designed for local needs, such as battery consumption, internet access, and more. To date, the app has been tested in six African countries and has proven to increase coverage of water bodies, shorten work time, and increase the effectiveness of operations designed to tackle malaria.

The IBM Watson AI for Good competition was set up in 2016 to help promote the use of AI to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. In total, there were more than 10,000 applications and Zzapp ultimately gained the top spot. Some of the judging criteria focused on technological achievements, proven impact, and potential scalability, among others.
‘They All Play Together’: 35 Children From West Bank, Gaza and Around the World Find Life-Saving Heart Care in Israel
A Tel Aviv-area medical center is now treating about 35 children from around the world for life-threatening heart conditions, in what is largest group of patients brought to the country by Israel-based non-profit Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) since the coronavirus pandemic began.

The children — hailing from Gaza, the West Bank, Ethiopia, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria and Kosovo — include babies, toddlers, and teenagers, who are often accompanied by a guardian or parent. After arriving in Israel they quarantined under Israeli Health Ministry guidelines, before receiving free heart disease treatment at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

“It is our mission to bring children from developing countries and places where they can’t get or can’t afford life-saving treatments. Over half of the children whose lives are being saved in Israel are from the Palestinian Authority and Gaza. Doctors in Israel volunteer their time to conduct the heart surgeries,” Tamar Shapira, deputy executive director of SACH told The Algemeiner in an interview. “For us they are little ambassadors. We tell a different story of Israel which is not political.”

Following the treatment, the children and their guardian recuperate under medical supervision in the SACH’s children’s house, also in Holon. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the group treated an average of almost 400 children a year in Israel.

“The children stay in Israel for two to three months before they can return home and some we bring back for further treatments as needed,” Shapira said. “They all play together in the children’s house even though they don’t understand each other, as they speak different languages.”

  • Friday, June 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

This report was published by Safa. It rings true but there is no way to check it.
Informed sources confirmed that a high-level security meeting was held in the office of President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah last night. The meeting was to discuss concerns about the internationalization of the issue of the assassination by the security services of his political opponent Nizar Banat in Hebron.

The sources indicated that the meeting discussed "frightening scenarios" for the authority; The most prominent of these is the internationalization of the investigation into the assassination of Banat, especially if human rights organizations and his family use international statements criticizing his killing to pursue the case in European courts or with international human rights bodies, or pressure donor countries to restrict funding for the authority until its human rights record is improved.

The meeting was "confused" during the discussion of the proposed scenarios and ways to deal with them, in light of messages sent by local and international bodies, especially European, to the authority calling for a transparent investigation and accountability for the perpetrators of the crime.

Informed sources indicated that the international statements criticizing the assassination of Banat were surprising to the authority, as it did not expect the case to have such an echo at the international level.

The sources pointed out that the meeting also discussed the implications of former Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's statements about the assassination of Banat.

They said: "The authority is used to critical statements from opposition organizations and personalities, but it is the first time that someone like Salam Fayyad has spoken in this way about the authority and the security establishment.

"Fayyad is a prominent international figure, and he does not speak arbitrarily, and therefore his statements indicate the need for some change in the power structure, which is the message for which the president's office has mobilized."

Banat's family confirmed that Nizar was subjected to a premeditated assassination as a result of his opposition to the political approach of the Palestinian Authority.

They said that more than 20 armed men stormed the house he was in in the southern district of Hebron, and blew up its entrance, then surrounded Nizar while he was sleeping and beat him with an iron bat on his head, then attacked him with rifle butts, sprayed him with pepper and tear gas, stripped him of his clothes and then dragged him out.
The PA has done outrageous things before, but the international community and media has always let them slide, because Israel was the oppressor in their narrative. Israel cannot be blamed for Banat's death, though, and this was too big to ignore. The Abbas regime does not have any real experience with bad PR from its usual friends. 

From Ian:

An excuse to attack the Jews and Israel
During Operation Guardian of the Walls, Hamas “somehow managed to create a bizarre universe where lies are truths, fiction is fact, and the perpetrator is the victim,” asserted Nitsana Darshan Leitner, founder of Shurat HaDin Israeli Law Center.

Though Hamas is an internationally recognized terror organization, she noted that the Hamas leadership succeeded in obscuring their sponsorship of suicide bombings and the murder of thousands of civilians, including Americans, while persuading “the woke, the liars, the celebrity posers, and the haters that they are innocent victims who represent the interests” of all Palestinian Arabs.

They have also prevailed in expunging their history of seizing control of the Gaza Strip in a coup in which they attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons and threw Fatah fighters off the roofs of hospitals.

Pundits enlisted into the Palestinian Arab propaganda machine, she said, used words like They succeeded in spewing their vicious lies, but not in their usual virulent anti-Israel attacks. Instead, they focused on vilifying Jews “disproportionate use of force,” “illegal, “ethnic cleansing,” and apartheid nation,” to redefine Israel’s right to self-defense. This duplicity from a terrorist organization that recruits young men and women to become suicide bombers, was now being represented through social media as guiltless victims.

They succeeded in spewing their vicious lies, but not in their usual virulent anti-Israel attacks. Instead, they focused on vilifying Jews. At pro-Palestinian Arab rallies in the US and Europe, signs called for liberating Palestine from the “River [Jordan] to the Sea, [Mediterranean], Palestine will be free,” which means ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel, despite Arab denials to the contrary. At some of these rallies, there were Palestinian Arab flags together with swastikas.

JINSA PodCast: Moscow Takes Center Stage in the Middle East’s Great Power Competition
What role does the Middle East play in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s quest for Russia to be recognized once again as a superpower? Does Putin care about stability in the region? Is President Joe Biden confronting the growing Moscow-Damascus-Tehran axis effectively? Anna Borschevksaya of the Washington Institute joins Erielle to discuss the growing Middle East great power competition in which Russia has assumed center stage—and at the potential peril of U.S. interests.

  • Friday, June 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
A Fatah member has obliquely addressed the PA's apparent killing of critic Nizar Banat yesterday amid mass arrests of other critics, which the PA and Fatah have been mostly silent about.

Muwaffaq Matar, pictured, a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement, said on Facebook today that "treason, chaos and tampering with the system do not fall under freedom of opinion and expression."

Matar added,  "The president, the political system, and the security services are not corrupt... Those who have an agenda see who wrote their lines and their tools are known...Treason, chaos, and tampering with public order are neither expression nor opinion."

Matar indicated that the results of the investigation into the killing of Nizar Banat have not yet been presented to the public, accusing Hamas and Abba rival Muhammad Dahlan, of exploiting a "case still under investigation" to cause chaos.

In a series of Facebook posts, Matar questioned the reasons for "focusing on the president, the security services and the political system," he said.

Maybe because Abbas is a corrupt dictator who controls all aspects of life under his rule and does not tolerate any dissent?

Amnesty International just issued a report on Israel's arrests for the attacks between Arabs and Jews inside Israel during May.

The report includes outright lies:

Amnesty International has documented unnecessary and excessive force used by Israeli police to disperse Palestinian protests against forced evictions in East Jerusalem as well as against the Gaza offensive. The protests were mostly peaceful though a minority attacked police property and threw stones. In contrast, Jewish supremacists continue to organize demonstrations freely. On 15 June thousands of Jewish settlers and supremacists marched provocatively through Palestinian neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem. 
Those "mostly peaceful" Arab protests resulted in the deaths of two Jews, synagogues burned, apartments firebombed, people knifed. 

The Flag March on June 15 was not "organized freely." Israeli police limited the route of the march specifically to avoid Arab neighborhoods. While some Jews may have deviated from the route, Amnesty is saying that Israeli police allowed the marchers to do whatever they wanted, which is a lie. 

And look how Amnesty describes the Jews: "settlers" and "Jewish supremacists." Really? Every marcher either lives across the Green Line or considers Arabs to be less than human? 

Most of the marchers were not extremists or bigots. Some were. But Amnesty is saying all the Jews who support Jerusalem as their capital are "supremacists." 

In fact, Amnesty uses the phrase "Jewish supremacists" ten times in this report. Not "Jewish nationalists," not "Zionists," but "Jewish supremacists."

In the entire voluminous Amnesty website, there are only two types of "supremacists" mentioned: "White" and "Jewish."

People who demand that Israel be replaced with a Palestinian state "from the river to the sea" are never called "Palestinian supremacists." Members of ISIS are not once called "Muslim supremacists."

The word choice is deliberate: Amnesty is saying that Zionists who support the existence of a Jewish state are the moral equivalent of white supremacists and Nazis.

Amnesty is demonizing proud Jews as being in the same category as the most reprehensible racists. That is antisemitism, pure and simple.

What is even more ironic is that the report quotes Saleh Hijazi, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, a "human rights" activist who is literally a supporter of terrorists. His Facebook page, even today, includes tributes to senior Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan (who openly advocates blowing up Jews) and to airplane hijacker Leila Khaled, with admiring pictures of Yasir Arafat, cartoons from antisemite Carlos Latuff  and evil caricatures of Benjamin Netanyahu.

His bias is blatant. 

For Amnesty, that is why they hired him to begin with. 

This is yet more proof that Amnesty International, at least its Middle East division, is systematically antisemitic. 

  • Friday, June 25, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

In 2018, Congress passed the ‘‘Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act’’. It is meant "To impose sanctions with respect to foreign persons that are responsible for using civilians as human shields, and for other purposes."

Orde Kittrie, writing for Foundation for Defense of Democracies, argues that Hamas used human shields during the 11 day war in May, and therefore President Biden (or his delegates) should invoke this act and put further sanctions on Hamas.

This should be a slam dunk. The ICRC, in its Customary IHL Database, defines human shields this way:

The prohibition of using human shields in the Geneva Conventions, Additional Protocol I and the Statute of the International Criminal Court are couched in terms of using the presence (or movements) of civilians or other protected persons to render certain points or areas (or military forces) immune from military operations.
This means that Hamas, by purposefully placing military targets in civilian areas in order to dissuade Israel from attacking them, is clearly guilty of "using the presence of civilians to render areas immune from military operations."

But the examples given do not include the purposeful placing of military targets among civilians. 
Most examples given in military manuals, or which have been the object of condemnations, have been cases where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attacks. The military manuals of New Zealand and the United Kingdom give as examples the placing of persons in or next to ammunition trains. There were many condemnations of the threat by Iraq to round up and place prisoners of war and civilians in strategic sites and around military defence points. Other condemnations on the basis of this prohibition related to rounding up civilians and putting them in front of military units in the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and Liberia. 

These seem to indicate that Hamas must coerce civilians to protect military sites, or at the very least not allow them to leave, to be guilty of human shielding. 

Placing military targets among civilians is still a war crime - mentioned as such in the Rome Statute Article 8 (2) (b) (xxiii) - but it is unclear if it is considered human shielding. The ICC's explanation of that law indicates that it is:

Article 8 (2) (b) (xxiii)
War crime of using protected persons as shields


1. The perpetrator moved or otherwise took advantage of the location of one or more civilians or other persons protected under the international law of armed conflict.

2. The perpetrator intended to shield a military objective from attack or shield, favour or impede military operations.

3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict.

4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict.

I cannot find a clear answer on whether placing military objects in civilian areas is human shielding. The wording of the ICRC and ICC explanations indicates it is, but no one mentions this an an example. 

However, the Shields Act of Congress seems to limit itself only to cases where people are actively placed in danger:

Each foreign person that the President determines, on or after the date of the enactment of this Act— ... (A) is a member of Hamas or is knowingly acting on behalf of Hamas; and

(B) knowingly orders, controls, or otherwise directs the use of civilians protected as such by the law of war to shield military objectives from attack. 

 Hamas has done this in the past - threatening people not to leave an area after Israel dropped leaflets warning them to leave - but I have not read about any coercion in last month's war, which the Shields Act seems to require for sanctions.

It seems that Hamas did commit the crime of human shielding last month - we saw tunnels deliberately built under apartment complexes, schools and shops - but did not violate the conditions mentioned in the Shields Act.

It seems the Shields Act needs to be re-written to include the more expansive definition of human shields.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

From Ian:

Underdog appeal: Why the West loves the Palestinian narrative
The pile-on of the left against the Jewish state has with little doubt been fueled by the end of the apartheid era in South Africa in 1994. For self-styled progressives of the Left, always in want of a cause, Israel-Palestine was a no-brainer; in fact, it was there waiting. The verbal artifacts of this period, specifically “racism,” “apartheid” and “colonialism” were ready-made and easily adapted to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by leftist ideologues. These have been joined with additional charges of “war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” “murder of children” and “genocide” in creating the image of a society that is the epitome of evil.

The impunity with which these baseless and fallacious allegations have been leveled is facilitated by the fading significance of the Holocaust. Ironically, though, Holocaust inversion rhetoric, i.e. what the Nazis did to the Jews, the Jews are now doing to the Palestinians, is also employed in the malicious campaign to defame Israel. Israelis are today’s Nazis.

The ability of otherwise well-meaning people to buy into this narrative and to look the other way at, if not actually applaud, the incessant bombardment of civilian Israeli communities, requires on their part a powerful selective filtering of reality. The throngs of pro-Palestinian Western marchers and protesters see past the terrorist organization’s war crimes and focus only on the unfortunate non-combatant residents of Gaza, who themselves are victims of Hamas.

It is like those who only saw Bonnie and Clyde as a daring young couple standing up to a corrupt justice system. This is only possible for people who view the perceived underdog and social justice as synonymous; no more need be known nor asked. The underdog is blameless. That is the bite of the underdog.

What can Israel do? In the short term there is nothing Israel can do to alter the equation in its favor. Israel is now Goliath, the Palestinians are David. That image is accepted by most of the world. But if Israel continues to advance diplomatic relations with her Muslim neighbors, it is reasonable that they would concede the need for the Palestinians to also recognize Israel’s legitimacy and negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement. Diplomatic and even economic pressure from Arab countries at peace with Israel could serve as catalyst for positive change among the Palestinian leadership and within Palestinian society. If we are fortunate enough to arrive at that stage, the hateful rhetoric and deceitful imagery that is today the Palestinian narrative will simply lose relevance. The underdog will have wandered off.
Biden Admin Walks Back U.S. Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory
The Biden administration is walking back the United States' historic recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the contested Golan Heights region along Israel's northern border, a significant blow to the Jewish state and one of the Trump administration's signature foreign policy decisions.

The Trump administration declared the territory—seized by Israel from Syria in 1967 and later annexed by the country—to be wholly part of the Jewish state in 2019. Then-secretary of state Mike Pompeo took a trip to the area in 2020 and reaffirmed that America formally abandoned a decades-long policy of considering the area occupied.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken first raised questions about the Biden administration's view on the matter in February, when he would not say if his State Department continues to abide by the former administration's decision. At the time, Blinken would only say the Golan Heights "remains of real importance to Israel's security," but that its formal status remains unclear. Pressed on the issue by the Washington Free Beacon, a State Department official said the territory belongs to no one and control could change depending on the region's ever-shifting dynamics.

The shift in policy is already causing outrage among Republican lawmakers who backed the Trump administration's decision and hoped to see it continue. It is also likely to rankle Israeli leaders of all political stripes, the plurality of whom say the Golan Heights is absolutely vital to Israel's security in light of persistent threats from the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon and other militant forces stationed in war-torn Syria.

"The secretary was clear that, as a practical matter, the Golan is very important to Israel's security," a State Department official told the Free Beacon. "As long as [Bashar al-Assad] is in power in Syria, as long as Iran is present in Syria, militia groups backed by Iran, the Assad regime itself—all of these pose a significant security threat to Israel, and as a practical matter, the control of the Golan remains of real importance to Israel's security."

Recognizing Israel's control as a "practical matter," however, falls far short of the formal policy change ordered by the Trump administration, which became the first government to recognize Israel's complete control over the territory. As it stands now, U.S. policy on the matter is unclear, at best.
Meghan McCain Presses Bernie Sanders On Anti-Israel Rhetoric Of The Progressive ‘Squad’
Meghan McCain called out Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during an episode of “The View” over his relationship with controversial progressive members of the Democratic Party.

“You are the Godfather of ‘The Squad.’ You’re a hyper-progressive socialist, and you’re talking about social justice before it was cool,” McCain said. “But it feels like the squad today has moved even to the Left of you. How is it for you to stand by everything AOC, Rashida Talib, and Ilhan Omar have said and done, particularly when it comes to Israel and talking about ‘From the river to the sea’ and the extermination of Israel, as a right to exist? Or do you think the movement, which you started, has moved away from what you envisioned?”

Sanders responded, “Well Meghan, first of all, I don’t believe that’s what they’re saying, and second of all, it’s not my job to have to defend every member of Congress, any more than it is their job to defend every statement that I make.”

The senator went on to discuss his work on a budget, as well as efforts to rebuild infrastructure and create good jobs, citing policy initiatives that varied from taxes to child care.

“I think the … progressives in the House are doing a very good job standing up for working families,” Sanders said. “It’s not my job to comment on everything that any member of the House says, any more [than] it is for them to comment on what I say.”

  • Thursday, June 24, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Antifa thugBerkeley, June 27 - Undergraduates across the country who hide their Jew-hate behind opposition to Israel expressed anticipation and enthusiasm for a post-COVID restoration of a routine that social distancing had disrupted, with specific anxiousness to bring back experiences that Zoom had replaced during the pandemic such as physical attendance of classes and face-to-face bullying of Jews under the pretext of protesting Israeli actions.

Self-proclaimed "anti-Zionist" students here at the University of California at Berkeley and and at college campuses across the country voiced their excitement this week at the prospect of a full return to normal, which for them involves actual presence in a lecture hall and the regular harassment of Jews on- and off-campus, as they exercise their animus toward those of the Hebraic persuasion by couching it in the more socially and politically accepted idiom of opposition to the Israeli government, its alleged policies, or other libels.

"It's been a tough year," acknowledged Jewish Voice for Peace activist Muhammad Bakri, who attends Berkeley. "Getting together on a screen to learn, or to rail against Jewish settlers or against ethnic cleansing just doesn't provide the same experience, or the same emotional rush as getting in the face of a Jew because I'm convinced that other Jews somewhere else have done something horrible to brown people. I can't wait to get back to that kind of fulfilling education and activism."

"My posters calling for BDS have been sitting in my room for months and months," lamented Charlize Beckett, a member of both of Students for Justice in Palestine and If Not Now and a student at Ohio State University. "I miss carrying them around campus and shouting at people I think are Zionists, on my way to class. I miss putting provocative messages on placards and challenging random people to condemn Israel or get called ethnic-cleansing apologists, Nakba-deniers, or white supremacists. You can't do that online, even on Twitter."

Faculty members displayed similar relief at finally being able to bring their antisemitic-dressed-up-as-anti-Israel-concern-for-human-rights diatribes and conduct back to the classroom. "During the pandemic closures and distance-learning I could still schedule exams for Jewish holidays," noted Oberlin University Professor of Sociology Cassandra Blohardt. "I could also try to single out students with Jewish-sounding names and berate them for not denouncing Israel. But on Zoom it just comes out wrong and you don't get the same effect as in the physical presence of a room full of other students, all condoning my actions with their silence and isolating the target of my projection. I want that Jewish student to feel intimidated, judged, and alone, like Israel."

From Ian:

Gerald Steinberg: 20 Years after the UN’s Durban event, the antisemitism continues to grow
We now stand 20 years later, and the Durban NGO strategy is being implemented through attacks on different fronts. Poisonous “apartheid weeks,” featuring the same NGOs and their anti-Israel slogans, are annual events on university campuses, inciting attacks on Jewish students who identify with Israel. Human Rights Watch and their allies, such as Al Haq, as well as some radical Israeli NGOs generously funded by European governments to act as political sub-contractors, continue to market the “apartheid” slogan, including a recent campaign and report that used the term 200 times, and received widespread media coverage, with no justification. Now, they have combined under the false banners of intersectionality and solidarity, adding the term “Jewish supremacy” to the poisonous agenda. Antisemitic attacks are at the highest levels since the end of the Holocaust. And in parallel, the NGO network is pushing a well-funded propaganda campaign to dismantle the IHRA working definition, disguised as an alternative “Jerusalem definition” without the Israel-related examples, precisely because it is the most effective mechanism for defeating the Durban strategy.

As if the current plague of antisemitism is insufficient, the UN Human Rights Council is planning a conference to revive and “celebrate” Durban, likely to be held in September 2021. In 2009, the major democracies stayed away from Durban 2 in Geneva, and under the leadership of NGO Monitor and like-minded groups, the NGO Forum was cancelled. Durban 3 in 2011 was also a non-event, but now, the anti-Israel majority of the UN Human Rights Council, under the leadership of Michelle Bachelet, is trying again. While the US, Canada, Australia and the UK have announced a boycott, others, particularly in Europe have not.

For the Jewish people, the scars of the original Durban events remain very painful, and the powerful UN and NGO network that hijacked the human rights agenda in order to demonize Israel continues to spread its poison. For world leaders who claim to oppose antisemitism, their complicity and silence in the wake of the virulent targeting of Israel and the Jewish people has already gone too far. Saying no to another Durban hate fest is the least they can do.
Pressure on Europe about Palestinian textbooks is working
In December, speaking at the opening of the weekly Cabinet meeting held in Ramallah, P.A. Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh told his colleagues: “The Palestinian curriculum is the product of our history, culture, struggle, religion and contribution to civilization, which we held on to at the negotiating table and which we will not give up.”

He added, according to the Palestinian news agency WAFA: “Those who link their assistance to us to this, then we will finance our curriculum from our budget.”

Last year, following a vote by parliamentarians to withhold some funding if the curriculum wasn’t changed to become more inclusive, the P.A. made noises that it would instigate some changes. But when the education minister addressed his colleagues, he made it clear that the narrative of Palestinian armed resistance to Israel would be amplified, not reduced.

This means that education could well become the issue that breaks the Mephistophelian pact between the E.U. and the P.A.

It is clear to any sensible person that teaching Palestinian children to fear and hate Israelis, and to engage in the violent destruction of Israel, is no basis on which to build a two-state solution. Not only is it detrimental to Israel, but it is deeply wounding to the children themselves, who are given no hope of a bright future within their own state. The E.C., whose commitment to the Palestinian cause is ideological, has nowhere to hide on this issue.

Meanwhile, the P.A.—whose senior members have grown fabulously wealthy from all the funding poured into their coffers—is trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, if they give in to demands to deliver a fit-for-purpose curriculum, the drive behind their Palestinian nationalist narrative will quickly falter, leading eventually to normalization with Israel and to their rule being toppled in favor of true moderate rule. On the other, if they brazen it out and have funding pulled, they risk an impoverished Palestinian population turning on them.

Either way, the true winners in both scenarios would be the children of Palestine, who might, at last, have a chance of receiving a reasonable education, setting them up for a prosperous life. Which is precisely why the pressure on the E.C. must not let up at any cost.
The Joshua and Caleb Network: Can Israel Take the Pressure of Iran's New Butcher?
Israel has a new government in place, and it’s confusing! Is the new prime minister liberal or conservative? The answer….is yes! Find out all the details on today’s program.

At the same time, the United States is attempting to install an anti-Israel Consulate General in Jerusalem. And they are attempting to re-negotiate a deal with Iran, who just elected a “butcher” for their president.

Can Israel stand up to all of this pressure, and do what is necessary to keep their nation safe?

Last year I wrote a post about David Bar-Illan and his 1993 book, Eye on the Media: A Look At World News Coverage of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. The book was based on a column he regularly wrote for the Jerusalem Post. Skimming through his book, I realized how little has changed over the past 30 years.

Sheikh Jarrah

The issue of Sheikh Jarrah concerns the case in the Israeli courts involving documented Jewish property rights dating back to Jewish land purchases made in 1875. Following Jordan's participation in the 1948 war, it claimed Yehudah and Shomron (the "West Bank") as its own, expelling the Jewish residents and seizing their property. During the Six Day War in 1967, Israel recaptured that territory. In the cases where Jordan officially transferred title of the formerly Jewish-owned property to Palestinian Arabs, Israel allowed the Arab owner to remain -- despite the fact that the Arab ownership was based on the forcible taking of land in a war of aggression followed by the ethnic cleansing of Jews. In other cases, where there was a dispute over the title of ownership but Jordan never gave legal title to the Arabs, the Israeli courts followed the unbroken rights of Jewish plaintiffs and returned their property to them.

Now rewind back to July 5, 1991, when Bar-Ilan wrote a post entitled Raw Diehl (p. 187-190). The title refers to Jackson Diehl, now the deputy editorial page editor of The Washington Post. Back. Back then, he was a journalist for the paper.

Bar-Ilan writes:

On May 14, the Washington Post published a story he filed from "Artas, the West Bank," headlined "Israel boosts land seizures--takes over land that West Bank Arabs have long farmed," and subtitled "Rush of confiscations appear linked to new Jewish settlements." It makes 14 highly damaging allegations against the State of Israel.

Since Mr. Diehl did not find it necessary to investigate these allegation, they are repeated below--with the truth thrown in as a public service.

Here are some examples:

To Diehl's claim that "Israel had decided to seize 360 acres of traditional village land"
Bar-Ilan responds that no confiscations were made in Artas -- "The only exception: two hills, more than 30km from Artas, from which shots were fired which killed travelers on the highway"

Diehl: Israel's justification of confiscation is based on the failure of the Arabs to provide documentation of 10 consecutive years of cultivation.
BI: Uncultivated and unregistered land is not confiscated. It belongs to the state by law. "This law has been in effect in Judea and Samaria under Turkish, British and Jordanian law since 1858"

Diehl quotes an Arab claiming that 8 acres of almonds, olives and apricots were confiscated.
BI: Such land is cultivated, and thus could not and was not confiscated.

Diehl: Land seizures are used by Israel to claim more than half of the West Bank
State-owned land, including land claimed as such by British and Jordanian authorities, is 40 to 50 percent of the total acreage of Judea and Samaria. If this around 10 percent was declared government-owned by Israel.
There is more, but the similarity between then and now is clear. History is deliberately avoided and established law is ignored. Instead, a land dispute is framed as a state plot to confiscate Arab land and the Arab onus to provide legal proof of ownership is ignored in favor of a one-sided journalistic attack on Israel.

Some things never change.

California’s Proposed Curriculum Guide In Ethnic Studies

A proposed curriculum guide in ethnic studies caused an uproar in 2019. A letter from the California legislature’s Jewish caucus (which includes both Jewish and non-Jewish members) complained of “anti-Jewish bias”:

Despite a rash of recent anti-Jewish hate crimes, including shootings at temples in Pittsburgh in 2018 and near San Diego, Calif., in April, the curriculum omits “any meaningful discussion” of anti-Semitism, the letter said. It omits Jewish contributions to American culture, even as it includes such contributions from Americans of African, Native, Arab, and Latin descent, it said.

“We cannot support a curriculum that erases the American Jewish experience, fails to discuss antisemitism, reinforces negative stereotypes about Jews, singles out Israel for criticism, and would institutionalize the teaching of antisemitic stereotypes in our public schools,” the caucus’ letter said.

...The Jewish Caucus, and Jewish organizations, also took issue with the way the curriculum depicts Israel and the Palestinian-led “boycott, divestment, and sanctions” movement that’s designed to pressure the country to change its approach to Palestinians. Likening BDS to movements such as BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo, the curriculum says it is a “global social movement that currently aims to establish freedom for Palestinians living under apartheid conditions.”

“The glossary ... parrots more BDS talking points while offering no critical perspectives about this campaign of hate, which seeks to end Israel’s existence,” Batsheva Kasdan of Los Angeles said in remarks submitted through the state’s public-comment portal. [emphasis added]

By March 2021, the final, revised draft of the controversial curriculum was approved -- unanimously, though there are still those in the Jewish community who are wary.

These days, curriculums seem to be pretty popular.

The New York Times has its widely criticized 1619 Project Curriculum, redefining that year -- when the first African slaves were brought here -- as the founding of America and claiming that the real reason the American Revolution was fought was to preserve slavery.

There is also Critical Race Theory.

According to psychologist Pamela Paresky, writing about Critical Race Theory and the ‘Hyper-White’ Jew:

At a time when the moral imperative is to “be less white,” there is no identity more pernicious than that of a once powerless minority group that, rather than joining the struggle to dismantle whiteness, opted into it.

In the critical social justice paradigm, that is how Jews are viewed. Jews, who have never been seen as white by those for whom being white is a moral good, are now seen as white by those for whom whiteness is an unmitigated evil. This reflects the nature of antisemitism: No matter the grievance or the identity of the aggrieved, Jews are held responsible. Critical race theory does not merely make it easy to demonize Jews using the language of social justice; it makes it difficult not to. [emphasis added]

But making curriculums, including by the media, is nothing new.

According to an article Bar-Ilan wrote September 20, 1991, entitled Useful Idiots (p.226-229):

What makes the media particularly effective is that they do not restrict their Israel-bashing to news channels. Newsweek, for example, which has portrayed Israelis as drug-addicted wife-beaters who spend American aid money ($1,000 a year for every Israeli!) on Jacuzzis, also provides a social studies program for American schools. With characteristic even-handedness, its The Middle East: Tug of War, used in schools throughout the U.S., flatly states, "Yasser Arafat has made tremendous concessions in hopes of bringing Israel to the negotiating table."

In the June issue of the excellent American Jewish bimonthly Moment, Charles Jacobs exposes the extent of blatant anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda in American teaching materials, some of which are produced by the media. The Public Broadcasting Service (producers of the McNeil-Lehrer Show seen on Israel's Channel 2) distributes a teachers' guide for a study unit titled Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land.

Among its many gems there is the contention, a favorite of Israeli leftists, that Arabs and Jews are equally guilty of terrorism. Arab operations against civilians, the only kind that truly meet the definition of terrorism, cost the lives of thousands of Jews and Arabs in the riots of 1920, 1929, 1936-1939, and thousands more in PLO operations and the current intifada. It is never mentioned.

But far more dangerous than these gross historical distortions is the assertion in the PBS guide that "In Jewish eyes, the Arab is dirty, lazy, thieving, incompetent and uppity." In short, Jews are racists. As Jacobs puts it, "it is not difficult to see how a black child in an American classroom would react to these hateful words -- dirty, lazy thieving, incompetent and uppity --words often unfairly aimed at blacks. How could any minority student not be enraged at such hateful people?"

To make sure that the racism charge and the analogy to American racism sink in, the guide includes a study question: "What are some of the patterns of discrimination between Jews and Arabs that exist between groups in other countries, including blacks and whites in the U.S.?" [emphasis added] 

The groundwork for associating anti-black racism with Israel was already laid 30 years ago.
The attempt to associate BLM with BDS is not new.
It is merely gaining steam.


Jewish anti-Israel groups drawing attention to themselves by exploiting their 'Jewish identity' is nothing new, though publicly making havdalah in the middle of a Saturday afternoon may be a uniquely IfNotNow stunt.

But Michael Lerner is way ahead of them.
By about 50 years.
And some of his early slanders against the Jewish community itself make IfNotNow look tame by comparison.

From Michael Lerner's Masquerade, June 28, 1991 (p. 180-183) is doubtful a bona fide politician would last long in the Jewish world after writing, "The Jewish community is racist, internally corrupt, and an apologist for the worst aspects of American capitalism and imperialism." Or "Black antisemitism is...a tremendous disgrace to Jews; for this is not an antisemitism rooted in...hatred of the Christ-killers but rather one rooted in the concrete fact of oppression by Jews of blacks in the earned antisemitism" Or, "The synagogue as currently established will have to be smashed." [emphasis added]
These are not quotes by Farrakhan -- these are Michael Lerner's own words from back in 1969. When Edward Alexander quoted Lerner in an article in 1989, Lerner first threatened to sue, but in the end claimed to have been influenced by the model of the prophet Isaiah in criticizing Jews.

In response to Alexander’s article, Lerner said that he was sorry he had made those statements, but they were part of his “adolescent rebellion,” although he was 27 at the time.
By 1988, Lerner had turned his attention to Israel:
...he organized advertisements in American newspapers calling on Israel to 'end the occupation.' He also likes to tell plain Jews how to pray. Tikkun publishes its own Haggada, in which a prayer has been added before the Kiddush: "This year the Jewish people itself has become the symbol of oppression," it asserts. And in another addition to the Pessah service it says "The Land of Israel, which gives bread to two peoples, must be divided in two."

In an interview in The Washington Post Lerner stated that on Yom Kippur the Jews had "a great deal to repent for in light of the action of the State of Israel." [emphasis added]
(How prescient of Lerner to see the benefit of blaming Jews for the actions of Israel, showing the way for the antisemites of today, who use the occasion of Israeli self-defense as an excuse to attack Jews.)
...In a May 23, 1991, article in The Los Angeles Times he wrote, "Israeli activists privately tell me that should Israeli intransigence block the progress of the impending peace conference, American peace activists should do everything in our power to convince Secretary of State Baker to pull out all the stops and pressure Israel

...Rabbi Bernard Mandelbaum, president emeritus of the Jewish Theological Seminary, where Lerner studied in the 1960s, brands Lerner's writing "vicious, antisemitic and anti-Israel. He has come as close to anyone in the Jewish community to comparing Israel's treatment of Arabs to the Nazi treatment of Jews. Tikkun produces a steady stream of ant-Israel bias and poison." [emphasis added]
IfNotNow, and other, similar, anti-Israel groups who claim to identify as Jews, today follow in the footsteps of Lerner.

Thirty years of anti-Israel bias.

You can't blame it all on Netanyahu.
He was prime minister for only 15 of those 30 years.

And now Bibi is no longer in charge.
Will that make any difference?

As Mark Goldfeder, director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center points out, the parade for flag day -- described by the media as "ultranationalist," "far-right," "inflammatory," "contentious," and "provocative" --was authorized by a new government (minus Netanyahu) consisting of not only Jews from Ethiopia, Morocco and Russia, but also Druze and Muslims.

Nothing is going to change.

  • Thursday, June 24, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
Daniel Jadue, a grandson of Palestinian immigrants, is the frontrunner to become Chile’s next president.

He is an outspoken critic of Israel, but more importantly, he has been recognized as an antisemite since he was in high school. For Jadue, there is no distinction.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center wrote about Jadue last year:
He charges Jews control of the media and dual loyalty: “It is an insult that the State of Israel through its agents here in Chile wants to import the strife” ... “they have to learn and define if they are Chilean citizens.” 

Last year, Recoleta’s Municipal Council passed a resolution stating, “Palestinian people have been the victim of a deliberate plan of violence and terror by armed Zionist groups ...” 

Jadue insists, “... The leaders of the Jewish community in Chile act on behalf of the State of Israel in Chile …,” adding, “I get along very well with the Jews, with the Zionist I have certain problems.” 

Jadue is always referring to Chile’s Jews as the “Zionist” community of Chile. 

At a time of soaring global anti-Semitism and Islamist terrorism striking from France to the Philippines, Jadue insults three Abrahamic Faiths: “If you are born into a Jewish family, you can legitimately believe that you are part of the Chosen People and you can kill the Palestinians to stay with their lands’ possession… 
Recently, Jadue's 1983 high school yearbook entry surfaced. His fellow students joked about his well-known hatred of Jews in his biography.

The bio says that "this antisemite was seen in all coastal waters," that he will become the leader of the PLO "to cleanse the city of Jews," that "he sings manifestos against his beloved and esteemed neighbors 'the Jews'" and that a proper gift for him would be "a Jew he can aim at." 

 (It is also notable that his high school classmates felt that Jew-hatred was a joke.)

His antisemitism pre-dates his current claim of being merely "anti-Zionist."

Understandably, the Jewish community in Chile is very concerned about an antisemite becoming president.

  • Thursday, June 24, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the US Navy:

U.S. Sixth Fleet formally announces participation in the upcoming annually held Exercise Sea Breeze 2021 (SB21) cohosted with the Ukrainian Navy, June 21, 2021.

The exercise is taking place from June 28 to July 10 in the Black Sea region and will focus on multiple warfare areas including amphibious warfare, land maneuver warfare, diving operations, maritime interdiction operations, air defense, special operations integration, anti-submarine warfare, and search and rescue operations. 

This year’s iteration has the largest number of participating nations in the exercise’s history with 32 countries from six continents providing 5,000 troops, 32 ships, 40 aircraft, and 18 special operations and dive teams scheduled to participate.
Ukraine and U.S. are cohosting the exercise in the Black Sea with participation and support coming from 32 countries in total: Albania, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Spain, South Korea, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
There is even a graphic showing the history of every country that participated every year:

Israel participated in 2012 and will again this year.

When Tunisians found out that their country planned to participate this year - along with Israel - there was a large pushback.

So the Tunisian Defense Ministry issued a statement denying that they were ever going to participate, and claiming that they were invited but never accepted:

A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense stated that Tunisia had received an invitation to participate in a major naval maneuver led by the Sixth Fleet, and that Tunisia had not accepted this invitation and that the national army could not participate in these maneuvers.

The ministry confirmed that what is being circulated, quoting foreign media, regarding the participation of an element of the Tunisian Navy in the maneuver, is unfounded.

The Secretary-General of the Tunisian Republican Party, Issam Chebbi, sent a letter to President Kais Saied earlier today, asking him to clarify the Tunisian army's participation in joint maneuvers in the Black Sea with the Israeli army.
It seems highly unlikely that Sea Breeze would announce Tunisia's participation without confirming it.

My guess is that Tunisia accepted not as a participant but as an observer, which some nations do. This allows them to deny that their navy is participating while still supporting the exercise.

Now they may be forced to stay home out of fear of embarrassment. 

There could also be issues beyond Israel involved. Sea Breeze is aimed at showing NATO strength against Russia, and both NATO and Russia are competing for Tunisia's favor especially with regard to who should control neighboring Libya. The kerfuffle over Israel might have given cover for Russian pressure for Tunisia to withdraw from the exercise.

The UAE, Morocco and Egypt are the other Arab countries that will be represented at Sea Breeze.

See also JE Dyer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

From Ian:

Has Hatred of Jews Morphed into Mania/Mass Hysteria?
I think Jew hatred has now reached a worldwide case of hate-based insanity. Here is the definition of insanity: madness, and craziness characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. And we can add mass hysteria, culturally acquired psychosis, and the internalization of a Jew hating cultural meme. It could even be a dissociative disorder; a mental disorder that involves experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between thoughts, memories, surroundings, actions and identity. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life. Or perhaps it is collective obsessional behavior or a “phenomenon of collective suggestion” or “moral panic.” This is a sociological concept that refers to the phenomenon of masses of people becoming distressed about a perceived — usually unreal or exaggerated — threat portrayed in catastrophizing terms by the media.

Social media has allowed this “mental illness” to spread everywhere; right into your living room and bed room. No corner left untouched.

After two hours of speeches and prayers at the vigil for the Muslim family that was killed, Imam Munir El-Kassem of London’s Islamic Centre of Southwest Ontario was invited to the stage to give closing remarks, in front of PM Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh and other elected officials and went on to attack the JEWS.

“There’s a reason why they say the world is a small village. Every country has a foreign policy. I just want to say, whatever is happening in Jerusalem and Gaza is related to whatever happened in London, Ontario. Period.”

The crowd could be heard cheering following El-Kassem’s remarks. No stone left unturned when it comes to the Jews.

Does that mean If Israel did not exist – this Muslim family would be alive?

This has to be a case of hate-based insanity. Right? Because if it is not insanity then it is brazen, pure, unedited, unadulterated hate for Jews for the crime of being Jewish.

Jew hatred has been with us for as long as the Jews have been a people – about 3500 years. Today, it’s different. Because today we have social media and the hate is at your fingertips 24/7.

One would have thought that after the Holocaust Jew hatred would go away – or at least move underground. But, no. It is everywhere. There is no shame in Jew hatred-no calls of racist. No doxing or canceling. No naming and shaming. It must be mental.

Antiracism and Antisemitism
Last month, the Manhattan Institute invited Bari Weiss and me to participate in an online discussion about the relationship between two growing trends in the U.S.: antiracism and antisemitism. It was a productive and at times provocative conversation. We ranged from midcentury antisemitism in Chicago to the recent conflict in Gaza, from Gayle King and Michelle Obama to Alice Walker’s regrettable antisemitic statements.

In other words, we had a lot to talk about. You’ll find a video of the conversation below, as well as a short transcript where we address the uncomfortable issue of antisemitic and anti-Asian acts perpetrated by Black people.

Israel Advocacy Movement: Fighting antisemitism with Arsen Ostrovsky, David Collier, Sussex Friends of Israel and IAM

Former US Antisemitism Envoy: US Lawmakers Need to Call Out Antisemitism


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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