Tuesday, November 03, 2020

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: The isolated American Jews
British Jewry abandoned Labour in droves and devoted their communal efforts to calling out and fighting anti-Semitism in the Labour Party after Corbyn first won the leadership race in 2015. Some 90% of British Jews voted for Conservatives in last year's elections. In contrast, American Jews are among President Trump's most outspoken and peripatetic demonizers.

What explains the yawning gap between American Jews and other Western Jewish communities, not to mention between American Jews and Israeli Jews?

American Jews are giving the Democratic Party a pass for abandoning them because they don't want to acknowledge that they are being abandoned. Despite the progressives' hostility to the Jews, the Jews want to remain progressives.

Among the progressive Jews who have noticed the rise of anti-Semitic forces in their party, they are consoled and given permission to remain in the party from Jewish leaders and public figures who insist that while things are not perfect, or even good in their own camp, they can stay because Trump – while nice to Israel – is a crypto-Nazi.

Repeated, fact-free slanders from the likes of Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and from writer Bari Weiss alleging that Trump praised white supremacists at the Charlottesville riots in 2017 – even when he condemned them, both during and immediately after the riots three times; along with allegations that Trump dog-whistles to white supremacists and thus enables their attacks against Jews, enable progressive Jews who are concerned about what is happening in their party to stay put despite their concerns.

Skyrocketing assimilation rates among American Jews indicate that all things being equal, most Jews on the political Left will cease identifying as Jews within a generation and a half. So, too, the rise of anti-Zionist American Jews who support the annihilation of Israel as a Jewish state indicates that in the coming years, more likely than not, American Jews will take leading roles in the Democratic/progressive campaign against Israel. Notably, two months after he called for Israel to be destroyed in a column in the New York Times, last month the NYT gave leading American Jewish anti-Zionist Peter Beinart a regular column.

As their massive support for Biden indicates, regardless of what the future holds for them, American Jews today are isolated more than ever before. They are isolated within their political camp which doesn't care about them, and they are isolated within the Jewish world.
Ruthie Blum: This election goes beyond the candidates
On the other hand, the battle goes well beyond the personalities of the incumbent and his rival, which is why many people championing the former are just as put off by his manner as those who would rather die than see him remain at the helm. Indeed, the outcome of this election will determine the very character – and reveal the self-image – of the United States.

At an Independence Day ceremony at Mt. Rushmore on July 3, Trump summed it up as follows: "Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children ... This left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution."

Ironically, it is a description with which the "squad" – House Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilan Omar (D-MN.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) – would agree, albeit without the negative adjectives. They make no bones about their dim view of the country that they wish to reshape in their "progressive" image. They do not hide their intention to undo all of Trump's economic accomplishments at home and foreign-policy successes abroad.

Omar recently said that if and when Biden becomes president, all cabinet positions should and will go to members of her camp. She knew when she uttered those words that it didn't matter whether the Democratic candidate was listening.

She was right not to care, because it is the radical arm of the already extremely liberal party that is pulling the strings with or without Biden at the helm.
Danny Danon: US Election Day: The issue that should concern us all
The Iranians invented the game of chess. Now they tensely wait for the next move, the most significant one immediately after the election. Trump has led a courageous policy of withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear deal and imposing significant sanctions. He recently hinted that he will be willing to enter direct negotiations with Iran. Biden has addressed the Iranian issue many times and also expressed his commitment to preventing a nuclear Iran.

His recent interviews have indicated that he is keen to reenter the JCPOA, improve the agreement and correct its shortcomings.

The US Department of Defense is busily preparing strategies and options in the face of the continuation of the Iranian nuclear race. However, before the president-elect enters the briefing on Iran, he must take into account a number of basic assumptions.

First, there is no probationary period. The Iranians do not work according to the US election schedule. While the US’s attention has largely shifted to the fight against COVID-19 and its own presidential election, Iran’s nuclear industry and concealment efforts have advanced at astonishing speed.

Second, any agreement with Iran is doomed to be breached. Prior to the signing of the nuclear agreement, Israel issued warning calls against the deal. Not long after, we witnessed live the full disclosure of Iran’s deception and the revelation of the Iranian nuclear archive, which unveiled the Iranian nuclear machine. We have heard unequivocal rulings by the International Atomic Energy Agency and have noted the numerous UN Security Council resolutions. With these facts at their disposal, it is clear to everyone that Iran has violated the previous agreement, and will unequivocally continue to violate any future agreement.

Third, the only language that leads to a real dialogue with Iran is the language of sanctions. It is this and the subsequent economic pressure that effectively motivates the Iranian leadership to recalculate its course. Yet, worryingly, there is not much time before the “sunset clause” kicks into force and the restrictions on the Iranian nuclear program will expire.

Mr. President-elect, the elections are clearly for the position of president of the United States. However, they are also an appointment for the leader of the free world. Tackling the Iranian issue is the most crucial challenge we face in our free and democratic society.
  • Tuesday, November 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Malawi is not one of the biggest countries on the planet. It is not one of the most famous or important nations. 

But it just did something very big.

It confirmed that it plans to open up a full embassy in Jerusalem by next summer.

Up until now, only the US and Guatemala have opened embassies in Jerusalem, with Honduras planning a move by the end of the year.

Up until now, Israel haters could find ways to marginalize the nations that made that move. 

But there is a huge difference between 2 and 3, or between 3 and 4. Each nation that makes that decision makes it enormously easier for the next nation to make the move.

Not only that, but Malawi watched what happened to Guatemala and Honduras. 

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation  threatened to boycott Guatemalan exports, specifically cardamom, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In the end - the threats were empty and nothing happened.

The EU has expressed displeasure at countries considering moving their embassies. But nothing happened there either.

Malawi is seeing Sudan recognize Israel, and Israel's good relationships with other African countries. It sees that there is no disadvantage on moving. Perhaps the US or Israel offered something in trade for the move, but that is normal diplomacy. 

This is a very big deal. Malawi would be the first African country to make the move. It did the calculus and decided that the gains it could get by getting chummier with Israel more than counters the threats from some Arab countries.

And, of course, Bahrain and the UAE normalizing relations with Israel weakens the Arab anti-Israel consensus immeasurably.

The momentum towards accepting Israel and ignoring the anti-Israel bias of the Arab nations, the EU and the UN is slowly growing. But it is unmistakable. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, November 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Israel Democracy Institute issued results of a survey  a day before the US election day, asking whether Republican incumbent Trump or his Democratic challenger Biden is the preferred candidate, “from the standpoint of Israel’s interests.”

The results are a solid proof that liberal Zionist groups, such as J-Street, don't know what they are talking about.

J-Street likes to represent itself as caring about what is best for Israel - the JCPOA deal with Iran, ripping up Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, a two state solution. It endorsed Joe Biden in great part because of his policies towards Israel, Palestinians and Iran. 

Israelis, by an overwhelming majority, strongly disagree with J-Street as to what is best for Israel.

Israeli Jews say that Trump is the preferred candidate from the perspective of Israel's interests by a stunning 70%-13% margin. 

Not only that, but Israeli Arabs tend to agree, with a plurality (36-31) saying Trump is the preferred candidate.

This was reflected by Israeli Jews who are on the political Right and Center. The Israeli Right prefers Trump by a landslide 82-6, and the Center prefers Trump by an enormous 62-16 majority.

But even the vanishingly small number of Israelis who openly identify with the Left were split 50/50 between whether Trump or Biden were better for Israel!

J-Street, which pretends to be in the broad liberal center, is far to the left of the most leftist Israelis, who are as comfortable with Trump as they are with Biden.

Either Israelis know nothing about their own country and they need J-Street to teach them what is best for them, or J-Street is openly lying about wanting what is best for Israel.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

4 killed in Vienna ‘Islamist terror attack’; Jewish institutions to remain shut
Austrian security forces were carrying out a massive manhunt Tuesday for at least one attacker still on the run, a day after several gunmen opened fire at multiple locations across central Vienna, killing at least four people and wounding 15 more.

“We experienced an attack last night by at least one Islamist terrorist,” Interior Minister Karl Nehammer told reporters.

“This is a radicalized person who felt close to IS,” said Nehammer, referring to the Islamic State terror group.

Two of the dead were men and two were women. No details were given on their identities.

On attacker was shot dead by police, and a manhunt was underway for at least one more assailant. Austrian authorities have not publicly identified the attackers.

Police said at least one of the attackers was wearing what appeared to be an explosives belt that turned out to be fake.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz described the assault as a “repulsive terror attack” and said he could not rule out an anti-Semitic motive for the onslaught, given that the shooting began outside Vienna’s main synagogue. It was closed at the time.
Early Report: 7 Reported Killed in Ongoing Shooting Near Jewish Community Center in Vienna

‘Israel stands with Austria,’ Netanyahu tells Kurz after Vienna attack
Israel and Austria are sharing intelligence in the aftermath of a shooting at a Vienna synagogue, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday.

Netanyahu said he spoke to Austrian Chancellor Sebastia Kurz and told him “the people of Israel stand with Austria…against the savagery of Islamist terrorism.

“We are cooperating in every way, with our intelligence and every other way we can,” Netanyahu added.

The prime minister made the remarks in a statement with Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, who was in Jerusalem.


Dr. Nasser Al-Lahham, editor of the independent Ma'an Palestinian news agency, has been very honest lately about his antisemitism

Now he is being honest about the purpose of UNRWA "refugee" camps under Palestinian Authority rule.

There is no definition of "refugee" that says that one can be a refugee while living in their own land. But there are roughly 1.4 million people called refugees in UNRWA camps in the West Bank and Gaza. No one ever demands that these camps be dismantled and the people become normal citizens of the Palestinian Authority. 

And very few people ask why that is.

Nasser al-Lahham explains it, though. In his latest editorial, he says that Palestinian UNRWA camps are "the solution, not the problem."

He writes:

In the West Bank alone, there are about one million three hundred thousand refugees [actually, less than 900,000 - EoZ.] They paid the blood tax, carried the embers, and followed the path of the revolution four generations, generation after generation, without fatigue or boredom. And without giving up the demand for the right of return, no matter how long it takes.
If you don't quite get it, he is more explicit:
The camps are not a problem for anyone. It is always the solution. They are the tanks of the revolution and the ships of return. And whoever does not like that, this is his personal problem.
UNRWA refugee camps are weapons. They always have been. Their purpose is to keep Palestinian Arabs in squalid looking living spaces so that the media can sometimes take photos of them and say "poor people, all because of Israel."  There is no desire to dismantle the camps because the misery of the residents is not a problem - it is the goal.

If the camps are weapons, the residents are cannon fodder. 

This is what you need to understand about the Palestinian cause. It was never a nationalist movement. A nationalist movement would want all Palestinians to become citizens. A nationalist movement would do all they can to help all Palestinians have honorable lives. A nationalist movement would not tolerate keeping its own people in camps for decades when they are living in areas controlled by their own leaders.

No, the entire point is and always has been to destroy the Jewish state. 

Al-Lahham should be thanked for saying this explicitly. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, November 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

Jewish Currents, the hard-Left socialist site for which Peter Beinart is an editor, has an article by Caroline Morganti  that attempts to disprove the oft-cited figure that 95% of American Jews are pro-Israel.

Its main point is that the 95% number came from a series of Gallup polls with a very small sample size of 128 Jews among a much larger survey of Americans, so it has a large margin of error.

This is true. But when you look objectively at all of the data gathered in this article, you see that it still largely holds up.

Most surveys of American Jews do not ask whether they are "pro-Israel." They ask whether they have an emotional attachment to Israel. The wording is important, so let's look at the major surveys of Jews - all of which are accurately described in this article, even as it tries to spin the results.

Pew’s 2013 survey found that 69% of American Jews were somewhat (39%) or very (30%) emotionally attached to Israel, while 31% were not very (22%) or not at all (9%) attached. Eighty-seven percent of American Jews said that caring about Israel is either essential (43%) or at least important (44%) to what being Jewish means to them.
Being emotionally attached is obviously a higher bar than just being pro-Israel, although Morganti absurdly tries to argue that many people might be emotionally connected because they hate Israel so much:
But what about respondents who are highly critical of Israel, but for whom their relationship with the country nonetheless comprises a significant part of their Jewish engagement? Could questions about “closeness” to Israel elicit confusion among respondents who might feel close on the basis of lived experiences, personal relationships, or political engagement, but simultaneously feel distant based on political alienation, or even deeply held moral objections to Israeli policy?
There is, of course, zero evidence that people would answer that way.

Far more interesting is this 2018 Mellman poll of Jewish voters:
[This] poll of 800 American Jewish voters asked respondents which of the following best described them: “Generally pro-Israel and supportive of the current Israeli government’s policies” (32%); “Generally pro-Israel but also critical of some of the current Israeli government’s policies” (35%); Generally pro-Israel but also critical of many of the current Israeli government’s policies” (24%); or “Generally not pro-Israel” (3%).
5% had no answer, but one cannot argue with the conclusion that only 3% of American Jews identify as "generally not pro-Israel." That is pretty tiny! And few of them would describe themselves as "anti-Zionist" which means that the percentage of anti-Zionist American Jews is ridiculously small.

A similar poll done by Mellman for the Ruderman Foundation among all American Jews, not just voters, gave similar results with slightly higher numbers for the "generally not pro-Israel" question:

The results showed a significant difference in the percentage of respondents who chose a pro-Israel option. In the Ruderman poll, about 80% of the general sample of American Jews chose pro-Israel options as opposed to the average of about 90% over the three JEI surveys of American Jewish voters. 

The pro-Israel answers in the Ruderman poll included a relatively even split of those who were supportive (23%), critical of some (28%), and critical of many (29%) Israeli policies. Six percent were “generally not pro-Israel,” and 14% did not have a view.
It is no surprise that younger Jews are less invested in Israel. But the anti-Zionists, many of whom write for Jewish Currents, like to pretend that anti-Zionists are a significant percentage of American Jews - and that simply isn't true. Out of the 6%,  chances are many or most of those would not actively identify as anti-Zionist. There is a big difference between "generally not pro-Israel" and actively being against the existence of a Jewish state. 

Given this overwhelming evidence that anti-Zionism is a fringe opinion, Morganti makes up her own theory based on a question asked in 2018 in an AJC poll:
The AJC survey included a question that it had never asked before: “Can Israel be both a Jewish state and a democracy, and if not, which should it be?” Around two-thirds of respondents (68%) answered yes, Israel could and should be both Jewish and democratic. But about one-fifth (20%) of American Jews said, “No, it should be a democracy.” (A further 7% said, “No, it should be a Jewish state,” and 4% had no opinion.)

In other words, when asked directly whether Israel can reconcile its Jewishness and democracy, roughly 20% of American Jews (the margin of error was plus or minus 3.9%) said that Israel cannot be both, and that it should be a democratic state rather than a Jewish state—an answer that might be considered a non- or anti-Zionist position by contemporary standards. 
That is incredible wishful thinking from Israel haters. Most of the people surveyed probably never thought much about the issue before the question came up; it is just as likely that the ones who answered "democracy" assumed it would have a Jewish majority anyway so the Jewish part of the question was not considered. Or perhaps they were thinking in terms of whether Israel should have personal issues follow Jewish law. Without followup questions, it is impossible to know what those 20% felt, but assuming that they are anti-Israel is quite a stretch.

Perhaps saying that 95% of American Jews support Israel is too high. No doubt many are becoming agnostic about Israel as they drift from identifying as Jews altogether. 

But one thing are clear: Even though the question was not directly asked, the number of Jews who identify as anti-Zionist is tiny compared to the numbers who support having a Jewish state. 


We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, November 03, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
French President Macron spoke to PLO head Mahmoud Abbas on the phone on Monday. 

According to the official Wafa news agency, Macron emphasized his desire for a two-state solution. But then Abbas said his opinion on the cartoon controversy:

President Abbas stressed during this telephone conversation the need for everyone to respect religions and religious symbols and not allow anything offensive to Prophet Muhammad and all prophets and religions while condemning all those who do so. He stressed at the same time his rejection of extremism, violence and terrorism, wherever it came from and in whatever form.
As usual, Muslim leaders couch their demands of what dhimmis and infidels must do in terms of being tolerant to all religions. But in the end it is still a demand that non-Muslims follow Muslim law in determining what is allowed and not allowed - they want to prohibit any image of Mohammed anywhere in the world, no matter how inoffensive.

What about wanting to protect all religious symbols?

Well, the holiest place on Earth according to Judaism is the Temple Mount. There are very specific rules as to where people are allowed to visit, what they are allowed to wear and what they are allowed to do.

But Palestinians play soccer there - which is a direct insult to Judaism and a gross violation of Jewish law.

What happened to Muslim respect for other religions?

Where was the Palestinian outcry to this cartoon distributed by Palestinian NGO Badil, which used a Jewish menorah in its antisemitic theme?

I have never seen any Palestinian respect for Judaism as a religion or Jewish symbols. Gazans enthusiastically destroyed synagogues left behind after Israel withdrew, and I do not recall any objection from the Palestinians.

So when Mahmoud Abbas insists that Muslims respect all religious symbols - he's not telling the truth.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, November 02, 2020

From Ian:

7 reported dead in apparent Vienna terror attack also said to target synagogue
An ongoing shooting attack was underway at several sites Monday evening in central Vienna, including in the area of a synagogue and the offices of the Jewish community, killing at least seven people, Austrian media reported, prompting a large-scale police operation.

Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said the incidents appeared to be a terror attack with multiple perpetrators.

The Kurier newspaper said at least one of the fatalities was a police officer. It added there were four people seriously injured in the series of attacks.

There were multiple gunmen, some of them still at large, according to messages sent to members of the local Jewish community.

Austrian news agency APA quoted the country’s Interior Ministry as saying that one attacker has been killed and at least one other could be on the run.

Reports said there was a hostage situation in the city’s seventh district. In addition, reports said there had been an explosion, with one of the assailants possibly blowing himself up.

Oskar Deutsch, the head of the Jewish community in Vienna, said the shooting took place in the street where the city’s main synagogue is located, in the first district, but that it wasn’t clear whether the house of worship had been targeted. He said there were no casualties among the Jewish community.

Deutsch noted that the synagogue and the community offices were closed at the time of the shooting, and asked all community members to stay away from the area.

Anti-Semitism in America
American Jews have been reminded that the world’s oldest hatred almost never totally disappears, even in places where Jews are largely assimilated and communal life feels settled. During Donald Trump’s presidency, lunatics of various ideological stripes have launched deadly assaults on synagogues, kosher grocery stores, and Hanukkah parties, while a wave of dozens of physical attacks on Jews in New York City appeared to have no overt political motive. Multiple left-wing members of Congress support the BDS movement; on the right, the president has made uneasily frequent—though not outwardly hostile—mentions of Jewish money and political power and been less outwardly condemnatory of white supremacy than the overwhelming majority of American Jews would have liked. The alleged anti-Semitism of campus Israel haters, identitarian right wingers, mentally disturbed passersby, and actual members of the federal government jostle for room within a frayed American Jewish psyche.

Last year, the American Jewish Committee commissioned a poll aimed at understanding how American Jews perceived these various threats against them. This year it repeated the exercise, while also polling the general public on its views on American anti-Semitism. The results are worth examining.

Jews overwhelmingly believe that America is becoming a more anti-Semitic and physically dangerous place for them to live, work, and study: 82% responded that anti-Semitism has increased over the past five years. Some 27% reported that Jewish institutions with which they affiliated had “been the targets of anti-Semitism” since the October 2018 massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh; 37% reported that they had “taken steps to conceal their Jewishness in public” since that attack. Meanwhile, 43% of Jews between the ages of 18 and 29 had “experienced anti-Semitism on a college campus over the past five years.”

American Jews are center-left in political orientation—the latest polling suggests that over 70% of them will vote for Joe Biden next week. Thus, the AJC’s findings about the perceived bipartisan nature of anti-Jewish hate reflects a certain fatalism, while also breaking down along lines of party affiliation: While 69% of respondents agreed that the Republican Party holds at least some anti-Semitic views, a not-insignificant 37% said the same about the Democrats.

One of the poll’s relative surprises is that BDS, which is almost exclusively a left-wing phenomenon, and which has vocal fans among growing Democratic Party constituencies, is viewed as either being anti-Semitic or having anti-Semitic supporters among a whopping 80% of Jewish respondents. While the statement “Israel has no right to exist” has adherents on both extremes of the political spectrum, it is mostly heard in left-wing quarters these days; 85% of Jewish respondents agreed it was anti-Semitic.
US Anti-Semitism Special Envoy Elan Carr Speaks to i24NEWS

Settler leader, Palestinian ex-terrorist urge Americans to vote for Trump
A hardline settler leader and a Palestinian former terrorist have released a joint video calling on Americans to vote for Donald Trump in the US presidential elections. The clip, posted online Sunday, features Samaria Regional Council chief Yossi Dagan alongside Mohammed Massad, who served seven years in an Israeli prison for attacks committed during the First Intifada in the late 1980s before becoming a peace activist and a fierce critic of the Palestinian Authority. “During the Obama-Biden administration, our region was filled with chaos,” Dagan says in the video. “Two hundred and four citizens of Israel were murdered as a result of terrorist activities.” “The administration of US President Donald Trump stopped the support for the Palestinian leadership and scaled down the severity of the hostilities,” says Massad. “For the sake of our lives, for the sake of our future, vote for President Trump,” both men conclude. Massad changed his views dramatically after serving a prison term for his terror activities as part of the Fatah armed wing, and wrote a book arguing that suicide attacks go against the Quran. (h/t jzaik)
  • Monday, November 02, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Atalayar:

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) defended the position of French President Emmanuel Macron with respect to the controversy that has arisen in recent days in the Muslim world over his stance in defence of freedom of expression with respect to the dissemination of the cartoons of Mohammed.

In an interview published on Monday by the German newspaper Die Welt, Anwar Gargash, Emirates' Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, rejected the idea that Emmanuel Macron has sent a message of exclusion to Muslims. "You have to listen to what Macron really said in his speech: he does not want ghettoisation of Muslims in the West and he is absolutely right," he said.

Muslims must be more integrated, and the French state has the right to seek the means to achieve this while combating radicalisation and communal seclusion, the head of UAE diplomacy said.

The Emirati minister added that Muslims should be better integrated and that the French state has the right to seek ways to achieve this in parallel with the fight against extremism, referring also to the law against Islamist separatism that the French government has been advocating during this time.  "It does not want Muslims in the West to be isolated, and it is absolutely right. They need to be better integrated into society. The French state has the right to look for ways to achieve this: to find a place for Muslims in French civil society and means to combat isolation and militancy," Anwar Gargash said.

On the other hand, Anwar Gargash did admit to being offended as a Muslim by some of the cartoons, but made it clear that the policy is about something else. Anwar Gargash expressed his feelings as a Muslim about some of the offensive cartoons, but warned against using the issue politically in a way that harms the interests of Muslims.
Given a clear choice between the modern world and the Muslim world, the UAE is choosing the West.

Gargash is acting like an enlightened leader. He is avoiding knee-jerk reactions, he is not falling for conspiracy theories, he actually listened to what Macron said, he is understanding nuance and the bigger picture.

This never used to happen.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

A couple of weeks ago, Stacey Matthews -- who also writes under the pseudonym Sister Toldjah -- wrote a post for Legal Insurrection, NC Gov. Roy Cooper Caught on Hot Mic Telling Joe Biden They’ll Drag Cal Cunningham Over Finish Line. Cunningham is the Democratic Senate nominee for North Carolina who, despite a scandal, may win his election anyway.

That is the opinion of North Carolina's Democratic Governor Roy Cooper, who was overheard on a hot mic as he assured Joe Biden:
“I think we’re gonna all get across the line. I think Cal’s gonna get across the line, too. I know that’s frustrating. We’ll get him across.” [emphasis added]
There was a time when scandals had consequences, but Cunningham is laying low for the duration of his campaign and may just win.

Speaking of Joe Biden, there is no clear indication of what effect the questions surrounding his son Hunter will have on the presidential election. Like Cunningham, Joe Biden has not mounted a counter-attack against the accusations.

Then again, why should he?

The only thing getting more attention than the apparent scandal surrounding Biden's son, is the transparent attempt of the media -- both social and mainstream -- to bury the issue.

Writing last week about Glenn Greenwald's resignation from The Intercept, which Greenwald helped found, Matt Taibi reports on pressure for journalists to help the Democrats cross the finish line:
In the last few weeks I’ve heard from multiple well-known journalists going through struggles in their newsrooms, with pressure to avoid certain themes in campaign coverage often central to their worries. There are many reporters out there — most of them quite personally hostile to Donald Trump — who are grating under what they perceive as relentless pressure to publish material favorable to the Democratic Party cause.
We'll soon see how successful that pressure has been.

Putting domestic politics aside, there is an apparent effort, on an international level, to help an old favorite finally cross the finish line.

In an exclusive interview with Al-Monitor, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, sounded upbeat about the interest of the world community in participating in the suggested conference due to take place after the inauguration of a new US president in 2021.

The Security Council discussions revealed near-unanimous support for the initiative presented by Abbas at the UN General Assembly on Sept. 25. [emphasis added]
France has come out in support of The Abraham Accords, saying that while preferring a two-state solution, they are open to other possibilities, if both sides agree.

The US of course is fully in support of The Abraham Accords and has made a point of letting Abbas know that the Palestinian Authority is no longer going to get a free ride.

Nevertheless, according to Al-Monitor:
Comments at the Security Council session showed that France, Germany, Belgium, China and others all spoke in support of the conference. Even the United States and Israel, who are opposed to the idea, were forced to engage with the concept and take it seriously in their deliberation.
Just what "forced to engage" means is not clear.

U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft was skeptical that a conference would produce results, but said the Trump administration, Israel’s closest and most important ally, was open to the possibility raised by Abbas.

“We have no objection to meeting with international partners to discuss the issue. But I have to ask, how is this different than every other meeting convened on this issue over the past 60 years?” she asked the council.

Israel’s new U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan opposed the Palestinian call, accusing Abbas of refusing “every peace offer made by the state of Israel” and attacking Israel’s recent agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan instead of viewing them as “a new opportunity to kick-start negotiations.”
The fact is that there is no indication that there is anything new being offered here. 

Is this a serious attempt to achieve a two-state solution or just an attempt to help Abbas out of a jam, 'saving' him from having to make the kinds of concessions required for peace, and failing to do so -- proving how irrelevant he really is?

What makes all of this possible of course are the presidential elections this week.

This conference is only feasible if Biden becomes president, since he would be expected to support this old, failed approach to peace.

Joe Biden, as Obama's vice president, would never have seen the potential of diplomacy that would focus on the benefits of normalizing relations between Israel and Arab countries. During the Obama administration, their foreign policy achievements were restoring diplomatic relations with Myanmar and Cuba while strengthening Iran.

As president, Biden (and Kamala Harris) would be amenable to the insistence of the progressive wing of the Democratic party to take up the cause of the Palestinian Arabs -- something not at the top of the agenda of the Gulf states.

Also, there is every reason to believe that Biden, and Harris would push for relaxing sanctions on Iran and for the re-establishment of the Iran deal in one form or another which would only set much of the Arab world on edge and help to push many of those Arab countries into the arms of Israel, to begin with.

The future of the Middle East will depend to a great extent on this week's elections and on Europe's old habits and knee-jerk response to the region, as it attempts to save Abbas and the Palestinian Authority from the changing Arab world.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Whoever wins the US elections, Israel must always rely only on itself
Unlike Trump’s unilateralism, Biden is expected to bring back the “old” American brokership to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The 2020 Democratic Party Platform calls for the creation of a “viable” Palestinian state where Palestinians “should be free to govern themselves,” and opposes “unilateral action” from either side.

Would that reduce the number of attacks against Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers? Unlikely. But, Biden has made it clear that he will “fully support the Taylor Force Act, which withholds aid to the PA based on payments it makes to terrorists in Israeli jails.”

Biden has also said that “Palestinians need to end incitement in the West Bank and rocket attacks in Gaza” and that the leadership “must begin to level with their people about the legitimacy and permanence of Israel as a Jewish state in the historic homeland of the Jewish people.”

What about Iran?

Israel considers Iran’s nuclear program its number one concern. According to intelligence assessments, if the Islamic Republic does decide to fully renege on the agreement, it wouldn’t take long to produce enough fissure material to make a nuclear bomb.

Biden has signaled that he will try to bring Iran back into the nuclear deal and that the economic sanctions placed on the country could eventually be eased. Nevertheless, he has acknowledged that there’s no guarantee Iran would return to compliance with the agreement.

Netanyahu has been one of the loudest critics of the deal. Although IDF officers and defense experts were concerned about some elements of the JCPOA, many believed that Israel was better off when the deal was alive and Iran was adhering to it. Should Biden win, he may only have a short time to bring Iran back to the agreement before hardliners, including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, who oppose any engagement with the West, are expected to win Iran’s upcoming presidential elections.

And should that happen, Israel will not be any better off.

Nevertheless, no matter who wins the upcoming US elections, Trump or Biden, Israel has to remember one thing: When it comes to its security, Israel has to be able to defend itself, by itself, at any given time. At the very least, Washington will continue to reinforce that.
Settlers pray for Trump victory in Hebron, the city of Abraham
The sound of the ram’s horn resounded in front of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in the biblical city of Hebron as settler leaders held a small rally and brief prayer service Monday for US President Donald Trump’s victory in the November 3 election.

“We are people of faith, and here – from the Tomb of the Patriarchs, we pray and express our gratitude to President Trump,” Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz said.

As Ganz spoke, he stood on the stone plaza in front of the King Herod-era structure that housed the Tomb of the Biblical forefathers and foremother, including that of Abraham, whose purchase of the site is recorded in the Book of Genesis. The settlers and their right-wing supporters, out of all the Israelis, have the most to gain from a Trump victory.

Among those who stood there were leaders like Ganz and South Hebron Hills Regional Council head Yochai Damri, who opposed Trump’s peace deal with the Palestinians, but have in the last weeks still come out in support of the US president. Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan, who held a Trump rally in his region of the West Bank last week, was absent from the event.

Both the settlers and Trump support Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank settlements, but the settlers want a more expanded annexation map and opposed the creation of a Palestinian state, even the demilitarized one that is part of the Trump plan.

Ganz said he hoped that Trump would “be granted additional years as President of the United States, and will strengthen the State of Israel, so that together, we can apply sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.”
Make America Great, or make America Somalia
America is at an inflection point more ominous and dangerous than the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. Then, America elected a president who would fight for the good of the Union against misguided forces that broke with the Nation and sought to continue the evils of slavery.

Today, another great evil haunts the United States of America. It is an evil that has infected almost all of the Democrat party, as well as mainstream media and can be described as cultist woke-ism. Woke-ism is the accelerating set of “acceptable” ideas whose adherents dictate that if you fail to accept every single one of the cult's lunatic fringe “axioms,” you will be called a “racist,” “homophobe,” “transphobe,” Islamophobe,” be summarily "cancelled" and even lose your job.

Increasingly, the “end point” of this ghoulish intellectual infection appears to be that the only “cure” America’s “systemic racism” is to “burn it down.” Today, in the possible election of Joe Biden, we will have a president who will not fight for the forces of good, as did Lincoln, but instead, will be fighting to instill a new Fascist plan of Wokeness that enslaves Americans in a tyranny worse than the regime of hate and evil that would have ensued had the enemy defeated and occupied America in WWII. Our only salvation from this regime of Woke is for President Trump to win re-election in the coming election.

Why is a Biden victory more dangerous than America’s so far only Civil War?

The answer is first and foremost, that unlike the Lincoln victory which put the reins of power of America into the hands of the forces of Good, a Biden victory will put the awesome powers of the government into the hands of the faceless forces of political correctness, Woke-ism, and the Deep State.

Today, the media is keeping Biden’s blatant corruption off the front pages so as to elect Biden’s “name,” but then slip in Kamela Harris. If the Biden-Harris ticket wins, within three months the same media that suffocated the Biden corruption scandal, will blare it from every site and hound him from office, thereby installing the “most liberal Senator in the Senate” as President of the United States.

Biden is the Trojan Horse that hides a Harris extreme-Left Presidency. No Democrat seriously thinks Biden will last out his first year in office, most bets are on 3 months.
  • Monday, November 02, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
The level of obsession that Iran has about Israel is mind-boggling. They held an entire conference on how to politicize sports in order to delegitimize Israel.

Yet the more you read, the more you see that Iran is the one on the defensive, as more sports federations are penalizing Iran for refusing to compete against Israel and this conference was more about Irans' response to that than to the possibility of Iran influencing other countries against Israel. 

The 16th pre-session on studies on the Zionist regime titled “The Use of Sports by the Zionist Regime for Normalization” was held at Tehran International Studies and Research Institute (TISRI).

The senior expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mojtaba Amini, noted that topics such as the Zionist regime’s racism can be highlighted by creating an anti-Zionist axis in sports and citing compelling reasons.

Head of the Athletes' Basij Organization, Dr. Mir-Jalili, also said that the Zionist regime is seeking normalization by using sports as a tool and the ways in which this could be countered included the setup of workgroups and regular meetings, using the potentials of the Olympic Charter, advertising and public opinion, using the potentials of international organizations such as UNESCO, and creating motivational topics for athletes.

He continued by saying that synergy between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Sports, and the international branch of Basij was necessary and highlighted the need to build dialogue and award the international medal of resistance to athletes who do not participate in games against the Zionist regime.

A faculty member of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Dr. Heybatollah Najandi, also had a speech and said that the abstinence of Iranian athletes from playing with the athletes of the Zionist regime was in fact a protest against the illegitimacy of this regime and the widespread violation of human rights against the oppressed people of Palestine. He said our athletes turning up for games with the Zionist regime only reduced the ugliness of the regime’s illegitimate existence.

Also at the pre-session meeting, Hojjat al-Islam Seyed Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajedini highlighted the need for a multilateral struggle in all sectors against the Zionist regime and stressed that this must be relevant and transparent. He added that sport is not separate from the economy, it also cannot be separate from politics, and the sports sector must be freed from neutrality and move towards areas of value. He finished by emphasizing the need for increased cooperation between the diplomacy apparatus and the Ministry of Sport and considered the legal vacuum in this field a serious shortfall.
I hope that the various sports federations are taking note that Iran has no interest in sportsmanship. This conference proves it. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 02, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

PLO leader Yasir Arafat was infamous for saying peaceful messages in English and pivoting to pro-terror messages in Arabic.

Hamas has learned that lesson well.

On Hamas' Arabic webpage, there is a press release and an article about the 103rd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. 

In both those cases, Hamas emphasizes that "armed resistance" (i.e., terrorism) is a valid option: "Resistance in all its forms, from popular to armed, will remain a legitimate and proven option, and it will not be withdrawn to restore the stolen right of our people and sweep the occupation."

But in its English language website, there are no articles on Balfour. The only article about "resistance" is a copy of a Mondoweiss piece about hunger striking as a form of resistance.

Even terror groups try to pretend to be peaceful when appealing to their Western fans. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 02, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Palestine Post, November 22, 1933:

There is no doubt that there was significant Arab immigration to British Mandate Palestine in the 1920s and 30s. Yet unlike the Jewish immigrants at the time, the Arabs are never referred to as "colonialists" or "settler colonialists" as the Jews are.

In fact, in a true irony, today they are considered to be "Palestinians" - even though most of them lived in British Mandate Palestine for only 20 years or so. And they took the name of the people who were called Palestinians at the time. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

  • Sunday, November 01, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon

If more Arab countries normalize relations with Israel, what will the PLO leadership do?

They angrily denounced the UAE and Bahrain agreements, trying to marginalize those countries from the Arab League and failing miserably.

They seemed a little more circumspect about Sudan, but also a little more shocked.

However, in general their media is not looking at this as a wake-up call. It is still a reason for them to dig in their heels and say that they have principles that they will not give in on, even when their Arab benefactors are urging flexibility.

Part of the reason is that the PLO leadership is waiting for the US elections. They are hoping that Joe Biden rolls back Trump's pro-Israel moves and returns to a posture of pressuring Israel, coddling Palestinians and linking world peace to Palestinian acceptance of an offer.

But if they miscalculate - if either Trump wins, or if the other moderate Arab states decide to recognize Israel without US sponsorship (very possible if Biden embraces Iran and pushes Arab states towards Israel,) or if Biden recognizes that the Middle East is not the same as it was four years ago  -  then what?

The PLO has two options. One is to listen to its friends and accept a solution that Israel can live with. The other is to remain intransigent and seek new friends - namely, Iran.

Right now, under US sanctions, Iran is not in a position to financially aid the PLO. And unless the PLO changes its current stated policy of avoiding terror attacks, it is unlikely that Iran would fund it. But if Biden wins the presidency, and he lifts sanctions against Iran and puts Sunni Arab states in the same uncomfortable position that Obama did, it seems possible that the PLO will embrace Iran as its new benefactor. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.


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