Monday, November 05, 2018

Over the last week, I noticed that horror over the recent Pittsburgh synagogue massacre did not lead to the kind of partisan finger-pointing which usually accompanies outrages of this type.
Certainly there was a fair share of finger-pointing at the current administration, coupled with counter-accusations that those who wanted to use the tragedy of Pittsburgh to further their own political agendas were dishonoring the dead.  But such Internet-fueled rages were fewer than one might have expected, given how quickly other mass killings turned into clashes over guns vs. mental illness I described last time.

This may be because the communities most affected, including the Pittsburgh and wider Jewish communities, urged those who needed to “do something” to reflect on their faith (in the case of Jews) and commitment to one another when responding to the outpouring of support from non-Jews around the world.

The power of such a response was brought home to me when I attended services at my synagogue on Friday night, the first ones held since Pittsburgh.  At that event, the clergy addressed the overflow crowd of Jews and non-Jews with a message of hope, rather than despair or anger. 
Helping those who were directly impacted by the crime was obviously first priority, and anyone with a connection to Tree of Life through family, friends or personal history, were asked to stand so that the community could show their love and support.  But the rest of the service was dedicated to life, and not just life going on after a tragedy, but to the life-affirming, celebratory moment Jews are privileged to experience once a week in the form of Shabbat. 

No doubt there were members of the audience able to find fault in some of the things that were said that evening.  Even I couldn’t help but think about Elder’s warning against taking the murderer at his word that he targeted Tree of Life due to their embrace of refugee issues when our rabbi highlighted the killer’s excuse for why he did what he really wanted to do, which was to kill lots of Jews.  Upon reflection, however, it seemed more than uncharitable to characterize this story of solidarity as anything other an attempt to illustrate the open heart of a Jewish community which has decided to use its resources to help others now that our own refugee issues are largely behind us.
More importantly, the embrace of life-affirming principles, represented by the #ShowUpForShabbat effort embraced by millions across the globe, got me thinking about not just Jewish tragedy, but Jewish strength and longevity that has allowed us to survive for Millenia while other peoples vanished into history.

A natural – and understandable – tendency, after all, is to sink into despair when confronted with murderous anti-Semitism coming to America, especially in the context of the skyrocketing of attacks on Jews worldwide, accompanying (and excused by) the war against the Jewish state.  But despair can easily turn to fatalist expectations of doom.  But there is a cure.  For Shabbat in general, and the most recent Shabbat in particular, demonstrates Jewish faith in week-by-week renewal that has kept us around fifty-two weeks a year for countless centuries.

Another natural response to the attack would have been boundless rage.  But, as we have seen in societies that have devoted themselves to stoking and exacerbating such rage (especially societies who blame the Jews for their own failings and crimes), anger untempered by hope can lead to not just despair but to trillions in wasted dollars and, far more importantly, millions of wasted lives.

So, as tempting as it might be to turn our enemies’ tactics against them, especially when they ruthlessly and relentlessly assault the most important Jewish project of modernity, we must avoid anything that might turn us into those enemies.  One need only look at Gaza to see where that can lead.  Similarly, one need only look at Jerusalem – ancient and modern – to see what we can accomplish when we play to our strengths, and act like the people we are. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 05, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Today's insane anti-Israel academic paper:

Brett Remkus Britt
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Volume 17, 2015 - Issue 3

Claims regarding “gay rights” have acquired a prominent role in debates over Israel's occupation of Palestine. This often takes the form of “pinkwashing,” a term denoting the use of gay rights discourse to justify the imposition of colonial rule. This article analyzes the pornographic film Men of Israel to explore how pinkwashing reflects colonialism's depoliticizing and exclusionary logics. Men of Israel shows how pinkwashing is far more than a justificatory practice. It also legitimates, reproduces and appropriates colonial narratives to justify an alliance between supporters of gay rights and the “pro-gay” Israeli state. It simultaneously excludes a racial category of people called “Palestinians,” which includes gay Palestinians, from the rights accorded to gay men in Israel. In an era of “gay rights as human rights,” such deployments of “gay rights” highlight the necessity of directing critical scrutiny to the alliances and exclusions implicated by a particular articulation of rights.
Yes, a "scholarly" examination of a gay Israeli porn film, the criticism of which honestly sounds like parody:
The film’s attempt to depoliticize Israel’s territorial claims is perhaps even more important. Men of Israel reflects an important turn within contemporary colonial practices, where gay male bodies serve as markers of colonial boundaries. However, the colonial power relations implicated by the film are well disguised because, in common with other pornographic films, it elides the social and political aspects of the subjects it depicts, presenting them as “images of people without social context or relations” (Bhattacharyya 2008, 136). 
You get that? The porn film "elides the social and political aspects of the subjects it depicts." The target audience for the film must be very upset over that omission.

Such a portrayal requires exclusion of images that might provoke questions regarding the cost of sustaining this geography. We are not shown impoverished Palestinian towns or the remnants of bombed out Palestinian homes in the wake of Israeli air raids. The film does not show bulldozed buildings and Israeli settlements built in their place or the poverty within the occupied territories, elements upon which the vibrant urban landscape of the film is constructed. Indeed, the evasion of a Palestinian presence is a key component of the film’s agenda.
According to this brilliant reviewer - who must have watched the film dozens of times in order to describe it accurately for the readers of the journal - the film isn't meant to turn on gay guys like 100% of other gay porn films. It is designed specifically to avoid showing things that sham academic who obsessively watched it would like to have seen.

Any vision of Israel that is not wholly concerned with evil Israelis running roughshod over the human rights of an enslaved Palestinian people is clearly illegitimate, according to the brilliant academics who spend scores of hours watching gay porn for their "research." (This is not the only paper that Britt has written on the subject of gay porn and its supposed political implications. He also wrote  “Reading Gay Pornography as Transnational Colonial Project.”)

Amazingly, this is not the only academic paper obsessed with Men in Israel. This other paper argues that gay porn with Arab actors is meant to build bridges between the West and the East while Israeli porn tries to build walls between the two.


And a third academic paper from a third author, Nada Elia, also features an extended discussion of this film.

That is at least three academic papers, published in three separate academic journals, written by three separate academics, all obsessed over a minor Israeli gay porn film.

UPDATE: A fourth paper on the same film!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Netanyahu hails ‘historic’ Iran sanctions, says his fight against world paid off
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday praised US President Donald Trump’s “courageous, determined and important decision” to reinstate all US sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal, saying the move was a direct result of his own efforts against the deal.

“​For many years I ​have devoted my time and energy to the war against the Iranian threat. ​On this issue I went ​up ​almost against the whole world. Today we see the results of this long and ongoing struggle​,” Netanyahu said at the opening of his Likud faction meeting in the Knesset.

“This day is a historic day,” Netanyahu said. ​”​I would like to again thank President Donald Trump again for a courageous, determined and important decision. I think this contributes to stability, security and peace.”

Monday’s sanctions are the second batch the Trump administration has reimposed on the Islamic Republic since withdrawing from the nuclear agreement earlier this year.

The rollback ends US participation in the Obama-era accord, which now hangs in the balance as Iran no longer enjoys the billions of dollars in sanctions relief it was granted under the deal in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.

Israel, which considers Iran an existential threat and opposed the deal from the beginning, broadly welcomed the US’s exit from the deal and the reimposition of sanctions.

Netanyahu, who personally lobbied world leaders against the deal and since its signing, has called for it to be canceled said, “This is ​a very big day for the State of Israel. This is a great day for the people of Israel. This is a great day for the future of Israel.”

PMW: PA lies, presents Holocaust victims as Arabs
Purporting to be showing images of Arab victims from the village of Al-Dawayima which the Israeli army captured during Israel’s War of Independence in 1948 (see note below), official PA TV deceptively showed a photo from a Nazi concentration camp showing victims from the Holocaust.

Below is the original photo from the concentration camp at Nordhausen, originally a sub-camp of Buchenwald, showing hundreds of dead victims. It was taken right after liberation of the camp by the American army:
[April 17, 1945, AP photo / US army Signal Corps]

This is PA TV’s image and text on screen claiming the victims are Arabs:
“70 years since the occupation’s massacre at the village of Al-Dawayima”
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Oct. 28, 2018]

Ironically, this is not the first time PA TV have deceived their viewers about this concentration camp photo. Palestinian Media Watch exposed earlier this year that PA TV presented this very same photo claiming it showed Arabs killed by Jews on April 9, 1948 in the village of Deir Yassin.

  • Monday, November 05, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Another humanitarian crisis today in Gaza.

No goods can be imported into Gaza today, because the trucking companies in Gaza have ceased working.

The Palestinian Authority has levied taxes on all truckloads of goods, about NIS 30 per truck. The transport companies declared that they would stop all loading of trucks at Kerem Shalom.

The Land Transport Association said they will refuse to work until these fees are rescinded. However long it takes.

I don't know which side it right, but what is clear is that the welfare of the people of Gaza is not a prime consideration for either their government nor for those whose services are critical to them. They remain pawns, and the world doesn't care unless Jews can be blamed.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 05, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the wake of the Pittsburgh massacre, there are bizarre attempts by anti-Zionist organizations to claim that they are against antisemitism, and moreover that Zionism and antisemitism are interrelated.

The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights is typical:

Our struggles for justice are inextricably linked: rejecting white supremacy means rejecting antisemitism, anti-Black racism, Zionism, Islamophobia, transphobia, and all forms of oppression. 
The first step in standing in solidarity and linking arms across movements is educating ourselves. We know that these connections may not be obvious at first glance, so we pulled together some resources that we hope you’ll find useful whether you want to expand your knowledge, or are having these conversations over the holidays or on social media.
Understanding Antisemitism
This resource from Jews for Racial and Economic Justice offers an analysis of antisemitism, how it works, and why it matters. It addresses how antisemitism fits into a matrix of oppressions that includes anti-Black racism and Islamophobia, and how Trump has emboldened white supremacists. 
 The document they point to is a 45 page description of antisemitism from a Leftist viewpoint. The problem isn't so much with what it says, but with what it ignores:

Who are Jews?
A central way that antisemitism thrives is through myths and stereotypes about Jews. These stereotypes benefit from a lack of clarity about who Jews actually are and ignorance about the demographics of our community.
Judaism is one of the three so-called “Abrahamic” religions, along with Christianity and Islam,which trace their roots to the biblical patriarch Abraham. Judaism predates both Christianity and Islam, but over time has been overtaken by both of them in numbers of adherents throughout the world.
Between 722 and 73 BCE, Jewish population centers in the Middle East began to fragment due to invasion and military conflict, and Jews were scattered throughout the region. From 63 CE until 70–73 CE, the Romans occupied Judea, which led to an uprising, a crackdown, and the final expulsion of Jews from their homeland in what is now Israel/Palestine. Many Jews remained in the Middle East and North Africa, while many others migrated throughout the world in whatiis known as the “Jewish diaspora,” with some settling in what is modern-day Europe and other parts of the world.
While this abbreviated history mentions Judea and that Jews had  homeland, it downplays something vital: that the Jews are a nation, not only a religion. It does not even say that there were two Jewish kingdoms; it doesn't mention King David or the Temples.

Wikipedia's entry on Jews starts off with "Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים‬ Yehudim,  or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group and a nation, originating from the Israelites and Hebrews of historical Israel and Judah. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated." But to leftists, including leftist Jews, the national component of Judaism is ignored or diminished, scrubbed from history and Jewishness is viewed as merely a religion like Islam or Christianity.

Denial of Jewish peoplehood is antisemitic. It is also a lie - Jews were recognized as a nation by not only themselve but by non-Jews for all history since the destruction of the second Temple.

But for anti-Zionists, this antisemitic denial of the essence of Jewish peoplehood is necessary, because if you accept that there are a Jewish people, then you must accept that they have a place of origin and a right to live in their historic home. Not only that, but you must admit that they are the indigenous population of their homeland.

Arabs do the exact same thing. They claim that Judaism is merely a religion and that they have nothing against Jews; but Jews who act as a people are Zionist and must be stopped.

Anti-Zionism's philosophical basis is the denial of the Jewish people's rights to self determination. Because Jews are a people - and they have been understood to be a people for thousands of years - then anti-Zionism is truly antisemitism. The scrambling being done to separate antisemitism of Pittsburgh from the anti-Zionism of the radical Left is an attempt to erase the obvious link between the Jews of Squirrel Hill and the Jews of Israel.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, November 05, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

I don't know exactly when this happened, but on Twitter there are hundreds of Arabic speakers celebrating this brief video clip of a Jew, wearing his prayer shawl and tefillin, running for his life down a Jerusalem alley as Arabs throw things at him. He trips and loses his yarmulka as Arabs jeer.

The Tweet says "Zionist settlers entered a neighborhood of #Jerusalem . He did not expect what happened to him next.😄"

The people responding are mostly enthusiastic. When one woman was ambivalent, saying "I have conflicting feelings. Do I rejoice for this fierce resistance scene or feel concern for this weak man in this bad situation?" she was attacked as having "Stockholm syndrome" and having some mental problem for feeling any sympathy with the Jew. Another answered to her "I have conflicting feelings - do I feel happiness at the scene or anger at your arrogance where I want to spit at your face?"

Many express the hope that this is how all Jews will leave Jerusalem. Some point out that celebrating this video makes the world think badly of Palestinians. And one starts a rumor that the man insulted the prophet Mohammed which is why he was being chased in the first place.

(h/t AD and David Abraham)

UPDATE: It appears that this occurred in 2015.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, November 04, 2018

  • Sunday, November 04, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here's a photo of one of the most immoral members of clergy you are likely to ever seen

Anna Karin Hammar is a Swedish member of clergy and theologian. Her blog has a memorial to the victims of Pittsburgh - and she then adds the people killed in Gaza riots since March, including many known Hamas terrorists and leaders.

Because, hey, their deaths are just as tragic, right? And it would be immoral to mention the names of 11 dead Jewish worshipers without also listing the names of dozens of terrorists who share the philosophy of their killers.

Here is an English autotranslation of the beginning of her post, where I show pictures of some of the dead Gaza terrorists that this perverted, disgusting example of a religious Christian equates with the martyrs of Pittsburgh.

(h/t Tomer Ilan)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Dr. Mordechai Kedar: A rude awakening for the Palestinian dream
When something is built on an unstable foundation, it is only natural for its long term survival to be at risk. It is also natural for it to be in need of constant support just to keep from falling. The belief that it will eventually be able to stand on its own two feet causes people to lend their support, but only egregious fools continue to do so if there is no hope of its ever being independent, because in that case, everythiing those supporters have invested is doomed to be irretrievably lost.

The Palestinian Authority is in exactly that position today and this article will expound on the reasons it has no hope of every being able to become a viable and independent entity.

The prime reason for this situation is the very reason the PA was founded. In 1993, the Israeli government tried to find someone who would accept responsibility for eliminating the terror network created by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, someone willing to be rewarded for anti-terrorist activity by being granted the authority to rule the area and administer the lives of the Arabs living there. This was the "deal" concocted by the Israelis, and the "contractor" who accepted the challenge was the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) headed by arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat. The Israeli government actually believed that Arafat was serious about eliminating terror and establishing an autonomous administrative system for running those territories.

Of course, this deal was doomed to failure from the start due to the residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza and also the government of Israel. The Arab residents considered the Palestinian Authority (PA), the governing arm of the PLO, to be the operative arm of Israeli policy, an organization collaorating with Israel by means of the coordinated security system that exists up until this very day.

"Security coordination" to the Palestinian Arab mind is a laundered word for cooperation, meaning PA security forces attempt to apprehend the terrorists that belong to organizations other than their own and hand them over to Israel. Many of the Arab residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza see this as no less than treason.

In order to cover up that perceived betrayal and silence its critics, the PA employs thousands in both real and artificial jobs (the kind where the worker does not have to do anything in order to be paid) . For the sake of earning a livng, people are willing to shut their mouths and utter not a word about what they really think of the PA and the reasons for its existence. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Tablet Editorial Voter Education
Eight candidates who have expressed blatantly anti-Semitic views, or who openly associate with anti-Semites

If nothing else, the Pittsburgh massacre should underline for all American Jews that our ongoing struggle against hate is not a narrow sectarian interest or a partisan political tool. It is a matter of life or death—for your neighbors, your synagogue, your family, your children, your parents and grandparents, for our community.

In that spirit, we want to emphasize, as Nathan Rubin does today in our pages, just how important it is to have friends and allies in the ongoing struggle against hate.

We also want to make clear that open and blatant anti-Semitism—as well as validating and associating with open and blatant anti-Semites who spread their poison in our country or call for the elimination or destruction of Jewish communities anywhere else in the world—is not acceptable, ever. Licensing hate means death for Jews.

Anti-Semitism is a bright red line in our politics that no one in our public life can be permitted to cross and expect to receive the support of our community, whether we are proud Democrats or proud Republicans.

Support for Israel is not an excuse for calling for the elimination of Jews or the Jewish religion. Support for immigrants or other marginalized groups is also not an excuse. Past histories of individual or group oppression at the hands of anyone, anywhere is not an excuse. Being Jewish, or having a Jewish parent or grandparent, is not an excuse. There are no more excuses.

In that spirit, here is a list of candidates in Tuesday’s hotly contested congressional elections who have expressed blatantly anti-Semitic views or endorsed or refused to condemn individuals or ideas that are blatantly anti-Semitic.

  • Sunday, November 04, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The BBC produced a slick piece about the newly opened high speed train between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv:

Of course, it has to say things that are anti-Israel, so it interviews Palestinians in Beit Surik, who live as much as 80 meters above the train tracks.

They don't know much about the train, but they are sure of one thing: their human rights are being violated, somehow.

"Villagers fear they may lose access to some of their land," the BBC caption tells us, backed up by a resident of the village who says "We do not have enough information about the route of the train. But whether it is above land or under the land, it is the same problem.  I am sure we will not have the freedom to work our lands."

But that part of the route is completed. The farmers of Beit Surik aren't impacted - they have not been restricted from farming, even while the tunnel was being excavated. They don't even know exactly where the tunnel is! Certainly they are not affected by this train line in the least.

The claim that the train will force the villagers to lose access to their farms is provably, obviously false. Yet the BBC parrots it as if there is any credence to it.

Beyond that, the BBC article implies that the train might be extended to the Western Wall, which is absurd. The controversial talk about a light rail to the Western Wall would be a different line, which has nothing to do with this train.

(h/t Yoel)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, November 04, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

A couple of weeks ago, I reported that J-Street's leaders, including Jeremy Ben Ami, had met with Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian leaders, including one whose statements showed that he supported terrorism.

It turns out that that member of the Fatah central committee, Hussein al-Sheikh, is a terrorist himself.

Stephen Flatow, father of a terrorist victim, writes:
Thursday, March 21, 2002, was a pleasant early spring morning in Jerusalem. King George Street, in the heart of the city, was packed with shoppers. Suddenly, a Palestinian suicide bomber struck. The explosion left three people dead, and more than 100 wounded. One of the fatalities was Tzippi Shemesh, who was five months pregnant with twins.

Among the wounded were a number of Americans. The force of the explosion hurled U.S. citizen Alan Bauer 20 feet. Two screws that were packed into the bomb ripped clear through his left arm. His 7-year-old son, Jonathan, suffered severe shrapnel wounds and fell into a coma. Jonathan subsequently underwent numerous operations to remove nails and screws from his head, including one that was lodged in his brain. Needless to say, he was left with permanent injuries.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is the military arm of Abbas’s Fatah movement, openly claimed responsibility for the bombing. In fact, it was that bombing that moved the U.S. State Department to finally put the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade on its official list of terrorist groups.

Members of the Shemesh family filed suit against the PA and, as a result, details of those who were involved in the attack became public. Earlier this year, the Jerusalem District Court ruled that the PA was responsible for the bombing. In its ruling, the court cited closed-door testimony provided by Israeli intelligence officials who named names—including “senior Fatah official Hussein al-Sheikh, who met the suicide bomber and two other operatives and gave them money and two hand grenades to carry out the bombing.”

So Al-Sheikh literally put hand grenades into the hands of the bomber and his assistants, in order to murder innocent people, and financed their attack. Which, according to American and Israeli law, makes Al-Sheikh equally guilty of the murders and maiming of their victims.
Al-Sheikh's involvement in terror has been known for years:
Even before the Jerusalem court ruling, the American government was aware of Al-Sheikh’s terrorist background. Several years ago, a scheduled meeting between Al-Sheikh and U.S. diplomats at the American Consulate in Jerusalem was canceled when U.S. officials realized Al-Sheikh’s connection to the bombing.
Hussein al-Sheikh should be extradited and tried in the US for his role in shedding the blood of Americans. But to J-Street, he is someone to be embraced as someone who supports peace.

Jeremy Ben Ami must be forced to answer why he chose to embrace a terrorist with Jewish and American blood on his hands. 

(Al-Sheikh is also a known sexual harasser. Since J-Street doesn't give a damn about Israeli and American lives, perhaps Jeremy Ben Ami will apologize for that.)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, November 04, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon

The World Forum of Interfaith Dialogue Ambassadors, sponsored by the Organization of Muslim Scouts and taking place starting today in Tunisia, will not allow any Israelis to attend.

The Republican Party of Tunisia appealed to the Tunisian High Court to ensure that no Israelis could step foot in Tunisia, and the Court agreed. There were rumors that a single Israeli delegate would arrive via Paris.

The Scouts didn't deny that they invited the Israeli but commended the Court decision and emphasized their full support for Palestinians.

The conference's materials claim that the conference is open to any members of the World Religions Forum, World Scouts Organizations and national representatives of scouting organizations.

The topics of the sessions, ironically, include "dialogue between civilizations" and "promotion of the culture of tolerance."

The international scouting movement claims that "Scouting should reflect the societies in which it exists and actively work to welcome all individuals without distinction. This diversity should not only be reflected in the membership, but also the methods and programmes used within the Movement."

Israel is a member of the world scout organization.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

From Ian:

Bari Weiss: When a Terrorist Comes to Your Hometown
I want to tell you what it is like when your neighborhood becomes the scene of a mass murder.

The first thing you should know is that when your phone pings with a text from your youngest sister saying, “There is a shooter at tree of life,” your brain will insist that it is not true, that it is a hoax.

But your fingers will write back immediately, unthinking: “is dad there.”

Your mouth will turn to cotton while you wait for your mom to confirm that your father, who goes to one of Squirrel Hill’s synagogues every Shabbat morning, was not in the building.

Then another of your sisters will send a link to the police scanner and you will listen as the calls come in from the scene. You hear an officer report that the shooter declared he wants to “kill all the Jews.” He has hit officers. “Shots fired. Shots fired. Shots fired.”

You will cancel all your plans and book a flight home. Before you are even on the plane you will start to hear rumors — a couple has been killed, a doctor. You will wonder which families in your neighborhood will be shattered.

The numbness will break only when you find out that Cecil Rosenthal — the intellectually disabled, gentle giant of a man your mother has known since grade school — was murdered along with his brother, David. You will picture him as a proud usher standing in the entrance to services, and you will wonder if he greeted the killer, too. And you will weep.

When an anti-Semitic murderer mows down Jews in the synagogue where you became a bat mitzvah, you might find yourself in the sanctuary again. But instead of family and friends, the sanctuary is host to a crew of volunteers — the chevra kadisha — who will spend the week cleaning up every drop of blood because, according to Jewish tradition, each part of the body must be sanctified in death and so buried.
Ben Shapiro Interview: Israel is protecting Western civilization
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro‘s star has been rising in the US in recent years. He’s only 34 years old, but he began his career 17 years ago, writing a syndicated column, and now he has his own news site, The Daily Wire, “The Ben Shapiro Show,” a podcast with millions of listeners.

In between, he managed to become editor-at-large of the far-right – these days, some would say alt-right – website Breitbart, and resigned in 2016. Shapiro accused Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon, an eventual adviser to US President Donald Trump, of turning the site into “Trump’s personal Pravda.”

Later that year, the Anti-Defamation League identified Shapiro as the No. 1 target of online antisemitism among Jewish journalists in the US, and he received the most hate by far.

Shapiro continues to be targeted from all ends: from the Left, because he’s staunchly conservative, and from the Right, because he is not a Trump cheerleader, and doesn’t hesitate to criticize the president.

His no-nonsense attitude and caustic humor have attracted admirers and detractors; “facts don’t care about your feelings” is his most famous slogan, and he sells coffee mugs that are labeled “leftist tears.” He’s found allies in the self-described Intellectual Dark Web, a group of thinkers – their day jobs include academia, journalism and comedy – who don’t fit perfectly into mainstream media’s liberal or conservative labels, and have found wild success producing their own content online.

Although Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew and a vocal supporter of Israel, his content is aimed at a broader American audience, and therefore he doesn’t often focus on those areas.

In a conversation with The Jerusalem Post last month from his LA podcast studio, the father of two – married to a Moroccan-Israeli doctor about whom he often sweetly scheps naches (expresses great pride) – discussed American Jewish identity, support for Israel and more, in his typically no-holds-barred manner. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Caroline Glick: Israeli Cabinet Minister Challenges Propaganda on Trump and Antisemitism
Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett kicked in the foundations of the left’s case against President Donald Trump on Tuesday. And they didn’t like it.

Since Saturday’s massacre of 11 mostly elderly Jews at prayer at the Tree of Life Synagogue, prominent left-wing American Jewish activists and Never Trump pundits have blamed Trump for the massacre by insisting that he has empowered antisemitic forces in the U.S.

The “proof” these commentators provide for their incendiary allegation is the Anti-Defamation League’s 2017 report on antisemitic incidents in the U.S. The ADL alleged that during Trump’s first year in office, there was a 57 percent rise in antisemitic incidents.

Bennett flew to Pittsburgh Sunday as the representative of the Israeli government to show solidarity with the Jewish community in the aftermath of the massacre. Before travelling back to Israel, he participated in a roundtable discussion of antisemitism in New York at the Council on Foreign Relations.

When asked about the ADL data, Bennett said that he wasn’t certain that the report was accurate. “I’m not convinced those are the facts,” Bennett said adding, “I’m not sure there’s a surge in antisemitism in the United States.”

“We need to look at the facts. I understand that the ADL themselves have stated there is a drastic reduction in violent anti-Semitic events, but that has for some reason been hidden from the public discourse,” he maintained.

  • Saturday, November 03, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Member of the Iranian Fatwa Council Ahmad Al-Huda warned of dire consequences for the countries of the region in the event of damage to his country's economy.

"The Iranian navy will control the Straits of Hormuz and three Saudi tankers will cross this strait every day, so if necessary we will stop the three vessels, confiscate the oil and take the workers to the families," he said in a Friday sermon.

"If they try to attack Iran, six international airports will be destroyed in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Riyadh, Bahrain and Qatar within 30 minutes using our missiles. The global economy and stock markets, especially those owned by Arab countries, will plummet and oil will reach $ 400 a barrel. "

"If Iran decides, within 90 minutes, all the Persian Gulf states will be eliminated, and the UAE and Saudi Arabia will be destroyed within 60 minutes, and above all Israel."
What's Israel have to do with it?

Obviously, everything! As always.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, November 02, 2018

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: American Jewry’s false prophets
Contrast Trump’s actions with Obama’s actions. Not only did Obama refuse to transfer the US Embassy to Jerusalem, he rejected even symbolic acceptance of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem. The Obama State Department erased all the captions on archival photos of American dignitaries in Jerusalem that referred to the location as Jerusalem, Israel. This petty act demonstrated a deep-seated hostility to the history of the Jewish people and was nothing if not bigoted.

Yet, by the lights of Foer, Ioffe, Milbank and their fellow American Jewish Trump-haters, Obama was a friend of American Jews, and Trump and his Jewish supporters are their enemies.

Likewise, Trump’s decision to remove the US from the congenitally antisemitic UN Human Rights Council which Obama joined despite its open bigotry against Jews; his ending of funding to the genocidal, antisemitic UN Refugee Works Agency for the Palestinians (UNRWA), which Obama expanded; and his decision to cut funding to the terrorist-financing Palestinian Authority – which Obama increased – and close the PLO diplomatic mission in Washington – which Obama upgraded, were moves of historic significance in the fight against antisemitism and for Jewish rights. Trump is the first president in a quarter century to make the Palestinians and their international enablers pay a price for their rejection of peace and facilitation of terrorism and armed aggression against Israel and Israeli Jews.

Are these actions bad for American Jewry? When Trump says that Israel has a right to defeat its enemies and respond to aggression, is he harming American Jewry?

Of course not.

TRUMP’S JEWISH antagonists in the US media and their partner, ADL executive director and former Obama White House official Jonathan Greenblatt, insist that under Trump, antisemitic incidents in the US have risen 57%. But as David Bernstein demonstrated this week at Tablet magazine, the ADL data everyone is citing tells the exact opposite story. The claim that antisemitic incidents have risen under Trump is not supported by the ADL data.

What the data do show is that violent antisemitic attacks in the US have decreased significantly since Trump took office, while they increased significantly during Obama’s presidency. And as the blogger Elder of Ziyon noted this week, the data show no causative relationship between either administration and the level of antisemitism.

What is clear is that Trump has spoken far more seriously about antisemitism and the need to combat it than Obama ever has.
In January 2015, an Islamic terrorist massacred and held Jews hostage at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris. Obama refused to acknowledge that it was an antisemitic attack and that the victims were killed because they were Jews. Instead he referred to them as “a bunch of folks in a deli.” (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Melanie Phillips: Grappling with the roots of anti-Semitism after Pittsburgh
For to acknowledge that fact would be to admit things that would shatter their view of themselves as wholly virtuous, and that the Muslims or Palestinians they support are always virtuous victims.

Those in the West who deny the true, metaphysical nature of anti-Semitism also fail to realize that it fuels the threat they themselves face from Islamist aggression. They think the Muslim world in general hates the Jews because it hates Israel, but they have this precisely the wrong way round. The Muslim world in general hates Israel because it hates the Jews—and much of the hatred of the West by radical Islamists arises from their conviction that the West is run by the Jews.

Blaming Israel is a way of blaming the Jews for anti-Semitism. People do this not just out of their own bigotry, but because they cannot acknowledge the unique and uniquely evil nature of the phenomenon.

They ask the question: Why are the Jews hated so much? And they conclude that the only possible explanation is that it must be the Jews’ own fault.

It is a tremendous mistake to assume that anti-Semitism arises from any political activity or ideology. It is a pathology based on the wish to exterminate the Jewish people—a moral and spiritual sickness unique in human history, and which morphs and mutates across religious, secular and political systems.

The continued existence of the Jewish people in the face of expulsion, exile and persecution defies rational explanation. Anti-Semitism is a never-ending evil that also defies reason.

But while the murdered Jews of Pittsburgh are mourned, the Jews remain the eternal people; and whether anti-Semitism comes from left, right or anywhere else, its diabolical goal will never be achieved.
Melanie Phillips: Jews and conservatism an idea whose time has come
This has all left American Jews in particular difficulties. Unlike British Jews, most of whom vote for the political party that at least calls itself Conservative, some three quarters of American Jews vote for a Democratic party that has embraced the identity politics, grievance culture and enraged narcissism that threaten to destroy American society.

Worse, these liberal Jews either embrace or minimise the animus against Israel and open antisemitism displayed on campus by the left and by personalities embraced by the Democratic party. Worse still, they have told themselves that these universalist, secular “liberal” values are authentic Jewish values. They are in fact the very antithesis of Judaism.

Thus liberal Jews – the overwhelming majority in America – are on course to destroy themselves as a community while aiding the left in the undermining of America.

That’s how bad it is. But here’s the hopeful thing. Last year saw the JLC’s first conference on Jews and conservatism and some 300 people turned up. This year, 800 attended with a further 200 on the waiting list, some reportedly offering in desperation black market prices for a ticket.

Something out there is changing, and in the right direction. The people, the ordinary, decent people who understand and value the basic principles of western culture and want to defend them, the American Jews who realise the terrible danger to their own community and who feel a duty and responsibility to help save American civic society, all those disenfranchised, silent millions are now beginning to stir. Conservatism, even for American Jews, is an idea whose time has come.

From Ian:

Cliford D May: Imagining Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Security Council Resolution 2334 sent Palestinians a message that the ethnic and religious "cleansing" of the Jews was not wrong, and that the Hamas narrative was right. Because if Jews don't belong even in the Jewish Quarter, they don't belong anywhere in the region, have no history or homeland here, and are not a people.

From that, the delegitimization of Israel and the dehumanization of Israelis ineluctably follow. That's not the precondition for a two-state solution. It is the precondition for a final solution.

The resolution also told Palestinians there was no need to negotiate or compromise: Appeal instead to the "international community," which will demand much of Israelis and nothing of you.

I'm willing to believe Obama intended none of that. The fact is, however, that Security Council Resolution 2334 placed an enormous obstacle in the path of any peace process undertaken thereafter.

Repealing a Security Council resolution is virtually impossible, but Trump did the next best thing: He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, thereby reaffirming and re-emphasizing U.S. support for the legitimacy of Israel and for Jerusalem as its capital.

This does not rule out the possibility of Palestinians also having a capital in Jerusalem or adjacent to it. But such an outcome would have to be the result of negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis.

In addition, Trump last month ordered the closing of the Palestine Liberation Organization office in Washington, the de facto Palestinian embassy. The PLO "has not taken steps to advance the start of direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel," the U.S. State Department said, adding that Palestinian leaders also have "condemned a U.S. peace plan they have not yet seen and refused to engage with the U.S. government with respect to peace efforts and otherwise."

Also helpful: In late August, Trump slashed funds to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, which provides services to Palestinian refugees – and to millions of their descendants, whom UNRWA also designates as refugees.

Soon afterward, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat announced that he was replacing UNRWA in east Jerusalem's Shuafat refugee camp. Charging that the agency had "failed utterly" to provide adequate sanitation, health care, education and welfare, and that it not only tolerated but incited terrorism, Barkat committed the municipal government to assuming responsibility for Shuafat's 30,000 residents who, he said, should be treated "like any other residents" of the capital.

If this initiative succeeds, it could constitute a kind of peace process, albeit one carried out by people in the streets rather than diplomats in drawing rooms. Over time, it could shift the views of Palestinians in the West Bank, and perhaps even those in Gaza.

Imagine what it would mean if the next generation of Palestinian leaders did not oppose "normalizing" relations with Israelis. Imagine if jihadist terrorists were no longer glorified as martyrs in Palestinian mosques and media. Imagine if Palestinians willing to work with Israelis for the benefit of both peoples were no longer condemned as apostates and traitors.

I don't expect any of that to come to pass while Trump is in the White House. But he has fixed what his predecessor had broken. And he has made it clear that the Palestinians can have a state of their own, but only if they recognize that a two-state solution implies two states for two peoples, both willing to coexist peacefully. That may not amount to the "deal of the century," but it is more than any past peace process achieved.

MEMRI: Pompano Beach, Florida Friday Sermon By Imam Hasan Sabri: Palestine Must Be Liberated 'Even If This Leads To The Martyrdom Of Tens Of Millions Of Muslims'
In an October 12, 2018 sermon, Imam Hasan Sabri, of the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF) in Pompano Beach, Florida, stated that a "believing Muslim's" position is that Palestine is "Islamic waqf land that was occupied by force" – and that it should be liberated "even if this leads to the martyrdom of tens of millions of Muslims." Sabri also said "Allah wants each and every one of you to be a man with a cause... for which he lives and dies," noting that the Palestinian cause "is being plotted against" with "the Deal of the Century." The sermon was posted on the ICOSF YouTube channel.

According to Pompano Beach elected officials, Sabri has recited invocations annually at Pompano Beach city meetings since 2005, and the ICOSF has had a peaceful, 25-year presence in the city, even serving as a polling station.[1] In September 2017, Imam Sabri was a panelist at "Interfaith and Race Relations Peace and Acceptance Conference" at Palm Beach State College in Lake Worth, Florida. The invitation described the event as "promoting peace and acceptance for building a just community," adding that it would "highlight the importance of interfaith relations, education, and community involvement in combating racial discrimination" and that it was "a joint effort by the clergy and the education community to combat hate and bigotry across religious and racial lines."[2]

The ICOSF Facebook page lists the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR) as a related page. In June 2003, Bassem Alhalabim, an ICBR president,[3] was charged by the U.S. Commerce Department with illegally shipping a $13,000 military-grade thermal imaging device to Syria.[4]

A building that is listed as the address of the ICOSF, 507 NE 6th Street in Pompano,[5] is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).[6] In 2007, NAIT was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorist financing case in America history, U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, which resulted in convictions and imprisonment of several U.S.-based Hamas leaders. Then-NAIT chairman Gaddoor Saidi, now on the NAIT Board of Trustees,[7] also appeared on the government’s co-conspirator list.[8]


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