Thursday, December 03, 2015

Vic Rosenthal's weekly column

The headline story in today’s Israel Hayom is about how the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorists tortured and mutilated their Israeli hostages.

I didn’t bother to read it. I don’t need further reinforcement about the degree to which the Palestinian movement is all about hate. Mahmoud Abbas, who organized the financing for the Munich attack, and Yasser Arafat, who approved it, went on after Oslo to create a hate-education apparatus probably matched only by Pol Pot’s indoctrination of child soldiers. While Israel changed its school curricula to “educate for peace,” de-emphasizing Zionism and emphasizing the new ‘reality’ of coexistence brought about by Oslo, the Palestinian Authority went full speed in the opposite direction, teaching their students that ‘Palestine’ would be redeemed from the Jewish usurpers by their blood.

In the 22 years since Oslo, the PA/PLO hasn’t backed off one iota in its campaign to make its children candidates for martyrdom, despite agreeing to stop numerous times. That’s why today Arab teenagers in Jerusalem go looking for Jews to stab as an after-school activity.

The diverse Arabs that have called themselves ‘Palestinians’ since the 1960s talk a lot about their cultural traditions. But what are they, in addition to the Arab culture they brought to the land from Syria, Egypt, Jordan, the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, Yemen, and other places, mostly after the beginning of Zionism? The unique Palestinian part of their culture is the mythic presumption of victimhood at the hands of the Jews, their burning hatred of us, and their intention to get revenge. Their heroes are terrorists, and the most important qualification for a Palestinian politician is how strongly he opposes Israel (and how many Jews he has personally murdered). Their founding fathers were pogromist and Nazi supporter Haj Amin al-Husseini, and Yasser Arafat, a man responsible for several wars and countless acts of terrorism.

The rest of the world has consistently made wrong decisions in its relationship with them, and as a result massively increased the number of Palestinians, fed their grievances and encouraged them to continue their conflict. And it paid the price. In the 1960s, 70s and 80s, Palestinian terrorism was international in scope; the PLO was not the first group to hijack airplanes for political purposes, but it popularized this form of terrorism, as well as attacking airports and even cruise ships. In 1968, a Palestinian terrorist named Sirhan Sirhan even assassinated American presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy. 

Literally billions of dollars every year are pumped from the pockets of Western taxpayers into the Palestinian Authority, UNRWA and EU initiatives, out of alleged humanitarian concern. Most of this money pays the salaries of thousands of policemen, teachers, bureaucrats, and soldiers whose primary function is to support the Palestinian movement to destroy Israel and only secondarily to provide services to the Arab refugees and the populations of the territories. Much of it is siphoned off to support the various terrorist militias and the lavish lifestyles of the leadership. 

Palestinians are the only group of people in the world for whom refugee status is hereditary. By providing per-capita welfare payments to them, UNRWA insures that the dependent, disaffected, frustrated, angry and often murderous population will continue to grow over the years. As a result, the number of Arabs with refugee status has increased from about 700,000 in 1948 to about 5,000,000 today. The total number of ‘Palestinians’ in Israel, the refugee camps and the rest of the world is claimed to be more than 12 million! Meanwhile, the millions of non-Palestinian refugees from WWII were resettled within about 10 years, as were the 850,000 Jews forced out of Arab countries after 1948.

The UNRWA educational system is no better – probably worse – than that provided by the Palestinian Authority. This isn’t surprising, because many of its employees are members of Hamas.

This is a sick society, a very sick society, which openly worships death and sends its children out to die in the service of its hatred. And yet, the West has coddled it, supported it, fed it and helped it grow – and then come back time and again to pressure Israel, the target of Palestinian hate, to give up land, to release murderers that it has imprisoned to protect itself, and to pretend that Palestinians are a normal people, not a hate-filled fanatical cult whose reason for being is to kill the Jewish state.

The Palestinians have found an effective strategy to attract left-wing support, which is to claim that Israel is guilty of every social ill that is opposed by progressive people anywhere. So they claim absurdly that Israel is a racist and apartheid state, that it oppresses women and children, and that it is an environmental polluter. Recently, Mahmoud Abbas told the climate summit in Paris that Israel was “destroying the Palestinian environment.” 

Palestinians often falsely accuse Israel of precisely the crimes that they themselves commit. The world ignores the facts that the PLO’s and Hamas’ essence is anti-Jewish racism, that they wish to establish a Jew-free state, that Palestinian Arabs are often guilty of honor killings and sexual violence against women and children, and that the Palestinians massively pollute their environment (funds given to them to mitigate environmental problems have been stolen by corrupt officials or used for military purposes).

One of their favorite accusations is that the IDF deliberately targets Arab children. Nothing could be farther from the truth, but what is true is that there have been numerous Palestinian terrorist attacks aimed at Israeli children, schools, nurseries, school buses, outings, and young peoples’ clubs. For a Palestinian, a Jew is a Jew and a child is a soft target.

Palestinians inject their Israel-hatred everywhere. Palestinians have even assimilated the grievances of the Ferguson, MO protests to their movement, claiming that both are “fighting a common system of injustice, control and racism.” Regardless of the absurdity of their claims, Western academics, religious leaders, trade unions, and other organizations eat them up and pass resolutions to boycott or divest from the Jewish state.

Why does the most of the world consistently take their side? There are multiple reasons, including some brilliant PR decisions – to appropriate the anti-colonialist mantle from the Jews, to claim to be an oppressed indigenous people seeking national liberation, to turn the racism/apartheid label around and apply it to the Jews – and some practical tactics, like intimidating the West with terrorism. And of course there is always the advantage that they have the right enemy, the Jew among nations. 

But in any event, it is stupid for the West to continue feeding this monster. And it is even stupider for Israel to do so.

I would like to see Israel publicly denounce the fake Palestinian historical narrative, and refute their claims to be the original indigenous people of this land. I would like Israel to officially end the farce of the Oslo ‘peace process’, shut down the Palestinian Authority, outlaw the PLO, throw its leaders out of the country and dismantle the indoctrination system established by Yasser Arafat. I would like to see Israel assert its historical, moral and legal rights of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

Now everyone will come up with reasons why this is impossible. How can we rule over these Arabs? Do we give them citizenship? Do we administer a loyalty oath and kick out the ones who don’t sign it? Where to? Nobody wants to do reserve duty in the territories. And on and on and on.

I don’t have the answers. But this is what we need to do. We can’t cooperate with the monstrous culture of cruelty whose reason for being is to destroy our state. We can’t let them keep getting stronger while we pretend that some day we will be able to live at peace with them.

Nothing has changed since 1972 except now they have produced a generation of children who can stick a knife in a Jew as easily as kicking a football. 

It won’t get better. The lesson we should have learned since 1972 is that ultimately it’s going to be them or us. Let it be us. 

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

From Ian:

Fatah Knives and ISIS Knives: Palestinian Child-Sacrifice
Instead of educating our children, as they do in the West, to be part of the Startup Generation, we follow the lead of darkest Africa, where children are armed with assault rifles and sent out to kill other children.
If the Palestinians really want to pick a fight with Israel, why do they send children to fight a "holy war" instead of fighting it themselves, like men?
The only difference is that the members of ISIS go out themselves to kill; the Palestinians send their young. Why are these not "war crimes"?
We sacrifice our sons and daughters in the name of Allah, as though Allah were a pagan statue with an altar and had to be appeased with the blood of children.
Here, the Islamists want to "liberate" Jerusalem from the infidel Zionist-Crusader occupation. Next, they want to "liberate" occupied Spain, once Muslim Andalusia, and return it to the bosom of Islam. After that, they want to occupy the Vatican and establish the Islamic Emirate on the ruins of Christianity.
PMW: Abbas’ Fatah honors “heroic” killer of “11 Zionists”
PA Chairman Abbas' Fatah movement never misses an opportunity to glorify terrorists who have murdered Israelis. Fatah found such an occasion last week, when the movement released a new photo of a "heroic" terrorist who killed 11 Israelis 13 years ago.
Thaer Hammad is a Palestinian terrorist who is serving 11 life sentences in an Israeli prison for shooting and killing 7 soldiers and 3 civilians with a sniper rifle from a hilltop in Wadi Al-Haramiya in the West Bank on March 3, 2002. Fatah posted two photos of the murderer Thaer Hammad on its official Facebook page:
Text on right picture: "The first day in captivity"
Text on left picture: "After 13 years in captivity"
Text below pictures: "The heroic prisoner Thaer Hammad, who carried out the Wadi Ah-Haramiya operation (i.e., terror attack), in which he killed 11 Zionists, in a new picture after 13 years in captivity. He is still sitting in the Zionist enemy's prison."
[Official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement, Nov. 21, 2015]
PMW: PA: Killing Israelis is good, but must choose place and time so world accepts it
Jibril Rajoub, Head of PA Sport and Youth Affairs: "The international community does not agree to a bus exploding in Tel Aviv. But the international community does not ask what happens to a settler or soldier in the occupied territories at the wrong time and in the wrong place. No one asks about him! Therefore, we want to fight in such a way that the world and the international community will remain by our side." [Official PA TV, Oct. 17, 2015]
Hafez Barghouti, columnist and former editor of official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida:
"After the events of September [9, 2011] in New York, [Ariel] Sharon
applied the term 'terror' used to refer to those attacks, to our national struggle (i.e., terror campaign - Intifada). I warned about this at the time, and called to keep a low profile until the New York turmoil had passed...
Now, after the Paris attacks, we must keep a low profile so that we are not charged with the crimes of ISIS... We must learn our lessons and wait."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 24, 2015]
PA official on Palestinian terror attacks: They are “acts of bravery, I am proud of them”

  • Thursday, December 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2012, Philippe Assouline wrote a brilliant piece in Times of Israel called "A BDS Palestinese Lexicon" where he shows how words that have one meaning in English have completely different meanings in Palestinese. Here are his first five entries:
Aboriginal/Native: Any non-Jew, preferably Arab, who has immigrated to Israel/Palestine within the last 150 years or is a remnant of Arab colonial conquests. For example, Yasser Arafat and Edward Said who were both born or raised in Egypt are “Native” Palestinians.

Apartheid: The only system in the Middle East which is democratic and grants Arab citizens full equality under the law, including the right to become a Justice of the Supreme Court, an ambassador, a military officer or a Minister in the Cabinet., i.e. a form of “Racism.” Not to be confused with the widespread discrimination and exclusion of Palestinians on ethnic grounds in Lebanon, which is not “Apartheid.”

Apartheid Wall: A separation fence erected in response to countless terror attacks in order to protect both Jews and Muslims from suicide bombings as a manifestation of “Zionist Aggression.”

Checkpoint: An absolutely gratuitous, cruel and malicious security measure erected in the West Bank in response to years of deadly suicide bombings, which saves countless innocent lives and is therefore to be equated with the worst forms of human torture. Not to be confused with security checkpoints at airports and international borders which, though identical in the inconveniences they cause, are perfectly acceptable.

Civilian: To BDS, an armed Palestinian terrorist in the act of planning or staging a terror attack who is targeted or killed by Israel.
The Judean People's Front recently wrote their own version on Israellycool:

While it is funny, it is also serious. When the very meaning of words is routinely twisted, the truth is lost.

Which brings us to an article in Ma'an about Hizma, where a non-violent protester (another example of Palestinian newspeak) shot two Israelis:

The town of Hizma [is] completely surrounded on the west side by the Israeli separation wall.

By definition, nothing can be "surrounded" on only one side. But in Palestinese, not only can you be surrounded on one side - you can be completely surrounded!

While the articles I linked to are humorous, this hijacking of language itself is deliberate, and insidious.

We've seen the same misuse of "surrounded" in reference to Bethlehem a number of times.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Thursday, December 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

Continuing on reposting some of my articles for NewsRealBlog in 2011. This was very popular. Alas, I don't have the pictures that accompanied it.

Arabs and Muslims know that the Jews, especially Israeli Jews, are brilliant and diabolical. They use their scientific knowledge to advance their nefarious cause, building ever-increasingly sophisticated weapons whose only purpose is to harass and annoy Arabs.

But the Zionist brilliance is not limited to chemistry, electronics and medicine. Apparently, the Zionist Jews are experts at weaponizing animals to do unspeakable acts of espionage and vandalism.

Every couple of months, the Arab media describes such schemes in detail.

Here, for the first time, is the most complete known list of Zionist animal plots.

1. Evil Zionist Poison-Resistant Super-Rats

In 2008, the official Wafa Palestinian Arab news agency - under the direct control of PA president Mahmoud Abbas - reported that Israel is using rats to drive Arabs out of the Old City of Jerusalem.

"Rats have become an Israeli weapon to displace and expel Arab residents of the occupied Old City of Jerusalem," Wafa reported.

"Over the past two months, dozens of settlers come to the alleyways and streets of the Old City carrying iron cages full of rats. They release the rats, which find shelter in open sewage systems."

Wafa went on to quoted anonymous Arab residents as saying that they had tried to poison the rats but nothing worked.

Hasan Khater, secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian Front in Jerusalem, said that the goal was to "increase the suffering of the [Arabs] in Jerusalem by turning their lives into a real tragedy and forcing them to evict their homes and leave the city."

Palestine Today added that the rats were damaging Arab shops and homes.

As we speak, evil Zionist scientists are breeding these super-rats. Poisons and traps cannot kill them.

But more impressively, the rats are trained to distinguish between Jewish and Arab homes and shops in Jerusalem, and only attack the Arabs. This is no doubt the result of years of genetic research combined with micro-chips implanted in the rats' brains to ensure that the victims are all 100% Arab.

2. The Zio-Boars: Resistance is Futile

In February 2007, the anti-Israel IMEMC released this "news" item:
Palestinian sources in Salfit, in the northern part of the West Bank, reported on Thursday that Israeli settlers released boars in Palestinian farmlands near Salfit, in the northern part of the West Bank.
Resident Abdul-Fattah Al Ghazzawi, 43, stated that the settlers released at least twenty boars that attacked his farmland and several surrounding farmlands and ate the plants.
The settlers kept the boars in the farmlands overnight and only moved them away on Thursday morning.
Al Ghazzawi added that the settlers have carried out several similar attacks against the farmlands recently, and that the number of attacks has significantly increased.
Amazing! Religious Jewish Israeli settlers are raising wild pigs specifically so they can release them to destroy only Palestinian Arab crops! While boars are far from kosher, the hate of the settlers knows no bounds, so instead of trying to make a living or raise a family, many of them apparently decided to go with the "raise and train wild boars to harass Arabs" route.

This particular rumor was repeated many times. From the Palestinian Arab Ma'an News in April 2007:
A herd of wild boars on Tuesday attacked the cleaning workers of Salfit municipality while they were emptying a garbage truck.

The wild boars are being released by Israeli settlers in order to destroy the plants and crops of Palestinians.

How does one tame a wild animal enough to return to home base after doing its damage? This is another Zionist scientific mystery.

In June, 2007, the Palestine Today website added a new twist. Now there were "hundreds" of the well-trained wild pigs, but we also learned that there were so many of them because of the "racist wall" Israel was building to keep Arab terrorists out! It seems that the wall did double-duty, because it also kept the boars out of Jewish areas. Even though, you know, the Jews had trained them not to eat Jewish crops. But no matter - it is now a war crime! (The June article also added wolves to the list of Zionist animal attackers.)

The evil Zionists didn't rest on their laurels, though. Soon they weren't only training the pigs to specifically attack crops at the most critical times in their growth, but also what time of day to attack. From 2008:

Herds of wild pigs dumped in the outskirts of the West Bank city of Salfit by residents of the nearby Ariel Israeli settlement, are preventing civilians from leaving their homes in the evening, for fear of being attacked.
Eyewitnesses from the Al-Freiz neighborhood near the settlement said that in the evening after the sunset prayer the pigs attack gardens.

The pigs have now become smarter than their Arab enemies. But they had one more trick up their sleeve, perhaps inevitable in 2009 but devastating nonetheless: they were suspected of carrying swine flu.

The secret settler pig program was a rousing success. Everyone could agree that these amazing creatures had struck terror in the minds of the enemy. In fact, they were so successful that the Israeli government and army started taking over the program from the settlers, as this 2009 article from Palestine Today revealed:

Witnesses in the town of Arraba affirmed to the news agency that the Israeli occupation forces and the so-called Israeli Nature Protection Service brought a tanker full of pigs inside the town, under the protection and guard of military patrols of the army of occupation, and placed them on Arraba-Ya'bad street in a garbage dump near the town of Arraba.
So now we have implicated settlers, the Israel Nature Protection Service and the IDF.

The fact that the Mossad has not yet been suspected is proof of how good they really are.

3. The Amazing Tree-Eating Sheep

It is well known that the only people in the entire world who harvest olives are Palestinian Arabs, usually old women who happen to be caught in the act by enterprising photographers from wire services. After all, Palestinian Arabs have been harvesting their olives for dozens of years now, proving their ancient claim to the land.

This naturally enrages Israeli settlers, who cannot stand to see any olive trees in the entire area.

So they came up with a new trick to get rid of them: unleash the Zionist Sheep of Terror!

From Ma'an:
Settlers attempting to impede Palestinian olive harvests initiated a bizarre new tactic on Thursday, apparently leaving flocks of sheep at olive groves to feed on the small trees .
Residents told Ma'an that Israeli settlers "dumped dozens of sheep" on Palestinian farmland neighboring the illegal settlement of Itamar, where the animals damaged and devoured dozens of olive and fig trees.
57-year-old Jamil Daraqshah claimed that he saw an Israeli shepherd at his farm in the village of Awarta, which is south of Nablus, just days before. Also evidence, he said, is that Palestinians are not permitted to enter the area without first coordinating with the Palestinian-Israeli liaison office in Nablus.

In retrospect, it is so obvious. I mean, why wouldn't Jews living in the area send their sheep to eat trees that would hurt their digestive systems and possibly ruin them for being sold? After all, they must get rid of the olive (and fig) trees, and how efficient sheep are to do the job!

5. The Lion of Zion

In 2007, Arabs had a new fear: the Zionist Lion!

Israeli soldiers on Saturday told villagers from al-Fourdess village, located near the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem, that a Lioness had escaped from the nearby settlement of Qedumem.
Witnesses reported that a large number of Israeli soldiers were seen looking for the escaped lioness on Friday night, but did not tell villagers of the dangerous animal until Saturday.
The witnesses added that the soldiers used light flares during the night to illuminate the sky in their search for the animal.
Osamah, a resident of the village of Al Fourdess, told IMEMC that a Palestinian shepherd from the village had saw the animal approaching the area.
Villagers added that they now feared both settler attacks and attacks from the potentially ferocious animal.
Note how the soldiers were careful to keep the Arab village in the dark for an entire night, no doubt hoping for a few maulings and a good meal for the lion (whose name was probably Yehudah Aryeh Leib.)

6. The Zio-Cows of Destruction

The Lebanese border is usually a quiet place. Sometimes, though, an international incident erupts: a Hezbollah ambush and kidnapping of Israeli soldiers, an Israeli patrol wanting to clear trees or perhaps something far more diabolical: Zionist cows.

Israeli cows guided by Israeli shepherds have been crossing the border in an act southerners are condemning as a violation of the country's sovereignty, especially since the cattle is being protected by the Israeli Army. The bovine "incursions" have even provoked Lebanese dogs that have now made it their mission to make the cows return where they came from.
Lebanese shepherds are also very concerned with falling water levels in the area as a result of the straying Israeli livestock.
Ismail Nasser, from Kfar Shuba, described how the Israeli cows have been crossing the border on a daily basis on their way to Baathail Lake without any consequences, while a commotion would erupt if any of his dogs were to approach the Blue Line, which was drawn by the United Nations in 2000, after Israel's withdrawal from almost all of the south.
As Nasser spoke, three cows appeared in the distance and were soon chased by the shepherd's barking dogs. As the dogs appeared to close in on their targets, an Israeli Merkava tank made its way to the combat zone only to disappear few moments after.
Nasser sighed with relief.
"There's barely enough water for me and my fellow Lebanese shepherds and each Israeli cow drinks more than 40 of our goats put together. Why doesn't UNIFIL consider this as an violation of the Blue Line?" Nasser asked.
Indeed, why hasn't the UN convened yet on the thirsty Joo-cows, taking away precious water from Arab farmers? Where's Amnesty International? Where's J Street?

The world's silence in this matter only proves that the Jews control everything!

7. Egyptian Remote-Controlled Tourist-Eating Sharks

Not all of Egypt's tourists visit the Pyramids. Lots of them like to hang out in beautiful, sunny Sharm el-Sheikh.

But last year the Zionists hatched their most deadly plan yet.
A German tourist was mauled to death by a shark off Egypt's Red Sea coast Sunday, but if popular rumors on the street are to be believed, it was the Israelis who did it.
The attack came days after authorities claimed they had hunted and killed a shark believed to have injured three foreign tourists in previous incidents.
A popular account has it that Israel is "dumping" hungry sharks in the Red Sea in a bid to weaken Egypt's thriving tourism industry.
One tourism company operator who owns a small fleet of mini-buses that cater to Cairo's tourist spots told me that Israel wants Egypt to lose one of its most vital economic resources so that it can toe the line on the Palestinians.
An Egyptian official thought there was merit to the theory:
"What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm," South Sinai Gov. Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha told
A diving instructor went on Egyptian TV to add more expert testimony:
Mustafa Ismail: The fish that caused the problem is not a sea fish. This type of shark is not a sea shark.
Interviewer: What kind of shark is it?
Mustafa Ismail: An ocean shark. This type of shark migrates from South Africa all the way to the top of the Earth. They don't enter alleys. The Red Sea is an alley compared to the ocean.
[An Israeli diver] told me that they had found a baby shark of a certain species opposite the Eilat port. Whey they found it, they saw it had a GPS device on it.
Interviewer: A guiding device?
Mustafa Ismail: Yes, on its back. Anyone else would have ignored it, but not us.
Remote controlled killer sharks! The only thing missing are the frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!

8. Spy Vultures of Doom

The most recent of the Zionist Attack Zoo members, discovered early this year:
Saudi media reported on Tuesday that a vulture tagged with the words, “Tel Aviv University,” had been detained for being a Mossad spy.

A report in the Saudi paper, Al-Weeam, claimed that the vulture, bearing a leg bracelet and transmitter, apparently placed by Israeli bird scientists studying migration patterns, had been found in a rural area of the country.

The paper said the flight appeared to be “a Zionist plot.”

The report triggered a plethora of posts on Arabic websites, claiming that “Zionists” had trained birds for espionage.

The vulture was eventually pardoned by a Saudi prince, who foolishly believed the Zionists at Tel Aviv University who said the markings that mentioned that school really meant that the school was responsible for the bird. How gullible he was!

Now the vulture, known by its spy name of R65, is free to spy on other Arab countries. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

9. Secret Squirrel Espionage

Iran has had great success in infiltrating Israeli spy agencies and foiling Zionist plots against the great Islamic Republic. Perhaps its most notable victory, however, was when it busted the Squirrel Spy Ring:

Iranian intelligence operatives recently detained over a dozen squirrels found within the nation's borders, claiming the rodents were serving as spies for Western powers determined to undermine the Islamic Republic.
"In recent weeks, intelligence operatives have arrested 14 squirrels within Iran's borders," state-sponsored news agency IRNA reported. "The squirrels were carrying spy gear of foreign agencies, and were stopped before they could act, thanks to the alertness of our intelligence services."
Iranian police commander Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqadam confirmed the report, saying that a number of squirrels had been caught bearing foreign spy gear within Iran's borders.

Tragically, Iran did not make their trial public. As far as we can tell, the squirrels did not enjoy even basic prisoner rights such as the right to a lawyer or even a phone call. The Red Cross never visited the squirrels. We are afraid that the poor rodents are no longer with us.

Forget Human Rights Watch - where is PETA when we need them?

10. Pigeons with Invisible Strings

Only a year after the ever-vigilant Iranians discovered the squirrels with spy equipment, they stumbled across another Zionist animal spy plot.

One of the pigeons was caught near a rose water production plant in the city of Kashan in Isfahan province, the Etemad Melli newspaper reported. It said that some metal rings and "invisible" strings were attached to the bird, suggesting that it might have been somehow communicating what it had seen with the equipment it was carrying.
"Early this month, a black pigeon was caught bearing a blue-coated metal ring, with invisible strings," a source told the newspaper.
The source gave no further description of the pigeons, nor what their fate might be.
Natanz is home to Iran's heavily-bunkered underground uranium enrichment plant, which is also not far from Kashan.
Iran has extraordinarily sensitive spy equipment, meant to find things as hard to detect as invisible strings. Being invisible, they are also weightless, so presumably they could be followed back all the way to the secret Zionist animal facilities in Haifa (oops! Forget I said that!)

These invisible strings have an entire host of military and civilian applications, most famously to spin clothing for great emperors.

11. Jewish Jellyfish

Sharks were not the only deadly sea creature hiding off of Egypt's coast. They also have special Mossad-trained lethal jellyfish. From Egyptian TV, from the same diving instructor who talked about the remote-controlled sharks:

Mustafa Ismail: Do you remember that when we were kids, the jellyfish in Alexandria would sting? Back home, in Al-Ghardaqa and in the Red Sea, you could roll the jellyfish in your hands and nothing would happen. Okay? There are all kinds of jellyfish. We would cut them up with a knife and use them for fish bait.
For some years now, there is a phenomenon nobody is talking about. Killing, paralyzing jellyfish have appeared in Al-Ghardaqa and on the Red Sea. Who brought these jellyfish there?
Interviewer: Who?
Mustafa Ismail: Who indeed?
Ah, that's the question. Who, indeed, is responsible for the lethal, paralyzing jellyfish of the Red Sea?

Hmmm. That's a toughie.

Or, maybe the jellyfish were just sick of being cut up for bait, and wanted their revenge. Hard to say.

12. Basra badgers

Not directly Zionist, but pretty close:
Word spread among the populace that UK troops had introduced strange man-eating, bear-like beasts into the area to sow panic.
But several of the creatures, caught and killed by local farmers, have been identified by experts as honey badgers.The rumours spread because the animals had appeared near the British base at Basra airport. 
Maybe it was Bigfoot? 

13. Slithering Zio-snakes:

Arabs in the West Bank are not only concerned for sheep, lions and wild Zionist pigs. They also have to worry about Israeli snakes:
Eyewitnesses said a snake at least one meter long bit a woman on farmland near Salfit.
Locals, who have often accused Ariel settlers of releasing wild boars into villages and farmland, said the snake might have escaped from the nearby settlement.
As with the other creatures, the snakes are well trained to distinguish their Arab prey from other humans. My guess is that they use pheromones.

14. Mosquitoes of Mass Destruction:

From oxymoronically-named website Islamic-Intelligence (turn your speakers down when you visit):
Israel is now using mosquitoes as a vector for bioweapons. This is far more dangerous than any nucelar [sic] weapon and can kill entire populations on a continent.
Their proof was that a mosquito researcher committed suicide, and why else would he have done such a thing if he wasn't secretly working on mosquito WMD? I mean, it is simple logic. 

Also, the Mossad has been accused of infecting mosquitoes with HIV to infect Arabs.


How are the Jews so successful at training animals to do such spectacular feats of harassment, espionage, and assassinations?

Almost certainly the answer can be found in the Koran, where evil Jews were turned into apes and pigs. Clearly, that experience acclimated Jews to being part of the animal kingdom, and they learned over the centuries how to communicate with other animals and teach them to do their bidding.

Which just goes to show that no matter what you do to the Jews, they always manage to find a way to make it work out for them.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Thursday, December 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
JPost reports:
The Permanent Israeli Mission to the UN held an event on Tuesday to honor the untold stories of some 850,000 Jewish refugees who were forced to flee their native Muslim countries following the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

In Israel, November 30th marks the official annual commemoration of the expulsion of Jews from Muslim countries during the 20th century.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon opened the event by stressing that Jews from Muslim lands have suffered an “historical injustice” that has been going on for years.

“Facing violent, and even murderous anti-Jewish riots, government confiscation of wealth, nearly a million Jews were forced to flee the places their families had called home for generations, leaving behind everything they had,” he told the gathering. “We are here tonight to ensure that the world finally recognizes the stories of these forgotten refugees.”

Danon pointed a finger at the United Nations for differentiating between Palestinian refugees and Jewish refugees from the same conflict.

Jewish refugees, he said, “do not have a special UN agency, and several UN organizations acting as a lobby on their behalf. The reason is simple: While the Arab countries refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees, the State of Israel opened its doors to fellow Jews.”
Arab media would have ignored this, except for a detail reported by Yediot Aharonot in Hebrew:
The event was also attended by the German Ambassador to the UN and official delegations of Canada, Italy, Egypt, Colombia and Uruguay.
The fact that Egypt sent a delegation is causing some ripples - but no outrage - that I have seen.

Arab media also reported on the commemoration in Kurdistan of the expulsion of Jews from Iraq. AFP reported:
A ceremony marking the deportation of Jews from Iraq seven decades ago was held for the first time on Monday in the country's autonomous Kurdish region.

It also marked the beginning of Jewish representation in the Kurdistan region's religious-affairs ministry as a result of a law passed in May to promote minority rights.

"The law says that if there was one person from the followers of any religion, his rights are preserved," said Sherzad Omar Mamsani, the Jewish representative at the Kurdish regional ministry.

The ceremony in Kurdistan capital Arbil was attended by Kurds of Jewish origin and officials who also visited an exhibition of old photographs and records documenting Iraqi Jewry.

According to Mamsani, the ceremony is the first of its kind and marks what is known as the "Farhud", the dispossession that led to the flight and deportation of Jews from Iraq.

Mamsani, who has Jewish origins, said he estimated that the families who self-identify as Jews in Kurdistan -- but are still officially registered as Muslims -- numbered around 400.

He added that the number of families who converted to Islam but "are Jews in origin" was in the thousands.
This story was also played straight in Arab media as far as I can tell.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

From Ian:

Amnesty International Sponsors Speaker Who Celebrated 9/11, Denied Holocaust, Bashed Gays and Jews
On December 12, Amnesty International is co-sponsoring an anti-Islamophobia rally in Brussels, Belgium. Combating bigotry against minorities—which is particularly prevalent in Europe against Muslims and Jews—is an honorable and pressing endeavor. Unfortunately, one of the keynote speakers at Amnesty’s event seems far more interested in stoking such hatred rather than fighting it.
Dyab Abou Jahjah is one of four individuals scheduled to speak at the rally. He has called the 9/11 attacks “sweet revenge,” said Europe made “the cult of the Holocaust and Jew-worshiping its alternative religion,” and labeled gays “AIDS-spreading faggots.” He has also questioned the existence of the Nazi gas chambers, and is a former fighter for the anti-Semitic group Hezbollah, an officially designated terrorist group by the U.S. and European Union. For his hateful activism, Abou Jahjah has been banned in the United Kingdom since 2009.
Viewed on its own, Amnesty’s sponsorship of Abou Jahjah would appear to simply be a case of insufficient vetting, the result of negligence rather than malice. But unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident.
In October, Amnesty drew sharp condemnation for sponsoring a U.S. speaking tour for activist Bassem Tamimi, who was revealed to be posting anti-Semitic material on Facebook. Last April, the organization was criticized after its membership rejected a resolution calling for Amnesty to combat anti-Semitism in Britain. Prior to that, Amnesty’s U.K. branch had failed to discipline a senior official who publicly equated Israel with ISIS.
At this point, then, it is worth asking whether the organization—whatever the merits of its other work—is a credible voice on anti-Jewish bigotry in Europe and the Middle East, or if it is becoming part of the problem.
Brendan O'Neill: The Boycott Israel movement is driven by bigotry
My dictionary defines a bigot as someone who “does not like other people who have a different way of life”. Could there be a better description of the Israel-allergic blowhards of BDS?
BDS bullies have shouted down Israeli theatrical productions, booed the Israel Philharmonic when it played at the Proms, yelled at Israeli academics who have the temerity to visit Western campuses. This isn’t a rational movement for change in the Middle East; it’s a visceral expression of rage against a whole nation, against what many Western liberals view as a non-people, a pariah people.
Far from being progressive, BDS is censorious, effectively silencing Israeli universities by repelling their academics from the West. It is shot through with ugly double standards, so that Israeli artists are harried in a way that artists from China or Zimbabwe never are. And worst of all it has ugly echoes of that darkest moment in European history, when Jewish produce was boycotted and Jewish books were burnt by Europeans who also considered themselves good citizens taking a stand against a problematic, polluting people whose things and ideas threatened European values.
And now, even Israeli children are being shunned, shamed, told they aren’t fit to engage with us decent Europeans. You know who else thought certain children were legitimate targets for prejudicial fury and punishment? Do I have to say it?
Eugene Kontorovich: Those Israel Boycotts Are Illegal (Google link*)
The moral myopia and academic perversity of these boycotts have been widely discussed. Less well understood is that in many cases they also are illegal. Under corporate law, an organization, including a nonprofit, can do only what is permitted under the purposes specified in its charter.
Boycott resolutions that are beyond the powers of an organization are void, and individual members can sue to have a court declare them invalid. The individuals serving on the boards of these organizations may be liable for damages.
Consider the American Historical Association. Its constitution—a corporate charter—states that its purpose “shall be the promotion of historical studies” and the “broadening of historical knowledge among the general public.” There’s nothing in this charter that would authorize a boycott. And an anti-Israel boycott will do nothing to promote “historical studies” or broaden “historical knowledge.”
One can go through similar exercises with the charters of other academic associations. A boycott by definition restricts study and research: The explanatory material attached to the AAA resolution, for example, says it would restrict the organization from sharing scholarly journals with Israeli universities.
Saying that organizations cannot act beyond the purposes specified in their charters is no mere legal nitpicking. The charter is an explicit contract with members, declaring that their money will be dedicated to agreed-upon goals and that their group will not turn into a motorcycle club or a political party. (*click the Wall Street Journal‎ link)

  • Wednesday, December 02, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran has an initiative, promoted by the Ayatollah Khamenei,  to teach Islam to the youth of the world. The Twitter account spearheading this effort published this poster with a quote from the Supreme Leader himself:

The photo in the center is of Jihad Mishrawi mourning his son Omar's death.

And while I was the only one who reported it at the time, eventually even the UN admitted that Omar was almost certainly killed by a Hamas or Islamic Jihad rocket, not from an Israeli airstrike.

So, without realizing it, Iran is saying that Hamas rockets are terror weapons that even kill fellow Muslims.

Of course it is telling that Iran, in supposedly condemning terrorist, chooses an image of what they assumed was a result of an Israeli airstrike - out of all the possible photos of real terror attacks in the world.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

  • Wednesday, December 02, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

KnessetJerusalem, December 2 - Members of the Joint Arab List delegation to the Israeli parliament submitted a petition to the High Court today demanding that the Knesset be designated as a "safe space" in which no criticism, mockery, or questioning of anti-Zionist ideas would be permitted. The petition comes on the heels of MK Haneen Zoabi (Balad) complaining that she felt "triggered" by the presence of Jews in their sovereign state.

The petition, filed by the Joint List, the New Israel Fund, Rabbis for Human Rights, The Israel Democracy Institute, and the Islamic Movement - Southern Division, asked the Court to rule that the Knesset was in violation of freedom of conscience for non-Zionist citizens. Those citizens, asserted the petitioners, encounter the daily, sometimes hourly, microaggression of being constantly bombarded with symbols, trappings, and insensitive reminders that Jews have established their own state instead of serving as perpetual dhimmis and whipping-boys for the non-Jewish majority in the region.

If the Court accepts the petition, the Knesset will be forced to accommodate the four anti-Zionist Arab parties that the Joint List comprises, and make arrangements to alter plenum protocol to eliminate content and deliberations that could be experienced as traumatic by legislators opposed to the existence of a Jewish state. Changes to protocol and decor would be required immediately, including the removal of all symbols of Jewish sovereignty: flags of Israel, the Menorah, portraits of famous Zionists, and Stars of David.

Events taking place at the Knesset compound would also be affected. Because of the triggering that may occur if fallen IDF soldiers or Holocaust victims are honored in their presence, the petition asks the Court to rule that holding any such ceremonies at the facility would violate the law. Similarly, the use of currency featuring images of ancient Jewish coins, or paper currency with Zionist figures, would be banned inside the building.

Petitioners included in their documents a request that the Court rule on the specific question of whether the safe space would be violated by the country continuing to call itself "Israel," a term with traumatic connotations for many in the anti-Zionist community. "While we support the need to remove all such triggers and instances of cultural insensitivity from the environment, we recognize the practical limitations of the safe space enterprise," it read. "We request that the Court determine whether antidiscrimination principles indicate the renaming of 'Israel' to something more neutral, such as 'Palestine,' 'Southern Syria,' 'Islamic State,' or some other less biased formula."

Last month, Meretz, Zionist Union, and Arab lawmakers demonstrated in the legislators' cafeteria against the SodaStream beverage machines in use behind the counter.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

From Ian:

Gruesome details revealed about 1972 Munich massacre
The murders of 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich has long been engraved in Israel's national memory. But new details revealed by The New York Times on Tuesday reveal a level of barbarity by the terrorists previously unknown by the public.
The details come from interviews given by two of the athletes' widows, Ilana Romano and Ankie Spitzer, ahead of the release of the documentary film "Munich 1972 & Beyond" early next year.
The attack began early on Sept. 5, 1972, when eight Black September terrorists entered the Olympic Village and seized apartments where Israeli athletes were sleeping. Two Israelis were killed during the hostage-taking, while nine others were taken captive.
Weightlifter Yossef Romano was one of the athletes killed during the hostage-taking.
"What they did is that they cut off his genitals through his underwear and abused him," said his widow, Ilana Romano. "Can you imagine the nine others sitting around tied up? They watched this."
The nine other hostages were killed 20 hours later during a failed rescue attempt.
Daily Mirror refers to #Israeli victims of Munich Massacre as “terrorists” (UPDATE)
Is this merely an “editing error”, or does this British tabloid really think that the Israeli athletes brutally murdered by Palestinians during 1972 Olympics were “terrorists”? Here’s the strap line in an article published today.
They also used the term in the opening passage:
Note also, how the Israeli victims are somehow characterized as “terrorists”, but the Palestinians from Black September who murdered the athletes are merely ‘militants’
The article was written by Sam Webb, and we suggest you tweet him to point out his colossal error.
UPDATE: Moments after our post, and a tweet to the writer, the article was amended, and the term “terrorists” to describe the Israeli victims has been removed.
PMW: PA school honors two terrorist stabbers with tennis tournament in their names
Another Palestinian sports tournament for children has been named after terrorists. In keeping with PA policy of honoring terrorists and promoting them as heroes and role models, official PA school the Al-Rashideen High School for Boys, held a tennis tournament named after terrorists Basel and Farouq Sidr who recently attempted to murder Israelis. Several teams in the tournament were also named after terrorists who either murdered or attempted to murder Israelis in the last two months.
Basel Sidr, 19, tried to stab Israeli border policemen near Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on Oct. 14, 2015 and was shot and killed by police while trying to escape. Farouq Sidr planned to stab Israeli soldiers in Hebron on Oct. 29, 2015, and soldiers saw him approaching with a knife in hand and shot and killed him.
Palestinian Media Watch exposed last week that another Palestinian school honored another terrorist stabber, naming a football tournament after him.
PA official on Palestinian terror attacks: They are “acts of bravery, I am proud of them”


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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