Friday, September 04, 2015

From Ian:

Elliott Abrams: UNRWA Again: UN Employees Incite Hatred
This is our tax money at work: the United States is by far the largest contributor to UNRWA, at over $400 million.
This discovery is a test both of the UNRWA and United Nations leadership, and of the Obama administration. This kind of behavior is absolutely intolerable, right? So now what happens? Does UNRWA discipline or fire these individuals? Does Ban ki-Moon step in?
Nope, not so far. The only reaction has been–you probably guessed it–attacks on UN Watch by UNRWA’s spokesman. Not a word about these postings or the employees.
The next step should be action by the State Department and by Samantha Power, our UN ambassador, demanding that the UN wake up. The State Department actually has an assistant secretary whose sole duty is supervising the United Nations, and even a Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. The next step should be simple: to contact top officials at UN headquarters in New York, and the head of UNRWA, Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl. Either such conduct is tolerated or it is not. Either UNRWA’s reaction is disciplinary moves against these individuals, or it attacks UN Watch. If the latter–UNRWA defends these acts inciting and celebrating violence and terror, defends those who are responsible for them, and assaults UN Watch for finding the truth–the United States should suspend payments to UNRWA. We should not be financing the spreading of hatred by UN employees.
It ought to be simple.
Dexter Van Zile: Will Chris Gunness ever be held to account?
Take a look at Gunness’s Twitter feed, which is followed by anti-Israel journalists throughout the world. There is little, if any condemnation of Hamas in his Tweets, but there are regular denunciations of Israeli policy and actions.
For example, Gunness posted a Tweet calling on Israel to “lift the blockade.” How about asking Hamas to stop endangering Palestinian children with its reckless attacks on Israel? How about asking Hamas to stop teaching children to hate Jews?
Gunness’ behavior is a clear and obvious violation of UNRWA’s stated policy regarding neutrality, which declares that, “neutrality is .. a core obligation and value of UN staff.” (Gunness himself wrote about this policy for the Huffington Post in 2011.)
Recently, UN Watch drew attention to antisemitic Facebook postings of a number of UNRWA employees, some of whom appear to be members of Hamas -- a clear violation of UNRWA’s so-called policies regarding neutrality.
How did Gunness respond? By attacking UN Watch and asking for information about UN Watch’s funding.
In response to these outrages, an activist from California has started a petition on calling for Gunness to be investigated for his violations of UNRWA’s policies on neutrality.
Somebody needs to do something. Gunness’ use of UN resources to assist in Hamas’s cognitive war against the Jewish state is simply intolerable.
UNRWA’s Chris Gunness Offered Lucrative Job as Pro Wrestling Referee (satire)
Based on the keen situational awareness and managerial oversight that he has exhibited at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), World Wrestling Entertainment, Incorporated has extended an offer of employment as a referee to Mr. Christopher Gunness. Mr. Gunness, who has lately been busy investigating where his critics get their money from, was unavailable for comment, but World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) spokesperson Robert C. spoke with the Daily Freier earlier today. “A lack of situational awareness and organizational leadership like Mr. Gunness provides day in and day out…….that doesn’t come around evey day. If WWE wants to continue to build its brand, it needs to jump on talent like this.” When the Daily Freier asked the WWE if there was one event that convinced the organization to extend an offer to Mr. Gunness, Robert noted “When Chris was presented with evidence from UN-WATCH of UNRWA employees calling for the death of Jews on Facebook, and countered with a call to investigate UN-WATCH.……he just exhibited exactly what we look for in a good referee: focus on ‘the Big Picture’…….Either that or he’s full of crap and simply hates Israel. Hard to tell.”

  • Friday, September 04, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

Since Channel 10 of Israel picked up on my reporting of UNRWA teachers' support for terror and antisemitism on Facebook, other media have been slowly but surely starting to cover the story. Here are some recent articles and op-eds critical of UNRWA:

Jerusalem Post
Breitbart News
JP Updates
Opinion Journal (WSJ)
TheBlaze (1)
TheBlaze (2)
Breaking Israel News
Jewish Press (1)
Jewish Press (2)
Council on Foreign Relations (Elliot Abrams)  
     Same article in Newsweek
UN Watch
The Commentator
Israel National News
Algemeiner (1)
Algemeiner (2)
Times of Israel

  • Friday, September 04, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
A hilarious German Facebook page was set up to demand that Hamas free the Mossad spy dolphin.

"From the river to the sea, all dolphins shall be free."

There was a rally planned for today in Alexanderplatz, Berlin. Organizer Alexander Nabert told Vice News "Come on Friday to join with many dolphin solidarity and Zionist friends together to demand the release of our floating comrades . He has been in captivity of terrorists for far too long -we are not even sure if he gets enough water. Or worse: Perhaps they are even Waterboarding him. And Merkel remains silent! We are on the Alexanderplatz, our solidarity with all political prisoners and Mossad agents. In the end, dolphins are only human."

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: A glorious defeat
We will only be able to measure AIPAC’s power after the 2016 elections.
Given that the nuclear pact will fail, there will be plenty of Democrats challengers who will be eager to use their Democratic incumbent opponents’ support for Obama’s nuclear madness against them. AIPAC’s public fight against the deal has set the conditions for it to extract a political price from its supporters who preferred Obama to US national security.
If AIPAC extracts a price from key Democratic lawmakers who played crucial roles in approving the nuclear deal with Iran, it will prevent Obama from turning support for Israel into a partisan issue and emerge strengthened from the fight.
On Wednesday, after Maryland’s Sen. Barbara Mikulski became the 34th senator to support Obama’s nuclear deal, PBS’s senior anchorwoman Gwen Ifill tweeted, “Take that, Bibi.”
Obama’s win is Bibi’s loss. Bibi failed to convince 12 Democratic senators and 44 Democratic congressmen to vote against the head of their party. But by fighting against this deal, Netanyahu removed the main obstacle that kept Israel from taking action that will prevent Iran from going nuclear. He reduced Obama’s power to harm Israel.
The fight strengthened American and American- Jewish opposition to the nuclear deal, paving the way for a Democratic renewal after Obama leaves office. And finally, Israel’s public battle against Obama’s deal paved the way its abrogation by his successor.
All in all, a rather glorious defeat.
Palestinian prevents lynching of 5 lost American yeshiva students in Hebron
A Palestinian man saved five American yeshiva students from Brooklyn from being lynched in Hebron after they took a wrong turn Thursday on their way to the Cave of the Patriarchs.
The students entered the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal Johar after having been misdirected there by the navigational system Waze, according to security sources.
Palestinians on the street who saw their car immediately threw stones and a firebomb at the vehicle. The yeshiva students were able to escape from the car before the Palestinians torched it.
A Palestinian resident of the neighborhood helped rescue them and sheltered them in his apartment.
Fayez Abu Hamdiyeh, who lives in the neighborhood, said he let five Jewish “settlers” into his house after he noticed they were being chased by Palestinian youths.
He said the “settlers” told him that they had entered the neighborhood with their car before being pelted with stones.
Abu Hamdiyeh said he used the mobile phone of one of the students to phone the police and ask for help.
VIDEO: How the IDF extracted American yeshiva students in Hebron
New footage shows Israel Defense Forces soldiers extracting five American yeshiva students from Hebron on Thursday, after they became trapped in the West Bank city following riots triggered by their presence.
The five were given shelter by a local Palestinian when their car was set alight after a wrong turn en route to the Tomb of the Patriarchs took them into the predominantly Arab southern part of the city.
The grainy video shows the five, dressed in a traditional ultra-Orthodox manner, being instructed by the soldiers to thank the man who rescued them. One of the men, with clearly visible blood stains on his shirt, blows a kiss in the Palestinian man’s direction.
“We are evacuating you now in ambulances in the direction of Kiryat Arba, okay?” says one of the soldiers, referring to the Jewish settlement on the outskirts of Hebron.
The footage also shows soldiers securing the area around the house, before bringing yeshiva students outside and into a waiting Israel Police jeep.
Two of the students, from Brooklyn in New York were lightly-to-moderately injured in the riot that ensued after they accidentally entered the area.
Faiz Abu Hamadiah, 51, took the men into his home and dispatched local youths to inform the IDF at a nearby checkpoint of their presence.

  • Friday, September 04, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reported late Wednesday:

Israeli forces on Wednesday afternoon detained nine Palestinians inside of Israel after the group attempted to cross the border east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

Witnesses said a young man, two women, and six children were detained after sneaking into Israel from al-Faraheen village.

Palestinian security forces were present at the scene after the incident, witnesses added.
This is unusual. Sometimes Gazans try to sneak into Israel for work, sometimes for terror attacks, but a large group of mostly women and children trying to enter Israel is, as far as I know, unprecedented.

Palestine Press Agency, a pro-Fatah site, claims that there were actually two families who crossed - and that they were families of spies for Israel.

It names the heads of the two households, Basil Karnafeh and Jamil Nasir, along with nine other family members, saying that this was coordinated with Israel to save them after they had acted as spies.

This sounds plausible.

The news item goes on to claim that most "collaborators" who manage to get to Israel end up living in squalor that is far worse than Gaza, abandoned by their Israeli overlords, and that Israel only pretends to help them in order to help the morale of the spies left behind in Gaza.

From Fikra Forum:

The long-term Palestinian political perspective has long been a subject of much polemical speculation – but without much evidence on either side. Do most Palestinians hope for a small state of their own at peace with Israel, or do they still aspire to reclaim all of Palestine someday? Now an actual survey, conducted by the Palestine Center for Public Opinion in the West Bank and Gaza from June 7 to 19, provides some solid answers to this intriguing question. The survey was based on personal interviews with a representative, geographic probability sample of 504 West Bankers and 413 Gazans, yielding a statistical margin of error of approximately 4.5 percent in each area.

Overall, responses demonstrate a dichotomous set of attitudes: some tactical flexibility toward Israel today, but much potential for irredentism in the future. The tactical flexibility—even on recognition of “the Jewish people,” or restrictions on the Palestinian refugee “right of return”—was highlighted in a previous report. One other important sign of short-term pragmatism is a willingness among around half the Palestinian public, both in the West Bank and in Gaza, to share sovereignty over Jerusalem with Israel. Another sign of tactical flexibility is that among West Bankers, the large majority (79 percent) say that, “in the current situation,” they would like a highway through that territory which bypasses Jerusalem altogether.

For the longer term, however, many Palestinians have a much more maximalist orientation. Unlike other surveys, this survey asked about three different time frames: the next 5 years, the coming 30-40 years, and the distant future 100 years from now. The results are instructive, suggesting a widespread expectation of “two stages” rather than “two states” in the long term.

Even in the next five years, a plurality pick “reclaiming all of historic Palestine from the river to the sea” rather than “a two-state solution” as the “main Palestinian national goal.” In the West Bank, the margin is 41 percent vs. 29 percent; in Gaza, surprisingly, the margin is much closer, with 50 percent opting for all of Palestine, compared with 44 percent in favor of a two-state solution. But the difference is largely accounted for by a third option: a “one-state solution in all of the land in which Palestinians and Jews have equal rights.” Among West Bankers, 18 percent select that option; among Gazans, just 5 percent do.

From a normative perspective, too, Palestinian attitudes are clearly maximalist. In the West Bank, 81 percent say that all of historic Palestine “is Palestinian land and Jews have no rights to the land.” In Gaza, that proportion is even higher: 88 percent.

Nevertheless, looking ahead to the next generation, only one-fourth of Palestinians in either the West Bank or Gaza expect Israel to “continue to exist as a Jewish state” in 30-40 years. Another fourth think Israel will become “a binational state of Jews and Palestinians.” And 38 percent of West Bankers, along with 53 percent of Gazans, think Israel will no longer exist at all, even as a binational state. That group is about evenly split between those who predict that Israel “will collapse from internal contradictions,” or that “Arab or Muslim resistance will destroy it.”

As for the really long-term view, a century away, a mere 12 percent of West Bankers and 15 percent of Gazans say Israel will still exist then as a Jewish state. In the West Bank, a plurality (44 percent) think Israel will either collapse or be destroyed; although 20 percent quite reasonably say they don’t know what will happen in 100 years. In Gaza, an absolute majority (63 percent) anticipate the destruction or collapse of Israel within that distant horizon.

We have seen surveys like this before across the years - but the media ignore them.

I even made a video about a previous poll showing the same attitudes that no one wants to admit:

Reason #9328 why peace is impossible.

My series of UNRWA teachers who publicly advocate positions that are against UNRWA 's stated standards continues....

Fuad Abd AlRahim ("the merciful") is a  teacher for UNRWA in Jordan. He featured this graphic:

"We will return, no matter how long it takes"

This is directly against UN's support for a two state solution, And  it is what UNRWA teachers emphasize to their kids.

Remember that many UNRWA schools themselves incorporate maps of "Palestine" in their very logos that eliminate Israel - some of them with the UN logos prominently displayed alongside their explicit desire to destroy a UN member state:

Thursday, September 03, 2015

  • Thursday, September 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From an idea by Ian:

From Ian:

On way out of West Bank, SodaStream CEO blasts BDS as anti-Semitic
With two weeks to go before it clears out its controversial factory in Ma'aleh Adumin in favor of one in the Negev desert, Sodastream CEO Daniel Birnbaum on Thursday skewered the BDS movement as anti-semitic.
"It's propaganda, it's politics, it's hate, it's anti-Semitism. It’s all the bad stuff we don’t want to be part of," Birnbaum said.
The SodaStream factory has been a central target for the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement, which claimed the decision to move out of the West Bank settlement as a major victory. Birnbaum, however, said that the decision was strictly business. Moreover, he said that the factory's presence in the West Bank was good for Palestinians.
“Sodastream should have been encouraged in the West Bank by the BDS, if they truly cared about the Palestinian people. Because we were the most advanced, technological and largest factory in the West Bank, period. We were the largest private employer of Palestinians in the world, period. How can you fight that? How can you argue that's bad for the Palestinians?”
Birnbaum went on to say that he had offered to pay taxes to the Palestinian Authority, but that Palestinian economy minister would not even take a phone call with him.
So, you think BDSers would end their campaign if Israel left the West Bank? Think again.
First, they evidently have no real interest in improving the lives and economic conditions of actual Palestinians.
As Peter Beaumont pointed out in his report on the SodaStream move (SodaStream leaves West Bank as CEO says boycott antisemitic and pointless, Sept. 3), hundreds of Palestinians may lose their jobs due to the closure of the plant in Mishor Adumim.
SodaStream said it employed up to 600 Palestinians there, and had sought to transfer their jobs to the Israeli plant. But Birnbaum said Israel had granted only 130 work permits so far due to security issues and many likely would lose their jobs.
Ali Jafar, a shift manager from a West Bank village who has worked for SodaStream for two years, said: “All the people who wanted to close [SodaStream’s West Bank factory] are mistaken. … They didn’t take into consideration the families.”

Second, contrary to claims of movement leaders, like Omar Barghouti, they clearly don’t ‘merely’ want Israel to withdraw back to 1949 boundaries and an “end discrimination against Arab citizens of Israel”. The Guardian report notes the following response by Barghouti to news that the West Bank SodaStream factory is closing:
“This is a clear-cut BDS victory against an odiously complicit Israeli company,” said Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the movement. He said it would continue to target SodaStream because its new factory is located in an area where Israel has in the past proposed to resettle Bedouin Arabs. The company employs more than 300 Bedouins.
To recap: One of the most prolific BDS leaders acknowledged that his movement will continue boycotting the fizzy drink maker, despite the fact that their new plant is within Israel proper and employs hundreds of Bedouin citizens of Israel. As with Palestinians at the old plant in the West Bank, it’s clear that BDSers have no moral concerns over the potential loss of hundreds of Arab Israeli jobs if the new plant near Rahat would similarly close.
Help Refugees: Shut the UNRWA, Fund the UNHCR
The UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, is currently staffed with 8600 people handling 34 million refugees from 125 countries. The number of refugees continues to swell each day and hundreds of others die before they even reach safety. In 2014 alone, an estimated 2900 refugees died in transit. In 2014, UNHCR estimates that it will assist over 41 million people. Its biennial budget is $5.3 billion.
The Swell and Permanence of UNRWA
Meanwhile, the UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, has continued to stretch its “temporary” existence for 66 years. This distinct refugee agency for Palestinians manages virtually no refugees anymore, but instead handles services for 5.4 million children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of people who left Palestine in 1948.
The UNRWA staff stands at 30,000, or 3.5 times the staff that the rest of the world gets for actual refugees. It services only 13% of the people that UNHCR assists.
Unlike the refugees serviced by UNHCR, the Palestinians speak the language and have skills. The UNRWA infrastructure and systems have been established for decades. Yet, the UNRWA biennial budget is over $2 billion, or $370 per person serviced compared to $130 for each UNHCR refugee who needs real and immediate services and infrastructure such as shelters, medical facilities and schools.

  • Thursday, September 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2011, a controversial anti-Israel film named Miral was released to much hoopla in the US, premiering at the UN General Assembly.

At the time I was offended by the movie's poster, especially its tag-line, "Is this the face of a terrorist?"

The implication that a fresh-faced girl could not be a terrorist was too much for me, so I created a series of four posters in response:

Now my posters, spoofing the original movie poster, are being themselves retooled by terrorist supporters.

So far this pro-terror spoof of my spoof has over 1000 Facebook "Likes." And, as Petra Marquardt-Bigman points out in Legal Insurrection, one of the "Likes" comes from Nariman Tamimi.

The mother of "Shirley Temper," Ahed Tamimi.

The wife of Bassem Tamimi, who is about to embark on a speaking tour of the US where he pretends to be an advocate of "non-violent resistance."

Read the whole article by Petra to see what hypocrites the Tamimis are in pretending to be against violence. Showing support for the most depraved murderers of children is not exactly what one associates with "peace activists" or "human rights defenders."

From Ian:

The Democrats Now Own Iran. They’ll Soon Wish They Didn’t
Obama and the Democrats now say they will get behind Israel and strengthen its defenses even though the deal makes Iran a threshold nuclear power almost immediately. That renders talk of preserving Israel’s qualitative military edge over potential foes meaningless.
But what this means is that every act of Iranian terror, every instance of Hamas and Hezbollah using Iranian funds and material to wage war against Israel or moves against Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states must now be seen as having been enabled not just by Obama but also by his party.
If Iran cheats its way to a bomb before the deal expires or uses the wealth that Obama is lavishing on it to get them to agree to this deal to undermine regional stability it won’t be possible in the future for Democrats to say that this was simply Obama’s folly. No, by docilely following his lead for a deal that few of them were eager to embrace, the entire Democratic Party must now pray that the president is right and that Iran will seek to “get right with the world” rather than pursuing a religious and ideological agenda of conflict with the West and Israel.
Obama got his deal despite the opposition of the majority of Congress and the American people. But the Democratic Party now gets to pay the bill for it. By making Iran a partisan issue in this manner, Obama saddled his party with the blame for everything that will happen in the coming years. Munich analogies are often inappropriate but when Rep. Patrick Murphy (the likely Democratic nominee for the Senate seat Marco Rubio is vacating next year) said the deal gives us “peace in our time,” his channeling of Neville Chamberlain was no ordinary gaffe. In the years to come when Obama is retired and Iran uses the deal to make new mischief and atrocities, Democrats may regret giving in to the president’s pressure. But, like the appeasers of the 1930s, the legacy of the pro-Iran deal Democrats is now set in stone. (h/t NormanF)
Netanyahu: Majority of Americans see eye to eye with Israel on Iranian threat
In a Rosh Hashana toast with Foreign Ministry employees Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the majority of Americans see Iran as a threat, and despite disagreements,the United States remains Israel's closest friend and ally.
"Even in the face of disputes, Israel must be mindful of its traditional allies, chiefly the United States," Netanyahu said. "And although the majority of Americans see eye to eye with us in terms of the threat Iran poses, its important that the American public understand the fact that Iran is an enemy of the United States and openly declares it."
"Israel and the United States are allies and this understanding has important implications for our continued security cooperation," Netanyahu added.
Retired Military Leaders: Iran Nuke Deal Makes War More Likely
The nuclear agreement with Iran will increase the likelihood of military conflict, according to a council of prominent retired military leaders and intelligence officials.
The Jewish Institute for National Security Affair’s (JINSA) Iran Strategy Council released a report Wednesday that contends that the United States will be in a “far worse position to prevent a nuclear Iran” after 10 to 15 years of the agreement regarding Tehran’s nuclear capacity, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
“Implementing JCPOA will have significant strategic consequences for our interests and allies in the region,” retired Gen. James Conway and retired Air Force Gen. Chuck Wald, who together chair the council, said in a statement.
According to the report, “the agreement increases both the probability and danger of hostilities with Iran.”
The report also suggests that the deal will allow Iran to grow more militarily capable over the next decade as the United States sees an erosion of its own forces.
“The United States is in a far better position to prevent a nuclear Iran today, even by military means if necessary, than when the JCPOA sunsets,” the authors say. “The strategic environment will grow much more treacherous in the next 15 years. Comparatively, Iran will be economically stronger, regionally more powerful and militarily more capable, while the United States will have a smaller, less capable fighting force, diminished credibility and fewer allies. ”
Survey: 67% of American National Security Professionals Say Nuke Deal is Bad for US, Allies
A survey found that two thirds of government personnel in the national security sector, including the Department of Defense and military, do not believe that the nuclear agreement with Iran is good for American interests, Defense One reported yesterday. Significantly, 58% of those surveyed serve at a managerial level or above.
Asked to evaluate the statement “The Iran nuclear deal is a good deal for the United States,” some 66 percent of responders disagreed — and two-thirds of that group “strongly disagreed.”
The group’s outlook was even dimmer about the deal’s effect on U.S. allies. Most respondents said that it would have a somewhat or mostly negative impact on the security of Israel (71%), Saudi Arabia (67%), the Gulf Arab states (67%), Jordan (59%), Iraq (58%), and Europe (53%).
Furthermore, over three fifths of respondents said that the best approach would be for the United States to walk away from agreement.
Some 62 percent said that the U.S. would be better off simply rejecting the deal and keeping current sanctions in place.

The beginning of this article in Boraq News by Abdullah bin Abdul Mohsin Sultan of King Saud University sets the tone:

Jews have historically been responsible for the deployment of all that is evil and all that is abusive; that they are the scourge of the people is proven by the fact that they are behind each and every vice and immorality.

Now that we got that out of the way, we can get to Sultan's main point, which is that the Jewish control of the media is maent to corrupt innocent Muslims. "Because of Jewish money and the media, they do spit venom through movies and television programs...they are really from the demons of human beings, and our battle with them will not stop."

He has proof! "Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon says 'It is not as much fun to kill your enemy with your hands, when your enemy can kill himself with his hand or the hand of his brother, it is a much greater pleasure!'"

Can't argue with that!

Sultan also has this quote: "The Jewish founder of Whatsapp was asked on TV: 'Why have you made Whatsapp available for free among Arabs when you know they are murderers who are the most dangerous enemy of the State of Israel ??' He replied: "we have a program to enter every house without permission and we will destroy their young before their youth with their own hands while we are watching them from afar."

Sounds legit!

But Sultan's main object of scorn is the TV talent show Star Academy, which he claims is also Jewish:
This professional program aims to degrade Muslim youth of morality and modesty, and the erosion of their values, customs and Islamic traditions which are the backbone of the Islamic community and to and keep them away from their religion and even destroy it in their minds and in the ethics of his followers, and the elimination of religious zeal and Islamic values ​​they have. This is because the content of the program includes addressing instincts and emotions spreading moral corruption, which is forbidden and contrary to the public taste. And the targeting of women, especially Muslim, by the Jews is clear. The "Star Academy" Arabic program has proved to be created for corruption in the land and the demolition of Islamic values. ... Moreover, the program is an insult directed to those who participate in it or watch it, ... it is the media malice of the Jews.
He goes on to blame Jews for Arabs celebrating Valentine's Day, New Years and April Fools Day.

The Jewish influence in the Arab world is truly awesome. Their obsession with Jews proves it.

On Facebook, there is a community page called UNRWA Schools International - Jordan.

It is probably not an official UNRWA page, although it uses the UNRWA logo and is meant for UNRWA school employees in Jordan.

And this page is run by one of those UNRWA employees, Moh Sarrar.

On this page, there are tributes to Hamas co-founders Abdel Aziz Rantisi and Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

And Yahya Ayyash, the "engineer" to pioneered suicide bombings.

And mass murderer Dalal Mughrabi (text autotranslated)

Another UNRWA teacher, O Abd Halim Battah, also has a thing for terrorists:

His timeline also has lots of photos of his UNRWA school and of educational materials. He is no "imposter."

The evidence against UNRWA is mounting by the day. The media is starting to notice. Chris Gunness' lies are becoming more outrageous. And the pressure is only going to increase until UNRWA decides to do the right thing and attack the problem, not the people reporting the problem.

UPDATE: The UNRWA Schools group was taken down, and so was the image on the other teacher page.
  • Thursday, September 03, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mark Ruffalo is a fairly famous actor most well-known for playing The Incredible Hulk in The Avengers series.

Recently, he tweeted this:

The article he is quoting comes from the Avaaz "progressive" website/petition site:

A year after the devastating war on Gaza, thousands of children are still sleeping in the rubble of their homes.

Even though it is a clear violation of international law, Israel's blockade has restricted basic building materials going in. But no child should be made to live in the ruins of their home, study with bomb blasts through their classrooms, or not get basic health care because clinics have been destroyed.

Who doesn't support the rights of children to not have to sleep in the rubble? Obviously this is because of Israel's "blockade" of Gaza!

Too bad that Avaaz is lying.

The most recent mainstream media article on the rebuilding effort in Gaza discusses in detail the lengthy process needed for Gazans to be approved to receive building materials, and Israel is part of that process which by all accounts is not working tremendously well. But even that article, which is critical of all aspects of the process, shows that Israel is allowing huge amounts of cement and rebar into Gaza. Nearly 100,000 Gazans have received some or all of the building materials they need. The main bottleneck isn't Israel - but the international donors who have reneged on their pledges:

The trucks coming into Gaza carrying materials are checked by the Israeli authorities. Gazan contractors must also have security clearance from the Israeli government. Once in Gaza, materials are stored in warehouses surrounded by high walls that are under 24-hour surveillance by inspectors and cameras. When the homeowners have money from international agencies to buy materials, it is disbursed in stages as the homeowner proves they are indeed using the materials to build houses. For larger projects the cement is also released in stages, out of concern that it might be sold off or used for non-civilian purposes.

UN staff accompany the materials to construction sites. Representatives from the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the body providing administrative support for reconstruction under the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism — an agreement between the Israeli and Palestinian governments brokered by the UN — even visit a sample of the construction sites to conduct spot checks.

You don’t have to be an expert to see how easily this process could get hung up.


Sometimes the goods don’t even make it to the construction site. There are 37,000 tons of cement sitting in warehouses in Gaza because the people to whom it is allotted don’t have the money to buy it. Cement has a shelf life of about three months — so if the funds don’t come through soon, all that would-be concrete becomes useless. The import process would have to start again from the beginning.

So far around 3,000 Gazans allotted construction materials have not yet claimed them, while another 28,000 have only taken part of their order because they can’t afford to buy it all.

“Homeowners were supposed to have received money to buy the materials but have only gotten about 5-6 percent” of what they were due, says Basil Nassar, acting head of the UNDP office in Gaza.

“There’s no guarantee that they will have the money to buy the materials,” he says.
The main problem is money, not materials, The materials that are there are not being purchased.

Avaaz is lying.

Hollywood stars want to seem like they are informed and sympathetic to world issues. Unfortunately, they are easy prey to fall for faux humanitarian appeals that are really smokescreens to demonize Israel, aided by years of false reporting about Israel's "blockade" which ignores the facts that Israel doesn't stop any aid that is not on its very specific list of items that can also be used by terrorists. Anyone can view this list.

But that's not the only way Avaaz lies.

Avaaz claims to have received over 630,000 signatures for this initiative.

However, as we have proven once, Avaaz will inflate the number of signatures on its petitions by orders of magnitude.

But what self-respecting liberal reporter will go and investigate an organization like Avaaz that says it does such important, progressive work?

More about Avaaz' sketchy history in this 2011 UK Media Watch article.


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