Monday, February 09, 2015

  • Monday, February 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's a video that Hamas uses to attract kids to join their "camps" from which they learn to become Hamas terrorists.

  • Monday, February 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The official Palestinian Authority tourism site,, is about as interested in facts as any other official Palestinian Authority site.

Here are a couple of their whoppers:

From their front page:
With a history that envelops more than one million years, Palestine has played an important role in human civilisation.
A million year history! That's even longer than Saeb Erekat's 9,000 year history!

Luckily, I found the details behind this history in one of their booklets:

Ah, the Lower Paleolithic! I'm surprised they didn't mention the Big Bang as one of the major events in Palestine's history.

Notice who is missing in this little chronology. Besides the British, that is.

That's not the only place that Jews are erased from history in this site. the only mentions of Jews are when they claim that "The Golden Gate, called Bab-Dahiriyeh in Arabic or Gate of Eternity, on the east is blocked pending the arrival of the Messiah, according to Jewish religious zealots." and that a synagogue in Jericho from the 8th century is interesting. Otherwise, there have been no Jews in the Holy Land, according to this site.

Here's a much smaller lie but one that can easily be overlooked.

In the "Palestine Destination Overview 2014" they say:

Pope Francis' prayer at the security barrier was silent. No one knows what he prayed for. As far as I could tell, in none of the public prayers or speeches during his visit did he say a word about "ending occupation."

(h/t Messy57)

UPDATE: By request:

If I had time I'd put Raquel Welch in a hijab.
From Ian:

Is Jordan’s response to ISIS “proportionate”? (asks no one)
Hey, remember when Hamas was lobbing thousands of missiles at Israeli cities, trying to kidnap people, and killing when they got lucky?
Of course you remember it. It has happened every couple of years since Hamas took over Gaza.
And before that, the Palestinians strapped bombs on their loved ones and sent them to blow up restaurants, supermarkets, buses, and anything else they could sneak into.
And before that ….
But always the question is whether Israel’s response is proportionate,
ISIS just killed a Jordanian pilot, brutally by setting him on fire. No justification, but one person.
Jordan is now bombing the hell out of ISIS positions, including in cities and civilian areas, certainly killing civilians.
And has vowed to continue Till we run ‘out of fuel and bullets’:
Abbas’ Fatah: “Martyrdom-death is a destiny ‎we assume willingly and serenely”‎
Some of those who Fatah has exalted as "Martyrs" in recent months and whom the movement honored in its statement with its "highest praise" and "appreciation" are the following terrorists, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch:
The synagogue murderers Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal murdered 4 worshippers and a policeman in a Jerusalem synagogue (Nov. 18, 2014).
Fatah posted a picture of the graves of the two terrorists on its official Facebook page, with the text: "This is the place of eternal rest of Martyrs Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal."
Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaloudi murdered a three-month-old baby and a young woman, when he intentionally drove his car into people waiting for a train.
Fatah posted an obituary for the murderer on its official Facebook page, calling him "heroic Martyr."
Dalal Mughrabi led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history, known as the Coastal Road massacre, in 1978, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway, killing 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70. Fatah organized a tournament named after her, and Fatah-run Awdah TV broadcast at length from a party commemorating the terrorist, referring to her as "Martyr" and stating that "we renew the promise to her and its fulfillment... [she] will remain a path for the next generations to follow."
Abbas book tying Nazism to Zionism to be translated to Hebrew
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's 1984 book linking Nazism to Zionism, as part of his pursuit of a doctorate degree at a Moscow institution, is set to be translated into Hebrew, Walla! news reported Monday.
The work, titled The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism was first released in Jordan and has, since then, seen light in academic libraries across the globe - particularly in Arab-speaking nations - and is accessible on the PA's official website.
Spanning 252 pages and 16-chapters, Abbas's published work claims that Nazi and Zionist ideologies aligned. He outlined their cooperative relationship and went as far as to say that David Ben-Gurion and Adolf Hitler were "good friends."
Abbas's text accuses the Zionist movement of participating in the Holocaust, cooperating with the Third Reich, and actively foiling plots to rescue Jews, their guiding motive being the formation of a national state in "Palestine."
Hamas MP: Jewish treachery and conspiracies led to the Holocaust
Jewish "conspiracies and treachery" led to the Holocaust, a Hamas MP said in a recent speech translated by MEMRI on Monday.
In a speech aired on Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV on January 23, Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras charged that Germany supports Israel to the detriment of the Palestinians in order to "to make amends for its historical sin toward the Jews."
He attacked Germany and the West for arming Israel at Hamas's expense.
"How is it our fault? What did we have to do with your burning of the Jews? Were the Jews burned for no fault of their own?" he queried.
"Their conspiracies and treachery are what led to their being burned. Their deception and plots against humanity led to their being burned. They conspired against all people - even against people who were benevolent toward them," he said.

  • Monday, February 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The BDS crowd has a new challenge, one that has failed miserably every time they tried it previously.

They are trying to get Palestinian Arabs to boycott Israeli products.

Fatah spokesman Osama Qawasmi has called all Palestinians to a wider boycott of Israeli goods in response to Israel's withholding tax revenue from Fatah while they try to unify with terror groups.

This time, they are trying to use similar methods that they have used in the West. Instead of asking them to boycott all Israeli products, they have come out with a list that seems more manageable. Thsi is from the Fatah Facebook page:

1. Strauss with all its products.
2. Tnuva with all its products.
3. Osem with all its products.
4. Elite with all its products.
5. Prigat with all its products.
6. Jafora with all its products.

Also borrowing from Western haters of Israel, the BDS crowd in the West Bank have been putting labels on Israeli products in Arab markets to try to dissuade people from buying them, like this one under Tnuva milk.

The sticker says "By buying this product you are donating 16% to the Israeli army."

If history is any guide, the next thing that will happen is that Fatah thugs will start threatening shopowners who do not want to boycott Israeli goods. Then will come the firebombings.

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Here is UNRWA's chart describing the number of registered "refugees" under its purview in each of the five areas it works.

If you look at the American Friends of UNRWA fundraising site, however, you find that there is a hugely disproportionate effort meant to appeal to help less than half the people in the chart.

UNRWA-USA is hosting four separate 5K runs this year, specifically for Gaza children.

Besides that, UNRWA-USA has a Gaza emergency appeal, a "protect civilians" appeal that is specifically for Arabs in Area C and Jerusalem (that heavily invokes "settlers,") a shelter rehabilitation appeal specifically for the West Bank, and a "job creation program/Olive Tree Initiative" that is also specifically for the West Bank.

Oh, and a very general Syria Emergency Appeal. 

Unlike the five fundraising programs in the territories, the Syria program does not specify whether it is for shelter or food or schools or mental health; it is a very generic, general appeal because things in Syria are really bad too. Unlike their articles about WB and Gaza aid recipients, there is nothing about specific needs of Syrian Palestinians like food or clothing or medicine.

UNRWA-USA does not have any specific appeals for Lebanese UNRWA aid recipients, even though the situation in Lebanese camps is far, far worse than they are on the West Bank. UNRWA-USA does not appeal for any funds for the 2.1 million Jordanians receiving aid, including those who are not Jordanian citizens who are even further discriminated against by Jordan.

Here is a chart of the keyword tags in UNRWA-USA articles that are region-specific:

Lebanon 3
Jordan 3
Demolition Watch (WB) 8
Syria 9
Settler Violence (WB) 10
Gaza Solidarity 5K 11
West Bank 17
Gaza 27

In other words, UNRWA-USA spends at least 83% of its fundraising effort in region-specific appeals to areas whose problems can be blamed on Israel and on Jews,  even though only 40% of UNRWA aid recipients actually live in those areas.

No more than  0.2% of all Palestinian "refugees" receiving UNRWA aid live in Area C of the West Bank, where those evil "settlers" live, yet UNRWA-USA expends more effort appealing for funds to help the tiny number allegedly affected by "settler violence" than for the millions of aid recipients in Jordan and Lebanon combined.

This is especially incredible given that most of the Syrian Palestinian population have lost their homes and are forced to live in horrible conditions in Lebanon and Jordan, yet their plight is little more than  a footnote in UNRWA-USA's fundraising efforts.

No one is saying that the lives of Gazans are great, but Israel is not stopping any legitimate rebuilding efforts. Lebanon, on the other hand, blocks any new building entirely, even as hundreds of thousands of new real refugees are flooding in. But UNRWA-USA  is silent about that.

The subconscious message being given is that UNRWA donors care about the "refugees" only when their plight can be blamed on Israel or on Jewish "settlers," and UNRWA aid recipients in other areas aren't nearly as important.

This means that whether they mean to or not, UNRWA-USA is using latent antisemitism as a fundraising gimmick - and also fueling that same antisemitism by implying that Palestinians who can blame their plight on Jews are somehow more worthy of aid than those whose lives are made hell by their fellow Arabs.

Which further means that UNRWA-USA cares more about demonizing Jews and Israelis than about objectively helping the people who need the most help.

It looks like American Friends of UNRWA cares more about demonizing Jews than they do about helping Palestinians.

There are no UNRWA-USA fundraisers to raise cash for  Nahr el-Bared and Yarmouk and the Jerash camp in Jordan while there are multiple fundraisers for Gaza and the West Bank (where there shouldn't be any "refugee camps" anyway.)  If there is a better explanation as to why American Friends of UNRWA believe that one set of Palestinian "refugees" is more deserving of funds than the others, I'd love to hear it.

  • Monday, February 09, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel Hayom:
Get this old piece of news: After leading the waves of terrorism in Judea and Samaria during the Second Intifada and masterminding mass terrorist attacks inside the Green Line before being dissolved in 2007 by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' "presidential order," and having allegedly laid down arms and having even been granted an official Israeli pardon, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are reinventing themselves. For the past year, their fingerprints have been all over a string of shooting attacks in Binyamin, Samaria, Gush Etzion and the communities surrounding Jerusalem. Now we also know that they were involved in firing rockets into Israel during Operation Protective Edge. The warning signal is flashing in red and Israeli defense officials are not indifferent to it.

The writing has been on the wall for several years. It was only recently that the declaration that Mecca is for worship and Jerusalem is for martyrdom was posted on the official Facebook page of the Palestinian Fatah party. This month, Fatah posted a photo of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu standing beside a hangman's noose, saying that he will be hanged "soon."

Did Abbas give his permission for the re-establishment of the Fatah military wing? Did he sanction the resumption of Fatah terrorist attacks? Yoni Dahuh-Halevy, a lieutenant colonel (res.) in the intelligence corps, says these questions require further investigation.

"If Abbas approved the brigades' activities, he is party to terrorism. If not, it suggests that he is weak both as a leader and as a diplomatic partner," he said.

In July 2007, 178 Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades operatives across Judea and Samaria agreed to lay down their arms and quit terrorism and violence against Israel. They handed their weapons to the Palestinian authorities, and in return, Israel promised to stop pursuing them.

In 2008, 150 additional operatives joined in on the agreement, in coordination with Israel. They were even kept in Palestinian custody for three months before being granted their freedom. This arrangement lasted several years, but every so often, the group violated the agreement with Israel and the Palestinian Authority and perpetrated terrorist attacks. Two that come to mind are the murder of Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai near the settlement of Shavei Shomron in 2009, and the kidnapping and subsequent murder of soldier Tomer Hazan in 2013.

Now, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade command center has announced that they are breaking all the rules. They declared "open war against the Zionist enemy using all possible means and surprises, granting the Palestinian people the right to armed struggle in efforts to banish the occupation from all Palestinian land." The brigades' announcement declared further that "this will be a war of attrition, in which all the options are available, including our military cells." This announcement was accompanied by a claiming of responsibility for the firing of dozens of rockets into Israel during Operation Protective Edge, together with photographs documenting said rocket fire.
I've been saying this for years - the Al Aqsa Brigades never disappeared, and they were responsible for hundreds if not thousands of rockets during the Gaza war.

Fatah's Facebook page, and the home page of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades Nedal division, are happily reporting this Israel Hayom story. They seem a bit amused that the terror forces that they have been openly publicizing for years is finally getting noticed in Israeli media.

Here is the Al Aqsa Brigades' poster for Fatah's 50th anniversary of their first terror attack in January. It says "The path of Al-'Asifa (the storm): The end of Israel... the Liberation of Palestine."

Sunday, February 08, 2015

  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Temple Mount Institute Facebook page reports:

The Muslim supremacists who dominate the Temple Mount are constantly improving their methods of warfare against Jewish presence on the Mount.

Their latest gambit, paying men and women to inhabit the Temple Mount during the hours that it is open to Jews and follow the Jewish worshipers every where they go on the Temple Mount, screaming curses and allahu achbars at the top of their lungs, got a flat tire when the Israel police and security services shut down the organizations which were funneling the money from Hamas to the agitators.

The newest Islamic projectile aimed at the heart of Jewish worshipers on the Temple Mount is little girls. Young, pre-pubescent girls can now be found aplenty on the Temple Mount. Because they are Muslim, young and female, the Israel police won't touch them. The young girls, following the instruction and encouragement of their elders, feel free to leap in front of Jewish worshipers, screaming in their high pitched voices "allahu achbar," "the Jews are dogs," and whatever else comes to their innocent minds, while at the same time jabbing their fingers in the faces of the Jewish worshipers. Sometimes the little angels get so wrapped up in their game of 'harass the Jews' that they even begin pushing the Jewish worshipers.
So you think that they are exaggerating? Well, here's a video made by Muslims, ironically entitled "Al Aqsa Child Care," that documents Muslim children harassing Jews - something that was not seen until recently.

(h/t Yenta)

  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hurriyet Daily News:
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has said his government will not succumb to the Jewish lobby, the Armenian lobby or the lobby of the Turkish-Greek minority, a sentence he said in regards to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s words on Jan. 31 that the Gülenists in the country, which he dubs “the parallel structure,” have joined forces with the Israeli intelligence service.

“I announce it from here: we have not and will not succumb to the Jewish lobby, the Armenian lobby or the Turkish-Greek minority’s lobbies,” said Davutoğlu during a speech at the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) provincial congress in Istanbul Feb. 8. “I call out to the parallel lobby that sent them a message: We will stand before you with dignity no matter where you are; you will be despicable for the treason you have done to this nation.”

While addressing a meeting of business leaders in Istanbul on Jan. 31, Erdoğan had said the U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen’s supporters, “the parallel structure,” was in cooperation with Israeli intelligence organization, the Mossad.

“The sincere people backing this parallel structure should see this structure is cooperating with … Shame on them if they still cannot see that this structure is cooperating with the Mossad,” Erdoğan said.
He said something similar yesterday in response to an article written by exiled Turkish preacher Gulen.

  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Eric Lichtblau in the NYT:
Even after the victorious American and Allied forces took control of the camps, the survivors — mainly Jews, but also small numbers of gays, Roma, Communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others — remained for months behind barbed wire and under armed guard in what became known euphemistically as displaced persons, or D.P., camps. Many Jews were left wearing the same notorious striped pajamas that the Nazis first gave them.

With the American forces overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of refugees under their control, underfed survivors lived for months in decrepit camps in Germany and Austria — a number of them on the same grounds as the concentration camps. Even after conditions improved, thousands of former prisoners remained inside and in limbo for as long as five years because the United States and most other nations refused to let them in.

In the early months after the war, thousands of survivors died from disease and malnutrition. Food was so scarce that rioting broke out at some camps, as Allied commanders refused to give extra food rations to Jewish survivors because they did not want to be seen as giving them preferential treatment over German P.O.W.s and other prisoners.

Faced with complaints by outside Jewish groups about conditions of “abject misery,” President Harry S. Truman sent a former immigration official, Earl Harrison, to Europe to inspect the camps. His findings were blistering. The survivors “have been ‘liberated’ more in a military sense than actually,” Harrison wrote Truman in the summer of 1945.

“As matters now stand,” he wrote, “we appear to be treating the Jews as the Nazis treated them except that we do not exterminate them. They are in concentration camps in large numbers under our military guard instead of S.S. troops. One is led to wonder whether the German people, seeing this, are not supposing that we are following or at least condoning Nazi policy.”

I ran across Harrison’s report a few years ago while researching a book on the flight of Nazis to the United States after the war. As I examined the path the Nazis took out of Europe, I struggled to understand how so many of them had made it to America so easily while so many Holocaust survivors were left behind.

One answer came in a copy of Gen. George S. Patton’s handwritten journal. In one entry from 1945, Patton, who oversaw the D.P. operations for the United States, seethed after reading Harrison’s findings, which he saw — quite accurately — as an attack on his own command.

Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals,” Patton wrote. He complained of how the Jews in one camp, with “no sense of human relationships,” would defecate on the floors and live in filth like lazy “locusts,” and he told of taking his commander, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, to tour a makeshift synagogue set up to commemorate the holy day of Yom Kippur.

“We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking mass of humanity I have ever seen,” Patton wrote. “Of course, I have seen them since the beginning and marveled that beings alleged to be made in the form of God can look the way they do or act the way they act.”

Other evidence emerged revealing not only Patton’s disdain for the Jews in the camps, but an odd admiration for the Nazi prisoners of war under his watch.

Under Patton, Nazis prisoners were not only bunked at times with Jewish survivors, but were even allowed to hold positions of authority, despite orders from Eisenhower to “de-Nazify” the camps. “Listen,” Patton told one of his officers of the Nazis, “if you need these men, keep them and don’t worry about anything else.”
A page from Harrison's personal notebook
The Harrison Report was damning:
(1) Generally speaking, three months after V-E Day and even longer after the liberation of individual groups, many Jewish displaced persons and other possibly non-repatriables are living under guard behind barbed-wire fences, in camps of several descriptions (built by the Germans for slave-laborers and Jews), including some of the most notorious of the concentration camps, amidst crowded, frequently unsanitary and generally grim conditions, in complete idleness, with no opportunity, except surreptitiously, to communicate with the outside world, waiting, hoping for some word of encouragement and action in their behalf.

(2) While there has been marked improvement in the health of survivors of the Nazi starvation and persecution program, there are many pathetic malnutrition cases both among the hospitalized and in the general population of the camps. The death rate has been high since liberation, as was to be expected. One Army Chaplain, a Rabbi, personally attended, since liberation 23,000 burials (90 per cent Jews) at Bergen Belsen alone, one of the largest and most vicious of the concentration camps, where, incidentally, despite persistent reports to the contrary, fourteen thousand displaced persons are still living, including over seven thousand Jews. At many of the camps and centers including those where serious starvation cases are, there is a marked and serious lack of needed medical supplies.

(3) Although some Camp Commandants have managed, in spite of the many obvious difficulties, to find clothing of one kind or another for their charges, many of the Jewish displaced persons, late in July, had no clothing other than their concentration camp garb-a rather hideous striped pajama effect-while others, to their chagrin, were obliged to wear German S.S. uniforms. It is questionable which clothing they hate the more.
Harrison also noticed that most of the Jews he spoke to wanted only to go to their historic homeland:
For reasons that are obvious and need not be labored, most Jews want to leave Germany and Austria as soon as possible. That is their first and great expressed wish and while this report necessarily deals with other needs present in the situation, many of the people themselves fear other suggestions or plans for their benefit because of the possibility that attention might thereby be diverted from the all-important matter of evacuation from Germany. Their desire to leave Germany is an urgent one. The life which they have led for the past ten years, a life of fear and wandering and physical torture, has made them impatient of delay. They want to be evacuated to Palestine now, just as other national groups are being repatriated to their homes. They do not look kindly on the idea of waiting around in idleness and in discomfort in a German camp for many months until a leisurely solution is found for them.

With respect to possible places of resettlement for those who may be stateless or who do not wish to return to their homes, Palestine is definitely and pre-eminently the first choice. Many now have relatives there, while others, having experienced intolerance and persecution in their homelands for years, feel that only in Palestine will they be welcomed and find peace and quiet and be given an opportunity to live and work. In the case of the Polish and the Baltic Jews, the desire to go to Palestine is based in a great majority of the cases on a love for the country and devotion to the Zionist ideal. It is also true however, that there are many who wish to go to Palestine because they realize that their opportunity to be admitted into the United States or into other countries in the Western hemisphere is limited, if not impossible. Whatever the motive which causes them to turn to Palestine, it is undoubtedly true that the great majority of the Jews now in Germany do not wish to return to those countries from which they came.

Palestine, while clearly the choice of most, is not the only named place of possible emigration. Some, but the number is not large, wish to emigrate to the United States where they have relatives, others to England, the British Dominions, or to South America.

Thus the second great need is the prompt development of a plan to get out of Germany and Austria as many as possible of those who wish it.

Otherwise the needs and wishes of the Jewish groups among the displaced persons can be simply stated: among their physical needs are clothing and shoes (most sorely needed), more varied and palatable diet, medicines, beds and mattresses, reading materials. The clothing for the camps too is requisitioned from the German population, and whether there is not sufficient quantity to be had or the German population has not been willing or has not been compelled to give up sufficient quantity, the internees feel particularly bitter about the state of their clothing when they see how well the German population is still dressed. The German population today is still the best dressed population in all of Europe.
(h/t Ronald)

From Ian:

Fighting the Satanic Jew for Palestine
The title of Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s book on the resurgence of anti-Semitism in our time, “The Devil That Never Dies,” can also be read as a not-so-veiled allusion to the centuries-old demonization of Jews as devilish or satanic. What began in the Middle Ages was revived by the Nazis, and remains popular among today’s neo-Nazi Jew-haters.
Unfortunately, however, one doesn’t have to venture into the darkest recesses of the Internet to encounter the contemporary expression of this age-old demonization of Jews: prominent Palestinians are not ashamed to denounce Jews or Israelis as “Satan,” and neither are supposedly progressive “pro-Palestinian” activists.
One of the most recent examples emerged when campaigners for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement at the University of California, Davis, celebrated a student government resolution to divest from Israel by harassing their opponents. Several reports on the incident highlighted the role of Azka Fayyaz, a member of the UC Davis student senate, noting that she had previously “helped display a poster likening Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler.”
Palestinian hijacker compares IS to Jewish extremists
Palestinian two-time plane hijacker Leila Khaled condemned Friday the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot by the Islamic State group, but also compared it to the murder of an Arab teenager by Jewish extremists last summer.
“Those people who burned him are the same as the Israelis that burned Muhammed Abu Khdeir in Jerusalem,” Khaled said in South Africa, making a reference to the Palestinian teenager kidnapped and burned alive in east Jerusalem in July last year by three Jewish extremists charged with murder. The attack was allegedly in response to the June kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers by a terror cell linked to Hamas in the West Bank.
Now 70 and living in Jordan, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) member Khaled hijacked a Trans World Airlines flight from Rome to Athens in August 1969, and an El Al plane from Amsterdam to New York in September 1970.
She was arrested by sky marshals during the second attack and the flight was diverted to Heathrow. However, the British government released Khaled a month later in a hostage swap.
She is in South Africa to drum up support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement which is seeking to isolate Israel economically and politically.
She received a warm welcome from the ruling African National Congress — much to the indignation of local Jewish organisations.
“Comrade Leila, this is your home,” said ANC member and Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba, wearing a keffiyeh around his neck.
Brian Williams Over Israel: Rockets Passed ‘Just Beneath the Helicopter I Was Riding In’
Completely separate from the 2003 Iraq helicopter incident Brian Williams confessed to lying about this week, thanks to a Twitter user who alerted Ace Of Spades, we now have a 2007 video of Williams claiming he was involved in a hairy wartime incident involving a different helicopter during a different war. According to the NBC Nightly News anchor, during “the war with Hezballah in Israel, a few years back … there were Katyusha rockets passing just beneath the helicopter I was riding in.”
"It gets me to thinking, I’ve been very lucky the way my life has turned out, I’ve been very lucky to have survived a few things that I’ve been involved in, at a perception a few minutes ago, I was remembering something I tend to forget, the war with Hezballah in Israel, a few years back, where there were Katuyshka rockets passing just beneath the helicopter I was riding in. A few years before that, you go back to Iraq, and I looked down the tube of an RPG that had been fired at us and it hit the chopper in front of ours." (h/t jzaik)
Brian Williams on the Couch
The Weekly Standard’s Jeryl Bier tracked down this dispatch about the incident Williams refers to.
Technically, Williams is correct that Katyushas were flying down below, but they were off in the distance, and not “just under” Israeli Blackhawk. You won’t see any drama inside the chopper or signs of emergency evasive maneuvers. Williams would not have failed to include any of that.
Bottom line: I don’t see anything wrong with the report — everything’s there on film. But his description to Fitzmaurice is disingenuous and just a bit self-inflating to an understandably awed college reporter.
But the more seasoned journalists now probing Williams won’t be wide-eyed or so easily impressed. I’m giving the last word on the matter to New York University’s professor of journalism, Jay Rosen.
Jay Rosen : No desire to put Brian Williams on the couch but if we assume he wasn't maliciously faking the story what is left is anchorman psychology.

  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

burningAs most of you are aware, the Islamic State burned a man alive in a cage the other day.

He was a twenty-six year old Jordanian fighter pilot, First Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh.  His plane went down near Raqqa, Syria, and he was captured by the Islamists.

The Jordanians pleaded for his release as friends of IS or ISIS or ISIL pondered how best to murder and torture the poor man.

Until these people burned him alive on camera, the capture of the Jordanian pilot was a journalistic sideline. Those of us who follow the Middle East and the Arab-Israel conflict knew Kasasbeh was held.  It was one of the stories out there, but it was decidedly second tier.  After the Islamists head-chopped their Japanese prisoners, and in the midst of Obama's hissy-fit concerning the fact that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, agreed to speak with Congress without first kissing Obama's ring, the Jordanian pilot story was of considerably lesser interest.

Until now, of course... at least for me.

I don't know what you guys think, but there is something particularly horrendous about this most recent act of barbarity. There are all sorts of Youtube videos available concerning Islamic head-chopping, but head-chopping is grounded within Islamic religious tradition. It has the full weight of fourteen-hundred years of Islamic religious practice behind it.  It may be horrific, brutal, and immoral, but it is certainly nothing new.  Burning people alive in cages, however, is definitely different for a western audience and will get people's attention.

It certainly got mine.

And whatever else we are dealing with here, we are dealing with theater.  Pallywood, for example, is strictly about theater.  It is about manufacturing hatred.

The Islamic State is, you understand, experimenting now in new and creative ways of murder and brutality. This needs to be acknowledged. The Islamic State recognizes no limits on human cruelty and its cruelty is a form of theater.

I even read where one particular Islamic State supporter, an older woman, actually, suggested reviving certain ancient Turkish methods of torture and murder that are so revolting I cannot bring myself to even describe them.

It must be understood that they are doing so for a reason.  Just as Pallywood whips up hatred for Jews and for Israel, so these Islamic State videos create an excited passion among certain young Muslims throughout the Middle East and Europe.

The point of all the blood and the murder and the head-chopping is to create enthusiasm among young Muslim men.

These people are not to be trifled with. These are not cave-squatters.

They have tanks and they have taken over large parts of two countries.

And can you imagine what they would do with any old Jewish grandmother or child that they might come across?  The word "compassion" is not in their dictionary. This thing - the Islamic State - whatever it is - needs to go away and it needs to go away soon, but that will not happen under the current American administration.

The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama is a coward.

One might even say "chickenshit."

He knows better than anyone that political Islam is an enemy to western liberal society and it is an enemy that can no longer be ignored.

And, in the mean time, anecdotal evidence suggests that American youth on the elite campuses despise Israel and are indifferent to the Islamist head-choppers.

The head-choppers represent the exact opposite of western liberal values, such as democracy or freedom of speech or freedom of religion, but this does not bother soft and seemingly safe western progressive college students in the least.

The video below is by Ami Horowitz and, in fact, won the prestigious 2015 Hasby Award for "Best Pro-Israel Video."

The first part of the video shows a guy on campus waving around the black flag of the Islamic State.

The intention is to gauge student reaction. If you watch the video you will see that the students ignored him. Who knows how this thing is edited, but the intention is to show the indifference of University of California Berkeley students toward political Islam, the most fascistic political movement in the world today.

I suspect that were I a student in my early twenties that I would be likewise indifferent. The reason for this is because (one) the threat seems remote and (two) the concern seems politically tainted by the right-wing. All it takes, you must understand, to get most American university students to support or oppose any issue is to suggest that the opposite opinion is supported by the the Right.

And I say this as someone who speaks to you from a position of progressive-left apostasy.

What makes the video interesting, however, is the second segment wherein the guy is waving an Israeli flag. The Berkeley students included in the video are not the least bit indifferent toward Israel. Quite the contrary. They have very definite feelings toward Israel.

If waving the black flag of the Islamic State ruffled no feathers, waving the flag of the Jewish people stirred considerable hatred.

And that is precisely what is so disconcerting.

We are used to hatred for Jews coming from the Middle East, and the European elite, for trumped up charges. What we are somewhat less used to is youthful American hatred, which is why my reaction to San Francisco State University Jew-Hatred was somewhat raw.

I live in what is perhaps the safest place in the world for a Jewish person to live openly as a Jew, but this is also the place where hatred toward Israel is most prevalent in the United States.

Northern California is probably the most tolerant place on the planet... although just what it is about the Jewish people that requires tolerance remains a mystery, unless you believe that we are slaughtering Arabs like Nazis slaughtered my family.

From my view the United States is next up to bat, if you get me, and Obama has been a disaster because he stokes the flames of the hatred toward us. We can discuss just how that is.  The United States will never be anything like Nazi Germany, but Jew hatred is emerging from the American Left due to the influence of the European Left and the Obama administration.

I am just sitting on a hill, watching it play out and observing the diaspora Jewish Left run for cover as they are driven from the non-Jewish Left.

And to my European brothers and sisters, you have no choice but to either run or fight, because no one is going to help you.

{I am sad to say.}

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.
  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Turkey's Cihan news agency:

Turkey's mutual trade volume with Israel reached over $5.6 billion in 2014, representing a nearly 50 percent rise [sic] over 2009 despite lingering diplomatic tension between the two, official figures show.

Data from the Turkish Statistics Institute (TurkStat) shows that mutual trade volume reached $2.6 billion in 2009. Turkish exports to Israel jumped to $2.92 billion in 2014 from $1.5 billion in 2009, while imports from Israel increased to $2.7 billion from $1.1 billion in the same period.
That is a 115% increase, not a 50% increase.
The escalation in tension between Turkey and Israel after the Davos crisis, when then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stormed out of a panel discussion after lambasting Israeli President Shimon Perez [sic], and over the Mavi Marmara attack, in which nine Turkish civilians were killed by Israeli marines who boarded a Gaza-bound flotilla ship, did not prevent trade between the two from rising steadily.

Government figures recently moved to deny the fact that Turkey and Israel are enjoying a boom in mutual trade, suggesting that much of the Turkish sales to Gaza and the West Bank also go through Israeli customs. Official data, however, reveals that only a small portion of Turkish exports to Palestine constituted total sales to Israel. In 2009, Turkey sent goods worth $29.8 million to Palestine, this figure surged to $75 million in 2013.
According to this article from today, Turkish exports to the territories increased to $280 million in 2014, with imports at only $5 million. This still only represents only 10% of the total exports to Israel.
Turkish opposition had called on the government to revise trade ties with Israel in response to ongoing bloodshed following Israeli air, naval and ground strikes in Gaza last summer.

Common exports include iron and steel, electrical machinery, vehicles, minerals and textiles.

Along with trade, earlier reports of Ankara's alleged role in the sale of oil from the autonomous Kurdish region in north Iraq to Israel, bypassing the central government, led Turkish opposition parties to accuse Erdoğan of hypocrisy in his pro-Palestinian rhetoric. Opposition parties, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the Republican People's Party (CHP) blame Erdoğan for disingenuously exploiting the Gaza conflict for domestic political gain.

Erdoğan has vowed to visit Gaza on different occasions for over a year but failed to do so amid his fears of increasing tensions with the Jewish state.
As is often the case, many Muslim and Arab nations use Israel as an excuse to talk tough, but behind the scenes they act quite differently.

PA officials are blaming PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat for his role in forcing the resignation of William Schabas from the UNHRC's commission of inquiry/kangaroo court on the Gaza war.

There are rumors that Erekat might resign for his role in this affair.

The sources say that since the PLO had paid Schabas for legal work, he was somehow forced to lie to the UNHRC about not having any financial ties to any party under investigation in order to become the head of the commission. They are blaming Erekat for not foreseeing this issue. 

Apparently Erekat should have been positioning Schabas to be able to do much more damage against Israel instead of burning his potential influence with a measly $1300 for an unimportant paper that ended up torpedoing his role in the upcoming UNHRC report. 

If it wasn't for Erekat's paying Schabas, the notoriously anti-Israel lawyer would have remained in his role to craft the pre-ordained anti-Israel UNHRC document under the pretense of objectivity.

The critics say that Erekat has been boasting about the PLO negotiations unit's ties with Western legal experts such as Schabas rather than keeping them low-key and allowing the sympathetic Westerners to one day take over important anti-Israel roles in international bodies under the pretext of objectivity.

Schabas was already well-known for his anti-Israel positions before this entire affair. Some 65 anti-Israel NGOs signed a letter to the UNHRC supporting Schabas (or Christine Chinkin) to be the "Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967" to replace the notoriously anti-Israel Richard Falk. 

Given that Erekat had already pretended to resign from his role and yet still remains in it, I somehow doubt that he will resign over this. 

(h/t Anne)

  • Sunday, February 08, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the European Judo Open in Bulgaria, in the preliminary men's 60kg round, there was yet another of those frequent forfeits that happen so often against Israeli opponents.

Simon Yakoub, a German who also holds citizenship with the PA, didn't appear at his match against Yoav Shemesh on Saturday morning.

On his Facebook page, Yacoub said "Hey every Supporter, I injured my back while warming up. So i am not able to fight here in sofia. Anyway i keep moving forward and hopefully i am in good health in two weeks on tatami in Düsseldorf."

Israel's coach reacted sharply, saying "The World Judo Association should put out new guidelines regarding such cases where athletes decide not to go into competition because of cheap politics. ...It's weird when the Palestinians seek recognition as a state at the time they are not ready at all to recognize our existence."

Yacoub is the latest in a never-ending series of Arabs who suddenly find that they cannot compete against Israelis in sporting competitions. YNet notes that last week a Tunisian tennis player resigned from a tournament rather than face Israel in the second round.

The ironic part is that on Yacoub's official website he writes "A fair fight ends with the opponents showing their appreciation with a handshake. Why can the same not happen on the street, at school, between neighbors, countries or entire states? Peace begins, so to speak, right next door ... "

(h/t Bob Knot)

Saturday, February 07, 2015

  • Saturday, February 07, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week an Egyptian court ruled that the Hamas Al Qassam Brigades is a terrorist group.

Hamas, panicked over how Egypt has blaming it for its problems with Sinai Islamic militants and how Egyptians are buying it, decided that they must appeal directly to Egyptians about how much Hamas also loves the Egyptian army - and, of course, to remind them of who their real enemy is.

The video shows both an Egyptian soldier and a Hamas terrorist being shot by an Israeli soldier. They reach their bloodied hands together, and then miraculously get up to both shoot the evil Zionist.

As Arabs themselves admit, hating Israel is the only thing that they have in common, so any appeal to unity must include an appeal to kill Jews together.


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