Wednesday, January 14, 2015

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hurriyet Daily News:
Police raided the printing press of Turkish daily Cumhuriyet on Jan. 14, as it prepared to distribute a four-page selection of Charlie Hebdo’s new issue in an act of solidarity with the French satirical magazine targeted last week in a deadly attack that claimed 12 victims.

The police also took extreme security measures ahead of the scheduled publication of the supplement.

Police cars were sent to the printer of the daily in Istanbul early on Jan. 14 and halted trucks to prevent the distribution of the Jan. 14 edition. The distribution was eventually allowed after the prosecution made sure that cartoons representing the Prophet Muhammad were not included in the selection.

Cumhuriyet editor-in-chief Utku Çakırözer stated earlier that they had decided not to publish a cartoon on the cover featuring the Prophet Muhammad in tears holding a “Je suis Charlie” banner, in reference to solidarity protests with the magazine.

Despite the daily’s decision not to publish the most controversial cartoons, police extended security measures in the surroundings of its offices in Istanbul’s central Şişli neighborhood.

An employee of daily Cumhuriyet told the Hürriyet Daily News on condition of anonymity on Jan. 14 that the newspaper had received hundreds of death threats.

Despite the official message of support to the victims, the magazine has been chided by many officials and commentators for publishing cartoons of Muhammad.

“Daily Cumhuriyet will be complicit with a magazine that insults sacred values and commits hate crimes against Muslims, slamming religion,” said conservative daily Yeni Şafak, known for its closeness to the government.
You don't want to mess with Mohammed. Good thing the Turkish police can protect his honor for him.

(h/t Irene)

From Ian:

Michael Lumish: Frankenstinians Unleashed
The Frankenstinian people have lived in Frankenstine since time immemorial.
When the Euro-French occupiers of Frankenstinian land marched onto their sacred soil and started ripping olive groves from the earth with their bare fangs they let loose a righteous wave of resistance that continues to this day.
The Euro-French imperialist invaders will not know a day of peace so long as they continue to oppress the native Frankenstinian population. The Frankenstinians are a noble and peaceful people who want nothing more than to tend their sacred olive groves and build a decent and prosperous life for themselves and their children, but they are living under a brutal occupation.
France must become a state for all of its people, not merely the Euro-French. The Euro-French racists in the illegal French Occupation Government (FOG) have created an unsustainable situation. The status quo, which enshrines the Frankenstinians as a permanent underclass under Euro-French law, cannot long continue. Nor should it.
The native population of Frankenstine have their rights and the French Occupation Government is responsible under international law to implement those rights. So long as the racist Euro-French government insists upon punishing an innocent people on their own land then they will continue to receive well-deserved scorn from the rest of the world community.
After Paris, Whither the BDS Movement?
Such uncaring, coming at this particular moment from anyone professing to be an activist working on behalf of universal values is deafening. As it happens, however, it beats the alternative.
That would be the attempt to hurry past the actual killings of actual human beings and milk the situation for every possible drop of bilious propaganda. Enter Ali Abunimah, one of the most vocal—and noxious—opponents of Israel and the co-founder of a website called The Electronic Intifada, a name that does very little to distance the site’s writers from the memory of the two violent Palestinian uprisings that claimed the lives of nearly a thousand Israeli civilians.
Observing the situation in France, Abunimah promoted a novel theory: Because the gravest danger we face is Islamophobia, and because Islamophobia feeds on a false belief that European Muslims aren’t trying hard enough to fit in, French Jews rushing to leave France in the wake of the Paris attacks are the real and unsung villains.
“[I]mmigrants and their European-born descendants from Muslim-majority countries are routinely accused by those who hate and fear them of ‘refusing to integrate’ in Europe,” Abunimah wrote, and therefore “those who say that Jews must leave Europe for their own safety are saying in effect that it is impossible for Jews to integrate and ever be safe in their home countries.” And that, Abunimah triumphantly concludes, is “a fundamentally anti-Semitic” idea.
In other words, when the victims scurry for safety, they’re really only digging their hole deeper and are therefore to blame for making a bad situation worse. And, of course, it’s all Israel’s fault: The title of Abunimah’s piece is “Israel Moves Quickly To Exploit Paris Attacks.”
To those among us unfortunate enough to follow the BDS movement closely, such vitriol is no news. But cataclysmic events have a way of rattling people into sudden awakenings. And so here’s a simple suggestion: before you engage in conversation with critics of Israel, take a moment and check their digital footprint from the past week. If they’ve taken the time and the trouble to condemn these horrific murders without equivocation, if they sound genuinely remorseful, proceed. But if all they can muster are musty cliches or steely dogmas, if they can’t take a moment away from their politics to be ordinary, feeling humans, and if they can’t miss an opportunity to see even this tragedy as yet another proof of the exceptional nefariousness of the Israeli regime, then they’ve proven that the true object of their vitriol is not the Jewish state but the Jewish people.
SA Jews blast BDSers for hosting double hijacker
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement has announced that it will bring convicted terrorist Leila Khaled to South African next month for a speaking tour, drawing harsh condemnations from the country’s Jewish community.
Khaled, now 70, is a former member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and took part in two airplane hijackings between 1969 and 1970.
Arrested after the second incident, she was later freed in exchange for hostages held by the PFLP.
“By bringing Leila Khaled to South Africa, BDS aligns itself with savage gunmen who murder civilians in Paris, France, with terrorists who send 10-year old girls to bomb markets in Potiskum, Nigeria, and barbarians who butcher school children in Peshawar, Pakistan,” South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
In an email to supporters, the South African BDS movement termed Khaled an icon of the Palestinian struggle, showing an image of her clutching an automatic weapon and comparing her to late South African president Nelson Mandela.
“Many Palestinians including Leila Khaled are today considered terrorists like the ANC and Nelson Mandela were once classified as terrorists,” the group declared. “The picture of a young, determined looking woman with a checkered keffiyeh scarf, clutching an AK-47, was as era-defining as that of Che Guevara, Ruth First and other political figures from our recent past.”
The South African Jewish Board of Deputies responded by issuing a statement deploring the extension of an invitation to a “notorious plane hijacker” in the wake of terrorist attacks carried out in Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia.
Leila Khaled and the hijacking of human rights
So how should we respond?
For one, South Africa needs to draw a red line when it comes to harboring terrorists. A flippant attitude in this regard previously allowed Al-Shabaab terrorist, Samantha Lewthwaite (known as the White Widow), to take refuge in South Africa; now another terrorist is going to be allowed access to South Africa – only this time out in the open, with the audacious claim of being a human rights activist.
Leila Khaled should not be allowed to come to South Africa. Universities should ban her from their campuses – if not on principle then in the interests of ensuring a feeling of security for all students.
Secondly, there needs to be a much more severe backlash against the BDS movement, which is not only wholly undemocratic in its ideology and actions, but is a tangible danger.
BDS itself should be inspected for having close ties with open proponents of Radical Islam. Media Review Network is just one of these affiliates; its leader, Iqbal Jasset, recently justified the brutal massacre of the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris. South African security authorities should cut out the Radical Islamic threat now, even in its infancy, before it grows to the proportions we are currently seeing in Europe.

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr. Fayez Abu Shamala, a "political analyst," writes in Gaza-based Al Wafa about that ever popular "Jewish character."

Is the Jewish mind behind the malignancy of the events in France? Has Israeli intelligence arranged the recent cinematic-style events? Especially that the head of the Mossad and all the Shin Bet crew resides in France these days

A viewer sees ridiculous large demonstration organized by the Jewish Hollande, President of France, and his call for tens of presidents of the Friends of the Jews for his participation in the funeral with slapping and tears...

Claudia and the Koran dress, 1994
Up to this moment, Islam is innocent of terrorism, and historical evidence confirms that the distortion of Islam is not new in the eyes of the Jews, whose abuse to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is not born of this stage, the hatred of Jews emerged while demanding financial compensation for damage to the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula from the time of the Prophet, and up through casual German Jewish fashion icon Claudia Schiffer who thirty years ago wore a beaded evening gown with verses from the Koran.[Schiffer is not Jewish - EoZ]

The advocates of extremism in the world are the Jews, who are practitioners of terrorism in the land of the Arabs, and who have spread religious extremism in the world, and the Jews are the source of bigotry in  their superstitious beliefs...and live in communities meant to elicit hatred of others, especially when they see them as inferior.

Jews have succeeded in using world peace symbols, and they succeeded in transforming the hatred of the Jews planted in the hearts of people throughout history and geography; they managed to turn it into a war between Christians and Muslims, so Jews come out of these battles unharmed.

Wen people talk about the war on terrorism, it is in fact a Jewish war against Islam, Christians are pawns, with the help of some of the Arabs and the Palestinians, and this is what requires caution.

The elite intelligent Muslim scholars need to call  for a reconciliatory meeting Christians and tolerant Muslims, in order to circumvent the cunning Jews.
How much projection can you find in this little diatribe?
  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

Check out their Facebook page.

Paris, January 14 - French government officials making declarations to the effect that the French Republic remains and will always be a place where Jews can feel at home have been unable to complete those statements this week without bursting into laughter.

Following the captivity and slaughter of four French Jews last Friday, and a series of antisemitic attacks over the last several years, the Parisian government has been keen to maintain some sense of security for the country's 500,000 Jews. The attacks, however, have taken place despite surveillance of the perpetrators by the authorities, and in an atmosphere of increased vitriol and violent intimidation by French Muslims. The reality of the situation now forces officials to struggle mightily to maintain composure when trying to assure Jews and their supporters that they have a future in France as individuals and a community.

Nearly 40% of French officials addressing the issue and reiterating the government's commitment to Jewish safety have managed to get through their prepared statements with little more than a smirk and a stifled snort, but almost 20% have been unable to complete their first two sentences without working so hard not to laugh that tears run from their eyes. The other 40% apparently expended no effort at all to suppress laughter at both the pointlessness of that commitment and the at very notion that France actually cares.

"We've had people breaking down right there at the podium," acknowledges Prime Minister Manuel Vall. "It's a serious challenge to keep a straight face when you know there's absolutely no way this country is going to do anything but try to assuage its guilt over Nazi collaboration by subtly and not-so-subtly treating Jews and Israel as deserving of whatever mistreatment befalls them."

Vall noted the absurdity of claiming that safety and security for Jews is - or ever was - a French priority while the French government does whatever possible to undermine security for Jews in Israel and to empower Israel's enemies. "It's a joke to claim we want Jews to feel safe when we endorse a movement dedicated to destroying the one place you'd think Jews should never have to worry about feeling secure," he explained, referring to France's recent recognition of a Palestinian state. "I myself had difficulty keeping from cracking up as our government invited Palestinian President Abbas to Sunday's demonstration against terrorism. And I only managed to do so because of special breathing exercises I've been practicing."

Other officials have not been as fortunate, or prescient, as to have such exercises at their disposal, leading to embarrassing and dismaying encounters between those officials and Jews. The mayor of Toulouse, where several Jews, including children, were killed in a shooting attack several years ago, had to leave the room rather than force himself not to laugh while promising that he would keep Jews and their institutions protected.

Congratulations to PreOccupied Territory for being mentioned in The Atlantic!
From Ian:

Clifford May: From Salman Rushdie to Charlie Hebdo
Let's get a few things straight: The slaughter of eight satirical journalists in Paris last week was not a tragedy. It was an atrocity. And while you may have been shocked by the attack on Charlie Hebdo, anyone who was surprised has not been paying close attention to the events unfolding over recent decades.
In 1989, 10 years after the start of Iran's Islamic Revolution -- always intended as a global revolution -- Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini began to set down the Islamic laws he expected both Muslims and non-Muslims to follow -- not just in Iran but everywhere on Earth. He forbade criticism of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad and issued a fatwa calling for the execution of Salman Rushdie, a British subject, for having written a novel that, in his eyes, was "against Islam."
European leaders had a choice: They could have stated forcefully that no foreign leader -- religious or political or, in this case, both -- would be permitted to restrict European freedoms. They could have conveyed that message by suspending diplomatic relations, imposing economic sanctions or threatening military action. Instead, they advised Rushdie to lay low and employ bodyguards.
Such fecklessness soon became routine. To take but one example: A year ago, the 32-year-old Iranian poet, Hashem Shaabani, a member of Iran's Arab minority, was hanged. He had not mocked Muhammad or made fun of the Quran. Indeed, it is not clear what he did to incur the ire of Iran's rulers. All we know is that he was found guilty of moharebeh -- war against God -- as well as "sowing corruption on earth." We also know that his death sentence was approved by Iran's president, the "moderate" Hassan Rouhani.
Though some human rights organizations issued strongly worded statements, Western apologists for the clerical regime were unmoved. Nor did Western diplomats revise their approach to Iran, their ardent quest to achieve detente with the Islamic republic. Within months, U.S. President Barack Obama was expressing confidence that "Iran can play a constructive role" in regard to the conflict in Iraq.
Kristol Blasts Iran for Hypocrisy on Charlie Hebdo Criticism
The Iranian government has condemned the newest cover of Charlie Hebdo, which depicts the prophet Mohammed holding a sign reading “Je suis Charlie” and with the title saying “that all is forgiven.”
Bill Kristol appeared on Morning Joe where he called out the hypocrisy of the Iranian Foreign Minister.
“The Iranian Foreign Minister condemning Charlie Hebdo, that’s rich,” said Kristol. “Iran began the business in 1989 of deciding that they could issue a fatwa in other countries. This is unbelievable! It’s one thing for them to have different views of free speech and blasphemy in their country. They are trying to export that to the West.”
NBC correspondent Bill Neely agreed with Kristol and mentioned evidence he saw when he was in Iran.
“The state run, the main state run newspaper, shows the crudest anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic cartoons. Thing that would make the staff of Charlie Hebdo blush,” Neely said. “It’s a bit rich for the Foreign Minister to say this latest cover is a little unhelpful.”
Kristol Blasts Iran for Hypocrisy on Charlie Hebdo Criticism

In Paris’s Muslim Suburbs, Some Blame Jews for Charlie
But even though the flags of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia were flying at the rally in Place de la République and Muslims were well represented among the marchers Sunday, Boular said the attacks in Paris were part of a plot masterminded by Jewish conspirators.
“The Kalashnikovs, the identity cards the [killers] supposedly left behind, it was all staged,” said Boular, as his friends nodded in agreement. “It was a conspiracy designed by the Jews to make Muslims look bad. We’d rather just stay where we are.”
No use arguing. No use pointing out that one of the terrorists murdered four Jews. Conspiracy theories have their own unassailable logic, and this is a world apart from the displays of unity in Paris after the carnage of last week. French newspapers reported that some students in these neighborhoods—as well as other heavily Muslim areas near cities like Lille—refused to participate in Thursday’s national moment of silence for the victims of the terror attacks. One teacher said up to 80 percent of his students didn’t want to observe the silence, and some said they supported the attackers. “You reap what you sow,” a student who refused the moment of silence told his teacher in reference to the terrorists’ victims, according to Le Figaro.
Many spoke out against Israel and Jews as well as the United States but did not seem to have much of a grasp of geopolitics nor did they appear to be very religious in the traditional sense of the word.
Another young man of French-Algerian descent interviewed outside a gas station in the Saint-Denis suburb reacted angrily to a reporter’s presence and demanded to know her religion. “The worst thing is to be atheist,” he said.
The man, who gave his named as “Mohamed,” also said he was a devout Muslim but then changed his demeanor and added, grinning, that he was also “a delinquent.” Then he said he was a drug dealer and without prompting, invited the reporter into the (also very clean) gas station to show an array of hashish for sale in broad daylight on a shelf next to the ATM.
He also called the Paris terrorist attacks “un complot,” or conspiracy, and launched into a lengthy explanation of the “magical Jews” behind it. They were not ordinary Jews, he said, but a “hybrid race of shape shifters” who have extraordinary abilities. “They know how to get in everywhere,” he said. “They are master manipulators.”

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is a certain type of person who, upon hearing that something horrendous happened, reflexively tries to come up with ways to prove that Israel is worse. (When that doesn' t work, they usually fall back to saying that Israel was behind the atrocity to begin with.)

These people, by viewing all world events through their "I hate Israel" glasses, show that they don't give a damn about the lives lost in the original event. No, everything bad that happens must be used, however tenuously, as anti-Israel incitement.

Such haters of Israel - including some Israelis - have been using a new anti-Israel meme, saying that Israel has killed more journalists than the Paris jihadists did at Charlie Hebdo.

This cartoon was published in Haaretz counting 13 "journalists" killed in Gaza compared to 10 killed in the Charlie Hebdo attack::

Do I have to point out the difference between specifically targeting journalists to be killed because what they wrote offends you, and being killed in a war zone?

(There have reportedly been threats against the Haaretz cartoonist that made this sickening equivalence. That is of course wrong, but Internet masses saying they wish someone was dead is not usually a credible threat. If Haaretz staffers feel threatened, then they should go to the police to arrest those who are making the threats. If it is simply the sort of stupidity that Internet users spout every day it is hardly in the same league as the death threats of jihadists.)

The other problem with the equivalence between the journalists killed in Gaza and those murdered by French jihadists is that some of the "journalists" were terrorists themselves.

The cartoon referred to an IFJ count during the Gaza war saying that 13 journalists had been killed so far. They include Izzat Dheir, who was an Islamic Jihad fighter.

They count Abdurrahman Abu Hina, a Hamas member (#875.)

Other journalists that appear on lists of those killed by Israel in Gaza after this IFJ list was published include Abdullah Murtaja:

Other "journalists," like Khaled Riad Mohammed Hamad, weren't journalists in any real sense. They worked for terrorist media outlets, where journalistic ethics are nonexistent - they were propagandists paid by Hamas or Islamic Jihad. If the IFJ wants to consider them part of their profession, that's fine, but it really waters down the definition of "journalist." International law definitely distinguishes between legitimate media and propaganda outlets that could contribute to the war.

Other journalists killed in Gaza were not killed by Israeli bombings. At least three were killed when Gaza "bomb disposal experts" took them to see them work - and they did not distance the journalists far enough, nor did they give them any protective gear, as the munitions exploded. Yet they are also often listed as being killed by Israel by the haters.

UNESCO only counts 8 journalists killed that fit their criteria. Two of them (Simone Camilli and Ali Shehda Abu Afash, a translator) were killed by munitions that exploded while supposedly being disarmed. They counted at least three "journalists" for Hamas media (Khaled Riad Mohammed Hamad, Sameh al-Aryan and Mohamed Daher.) One of the remaining was a driver, not a journalist.

Any objective observer would conclude that there is no possible comparison between Israeli actions and those of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists, and inded such a comparison is obscene.

Haaretz defends the cartoon as "freedom of speech" but real journalists should prize accuracy and honesty over blind, hateful Israel bashing, which is what that cartoon really is. No one should be threatened over its publication, but no responsible media outlet would publish such an inaccurate piece to begin with. Haaretz has the absolute right to publish lies, but its defense of publishing lies indicates that Haaretz is not so much a newspaper as it is dedicated to anti-Israel propaganda itself

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The PLO terror trial that is now underway in New York should be lots of fun if the PLO keeps defending itself like this:

A lawyer for the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority told a jury in an opening statement Tuesday that the groups are not to blame for seven terror attacks in Israel from 2001 to 2004.

Attorney Mark Rochon said the attacks were carried out by suicide bombers and gunmen "acting on their own angry, crazy reasons" and that the organizations are victims of guilt by association.

The $1 billion lawsuit was filed in 2004 over attacks in or near Jerusalem that killed 33 people and wounded hundreds more, including scores of U.S. citizens.
Given that these attacks were happily claimed by Fatah terrorists on the payroll of the PLO, this argument is going to be demolished easily.

Shurat HaDin's head, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner , predicted in December that the PLO would mount this defense:
When asked what possible defense could be offered against such a charge, Darshan-Leitner predicted that the PA will attempt to spin the Second Intifada as a series of "lone wolf" attacks outside their realm of control.

"The PLO's defense would be that it could not control the attacks, the perpetrators of the different attacks, that they were sporadic events which the PLO had no control over [and] did not encourage in any way, and basically that even attacks carried out by Palestinian policemen or Palestinian security officials were wrong and not authorized by the Palestinian Authority," she explained.

"It's a very weak defense, because we have thousands of [pieces of] evidence - documents - that prove otherwise, prove that the Palestinian Authority not only controlled the attacks, but wanted to initiate the attacks and set up a policy to carry out attacks, wanted to direct their officials [and] their commanders to perpetrate attacks against Israelis, and incited to carry out attacks."

"I think the Palestinian Authority's argument will not hold," she concluded.
In 2008, the PLO - trying to avoid this trial - argued that the terror attacks were acts of war, not terrorism - the exact opposite of the current claim! If they are acts of war that means that they were centrally controlled and managed by the Palestinian Authority government at the time.

The judge threw out that claim:

[District Judge George] Daniels rejected the PLO's argument that two machine-gun attacks and five bombings were acts of war. The Jerusalem-area incidents killed 33 people and wounded hundreds, including scores of U.S. citizens.

Daniels said the attacks targeted public places - not military or government personnel or interests. Two bombings were on downtown streets; others occurred at a crowded bus stop, a cafeteria at the Hebrew University and a passenger-filled civilian bus.

"The use of bombs in these circumstances indicates an intent to cause far-reaching devastation upon the masses," the Manhattan judge said," with a merciless capability of indiscriminately killing and maiming untold numbers in heavily populated civilian areas.

"Such attacks upon non-combative civilians, who were allegedly simply going about their everyday lives, do not constitute acts of war," he said.

Daniels also said the violence meets the legal definition of international terrorism.
I wonder if the PLO's previous arguments are admissible as evidence in the current trial.

At any rate, this means that according to the PLO's own statements, they are guilty of war crimes by targeting civilians.

  • Wednesday, January 14, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Monday's Daily Show with Jon Stewart, besides the absurd charge by Jimmy Carter that jihadists in France were really motivated by Israeli policies, we saw Stewart accuse Israel of jailing a Palestinian cartoonist because of his work and ironically pointing out that this terrible, freedom hating state was allowed to send Bibi to Paris:

Al Jazeera is such a trustworthy source!

The cartoonist says one story now, and his lawyer said another one at the time.

Mohammad Saba’aneh the cartoonistm who of course can be trusted not to be biased at all, was quoted in Electronic Intifada:
In the end, the focus of the interrogation became a book about Palestinian political prisoners that Saba’aneh’s brother — a member of Hamas — wrote and published. Because several of Saba’aneh’s cartoons were published in his brother’s book, “I was charged with collaboration with Hamas.”
Of course, he says, it was all an excuse to jail him for his cartoons.

But Saba’aneh's lawyer said something quite different at the time he was jailed:
According to his lawyer, Mohammad is accused of accepting money in Jordan for his brother Tamer, a member of Hamas who is currently in an Israeli prison. Mohammad denies this, and claims he handed the money to another person while still in Jordan, because he suspected the funds were linked to Hamas.
So Saba’aneh admitted that he accepted money that he thought was meant to go to Hamas! (And he disingenuously claims that he simply handed the money to someone else. Was that someone else going to give it to Hamas too? How does that make him less guilty?)

Of course, he no longer tells anyone that story, because the idea of his being a martyr for freedom of expression sounds so much better - and makes Israel sound so much worse.

Of course, The Daily Show doesn't claim to be a real news show so it doesn't do corrections - allowing it to have no responsibility for lying about Israel even when it is not joking.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last June, a brave Muslim woman named Rabia Choudry wrote about her experiences spending a year in Israel at the Sholom Hartman Institute to learn about Israel from an Israeli perspective, in a program specifically geared towards Muslims.

As I mentioned then, many Muslims were aghast at this program. In fact, most of the participants did not go public for fear of how their fellow Muslims would react.

Now, another courageous American Muslim woman, Amanda Quraishi, has just started the same program:

To say that this program has been controversial is an understatement. A stormy public debate that tested (and damaged) many relationships within the American Muslim community took place last summer as members of the first cohort engaged on social media with critics of the program.

I’m well aware that my own decision to be part of MLI and to travel to Israel to engage in dialogue at a zionist institution is enough to classify me as a zionist for many Muslims. I know that there are people I care about who will now consider me untrustworthy. I expect that I will lose opportunities, and risk abuse from strangers online (and perhaps even some I count as friends) who feel qualified to insult me, judge my faith, and say cruel things because of my participation.

I know this will happen because it happened to the people who went before me.

And still, I said yes.

Not because I’m a naive, kumbaya-singing interfaith activist willing to gobble up the hasbara just to earn myself a seat at bigger and better interfaith tables. Not because I will profit from it in any way. (This decision is more of personal & professional liability than anything else I’ve done as an adult). And not because I egotistically think I will have some influence over matters on the ground in Israel and Palestine.

I am going to participate in this program at one of the most influential Jewish institutions in the world for two very important reasons:

First, I have voluntarily worked as an interfaith activist in a local, state and national capacity for more than a decade. Interfaith work is not (contrary to popular belief) about getting people to agree on everything. Rather, it’s about getting people comfortable with being uncomfortable together so that real conversations about big issues can begin to happen.

...The second reason I’m going is because I believe in engagement as a way of life.

One of the things that contributed to me embracing Islam was the life story of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a statesman and diplomat. Muhammad didn’t live in a bubble. He and his minority community of early Muslims lived side-by-side with different tribes and religions, some of whom were very hostile to the Muslims. Yet he consistently, proactively sought to make peace with them, the very people who attempted to kill him. Muhammad’s humility and cool-headedness in the face of oppression and outright aggression influenced me as I formed my own Muslim identity. This has been the touchstone for how I engage as part of a Muslim minority in this country for fifteen years, and it has served me well.

As a lover of peace and an equal-opportunity humanitarian my soul is burdened by the conflict and deep injustices I see in the world. I often feel simultaneously terrified, helpless and angry at the suffering I see happening all over this planet. But I have come to realize that those who are guilty of perpetuating the violence and conflict are often doing so out of fear, helplessness and anger themselves.

There are no simple answers, but I do know one thing: if there is a way to peace it lies in loosening the knots, not in making them tighter. The answers we seek to the biggest problems of the human family lie in seeing beyond political and religious affiliations–at least long enough to view the reflections of our own humanity even within those we hate and fear the most.

I have been invited to engage. I feel compelled to say yes.
Naturally, Quraishi is being slammed by many other Muslims, and she discusses her distress a bit in her blog that is describing her experiences in Israel.

No matter how earnest the Quraishis and the Choudrys of the world are, there are still far more simple-minded haters who can't stand this "normalization" with the "Zionist enemy." So now the BDS movement is not only boycotting Israel, but they are boycotting their fellow Muslims who have the audacity to think for themselves.

They are calling an initiative to have a dialogue between serious Jewish Zionists and thinking Muslims "Faithwashing."

We as organizations and individuals committed to Palestinian self-determination call on the Muslim community in North America to eschew any and all participation, facilitation, or any form of legitimization for the Muslim Leadership Initiative of the Shalom Hartman Institute and its representatives or advocates.

Just a few months following Israel’s latest assault on Gaza, which killed 2,200 Palestinians, and during this time when activists worldwide are working to strengthen campaigns to hold Israel accountable for its continued denial of Palestinian rights through tactics such as boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS), it is distressing to learn that Muslim American chaplains, journalists, academics, and cultural workers are being approached and a small yet growing number are participating in an initiative that is a clear propaganda attempt by the Israeli organization Hartman to “influence the North American Muslim community in reassessing its preconceived notions of Judaism and Israel.” MLI participants are ignoring Palestinian calls to isolate Israel and are taking part in a program sponsored by an organization involved in efforts to thwart BDS.

...We pledge to not give a platform to any MLI participant to speak about their experiences at our community centers, places of worship, and campuses and call on a complete boycott of MLI.
When will they extend the boycott to any mosque or school who allows a MLI participant to speak?

Some of the rabid critics of Muslims who think for themselves are going nuts. They are trying desperately to "out:" the Muslims who go on the trip - something that can endanger them when they come back home.

Here is a video showing how fearful some of the participants are of being filmed, and later on a male participant who does identify himself (he's a lawyer) tells the person making the video that he is quite wrong about what "all Palestinians" want, since he's spoken to them. He comes across as far more reasonable than the videographer claiming that the Hartman Institute is supposedly "Islamophobic."

There are lots of articles in American Muslim media about how to deal with these people who actually want to engage in real dialogue with Israeli Jews in order to understand them.

Terrible, isn't it?

From Ian:

IDF Blog: The True Face of Hamas’ Hypocrisy
Hamas has been advocating violence and hatred since it’s founding in 1987. The organization has executed horrific terror attacks, and continues to glorify martyrdom and indoctrinate youth, encouraging them to become terrorists. Yet, following the attack on the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, Hamas suddenly decided to condemn violence, stating that, “differences of opinion and thought cannot justify murder.”
On Wednesday, January 7, twelve people were murdered by terrorists at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris. The terror attack shocked France and the international community as a brutal offense on freedom and democracy. Many leaders around the world sent their condolences to the French people and condemned the violence and terrorism they have faced.
Surprisingly, one of the organizations to condemn the attack was Hamas. On Saturday, January 10, the terror organization released a statement in French and Arabic saying that Hamas “condemns the attack against Charlie Hebdo magazine and insists on the fact that differences of opinion and thought cannot justify murder.”
This statement is proof of Hamas’ blunt hypocrisy and double standard. Only a few months ago the terror organization celebrated the death of Israeli civilians and praised the terrorists who performed the attacks.
On November 18, 2014, terrorists murdered five Israeli civilians in a synagogue in Har Nof, Jerusalem. The terrorists entered the synagogue during morning prayers and attacked the men with a rifle and a knife. Hamas’ reaction to this attack was far from condemnation.
Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas spokesman, called the attack a “heroic action.”
Which side are you on?

David Singer: Mapping The Truth Erases A Long-running Fiction.
The US State Department Bureau of Consular Affairs has featured a map on its website – which both rejects and corrects the misleading use of the terms “1967 boundaries” and “1967 borders” – which have never existed in relation to any territorial subdivision between Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.
As the accompanying map makes clear:
There was a 1950 armistice line that separated Israel from the Gaza Strip
There was a 1949 armistice line that separated Israel from the West Bank.
The use of dishonest and untruthful verbiage such as “boundaries” and “borders” has been a major factor in causing what now appears to have led to an irretrievable breakdown in negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) designed to create a second Arab State in former Palestine – in addition to Jordan.
Absent from this State Department map is there any mention of these aberrant terms.
Instead the map seeks to present an honest and accurate position of the current territorial relationship that exists between Israel, the West Bank (“Judea and Samaria”) and Gaza.

  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Terrorism is a constantly evolving worldwide threat. As terrorists become more sophisticated, so too must the tools for detecting, preventing, and defeating them. This is creating major opportunities for technology companies.

The MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel & the US Department of Defense are pleased to present the 2015 Combating Terrorism Technology $100K Startup Challenge and Conference.

This event will help startups, from any technology domain, identify opportunities to apply their skills and technologies to the effort to combat terrorism, and understand how to do so profitably and successfully.

The event has two components:

The $100K Startup Challenge: Forty three technology startups entered the first round of the challenge. Of these, eight have reached the finals. The 8 finalists will present live in “Shark Tank” format at the conference. A panel of International judges will select the winning startup which will receive a $100,000 check courtesy of the US Defense Department. The prize will be presented by a special VIP guest of honor.

The conference: Leading experts from Israel and abroad will discuss terrorism trends, the critical role that Israeli technology companies can play in addressing these trends, and the “how to's” of what it takes to succeed in this area.

Startup Finalists:
Forty three startups entered the contest. Eight were chosen as finalists based on their breakthrough technologies. They will compete live for the $100K prize:

This sounds like a really fun way to spend a day.

  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The nominees for Best Pro-Israel Media Outlet/Writer (not exclusive to Israel) are:

Colonel Richard Kemp

SunNews Media (Canada) 

This is again a very difficult category to decide. All the nominees are worth reading, and I strongly recommend that you do so.

And the Hasby Award winner is...

From Ian:

David Horovitz: The death-cult ideology that France prefers not to name
Islamist jihad cannot and will not be defeated if it is not honestly acknowledged. The enemies of freedom will not be picked out at border crossings, tracked on the internet, targeted, thwarted and ultimately marginalized if insistent self-defeating political correctness means those enemies are not even named.
Does anybody seriously believe, for instance, that France is about to launch a crackdown on Islamist groupings at its higher-education institutions, or devote serious resources to investigating potential incitement at local mosques? Are France and the rest of Europe about to introduce passenger profiling at EU entry points, in the way that Israel does? Is the EU set to sanction Turkey for facilitating the flow of radicalized European Muslims to and from the Islamic State terror group in Syria and Iraq?
Not terribly likely, is it, when the French president declares that “these terrorists and fanatics have nothing to do with the Islamic religion”? Not terribly likely, is it, when the French president, reportedly, didn’t want his day of dignified identification with the victims of terrorism spoiled by the presence of those, like Netanyahu, who might distract from the solemn harmony and focus furious attention, instead, on the specific cause, that great big elephant stuck in among the masses in central Paris: Islamic extremism?
Three and a half million people took to the streets of France on Sunday in a show of solidarity for the latest fatalities of a ruthless ideology. But they couldn’t bring themselves to call that death-cult by its name.
Do the last few days of Islamist murder in France constitute a watershed moment for one of the Diaspora’s largest communities? The beginning of the end? I rather think so.
A watershed moment in the Western battle against Islamic extremism? I fear not.
Melanie Phillips: Melanie Phillips: Jews, Not Cartoonists, are Islam's Real Enemy
Even now, people are still not joining up the dots. The massacre at Charlie Hebdo gave rise to claims that the French magazine was responsible for the attack by publishing cartoons insulting Islam. This predictable canard was appallingly confounded two days later by the slaughter at a Jewish grocery store in Paris, where shoppers were taken hostage and murdered by members of the same al-Qaeda gang, one of whom said he had specifically targeted Jews.
French Jews have been under sustained onslaught from Muslims for years. In January 2006, 23-year-old Ilan Halimi was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in Paris by Islamic radicals. In 2012, four people, including three children, were murdered at a Jewish school in Toulouse.
Muslims repeatedly single out French Jews for stabbings, fire-bombings, robbery, rape and vandalism. Yet in the west all this has been largely ignored. Why is freedom of expression deemed more important than Jewish lives?
The French have been slow to address this rampant Jew-hatred. Until his original act was finally banned last year, the stand-up Muslim comedian Dieudonné M’bala M’bala wowed French audiences despite inciting anti-Jewish hatred.
The decades-long targeting of French Jews has barely been reported in the British or western media, which subscribe instead to the mantra that the main evil is “Islamophobia”. They ignore the fact that, rooted in Islamic doctrine and appropriating obscene Nazi motifs, demonic Jew-hatred pours daily out of the Muslim world.
Ben-Dror Yemini: West's anti-Israel propaganda encourages terror
The West's progressive circles have been waging an incitement campaign against Israel and Zionism for several years now. Many of the West's media outlets define what Israel is doing to the Palestinians in general, and in Gaza in particular, as genocide, crimes against humanity and an intentional murder of children and civilians.
Blatant statements against Zionism, Jews and Israel, which usually include blatant and intimidating lies, are considered part of the circle of enlightenment and progress. They are given a platform in newspapers which are considered to be serious.
In the Independent newspaper, Israel was labeled as "a community of child killers." According to the Newsweek website, Jews endanger world peace.
The average Muslim viewer asks himself, rightfully, how are Western countries letting this crime go on. Why aren't there much more sanctions against Israel? Why is the United States bombing the Islamic State rather than Israel? Why are economic ties between Israel and Western countries only growing stronger?
Considering the lies being presented in many of the leading media outlets about these unstoppable crimes, these questions are correct.
Jimmy Carter Blames Recent Terror Attacks On ‘Palestinian Problem’
When in doubt, blame Israel — at least that seems to be the habit of America’s least respected former president.
In the wake of the Islamist terror attacks in France against cartoonists and Jews, former President Jimmy Carter’s first reaction was to pin the motivation for such terrorism on Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Appearing on “The Daily Show” Monday, Carter was asked by host Jon Stewart whether the violence the world saw on the streets of Paris was actually fueled by something else other than Islamic extremism.
“Well, one of the origins for it is the Palestinian problem,” Carter replied. “And this aggravates people who are affiliated in any way with the Arab people who live in the West Bank and Gaza, what they are doing now — what’s being done to them. So I think that’s part of it.”
Carter didn’t explain how solving the Israeli-Palestinian issue would in any way resolve the violent conflicts currently engulfing the Arab world, including the Syrian civil war, the Islamic State’s takeover of part of Iraq and its brutal implementation of Islamic law, and the conflict between the Egyptian government and the Muslim Brotherhood, just to name a few. Nor did he detail how the “Palestinian problem” helps explain why three French Muslims murdered innocent French Jews buying groceries for the coming Sabbath and cartoonists preparing the next issue of their paper.

Hamas claimed on Saturday that there is "no justification for killing innocents."

Too bad that they didn't mention that by their definition, Jews are never innocents.

From the Hamas student bloc at Al Quds University, translated by Palestinian Media Watch, we have what is probably meant to be a re-enactment of the Har Nof massacre, showing proud Muslims murdering praying Jews.

Will this be reported as widely as Hamas' fake "condemnation" of terror?

  • Tuesday, January 13, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is the official translation of the speech Bibi gave on Sunday.

On this day, all citizens of Israel and Jews around the world stand with France and the French people. I greatly appreciate the determined stance of the President of France, Francois Hollande, and Prime Minister Valls against any expression of anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism and against terror. This stance is important to France and it is important to the world.

I wish to convey my condolences to the families of the journalists and police and all those innocent people who were murdered while realizing their most basic rights: freedom of expression, freedom of thought and freedom of belief, even the freedom not to believe. These are the values on which modern France is built and these are values that are worth fighting for.
Today I marched through the streets of Paris, in one line with leaders from around the world, in order to say that terror must end. It is time that we fight against terror together. And I would like to use this opportunity to salute the French security forces who acted with remarkable bravery, as well as to express my appreciation to the Malian, who is a Muslim, who helped save seven Jews.

My dear brothers and sisters, I came here from Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, to share in your pain over the murders of Francois-Michel, Philippe, Yoav and of Yohan, who bravely tried to grab the terrorist's gun and was fatally wounded. The memory of our four holy brothers will be forever engraved on the hearts of our people.

Unfortunately the people of Israel have experienced this pain. We have experienced it many times because we have been fighting against terror for many years, and like many in Israel, I am personally familiar with the wounds of terror as well as the agony of bereavement. As a soldier, I was wounded in an operation to free hostages who had been kidnapped on a Sabena airplane. My late brother, Yoni, was killed in Entebbe when rescuing the hostages kidnapped on an Air France airplane. For years, the best of our sons and daughters were killed in many terror attacks, and the finest of our fighters fell in heroic battles against terrorism, including just recently during Operation Protective Edge.

Today we bow our heads in memory of the victims in Paris. However, as representatives of an ancient and proud people, we stand tall against evil because we can overcome it. "The more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread" – because truth and justice are on our side. And here is the truth: Our shared enemy is radical Islam, not Islam and not just radicals – radical Islam. This form of Islam has many names: ISIS, Hamas, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, al-Shabab, Hezbollah; but they are all branches from the same poison tree.

Although the various factions of radical Islam are given to local bloody conflicts, including amongst themselves, they all share the same aspiration: To impose a dark tyranny on the world, to return humanity one thousand years to the past. They trample anyone who does not share their path, first and foremost their Muslim brothers, but their greatest hatred is saved for Western culture, that same culture that respects freedom and equal rights – all the things they so despise.

For this reason it is not a coincidence that radical Islam has sought to destroy Israel from the very day it declared its independence: Because Israel is the only Western democracy in the Middle East, because Israel is the only place that is truly safe for Christians, women, minorities, that respects all human rights.

Well, here is another truth: Radical Islam does not hate the West because of Israel. It hates Israel because it is an organic part of the West. It rightly views Israel as an island of Western democracy and tolerance in an ocean of fanaticism and violence that it wishes to impose on the Middle East, Europe and the entire world.

Israel is not under attack because of this or that detail of its policies, but rather because of its very existence and nature. But we are not the only ones under attack. Look around you: The entire world is under attack, the entire world – the Twin Towers in New York, the subways in London and Madrid, tourists in Bali, students at schools in Russia and Pakistan, a hotel in Mumbai, the mall in Nairobi.

A very short path connects the issuing of the fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie, the murder of Theo van Gogh in Holland and the attacks on Jews in Israel and around the world – it is a short distance from this to the murderous attacks in Paris on the office of Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket not far from here. These are not isolated actions and we must see what they have in common. Otherwise we will not be able to fight against terror in methodical and consistent manner.

We must recognize that there is a global network of radical Islam at work – a network of hatred, fanaticism and murder. I believe that this threat will only grow larger when thousands of terrorists come to Europe from the killing fields of the Middle East. The danger will grow much greater and will become a serious threat to humanity at large if radical Islam gains control over nuclear weapons, and therefore we must use all means to prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic weapon. We must support each other in this fateful struggle against radical Islamic fanatics wherever they are.

Israel stands with Europe and Europe must stand with Israel. As the civilized world today stands with France against terror, so must it stand with Israel against terror. It is the exact same terror. Those who slaughtered Jews in the synagogue in Jerusalem and those who slaughtered Jews and journalists in Paris belong to the same murderous terrorist movement. They should be condemned in the same measure and they must be fought in the same manner.

Only when the international community fights our shared enemy in a uniform manner will we know that we are on the path to victory. I promise you: Israel will continue to fight against terror. Israel will continue to defend itself and we know that when we defend ourselves, we defend the entire civilized world.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, Jews of France, I would like to say to you what I say to our Jewish brothers and sisters from all countries: You have the full right to live in safety and tranquility as citizens with equal rights wherever you wish, including here in France. But Jews of our time have been blessed with another right, a right that did not exist for previous generations of Jews: The right to join their Jewish brothers and sisters in our historic homeland, the Land of Israel; the right to live in our free country, the one and only Jewish state, the State of Israel; the right to stand tall and proud at the walls of Zion, our eternal capital of Jerusalem.

Any Jew who wishes to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed with open arms and warm and accepting hearts. They will not arrive in a foreign land but rather the land of our forefathers. God willing, they will come and many of you will come to our home. Am Yisrael Chai.

Here's the video.

(h/t Yoel)


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