Sunday, November 30, 2014

From Ian:

Ron Prosor: The UN's theater of the absurd
On Nov. 29, 1947, a Saturday night, the entire Yishuv (the Jewish community of pre-state Israel) held its breath. The tiny voice of Brazilian U.N. General Assembly President Osvaldo Aranha blared from the radios in every home. The agenda for the day: Resolution 181 on the end of the British Mandate and the partition plan of Palestine. Holocaust survivors, Jews who were kicked out of Arab lands, the many waves of immigrants to Israel, the pioneers and those who immigrated illegally all cast their lot with the promising institution that would be a magnificent monument to the triumph of good over evil in World War II.
Sixty-seven years after that historical vote -- the U.N.'s shattered dream lies before us. Over the years, it has gone from a monument of victory to a memorial, a remnant of the hope that has vanished. Although it was designed to prevent the reoccurrence of Nazi crimes, the U.N. has become an international arena for Arab criminal bullying. The Arab world attacked the Yishuv only hours after rejecting the outcome of the vote, and it did not stop even after the thunder of the Napoleon cannons subsided at the end of the War of Independence. The unification of Arab and Muslim countries at the U.N. has created the foundation for a 120-state-strong anti-Israel diplomatic cartel.
Douglas Murray: Baroness Warsi's Obsession
What seems odd is this obsession with Israel, with which she has no ties. Yet this Baroness, who claims to be motivated only by moral outrage, is considerably silent on the far worse moral outrages that go on day in and day out in a country with which she does have ties — of which she made a virtue while in office. Yet Baroness Warsi ignores entirely the horrific and continual human rights abuses in her own family's homeland of Pakistan. Whether it is Christians being burned alive or the practice of "bonded labor" (slavery), Warsi appears utterly unconcerned. At present, a Christian mother of four is due to be hanged for blasphemy.
What is far more important is that the obsessions and blind spots of Baroness Warsi are the obsessions and blind spots being taught to a generation.
Elliott Abrams: Business as usual with UNRWA
The Framework concludes this way:‎
"The United States expects to remain an active participant in UNRWA's Advisory ‎Commission, which meets twice per year, and should endeavor to provide advice and ‎guidance to UNRWA through its engagement at meetings of the Advisory Commission. In ‎‎2015, the United States is expected to serve as Vice Chair of the Subcommittee to the ‎Advisory Commission and endeavors to provide leadership and support to the Subcommittee in its capacity as a technical advisory group to the Advisory Commission. The ‎United States and UNRWA should regularly consult bilaterally on policy and program issues ‎identified in this Framework.‎"
Here are some ideas for those regular bilateral consultations in 2015: No more business as ‎usual. Thorough, independent investigations of each rocket incident. An investigation of the ‎health clinic incident. An investigation of the influence of Hamas on UNRWA staff, and ‎through that staff and its union on UNRWA schools and other facilities.‎
There is no possible claim of ignorance. Last summer's war exposed the UNRWA-Hamas ‎ties yet again. In that context it is shocking that the State Department has signed a Framework that ‎mentions none of this, none at all, and says nothing about curing it and preventing ‎recurrence. Shocking -- but, one has to admit, not particularly surprising.‎
The West Supports Terrorism Against Israel Through UNRWA
In the past several months, the corruption of the UNRWA has become more evident than ever, though most of the mainstream media has kept it under wraps. Over the summer, for example, during Operation Protective Edge when Israel fought back against Hamas in Gaza after the terrorism against Jews had reached a boiling point, it was revealed that Hamas rockets were being stored in UNRWA schools. In one case, the rockets had “mysteriously” gone missing after discovery and in another, the UN returned the rockets to Hamas despite publicly condemning the terror group for using the school as an arsenal.
The schools served another purpose for Hamas as rocket launching sites. At one point during the war, when a UNRWA school was bombed and Israel was blamed, it turned out that Hamas had misfired a rocket, which exploded on its own school. The initial media outrage was aimed at Israel, but the subsequent findings against Hamas were not quite so newsworthy.
More recently, UNRWA educators have been caught supporting terror, but this news, uncovered by the “Elder of Ziyon” blogger, has not made it to the mainstream media. More specifically, the contents of the social media accounts of UNRWA school principals demonstrate blatant anti-Semitism and full support of terror against Israel. As “Elder of Ziyon” writes, “Is it a UN principle for principals to support terror?”

  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Get Out Final Logo SQDue to never-ending Arab hostility toward Jews in the Middle East I am reading more and more people talking about the possibility of transference.  Mainly in the comments of various pro-Israel blogs and news websites, but among some well respected high-profile analysts, as well, the idea of inducing Israeli-Arabs to move out of the area seems to be growing.

This is a natural response to the efforts of Arabs within Israel to the murder of Jews, up to and including ramming babies with automobiles.  My sense is that Jewish people around the world, although particularly in Israel, have about had it.  From my perspective, Jewish people have a tendency to be rather passive.  As a historically persecuted minority our tendency has been to keep our head down so that others do not take a kick at it, But there must come a point wherein even the most intimidated minority is forced to stand up for itself in order to defend its own survival.

The Arabs have pushed the Jews to the point wherein physical coercion looks more and more likely.  We are, after all, directly within the midst of the Third Arab Terror War (Intifada) against the Jews of the Middle East and my suspicion is that however much fun the previous two were, that Israeli Jews may no longer be in the mood to take the abuse and they should not have to.

Thus some people talk about the necessity of financially inducing Arabs to leave the Land of Israel, while others even discuss the possibility of using armed force to push them out of Jewish lives.  I just want to take a brief moment in order to suggest what a terrible idea forced transference is and I have to assume that most Jews who care about Israel are in opposition to any such policy. The first reason that such a thing needs to be opposed is because it violates Jewish ethics.  Any policy of forced transference would mean that untold numbers of perfectly innocent people would be dragged from their homes and placed within internment camps in preparation for deportation... to G-d Knows Where.

Polling indicates that the Israeli-Arab population despises Jews and looks fondly upon violence toward us.  Nonetheless, not all Arabs of Israel hate Jews and not all want to see violence against us.  To push such people out of their homes would be highly unethical and therefore entirely unJewish.

To my ear the previous sentence sounds a bit too vacuous, a bit too obvious, but maybe it needs to be said, anyway.  While World War II gives us plenty of historical precedents for population transference, any such move would, in truth, be a moral and practical non-starter... if I may steal another man's line.

Also, of course, the rest of the world community might have a thing or two to say about any such operation.  Vicious left-wing anti-Semites already tend to think of Jews as Nazis.  Can you imagine what people around the world will say once they start processing images of the IDF pushing old Arab women and young children into deportation camps?  If you think that they hate us already and it cannot get much worse,  I suspect that you should think again.

The western-left despises Jewish self-defense which they interpret as a form of aggression.  Prior to the strangely named Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, the Gazans shot thousands of rockets into southern Israel, ruining communities and lives.  The rest of the world did not notice, nor did they care.  It was only when Israel finally stood up to undermine Hamas's terrorist infrastructure and destroy those Jihadi kidnapping tunnels that people throughout the world leaped out of their chairs and denounced the Jews of Israel for committing a "genocide" against the perfectly innocent, bunny-like "indigenous" population.

If the Jews were to push the Arabs out of Israel, Europe would go entirely nuts.  If you think that BDS is an annoyance now wait until the boost it gets from any Israeli policy of forced transference.  The Europeans, who are already generally unfriendly toward Israel, would take harsh measures against what would be perceived as a fascistic Israeli policy.  Some might think that due to economic reasons, or reasons to do with scientific exchange and trade, that the Europeans and the rest of the world would gripe, but shortly get over it.  That might be the case, but I would not count on it and it would make for a terrible gamble.

As a poker player, I would not make that bet.

This, however, does not mean that there are not forceful measures that Israel can take in order make Arab hatred toward Jews unpleasant for the Arabs, themselves.

This is what my friend Caroline Glick has to say:

Rather than destroy their homes, Israel should adopt the US anti-narcotics policy of asset seizure.
All assets directly or indirectly tied to terrorists, including their homes and any other structure where they planned their crimes, and all remittances to them, should be seized and transferred to their victims, to do with what they will.
If Israel hands over the homes of the synagogue butchers to the 24 orphans of Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Kalman Levine, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky and Rabbi Avraham Goldberg, not only will justice be served. The children’s inheritance of the homes of their fathers’ killers will send a clear and demoralizing message to other would-be killers.
Not only will their atrocities fail to remove the Jews from Israel. Every terrorist will contribute to the Zionist project by donating his home to the Jewish settlement enterprise.
There are any number of creative measures that Israel can take short of housing destruction or forced transference to show the Arabs that the government means business and will simply not allow this kind of violence toward the Jewish people in the Jewish State.  Seizing assets is one way of showing Israeli-Arabs that if they seek violence toward Jews their family will pay a major price for it.

Another thing that must be done is liberalizing Israeli policy toward the Temple Mount.

That the Arabs have intimidated the Jews into giving up sovereignty of our holiest site is galling, counterproductive, and should not be tolerated.  All people should be allowed free and equal access to the Mount and all people - not just Muslims - should be allowed to pray there.  Jews and Christians and Rastafarians and Rosicrucians and Hindus and Buddhists and Taoists and NeoPagans and the Bahai and the Sikhs, and any and all heathens, should all be allowed equal access to the site with Muslims and all must be allowed to pray there.

Anything else represents deference to Arab-Muslim race-hatred toward Jews and others right in the heart of Jerusalem.

And, needless to say, rock throwing and other attempts at murder should be met with ferocity.  I may be opposed to home demolitions and forced transference of a hostile population, but I also very much believe in Jewish self-defense.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is Israel's national day of commemorating Jewish refugees from Arab lands and Iran.

Muslims like to pretend that they treated Jews in their lands well throughout history. As we have shown a number of times, that is not at all true. In some cases the Jews were treated reasonably, in others they were treated horribly.

Ali Bey al Abbasi was a pseudonym of a European traveler who disguised himself as a Muslim prince in order to explore the Muslim world from Morocco to Mecca between 1803 and 1807.

Here is his account of the Jews of Morocco, from Travels of Ali Bey: In Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria and Turkey : Between the Years 1803 and 1807:
THE Jews in Morocco are in the most abject state of slavery; but at Tangier it is remarkable that they live intermingled with the Moors, without having any separate quarter, which is the case in all other places where the Mahometan religion prevails. This distinction occasions perpetual disagreements; it excites disputes, in which, if the Jew is wrong, the Moor takes his own satisfaction; and if the Jew is right, he lodges a complaint with the judge, who always decides in favour of the Mussulman. This shocking partiality in the dispensation of justice between individuals of different sects begins from the cradle; so that a Mussulman child will insult and strike a Jew, whatever be his age and infirmities, without his being allowed to complain, or even to defend himself. This inequality prevails even among the children of these different religions; so that I have seen the Mahometan children amuse themselves with beating little Jews, without these daring to defend themselves.

The Jews are obliged, by order of the Government, to wear a particular dress» composed of large drawers, of a tunic, which descends to their knees, Of a kind of burnous or cloak thrown on one side, slippers, and a very small cap; every part of their dress is black except the shirt, of which the sleeves are extremely wide, open, and hanging down very low.

When a Jew passes before a mosque, he is obliged to take off his slippers, or sandals; he must do the same when he passes before the house of the Kaid, the Kadi, or of any Mussulman of distinction. At Fez ami in some other towns they are obliged to walk barefoot.

When they meet a Mussulman of high rank they are obliged to turn away hastily to a certain distance on the left of the road, to leave their sandals on the ground several paces off, and to put themselves into a most humble posture, their body intirely bent forward, till the Mussulman has passed to a great distance; if they hesitate to do this, or to dismount from their horse when they meet a Mahometan, they are severely punished. I have often been obliged to restrain my soldiers or servants from beating these poor wretches, when they were not active enough in placing themselves in the humble attitude prescribed on them by the Mahometan tyranny.

Notwithstanding these inconveniencies, the Jews carry on a considerable trade at Morocco, and have even several times farmed the custom-house; but it happens almost always that in the end they are plundered by the Moors, or by the Government. On my arrival, I had two Jews amongst my servants: when I saw that they were so ill treated and vexed in different ways, I asked them why they did not go to another country; they answered me, that they could not do so because they were slaves of the sultan.
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
But don't call him antisemitic! That would be Islamophobic!


Following are excerpts from a show featuring Jordanian MPs discussing parliament's moment of silence in memory of terrorists who attacked a Jerusalem Synagogue, which aired on Roya TV on November 26, 2014:

MP Khalil Attieh: By Allah, it is an honor to incite against the Jews. It is a great accomplishment to provoke and incense them. Let us continue with similar decisions, because this is what the Jordanian people want. Our people in Palestine expect us to support them, and to recite Koranic verses for the souls of their martyrs. This is the very least we can do for the sake of those heroes, who defend the honor of the Arab nation.
MP Bassam Al-Manaseer, chairman of the Arab and International Affairs Parliamentary Committee: Are we going to call the French who fought the Nazi occupation "terrorists"? If so, we are all terrorists. If what we did in parliament is considered incitement, just because we stood by the Palestinian people, then we welcome the policy of incitement. I thank brother Khalil Attiah for his heroic position. That is the very least that he can do for our people in Palestine.

MP Khalil Attieh: This position is supported by all.

Moderator: The [Israeli] ambassador said that you use anti-Israel sentiment as a means to serve your own personal interests…

MP Khalil Attieh: As my colleague said, if this is terrorism, we are terrorists. Indeed, I make use of the hatred of the Jews, as all Arabs should, because the Jews respect neither treaties nor human beings. They respect nothing. That accursed ambassador did me a great honor by saying that I hate the Jews. Yes, I hate the Jews. I hate the Jews. I hate the Jews.

What have the Jews ever given us? They do not respect Jordanian custodianship [of the Al-Aqsa Mosque]. They do not respect treaties. They kill our people. They prevent worshippers from entering the Al-Aqsa Mosque. They destroy homes and seize control over everything. This is the least we could have done. Thank God that we got them mad.
Hating the Jews is a great honor for me and it makes me walk with my head high, because they are worthy of hatred. They are not decent people. Any man of honor should hate the Jews.
[Parliament should debate] the statements of [the Israeli ambassador], that pig, the descendent of apes and pigs, who tried to drive a wedge between the parliament and the king. We should hold a debate, and if the government refuses to expel the Israeli ambassador, we should hand in our vote of no confidence in the government.
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports, in English:

A group of Jewish Israelis entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound early Sunday, witnesses told Ma'an.

Witnesses said that about 50 right-wing Israelis stormed the compound through the Moroccan Gate and tried to provoke Muslim worshipers, who responded by chanting "Allahu akbar," or "God is the greatest."

The Israelis exited the compound through the Chain Gate and proceeded to perform Jewish rituals, the witnesses said.
The Arabic version called the visitors "49 extremists."

Here's video of the "provocation" from two separate Facebook accounts.

I have looked at dozens of videos taken by Arabs on the Temple Mount and have yet to see any Jewish visitor behave in any provocative manner.

Oh, I forgot: the fact that they are Jewish is provocative to begin with!

And in case you still have the slightest, tiniest doubt that the complaints against Jews visiting the Temple Mount is motivated by anything but old fashioned Jew-hatred, here is a cartoon I saw floating around Arabic social media:

Saturday, November 29, 2014

  • Saturday, November 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last Saturday, one of the two contestants for "Arab Idol" who have Israeli citizenship lost the competition when she gathered the lowest number of votes:

Manal Mousa, an Israeli contestant on the Arab world's premier singing competition, was eliminated on Saturday's live-performance episodes.

The judges of Arab Idol were shocked by Mousa's elimination, and she thanked them graciously for their support before turning to her political message. "I want to pass a message for the yellow journalism that fought me – I am Palestinian and Palestinian blood flows through me."
She had made a number of anti-Israel statements during her competition:
Mousa, a 27-year-old resident of Deir Al-Assad in northern Israel, set off massive shockwaves with her statements during her time on Arab Idol, as she took to Facebook to demonstrate her pro-Palestinian credentials.

Mousa called Khair Hamdan, the Kafr Kanna who was killed by Israeli police officers, a "martyr" and encouraged protests and demonstrations across the Arab sector. "Palestine is revolting, Israeli Arabs are revolting, Kafr Kanna is revolting," she wrote.
But it seems that one reason she lost is because Arabs were starting rumors that she was pro-Israel!

After Israel's Arabic spokesman Avichai Adraee noted that Israel allowed the two Israeli contestants to travel to Lebanon to compete in the show. This apparent "support" by Israel for the contestants seems to have started a number of rumors, including that she was in the Israeli army, or that her father was in the IDF.

This was the "yellow journalism" she was referring to.

As "evidence" of her family's pro-Israel credentials, a video surfaced of her sister Sabrin auditioning for an Israeli talent show program.

Even though Sabrin sang a classic Arab tune, that fact that she was on the show at all, speaking Hebrew with the judges, and otherwise acting like a person who doesn't hate Israel seems to have turned the Arab voters against Manal by association.

The subtext of many of Manal's critics is that all Arab citizens of Israel as traitors to the Palestinian Arab cause, something which would seem to be a bit contradictory with the idea of "return." Until you realize that "return" is meant to destroy Israel, not to solve any "refugee" problem. As long as Israel exists, Israeli Arabs are considered to be collaborators with the Zionist enemy.

So far, I have not seen the same kind of backlash against the remaining Israeli Arab in the competition, Haitham Khailily.

  • Saturday, November 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

A Palestinian police officer was shot and killed by Egyptian soldiers on Friday after he unwittingly drove his car into a military ambush, Palestinian police in the Sinai told Ma'an.

Imad Fayyad Abdallah, 38, was shot dead near the town of Sheikh Zuweid in the northern Sinai Peninsula.

He had driven his car into an area when Egyptian soldiers had set up an ambush targeting militant groups active in the area, and he failed to stop after warning shots were fired in the air, Palestinian police told Ma'an.

When he attempted to turn his car around to avoid the ambush, meanwhile, Egyptian soldiers opened fire, striking him in the head.
This brings up a number of points.

1. It goes without saying that no Palestinian Arabs will protest this killing even though anyone killed under similar circumstances by Israel would be the subject of numerous outraged protests, op-eds and UN speeches.

2. Egyptian media is, as far as I can tell, silent on this incident. In general, Egypt's media is under a gag order against reporting any civilians or innocents being killed in the protracted campaign against Islamists in the Sinai. However, sometimes, civilians are killed.

3. The story says that the source for this story was "Palestinian police" in the Sinai, besides the victim.

Al Moslim says that Abdallah was member of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah. Wattan TV said that he lived in El Arish, Egypt with his wife and three children, but that he was a colonel in the PA's Preventive Security Force.

Why are there Palestinian police in the Sinai?

UPDATE: It appears that Abdallah was one of many Fatah members, probably loyal to strongman Mohammed Dahlan, who fled Gaza when Hamas took over in 2007. (h/t Bob Knot)
From Ian:

Stand With Us: StandWithUs Pro-Israel Ads On TriMet in Portland Begin November 26, 2014
For the third time in three years, StandWithUs (SWU) is placing pro-Israel ads on TriMet buses to counter anti-Israel ad campaigns. Beginning November 26, two different StandWithUs ads are on 17 buses running on the same routes and for at least the same four-week duration as the anti-Israel ones.
SWU, an international Israel education organization with a Northwest regional office in Seattle, also countered similar ads on Portland light rail and buses in 2012 and 2013.
One StandWithUs bus ad shows that the Palestinians have said "NO" to Israel's peace offers and territorial compromises since 1937. The other StandWithUs bus ad shows a Palestinian and Israeli boy hugging, juxtaposed with an Israeli transit bus blown apart by a suicide bombing, with the words: "Say NO to Palestinian War Crimes," and reminds viewers that Israel needs a partner for peace. The ads direct viewers to to learn more.
These SWU ads counter anti-Israel ads placed by The Seattle Mideast Awareness campaign (SeaMAC), Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, and Jewish Voice for Peace - Portland, which accused Israel of war crimes and implied that US tax dollars are being used to support apartheid.

Isi Leibler: Coping with religiously inspired terrorism
This latest escalation of incitement is yet another extension of the hatred against Jews ‎inculcated among the Arabs but which accelerated after the Oslo accords. Yasser Arafat and ‎then Abbas have effectively brainwashed generations of Arabs -- from kindergarten age on -- into ‎fanatically hating Jews and sanctifying as "martyrs" those willing to sacrifice their lives and gain ‎paradise by killing them. ‎
The Palestinians have, in fact, been molded into a criminal society adopting a culture of death ‎only comparable to the Nazis who, once in power, also brainwashed Germans into committing ‎barbaric crimes. And those, including Jews, who morally equate this monstrous society with ‎Israel because the Jewish state like any country also includes deviants and degenerates, are ‎making obscene analogies.‎
Every level of Israeli society, from the leadership to the media and down to the man in the ‎street, reacts with shock, horror, disgust and condemnation against our deviants. Contrast this ‎to the public display, not merely in Gaza but also in Ramallah, Bethlehem and Nablus, as ‎Palestinians celebrated the most recent horror their "martyrs" had inflicted on Jews praying in ‎a synagogue. ‎
Daniel Pipes: Is CAIR a Terror Group?
We who follow the Islamist movement fell off our collective chair on Nov. 15 when the news came that the United Arab Emirates' ministerial cabinet had listed the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of 83 proscribed terrorist organizations, up there with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS.
This came as a surprise because the UAE authorities themselves have a record of promoting Islamism; because CAIR has a history of raising funds in the UAE; and because the UAE embassy in Washington had previously praised CAIR.
On reflection, however, the listing makes sense for, in recent years, the Islamist movement has gravely fractured. Sunnis fight Shi'is; advocates of violence struggle against those working within the system; modernizers do battle against those trying to return to the seventh century; and monarchists confront republicans.
This last divide concerns us here. After decades of working closely with the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and its related institutions, the Persian Gulf monarchies (with the single, striking exception of Qatar) have come to see the MB complex of institutions as a threat to their existence. The Saudi, Emirati, Kuwaiti, and Bahraini rulers now view politicians like Mohamed Morsi of Egypt as their enemies, as they do Hamas and its progeny – including CAIR.

Friday, November 28, 2014

From Ian:

Ben-Dror Yemini: What about the Jewish Nakba?
Let's set the record straight. The disintegration of the empires, beginning with the Ottoman, through to the Austro-Hungarian, and on to the British, intensified the demand on the part of various peoples for self-determination – no more multi-ethnic states under imperial rule, but nations with a sense of independent identity instead. Some would call it an imaginary heritage, but that's not important.
The result was huge waves of population transfers, beginning in 1912 and through to the years following World War II. Around 52 million people underwent the experience, including tens of millions in the period after the war.
Millions of Germans, Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Turks, Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Indians, Pakistanis and more and more were forced to leave their birthplaces to make way for national entities, old and new. One would be hard pressed to find a single conflict during the period in question that did not end without a population exchange.
The population exchanges between Greece and Turkey also served as a backdrop for the commission's decision. At the time, this was the position held by statesmen, scholars and intellectuals. Furthermore, in 1930, the Permanent Court of International Justice, the highest international judicial instance at the time, approved population transfers by force when it ruled that the purpose of mass population transfers was to "more effectively aid the process of pacification of the Near East."(h/t Elder of Lobby)
When the Mayflower docked in Haifa
Nineteen-year-old Brooklyn, New York, native Philip Levine had the same ecstatic reaction as countless other American Jews on November 29, 1947. That was the day the United Nations voted to partition British Mandatory Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state — the Jewish leadership accepting and surrounding Arab countries rejecting the decision.
“It was shortly after the Jewish holidays and we were all glued to the television listening one by one as they counted the votes,” Levine, now 86, recalled from his home in Jerusalem.
“When it was finalized we all exploded with joy and began contacting former US servicemen asking for binoculars, uniforms, and even guns that could be collected and sent to Palestine because we knew war was imminent,” he said.
Weeks later Levine realized he had to do more and volunteered his services to a Jewish organization called Land and Labor for Palestine.
Land and Labor’s mission was ostensibly to send American Jews to kibbutzim where they would replace the local workforce who were called up to the army. However, from the moment Levine signed up he wasn’t trying to fool anyone.
Talking ‘Turkey’ to President Obama
In my Thanksgiving dream, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered to visit St. Louis and the local community of Ferguson to try to help restore calm.
“We call on both sides to show restraint,” said Netanyahu, sending a copy of his message to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.
“We hope that America can live up to its democratic ideals,” said the Israeli foreign ministry spokesman (in my dream). It was clear he was enjoying the irony of throwing the State Department’s words back at it.
“We hope that American security officials will use minimum force and not commit any hate crimes or war crimes,” declared (in my dream) Labor Party leader Yitzhak Herzog, perhaps remembering how Barack Obama spoke about Israel’s use of force against terrorists firing rockets at Israeli cities a few months ago.
“We call on U.S. law enforcement to institute a full and open investigation of the use of deadly force,” wrote Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett in a separate letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
But this was only a dream.
The Truth About Israel’s Jewish State Law
The law is often bashed from an American standpoint as being out of tune with Western values. Former Israeli Education Minister Yuli Tamir claimed it was the opposite of the U.S. Constitution, while Avital Burg at The Forward mocked the bill by noting that if it existed in the U.S. it would read “Protestant values will serve as inspiration to lawmakers and judges.”
But what these voices miss is that many states in the world enshrine in law various aspects of their national and religious identity. Michael Freund writes at The Jerusalem Post, that “in Great Britain the Queen is required to be a member of the Anglican Church” and in Denmark the Lutheran Church is guaranteed state support. Israel’s nation state law, and Israel’s existing character as an overwhelmingly Jewish state with Jewish symbols, are similar to most other countries, such as Greece, Bulgaria, Ireland, Croatia, Iran, Japan, or Malaysia. Israel may be out of step with American conceptions of liberal democracy but not necessarily with the rest of the world.
There is a cartoon going around the web showing David Ben-Gurion reading the Declaration of Independence and someone shouting “fascist” at him, mocking how people are calling the nation state bill “fascist.” Israel’s Declaration of Independence, that critics of the law claim strikes a “balance” between Jewish and democratic, actually uses the word “Jew” twenty-four times. It never uses the word democratic. It does speak of the “natural right of the Jews to be masters of their own fate” and”right of the Jewish people to a national rebirth” and “right of the Jewish people to rebuild its national home.” The declaration’s has one paragraph devoted to the “complete equality of all its inhabitants” and says that the state will provide those inhabitants freedom “as envisioned by the prophets of Israel.” Those criticizing the Jewish nation state bill as out of step with Israel’s declaration of independence or original view of Zionism evidently didn’t read the declaration.

  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Felesteen, a Hamas newspaper, has an article looking at international condemnations of the Jerusalem synagogue slaughter, and describing how they are all wrong and that every Jew in Israel is in fact a military target.

The article does not distinguish between Jews living on either side of the Green Line. It says that Jews have had mandatory army service since 1948 and therefore they are all considered valid targets.

After going through a series of increasingly bogus arguments that every Israeli Jew should be killed because of what they have done to Arabs and olive trees, the article concludes:

Certainly President Obama and his advisers are not ignorant of these facts, and they know full well that it is the legitimate rights internationally for the peoples of the occupied territory to resist the occupiers in every way including the use of arms. But the US president is committed to the strategy adopted since President Wilson in 1919 as Israel is an asset that serves the interests of the major powers and the United States. Obama's predecessors have committed to defend them and protect them and enable them to perform their function to serve US national interests in the Arab world, despite exceeding international laws and norms.
It then goes on to blame Abbas for not being adequately amenable to terror attacks against Jewish civilians.

During the Gaza war, former general Giora Eiland wrote an op-ed in YNet saying that there is no such thing as innocent civilians in Gaza. He was broadly criticized, and rightly - the Geneva Conventions defines who is a civilian and who is not, and he cannot redefine it no matter what war crimes Hamas commits.

I somehow doubt that the many "human rights" activists who slammed Eiland will ever say a word about Hamas when it says the same thing about Israelis.
From Ian:

Sick: BDS groups spreads photoshop of Concentration Camp inmates holding anti-Israel signs
We are dealing with some really sick minds when it comes to the proponents of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement propaganda machine.
The latest is from a group with over 91,000 Facebook fans, called “I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists.”
That phrase is an integral part of the BDS movement, which falsely seeks to portray Israel as the equivalent of apartheid South Africa. That claim of Apartheid status was the founding propaganda principle of the BDS movement, which was started at the anti-Semitic 2001 Durban conference.
The group has posted a photoshop of Nazi concentration camp inmates holding anti-Israel signs, on its Facebook page. It’s unclear if the group created it, or is just promoting it.
The image is being spread by others as well, such as the Central NY Committee for Justice in Palestine:
To compare, as they often do, Israel’s response to Hamas and Islamic Jihad rocket fire from Gaza to the systematic industrialized extermination of Europe’s Jewish population not only is grossly inaccurate, it reflects a commitment to demonizing and dehumanizing Israel beyond a political or military dispute.
This propaganda reflects the evil and sick nature of the people behind the BDS movement. While I’m all in favor of dialogue, I don’t know how you try to reason with people like that, who have lost all touch with reality and truth.
Caroline Glick: The storm over the teacup
The Right, like the majority of the public that supports it and votes for it, recognizes that the greatest danger to Israel’s democratic system and status as a Jewish state is the radicalized legal system. But today the Right lacks the power to pass the legislation required to curb the power of Israel’s unelected legal rulers.
Rather than doing the hard work of running a continuous, relentless campaign to accrue the requisite power to reform the system, politicians on the Right have embraced an unnecessary bill that will do nothing to protect Israel's future.
On the other hand, their counterparts on the Left have shown that the Israeli Left is today largely indistinguishable from the international Left which rejects Israel’s right to exist and rejects the Jewish people’s right to sovereignty and freedom in its homeland. With Haaretz acting as the conduit between the BDS movement and government ministers, politicians on the Left have become unmoored from the basic requirements of national life.
In other words, the current maelstrom over the draft Nation State bill shows that Israel’s political Right is far weaker than it needs to be and that Israel’s political Left is far more destructive than it ought to be.
Mordechai Kedar: A Western Tourist Hasn't a Chance in a Persian Bazaar
The Iranian bazaar was a resounding success, and the Western tourist – who doesn't know the rules – lost once again: he paid the price of granting the Iranians more time and did not get the merchandise he wanted, because he does not have an agreement and it is not certain that he will ever get one as Iran will have the bomb before then – in another seven months.
The West does not understand the most basic fact: there is only one thing that can pressure Iran and the West is not willing to do it: that is, threatening the continuation of Ayatollah rule. The West has never used that card to get its way, so why should the Ayatollahs pay for an agreement that they do not want?
Worst of all is that there were those that warned the Western powers that they would fall into the Iranian bazaar's pit. One of them was Binyamin Netanyahu, even before he became Prime Minister of Israel. Harold Rhode wrote about it clearly and so did the writer of this article. The problem with those who negotiated with the Iranians is that they thought they knew how Iranians behave, believed the lies of the consummate liars, and the deceptions of the professional deceivers.
History will sadly ridicule the story of how a wayward and stubborn country could pull the wool over the eyes of intelligent and well educated, powerful negotiators who were psychologically incapable of using their power, and ensnare them in a Persian bazaar trap where only someone who learns the rules can survive.

  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are some photos from the Temple Mount this morning as Israeli officials allowed all Muslims to visit (no non-Muslims ever visit on Fridays.)

Israeli flags are banned from the Temple Mount, but Hamas terror flags are just fine.

From Israel HaYom:
In one of the rooms of the Jordanian royal palace in Amman hangs a famous painting from 128 years ago by the artist Gustav Bauernfeind. This breathtaking piece of art depicts a group of Jews standing at the Cotton Merchant's Gate, one of the entrances to the Temple Mount.

The artist wrote of the painting: "A group of Jews stand at the gate, their heads thrust slightly forward as they peer into the paradisiacal sun-drenched precinct within, with its gleaming domes and coloured tiles and marbled walls, which once had formed their most sacred national shrine; whereas now, seated before that very portal, sword in hand, the gatekeeper (I nearly called him the Temple watchman) bars their way. Within, Mohammedans dressed in vivid costumes stroll, sit, loll about, and the like. A fine contrast, don't you think?"

King Hussein, the late father of the current monarch, Abdullah, noticed the painting during a visit to Germany more than two decades ago. He fell in love with it immediately. His emissaries paid a fortune to buy it. Through his deft use of the paintbrush, Bauernfeind unwittingly provided the snapshot image that reflects the manner in which the Hashemite kingdom views itself -- the guardian at the gate and legal custodian of the Muslim holy places in Jerusalem.
The piece sold for $533,755 in 1999*.

The rest of the article is very good as well, but this painting encapsulates how Muslims want the Temple Mount to look today: smilingly holding spears to prevent the hated, wretched Jews from visiting while Muslims use the holy place as a park.

(h/t YMedad)

*UPDATE: There was a similar painting by Bauernfiend that is the one that was sold in 1999, but the description Christie's quotes gave doesn't quite match it, I cannot find a Muslim guard with a sword. (h/t Irene)

  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Gulf News:

A speeding Israeli bus loaded with colonists ran over a group of Palestinians, killing one and hurting two others near the Israeli checkpoint of Al Jalamah between Nablus and Jenin.
The speeding bus ran over Noor Hassan Salem, 22, his cousin Alaa Kayed Salem and a third villager from a village near Nablus.

Sources in Nablus told Gulf News that Noor suffered serious injuries in the incident and also claimed that the bus driver intentionally sped up before hitting the three men. The sources stressed that as the site was not a place to speed up and because the Palestinian workers were on the pavement and had not reached the street when the bus hit them, it is clear that the accident was intentional. In addition, it indicates that the bus driver clearly meant to hit the Palestinians in front of the Israeli soldiers on the checkpoint.

Nablus sources said that the incident was revenge and maintained that the accident was intentional.

The sources stressed that it was strange that all Palestinians who carried out actions against Israelis had been arrested, indicted and even punished but so far not even a single Israeli attacker had been arrested and questioned.
Lying anti-Israel propaganda site Mondoweisspublished a photo of the victim, labeling the incident a "bus attack."

Social media of course was filled with similar accusations:

The Arab American News helpfully implied that this was a "racially motivated attacks by Jewish settlers against Palestinians."

What they didn't mention is that the bus driver was arrested on the scene for investigation (which Ma'an did report) and that he is an Israeli Arab! 

Panet (an Israeli Arab newspaper) mentions it. Palestine News Network mentions it. Israeli police say they see no indication of it being intentional.

In the face of this fact, Noor's family- clearly wanting to get paid for their son being a martyr - claimed at the funeral that all these sources are lying, and that the bus driver really was a Jewish settler wearing a kipah, and that he tried to run away, and that Israeli police deliberately barred ambulances from the scene for 45 minutes (even the lying  Gulf News report admitted that Israeli and Palestinian ambulances were on the scene quickly.)

Fatah turned the funeral into a political event to incite and stoke more anger against Jews.

This is par for the course: politically motivated liars and financially motivated family members do not hesitate to make up facts - because there are no repercussions when they are caught lying.

And sometimes they hit the jackpot and their lies can start a deadly riot against Jews.

(h/t/ Bob Knot)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

From Ian:

Chloe Valdary: Who Are the Real Racists in Israel?
Unfortunately, in Stewart and Erbs’s world, inversion is in vogue. Protection from racists becomes racism and a person’s right to defend himself is eroded, turning victims into victimizers.
To make matters worse, Stewart and Erb represent an organization that has no qualms about preventing Jewish communities from being established in the West Bank. According to J Street’s website, the very presence of Jewish communities, “undermines the prospects for peace by making Palestinians doubt Israeli motives and commitment.” Erb specifically writes in The Jewish Week that Jewish communities, “fuel inter-group tensions.” To wit, according to Erb, the presence of Jews in certain areas is itself a provocation; it is Jews who are responsible for the incitement against them.
That Stewart and Erb arrogate to themselves the authority to give commentary on the issue of “segregation” when they actively advocate for the establishment of a state which, according to them, must segregate Jews before it comes into fruition, illustrates the absurdity of their own hypocrisy.
And this is what their appraisal of Israeli policy ultimately boils down to: an excess of hyper-idealistic solipsism whereby members of a mutual admiration society think that referencing the name of a prominent civil rights leader means they are just like them. Yet, Dr. King understood fundamentally that a persecuted people will grow tired; they will grow tired of being pelted with stones; they will grow tired of having their children run over with cars; they will grow tired of having their soldiers stabbed to death while they sleep. “So in the midst of their tiredness, these people … rise up and protest against injustice.”
Security officials says that this policy seeks to address that injustice. Perhaps it isn’t the right one; perhaps it is. But one thing is certain: Stewart and Erb’s faux righteous indignation are categorically not.
Book Review for Al-Dura: Long Range Ballistic Myth
This event, which came to be known as the al-Dura affair, is the starting point for Nidra Poller’s 288 page intellectual journey, Al-Dura: Long Range Ballistic Myth.
Poller, an American writer based in Paris, traces the repeated attempts by the state-owned French television station to intimidate via legal measures anyone who publicly questioned the authenticity of the event. The French courtroom thus becomes the stage where an obvious fabrication, masquerading as earnest journalism, is transformed into an indisputable fact.
Although the repeated stifling of objectively sound criticism helped to reveal the true nature of French journalism, especially in its biased depiction of Israel, the damage caused by the original incident in Netzarim was already done and the results were deadly.
A Decade Later, "The New Anti-Semitism" Comes of Age
When I began reading Professor Phyllis Chesler's updated book "The New Anti-Semitism", I seemed to hear a collective sigh saying "this hasn't come a minute too soon." And thanks to the excellent research and prophetic analysis of the acclaimed author, lecturer and activist, the reader is afforded the necessary context and perspective with which to understand the invidious phenomenon of contemporary Jew hatred.
Originally written over a decade ago, Chesler's premise was and still is that classical anti-Semitism as espoused by such nihilists and evil madmen as Hitler and the scores that preceded him has now been deemed to be "politically correct" by the trendy denizens of Western academia and the "intellectual" crowd.
Chesler was among the first to have seen and denounced the suicidal alliance between Western intelligentsia and fundamental Islam. The anti-Semite needed a new and more acceptable veneer and the tiny place on the globe known as Israel could serve as the perfect cover. So Zionism does not equal racism, but anti-Zionism does. In fact, it is part of what makes the new anti-Semitism "new."


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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