Wednesday, November 14, 2012

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon


See? Hamas is already willing to talk!
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The IDF had intelligence about the locations of many, or all, of the long-range missiles in Gaza - that could reach past Tel Aviv - and took them out.

Here is its image of one of the Fajr-5 launch sites in the middle of a crowded neighborhood:

Here's video of terrorists hiding one:

Here is video of some of the strikes in Gaza City from an Arabic site. You can see enormous fires that indicate the targets were filled with explosives:

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas' Palestine Times reports that the Nasser Saladin Brigades wing of the Popular Resistance Committees has released details - and a video - of the attack on an Israeli jeep on Saturday that started this last round of fighting.

According to their statement, it was not a Kornet anti-tank missile they shot, but a guided anti-aircraft missile. They did not specify the type.

They also released a video of the attack:

They claim that they did not see any survivors, although they did see soldiers escape the jeep nearby, so they believe that Israel is covering up the deaths of those on the vehicle.

I cannot tell from the video what kind of weapon was fired. It seems slow for an anti-aircraft rocket, though, and terrorists don't exactly have a great track record of telling the truth.
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Egypt’s Islamist Freedom and Justice Party, formerly headed by President Mohammed Mursi, said on Wednesday Egypt would no longer stand by as Israel attacked Palestinians after air strikes killed a Hamas leader.

The FJP, the political arm of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood movement, said Israeli air strikes that killed top militant Ahmed al-Jaabari in Gaza earlier on Wednesday required “swift Arab and international action to stop the massacres.”

The party, which fielded Mursi in a June election to replace toppled president Hosni Mubarak, said Israel “must take into account the changes in the Arab region and especially Egypt.”

Egypt “will not allow the Palestinians to be subjected to Israeli aggression, as in the past,” the party statement said.

Mursi, a vociferous supporter of the Palestinians before his election, had been expected to open up to the blockaded Gaza Strip bordering Egypt, but his government has backed off from his pledges.
The MB had already called for mass anti-Israel rallies this Friday after prayers even before the Jabari hit.
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Nice shooting!

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Even though Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been emphasizing in their media over the past couple of years about how terrible and dangerous it is to collaborate with Israel, the Ahmad Jabari assassination today shows that there are still plenty of Israeli human intelligence on the ground in Gaza.

And they are not happy.

Felesteen reports that Hamas' interior ministry promised to go after "spies and traitors." In a statement, they said "our security will hunt down and strike with an iron fist all who are tempted to tamper with internal security and we will pursue them everywhere, as confirmed by the vigilance of our security services to protect the home front and secure the back of the resistance and the service of the Palestinian people."

The ministry also had harsh words for Arab leaders and the international community  who have not been publicly supporting Hamas' rocket barrages towards Israeli civilians.

Despite the harsh words, the impression given is that Hamas feels isolated in the world and insecure even among its own people.

Which is quite good news.
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the IDF blog:
The IDF has targeted a significant number of long range rockets sites (over 40 km) owned by Hamas. This deals a significant blow to the terror organizations underground rocket launching capabilities and munitions warehouses owned by Hamas and other terror organizations.

The aim of targeting these sites is to hamper their rocket launching weapons build up capabilities.

The Gaza strip, has turned it into a frontal base for Iran firing rockets and carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens.

The IDF will continue to target terrorist sites that are used to carry out terror attacks against Israeli citizens.
IDF website:
Brig. Gen. Mordechai added that "the Chief of Staff is in the [defended underground war room] and the Air Force continues its surgical strikes. We are in the midst of an attack that will continue and grow. There is no hourglass. We received the green light from the Prime Minister and the Minster of Defense. If I were a senior Hamas activist- I would look for a place to hide."

The IDF Spokesman did not rule out the possibility of a ground invasion and emphasized that all options that exist are on the table. "Infantry brigades have been shifted in preparation for the operation," said the IDF Spokesman. "All options that allow us to cause seriously damage to Hamas and the other terrorist organizations are on the table."
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the IDF blog:
Jabari with Hamas honcho Zahar
In the past hour, the IDF targeted Ahmed Jabri, the head of Hamas’ military wing, in the Gaza Strip. Jabri was a senior Hamas operative who served in the upper echelon of the Hamas’ command and was directly responsible for executing terror attacks against the State of Israel in the past number of years.

The purpose of this operation was to severely impair the command and control chain of the Hamas leadership, as well as its terrorist infrastructure. This was a surgical operation in cooperation with the Israeli Security Agency, that was implemented on the basis of concrete intelligence and using advanced capabilities.
The headline is most interesting:

IDF Begins Widespread Campaign on Terror Sites in the Gaza Strip

Indicating that this is just the start.


Car swarm:

And in a screenshot from Hamas TV, what appears to be plumes of smoke from multiple Israeli airstrikes:

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Mujahideen Shura Council announced on jihadist forums that it fired nine missiles towards Israel on Sunday, presumably from Gaza.

They called the operation "Drive Them Out," saying that they asked permission from Hamas to fire the rockets.

Their announcement bragged that they shot missiles towards "Jewish settlements" in the Negev.

If they are telling the truth, then this indicates that Hamas does cooperate with Sinai jihadist groups - implying at least indirect Hamas culpability towards the increasing number of attacks against Egyptian security forces in the Sinai. It also indicates that Sinai jihadist groups are freely operating in Gaza.

Meanwhile, at least one rocket was been fired from the Sinai towards the Israeli community of Bnei Netzarim  in the past hour or two,according to AFP. No injuries or damage reported but the reaction from Egypt will be interesting.

(h/t Lachlan)

UPDATE: Jihadology counts that the MSC took credit for 38 rockets (h/t CHA).

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
UCI: where parents pay kids to learn lies
The "Associated Students of UCI" (University of California-Irvine) met last night and voted, 16-0, to divest from various companies that do business in Israel.

The targeted companies include Caterpillar (of course,) Cement Roadstones Holding, Cemex, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Raytheon, Sodastream and L-3 Communications.

The reasons given are the usual mix of flat-out lies and absurd exaggerations. The resolution says that Israel practices "apartheid", that it levels entire neighborhoods in refugee camps (I have yet to hear UNRWA mention that one,) and that it " ruthlessly level[ed] civilian dense regions" during Cast Lead.

Of course, ASUCI has nothing to say about the hundred of people likely to be murdered in Syria today, or about institutionalized discrimination against Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon to the extent that they cannot build houses or hold many jobs, or against Hamas celebrating the firing of deadly rockets at Israeli schoolchildren this week, or of the daily incitement in official Palestinian Arab media to destroy Israel completely. 

No, they are far more concerned over Israel building a wall to stop suicide bombers.

Years of anti-Israel and anti-semitic [in the case of Sodastream] indoctrination pays off. UCI's professors and administration must be so proud.

The executive board of the student government has yet to approve this absurd measure that targets the right of self-determination of Jews. We'll see if they have any more sense or if they also get swept up in the pogrom-like mentality of viciously attacking anything to do with Israel.

(h/t Jennifer)

UPDATE: A little searching shows that UCI uses HP printers, multi-function copiers, desktop computers - and servers.

Have fun convincing the data centers to replace all their equipment, guys!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

  • Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
Jordan’s prime minister announced price hikes for gas and other fuel Tuesday, setting off demonstrations and calls for general strikes.

Protesters blamed Jordan’s problems on King Abdullah II, who has the final say in all civic matters. They also demanded the resignation of the prime minister, a top aide of the king.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour’s announcement on state TV cited a need to offset $5 billion in state losses from a rising fuel bill.

The news sparked protests in the capital, Amman, and at least 12 other cities across Jordan.

“Revolution, revolution, it is a popular revolution,” chanted about 2,000 protesters in an impromptu demonstration at a main Amman square, housing the Interior Ministry and other vital government departments.

The protesters — affiliated with Muslim, Arab nationalist, Marxist, Communist and youth opposition groups — also targeted Abdullah in a rare public display against the monarch. Criticizing the king in public is forbidden in Jordan and is punishable by up to three years in jail.
Ammon News has the rundown:
* Protests erupt in various governorates throughout kingdom against government decision to lift subsidies on oil derivatives

** Two policemen critically injured in town of Taibeh, Irbid, after unknown assailant fired gunshots during protest

*** Gendarmerie forces use tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse rioters in Karak, Dhiban, and Salt

*** Protesters set gas station ablaze in Irbid

*** Protesters torch court building in Karak, Loot Civil Consumer Association market

*** Rioters set 3 police vehicles on fire in Tafileh, torch 6 govt vehicles in Salt

*** Looting of Central Market in Ma'an, Major Desert Highway blockaded
Wouldn't it be great if a friendly neighbor of Jordan's would offer to help out with its fuel crisis to head off these violent protests that threaten the regime?

Oh, right.

  • Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Civil Administration hosts meeting between Palestinian Authority and Israeli Ministry of Agriculture to discuss partnership in olive industry.

Dr. Adi Naali, the Olive Division Manager of the Israeli Plants Production and Marketing Board, recently met with representatives of the Palestinian Authority and Israeli Ministry of Agriculture to discuss future collaboration to increase olive oil sales from Israel and the West Bank.

Due to the recent frost and drought in Spain, the largest producer of olives in the market, olive oil prices are expected to soar as Spain is projected to lose an estimated 600,000 tons of product.

Dr. Naali stressed that now is the time to collaborate in order to advance protection against olive flies, improve technology for olive oil production and storage, and enhance advertising to take advantage of the current market situation.
In Israel, "collaboration" is a good thing.

To Arabs, "collaboration" can get you killed.

And so-called "peace activists" tend to side with the Arab definition.
  • Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Bikya Masr:
A Christian woman reported that she had her hair cut off by two veiled women inside the Egypt’s capital city Cairo’s metro and thrown out of the car while being called an “infidel.”

Copts United, which reported the incident on its website, said the unnamed woman also suffered a broken arm from being thrown from the car.

The Coptic Christian advocacy group said this was the third such incident on the metro in the past 10 days and nearly at the same location.

Naguib Gebrael, the head of the Egyptian Federation for Human Rights, reportedly called the ministry of interior to “find a way to arrest those veiled women who belong to the Organization of the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice,” an underground movement that is not officially sanctioned or supported by the government.
  • Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Top 10 Reasons Why the Media Is Biased Against Israel
"Within Israel there are far more journalists, both foreign and domestic, than in many larger countries and there are more foreign journalists in Israel than any other country in the region.No matter who the President or what is going on in the world, it seems Israel is always in the headlines. While there are many different reasons that the media is Anti-Israel, here is my list of the Top 10 Reasons Why the Media Is Biased against Israel:"

Operation Take Back the Media
"Our friends are listening. Our families are listening. And not to get too melodramatic on you, but, seriously, the world is listening.
So, I am asking you — hell, I’m begging you — please tell people what’s really happening in Israel. The sweet stories and the sad stories. The funny things and the scary things.The moments of quiet coexistence between people from all backgrounds and walks of life, and the days when rockets are hurtling through the skies.
Post a picture. Write a status message. Share an article.
Help create a new framework for a new discussion. Because speaking truth to power can change the world."

Explaining Gaza
Before a military operation in Gaza is launched – if it is launched at all – Israel should make an effort to explain itself to the international community.
"World opinion might be stacked against Israel, but we must not give up hope.
Those in the international community with a modicum of intellectual honesty will acknowledge that if the Palestinians living in Gaza were to abandon violence and reconcile themselves to Israel’s existence, then the conflict would end immediately."

UN secretary-general condemns Gazan rocket attacks
Ban Ki-moon also urges Israel to exercise caution with regard to stray fire coming from Syria

Hamas not considering ceasefire with Israel, spokesman says
Islamic movement files complaint against Israel at the UN for ‘crimes’ against Gaza

New app offers ‘Sderot experience’
13-year-old comes up with program that keeps track of missile fire on southern Israel

EU ban on Hezbollah may hinge on Burgas bombing
French ambassador tells 'Post': Blacklisting Hezbollah's military wing rests on outcome of Bulgaria suicide bombing inquiry.

Norway, Israel’s "best friend" is now working to take the EU junior championship from Israel

Campaign marking bombing of Jewish center wins Yahoo! Prize
‘Bread of Memory’ ads commemorate attack on Buenos Aires community building that killed 85
“Launched in July to mark the bombing, the campaign featured Food Factory chef Tomas Kalika sharing his bread recipe, which is said to contain ingredients that help improve memory. The “bread of memory” recipe and the names of the victims of the attack were distributed through social media, radio, TV, newspapers and magazines."

Questioned in court, head of UK academic union rejects anti-Semitism accusations
Facing a Jewish lecturer’s lawsuit, longtime Israel critic Sally Hunt denies members’ anti-Zionism crossed a line into racism

Neo-Nazis in Germany vandalize Holocaust memorials
‘Stumbling blocks’ project marks the homes of murdered Jews with name-bearing plaques
"According to the Die Welt newspaper, the brass plaques, which bear the names of murdered Jews and are placed outside their former homes as memorials, were pried loose."

Russian MP wants to buy Hitler’s first home — so he can destroy it
Frantz Klintsevich, a member of Vladimir Putin’s ruling party, has launched a campaign to raise $2.8 million to purchase the dictator’s Austrian birthplace

New Israeli technology for Woolworth checkouts
“Woolworths Limited, Australia’s leading retail group, has signed a five-year System Integration (SI) Services agreement with Israel’s Retalix.
Under the agreement, Retalix will provide Level 2 and Level 3 support for more than 3,000 Woolworths locations and 25,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals, serving more than 24 million customers every week across Australia and New Zealand.”

Israel in the frame (I)
In September, StandWithUs brought to Israel 10 of the world’s top Instagram users to take inspiring, fun photos of daily life in the country. Here’s Part 1 of our “best of” series of selections.


Deprogramming students from the Palestine Solidarity Cult

Good news: Egyptian man jailed for 2 years for sexual harassment

Bad news: Women's equality article removed from Egypt's constitution
  • Tuesday, November 13, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya, and inexplicably not too many other places:

Egyptian security has recently uncovered a document circulated among armed groups and which details a plan to “conquer” Egypt and restore the Islamic caliphate.

The document, entitled the “Conquest of Egypt,” was handwritten by a militant called Karim Ahmed Bedeiwi, who was killed in a recent police raid on a flat in the district of Nasr City in eastern Cairo.

The flat was reportedly was used as a weapons warehouse and the headquarters of a terrorist cell, security sources were quoted as saying by the online version of the Egyptian newspaper al-Wafd.

This document, the sources added, was distributed among 22 jihadist cells that operate under an umbrella group, which later came to be known as the Nasr City cell, and together form an intricate terrorist network that connects Cairo to other Egyptian governorates.

The “Conquest of Egypt” offers a detailed account of a plan by militant Islamists to seize power in Egypt and establish an Islamic caliphate.

The document mentions a series of steps that need to be taken to achieve their goal to “conquer,” they include assassinating the president, the Coptic pope, and several political and security figures.

This plan would coincide with a series of simultaneous bombings in several vital establishments as well as the Suez Canal, while main roads between Cairo and other Egyptian governorates and communication networks are to be taken over by the militants.

The plan also revealed that in addition to the Pope, the militants were going to target the Coptic community in general whether by assassinating and abducting prominent Coptic figures or carrying out terrorist operations in areas densely populated by Copts or known as their favorite gathering places.

The purpose, the document said, was to ignite a sectarian strife that not only rids the country of its Christian minority, but one that also undermines the structure of the Egyptian society.

According to security sources, the main purpose of the bombings is terrorizing the people so that they would not take to the streets in protest.

Certain strategic cities like Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, Port Said, and Ismailia, according to the document, were to be turned into military barracks.

The 22 cells, sources explained, possessed large numbers of advanced weapons and bombs that were brought from the Sinai Peninsula and Libya.
So there is a detailed plan. There is an organization. There are advanced weapons.

Where is the coverage?


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