Monday, October 29, 2012

  • Monday, October 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
A belly dancer stirred a wave of anger among Shiites in Egypt as she appeared in an Egyptian movie raving to a song praising Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad and the wife of Imam Ali, highly venerated in Shiite Islam, who called for banning the movie to screen in theaters.

Baha Anwar Mohammed, spokesman of Egyptian Shiites, has condemned belly dancer Dina for her performance in the film “Abdo Mouta” to be offensive and highly disrespectful to the People of the House (Ahl al-Bayt), the family of Prophet Muhammad, particularly important to Shia Muslims.

Baha was quoted by Egypt’s al-Sabah newspaper as saying that the country’s Shiites will file a complaint to the general prosecutor against the film demanding to ban it from screening as it insults prominent Islamic figures.

Shiites believe Imam Ali and the rest of Ahl al-Bayt as prophet’s successors. Baha called on Egypt’s Al-Azhar Islamic School and its Grand Mufti to condemn “such abuse” to the prophet’s family.

Dina, the belly dancer, denied her performance in the movie was meant to offend Islamic prominent figures.

She responded, "I am a Muslim and no one can say that I abused the people of the Prophet, God forbid. It's just a song, and the dance was not tacky at all"

Although the song “Virtuous Mother of Hasan and Husain” praises Fatima, the fact that a belly dancer dances to it was seen as highly inappropriate.
Here is Dina performing. May be NSFW.

  • Monday, October 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Oh Islamic nation, oh all Muslims...martyrdom on the path of Allah is a religious duty incumbent upon you, oh believers. It is your path for salvation in the eyes of the Lord. Oh Islamic nation, oh all Muslims. (repeated twice)
Pray: "Oh Allah, destroy Israel" (Amen) Oh Allah, destroy Israel. [inaudible] the accursed Sharon, Bush and Obama. 
The kid looks, literally, brainwashed. He shows no comprehension of his words, and he appears more like a distracted singer who knows the lyrics by heart than someone who understands the hate he is mindlessly chanting.

Ironically, this brainwashed kid is being used in turn to brainwash thousands more watching him on TV.

Don't worry, though - he might have no idea what he is saying now, but in a few years he might turn into this teenage preacher.
Five days after the publication of a distorted headline which was picked up by numerous international media outlets, Ha'aretz today published a clarification. In the last several days, numerous critics, including CAMERA, have weighed in about Ha'aretz's coverage of the Dialog poll, including the false headlines. The English online version was "Survey: Most Israeli Jews support apartheid regime in Israel," and the print edition was likewise wrong and damaging: "Survey: Most Israeli Jews advocate discrimination against Arab citizens."

Today, this clarification appears in the Hebrew print edition:

It states (CAMERA's translation):

The wording of the front-page headline, "The majority of Israelis support apartheid in Israel" (Ha'aretz, Oct. 23), did not accurately reflect the findings of the Dialog poll. The question to which most respondents answered in the negative did not relate to the current situation, but to a hypothetical situation in the future: "If Israel annexes territories in Judea and Samaria, in your opinion, should 2.5 million Palestinians be given the right to vote for the Knesset?"

...A small correction buried on page five about a highly visible front-page headline does not do justice to the problem. Levy's articles about the poll continue to inflict damage on Israel's international image. The clarification, though important, does not begin to put out the fire. It's reasonable to assume that most of those who celebrated the initial erroneous reports have no clue that a clarification was printed.
Read the whole thing, including how this is a pattern at Ha'aretz.

I can say with certainty that the original "apartheid" article was instantly reproduced throughout the Arab media, and is still being reported as fact today.

This was the second false "apartheid" headline in less than two weeks; the first one was also clarified after the fact. And that false story - that the Israeli government officially admits that Jews are a minority ruling a majority hostile Arab population - was also instantly flashed across the world in Arabic, as well as in the West.

The amount of damage that Ha'aretz is knowingly causing the State of Israel is immense. They are so eager to paint their country as a horrid, racist entity that their vitriol often exceeds that of Arab publications themselves. The joke that Ha'aretz is Israel's Hebrew-language Arab newspaper is not far off from the truth.

Journalists must be cognizant of the impact of their words. In the cases of many Ha'aretz writers, like Gideon Levy, Akiva Eldar and Amira Hass, it appears that they are in fact quite aware of that impact - and that is exactly why they lie. Imagine the boost to their egos, knowing that the most absurd charges against Israel get immediately picked up as fact by newspapers worldwide!

As CAMERA notes, Ha'aretz' editors need to be held accountable for this sickening habit of twisting facts to fit a pre-existing agenda hostile to the state and people of Israel.  Israelis know this - that is why Ha'aretz' circulation is a fraction of those of the top three Israeli papers, and its website is ranked a dismal 7th among Israeli news sites.

However, news media worldwide that rely on Ha'aretz as a reliable news source must be made aware of what Israelis know - that Ha'aretz is acting more like a propaganda rag than a respectable newspaper.

UPDATE: A longer correction, written by Levy, ridiculously claims that the lies "were not made intentionally, but as a result of neglect due to time pressure." He then goes on to defend his bias and his conclusions.

Keep in mind that the poll was done over five weeks before the story was published.
  • Monday, October 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arabic media is reporting that the IDF has been dropping leaflets onto southern Gaza Monday morning warning residents to stay safe.

The flyers, spread from Rafah to Deir al Balah, tell Gazans to stay at least 300 meters away from the border with Israel. It also urges them to stay away from rocket launchers and terrorists. The leaflets say that the terror groups pose a threat to people's lives, their families, their children and their property. The papers further said that that terrorists are firing rockets from populated areas into Israel, saying it will pursue the launchers.

Pro-terror media outlets warned other Arab newspapers in the area - and even in Egypt - not to publish the text or images of the flyers, so as not to play into the hands of the IDF and to avoid having Gazans read the "lies" of the enemy.

Similarly, Hamas has been gathering up the warnings and burning them as fast as they can, ostensibly to reduce "confusion."

And, incidentally, the entire concept of human shields doesn't work as well when the shields refuse to play along.
  • Monday, October 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From allAfrica, in a story that got picked up by Die Welt today:

Some Tunisians are accusing Ennahda's leader of pursuing a hidden agenda with salafists.

A leaked video featuring Ennahda leader Rachid Ghannouchi strategising with young salafist leaders is causing controversy in Tunisia.

In the video, which was first broadcast last April and re-broadcast October 9th, Ghannouchi said, "The secularists are still controlling the media, economy and administration. Therefore, controlling them would require more time." He added that "the police and army's support for Islamists is not guaranteed, and controlling them would also require more time."

"I tell our young salafists to be patient... Why hurry? Take your time to consolidate what you have gained," Ghannouchi said before advising them to "create television channels, radio stations, schools and universities" to push their agenda.

The Ennahda leader said, "We've met with Hizb ut-Tahrir, and the salafists, including Sheikh Abou Iyadh and Sheikh al-Idrissi."

Abou Iyadh, also known as Seif Allah Ben Hassine, is currently wanted by Tunisian police in connection with the September 14th attack on the US embassy.

In the video, Ghannouchi said he was "not afraid" to include an article in the new constitution on Sharia law. He went on to mock secularists who accept Islam and fear Sharia. "They are like those who accepted content but rejected the name itself," he said.

He also told the salafists about achievements that were made for them after Ennahda came to office. "The government is now at the hands of Islamists, the mosques are ours now, and we've become the most important entity in the country," he said.

"The Islamists must fill the country with associations, establish Qur'anic schools everywhere, and invite religious preachers because people are still ignorant of Islam," Ghannouchi continued.

In his first reaction to the leaking of video, Ghannouchi said that his words were "taken out of context", adding that the secularism he denounced was "the radical and extreme secularism".

Sunday, October 28, 2012

  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This story comes from Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today, which is generally a pretty good news source considering it is run by terrorists and their supporters.

Informed sources in the northern Sinai said that notice has been given to plan for Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain, to visit the Gaza Strip, this coming week.

The sources confirmed the King will fly from Bahrain in Arish Airport International, and then transfer via helicopter to the city of Rafah, 40 kilometers from the airport, and then will cross into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing amid heavy Egyptian and Bahraini security forces.

The sources pointed out that it is expected that the king of Bahrain to provide some financial aid and grants to the Gaza Strip, during his visit.

The visit was arranged by UNRWA and Khalifa is scheduled to meet the Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh.
If UNRWA is facilitating a visit between a head of state and the head of Hamas, that means that the UN is officially recognizing Hamas - a terror group that just today asserted that there is no room for Israel in the Middle East - as the official political leadership of Gaza, and it would be a slap in the face of the PA.

An Egyptian paper verifies that the king is arriving, but doesn't mention UNRWA.

We'll find out this week if the UNRWA story is true.
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

The European Left and Its Trouble With Jews
"Today, a sizable section of the European left has been reluctant to take a clear stand when anti-Zionism spills over into anti-Semitism. Beginning in the 1990s, many on the European left began to view the growing Muslim minorities in their countries as a new proletariat and the Palestinian cause as a recruiting mechanism. The issue of Palestine was particularly seductive for the children of immigrants, marooned between identities."

Malice, media bias, and the Cape Times
One of the strange paradoxes of our age is the unholy alliance between many self-designated Western social progressives and assorted tyrants, homophobes, xenophobes and anti-Semites in the Middle East.
"Three atrocities were examined: the Bulgarian bomb attack, the Toulouse shootings and the Fogel family murders (which took place in 2011). In brief, only the Bulgarian bomb attack was actually reported by the Cape Times while the other two were essentially ignored. Nevertheless, the paper did find space to present other either irrelevant or anti-Israel articles at the time these atrocities took place."

‘Whining’ About ‘Pathetic’ Rockets
“For instance, between 2006 and 2011, 44 Israelis were killed and 1,687 injured by Gaza rockets. These figures include many children, as terrorists often fire rockets when Israeli children are walking to school. More than one million Israelis live in range of rocket attack from Gaza.
What do Israel’s critics have to say about this?
Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow describes the rockets thusly: “pretty pathetic things – nobody gets injured”. The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah complained only yesterday about Israelis “whining about rockets”. Other opponents of Israel have dismissed the rockets as mere “fireworks”, and sneered that their only effect is to unsettle the pets of a handful of Israeli families.”

CIF Watch: Ben White dreams that, by the “bloodshed and sweat of martyrs”, Palestine will be free!

BBC Watch: The BBC, History and Politics
Another object which appears on the website is a Canaanite bottle from around 2,000 BCE. It is described as coming from “Jericho, Palestine”, but of course the term Palestine did not come into use for a further two millennia until it was introduced by Hadrian in 135 CE.

Hezbollah crosses Syrian border with bloody assault on Assad's enemies
Shia fighters coming to the regime's aid have tipped the balance of power. Loveday Morris meets beleaguered rebels taking sanctuary a few kilometres from the border

Syrian rebels find Iranian cash in the wallets of Assad’s militiamen

Saudi authorities disperse anti-Assad protest in Mecca

Iran cancels parliamentary visit over EU demands to meet Sakharov Prize recipients
Official in Tehran says his country does not accept any preconditions

Iran Installs 3,000 Centrifuges, Works to Trade Oil With Asia to Circumvent Sanctions
"International intelligence officials say that Iran has installed nearly 3,000 centrifuges at a nuclear site called Fordo, located under a mountain and inside a military base near the holy city of Qum, the Washington Post reported."

Lebanon arrests two Malaysian suspected suicide bombers
On Thursday, Lebanon's Al-Joumhouria newspaper, quoting security sources, said the Malaysians were detained by army intelligence on charges of being al-Qaeda members.
Investigations revealed they were recruited into al-Qaeda by another Malaysian before being taken to Yemen where they met other members of the organisation.
Al-Joumhouria said that about two months ago, the two Malaysians had tried to enter Syria via Turkey on a jihadist mission to carry out suicide attacks.

Indonesia Arrests 11 People Suspected of Planning Terror Attack Against U.S. Embassy

Saudi Textbooks Incite Hate, Say Leaders in American Publishing
"A ninth-grade textbook published by the Ministry of Education states, “The Jews and the Christians are enemies of the believers, and they cannot approve of Muslims.” An eighth-grade textbook says, “The Apes are the people of the Sabbath, the Jews; and the Swine are the infidels of the communion of Jesus, the Christians.” These are just two examples of a long list of hate-filled passages."

'Hate content against religious minorities rampant in school textbooks across Pakistan'
Textbooks used in Pakistan's schools include factual errors and hate content, which fuels the increasing levels of intolerance and extremism in the society, according to education experts.

Israeli 5-in-1 tool for rescuers creates design buzz
An industrial design student’s nifty invention for disaster scenes garnered lots of attention at Milan Design Week.

Israel Daily Picture: Jerusalem Commemorates the Visit of the German Emperor 114 Years Ago
The Kaiser Arrives, and the Rabbis Turn Out. How Jerusalem's Jews Greeted the German Emperor in 1898
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Daily Mail:
A prized goat has been put up for sale in India with a whopping £128,000 price tag.
Islam Bhati, 37, from Rajasthan in India, is trying to sell his finest goat for 11 million rupees to a Muslim family celebrating the Eid al-Adha festival.

The two-year-old animal is organic and has the word 'Allah' in Arabic emblazoned on one side of his fur. He also has a crescent and star on the other side.

Mr Bhati said: ‘It’s a miracle animal and I feel blessed to own him. We have looked after this goat like our child and he’s the best goat around. We can easily charge 11 million for such a divine animal, it's pretty reasonable.’

Mr Bhati, who run's the family's marble business, bought the goat from a nearby farm two years' ago.

He said: ‘I noticed the inscriptions soon after I bought him. I knew it was sacred. Since we took him into our home we have cared for him and fed him pulses, fresh tree leaves and dry fruit. His meat will be very good.’

Mr Bhati has been offered huge sums for the goat since he posted an advert on the Internet last week. However, no one has stepped forward and paid the asking price yet.
You might think this is a unique, once in a lifetime occurrence. After all, how many goats have spots that can be interpreted by idiotic Muslims as Allah?

Well, the same thing happened in 2007, also in India:

And in 2008:

But this goat did them all one better, because it had both Allah and Mohammed on it!

Allah must really love goats to reveal himself in so many of them.

Then again, he also seems to like to show up in people's ears, on honeycombs, clouds and tsunamis.

Not to mention ice-cream logos and sneakers, but since those were Western creations, they were abominations and not miracles.
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jewish weather control stations had a minor glitch late last week, and as a result a small meteorological disturbance is headed directly towards La maison Elder which may entail some emergency measures at EoZ Central.

So today I need to make some preparations.

It is entirely possible that power will go out around here, probably sometime Monday, and that would make blogging a little bit more difficult.

So here's an open thread while I batten down the hatches.

And I try to get this stupid song out of my mind:

Not to mention this:

Not a bad report - with the glaring exception of the media believing Muslim lies without checking:
A simple, ancient ritual is threatening the delicate security balance atop Jerusalem's most sacred plaza: Jews are praying.

On most days, dozens — sometimes hundreds — of Jewish worshipers ascend to the disputed 36-acre platform that Muslims venerate as Al Aqsa mosque and Jews revere as the Temple Mount with an Israeli police escort to protect them and a Muslim security guard to monitor their movements.

Then, they recite a quick prayer, sometimes quietly to themselves, other times out loud.

Jewish activists call the prayers harmless acts of faith. Police and Muslim officials see them as dangerous provocations, especially given the deep religious sensitivities of the site and its history of violence. Twelve years ago, the presence of Jews on the plaza was so controversial that a brief tour by Israeli politician Ariel Sharon helped trigger a Palestinian uprising that lasted more than four years. [Lie #1]

But today Jewish worshipers are commonplace, coming in greater numbers than at any time since Israel's founding and perhaps, some scholars say, as far back as half a millennium ago. Their goal? To challenge the Israeli government's tacit acceptance and enforcement of a ban on Jews praying there by the Islamic trust that has continued to administer the site even after Israel captured the Old City in 1967.

Jewish visits to the plaza are expected to surpass 12,000 this year, up 30% from 2011, according to estimates by Jewish worshiper groups.

"What is provocative about a person wanting to pray?" Rabbi Chaim Richman asked after defying mainstream rabbinical religious rulings and risking arrest by praying on a recent morning near the golden Dome of the Rock. The world's oldest surviving Islamic monument, it's built atop the site where Jews believe their first temple held the Ten Commandments.

"It's the most basic human right," said Richman, international director of the Temple Institute. "I'm not asking to build a temple. I'm just asking to move my lips."

His group and others that advocate the rebuilding of a Jewish temple have often been dismissed by other Israelis and the international community as extremists and zealots who seek to destroy the Dome and the nearby Al Aqsa mosque. Now they are betting this prayer campaign will give their cause more mainstream support, portraying it as a matter of religious equality and free speech.

How can it be, they ask, that in the state of Israel, Jews and Christians are banned from praying at Judaism's holiest site, while Muslims can worship freely? Even the U.S. State Department has cited Israel's ban on non-Muslim prayer on the plaza in its annual report on religious freedom, they note.

The groups want the Israeli government to implement a time-sharing plan that would set aside certain hours for Jewish worship, similar to one used to divide Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs, a holy site for Muslims and Jews.

Palestinians and Muslim leaders call the prayer campaign the latest ruse designed to instigate clashes so that Israel can justify putting the plaza under military control.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas this month accused Israel of launching a "fierce assault" on the mosque after soldiers broke up a Muslim riot triggered by a group of Jewish worshipers. [Lie #2]

Jordan, which has maintained day-to-day supervision of the plaza through an Islamic trust called the Waqf, is asking the U.N.'s cultural body, UNESCO, to condemn Israel for permitting an increase in Jewish prayers.

"The Israeli strategy is to take it over," said Mahdi Abdul Hadi, chairman of the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs, a Jerusalem think tank. "We don't want to share, not because we don't accept them, but because we don't trust them." He said the Hebron agreement was supposed to result in sharing, but it led to bloody clashes between Jews and Muslims, and finally a military takeover. [Lie #3]

Hadi also noted that temple-rebuilding extremists set fire to Al Aqsa mosque in 1969 and plotted to bomb the Dome of the Rock in the 1980s. [Lie #4]

Jewish prayer at the Jerusalem holy site is certainly not new, but it has been rarely seen during the last 2,000 years. After the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70, a Jewish presence on the plaza was mostly banned or severely limited during Christian and Islamic rule.

Under the Ottoman Empire, Jews were given access to the Western Wall — believed to be a remnant of the Second Temple compound — but banned from the plaza above, which was reserved for Muslims only, according to Israeli historian F.M. Loewenberg.

Even after Israel took control of East Jerusalem in 1967, most Jews stayed away because of rabbinical prohibitions that warned them against visiting the site lest they inadvertently step on hallowed ground.

In recent years, however, a small but growing number of rabbis have softened that position. At the same time, national religious groups have argued that Israel should exert greater control over what is considered Judaism's holiest site.

In 2000, Jewish visitors were allowed onto the plaza only in groups of two or three at a time and even moving lips in silent prayer might led to arrest, Jewish activists say. Today Jewish groups as large as 150 are allowed to roam the plaza, sometimes drawing nothing more than cold stares and quiet curses from Muslims.

But instead of furtive prayers when police aren't looking, more worshipers are sometimes singing and lying on the ground in keeping with Jewish traditions. Such overt prayer often sparks clashes with Muslims, as occurred this month during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot when a right-wing Israeli politician was arrested for praying.

Police officials say they oppose any attempt to allow non-Muslim prayer on the plaza.

"As soon as that takes place, it causes a response from Israeli Arabs, and the Israeli police have to respond and separate them," said Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. "Our aim is to keep the status quo and make sure the different religions can use and respect the site."

Right-wing Israeli lawmaker Arieh Eldad, who recently drafted a bill to impose a time-sharing plan that would allow Jews to pray at specified times, accused Palestinians of using the threat of violence to keep the plaza to themselves.

"Muslims are blackmailing the West, saying they will burn, riot and murder if we practice our right of freedom of speech," he said.

Temple group activists say their strategy is to keep praying and getting arrested, hoping Israeli courts will force the government to drop the ban.

Israel's Supreme Court upheld the right of Jews to pray on the plaza, but gave police broad latitude to restrict access in the name of security. Muslim males younger than 45 are also sometimes banned from the holy site for security reasons.

"We're focusing on prayer for the next year," said Aviad Visuli, a Haifa attorney who represents Jewish activists. "It's something nobody can object to."

Waqf leaders in Jerusalem declined to speak publicly, citing the sensitivity of the issue. But one Waqf official warned that Palestinian and Arab Israeli worshipers are increasingly uneasy over the prospect of sharing the plaza.

"This is a Muslim site," the official said. "If the police don't stop this, the people will. For Muslims, this is a red line."

Arab lie #1:
At least the authors wrote Sharon's visit "helped trigger" instead of "triggered" the second intifada, but the fact is that the riots were planned for months before Sharon's visit. From a December 2000 speech to the UN by the Israeli ambassador:

It now seems as if the leading role that the Palestinian leadership has played in the current spate of violence is finally being admitted. The Palestinian semi-official daily Al Ayyam reported on 6 December that Palestinian Minister of Communications, Imad Al Falouji, confirmed that the Palestinian Authority had begun preparations for the outbreak of the current intifada from the moment the Camp David talks concluded, this in accordance with instructions given by Chairman Arafat himself. Mr. Falouji went on to state that Arafat launched this intifada as the culminating stage of "Palestinian steadfastness" in the negotiations, and not merely as a protest of Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount (Al-Ayyam, 6 December 2000)

Arab lie #2:
From reading the Arab media, while they complain about "Talmudic rituals" on the Temple Mount, it is the mere presence of Jews there that cause them to protest - not the prayers. They will fill their newspapers with photos of "Jewish desecrators" who are merely walking around.

Arab lie #3:
The massacre at the Cave of the Patriarchs [1994] preceded the Hebron agreement in the Wye River Accords [1996.] It wasn't that the agreement caused the massacre.

However, there were plenty of horrid terror attacks by Arabs against the Jews of Hebron after the Accords. For example, the 1998 murders of Rabbi Shlomo Ra'anan (stabbed in his bedroom) and Danny Vargas, or the 2001 murder of 10-month old Shalhevet Pass.

The idea that Wye River was an Arab gesture of wanting to live peacefully with Jews is an outrageous lie.

Arab lie #4:
While there was a Jewish plot to bomb the Al Aqsa mosque in the 1980s, the 1969 attack was done by an unhinged Christian, not Jews, as implied here.

UPDATE: CAMERA found some other problems with the article, including - most egregiously - the headline.
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
Israel killed a Hamas gunman it accused of preparing to fire a rocket from the Gaza Strip on Sunday and a separate Palestinian salvo struck a southern Israeli city, causing no damage.

The incidents followed a three-day lull since an upsurge in violence last week in which Israel killed at least seven Palestinians, and dozens of rockets were fired at Israeli towns, damaging some homes and wounding several agricultural workers.

An Israeli air strike before dawn on Sunday struck two gunmen from Hamas' military wing as they rode a motorcycle near the central town of Khan Younis, local officials said.

The Al-Qassam Brigades said Suleiman Qarra, 27, from Bani Suheila, was killed, and another fighter wounded.

An Israeli military spokesman said the air force had targeted a squad preparing to fire a rocket into Israel.

Hamas said its gunmen had fired mortar rounds at Israeli ground forces who had penetrated the coastal territory nearby. The military said those soldiers, who were unhurt, had been carrying out "routine work along the boundary fence."

Separately, two Palestinian rockets fired from Gaza struck Beersheba, a city 40 km away, causing no damage, the military spokesman said. Beersheba sounded air raid sirens and shuttered its schools as a precaution against further attacks.

The Popular Resistance Committees, one of several smaller Palestinian factions in Gaza that often operate independently of Hamas, said it had launched one of the Beersheba rockets. There was no immediate claim for the second.
YNet notes what Reuters ignores: that there were rockets fired beforehand.

This means that since the current escalation started, the IDF has now killed 9 terrorists - and zero civilians.

Here's what the jihadist looked like while alive:

And now:

May we see many thousands more "after" photos on the jihadist sites.

  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israeli Nir Geiger recently went on a trip to Tanzania, where he snapped this photo:

'Nuff said.

(h/t Israel Muse)
  • Sunday, October 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
Cairo Security Directorate said in a statement Saturday that it recorded 87 verbal harassment cases and 6 other physical harassment cases on Friday, the first day of Eid al-Adha.

Already a persistent problem, sexual harassment becomes a particular concern during vacations and holidays, despite organizing many marches advocating the right of women to walk safely in streets.

Activists who launched an initiative dubbed "I witnessed harassment" said in a report Friday that more than 60 percent of women who were in downtown Cairo were subjected to sexual harassment, including areas such as Qasr al-Nil Bridge, Abdel Moneim Riad Square, and Talaat Harb Street. The statement added that some incidents involved violence.

Most of the violations were carried out by boys between eight and 20 years old, with a few cases of perpetrators over the age of 20. The age of harassed girls ranged from between 11 to 20 years old.

The report included criticism of the police from volunteer activists who recorded the harassment incidents, saying the police questioned the identity of activists without taking any legal action against harassers.

The report cited a collective harassment incident at the Nile Corniche in Maadi, where a group of no less than 40 men attacked 50 girls. The report added the police did not interfere to stop harassers except when activists started filming the incident.
This has been a pattern during Muslim holidays in Egypt for years.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

  • Saturday, October 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Jewish settlement in the West Bank is not the issue
"The Arab world is in turmoil and mired in violence and religious extremism, and the Palestinian community deeply divided to the point of civil war. Meanwhile the hatred and scapegoating of Israel for all the many failures of the Islamic world deepens.
There is probably little or no possibility of the type of decisions being made that are required to resolve the Palestinian question. And the nightmare scenario for Israel is making further difficult concessions, only to end up with a second Gaza on the West Bank. Indeed Israel has made major unilateral concessions and has been badly punished for its efforts, and is unlikely to do that again.
One thing is clear though: this is not now, nor was it ever, a process that is being stopped by the presence of Jewish settlements."

Haaretz, Gideon Levy, and the Israel apartheid canard
"Today, we can look back and see how the image of the demonic Jew came into being: it took a systematic campaign of lies and brainwashing. One day the minister of history will deal with the same question: How was the image of a demonic Israel created? But there’s no need to wait for the far future. What was once done by the anti-Semitic right to the Jews is now being done by the anti-Zionist left to Israel. The difference between them, if it was not clear, is fading away."

The Most Israeli Answer to a Question Ever
"As per policy, Israeli officials have been mum about the attack, but one anonymous Israeli official has spoken off the record about the operation. I now happily present to you, the most Israeli answer to a security question ever:
“It would be in Israel’s interest to hit a factory that was a major source of weapons for the Gaza Strip, no?”

Anti-Semitism and George Galloway’s Party
A controversy in the Respect Party shows a larger trend
British Respect Party’s woman’s officer, Naz Kahn, posted on Facebook September 30:
“It’s such a shame that the history teachers in our school never taught us this but they are the first to start brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world??
The defense Kahn seemed to offer in a later post was she is “not a Nazi, I’m an ordinary British Muslim that had an opinion and put it across.”

BBC Watch: BBC’s Jon Donnison presents hearsay as ‘analysis’
"The report includes ‘analysis’ by the BBC’s Gaza correspondent Jon Donnison.
“Many Palestinians believe Israel provoked the violence deliberately ahead of upcoming Israeli elections in January.”Donnison’s tawdry repetition of inaccurate and misleading hearsay constitutes neither the fact-based analysis nor the accurate and impartial reporting to which the BBC is committed."

At UN Human Rights Council, Will U.S. Go Down with the Ship?
Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, got it only half right in her response:
“Throughout his tenure as Special Rapporteur, Mr. Falk has been highly biased and made offensive statements, including outrageous comments on the 9/11 attacks,” Rice said. “Mr. Falk’s recommendations do nothing to further a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and indeed poison the environment for peace. His continued service in the role of a UN Special Rapporteur is deeply regrettable and only damages the credibility of the UN.”
“Falk doesn’t harm the UN’s credibility. Just the opposite. The UNHRC eats away at America’s credibility by our continued participation in an explicitly anti-Israel “human rights” group that can put America’s name on its hateful work. John Bolton put it best when he said the Obama administration’s decision to join the council when it did was “like getting on board the Titanic after it’s hit the iceberg.” And now Rice is scolding the iceberg when she should be heading for a lifeboat.”

EU envoy warns PA of UN bid’s negative consequences
Speaking to London-based Al Hayat, Andreas Reinicke warned the Palestinian Authority that a unilateral bid for nonmember state status could have negative economic and political consequences."

Al-Qaida head attacks Morsi for ties with Israel
Ayman al-Zawahiri calls for mass Egyptian demonstrations over "[Israel-Egypt] peace treaty, occupation of Palestine, siege in Gaza."

Egypt Warns of Security Threat to Israel During Muslim Holiday
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  • Saturday, October 27, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Copenhagen Post:
A city hall request that the Israeli flag not be displayed at a street festival intended to promote diversity has Jewish community leaders wondering what “diversity” really means to some city leaders.

During planning meetings for September’s Smag Verden – Mangfoldighedsfest, a celebration of the foods and cultures of different countries, Jewish participants were warned that some would interpret the flying of the Israeli flag as a provocation.

“We were told that is was better if we did not fly our flag,” Malgorzata H Hansen, who represented local Jews at the meetings, told Berlingske newspaper.

Organisers said they feared clashes between Jewish, Muslim and leftist groups if the Israeli flag was displayed.

Originally, representatives of TaskForce Inklusion, the group responsible for communicating with all of the groups participating in the festival, told the Jewish representatives that all participating associations were being asked not to bring flags.

Other flags were displayed prominently at the festival and the groups involved said they had never been asked not to display their country’s standards.

TaskForce Inklusion has since revised their story.

“It is not that there is a flag policy,” said Pernille Kjeldgaard, the head of TaskForce Inklusion, to Berlingske. “Specific associations were asked not to display their flags as a safety precaution.”

Max Meyer, head of the organisation Dansk Zionistforbund, said the rules ought to have been the same for everyone.

“It is a shame that one group is discriminated against, especially at a diversity celebration,” Meyer told Berlingske.

Kjeldgaard said her organisation is now re-evaluating its procedures.

“We are aware of the conflict, and are looking at whether we should make some changes,” she said.

Copenhagen's deputy mayor for employment and integration, Anna Mee Allerslev (Radikale), apologised to the Zionist group and invited them to a meeting to discuss the situation.

“No one should feel excluded from a diversity festival,” she said.

Allerslev said that she had been advised to completely exclude the Danish Zionist group from the festival, although he declined to say who exactly made that recommendation.

“We had some experts who were deeply concerned about the situation and were afraid that the security was not sufficient,” she said.

The city deployed 20 additional police officers in and around the festival’s location in the multi-ethinc Nørrebro district.

City councillor Lars Aslan Rasmussen (Socialdemokraterne) called the situation “completely discriminatory”, but Allerslev said other considerations had been in play.

“I would really love to have an explanation as to why Rasmussen does not believe that public safety should be a top priority,” she said. “Politicians should be careful not to politicise cases like this.”

Allerslev stressed that the Jewish group had only been recommended not to display the Israeli flag.

“This was advice, it was not a ban. It was done with the best of intentions,” she said.
You see, it isn't discrimination. It is security!

Some Arabs and leftists and anti-semites and goons and haters who would otherwise enjoy the diversity festival might decide to go crazy and start a riot if they saw a star of David. And the feelings of anti-semites and Israel-haters are really far more important than that of proud Jews, right?

Because Jews aren't going to riot and throw stones and burn flags.

So the least objectionable thing to do is to tell the nice, quiet Jews to stay nice and quiet and don't mention anything about a Jewish state, and then the Jew-haters can enjoy the festival with their families. And everyone is happy.

How dare anyone think that this policy is discriminatory!

(h/t Ishai)


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