Monday, October 15, 2012

Palestine Today says
Monday morning, a number of settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Mughrabi Gate.

A guards of the holy mosque told our correspondent that the storming operation was still continuing, accompanied by reinforced elements of special police units of the occupation to provide protection and escort for suspicious settlers during their tours in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The guard pointed out that a number of extremists performed Talmudic rituals and rites in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque today.
Yesterday, the Al Aqsa Foundation said that some 30 Israeli police "stormed" the Temple Mount, apparently to protect a small group of Jews who they photographed.

The biggest story on the Al Aqsa site  is that during September, the anti-semitic Arabs counted some 1300 "settlers" "desecrating" Judaism's holiest spot, amongst tens of thousands of Muslims and several thousand foreign tourists.

The Muslim leaders are now encouraging Muslims schools to go on field trips to the Mount in order to counterbalance the few dozens of Jews visiting the area with hundreds of bored Arab schoolkids.

The Foundation points out that the Jews are trying to make Jewish visits a normal thing so that they get used to it and the outrage will naturally dissipate, and they promise they will never let that happen. But of course, it already is, as the general Arabic media has been reducing their coverage of the visits, albeit slowly, and the Al Aqsa Foundation needs to fabricate outrageous claims in order to get their daily screeds noticed.

I wonder if any pro-Palestinian Arab "human rights" groups support the rights of Jews to freely visit - and pray at - the Temple Mount.  So far, I haven't seen any, nor any mention of this in HRW or Amnesty's websites.
  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Ministry: French Official Denies Jewish Connection to the Land
The Foreign Ministry upbraided France's Consul General in Jerusalem over his denial of the Jewish connection to historical sites in Israel
The Foreign Ministry on Thursday upbraided the French Consulate General in Jerusalem over remarks made by France's Consul General in Jerusalem, Frédéric Desagneaux, that the Ministry said “denies the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel.” In a statement, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor said that Israel was “shocked that the French Consul General was joining forces with those who would rewrite history to reflect specific agendas and erase the Jewish and Israeli connection to the Land of Israel.

In his remarks, Desagneaux discussed “the important archaeological projects that French archaeologists had helped to uncover in Palestine,” including the Qumran Caves and Masada, stressing their connection to “Palestinian history. We have seen how important these heritage sites are to international recognition of Palestine, and France intends to continue to lead the movement to recognize the Palestinian's management of these sites,” he said.

Genocidal Liberalism: The University’s Jihad Against Israel & Jews (REVIEW)
"How, asks Cravatts, “did the academic left come to hate Israel,” which had been looked on by most (not all)) liberals prior to June 1967 with approval and sympathy? By 2007 Stanley Fish could observe in the New York Times that at most American universities “anti-Israel sentiment flourishes and is regarded more or less as a default position.”
"The liberal UC Berkeley historian Martin Jay (in Salmagundi, winter/spring 2003) merely blamed Jews for “causing” the “new antisemitism; but Paul Krugman (Princeton) went a step further (New York Times, October 23, 2003) by “explaining” (away) the Malaysian Mahathir Mohamad’s regurgitation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as “anti-Semitism with a Purpose”; and then the liberal historian1 Tony Judt (NYU) outdid both of them in the New York Review of Books (October 23, 2003)—the Women’s Wear Daily of liberal academics–by calling for the end of the State of Israel as the panacea for the ills of the world."

New Threats to Free Speech by Nonie Darwish
"The truth regarding that low-budget video, however, is that all the stories in it were taken from the Islamic books on Mohammed's life, "Sirat Rasul Allah" ["The Life of the Messenger of Allah"], the earliest biography of Muhammad, as well as from quotes in the "Hadiths," acts or sayings ascribed to Muhammad. The stories were not the invention of the producer of the film; they were tasteless and unholy, but they are all found in Muslim scriptures. The problem with Islam is that Muslims riot and burn and kill those who repeat what already exists in their scriptures."

Palestinian group to PA: Release jailed journalists By KHALED ABU TOAMEH
Palestinian Journalists Syndicate in Gaza calls for the release of reporters arrested by PA security forces in West Bank.
One of the journalists, Walid Khaled, has been on hunger strike since his arrest on September 18, the syndicate said. Khaled was arrested by the PA only days after he had been released from Israeli prison.
Khaled works for the Palestinian newspaper Falasteen [Hamas]. Last week a PA judge ordered his release, but the PA has refused to obey the order.

Qaradawi urges Muslims to support Jerusalem’s cause
In his Friday sermon at Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Mosque, he recalled that “when a Jew (*) burned a small portion of a pulpit of Al Aqsa mosque back in 1969, all Muslims and Arabs of the world hurried to create what came to be known as the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to deal with the issue”.
*[actually it was an Australian Christian]

PMW: PA Minister honors murderer of two [Israeli women] by attending his daughter's wedding
PA TV song broadcast more than 15 times: "Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, and Nazareth are ours"
This song was performed in front of PA Chairman Abbas and other senior PA officials at a Fatah event in 2011. Since then, PA TV has broadcast it more than 30 times.
PA TV is directly controlled by the office of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

CIFWatch: Guardian video falsely claims that Hezbollah drone was shot down over “Palestinian territory”

BBC Watch: BBC World Service hosts antisemite Gilad Atzmon
Jerusalem Syndrome at the BBC comedy quiz QI
“...if the BBC is going to mention Jerusalem in what purports to be a general knowledge-related programme, then obviously it is not a good idea to present the city as a place connected solely to Christianity and Islam.”

Israeli legal group threatens to sue Australian charity for funding terror group
Shurat HaDin alleges that World Vision gave more than $1 million per year to an arm of the PFLP

Former Lebanese PM joins growing chorus of Nasrallah criticism
Fouad Siniora says Hezbollah could unilaterally drag Lebanon into a military conflict with Israel; Saed Hariri calls move ‘uncalculated adventure’

Israeli network cable experts to go cable-less
RIT Technologies, one of the world’s leading network cabling topology firms, has a new system to eliminate network cables
"Even better than an efficient cabling system, however, is a system that connects servers, routers, computers, and other devices without cables at all — and RiT this week announced that it had begun final development of the first product in its new Indoor Wireless Optical Network (IWON) product family, which, the company says, will enable companies to utilize high-speed, high-bandwidth networks using symmetrical, bi-directional optical links, eliminating the need for cumbersome cabling networks and switching panels."

Eat More Chocolate, Win More Nobel Prizes?
"Can eating chocolate boost your brain power enough to get you a Nobel Prize? A scientist examined whether a country's per-capita chocolate consumption was related to the number of Nobels it had won -- a sign of a nation's "cognitive function." Using data from chocolate producers in 23 countries, he found "a surprisingly powerful correlation."

  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every time I think that Arab lies can't get any more absurd, along comes a new one. From Gulf News:
This scene from a movie may be the basis for the "field study."
Palestinian labourers working in Israel are at a high risk of sexual harassment by Israeli women, according to a recent field study conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The study found that 77 per cent of the Palestinian labourers in Israel had been subject to sexual harassment by Israeli women.

In an interview with Gulf News, Shaher Saad, the President of the Union of the Palestinian Labourer Federations, said the Palestinians face a real problem with the labourers who work in Israel on permits other than the official legal work permits.
He stressed that the problem increased further with the illegal labourers who are smuggled into Israel and spend days and weeks there for work. He said those labourers usually are blackmailed, harassed and forced to get involved in illicit and intimate affairs.

“There are about 55,000 Palestinian labourers who enter Israel for work through illegal and unacceptable methods,” he said. “The real focus needs to go to those illegal labourers who get sexually harassed.”
Those horny Israeli temptresses!

Before we go on, let's get one thing clear: the Gulf News didn't even bother checking the webpage of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, which links to no such study as of this writing.

So the only person making this claim is president of the Union of the Palestinian Labourer Federations, who is obviously against any Palestinian Arab working in Israel - and is willing to do anything to stop it.
Saad said his union has come up with extensive programmes to raise the awareness of the Palestinian labourers, mainly targeting illegal workers. “Aids is a key enemy fought by the union,” he said.

He said Palestinian labourers should be extremely careful inside Israel knowing that some Israelis will take advantage of the labourers and harm them. “The Israelis only care for their joy and interests and pay no attention or consider judicial consequences when they handle Palestinian labourers,” he said.

We are forcing Palestinian labourers outside the West Bank in searches for better work place and Israel is the ideal destination,” he said.

So far, the Palestinian authorities have failed to imposed an HIV test for labourers who have worked in Israel, especially before they marry. An increasing number of HIV patients have been reported by Palestinian medical authorities. “This is an alarm and this issue should be taken in a more serious way,” Saad said.
Maybe Israel should impose venereal disease tests on all incoming Palestinian Arab laborers? Sounds like it is a public health issue!

I can't wait for Mondoweiss to publish this....

(h/t Israel Muse)

UPDATE: I actually found the study. It is quite different, and very revealing. See here.

  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PC Magazine:
Researchers have uncovered a new virus with ties to the Flame and Gauss malware. According to Kaspersky Lab, its latest discovery has "many similarities to Flame," prompting researchers to dub it miniFlame.

"MiniFlame is in fact based on the Flame platform but is implemented as an independent module. It can operate either independently, without the main modules of Flame in the system, or as a component controlled by Flame," Kaspersky said in a blog post.

MiniFlame was uncovered in July 2012, but has apparently been in development for several years. Kaspersky believes there are dozens of different miniFlame modifications; at this point, the firm has identified six.

While Flame and Gauss hit a large number of targets, miniFlame appears to be focused on a few systems in Western Asia. "This indicates that [miniFlame] is a tool used for highly targeted attacks, and has probably been used only against very specific targets that have the greatest significance and posing the greatest interest to the attackers," Kaspersky said.

MiniFlame also does not appear to be targeting a specific region. Flame was mostly focused in Iran and Sudan, while Gauss had a major presence in Lebanon. Different miniFlame variants, however, have clustered in regions like Lebanon and Palestine as well as Iran, Kuwait, and Qatar.

"If Flame and Gauss were massive spy operations, infecting thousands of users, miniFlame/SPE is a high precision, surgical attack tool," Kaspersky said.

MiniFlame, however, can be used in conjunction with its larger counterparts, like Gauss. "As many readers will remember, it has been assumed that Flame and Gauss were parallel projects that did not have any modules or C&C servers in common," Kaspersky said. "The discovery of miniFlame, which works with both these espionage projects, proves that we were right when we concluded that they had come out of the same 'cyber-weapon factory."

Kaspersky uncovered Flame in late May, and said at the time that it "might be the most sophisticated cyber weapon yet unleashed." Flame can sniff network traffic, take screenshots, record audio conversations, intercept a keyboard, and more. All of this data is then available via Flame's command-and-control servers.

Gauss, meanwhile, was uncovered in August and is a cyber threat targeting users in the Middle East that is intended to steal personal details, like banking information. Gauss includes a module - known as Godel - that has an encrypted payload, which Kaspersky found difficult to crack. Ultimately, it asked the security community for assistance.
Russian company Kaspersky, which has effectively become Iran's cyber-defense contractor, linked Flame and Stuxnet previously.

It is widely assumed that these suites of computer malware were designed by Israel and the US.
  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
A Saudi father pardoned his son’s killer if he successfully memorized the Holy Quran, a local newspaper reported on Saturday.

The killer, Faisal al-Ameri, kisses the forehead of Rabi’a al-Dousary, the father of the young man he killed.
Rabi’a al-Dousary, father of the slain young man named Abdullah, promised to pardon the convicted felon, Faisal al-Ameri, if he successfully memorized all of the Holy Quran before leaving prison, al-Yawm Saudi newspaper reported.

Ameri was sentenced to death for killing Dousary during a quarrel that erupted in their neighborhood.

The Higher Committee of Correction in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom has persuaded the father to forgive and pardon Ameri.

The father, who refused to receive any blood money, to teach the Ameri a far more valuable lesson, insisted on one condition: the killer to fully memorize the Quran before his acquittal from prison.
A number of Arab countries actually release criminals from prison if they memorize parts or all of the Quran.

Because, apparently, rote memorization of the Islamic holy book (that has been used to justify the deaths of countless innocent people) proves that you are moral enough to re-enter society.
  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
In a recent report published by the Cairo-based Nadim Centre for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims, 34 cases of death, 88 cases of torture, and seven cases of sexual assault at the hands of Egyptian police were recorded during Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's first 100 days in office.
In the time period cited, the report recorded a total of over 247 cases of alleged police brutality.

The report states that at least 34 people were killed by police in police stations, prisons and in public areas. According to the report, the killings were generally the result of live ammunition used to disperse protesters.

The report also cites 88 cases of torture by police. The seven people that the report alleges were sexually assaulted by police during interrogation include a young man who filed a legal complaint against a police officer and was later threatened and subject to torture.

More than eight cases of the kidnapping of political activists were also recorded, several of whom were also allegedly subject to torture and abuse.

At least ten sit-ins were also reported to have been dispersed by force during Morsi's first 100 days as president, along with several cases of arbitrary arrest as was most recently seen during the 17 September Nile University sit-in.

Approximately ten police raids on homes and private property were also recorded by the centre, the most famous of which was a police raid in early August on shack dwellers behind the Nile Towers in downtown Cairo.
Just for comparison, I estimate that in the past 100 days, the IDF killed about 18 Palestinian Arabs (including the five this past weekend), the vast majority of whom were members of terrorist groups or engaged in attacks against Israelis when they were killed.

Which means that Egypt kills far more Arabs than Israel does!
  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the weekend a photo that seems to have been taken in a Danish supermarket made the rounds on Twitter:

Jodekager means "Jewish cookie" and is a well known Danish biscuit, especially (ironically) around Christmas.

"Bagt i gasovn" means  "baked in gas ovens."

The reaction has been that perhaps the sign was in bad taste but many liked it (and favorited it on Twitter and "Liked" it on Facebook.) Others thought it might be Photoshopped, which is certainly possible. I couldn't find an original image with camera information.

Even if the sign itself is fake, the reaction is troubling, to say the least.

See "Never to Wait" blog.

(h/t Israel Muse)

UPDATE: Commenter Akusia reminds me of this story from 2005:
A group of Danish Muslims refuse to eat traditional “Jewish” cookies because they feel offended by the name.
It all equals out. Jews are offended by gratuitous Holocaust jokes, and Muslims are offended by - Jews.

UPDATE 2: Follow-up at Never to Wait:
Since I wrote the original post, reported that this picture originates from a Dagli’Brugsen in Thorsager, Denmark. Dagli’Brugsen is a the Danish equivalent of a Sainsbury’s Local, and the sign was reportedly put up by a young employee as a joke. As there is only one picture circulating the web, I’m assuming that this sign was taken down immediately, if it ever actually existed in the first place. For this reason, I have not denounced SuperBrugsen in any way.

Martin, a representative from SuperBrugsen, posted the following on their official Facebook page:

We are currently investigating the case, but for now it looks like a tasteless joke. The picture has nothing to do with SuperBrugsen. We would see it as entirely unacceptable for a sign like that to be used in one of our stores.
  • Monday, October 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Two men were killed and another two critically wounded on Sunday in an Israeli strike on central Gaza, Palestinian medics said in what was the third deadly raid in 24 hours.

The incident occurred just east of Deir al-Balah, with the Israeli military confirming it had targeted “a terrorist rocket squad.”

Ashraf al-Qudra, spokesman for the Hamas-run health ministry, said the strike had initially killed one man and left three others in critical condition, but one of the wounded died shortly afterwards.

“Two people were killed, one of those who was critically wounded died of his wounds,” he told AFP.

He named the victims as Ezzedine Abu Nasira, 23, and Ahmad Fatayer, 22, both of whom were from Deir al-Balah. Witnesses said the strike targeted a motorcycle, and said that both men were militants.

Qudra said both of those wounded in the strike were civilians.
Qudra and the Gaza health ministry are lying - they were both from the Saladin Brigades of the Popular Resistance Committees, as Ma'an reported.
An Israeli army spokeswoman confirmed there was a “targeting of a terrorist rocket squad” which had just fired a rocket at southern Israel.

“They had just fired a rocket at Israel which hit the area of the Eshkol regional council,” she said. No-one was injured on the Israeli side.

According to the army, more than 500 rockets have hit Israel since the start of 2012, more than 40 of which were fired in the first two weeks of October.

It was the third deadly Israeli raid within 24 hours.

On Saturday night, the air force targeted a motorcycle in the northern town of Jabaliya, killing a top Salafist leader and a fellow militant.

Several hours later, warplanes targeted two militants from the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the southern city of Khan Yunis, killing one and critically wounding the second.
Again, it is amazing to kill five people from airstrikes in a crowded urban area without killing any civilians.

Not to mention how impressive Israeli intelligence remains in Gaza to pinpoint the right people.

(h/t Challah)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's Shorouk News reports that an Egyptian NGO called the "Justice and Development Organization for Human Rights" is claiming that the pro-Morsi rioters in Tahrir Square on Friday were not Egyptian, but Hamas members!

According to their statement, the group claimed that followers of Abu Marzouk, head of the Political Bureau of the Hamas movement, initiated the riots against the liberals and that the masked rioters were not young members of the Muslim Brotherhood as had been assumed.

The group claims that Hamas wants to play a big role in the internal affairs of Egypt.

The claim seems unlikely. Hamas does not want to upset the Egyptian Islamist government. And the NGO gives no evidence, as far as I can tell. This bizarre charge seems more designed to distance Egypt from Gaza - which most Egyptians aren't keen to subsidize - and to reduce intra-Egyptian tensions by taking the Muslim Brotherhood off the hook for the riots.

It just goes to show that Egyptian "human rights" NGOs are just as crazy and prone to conspiracy theories as Egypt's politicians, TV stars and journalists.
  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI, again:

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian researcher Muhammad Galaa Idris, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on January 26, 2012.

Muhammad Galaa Idris: The current pope – Benedict IV or VII, or whatever – is even more Zionist than Herzl. I follow his statements, and I've already said that if that man is not a Jew, then he has been Judaized.

What he says exceeds what the Jews themselves say. He is more of a Zionist than the Zionists themselves.

Interviewer: Give us some examples...

Muhammad Galaa Idris: All his statements are in support of the Jews. He recognized what the Nazis did to the Jews, the Jewish Holocaust. All his statements are hostile to the Arabs and the Muslims. He slandered Islam, the Koran, the Muslims, and the Arabs.
  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Reading about the riots and seeing them are two completely different things:

  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

The Israel benefit Arab neighbors don’t talk about
“A case in point is the Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ) which exist in both Jordan and Israel as a result of the peace agreements we signed with both countries and through the cooperation, as well, of the United States government.”
“This is all a bit less important today than it was when it was implemented as now Jordan also has a free trade agreement with the US. But statistics a year ago showed that fully a third of Jordan’s exports came from the QIZs located there.
A similar situation exists in Egypt, which does nothave a Free Trade Agreement with the US and, thus, needs the QIZ framework to be able to export products to America duty free.”

For jobless Palestinians, Israel offers hope
Amid 17% unemployment in the West Bank, authorities grant 10,000 more permits for work in Israel
"In response to an economic crisis gripping the West Bank, Israel has increased the number of permits for Palestinians to work in Israel. This has drawn large crowds of desperate men to the gray edifice each morning in chaotic scenes of long lines, frustrated faces and heated arguments as they try to secure a coveted permit."

U.S., allies girding for worst-case scenario with Syria's WMD
"During a week that witnessed deadly artillery exchanges between Syria and Turkey and a tense showdown over a plane purportedly ferrying munitions from Russia, the arrival of 150 U.S. troops in Jordan was likely to be viewed as token support for an ally coping with a refugee influx from Syria's civil war.
The deployment, though, may be a response to mounting concerns at the Pentagon and among European and Middle East allies that Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons could fall into the hands of hostile forces if the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad is eventually toppled."

Rupert Murdoch: “Nightmare for Israel if Obama Wins”
"The Chairman and CEO of global news conglomerate News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, predicted this morning that a win for President Obama in the upcoming American presidential election would be a “nightmare” for Israel. He also said that Vice President Joe Biden’s comments about his relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the vice presidential debate on Thursday night were false."

Jewish group urges White House to cut ties with Cairo
Simon Wiesenthal Center: US can’t conduct ‘business as usual’ as Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader makes anti-Semitic remarks
“The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which monitors anti-Semitic incidents worldwide, also said the US could not pretend to conduct “business as usual” when the Brotherhood made such statements.
“We are not dealing with a YouTube video or a lone extremist imam, but a call to anti-Semitic violence by a man who has tens of millions of followers and leads the organization that controls Egypt’s future,” the center’s rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper were quoted as saying in a statement.”

Leader of the Islamic Movement in Israel Raed Sallah: Islam Will Save the West from Slavery to Global Zionism and Crusader Hatred

"I say to you who harbor hatred towards the Messenger of Allah that it will not be long before Allah grants us victory over you. Then, when you ask us, terrified and afraid, what we will do to you, we will say to you: You are free to go, because our goal is to shatter the subjugation of your minds to the enterprise of Herzl and David Ben Gurion."

Fear grows as Mali extremists compile list of unmarried mothers
Radical Islamists are compiling a list of unmarried mothers in northern Mali, raising fears of cruel punishments such as stoning, amputations and executions, a senior United Nations official said.

Leaked video raises questions about Tunisian government’s moderateness
Footage shows Ennahda Party leader speaking on how to gradually Islamize society; opposition groups fear radical Islamist agenda

CardioFit gets on your nerves to save your heart
A world’s-first Israeli nerve-stimulation device balances the autonomic nervous system of heart-failure patients.
"It looks like an MP3 player, but the CardioFit device isn’t meant for entertainment. This Israeli innovation from BioControl Medical, now being tested on 200 patients at 50 US medical centers, is an implantable electrical stimulation device designed to improve cardiac function in patients with congestive heart failure (HF)."

Family and friends pay tribute to Vidal Sassoon at memorial service
Legendary hairstylist Vidal Sassoon, who died aged 84 in May, was remembered for his extraordinary life and as a 'generous and compassionate man.'
“St Paul's Cathedral was filled with celestial singing this morning as friends and family of the late Vidal Sassoon - including Zandra Rhodes, Anish Kapoor (who created a special contemplative urn for his friend at the cathedral), Michael and Shakira Caine, Nicky Clarke, John Frieda, and Alexandra Shulman - gathered to celebrate his extraordinary life.

As well as going on to become the world's most famous and influential hairdresser, Sassoon was a lifelong campaigner for equality and against anti-Semitism. As a young man after the war, he joined the 43 group, a Jewish association established to campaign against anti-Semitism and fought on the streets of East London against Oswald Mosley.

In 1948, aged 20, Sassoon volunteered to fight for the Israeli army.
  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from an interview with Tareq Hamed, an international arbitrator from Egypt, which aired on Al-Khalijiyya TV on September 19, 2012.
Tareq Hamed: The killing of US ambassador to Libya was done at the urging of the Jews. They sent people to kill him. The reason is that when this ambassador reached Libya... By the way, that ambassador spoke Arabic, loved the Arabs, loved the Muslims, and went there to do actual work. He developed friendly relations between Libya and the US, planning projects and development for the Libyans.

They opposed this. This is the Jewish mentality.
Interviewer: Israel received millions and millions from Germany because of the Holocaust, or the gas chambers.

Tareq Hamed: Which they themselves did in order to get their own country... Something must be said for the sake of history, so that people will know. Everyone is saying one thing, while the truth is completely different.

The Jews themselves greatly helped Hitler with the gas chambers, at the urging of England, because the Jews at that time were scattered and wanted a country. Something big had to happen to generate the world's sympathy towards them. The Jews were expelled from all countries, so this had to be done, so that the international community would decide to establish their state.

Before colonialism was over, their country was founded in Palestine, on the basis of that Holocaust, which was fabricated, and in which only a few died – not a lot of people, like they claim. All the compensations they got...

Interviewer: They say 3 million were killed.

Tareq Hamed: The Jews in the whole world numbered 2.5 million back then, so how could 3 million have been burned?

  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
A delegation of young Jerusalem Arabs "awarded" Mahmoud Abbas with "seven keys to Jerusalem" in a staged Fatah ceremony - in Ramallah.

Which means that Abbas awarded this fake award to himself!

Here's another photo of Abbas magnanimously accepting this great honor in a ceremony that was staged by his own party in his own headquarters.

Abbas, now in the eighth year of his four year term, used this opportunity to toss around more of his lies, including that "Israel wants war but we want peace" and that Israel is digging under the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Abbas added that he would not accept any Palestinian Arab state without Jerusalem, and also that he insists on the release of every prisoner held by Israel, which would of course include some of the most vicious terrorists whom he considers heroes.

Another speaker at the same fake ceremony, Sheikh Yusuf Adeis, charged Israel with a "racist plan" to demolish the mosque and to built its own Temple there, and that the Jews were working overtime to stop Muslims and Christians from worshiping in Jerusalem.

  • Sunday, October 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Background from Wikipedia:
Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya renounced bloodshed in 2003,[27] and in September 2003 Egypt freed more than 1,000 members, citing what Interior Minister Habib el-Adli called the group's stated "commitment to rejecting violence."[12]

Following the 2011 Revolution, Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiya established a political party, the Building and Development Party. In August 2011, it presented 6,700 proxies (signatures) to the Egyptian political parties' committee on behalf of its party. In a statement the Gamaa said that any legislation drafted in Egypt after the revolution must refer to the sharia of God, “who blessed us with this revolution. We believe that the suffering we endured during the past years was due to neglecting religion and putting those who don't fear [God] in power.” It also stated that "Islam can contain everyone and respects the freedom of followers of other religions to refer to their own sharia in private affairs."

The Building and Development Party contested the 2011-2012 elections to the People's Council, the lower house of the Egyptian parliament, as part of the Islamic Alliance which was led by the salafi Al-Nour Party. It gained 13 seats: 12 in Upper Egypt and one in Suez.
Egypt Independent reports:
Jama'a al-Islamiya hinted Friday that it may be willing to resort to violence in order to see Sharia adopted in the latest draft of the constitution from the Constituent Assembly.

The group called on Egyptians to collect funds for what it described as a battle against “secularists and liberals.”

Jama'a al-Islamiya leader Mohamed Salah is a member of the Jurisprudence Commission for Rights and Reform, which is comprised of a number of Islamist figures, including Khairat al-Shater, deputy supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Salah said during a conference in the Ain Shams neighborhood that Egyptians should “support Islamic Sharia in the Egyptian constitution,” and that “Jama'a al-Islamiya will fight for the application of God’s law, even if that requires bloodshed.”

He called on Islamist movements to organize mass demonstrations to “trap secularists inside the place where the Constituent Assembly holds its meetings, so that everyone knows that the people want an Islamist [state].”

He also demanded that President Mohamed Morsy issue a decree to “defeat the schemes of liberals to reject the law of God.”

He stressed that the referendum on the constitution in its current form is forbidden by Islam, calling on the Egyptian people to “[wage] jihad and fight in support of Sharia.”

Assem Abdel Meguid, leader of Jama’a al-Islamiya’s political arm, the Construction and Development Party, said that “the conference is the first step to announce the rejection of the second article [of the constitution] in its current form.”

He noted that the next step would be mobilizing millions for jihad with their lives and money in the battle to support Sharia.
Just another day in that liberal democracy known as Egypt.


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